UAVs for the company commander
The operation forced Georgia to peace, I 7-landing-assault division, acted, composed of groups of Lieutenant-General Vladimir Shamanov. Brave design future VDV commander, attacked the Georgian infantry brigade a battalion - not waiting until Abkhazia will meet all of its group, so to discourage the Georgians that they had fled, leaving behind equipment and weapons.
- Only PTUR "Storm" made their base more than a thousand, - recalls the division commander, Colonel Vladimir Kochetkov, comparing the campaign to Senaki and Poti with the teachings.
However, one day, it is recognized Kochetkov, where the headquarters of the group focused on the reflection of a tank attack, the Georgians, it was not until blitskrigovskih sentiment: it is when and where they hit and how much they will be left guessing. How to be useful, I thought then komdiv, small unmanned aircraft, intelligence, which he saw in the teachings of Ryazan and Pskov. And while shedshaya of Kutaisi armored convoy turned back to "manual" bespilotnike he remembered more than once. Especially after the Georgia also praised the work of another of our Unmanned Systems - available in four truckloads of "Story-DD, huge bespilotnik which gave a bad image, but was himself an easy target. Carried in a backpack aircraft passed remarkably clear video and practically did not differ from birds. Therefore, the intention of the Commander of Airborne Troops Lieutenant General Shamanov provide troops is such unmanned systems, Kochetkov more than understandable.
By the way, to promote the adoption of such a mini-complexes of the general going back to previous posts, but were interrupted by war. But at a recent meeting with the producer of unmanned systems Shamanov returned to the theme of small bespilotya.
- Why not develop Eleron? - To reproach, he asked the Chief of Intelligence VDV and promised to look at the possibilities of such systems, to supply the best of them to the troops.
The war with Georgia has shown the urgent need of troops in the aerial survey
Interest Shamanov to portable systems due to its aerial surveillance of the three campaigns in the Caucasus. For the first time, saw the start of the hand bespilotniki in television since the first U.S. war with Iraq (1991), he remembered them, commanding the spring of 1995 the first step on the Vedeno and Shatoi group 7 th landing division. Acting as a tactical helicopter landings, his troops occupied the dominant height of the militia-controlled villages, each time risking falling into the environment. And the group, Major Sergei Harchuka awaiting reinforcements had to drop one to three days, surrounded by an unequal battle.
- And we should have to pre-detect militants bespilotniki, laid their Grad another approach. - Says the general.
After five years without such complexes was difficult to have to submit all the leading army of peace. We are also in the second war in the Caucasus had no means of unmanned. At the same time fighting again showed how much they need the troops. During the liquidation to escape from Grozny gangs, for example, most of rushing into the mountains, the bandits were destroyed in the localities where those taking defense stood up to the darkness that night to begin a breakthrough to the next village.
- And with unmanned funds beat their "hurricane" and the artillery in a clean field, during their night transitions, - explains Shamanov.
That's the first time Kochetkov pity about the lack of such complexes, commanding in Chechnya based Engenoem Regiment under the tactical group - which units pelengovali EW talks fighters, and their guidance has worked artillery. Because the effectiveness of strikes on the area was low, and if there are rapidly launched "manual" bespilotnikov beaten to specific targets. But even more, said Kochetkov, such facilities were needed in Georgia. In fact, moving Inguri best battalion of his division was, in fact, to the touch, with a headquarters group, very little information about the enemy. Therefore, small, portable systems Unmanned reconnaissance, in the opinion of the officer should be battalions, or even the Working Capital and the means. In any case, the VDV - army, which in all past wars played a major role and strike forces, and advanced groups. But requirements for these unmanned systems, adds komdiv not sformuliruesh better than did the Airborne Troops commander, Lieutenant-General Shamanov. They must work day and night, to issue to control the video zone of clear intelligence in real time to determine the coordinates of targets, be simple to use, quickly applied, all-weather, low and unreliable.
The same "Eleron"
Complex remote monitoring, like the commander of the VDV and the commander of 7 th Division, on its own initiative developed by Kazan "Eniks" and called "Eleron-3." In its composition - two small bespilotnika with movable wings, control panel and the antenna. In the folded complex is moved in two backpacks weighing 6-7 kg each. Preparation for work, including installation of an antenna, assemble and launch a single aircraft with a rubber tow, takes 10-15 minutes. The radius of action set in the video - up to 15 kilometers. The optimal altitude, providing good video quality - 150-200 meters above the ground. Maximum height - 3000 meters above sea level, to allow the use of a set in the mountains. Equipped with electric bespilotnik silently and can fly up to 1.5 hours in the air. In doing so it can fly and take on a particular route, and managed to land. If bespilotnikom for some reason suddenly lost connection, it returns to the launch area. Landing aircraft shall parachute method.
