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    NATO - Russia relations:


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    NATO - Russia relations: - Page 4 Empty Re: NATO - Russia relations:

    Post  slasher Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:54 pm


    Armenia will participate in the NATO DEFENDER-Europe 21 exercise in Europe this spring.


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    NATO - Russia relations: - Page 4 Empty Re: NATO - Russia relations:

    Post  Hole Thu Mar 18, 2021 11:37 am

    Pussynjan strike again! At the war games he will thank NATO for saving Armenia from Aserbaidschan.

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    NATO - Russia relations: - Page 4 Empty Re: NATO - Russia relations:

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Mar 18, 2021 3:26 pm

    Hole wrote:Pussynjan strike again! At the war games he will thank NATO for saving Armenia from Aserbaidschan.

    Pussyian supporters need to explain why this Soros chode swallowing comprador clown is so desperate to join in to a military alliance with Turkey? clown clown clown

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    Post  Hole Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:45 pm

    Because two NATO countries will never be at war with each other. Very Happy

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    Post  GarryB Fri Mar 19, 2021 6:41 am

    Tell that to Cyprus...

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    Post  Hole Fri Mar 19, 2021 12:01 pm

    You got it! Wink

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    Post  Backman Sat Apr 10, 2021 1:53 am

    It's rare to see a public fight at a prominent D.C. think tank, but Koch funding and human rights policy toward Moscow have pushed grievances out in the open.

    In a very rare public battle at a prominent Washington, D.C. think tank, almost two dozen employees and fellows at the Atlantic Council have issued a statement slamming two of their colleagues for writing what they see as a pro-Russia article on the think tank’s website.

    Emma Ashford and Mathew Burrows, two senior experts at the Atlantic Council, on Friday published an article that said the U.S. should not focus on human rights in its dealings with Russia and wrote that “democratization in Russia would not necessarily be good for US foreign policy interests.”

    This article is supposedly pro Russia. jocolor In the first paragraph it says "Russian human rights record is deplorable" What a joke. This whole thing is cringe.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Apr 10, 2021 11:51 am

    It is amusing when an enemy eats its own young... but obviously when an enemy is making a mistake.... do not interrupt them...

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    Post  George1 Thu Oct 07, 2021 10:53 pm

    NATO confirms information on expulsion of Russian diplomats

    Eighteen diplomats are currently working in Russia’s mission to NATO, and two positions are vacant

    BRUSSELS, October 6. /TASS/. NATO has confirmed that Russia’s mission to the alliance would be halved from 20 to 10 positions, the alliance’s press service told TASS on Wednesday.

    "We can confirm that we have withdrawn the accreditation of 8 members of the Russian Mission to NATO," the official said alleging that those members were undeclared Russian intelligence officers.

    "We can also confirm that we have reduced the number of positions which the Russian Federation can accredit to NATO to 10 (from the previous 20 - TASS)," the press service said.

    "NATO’s policy towards Russia remains consistent. We have strengthened our deterrence and defense in response to Russia’s aggressive actions, while at the same time we remain open for a meaningful dialogue," the spokesperson assured.

    Eighteen diplomats are currently working in Russia’s mission to NATO, and two positions are vacant.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Oct 08, 2021 12:10 pm

    HATOs policy towards Russia remains consistently bad... perhaps Russia should remove all its diplomats for a few months and see if HATO has a change of heart because playing tit for tat games seems to not be getting the message across.

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    NATO - Russia relations: - Page 4 Empty Re: NATO - Russia relations:

    Post  owais.usmani Mon Oct 18, 2021 2:25 pm

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    Post  JohninMK Mon Oct 18, 2021 11:16 pm

    A bit more detail from RT

    Moscow has announced that it will completely suspend the operations of its mission to NATO, two weeks after the US-led bloc expelled eight Russian diplomats for alleged 'undisclosed espionage' at its Brussels headquarters.

    Speaking on Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also revealed that the NATO information bureau in Moscow will be forced to shut down as part of retaliatory measures.

    Earlier this month, NATO officials decided to slash the size of the permanent Russian delegation to the bloc, revoking the credenitals of eight envoys, in response to what it called “suspected malign Russian activities.”

    Now, if the US-led bloc wants to talk to Russia, it must deal with the embassy in Belgium, Lavrov said.

    “As a result of purposeful steps by NATO, we do not have the right conditions for elementary diplomatic activities,” he told TASS news agency.

    “In response to NATO's actions, we are suspending the work of our permanent mission, including the work of our chief military representative.”

    “The NATO International Secretariat has already been notified.”

    “If NATO members have any urgent matters, they can contact our ambassador in Belgium, who ensures bilateral relations between Russia and the Kingdom of Belgium,” the minister said.

