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    WW3, Will it happen?


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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  Draco Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:54 am

    Legionary74 wrote:I have many possible scenarios, but the one I favor right now is something like this:

    The United States, being blood thirsty as it has since the Korean War, creates another "terrorist" attack on American soil (just as the CIA set up 9/11), and then point the finger at Iran. The US will then use this as an excuse to invade Iran, just as we used 9/11 as an excuse to illegally invade Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq, being mostly Pro-Russia at the moment, will probably kick out all of the American troops from it's soil. Russia and China will consider going to war with America greatly. The US will attempt to invade through Afghanistan, but Pakistan will shut down the ports, leaving the personnel in Afghanistan stranded. This once again false war in the middle east will be used by the US government to restrict freedoms illegally even further. This will then push the US to the brink of revolution, or collapse. The people will become fed up of it, and the military will lead the revolt against the government. The few military units that remain loyal will begin rounding up and executing civilians in the US that oppose the revolution (French rev. style), and foreign militaries like Russia and China will use the collapse to invade US soil, and carve it up, finally ending it.

    It won't be quick, and it will be bloody, but honestly I hope Russia can somehow bring down the US and end this evil, corrupt and oppressive government, and Israel.

    Oh my God! Mister President!
    I never suspected you'd take time to post on this forum, under a pseudonym. I'd have thought you'd be too busy campaigning for re-election.

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  TR1 Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:11 am

    Really, we are on 9/11 conspiracy theories now?

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  Legionary74 Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:14 am

    Heh sorry, I just had to do it.

    There is literally no government that I hate more than the US government right now. We should be questioning every detail of 9/11 every detail of every thing the government tells us, not letting them drag us around like sheep.

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  GarryB Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:18 am

    Russia didn't even send troops into its neighbour 'stan countries when things got a little unstable, I very much doubt they would ever consider sending troops into the US... no matter what Red Dawn says.

    I liked Red Dwarf much better anyway... Smile

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  Legionary74 Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:08 am

    As you can tell, I'm a conspiracy nut, so I read somewhere that those war games with Russia at Fort Carson was an exercise to use foreign militaries to cease and hold important government facilities in case of a revolt, which obviously Russia would use to finally destroy the US.

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  ricky123 Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:24 pm

    india--pakistan wont fight a nuke war. india will not use nukes unless pakistan nukes india first.. pakistan will only use nukes when india invades it .nukes are the only detterent pak has today .india has not invaded any country in the last 1000 yrs.

    2nd if iran got attacked russia and china go to war with usa and start ww3.
    wrong again.. russia doesnt trust china ..they trusted hitler and they learned from thier mistakes...china on the other hand wont go to war with usa .china has got a lot of money tied up with usa.. but USA certainly has a reason to go to war with china ..china has bought a lot of usa debt. usa does not know how to pay it back..

    iran if makes the nukes israelis will attack them for sure .and usa will help them ..
    every1 in the world will condem usa but nobody will stop it .

    so i dont think ww3 will come just yet.. garry said about desert storm could be counted has ww3 according to me it world war u need multiple countries on both sides . other wise when ever nato starts a war it could be worldwar.cuz nato has 51 countries lol...


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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  GarryB Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:40 am

    As you can tell, I'm a conspiracy nut, so I read somewhere that those war games with Russia at Fort Carson was an exercise to use foreign militaries to cease and hold important government facilities in case of a revolt, which obviously Russia would use to finally destroy the US.

    A lot of people seem to have a very high opinion of US training capacity.

    Spend two weeks at fort carson and take over the US in a single invasion...

    Not really going to happen of course... and I rather doubt Russia wants to occupy the US... it has occupied countries before with hostile populations and they know it really isn't worth the bother.

    BTW I largely agree with Ricky123, neither Pakistan nor India want to get nuked, Russia and China are not allies of Iran and would not go to war if the US or Israel invaded Iran, though I am certain they would verbally oppose any attempt by the US to legitimise their attack through the UNSC or any other international body that Russia has a say in.

