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    Russia's enemy countries


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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Werewolf Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:14 am

    The biggest Russian enemies and i mean Enemies by its true meaning are those who pose a threat since decades and nearly over a century trying to get hands on russian resources.
    USA which acts like an empire, taking one country after another doesn't matter if they can corrupt a country like they did with half of Gulf states to have access to resources and geopolitical positioning, building military bases around the world in more than 130 countries already which all are facing Russia more and more, the faked NGO's to "help" chechenians but have armed the chechenian terrorists since USA can't attack Russia on them own they need and they will use terrorists in future to take out or destabilize russia, or claiming Human rights abuses, illegal nuclear weapons or both to invade this country which dares not to obey Pentagon.
    Their dogs on leash is the NATO core consistant of France which is ordered to fight Mali war since USA is backrupt and has to bother about Israels order to attack Syria and Iran and UK which is a core co-member of USA spying entire EU zone via internet funding intelligence agencies for plots and assassinations. Germany my puddle regime that is one of the most involved in spying and conspiracing against Iran, it was German BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst) who were responsible for planning, advising to kill Iranian Nuclear scientists, they were the same who are responsible for the Siemens Virus that was hacked into Iranian nuclear power plant control units made by Siemens.

    The worst and the real cancer is Israel that since decades and over an entire century is trying to get hands on russian soil, they did it with jewish Bolzhewik revolution, they bribbed and manipulated the Yeltzin caste of family which were very welcoming to jewish oligarchs who sold out russian soil,resources and buisness companies and the Procharov caste of jew family which were meant to lead the government administration after Yeltzin era and is today ripping apart in thousand small pieces daily since Putin fooled both of this caste families.

    1# Israel
    1# USA
    2# UK
    3# just the dogs that lick the ass of USrael.

    The future on economical level will be China but nothing in comperision to the behavior of USrael and their dogs.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Regular Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:29 am

    Werewolf, might I ask You -
    How regional player like Israel can pose threat to Russia?
    I'm not sure how to put this in to words what You wrote, sorry, not to offend You, but here You sound no less deluded that polish fellow we have here when he talks about Arabs. Maybe it's a fetish thing, not for me to judge. Interesting to see almost same fanatical rhetoric, just a different side of a same coin.

    Following Your logic Putin is paid of by Israel because as far I've seen on Russian TV he made positive statements towards Israel and even said that Iran remarks about wiping Israel of the map are not acceptable. Not to mention that Russia listened to Israel whining and didn't sell S300 systems angering Iran and to add fire to an insult, Russia stroke a deal to assemble Heron UAV systems in Russia. Does NO 1 enemy give away know how of UAV systems?
    What is usrael, is it a new German word I've never had chance to learn or You just made up one?

    Israel might be a pitbull in the a neighbourhood, but Russia is a bear of the forest.
    Rpg type 7v

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Rpg type 7v Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:36 pm

    russia is protected by its size and nuclear weapons from its enemies ,its like wooly mamouth too big to fail ,it cant be destroyed from outside , only from inside.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  BTRfan Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:53 pm

    After the First World Warthe cracks began to emerge in the facade of the British Empire. After the Second World War it was obvious that Britain was completely exhausted and spent, while America had been built up to new and unprecedented heights. It was at that time when the torch was passed from the UK to the USA in regards to serving as the muscle and handling the role of global enforcer for the Rothschild international empire.
    As Sa'iqa

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  As Sa'iqa Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:03 pm

    BTRfan wrote:handling the role of global enforcer for the Rothschild international empire.
    What a Face When will you start taking your meds again?

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  NationalRus Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:12 pm

    our geopolitcal enemys are USA/UK and China

    our none geopolitcal enemys are every muslim

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  BTRfan Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:10 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:
    BTRfan wrote:handling the role of global enforcer for the Rothschild international empire.
    What a Face When will you start taking your meds again?

