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    Russia's enemy countries


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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  flamming_python Mon Apr 12, 2021 11:18 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:So regarding Slovakia and their attempted bs against Sputnik vaccine looks like it failed. Slovak tests at a lab proved the effective use of Sputnik.

    Deputy PM of Slovakia said it was an attempt from enemies of Russia and Sputnik vaccine to cause a rift and force their removale.

    Good the sane part of the Slovak elite worked up some balls and retook the initiative from the haters.

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    Post  kvs Thu Apr 22, 2021 7:30 am

    A Russian company called Positive Technologies established that Intel CPUs have back-doors that are undocumented and allow
    total compromise of any security based on this hardware. The USA subsequently put Positive Technologies under sanction.
    Recall all the bitching and moaning about Huawei? Well, nobody ever demonstrated any hardware backdoors in the processors
    and ASICs.

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    Post  kvs Mon Apr 26, 2021 2:16 am

    Cyber attack Bay of Pigs.

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    Post  kvs Tue Apr 27, 2021 5:50 pm

    I couldn't find an appropriate thread for these ruminations so I will post them here.

    This is not a kiddie subject so bear with me. If anyone watches the recent crop of Chinese CGI "anime" short serials, a common theme
    emerges. The "bad guys" are over the top in their self-justification and self-delusion. In particular, they commit crimes and then get
    indignant and filled with rage because their target fights back. This is exactly the behaviour exhibited by NATzO. They attack and then
    blame the victim. There are YouCrap videos where you see threads of NATzO morons accusing the Donbass defenders of doing the shelling
    of residential areas. No matter how inane this rubbish is, it is straight out of the Chinese anime "exaggeration". If you listen to NATzO
    pundits and politicians, they spew exactly the same venomous hate at their victims. They also give themselves the authority to engage
    in military aggression around the world on whatever pretext the pull form their collective anus. And they think they will win and get away
    without any consequences.

    I think the Chinese understand the nature of power and global politics. Their isolation from the rest of the world over centuries was likely
    a deliberate attempt to not swim in this sea of shit. I doubt it was some simple stupid politics. But over the last 200 years they have
    been taught by history that you cannot isolate yourself and the western shit will eventually flow your way and swamp you. Russia has
    been dealing this tide of western shit for over 1000 years. There is no choice but to fight back and have the power to do so. Just like
    in those anime shorts.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Apr 28, 2021 7:36 am

    There are YouCrap videos where you see threads of NATzO morons accusing the Donbass defenders of doing the shelling
    of residential areas.

    Would be interesting to see how they support such accusations... I mean the Donbass victims are hardly going to benefit by shelling parts of the Ukraine... if starting a war was in their interests they could easily have done it already, more importantly if they are terrorists then their goal would be to take all of the Ukraine for Russia and not just the bit they live in so what actions to expand their bit have they implemented?

    Or if they are just Ukrainians unhappy with the coup government in Kiev they might do what they are doing now, hope for autonomy and keep the Orcs out and respond to shelling when it gets unbearable.

    Most of the Chinese people I know personally I like... just normal hard working people trying to get ahead.

    Ironically in the US there have been racist attacks against asians but it is black people attacking them so it is not given the attention of the police shootings... it seems Asian lives don't matter when it is black boots kicking them in the head when they are on the ground.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  flamming_python Wed Apr 28, 2021 10:20 am

    GarryB wrote:
    There are YouCrap videos where you see threads of NATzO morons accusing the Donbass defenders of doing the shelling
    of residential areas.

    Would be interesting to see how they support such accusations... I mean the Donbass victims are hardly going to benefit by shelling parts of the Ukraine... if starting a war was in their interests they could easily have done it already, more importantly if they are terrorists then their goal would be to take all of the Ukraine for Russia and not just the bit they live in so what actions to expand their bit have they implemented?

    Or if they are just Ukrainians unhappy with the coup government in Kiev they might do what they are doing now, hope for autonomy and keep the Orcs out and respond to shelling when it gets unbearable.