    I am slightly revolted by the irony of Israel, which has illegal nuclear weapons and has not signed the NPT accusing Iran of violating the NPT treaty by trying to make nuclear weapons despite having no proof at all.

    Perhaps if Israel is going to attack any country in the region to prevent them from getting nuclear weapons then it should renounce nuclear weapons too, and give up its own nuclear weapons and sign the NPT as well.

    The exception is with the definition of world war.

    To me a world war is a war that involves the whole world in terms of geography, there is no requirement for multiple parties on each side, but if there was then the UN forces and South Korea on one side and North Korea, China, and the Soviet Union on the other should constitute a world war. The localisation of the conflict would count against it, but then WWI was also localised to one area (Europe) too.

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  Legionary74 Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:08 pm

    I'm in MCJROTC in the US, and I have a decent chance of becoming a Marine (if I don't go to Russia, I will), I'm pretty aware of our training capabilities, but like I said, just a conspiracy. I know you know can't a foreign military to occupy the entire US in 2 weeks, but Denver International Airport is the CIA headquarters, and the theory is that in time of a revolution in the US, a foreign military would hold it, which leaves me to believe if Russia is called in, they'd use that to steal the CIA's records.

    I also agree about Pakistan and India, I don't really support wars but some nations just should be wiped off the planet. Israel is an illegal state and as you said, illegal nuclear weapons and uses the US as a goat. As an American, our ignorance and stupidity amazes me, how an entire nation of over 300 million people are practically brainwashed like sheep to hate nations like Russia, Iran and China. Ahmadinejad is a genius, and yet here, we want to bomb the hell out of Iran illegally, just as we illegally invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Grenada, Lebanon, Vietnam, Korea, and all the other nations we've fought since after WWII.

    If there is a WWIII soon, (or IV or V), the US will surely collapse. As I type this, we're on the brink of a nationwide mass riot, as Europe is in now. When these elections come around, both sides are threatening riots, which will lead in deaths, which will probably lead in Revolution. Europe may finally come together as one nation, or be throwing into chaos as it has been nearly every decade since it's existence.

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  ricky123 Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:42 pm

    with every world war a superpower has fallen .if there is gonna be ww3 i can bet usa wont be the only super power in the world

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  Legionary74 Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:36 pm

    Russia is still a superpower, they haven't faded yet.

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  TR1 Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:53 pm

    Legionary74 wrote:Russia is still a superpower, they haven't faded yet.

    Compared to USSR, it absolutely has.

    But that is ok, USSR spent too much on international ambitions anyways.

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  Legionary74 Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:54 pm

    TR1 wrote:
    Legionary74 wrote:Russia is still a superpower, they haven't faded yet.

    Compared to USSR, it absolutely has.

    But that is ok, USSR spent too much on international ambitions anyways.

    Well yeah, of course compared to the USSR. But as the title of superpower, they haven't gone away there.

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  Werewolf Sun Oct 28, 2012 5:35 pm

    A World War 3 Scenario is not about IF it will happen but WHEN it will happen.

    I will back my guessings on what Policy,Economy,Military Experts and Analysts say and proved to be right even before such "revolutions" madeup...*cough* happened in Syria,Lybia,Egypt and supported,trained and equipped "rebels" terrorists *cough* the current "EURO" crisis even appeared.

    The EU with its currency the EURO was never made for better stability towards a possibile crisis, its vice versa.
    So many countries who holds one currency have the might and all what is needed to create a "crisis".

    The whole idea of the EU and EURO was to weaken the sovereignty of all countries.The crisis is growing and growing but still they give people the promicing that they can handle it and safe the countries who have to much debts.... yes sure every one who believes this promises need an awake up slap. Does anyone remembers the total amount of Money Greece has recieved and how much Debts they had? And how much debts were paid back? Zero! The money isn't to pay the debts back but to safe the banks.
    Through the current crisis they can ensure laws and methods to enslave and destroy the sovereignty of each country like they already did.
    The measures towards the EURO crisis was the ECB(Euro Central Bank) and the ESM (Euro Stability Mechanism).