    If you cannot see that the USA is serving as the muscle for the NWO and the old Rothschild International Empire, formerly the Anglo-Rothschild Empire, the same Empire that fought two wars in South Africa for gold and diamonds and two wars in China to force the Chinese to allow opium sales, then you're blind.
    As Sa'iqa

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  As Sa'iqa Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:25 pm

    Ok, USa are bad guys.

    So who are the good ones...?

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Werewolf Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:38 am

    Werewolf, might I ask You - How regional player like Israel can pose threat to Russia? I'm not sure how to put this in to words what You wrote, sorry, not to offend You, but here You sound no less deluded that polish fellow we have here when he talks about Arabs. Maybe it's a fetish thing, not for me to judge. Interesting to see almost same fanatical rhetoric, just a different side of a same coin. Following Your logic Putin is paid of by Israel because as far I've seen on Russian TV he made positive statements towards Israel and even said that Iran remarks about wiping Israel of the map are not acceptable. Not to mention that Russia listened to Israel whining and didn't sell S300 systems angering Iran and to add fire to an insult, Russia stroke a deal to assemble Heron UAV systems in Russia. Does NO 1 enemy give away know how of UAV systems? What is usrael, is it a new German word I've never had chance to learn or You just made up one? Israel might be a pitbull in the a neighbourhood, but Russia is a bear of the forest. wrote:

    The reply is little bit late since i haven't noticed it before so i reply now.

    I'm not unreasonable person like you are trying to compare me with someone other here bitching around about muslims and the pest of the world.
    Israel is a big threat to Russia,Iran,China but the core point is Russia because Russia posses the biggest resources of the world from a big varity of resources.
    The point is that you can't deny, Jews have a very well known history of taking very much influences into several countries at the same time, Jews have managed to coordinate a high influence into european banks to such high degree that they have financed sides of several fractions and lead them to war since mid 19th century and in the mid 20th century all major banks in Germany alone were hold by just a bunch of jews like Rothschild and Rockefeller, they are the one that have financed several wars, they have financed each side during WW1 that has boosted the American economy out of its depression, same happened during WW2 with much larger agenda, which Rockefeller and Rothschild with the Federal Reserve have financed Hitlers campaing personally from the early 30s to 45 of the end of the war, the purpose was rather obvious to have justification for "israel" that was given to jews by butchering and slaughtering palestinians through british military men.

    ht tp://libcom. org/library/allied-multinationals-supply-nazi-germany-world-war-2

    Jews of the Federal Reserve Bank have also financed the agenda of jew Lenin which is known that he came to Russia through help of "germans" or in other words so called assymilated jews, with the agenda to start a revolution in Russia where the rise of bolshewiks which were 98% jews in charge of duma, all official seats in social,political and military relevant administrations and of course even Gulag administrations were run by jews those who are told to be "russians" that started a millions genocide.

    During WW2 on American side in the Department of Psychological Warfare Division in the US Military were Jews the once who used sophisticated strategies for manipulation.
    Albert G. Rosenberg, Max M. Kimenthal, Richard Akselard, Alfred H. Sampson and Ernest S. Biberfeld. Who used at the end of the war for propaganda purposes only false props of how cruel the Germans were, how they made lampshades,gloves, paintings and even shrunken heads of Jewish inmates, of course these lies are rather easy to bust and still they are presented in memorials as "evidence" how cruel they had just because they were jews.
    -owning entire bank systems (14:30)

    The same Federal Reserve Bank that has financed both sides american and korean side, vietnam and even Iraq, which was all about money for private jewish companies.

    Still today it is USA that holds to Israel regardless of attacks Israel has "accidents" against US forces, the US wants oil is invading entire countries who aren't willing to obey or to being corrupt by CIA agents, and still they play the "moral" card on international stage when it comes about protecting Israel?
    They would have much more profit by uniting with arabic countries, less wars, no spending for cruel wars of money or human resources, but still the US does like Israel wants, the AIPAC rules what US will attack next.

