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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos


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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  Admin Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:50 am


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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Interesting video: Mockup of Georgian war

    Post  sepheronx Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:07 pm

    Just need to know, what they are saying.

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Georgia War multimedia

    Post  prime13 Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:58 am


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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  Admin Fri Nov 19, 2010 8:01 pm

    Made this last year


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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  ahmedfire Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:06 pm

    georgia put herself in awrong situation...
    by the way
    israel is going to equip georgia with modern hardware....

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  GarryB Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:54 am

    Wouldn't matter if the US gave them F-22s... the best they could hope for is to give Russia a bloody nose and that will likely result in a worse situation for them.

    They don't need lots of high tech weapons, what they need is to respect their new neighbours... Very Happy

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  ahmedfire Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:12 am

    GarryB wrote:Wouldn't matter if the US gave them F-22s... the best they could hope for is to give Russia a bloody nose and that will likely result in a worse situation for them.

    They don't need lots of high tech weapons, what they need is to respect their new neighbours... Very Happy
    when russia give syria some antiship missiles
    israel give georgia some new hardware,it's just apolitics..
    i agree with you ,georgia must respekt her neighbours lol!

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  GarryB Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:34 pm

    Israels relationship to its neighbours has many parallels with Russias relationship with Georgia, but in realistic terms Israel is much more of a bully than Russia is.

    Russia does not fly its aircraft all over Georgian airspace. It does fly over South Ossetian and Abkhazian airspace but that would be the same as Israelis flying over only captured land and they do more than that.

    Israeli incursions into other countries they suspect of having nuclear weapons programs also makes the comparison different as Russia really only entered actual Georgian territory in response to a Georgian attack. And even then they entered that territory to recover military material used against the new countries created by that conflict that was simply abandoned by the Georgian forces.

    The missiles the Russians sold to Syria will mean Israel will need to show Syria a bit more respect.

    Georgia will get more respect from Russia when Saakshvili is gone from power.

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty South Ossetia War (7-12 August 2008). Photos and Videos

    Post  Agressor Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:24 am

    Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST) has published new data on the losses of Russia in a five-day war in South Ossetia, August 8-12, 2008 - they were three tanks, armored vehicles and 20 aircraft and six. These data are presented in the article CAST "Loss of Russian military equipment" in an updated anthology "The tanks of August".
    "Russia's command and not released official figures on the losses of military equipment in the war. But the study of the available photo and video memories of war veterans and media materials, allowed to make an independent count" - said the CAST.
    So, during the fighting the Russians lost three tanks, one T-72B (M), a T-72B and one T-62. All of them were destroyed by the impact of fire. Significantly greater loss of at least 20 units suffered light armored vehicles. Is known about the loss of the conflict, Russian forces at least nine BMP-1, three BMP-2, two BTR-80, a BMD-2, three BRDM-2 and MT-LB. (Most of the lost APC came in peacekeeping battalions: the Russian and South Ossetian). Artillery, multiple rocket launchers, air defense was not lost, the article says.
    High losses were cars. In the Southern camp peacekeepers by artillery and tank shelling Russian peacekeeping battalion, which occurred on August 8, in the parking lot was destroyed almost all the motor-vehicle parked there - and it is not less than 20 units. During the fighting August 9 Georgian artillery fire destroyed ten truck GAZ-66 mortar batteries of the 135th and 693rd infantry regiments. Two trucks "Ural" were killed during the day on August 11 in a blow Georgian Mi-24 helicopters. A few more trucks were in serious traffic accidents.
    The fighting had been shot down six Russian aircraft: three Su-25, two Su-24 and one Tu-22M3. Even after the end of hostilities in South Ossetia, there was a plane crash, which lost two Russian helicopters - Mi-8MTKO and Mi-24.
    Russian Navy during the war losses of personnel or equipment damage from enemy fire was not.
    Official personnel losses accounted for 67 soldiers. Still listed missing Ledge sergeant and commander of the downed Tu-22M3 Colonel Alexander Koventsov.
    At the same time loss of the Georgian army was officially announced in 2008 and amounted to 170 manpower soldiers and 14 policemen were injured and 2 thousand people, says CAST.
    During the fighting, was completely destroyed by the navy of Georgia - two missile boats, and five patrol. Aviation losses were - three AN-2, three Mi-24 helicopters and one Mi-14.
    During the fighting had destroyed 15 tanks, burnt on the spot (Gori district) after fighting up to 20 tanks, 30 were taken by the Russian army as war booty.
    Army of Georgia lost during the fighting four BMP-2, three BTR-80 armored four "Cobra" (Turkey). 15 BMP-1U (upgraded in Ukraine) and two BMP-2 were taken as war booty.
    Georgian artillery had suffered losses as were destroyed during the fighting, four self-propelled 203 mm caliber "Peony", two "Dana" (Czech Republic). As the spoils of war the Russian army has a "Peony", two "Dana" and 20 self-propelled guns of various calibres.
    Besides the Georgian army has lost a large number of military transport vehicles (at least 30-40 One unit, freight and passenger cars)

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:59 am

    Hi Agressor, it is a forum rule that your first post is in the introductions and rules section.