    Most of the Chinese people I know personally I like... just normal hard working people trying to get ahead.

    Ironically in the US there have been racist attacks against asians but it is black people attacking them so it is not given the attention of the police shootings... it seems Asian lives don't matter when  it is black boots kicking them in the head when they are on the ground.

    Blacks in the US are getting let off the hook for their own racism

    A lot of Asians reported slurs, attacks specifically from blacks, albeit certainly many whites insult them too.

    And of course black racism and racially aggrevated attacks against white people who have no relation to politics, or to the police or anything else.

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    Post  kvs Wed May 12, 2021 2:32 pm

    Czech-tardia is demanding compensation from Russia over its false accusation of the sabotage of an decrepit and illegal
    arms depot on its soil. This includes the Mickey Mouse inanity that the novichoke "agents" perpetrated it. I guess Russia must
    have only two agents available for all of its cheeseball 007 villain activity.

    BTW, claims of compensation require actual evidence and mere accusations.

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    Post  LMFS Wed May 12, 2021 4:17 pm

    That is specially rich coming from countries that were liberated by USSR in WWII, maybe they want that Russia puts a price to that too clown

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    Post  PhSt Wed May 19, 2021 12:06 am

    So the West loves to WHINE about alleged Russian "Interference" while they openly campaign for regime change in Russia Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

    EU Parliament report says regime change needed in Russia, recommends Brussels launch propaganda TV channel to help it happen

    Not content with months of worsening relations and the potential for military escalation, the European Parliament has now put forward a draft report insisting the EU needs to be more confrontational in its approach to Moscow.

    A draft report published online by the assembly’s Committee on Foreign Affairs caused consternation in Russian media on Monday, after statements came to light that argued the bloc “should establish with the US a transatlantic alliance to defend democracy globally” and “deter Russia” from supposed aggression in Eastern Europe.

    As part of its “vision” for future ties with Moscow, the paper concludes that the EU should put forward a number of incentives designed to persuade Russians that a turn to the West would be beneficial, including visa liberalization and “free trade investment.”

    It adds that the bloc “should also convey the potential benefits that it is willing to offer in return for a democratic transformation of Russia,” effectively committing it to a strategy of regime change, without commenting on the popularity of its current government or the preferences of voters.

    The document, on which MEPs had an opportunity to offer suggestions earlier this month, claimed that “the situation in Russia is deteriorating dreadfully because of President Putin’s systemic repression of democratic forces,” citing a large number of arrests at unauthorized protests held in January. It also explosively alleged that, in the lead up to parliamentary elections later this year, Putin is “waging a war against the people of Russia” that could worsen as the results come in.

    A poll published on Tuesday found that the Russian leader has the support of around 56% of voters, while each of the potential opposition candidates polled in single figures.

    One tool in the EU’s arsenal to target “Russian propaganda” and bring about the transition it wants to see would be, according to the report, “the establishment of a Free Russia Television with 24/7 airtime.” With declining audience figures for traditional media, quite why a conventional TV channel pushing out the EU’s talking points would change the landscape in Russia is unclear, given that other state-run broadcasters like America’s RFERL and Britain’s BBC offer similar services already. Furthermore, the presence of a large number of Russian-language news sites and YouTube channels that take a critical stance of the government means that there is no shortage of access to opposition-leaning coverage.

    At the same time, the committee puts forward a number of extreme steps that it says the bloc should take. It insists that Brussels “must be prepared not to recognize the parliament of Russia and to ask for Russia’s suspension from international organizations with parliamentary assemblies if the 2021 parliamentary elections in Russia are recognized as fraudulent.”

    The EU’s concern for Russian democracy comes amid warnings that the governments of two of its member states, Hungary and Poland, are undermining civil rights and personal liberties at home, while their ruling parties consolidate their grip on power.