    So AFAIK all countries sovereignty was destroyed, they are now allowed to take money from each EURO country they want and how much they want and the ECB members are not democratical elected and can't be forced by EU laws the treaty of ESM has ensured the 100% immunity to EU and countries laws.
    Today the ECB can take 600 Billion Euro from Germany yearly and they can raise the amount whenever they decide its "necessary", without the decision of German or other EU member citizens or goverments agreement.

    You have to understand that this measures are not made to ensure a stability over the currency, but a slow systematical weakening of the currency and economical stability.
    The orders goes over Brussels and over Bilderberger wich are just a zio-anglo interest group for lobbyism and measurements.
    And Brussels serve to them. Call it "conspiracy theories" or not the fact about that was revealed in 2004/5.

    The goal of that few analysts say is to plunge a big group of countries into such big economy crisis that they will be mentaly weak and will beg for every solution you will show them.
    The Goal for that is to "safe" their crisis with another currency or kind of currency that is directley connected to the force of the real owners. (?)

    Such things like global economy crisis are not realy plausible, through natural behavior of the open market, but can be provocated.
    The whole EU/EURO is the beta version of the coming global currency. This "global currency" will have such international economy force that they just can destroy every country through economy withdrawal.
    This is made to weaken Asian countries and russia who holding the most natural resources in the world.

    Yes WW3 is about natural resources and the global dominance.
    And i rather suspect that WW3 will be fought from beginning with Mass destruction of all Nuclear weapons.
    The idea is to ensure the russian and chinese resources, and to radiate the regions wouldn't suite their goal.

    How was the quote...The natural resources on russian soil are to important to leave them to the russians.

    There will be many things happen to "resolve tensions" with other faked and made up stuff, to atract the mainstream view away for the real big deal situations wich are big "No step farward" situations.

    But in the end of the day...

    Its all about Natural Resources.
    No Option for middle thing only Everything or Nothing.

    And it will start and End with Israel.

    "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
    Albert Einstein

    PS: The economy analysts are Christoph Hörstel,Andreas Popp and diffrent others.

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  ricky123 Sun Oct 28, 2012 6:53 pm

    i dont agree with the natural resources thingy . india china and russia have a lot of resources. but does that make them dominate the world . noooo

    its all about who has the most influenze in the world nd who makes the policy for the world to follow...

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  Werewolf Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:18 pm

    ricky123 wrote:i dont agree with the natural resources thingy . india china and russia have a lot of resources. but does that make them dominate the world . noooo

    its all about who has the most influenze in the world nd who makes the policy for the world to follow...

    The BRIC states have the most resources on our planet, and none of these countries want a world domination.
    You have to know first that only a very small amount of all resources this countries have are even touched.
    There are hundres of mines,forests,quarries and other big natural resources arent even touched and they could do that easily and expand their economy rapidly.The problem is even this big resources aren't infinity.
    And in a kind of way the BRIC states have a dominance, this countries could easily create dozens crisis in the world when they would sanction all countries they want at once.
    Metals,Timber,Silicium,öl,gas and lot of minerals wich are needed for everything you use daily are made from this countries.
    There are sure other countries but you will pay much more and will have bigger demand than supply.

    But through such sanctions they would lose billions.

    Mostly its a question about what goal they have dominance or just a fair open market and healthy and wealth growing economy with a good stability in countries who do have the same economy policy doctrine.

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  Werewolf Sun Oct 05, 2014 6:33 pm

    Big historians, some politicians, military experts, former CIA/NSA agents say that everything could go boom if those idiots go further and guess what that is the entire god damn plan a war with Russia over Europe, so US can safe its dead end fate by selling to all europe weapons while they are fighting russia. Plans for direct war with russia exist since over 100 years, in 70s there was a war plan to lure out Soviet Union and then using average of 300 tactical nukes to destroy Soviet Troops. Germany was the ground they tried to lure soviets onto, by attacking GDR and force them to intervene, the same crap they try with Ukraine.