    Today it's Goldman Sucks that holds the entire EU Central Bank with Ben "Shalom" Bernanke (Jew) and Lloyd Blankfein as administrator which every single euro zone country has signed to the conditions of ECB (Euro Central Bank) that the ECB under the ESM (Euro Stability Mechanism) can take annually up to 780 bln Euros (from germany alone and the cost vary from EU member) without any buts, they are untouchable by any international or EU laws, they can't be sued, they aren't elected, they aren't bounded to any laws and the money they take doesn't goes to a fund to repay debts of a EU member nor to rebuilt economy of that country, it goes from country taxes into EU bank system.

    The very well known "russian" mafia and "italian" mafia are in reality jewish mafias.

    Here little documentary about things they don't send on controlled tv channels

    Isn't it little bit odd that a absolute minority of about 15 mln people have so much influence in the world through the history and still whinning about beeing persecuted for "allegdley" no reason?

    -owning almost every german bank and Europe banks
    -financing through jewish (private) bank that runs the entire US through the Federal Reserve Bank
    -financing WW1
    -financing of all sides of WW2
    -financing the bolshewik revolution, by sending a jew from germany into russia
    -starting a revolution by jews over slavic people which even you can't deny
    -financing of korean and vietnamese wars of both sides to last wars longer
    -financing iraq war
    -running Europe Central Bank of one united eurozone to strip of Eurozone through taxes without having to fear to be even able to be touched by any law of any level
    -ruling through AIPAC american foreign policy

    You can deny that as much as you want but there are very educated people around here that understand very well that it is so obvious like a punch in the face that jews have one of the biggest influences on the global stage of wars that will be fought, which countries and their economies can rise or fall, that power have jews and they want more power and in todays time Power means who have the most resources.

    The ideology of Communism was brought to Russians not because of an incident but because they have the biggest resources and i quote Brezinsky "We can't let the resources to the russians" They just wanted that this resources stand untouched as possible that's why communism was redefined and put by JEWS to the world and implied in Russia and China those countries that can and could rule the entire planet by their resources only.

    The entire plan is to get hands on Russia that's why USA is financing Chechenian terrorists because Israel commands, that's why Afghanistan has today under American protection 94% of the world's opium market which is leaded through CIA into enemy countries of USA like Iran,Syria,China and of course Russia, to destabilize the society, through diffrent and several levels.
    And you saw the picture posted by i believe Austin with the western strategy of Brits against Indian society to let them believe that their own culture,society and country is less worth than those of western countries to destabilize and destroy the unity of the population, that strategy is put on EVERY single country which is considered as enemy of USrael.
    You just have to open your eyes how such sophisticated societies and countries like Russia even through much higher social standards,cultural and academic standards have turned into "western" clishee and how more and more globalisation is brought into countries that were already advanced and try to turn all into "Western is so cool".

    Just all little puzzles around the society used for one thing.

    That all is no coincidence.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Firebird Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:16 am

    Werewolf wrote:

    The reply is little bit late since i haven't noticed it before so i reply now.

    I'm not unreasonable person like you are trying to compare me with someone other here bitching around about muslims and the pest of the world.
    Israel is a big threat to Russia,Iran,China but the core point is Russia because Russia posses the biggest resources of the world from a big varity of resources.
    The point is that you can't deny, Jews have a very well known history of taking very much influences into several countries at the same time, Jews have managed to coordinate a high influence into european banks to such high degree that they have financed sides of several fractions and lead them to war since mid 19th century and in the mid 20th century all major banks in Germany alone were hold by just a bunch of jews like Rothschild and Rockefeller, they are the one that have financed several wars, they have financed each side during WW1 that has boosted the American economy out of its depression, same happened during WW2 with much larger agenda, which Rockefeller and Rothschild with the Federal Reserve have financed Hitlers campaing personally from the early 30s to 45 of the end of the war, the purpose was rather obvious to have justification for "israel" that was given to jews by butchering and slaughtering palestinians through british military men.

    ht tp://libcom. org/library/allied-multinationals-supply-nazi-germany-world-war-2

    Jews of the Federal Reserve Bank have also financed the agenda of jew Lenin which is known that he came to Russia through help of "germans" or in other words so called assymilated jews, with the agenda to start a revolution in Russia where the rise of bolshewiks which were 98% jews in charge of duma, all official seats in social,political and military relevant administrations and of course even Gulag administrations were run by jews those who are told to be "russians" that started a millions genocide.