    Over the course of last year, amid increasing political tensions, trade between the bloc and Russia fell by 21%, bottoming out at $219 billion, down from $417 billion. Brussels has since imposed sanctions against a number of Russian officials for their supposed role in the jailing of opposition figure Alexey Navalny, and alleged “human rights violations” in the policing of subsequent protests.

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    Post  flamming_python Wed May 19, 2021 2:04 am

    They already have a bunch of propaganda TV channels

    BBC, DW, Sky News, Current Time (a Russian-language channel based in the Czech republic, popular amongst Russian libtards) - take your pick. They have ones masquerading as Russian channels too, such as Dozhd

    One more isn't going to change anything

    Those morons are just grasping at straws. But if they want to throw their money away it's their right. After all now that Britain has pulled out of the EU, they took half the propaganda channels with them.

    As for visa-free travel for Russians in the name of regime change - I would welcome it. We should offer not only visa-free travel for EU citizens in turn, but also residency for ones with useful skills who want to escape the madness.

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    Post  GarryB Wed May 19, 2021 9:19 am

    It adds that the bloc “should also convey the potential benefits that it is willing to offer in return for a democratic transformation of Russia,” effectively committing it to a strategy of regime change, without commenting on the popularity of its current government or the preferences of voters.

    Yeah, I remember in the 1980s the promise was if they gave up communism that they would be welcomed into the international community and enjoy the benefit of investment and development and progress only democracy can give them...

    Does not really seem to have panned out... even for the Soviet republics that ended up joining HATO and getting those closer ties with the west.

    Perhaps instead of new propaganda channels they should follow through on growth and development and democracy for their current turncoats to show Russians what sort of future they could expect being subservient to the EU, which is itself subservient to the US...

    Considering the hostility and anger from the EU directed at the Russians and cheer leading from the US, it is interesting that they still have 200 billion a year in trade... if I was Russia I would be looking at ways of reducing that and directing it to other regions of the planet for Russia...

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    Post  slasher Thu May 20, 2021 11:31 pm

    Haven't noticed any posts regarding Norway's renewed hard-line approach to Russia. Like most of Europe they too have apparently gone berzerk with russophobia and are adopting some seriously adversarial positions in their policies toward Russia.
    From blocking Transmashholding (TMH Group) purchasing the Rolls-Royce-owned Bergen Engines company, to attempts to stifle and restrict Russia's legal rights and activities in Spitzbergen, the Norwegians have re-emphasized their already antagonistic posture toward Russia.
    Then recently, to top it off, by re-writing legislation to allow the US to build, operate and maintain their own facilities at military bases in Norway (at three airfields and a port from what I've read), as well as docking permissions for their nuclear submarines.
    These are some of the most "unfriendly" actions of any state I've seen toward Russia. I can't see Russia taking these developments lightly.

    But in the true style of the Russian leadership (gotta give it to Putin and Lavrov) rather than react excitedly, I imagine Russia would weigh carefully its options, fake smiles and talk the diplomatic language, while doing all that is necessary to safeguard Russia's interests very well aware of possible threats. They don't react hysterically like many in the West, but remain cool and calm and act with maturity and restraint. It's been such a hallmark of Russia's leadership under Putin.
    As Teddy Roosevelt said, speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.

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    Post  kvs Fri May 21, 2021 12:23 am

    I watched various Russian language videos on the subject of Norway but couldn't be bothered to post them.   Russia has no time
    to deal with every venomous gnat.   They do not matter whatsoever.   NATzO is using the trick of setting up a cacaphony of hater
    screeching that is supposed to show that the "international community" is condemning Russia for human rights violation and military
    aggression.   Most of the world has no incentive to swallow this shit.   The deciders in Washington who are running this freak show
    are making a terminal mistake, they are assuming that they can herd the world with cold war hysteria like before.   But before they
    had the angle of communist insurrection which motivated every two bit elite around the planet to align with Washington, such
    as in Latin America.   But this is impossible today since there is no Russian threat to foist regime change on every country, but such
    a threat exists from the "humanitarian" USA.   We may well see countries rallying around Russia and China and it will be the lunatics
    in Washington who will be contained.