    The idea is that you create a thread in there to introduce yourself and perhaps tell others a little about yourself so we know a little about you.

    Also a chance for us to welcome you to the forum... Smile

    You don't need to delete this thread, but an introduction would be appreciated.

    Regarding this thread you don't mention Georgian casualties in the attack on Poti.

    Also the suggestion of the loss of 2,000 Georgian civilians is a bit of a stretch isn't it, or are they referring to the South Ossetian civilians killed in the initial artillery attack and invasion by Georgia.

    Also as it is your thread are you including the resulting push by Abkhazian forces into Georgian held Abkhazian territory to reclaim lost land?

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:11 pm

    BTW I also noted you called the Backfire lost a Tu-22M3, which is not strictly correct, it is actually a Tu-22MR, which is based on the Tu-22M3, but it is a recon SEAD type aircraft, whereas the Tu-22M3 is a long range strike/bomber aircraft.

    Picky I know, but technically the MR is the correct tool for the job, it just needed to be properly upgraded for the role, which was not the case.

    A Tu-22M3 on the other hand is a bomber that would be sent in later after the enemy air defence network had been dealt with.

    There are rumours that a new Su-34 that was not even in operational service at the time was used to jam the defences and locate SAM sites. There are other suggestions that Mi-9 ESM helos performed that role.

    Either way it seems they lost a Backfire and a Fencer because they underestimated their enemy... there is talk that one or two of the lost Frogfoot aircraft were own goals too.

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  ahmedfire Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:43 pm

    I think it's abig loss in aircrafts.!

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  Agressor Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:23 pm

    GarryB wrote:Hi Agressor, it is a forum rule that your first post is in the introductions and rules section.

    The idea is that you create a thread in there to introduce yourself and perhaps tell others a little about yourself so we know a little about you.

    Also a chance for us to welcome you to the forum... Smile

    You don't need to delete this thread, but an introduction would be appreciated.

    Regarding this thread you don't mention Georgian casualties in the attack on Poti.

    Also the suggestion of the loss of 2,000 Georgian civilians is a bit of a stretch isn't it, or are they referring to the South Ossetian civilians killed in the initial artillery attack and invasion by Georgia.

    Also as it is your thread are you including the resulting push by Abkhazian forces into Georgian held Abkhazian territory to reclaim lost land?

    I have nothing against Georgia, South Ossetia or Abkhazia. The thread I created in order to describe the loss of the parties in the fighting equipment, put an end to speculation and to dispel some myths. I own a large volumes of information and if you will allow me to continue, you will learn many interesting things. your opinion?

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:17 pm

    You are most welcome to continue with this thread, and I was not questioning your motives.

    It is however a forum rule that before you start posting in this forum that you post an introduction thread in the "Member introductions and rules", and I am asking nicely that you follow that rule. I have not prejudged you... the fact that you are here suggests we have a shared interest in Russian military stuff, and I look forward to hearing your view on a range of topics.

    The relevant section is here:

    I look forward to reading the information you have on the conflict in 8 8 8 and discussing it with you, as information is not widely available, and as you mention there are plenty of myths regarding what happened.

    I think it's abig loss in aircrafts.!

    I agree, but we need to keep in mind that this was a surprise attack that unfolded rapidly during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Bejing.

    I think the thing that helped Russia is that Georgias treatment of South Ossetia made it unpopular in North Ossetia, and there was a general animosity between the Chechens and the Georgians, so rather than taking a week or so to form up a ground force to go and deal with Georgia, I think there were plenty of volunteers from North Ossetia and Chechnia that were more than willing to go and fight the Georgians... the Russian force was made largely of volunteers with an axe to grind so to speak that were well motivated.

    If they had been the aggressor and had been performing recon missions to examine the Georgian forces they might have spotted the BUK and other dangerous forces early and would only likely have lost Frogfoot aircraft.

    With an upgrade of the Frogfoot to add the President-M self defence suite they might not have lost any aircraft at all, as the system includes DIRCMs which would have defeated the MANPADS that brought them down.