    During WW2 on American side in the Department of Psychological Warfare Division in the US Military were Jews the once who used sophisticated strategies for manipulation.
    Albert G. Rosenberg, Max M. Kimenthal, Richard Akselard, Alfred H. Sampson and Ernest S. Biberfeld. Who used at the end of the war for propaganda purposes only false props of how cruel the Germans were, how they made lampshades,gloves, paintings and even shrunken heads of Jewish inmates, of course these lies are rather easy to bust and still they are presented in memorials as "evidence" how cruel they had just because they were jews.
    -owning entire bank systems  (14:30)

    The same Federal Reserve Bank that has financed both sides american and korean side, vietnam and even Iraq, which was all about money for private jewish companies.

    Still today it is USA that holds to Israel regardless of attacks Israel has "accidents" against US forces, the US wants oil is invading entire countries who aren't willing to obey or to being corrupt by CIA agents, and still they play the "moral" card on international stage when it comes about protecting Israel?
    They would have much more profit by uniting with arabic countries, less wars, no spending for cruel wars of money or human resources, but still the US does like Israel wants, the AIPAC rules what US will attack next.

    Today it's Goldman Sucks that holds the entire EU Central Bank with Ben "Shalom" Bernanke (Jew)  and Lloyd Blankfein as administrator which every single euro zone country has signed to the conditions of ECB (Euro Central Bank) that the ECB under the ESM (Euro Stability Mechanism) can take annually up to 780 bln Euros (from germany alone and the cost vary from EU member) without any buts, they are untouchable by any international or EU laws, they can't be sued, they aren't elected, they aren't bounded to any laws and the money they take doesn't goes to a fund to repay debts of a EU member nor to rebuilt economy of that country, it goes from country taxes into EU bank system.

    The very well known "russian" mafia and "italian" mafia are in reality jewish mafias.

    Here little documentary about things they don't send on controlled tv channels

    Isn't it little bit odd that a absolute minority of about 15 mln people have so much influence in the world through the history and still whinning about beeing persecuted for "allegdley" no reason?

    -owning almost every german bank and Europe banks
    -financing through jewish (private) bank that runs the entire US through the Federal Reserve Bank
    -financing WW1
    -financing of all sides of WW2
    -financing the bolshewik revolution, by sending a jew from germany into russia
    -starting a revolution by jews over slavic people which even you can't deny
    -financing of korean and vietnamese wars of both sides to last wars longer
    -financing iraq war
    -running Europe Central Bank of one united eurozone to strip of Eurozone through taxes without having to fear to be even able to be touched by any law of any level
    -ruling through AIPAC american foreign policy

    You can deny that as much as you want but there are very educated people around here that understand very well that it is so obvious like a punch in the face that jews have one of the biggest influences on the global stage of wars that will be fought, which countries and their economies can rise or fall, that power have jews and they want more power and in todays time Power means who have the most resources.

    The ideology of Communism was brought to Russians not because of an incident but because they have the biggest resources and i quote Brezinsky "We can't let the resources to the russians" They just wanted that this resources stand untouched as possible that's why communism was redefined and put by JEWS to the world and implied in Russia and China those countries that can and could rule the entire planet by their resources only.