Commander 98 th Airborne Division, Major-General Alexander Lenz:
"Unmanned systems are widely used today by all major armies. In addition to Russian. Therefore, to ensure parts and units - especially the VDV and SCWO - the means I took to the priorities of the technical equipment of our armed forces. At the same time fully share the view of the commander of the VDV, that emphasis should be placed on the vehicles short. Because, firstly, the competitive systems of this class, domestic producers can provide the army more quickly than larger systems, and, secondly, it is a mini-bespilotniki the troops you have. VDV units, based on experience three wars in the Caucasus, often have to fight in the mountains and operate within the tactical helicopter landings. A big, placed on several machines drone complex not drag into the mountains, and do not take the helicopter. therefore carried a set of remote monitoring "Eleron-3", allowing general commander to look at the 15 km ahead, would be the best means of intelligence paratroops units. To get started, could equip them with each battalion, and ideally - and every company. "
In 2006, this set of remote monitoring was shown to the commander of the VDV (now Deputy Minister of Defense), General-Colonel Alexander Kolmakova. "Ideally - to equip them imposed battalion reconnaissance platoon staff," - he then shared his plans with the "Red Star" (of 24.03.2007). Then "Eleron-3 at the invitation of Kolmakova was run at the regimental tactical exercises on the ground under the Pskov. And a month earlier in our editorial staff held a round table with participation Kolmakova, Shamanov and Director - General Designer of Eniks "Valeria Pobezhimova. At that meeting, former and current commanders of the VDV were developer "Ailerons" wishes, initiating the development of the complex in favor of the application of military troops. As a result bespilotniki were equipped with infrared cameras, and remote control - two monitors. At one - the image area with the coordinates of space exploration, which focuses the camera on the second - digital map of areas where the fat dot shows the location of the aircraft. So complex was the all-weather and round-the-clock, and to monitor this option is added as the determination of goals.
Only the troops because it did not receive.
Why it is not in the army?
Because Kolmakova replaced as commander of the VDV, Lieutenant-General Valery Evtuhovich did not give the value of that part of the equipment of troops, said Deputy Director of the Research Institute Parashyutostroeniya Yuriy Nazarenko, head of former military and scientific committee VDV.
- Kolmakov - Nazarenko said - to personally lead the laying of the new frost on the equipment for troops fighting vehicles to determine whether it will come the troops. And after his departure when determining the purchase of equipment and weapons, and the job of research and development activities were not always have the interests of readiness. As a result of the closure of a number of VDV no more than human-controlled parachute D-12, means desantirovaniya to discounted goods and technology to the point with given coordinates and unmanned systems, with which the war in Georgia would not have to "blindly".
But now, when the commander was a captain with the experience of combat is hardly someone to compare and which is given carte blanche to the large-scale arming VDV new equipment, troops, Nazarenko I am sure, will have, at last, all necessary for the war means, including unmanned apparatus. Which, by the way, but we are certain delicacies, and armed forces of developed countries without them are no longer present.
Chief of Staff of the 20 th Army general CVM Hero of Russia, Colonel Michael Teplinskii:
"The need for the armed units of general-purpose unmanned systems, and in the first place - small hand-held models that unesesh in a backpack during the foot of mountain roads, you can not even say - it's obvious. Such systems should be simple to use, reliable, able to show coordinates of targets and in no way dependent on the U.S. navigation system. these are particularly important because, in Chechnya, GPS-navigators in some moments started lying to 4-5 kilometers. But for the effective use of bespilotnikov, I believe, should not distribute them to the unit and enter into states Motorized Brigade and the Airborne Troops Regiment platoon equipped with such systems, but during the fighting to give "unmanned" specialists with their equipment and fighting battalions rotam. In motorized brigade, I think, must be at least 8 of these complexes is like the commander of the VDV "Eleron." To the fighting in isolation from the main force battalion attached to at least two bespilotnika: one in the battle would work on Combat, the second - helped adjust fire mortar battery motorized infantry battalion. "
Pentagon, for example, in the words of an expert on unmanned systems, the author of a specialized web site UAV.RU Dennis Fedutinova over the past 10 years, acquired more than 3000 portable unmanned aerial vehicle "Raven" and 467 unmanned systems, "Dragon Eye" with three drones each . In summer 2008, signed on 6 million contract for the supply of one launched from their hands bespilotnika - all-weather "PUMA AE". And in the event of successful exploitation of this lot, the amount of the contract will be increased to 200 million dollars.
- We are against this background was not just pale, but nothing - notes determined to change the situation VDV commander Lieutenant-General Shamanov.
Our import and analogues
By the way, if you talk about the possibilities of small-sized portable unmanned systems, "Eleron-3" on a number of parameters, even surpasses the overseas models: flies, for example, for half an hour longer than the two "Americans" and has a radius of 15 km, while the "Dragon Eye" and "Raven" are only 10 kilometers away. However, the U.S. Army, deep exploration, which are strategic unmanned systems, and access to unified information network open, even commanding the mouth, long range and do not need. For us extra 5 km may be decisive.
But that rise to 5000 meters, "Raven" substantially outweighed "Eleron on elevation, perhaps, is hardly practical. After all, the working height of the flight of such vehicles - 150-200 meters, and the possibility of applying them to the highlands in doubt: with the help of climbing climbing gear for 4 thousand meters, barely unesesh behind the backs of drone complex.
From the same sets of Russian short-range unmanned supervisory direction in the military-scientific Committee of the Army Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Shkurat provides "Pear" and "Dragonfly." However, they seem to hardly compete with "Ailerons". First, because they are significantly smaller radius of action: "Pear" - 5-7 km, "Dragonfly" - 10 km. In the second place, with a stabilized video camera, "Eleron" gives a clearer video. And, thirdly, they fly, based on U.S. navigation system GPS, which, when necessary, can be closed to "outsiders", as in Georgia and Chechnya, where GPS-navigators lying a few kilometers. "Eleron" is able to fly both the GPS and GLONASS (when deployed), and regardless of the satellite - based on the key beacon. The accuracy of positioning, however, the truth may be in error or two hundred meters. But the tears of the fallen at the distance of the shells and mines are still in the frame, and thus adjust the artillery would be a matter of two to three minutes. In short, taking into account all the above, we concluded that a set of Kazan engineers remote monitoring "Eleron-3" - has the best short-range drone to battalions and companies.
Last edited by Vladimir79 on Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:43 am; edited 1 time in total