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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria


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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  nemrod Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:34 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:Never quote Al Manar or any similar source...

    It is almost as if you quoted an article about Jews from "Der Stürmer".Rolling Eyes 
    At first the article comes from As Safir, moreover, I have more confidence in Almanar than the other shit as :
    CNN, Fox, France television, TF1, Aljazeershit, Al Arabshit -known as al arabia, surnamed by most of people al Hebria, an hebrew channel-, Sky, Abc, Liberation, Le Monde, le figaro, Times, etc....
    The only channels that they desserve my respect aside Manar, are : PressTV, Russia Today -maybe the best-.
    As Sa'iqa

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  As Sa'iqa Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:46 pm

    Al Manar is known for reporting bizarre stories. If the missile was indeed downed, you may wonder why no other media report it, not even Russian or Chinese ones (such incidents usually provoke a lot of media attention - compare the downing of a US drone in Libya, a Georgian drone over Abkhazia or an F-16 over Bosnia.).

    here we have... silence.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  SOC Sat Sep 14, 2013 12:42 am

    nemrod wrote:
    I don't know wether it is true, or false, anyway Russia is really involved in Syrian conflict.
    Try obviously false. The trajectory displayed by the Armavir radar shows that there is clearly zero chance that the weapon launched from Spain. Furthermore only a ballistic missile would have that kind of trajectory, so what was fired? How did it manage to travel horizontally from launch in Spain and then vertically to begin the known trajectory?

    This was a test of one of the Sparrow ballistic missile targets.

    I'll believe we had some super-secret ICBM shot out of Spain when all of the downed B-2s are exhumed and displayed in the FRY.
    Department Of Defense

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  Department Of Defense Sat Sep 14, 2013 8:58 am

    Reading your English is a pain in the ass . This is a Russian Military Forum . For you there is the butt hurt Jihadi forum in your a$$ fucked rag head land.
    Russian Patriot
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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  Russian Patriot Sun Sep 15, 2013 5:48 pm

    Russian Navy Sending 3 More Ships to Mediterranean – Admiral

    ST. PETERSBURG, September 13 (RIA Novosti) – The Russian Navy is bolstering its strength in the Mediterranean Sea from seven to ten warships, its top commander told journalists on Friday.

    The guided-missile cruiser Moskva, the destroyer Smetlivy and the assault landing ship Nikolai Filchenkov are on their way to join Russia’s naval task force already stationed in the Mediterranean, the Russian Navy’s commander-in-chief Viktor Chirkov announced.

    “The tasks are very clear: to avoid the slightest threat to the borders and national security. This is the practice of all navies of the world – to be located where the level of tension is increasing,” Chirkov said. “They [ships] are all acting according to the operational command plan of the offshore maritime zone.”

    Russia began its military buildup in the Mediterranean in 2012. Starting in December last year, the navy established a standing task force in the eastern Mediterranean Sea in response to heightened regional tensions due to Syria’s ongoing civil war, now well into its third year.

    From May 1, 2013, all Russian warships operating in the region have been grouped under a single task force under a special offshore maritime zone operational command.

    Russia’s naval task force in the eastern Mediterranean currently consists of seven warships – the assault landing ships Peresvyet, Admiral Nevelskoi, Minsk, Novocherkassk, and Alexander Shabalin, the anti-submarine destroyer Admiral Panteleyev and frigate Neustrashimy.

    The Russian Navy said in an earlier statement that the guided-missile cruiser Moskva had passed through the Straits of Gibraltar on September 10. The RT television channel reported that it is expected to join the Mediterranean fleet by September 15 or 16.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  nemrod Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:37 pm

    SOC wrote:
    Try obviously false.  The trajectory displayed by the Armavir radar shows that there is clearly zero chance that the weapon launched from Spain.  Furthermore only a ballistic missile would have that kind of trajectory, so what was fired?  How did it manage to travel horizontally from launch in Spain and then vertically to begin the known trajectory?

    This was a test of one of the Sparrow ballistic missile targets.