    The entire plan is to get hands on Russia that's why USA is financing Chechenian terrorists because Israel commands, that's why Afghanistan has today under American protection 94% of the world's opium market which is leaded through CIA into enemy countries of USA like Iran,Syria,China and of course Russia, to destabilize the society, through diffrent and several levels.
    And you saw the picture posted by i believe Austin with the western strategy of Brits against Indian society to let them believe that their own culture,society and country is less worth than those of western countries to destabilize and destroy the unity of the population, that strategy is put on EVERY single country which is considered as enemy of USrael.
    You just have to open your eyes how such sophisticated societies and countries like Russia even through much higher social standards,cultural and academic standards have turned into "western" clishee and how more and more globalisation is brought into countries that were already advanced and try to turn all into "Western is so cool".

    Just all little puzzles around the society used for one thing.

    That all is no coincidence.

    I'm no fan of the Jewish upper class group in England, or the Neo-Con club in America etc.
    However, your post is one of the most ridiculous efforts I've read in a long time on a forum.

    I think its summed up by your claim (and I paraphrase) "those horrible Jews made up stories that we did nasty things in the war..."

    So was it a 15m "mass suicide" are you gonna tell me? With another 30m Russians who werent Jewish...?

    George Bush is a cunt, Angela Merkel is, David Cameron is, Condoleeza Rice, Tony Blair is. Guess what? They aren't Jews!

    BTW Germany is lucky it isn't still under occupation. Lots of people would have sent Germans the way of the Phoenicians after your countrymen's atrocities inWW2.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Firebird Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:29 pm

    Enemies of Russia?
    China equally.
    Germany - I've never met anyone from Russia who doesn't think they should not have been exterminated. As far as I'm concerned, Germany has not paid its debts to Russia, or the western allies.
    Others - those morons who supported the Germans eg a lot of Croats, West Ukrainians, Lithunians etc.
    Muslim loons eg certain Chechens, Dagestanis etc

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Admin Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:54 pm

    The only enemy of Russia now is Georgia.  Countries we distrust...

    1) USA
    2) UK
    3) China
    4) Japan
    5) Turkey
    6) North Korea
    7) Ukraine
    8 ) Norway
    9) Azerbaijan
    10) Poland

    Czech Republic?  Why would they be an enemy? No one cares about Canada and Australia.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Pyrrus Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:05 am

    going back to the topic, if you please, you mentioned two quite separate kinds of threats: direct, military and mental, connected with - as it was given in the attached article - harmed pride. Of course Polish, Latvian or Georgian people are far from being the real threat for Russia, but mentally, I mean their attitude, they are enemies, as well as the population of many other former Soviet satellites. Some of you scornfully commented the possibility of Israel. But... if we expand hostile actions or potential to intelligence operations as well we can say about Israel as an enemy too. Or at least the opponent, which would be more accurate. China can become Russia's opponent in the future, but I think it'd be more reasonable to focus on today's situation instead of making up vague speculations and looking for enemies where they don't exist for now. The topic is: 'Which of these countries ARE enemies of Russia ?' anyway. As for real and direct threats coming from any country, I can't see any serious. Some may call traditional rivalry with the USA as one. But don't you think this is exposed in Russia by some politicians and in the USA the same way? The problem is with the terrorism because this is homeless, I mean international phenomenon. It is the threat for Russia, current and potential for the future, but it is difficult to say which country it is connected with.
    @Regular: may I know who is that mythic Polish guy here affected by hatred to Arabic people?
    Regular wrote:How regional player like Israel can pose threat to Russia?
    I'm not sure how to put this in to words what You wrote, sorry, not to offend You, but here You sound no less deluded that polish fellow we have here when he talks about Arabs. Maybe it's a fetish thing, not for me to judge. Interesting to see almost same fanatical rhetoric, just a different side of a same coin.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Regular Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:24 am

    Pyrrus wrote: Of course Polish, Latvian or Georgian people are far from being the real threat for Russia, but mentally, I mean their attitude, they are enemies, as well as the population of many other former Soviet satellites.
    Well Russia doesn't act like Your best mate either. It uses it's weight and strength to push it's neighbours around. Believe me - i'm not a fan of my own politics, but Russia is not interested in good relationships too. Still my country is OK with Russia - some political parties were anti-russian but surprisingly Russian money was funding them - You might even think that having grinding between makes it easier to strike some deals and gather population support(still fear of big bad bear is long gone)