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    NATO - Russia relations: - Page 4 Empty Re: NATO - Russia relations:

    Post  mnztr Thu Oct 21, 2021 8:00 am

    Laverov further said " I fart in the general direction of NATO"

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    NATO - Russia relations: - Page 4 Empty Re: NATO - Russia relations:

    Post  owais.usmani Mon Nov 01, 2021 3:18 pm

    Would Russia or China Help Us if We Were Invaded by Space Aliens?

    In a recent essay on great-power competition and climate change, Rob Litwak, an arms control expert at the Wilson Center, recalled a question that President Ronald Reagan posed to Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet leader, after they took a walk during their 1985 Lake Geneva summit.

    As Gorbachev put it later: “President Reagan suddenly said to me, ‘What would you do if the United States were suddenly attacked by someone from outer space? Would you help us?’”

    “I said, ‘No doubt about it.’”

    “He said, ‘We too.’”

    “So that’s interesting,” Gorbachev concluded.

    It sure is, because it’s not at all clear, given the recent upsurge in raw great-power competition, that Russia, China or America would help one another in the face of an invasion of space aliens threatening us all. Litwak’s point in retelling that story, of course, is that today we are facing a similar, world-stressing threat — not from space aliens but from a much more familiar and once seemingly benign force: our climate.

    Global warming is challenging every nation with more extreme weather, wildfires and sea level rise and once-in-a-century storms coming much more frequently. Unlike with a space alien, though, there’s zero possibility of negotiating with Mother Nature. She does only whatever chemistry, biology and physics dictate, and she has no clue or interest in where the borders of Russia, America or China stop and start. She’s got the whole wide world in her hands — as she demonstrated with the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Yet neither China’s president, Xi Jinping, nor Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, is attending the Glasgow climate summit in person with President Biden and many other world leaders that opened Sunday. And even more important, The Washington Post reported last week that some in the Chinese leadership want to resist any substantial cooperation with America on climate issues until the United States dials down its pressure on China “over human rights, Hong Kong, Taiwan, trade and a range of other issues.”

    We’ve never seen this tactic before from Beijing: We’ll clean our air, but only if you let us buzz Taiwan’s airspace and choke off the air of freedom in Hong Kong.

    A senior U.S. official told me that there is actually a lot of division in Beijing right now on the wisdom of this sort of wolf-warrior diplomatic strategy on climate, which is being pushed by Foreign Minister Wang Yi. There are definitely other Chinese leaders who want to collaborate with Washington and understand that on climate, we sink or swim together. Still, even a hint of this sort of planet-Earth-hostage-taking strategy by some senior Chinese officials is very troubling and needs to be called out.

    “The window for humanity to avoid unmanageable climate change is narrowing,” Litwak noted in his Wilson Center essay. “China, the United States and Russia are, respectively, the first, second and fourth largest carbon emitters. Yet at the precise historical juncture when unprecedented global cooperation is necessary to forestall catastrophe, the world is on the brink of unconstrained geostrategic competition. Indeed, U.S. relations with Russia and China are the worst they have been since the end of the Cold War.”

    There is never a good time for a great-power conflict. And we’ve already seen how deadly the lack of global cooperation in the face of Mother Nature’s Covid-19 stressor has been. But this is even more dangerous. A shootout between the United States and China over Taiwan or between NATO and Russia over Ukraine — just as human-made climate change is putting a gun to all of our heads — would be insane. But it’s a real possibility.

    What we need instead of an arms race or a space race is an Earth race — a great-power competition over which country is rising fastest and farthest to enable a world of net-zero carbon emissions so men and women can thrive here on Earth. I’d love to see Biden do a real throw down to Xi and Putin in his speech in Glasgow for that race.

    Biden could say: “I know that climate change is a global problem and that if we clean our air and you don’t clean yours, there is no way to solve it. But we’re not going to use that as an excuse, or let our oil and coal industries use that as an excuse, to do nothing until you do. Because there are 7.9 billion people on the planet today and by 2030, there will be 600 million more — 600 million more! That means that, climate change or no climate change, just having that many more people to feed, house and transport will guarantee that clean power, clean water and energy-efficient buildings and cars will be the next great global industry. Otherwise, we’ll all choke on pollution. So if you all want to keep burning coal and give our clean industries a five-year head start in the next great global industry, make my day. Myself, I am going to declare America’s intention to win the Earth race, to make America the first country to invent and deploy the most clean-power technologies and drive them down the cost curve so that everyone on the planet can afford them.’’

    Challenging China and Russia over who can produce the most tools for global resilience, not just resistance, is a way for America to reclaim some moral leadership on the world stage and focus our economy, and our competitors, on the most important industries of the future. Unless we humans want to be a bad biological experiment, a zero-carbon grid, zero-emissions transportation, zero-carbon/zero-net-energy buildings and zero-waste manufacturing indeed will — and must — be the next great global industry.

    And by the way, while Russia is currently not a player in that competition, I would not bet against China.