    Currently several NATO countries including US and Canada are sending constantly troops to europe, don't think that they are sending them for no reason. Don't think that all this propaganda here in Europe that goes like a broken record with titles like this.

    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Spiegel-putin-450x599

    All day, all night, each week and every week this goes on and on. They are trying to indoctrinate people in fearmongering towards russia. That is called opinion making and in each war you trying to wage you first need support of citizens, if they don't want to, you give them reasons to want to, like MH17 (Operation Northwood) which US has downed over Ukraine using Ukraine. There will so many and so long false flag attacks untill Russia intervenes or untill retarded EU citizens are indoctrinated enough to want war.

    WW3 is set in stone kid if it will end nuclear or conventional is a different matter of fact.

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  kvs Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:05 pm

    If NATO is preparing for WWIII then it must have decided that it can defeat Russia's nuclear arsenal. So the natural questions

    1) Has Russian military technology been compromised by NATO? For example, does NATO have the ability to override the
    launch codes for ICBMs in Russia. I would not be surprised if they actually got full access to Russia's secretes during the
    1990s and even under Putin. I just hope that Russia has overhauled its vital communications infrastructure and ICBM
    command and control.

    2) Does NATO think the ABM "shield" it is deploying is effective? This is also plausible. Arms reductions have reduced
    the number of warheads significantly so there are less of them to intercept. I fully believe that NATO will use nuclear
    warheads on its interceptors. Kinetic kill is for ignorant saps. During total war you don't impose some sort of
    restrictions on yourself based on defunct treaties with your enemy/target.

    3) Does NATO think a first strike on Russia will incapacitate Russia's war fighting ability? I think NATO is run by
    lunatics. Any attempt at a first strike will result in the launch of a simultaneous counter-strike. So NATO must feel
    it can sabotage the counter-strike.

    The above are sobering questions for Russia.

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  Werewolf Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:21 pm

    To your point 3 it is and will be like all other US (NATO) preperations, decades of sanctions (obviously not effective against russia) weakening and isolating it (US currently tries to bring India on US side and Modi is whoring around like there is no tomorrow, US already weakened Ukraine next will be Belarus or Kazachstan, while Kazachstan is hard to bring against Russia since Nasarbeyev is not an idiot and is handling so far good.

    The point is bringing your enemy into a position where you can calculate his abilities and future actions that is what US tries to do. It will not start immidiatley with Nukes here and there, it will be rather slow (which it is currently already lukewarm and will continue to be so far next months, while US is deploying enough troops and fearmongering among EU countries to form their opinion against Russia, while keeping up provocing russia and deploying more and more 5th column actions inside russia to either pressure population against putin for not ending Ukraine or more and more color revolution crap.

    You will see more False Flag operations which will be blamed on Russia and Syria,Iran. They will try to win more Pro-US scum inside Russia its boardering countries and especially India to play them against BRICS when that happens you will see it either by some flase flag operation to blame Russia and India or openly by MODI making more and more US cooperation crap.
    More troops and propaganda in Europe, over last 4 month more and more news agencies,satellites and radio channels are blocked from recieving them in EU, like some Iranian TV was not be able to access over Hotbird satellites, US radio channels closed access for Iranian radio channels, Blocking of several hundred videos and "deleting" accounts of YT channels proving and showing per footage revealing things that is not in interest of US and their dog allies, like Turkey regime bombing itself blaming Assad or using Sarin gas on Syrians and blaming Assad.
    Here in germany we getting a focus on news and articles of such PRopaganda and hatespeech news agencies like Springer Verlag (Spiegel) that under the comment section everyone who claims Spiegel is biased and fearmongering without facts against Putin and Russia, they claim all those are Putin employeed russians trolling on german forums and comment section of those news agencies and that they now have declared war agaisnt "Kreml Propaganda trolls" by blocking, deleting and even try to consider block all russian news agencies in germany. Shows you lot of democrazy we have.