    And talking about peoples mentality - why the hell Russian tourists are saying otherwise, that we are brotherly people? There are so many festivals that are literally swarmed with Russians and knowing all that nonsense they have to go to get VISA it's surprising. They are coming here and enjoying their holidays in best resorts we have, our services are targeting to Russian speakers no less that English speakers, they are no 1 tourists in Lithuania and not that cheap bydlo that goes to turkey and drinks vodka till they piss themselves, but we are talking about upper middle class families who act like You would expect from European tourist. Image of Russians went up accordingly.
    For example I might say that Lithuanians dislike Polish more than Russians and Your statement there is a guesswork.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Pyrrus Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:46 pm

    Regular wrote:
    And talking about peoples mentality - why the hell Russian tourists are saying otherwise, that we are brotherly people? There are so many festivals that are literally swarmed with Russians and knowing all that nonsense they have to go to get VISA it's surprising. They are coming here and enjoying their holidays in best resorts we have, our services are targeting to Russian speakers no less that English speakers, they are no 1 tourists in Lithuania and not that cheap bydlo that goes to turkey and drinks vodka till they piss themselves, but we are talking about upper middle class families who act like You would expect from European tourist. Image of Russians went up accordingly.
    For example I might say that Lithuanians dislike Polish more than Russians and Your statement there is a guesswork.
    Judging by your words you are giving the example of Russians coming to the UK for tourism (those rich ones) who are mannerly and educated, then you make the assumption that Lithuanians hate Polish more than Russians, and conclude that MY statement is guesswork. Congratulations! Originally I am from Poland and I know very well about attitude towards Russians in Poland. In Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Romania too as not long ago I was working in the same company with people from those countries. It isn't the attitude which I like most, as I am half Russian after my father myself. Please, spare me examples about Russian tourists. They have nothing to do with the attitude of Middle European societies towards Russia. However, I must admit, on the level of common people this attitude tends to change.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Regular Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:18 pm

    Pyrrus wrote:
    Judging by your words you are giving the example of Russians coming to the UK for tourism (those rich ones) who are mannerly and educated, then you make the assumption that Lithuanians hate Polish more than Russians, and conclude that MY statement is guesswork. Congratulations! Originally I am from Poland and I know very well about attitude towards Russians in Poland. In Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Romania too as not long ago I was working in the same company with people from those countries. It isn't the attitude which I like most, as I am half Russian after my father myself. Please, spare me examples about Russian tourists. They have nothing to do with the attitude of Middle European societies towards Russia. However, I must admit, on the level of common people this attitude tends to change.
    Sorry, I forgot to mention I'm originally from Lithuania and I was talking about Russian tourists there. Not particularly rich ones, but those middle class people who are actually interested in country they are visiting and not drinking alcohol somewhere in Turkey resort:) I have family members who work with tourists and Russians are no.1 customers. And Russia is becoming tourist and work destination for some of us too.
    And for attitudes - there are Russians living in Poland and they don't let themselves to be pushed around. I knew fella from other forum who was living in Warsaw while being Russian and had polish wife.
    What I originally wanted to say is that majority of Lithuanians don't hate Russia and are more concerned about their own country. Of course some actions by Russia are not nice towards us, but hell same can be said about some EU actions. Small are always beaten by the big Very Happy We have good amount of russophobes, but in same time we have people who hate on their own country- it's people and so on. And polish are disliked more because they are very aggressive towards us.
    For example Russians would never do this to us, but for Polish it's quite common.
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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  sepheronx Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:27 pm

    Dude, there are idiots in all countries. It just so happens that these other countries have their issues and many people are split over its history and how they view things today. As well, many of these other countries are part of the "western" sphere of influence, meaning that more or less, these people believe whatever crap comes from their masters mouth. As well, there are indeed various other groups like NGO's who pay people to do stupid acts like this, even in Russia itself.