    I'll believe we had some super-secret ICBM shot out of Spain when all of the downed B-2s are exhumed and displayed in the FRY.
    Indeed, I have hard to believe, nevertheless, Russia can afford it.
    Moreover, for a cornering USA, there are not many options. If they trigger a war, undoubtly, they could not win. I repeat, US could not win. Syria is far better armed than Yougoslavia with Mig 29, S-300, Tor, etc... The result will be catastrophic.

    Moreover, if they don't try something, the results will be a catatrophe too, and could not trigger another, in order to show that they are still the hyperpower, their allies will lose their confidence in US leaders. Deja, see Turkey, seeing more and more towards China, as Saudi Arabia. Egypt, Germany, Poland, India, Brazil, Argentina, are seeing more and more toward Russia, leaving America and its dollar useless. This is the big nightmare for US.
    Furthermore, the big economic cra$h is looming, forcing US leaders to divert the attention of people, that are tired tired from wars, warning, spying, unemloyement, wall street, oligarchy, etc....Everything is possible nowadays in America.

    For that reason, USA are following the same soviet path's collapse. US leaders are between the hammer and the anvill-french expression entre le marteau et l'enclume-.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  Regular Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:40 am

    Yugoslavia had bigger and better trained army than Syria. Plus they were battle hardened soldiers, way different calibre. Russians of balkans.
    To be honest I see no way SAA would survive invasion. Syria is ripped apart and I doubt their air defence can do anything, S300 is nothing if there is no AD network. SAA would deflect in a week or so.
    US military power didn't stand still after Yugoslavia and they are pumping enormous money in their war machine and history shows us they plan their wars well (but they completely ignore what happens after conventional victory). It's their taxpayers who get bloody nose after conclicts, while military is thriving.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  macedonian Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:40 am

    Regular wrote:Yugoslavia had bigger and better trained army than Syria. Plus they were battle hardened soldiers, way different calibre. Russians of balkans.
    To be honest I see no way SAA would survive invasion. Syria is ripped apart and I doubt their air defence can do anything, S300 is nothing if there is no AD network. SAA would deflect in a week or so.
    US military power didn't stand still after Yugoslavia and they are pumping enormous money in their war machine and history shows us they plan their wars well (but they completely ignore what happens after conventional victory). It's their taxpayers who get bloody nose after conclicts, while military is thriving.  
    I agree with most of what you wrote, but there's one other thing to bear in mind...
    Most of the Syrians who aren't keen on having a Sunni (Saudi styled) state have their backs against the wall.
    If America has its way with Syria, most (if not all) of them stand to be slathered by the 'Rebels'.
    And not only those that are of different religion. This conflict has many examples where Sunni Muslims themselves were slaughtered by the 'Rebels' for various reasons. So it's a fight for survival for many Syrians, and they stand to lose more than just their land.
    It's all or nothing for them, and they'll probably fight to the bitter end.
    They have the Kosovo example to learn from, where the Serbs were ethnically cleansed after the NATO intervention, which brought about 'democracy and human rights'... People have seen what sort of democracy NATO spreads and they are quite frightened by it.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  George1 Mon Aug 03, 2015 1:56 pm

    Pentagon Authorizes Air Support for US-Backed Forces in Syria

    US President Barack Obama sanctioned the use of air-strikes to support military groups trained by the US armed forces, US media reported.

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The United States, doubting the legitimacy of the Syrian government, has been supporting moderate Syrian opposition through training and equipment programs. The new rules authorize attacks even on the Syrian government forces if they clash with the US-trained groups.

    “President Barack Obama has authorized using air power to defend a new US backed fighting force in Syria if it is attacked by Syrian government forces or other groups,” the Wall Street Journal reported Sunday.

    According to the Wall Street Journal, US officials consider that this decision finalized the discussion about the role of US army in the Syrian conflict.

    Last week, the US aviation had already conducted airstrikes to protect the New Syria Force, which is the US-trained group fighting in Syria, after it was attacked by al-Qaida’s Syrian affiliate.