    More and more "small military Operations" will occure by NATO dogs, the opinion making will go by slow and soft aggressions against Russia until EU citizens are not bothering more or getting turned in favor of this wars because they will create the perception that this are just "small" operations that have zero effect on their life personaly and if the point is reached that they don't care (which EU lathil countries do fast) it will blew up in bigger and bigger operations.
    10-15 years most probably less and you will see EU at bad conditions and i really hope to happen so far untill bloody revolution can be organized against the US whore regime we have here.
    Mike E
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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  Mike E Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:29 pm

    Werewolf wrote:WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Spiegel-putin-450x599
    That crap makes me want to throw up... Please say that Germans are smart enough to dismiss this...

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Big historians, some politicians, military experts, former CIA/NSA agents

    Post  Werewolf Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:34 pm

    Mike E wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Spiegel-putin-450x599
    That crap makes me want to throw up... Please say that Germans are smart enough to dismiss this...

    Some are, but i really doubt about the majority.

    The tactics such MSM Propaganda use and exploit is that average people are not interested in politics and that little bit of interest they have they only consume the 12,18 and 20 o'clock Propaganda in TV and think they are educated now and i catched lot of people and even myself when i was younger and not interested in politics using the same propaganda phrases that are pure lies in discussions. The thing Göbbels said about repeating a lie is absolutley true.
    par far

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty The Third World War and the “Zeroing” of Debts (a must read)

    Post  par far Thu Sep 08, 2016 5:14 pm

    A very good article explaining, what is happening in the world and there people who want World War 3, this is a must read for all the people in the world(especially Russians).

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  AlfaT8 Thu Sep 08, 2016 6:47 pm

    par far wrote:A very good article explaining, what is happening in the world and there people who want World War 3, this is a must read for all the people in the world(especially Russians).

    No. Neutral
    par far

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  par far Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:01 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:
    par far wrote:A very good article explaining, what is happening in the world and there people who want World War 3, this is a must read for all the people in the world(especially Russians).

    No. Neutral

    What do you mean?

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  andalusia Sun Oct 30, 2016 9:36 pm

    kvs wrote:If NATO is preparing for WWIII then it must have decided that it can defeat Russia's nuclear arsenal.   So the natural questions

    1) Has Russian military technology been compromised by NATO?  For example, does NATO have the ability to override the
    launch codes for ICBMs in Russia.   I would not be surprised if they actually got full access to Russia's secretes during the
    1990s and even under Putin.   I just hope that Russia has overhauled its vital communications infrastructure and ICBM
    command and control.

    2) Does NATO think the ABM "shield" it is deploying is effective?   This is also plausible.   Arms reductions have reduced
    the number of warheads significantly so there are less of them to intercept.   I fully believe that NATO will use nuclear
    warheads on its interceptors.   Kinetic kill is for ignorant saps.   During total war you don't impose some sort of
    restrictions on yourself based on defunct treaties with your enemy/target.

    3) Does NATO think a first strike on Russia will incapacitate Russia's war fighting ability?   I think NATO is run by
    lunatics.   Any attempt at a first strike will result in the launch of a simultaneous counter-strike.   So NATO must feel
    it can sabotage the counter-strike.

    The above are sobering questions for Russia.  

    KVS, D don't know if you believe in Bible Prophecy but the Americans should not underestimate Russia.  It is predicted in the bible that Russia will destroy the United States.

    This nation is proud and arrogant and considers herself to be invincible and the greatest nation on earth.

    How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. (Rev. 18:7)

    Please read this:

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    WW3, Will it happen? - Page 2 Empty Re: WW3, Will it happen?

    Post  GarryB Mon Oct 31, 2016 6:36 am

    Well lets be clear... the bible we are talking about was written rather a few thousand years ago by people who had no idea America or Russia would exist.

    It has also been edited and translated several times too... the English language didn't exist then either.

    This suggests people are reading some vague predictions and putting two and two together and getting a conspiracy...

    And lets face it... do you believe the interpretations of Putins speeches when translated by CNN or the BBC?

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