    Realistic, even if Russia changed and became some sort of uber vunderland for gays, animal rights, marajuana groups, etc etc etc, the western countries will find something ELSE To hate Russia about. Heck, look at Russia's history, it is filled with lots of hate from its neighbouring countries. Thankfully, those countries are usually piss poor in living standards themselves, and barely have the means of defending themselves, that they are nothing but a pest.

    Biggest threat to Russia is obviously the United States in terms of politics. They have NGO's who try to destabilize Russia, and they have so many influential media groups, that are either backed or backing groups like LGBT whom will spread false information regarding Russia and its laws, or how people treat others and try to image them as "less than human" like, and thus, that is the real threat. And guess who eat it up? The uneducated. Yet they will say that Russian's are less educated, even though statistically, that is false.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Pyrrus Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:47 pm

    Pyrrus wrote:And polish are disliked more because they are very aggressive towards us.
    For example Russians would never do this to us, but for Polish it's quite common.
    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 3oy4
    The example you gave is not much representative. Are English football fans representative for British society? Are English skins maybe? Thing you did is called spreading stereotypes. I am not prejudiced towards Lithuanians but I'm afraid you are towards Poles. Complexes of small nation? I hope not. Once again: stadium hooligans are not representative for the whole nation.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Regular Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:54 am

    Sorry to hijack thread, but I can't not tell You that I disagree with You. I don't have negative views of Polish people, only saying that we consider Poland to be our no 1 enemy- we have some territorial disputes and mutual grudge. So it's not like there is anti-russian union, we are divided, we hate each other no less.
    Football fans or not, those signs, slogans, their acting out when they are in Lithuania is public, is what makes us not to like them. It's common thing. Not to mention their politicians who attack my country for every possible reason while pretending they are protecting minority. Such behaviour doesn't manifest amongst Russian peeps visiting us, we might have differences, but You don't see Russians desecrating our flags, shouting slogans Wilno nasze(Vilnius ours). We have high ranking officers in our army who are ethnic russian too, not to mention our navy- mostly russian guys there. Our government nowadays could be called pro Russian. And yet we are called enemies. Sorry, but it really boils my pot.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty The only enemy of Russia now is Georgia

    Post  Pyrrus Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:28 am

    Regular wrote:Sorry to hijack thread, but I can't not tell You that I disagree with You. I don't have negative views of Polish people, only saying that we consider Poland to be our no 1 enemy- we have some territorial disputes and mutual grudge. So it's not like there is anti-russian union, we are divided, we hate each other no less.
    Football fans or not, those signs, slogans, their acting out when they are in Lithuania is public, is what makes us not to like them. It's common thing. Not to mention their politicians who attack my country for every possible reason while pretending they are protecting minority.  Such behaviour doesn't manifest amongst Russian peeps visiting us, we might have differences, but You don't see Russians desecrating our flags, shouting slogans Wilno nasze(Vilnius ours). We have high ranking officers in our army who are ethnic russian too, not to mention our navy- mostly russian guys there. Our government  nowadays could be called pro Russian. And yet we are called enemies. Sorry, but it really boils my pot.
    OK it really doesn't make sense change personal likes dislikes as the arguments in the discussion. Probably Russian politicians are more skillful than Polish if they make such positive influence on your society. Well, it's time to stop as you mentioned yourself 'it boils your pot' which makes this discussion more personal and emotional than reasonable
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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Ice Man Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:53 pm

    I apologize for bringing an old thread back to life, I'm Swedish and I served in the Swedish army in the late 1980s. The Swedish perception of Russia and the Russians is based on emotions and as we all know, emotions are very seldom rational. So where does the mistrust of Russia originate from? The history of conflicts between Sweden and Russia, the Cold War fertilized this mistrust. I won't call it hatred, because it is a strong word. The mistrust, or hostile attitude is based on fear. When I was in the army (infantry, antitank) I raised the questions about the hostile attitude toward Soviet Union at that time and later Russia, this was not always appreciated by the commanding officers, especially when I asked "What have they (SU, Russia) done to us?" They couldn't answer that question. People are more loyal to their own perceptions even if the perception is questionable than to their significant others.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:06 am

    The fear mostly comes from the unknown... there was a lot of secrecy and that allowed some (US/UK etc) to fill the vacuum of information with the things they wanted them to think...