    Hal Harvey, who runs the climate analytics firm Energy Innovation and helps to advise governments on clean energy transitions, notes that the United States has set out a very clear goal of when it wants to get to a net-zero carbon-emitting economy — 2050 — and Biden is now trying to fill in the details with specific plans. Alas, without a single vote of support from Republicans.

    China, by contrast, Harvey added, is building incredibly detailed plans on how to decarbonize, which Beijing could scale up very quickly — but it has been less detailed in setting hard dates for fulfillment.

    Since Xi right now is focused on keeping the Chinese economy growing while he tries to lock in his third term as president, he is not going to do anything to curb growth in China in ways that could sap his popularity. So China will keep burning a lot of coal for a while. But don’t be fooled: Beijing is also building huge amounts of solar, wind, hydro and nuclear power. It’s game on.

    As long as both countries keep focused on the Earth race, it almost doesn’t matter which one wins, because together they will drive down the costs of clean power for everyone. If they slow down or get diverted, though, we may wish for some space aliens to take us to their planet.

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    NATO - Russia relations: - Page 4 Empty Re: NATO - Russia relations:

    Post  Hole Mon Nov 01, 2021 7:51 pm

    The country which killed millions of Natives, enslaved and killed millions of Africans, killed millions of Koreans, Vietamese, Iraqis and so on still thinks it can claim some sort of "morale leadership". Disgusting.

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    Post  Isos Mon Nov 01, 2021 8:10 pm

    Hole wrote:The country which killed millions of Natives, enslaved and killed millions of Africans, killed millions of Koreans, Vietamese, Iraqis and so on still thinks it can claim some sort of "morale leadership". Disgusting.

    Well if a US president asked such question it may happen and they can't do shit against it.

    And I'm pretty much sure the "yes" of the soviets was a ironic "yes of course I will help you, don't worry capitalist pig" lol1 .

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    Post  Hole Mon Nov 01, 2021 9:20 pm

    Wait until the aliens destroyed most of the west and then "rescue" the rubble. Wink

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    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 02, 2021 6:26 am

    That article is an attempt to suggest that China and Russia are the problem and it is up to the US to lead the way.

    **** OFF.

    The US is the problem and China and Russia are already working on reducing emissions of their own and working on these clean energies you mention.

    In fact the Russians have clean nuclear technology already in operational use that uses breeder fast neutron reactors that create electricity without generating enormous amounts of waste, and have accepted waste from German nuclear reactors because they can extract usable fuel from those spent rods and reuse the materials already... while western countries seal their material in concrete filled barrels and bury them in old coal mines... or they make ammo and tanks out of them and pollute the worlds battlefields with such material.

    I don't blame Xi and Putin for not going to this climate change meeting... it is mostly bullshit and grandstanding for western countries to whine like a little tunburger that everyone else is not doing enough.

    The reality is that climate change is NORMAL. There are thousands of different factors very few of which we actually control and over time global average temperatures will go up and down and there is nothing much we can actually do about it.

    Our current Carbon emissions might be the only thing that is preventing a real ice age to be occurring in the next 40K years... maybe in 1,000 years when we understand the weather better we might realise carbon emissions might have saved large numbers of peoples lives... but that goes against the current narrative.

    The west are not the good guys and will always weaponise any situation to their advantage... in this case they want to limit Chinese growth and Chinese and Russian development.

    When they realise they are losing their grip on power they want cooperation and working together... interesting.

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    NATO - Russia relations: - Page 4 Empty Re: NATO - Russia relations:

    Post  owais.usmani Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:33 am


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    Post  owais.usmani Wed Nov 17, 2021 12:32 pm


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    Post  GarryB Thu Nov 18, 2021 2:14 am

    That is interesting... maybe the US are buying Pantsir systems to defend their troops from drones and other attacks... Twisted Evil

    Would be interesting to know what they are buying...

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    Post  Isos Thu Nov 18, 2021 9:51 am

    GarryB wrote:That is interesting... maybe the US are buying Pantsir systems to defend their troops from drones and other attacks...  Twisted Evil

    Would be interesting to know what they are buying...

    IMO mostly ammo. Most of eastern european armies still use soviet stuff. That should be in million of dollars.

    What makes them say "billions" should be the S-400 for Turkey.

    Also they often lease russian planes like an-124 for moving stuff from far away.

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    Post  Hole Thu Nov 18, 2021 12:45 pm

    Spare parts for vehicles/planes/helis.

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    Post  franco Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:03 pm

    According to an article from Al Jazeera, the UK is to lead the struggle to contain Russia so that the US can focus on China...yeah baby!

    "The United Kingdom is leading the fight against the Russian threat and is trying to expand its influence, relying on an agreement with Washington, according to which the United States is engaged in China and the United Kingdom is opposed to Russian influence," the publication said.

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    Post  kvs Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:22 pm


    Time for Russia to start containing NATzO. Sabotage them on every front.

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