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    Post  miketheterrible Fri May 21, 2021 6:11 am

    flamming_python wrote:They already have a bunch of propaganda TV channels

    BBC, DW, Sky News, Current Time (a Russian-language channel based in the Czech republic, popular amongst Russian libtards) - take your pick. They have ones masquerading as Russian channels too, such as Dozhd

    One more isn't going to change anything

    Those morons are just grasping at straws. But if they want to throw their money away it's their right. After all now that Britain has pulled out of the EU, they took half the propaganda channels with them.

    As for visa-free travel for Russians in the name of regime change - I would welcome it. We should offer not only visa-free travel for EU citizens in turn, but also residency for ones with useful skills who want to escape the madness.

    The problem is they work in the old Nazi way of thinking "tell a lie, a big lie and repeate it over and over again, and people will end up believing it".

    They are attempting to flood Russia's information space with Russian language channels and radio to all parrot the same stories. If all there is on TV or radio or what not BS from EU based news outlets in Russia, people will eventually fall for it.

    Which brings up a point. Why allow so many foreign news outlets? Make it clear that EU is allowed a total of 1 news outlets in Russia. Any other country within EU doing it a second time gets their signals blocked in Russia and their assets blocked.

    What they want is to prevent people in Russia being able to read, watch and listen to Russian news by flooding them with their own garbage.

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    Post  PhSt Sun May 23, 2021 4:24 am

    LOL The Colombian leadership must be so desperate that they have to resort to blaming Russia for the current mess they are in. Such irresponsible action is copied straight from American foreign policy handbook Laughing Laughing Laughing

    Russian Embassy Refutes Colombian Minister Remarks About Moscow Role in Inciting Violence

    MEXICO CITY (Sputnik) – The Russian Embassy to Colombia has expressed bemusement over the remarks of Colombian Defense Minister Diego Molano Aponte, who accused Russia of cyberattacks and inciting violence in the Latin American nation via social networks.

    "The Russian Embassy expresses deep bewilderment at the statements of the Colombian defense minister, Mr. Diego Molano, made on May 17 in an interview with one of the main Spanish media, El Mundo. In particular, the high-ranking Colombian official, answering the question of whether there was foreign interference via social networks aimed at inciting violence, said, we quote, 'there were cyberattacks that came, in particular, from Russia,'" the embassy wrote on its Twitter page on late Friday.

    According to the Russian diplomatic mission, the defense minister made similar statements in an interview with the Colombian newspaper Tiempo.

    "We strongly reject these claims. Such serious accusations against our country, which we consider completely unfounded and not supported by specific evidence, in no way contribute to the development of traditionally friendly relations between Russia and Colombia," the embassy noted.

    The Russian diplomatic mission has also expressed condolences over the reported fatalities during the protests in Colombia.

    The nationwide demonstrations started in Colombia on April 28 in protest of tax reform. Although the reform bill was later withdrawn, the protests continue. Labor and student organizations demand social and healthcare reforms, demilitarization of cities, and dissolution of Mobile Anti-Disturbance Squadron forces.

    Since April, according to the Defense Ministry, more than 1,900 people have been injured in clashes between security forces and protesters. The authorities have confirmed the deaths of 15 people, while human rights activists say more than 50 have been killed in the protests.

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    Post  kvs Sun May 23, 2021 4:54 am

    WTF does Russia need from this US-run drug paradise? All these politicians are so obvious with their drivel. Like all the ones
    in the EU who engage in "if there is a problem, blame Russia".

    Also, Columbia is part of the active effort by the US to destabilize Venezuela. Hypocrite bitches.

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    Post  kvs Mon May 24, 2021 4:44 pm

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    Post  miketheterrible Mon May 24, 2021 4:56 pm

    When nations keep blaming Russia for all their failures, Russia should place sanctions on them. And then state sanctions will be lifted as soon as proof is provided.