    Syria has been in a state of a civil war since 2011. Government forces have been fighting numerous extremist groups, including Islamic State and the Nusra Front.

    Read more:

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  OminousSpudd Mon Aug 03, 2015 11:07 pm

    So what's the response to this... Didn't Iran threaten unsavoury things for Israel if the US formally attacked Assad?

    RT drew parallels to Libya... This is going to be worse than that in my opinion.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  sepheronx Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:44 am

    Lavrov, Kerry discuss US plans to bomb Syria government troops

    F you Lavrov.  Either tell them to back the F off or face the issue of losing allies.

    Already I am hearing Indians saying they are glad India is moving towards US.  You cannot have allies like Russia if they are too big of a F***** coward.

    Maybe Putin's popularity will tank like Medvedev's when he agreed to the Libyan campaign.
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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  Project Canada Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:50 am

    sepheronx wrote:Lavrov, Kerry discuss US plans to bomb Syria government troops

    F you Lavrov.  Either tell them to back the F off or face the issue of losing allies.

    Already I am hearing Indians saying they are glad India is moving towards US.  You cannot have allies like Russia if they are too big of a F***** coward.

    Maybe Putin's popularity will tank like Medvedev's when he agreed to the Libyan campaign.

    Lavrov condemns US plan to extend Syria bombing

    I think condemning US actions won't be enough to save Syria to remain RF's ally in the mid east, maybe it's time to send heavy weapons to Assad's forces especially S-300 systems to shoot down US warplanes

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  sepheronx Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:05 am

    No, it definately wont. US will do as it pleases till someone steps up and outright says no you wont, we will defend them.
    max steel
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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  max steel Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:26 am

    Russia will watch Syria burn. On your watch russian govrnmnt. Send in your new frigates or whatever back in Medit. Cyprus provided base to russia , use it . Frustration .
    Cucumber Khan

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  Cucumber Khan Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:53 am

    max steel wrote:Russia will watch Syria burn. On your watch russian govrnmnt. Send in your new frigates or whatever back in Medit. Cyprus provided base to russia , use it . Frustration .

    The new frigates is not yet operational. And Cyprus has not, and will not, provide any bases to Russia. And don't think that providing S-300 will do anything. They will be bombed to pieces long before they can become operational.
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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  Project Canada Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:24 pm

    sepheronx wrote:

    Already I am hearing Indians saying they are glad India is moving towards US.  You cannot have allies like Russia if they are too big of a F***** coward.

    I'm just wondering, why would they say that when the US has supported their arch enemy Pakistan for decades? how can you trust the US as an ally when they helped arm your arch foe neighbor?

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  sepheronx Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:10 pm

    Because US guarantees your protection against third countries compared to Russia who lets you burn. Back in soviet times, Soviets sent a cruiser off of Indias coast when America threatened India during the India - Pakistan conflict. Americans backed down. These days, those pretty warships are sitting idle because Russia is afraid to show its teeth, even though they are being surrounded by the US with heavy weapons, threats thrown at them, and losing allies all at the same time. When the opportunity arrives to poke US in the eye and protect its interests, they pussy out.

    At this point, as one guy said on comment section: Russia better be ready to leave the middle east without looking back, because they will lose not only that navy facility in Syria, but they are going to lose other potential partners as well.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  zepia Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:51 pm

    Russian Airborne Troops chief says paratroopers ready to help Syria in combating terrorism
    August 04, 15:23 UTC+3

    DUBROVICHI RANGE /Ryazan region/, August 4. /TASS/.
    The Russian Airborne Troops are ready to assist Syria in countering terrorists, if such a task is set by Russia’s leaders,
    commander of the Airborne Troops Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov told reporters on Tuesday.

    "Of course we will execute the decisions set forth by the country’s leadership, if there is a task at hand," Shamanov said, in response to a Syrian reporter’s question about the readiness of the Russian Airborne Troops to render assistance to Syria’s government in its battle against terrorism.