    Ironically most of the bad things the west accused the Soviets of the west was already guilty of... anti democratic acts like undermining democracy, creating puppet states that don't reflect the wishes of the people, resource stealing and land grabbing.

    Stalin was portrayed as a venomous land grabber... and while certainly venomous if that were the case why hand Manchuria back to China? Why release Austria from his grip? He kept eastern europe in his control, but wasn't that a little understandable after what had just happened... and the replacement of the Germans with NATO... a new powerful force with nuclear weapons.

    Of course all through the cold war most of what was known about the otherwise largely secret eastern front came from western german soldiers... so we hear that general winter was to blame... mass suicide frontal attacks... it was numbers that did it... despite Japan seeming to deal with rather larger numbers of Chinese forces during the same period... and of course we also hear from the west german soldiers that hitler tied their hands and made stupid decisions... like Stalin didn't make mistakes too.

    Now that the real Soviet records can be examined anything good was initially dismissed as propaganda and anything bad was true...

    The reality is rather different.
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    Post  Ice Man Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:51 pm

    Woodrow Wilson Center has a huge archive of documents from the Cold War, the military planning of the Warsaw Pact. West (NATO/US) highly overestimated the threats from the East, and in retrospect, we all did. However, they (WP) never moved outside their area of influence.

    I am amused to see how people act to threats, some are real threats, but most of the time threats are imaginary

    The oddest duck in the East was Nicolai Ceausescu; he played an important role in the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. Opposed the military intervention in Czechoslovakia 1968

    I was not allowed to add the link to Woodrow Wilson Center, but if you Google it and then go to their Digital Archive, you will find the documents about the Cold War. It is interesting to read it, but I haven't read all documents.

    However, the Swedish attitude never changed after the Cold War. Russia is still the arch enemy, and how the Swedes talk about Russia on forums, literature, within the Swedish military, and politicians. Among the academics it is much lesser of the hostile attitude. I spent over eight years in the academic world and I am going back to it a lot in my work

    I am pleased to be talking to Russians and other nationalities and I will do my best to try explain the Swedish policy and attitude.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:31 pm

    I think most of that Swedish russophobia is a lot older, namely originating from the northern war and winter war reinforced that. Hence the constant narva circlejerk the Swedish internet warriors do and their "honest civilised finnish and germanic superhumans vs evil propaganda spreading Asian hordes" rhetoric
    Hannibal Barca
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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 3 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Hannibal Barca Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:58 pm

    Ice Man wrote:Woodrow Wilson Center has a huge archive of documents from the Cold War, the military planning of the Warsaw Pact. West (NATO/US) highly overestimated the threats from the East, and in retrospect, we all did. However, they (WP) never moved outside their area of influence.

    I am amused to see how people act to threats, some are real threats, but most of the time threats are imaginary

    The oddest duck in the East was Nicolai Ceausescu; he played an important role in the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. Opposed the military intervention in Czechoslovakia 1968

    I was not allowed to add the link to Woodrow Wilson Center, but if you Google it and then go to their Digital Archive, you will find the documents about the Cold War. It is interesting to read it, but I haven't read all documents.  

    However, the Swedish attitude never changed after the Cold War. Russia is still the arch enemy, and how the Swedes talk about Russia on forums, literature, within the Swedish military, and politicians. Among the academics it is much lesser of the hostile attitude. I spent over eight years in the academic world and I am going back to it a lot in my work

    I am pleased to be talking to Russians and other nationalities and I will do my best to try explain the Swedish policy and attitude.  

    The big question you have to answer is not why Swedes afraid of Russia. This is too normal.
    The tough question is why they are so much allied and trusted with pretty much anyone else.

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