    I know most see it a s a bad joke now.

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    Post  andalusia Tue May 25, 2021 5:16 pm

    This is an interesting map of the friends, enemies etc. of the US

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    Post  PhSt Wed Jun 02, 2021 2:35 am

    Looks like the new regime in Sudan is sucking up to Uncle Scam. Perhaps Russia needs to stage its own regime change in the country to make them submit.

    Sudan says will review naval base agreement with Russia

    CAIRO, June 2. /TASS/. Sudan will review its naval base agreement with Russia, because some of its provisions are harmful for the country’s interests, Sudanese Chief of General Staff Muhammad Othman al-Hussein said in an interview with the Blue Nile TV channel on Tuesday.

    "We are reviewing the agreement on the Russian base at the moment, we cannot sign agreements that are harmful for Sudan," the channel quoted him as saying.

    "The agreement was signed under the previous regime, but it was never ratified by the legislature, as required by the international treaty approval procedure," the official went on. "That is why we are reviewing it, in a bid to determine Sudan’s interests with regard to this agreement. That is what the latest talks [with the Russian side] were all about. We seek advantages for ourselves in implementing this deal."

    At the same time, Muhammad Othman al-Hussein said his country was "open for military cooperation with the United States."

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    Post  kvs Wed Jun 02, 2021 2:41 am

    Screw 'em. Russia does not need to get its hands dirty with losers. And the days of this region being somehow of strategic importance
    are gone. The Suez is not vital for Russia. Maybe Egypt can deal with the potential back stabbers to the south.


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    Post  PhSt Wed Jun 02, 2021 2:57 am

    kvs wrote:Screw 'em.  Russia does not need to get its hands dirty with losers.   And the days of this region being somehow of strategic importance
    are gone.   The Suez is not vital for Russia.   Maybe Egypt can deal with the potential back stabbers to the south.

    Or maybe Russia can lend economic and political support to South Sudan to remind the North Sudanese double crossers that antagonizing Russia will come at a huge cost.

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    Post  kvs Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:59 pm

    Putin lays out the revisionist historical propaganda of the collective west against Russia. The fable about
    Ivan the Terrible killing his own son was started after Grozny told the Papal nuncio to take a hike and refused
    to convert Russia to Catholicism. The rest of his image as some over the top (in modern terms Bond villain)
    tyrant killing masses of people also flows from Russia not bending the knee to the west. The same hate
    spew as we see against Putin today.

    Putin makes the observation that when Russia develops a new industry, in this case so called light coloured metallurgy,
    all of the sudden the west engages dirty tricks such as anti-dumping provisions to suppress Russia's economy.
    There were 17 and expanded to 30 such "investigations" initiated against Russia in this branch. This
    has been going on for centuries.

    Putin also cites recent polling results that show that 1/3 of Japanese think that the USSR dropped the atomic
    bombs on Hiroshima and Nagaskai. I guess that revisionist history in Japan includes even revising who bombed
    them. Then these clowns demand territory they lost fair and square back from Russia because the international
    rules of war don't apply to them. Their recent military threats against Russia show how demented they are.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Jun 08, 2021 4:38 am

    It is important to point out that this shit has nothing to do with communism, I have a book written in the 1870s by a British soldier... an artilleryman, who describes the danger of those half Asian Russians potentially stealing the jewel in the British crown... India from her.

    Here in New Zealand a lot of major ports funded coastal artillery mounts because for a short period we thought the Russians were going to invade us and we thought we were too far away for Britain to send help so we would need to defend ourselves... these guns were built before WWI and had nothing to so with communism.

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    Post  kvs Tue Jun 08, 2021 5:56 pm

    So Slovak-tardia is going to start vaccination with Sputnik V after trying to smear it.

    Why is Russia supplying these scumbags with the vaccine? They should all get the mRNA "vaccine", they deserve it.

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