    Shamanov noted that Russia and Syria have "long-term good relations."
    "Many Syrian experts, including military, received education in the Soviet Union and in Russia," Shamanov added.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  George1 Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:57 pm

    zepia wrote:Russian Airborne Troops chief says paratroopers ready to help Syria in combating terrorism
    August 04, 15:23 UTC+3

    DUBROVICHI RANGE /Ryazan region/, August 4. /TASS/.
    The Russian Airborne Troops are ready to assist Syria in countering terrorists, if such a task is set by Russia’s leaders,
    commander of the Airborne Troops Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov told reporters on Tuesday.

    "Of course we will execute the decisions set forth by the country’s leadership, if there is a task at hand," Shamanov said, in response to a Syrian reporter’s question about the readiness of the Russian Airborne Troops to render assistance to Syria’s government in its battle against terrorism.

    Shamanov noted that Russia and Syria have "long-term good relations."
    "Many Syrian experts, including military, received education in the Soviet Union and in Russia," Shamanov added.

    do u imagine this war scenario? russian paratroopers over syria??

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    Post  sepheronx Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:08 pm

    I think it is far better to provide a heavy ship(s) and a sub off the coast of Syria, planes at a airport (jets) that is in friendly territory and heavy equipment to Assad instead of troops. The airborn units to provide air support, ships to deter US and heavy equipment for syrians to be more effective.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  zepia Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:44 pm

    US made a move and Russia respond. But I think it is too early to say this will escalate to war or not.

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  sepheronx Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:56 pm

    zepia wrote:US made a move and Russia respond. But I think it is too early to say this will escalate to war or not.

    No move has been made yet apparently and Russias response was pathetic beyond belief.

    Those 5th coloumists bankers in Russia must have a lot more power than I thought.
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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  Project Canada Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:10 pm

    sepheronx wrote:
    zepia wrote:US made a move and Russia respond. But I think it is too early to say this will escalate to war or not.

    No move has been made yet apparently and Russias response was pathetic beyond belief.

    Those 5th coloumists bankers in Russia must have a lot more power than I thought.

    I never thought Putin would be such a coward in face of mounting American aggression, I still have faith in him and his circle, but the kind of response they are doing right now are not enough to deter the United Snakes! He should find the courage to escalate things to a higher level until all of eastern Europe are liberated from American occupation forces and reunited again with Russia
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  Hannibal Barca Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:17 pm

    People say about Syria. Ukraine was really the worrying sign that some missed due to the acquisition of Crimea.
    I would not complain if there were signs of Russia strengthening but there aren't enough of them.
    Economy is the constant patient of Russia, international politics will not ever improve if you fail to show face and military complex grows more to a modern effective force ready to protect
    interests against middle to small powers like France or UK than a platform to fight with the best in the world.
    Russian people still put the bar way too low comparing with the tiny declining western European nations whom they still can't surpass.
    It's quite telling that Russian GDP PPP per capita it's still comfortably below Greek GDP despite a disastrous decade, a tiny poor country, isolated from EU mainland,
    quite backward, with no development plan, with no natural resources being the poorest nation in Eurozone. 25 years after the collapse of Soviet Union this is an abysmal record.
    In historic comparison Carthage was already besieging Rome 25 years after the end of the first Punic war and Hannibal was annihilating one Roman army after the other....

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    Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia's reaction in case of US/West attack to Syria

    Post  sepheronx Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:19 pm

    Him and his clan hasnt bent over yet with the Ukraine issue as the sanctions are still mounting. I think he knows for most of Ukraine, it was too late sometime back in 2004. But the Syria mess I am pissed off about. He could be doing more.

    Good thing is, not everyone in his clique are 5th coloumist traitors like the economics minister. There are still those who want to really push back at US. Hopefully they end up with more power.

    Hell, if all those rumors of Russians in E.Ukraine are true, I would give mad props to Russia for supporting the rebels in such a way. And some of it definately is true. But Assad is in dire need of help and he has gone to Moscow multiple times now. Since he hasnt denounced Russia yet, seems Russia is doing something.

    But I always feel that playing mr nice guy on Camera is just showing weakness.

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