    Well they are upgrading all of their Frogfoot aircraft, they are introducing UAVs to improve recon, and the introduction of the Su-34 should greatly improve their electronics capabilities as well as their ability to strike targets.

    They did use Tu-22M3s for bombing as shown by this photo:

    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 13ce4910

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Loss of military equipment GEORGIA

    Post  Agressor Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:18 pm



    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Ae6c4984c1d4
    Who: T-72AV (tactical number 109). Over the blasted tank is a tank abandoned (tactical number 111) which was taken in the booty. The unit is not installed tanks
    Where: South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, Isak Harebova Street, entrance of Tskhinvali by the Zar road, in Oak Grove.
    August 8 hit South Ossetian militias, or destroyed by the Russian aviation
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 92c1cf554e74
    Who: T-72AV (tactical number 110). The division of the tank is not installed.
    Where: South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, Khetagurovo road, near the village Tbet
    Thrown on the road on August 8 August 9 passing undermined by Russian troops.
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 94d1b53caba9
    Who: T-72AV (tactical number 125). The division of the tank is not installed.
    Where: South Ossetia, Tskhinvali road-Khetagurovo
    Abandoned by Georgian forces on August 8. August 9, during the passage of the column the 1st Battalion of the 135th Motorized Rifle Regiment 19 DPA, has been undermined by Major Denis Vetchinovym.
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 97ac1611c155
    Who: 2 T-72B (tactical numbers failed to install) from the separate Gori Tank Battalion.
    Where: South Ossetia, Tskhinvali
    crossing the streets of Moscow and the Railway Station (Peacekeeper)
    Destroyed during the day on August 8, between 13:00 and 14:00, a group of militia of General Barankevich. Both crew were killed.
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 2621d9076c5c
    Who: T-72AV (unit and tactical number is not installed)
    Where: Irrigation canal between Zemo Nikozi and Tskhinvali to 400 meters southeast of the southern camps peacekeepers.
    The tank was shooting for a peacekeeping base and was hit morning of August 8 response grenade fire from the base of peacekeepers.
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Ac63e12de96c
    Who: The T-72B (a division and the tactical number is not installed)
    Where: South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, Street Heroes
    Was hit and burned down on August 8. First, the tank was disabled by transmission, and then fired from an RPG in the back of the tower, where there was no DMZ. The crew managed to from the tank, but was killed in a shootout.
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 015f09467fae
    Who: The T-72AV (tactical number 425) from the separate Gori Tank Battalion.
    Where: South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, the area of kindergarten № 14
    Was hit and thrown into a crew of 8 or 9 August.
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 0597d574c1e7
    Who: tips over the T-72AV. Perhaps because of the mixed mehanezirovannogo Battalion of the 2nd Infantry Brigade
    Where: Georgia, settlement Surami
    Details are unknown, possibly non-combat losses
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos F4b65460c512
    Who: The T-72B (tactical number 406) from the separate Gori Tank Battalion
    Where: South Ossetia, Tskhinvali
    crossing the streets of Moscow and the Railway Station (Peacekeeper)
    Destroyed during the day on August 8, between 13:00 and 14:00, General Barankevich. Hit of the RPG-7 in the back of the tower, as a result of the detonation of ammunition tank blown to pieces. Tower flew several meters of reinforced concrete and broke the visor Sovprofa building.
    The entire crew of the tank number 406
    Lieutenant George Romelashvili Murazovich
    Corporal Birtvelishvili Zaza Tamazovich
    Corporal Sukhitashvili Otar Dimitrijevic
    officially been missing
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos E8aae1e9aeb2
    Who: The T-72B (tactical number 207) from the 2nd Infantry Brigade
    Where: Georgia, Senaki
    Discovered by Russian troops seized a military base in Senaki and burned.
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 40d76f9e71a2
    Who: The T-72B (tactical number 207) from the 2nd Infantry Brigade
    Where: Georgia, Senaki
    Discovered by Russian troops seized a military base in Senaki and burned.
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Bfcf6e7b80a4
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos B1a55bbdae46
    Who: destroyed Georgian T-72 tanks of various modifications
    Where: Georgia, near the town of Gori
    In addition to combat losses, after the cessation of hostilities, 15-20 Georgian T-72 tanks had been captured by Russian troops at a military base in Gori and destroyed by explosive demolition near the town of divisions 42 infantry division
    URL=]2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos A51edf991921[/URL]
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Da5e7ad3aa6b
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 8d184349c2e4
    Abandoned and captured Georgian tanks


    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Bc60af4b78f1
    Georgian BMP-2 in Tskhinvali, the crew was thrown
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos F0938e7b43e1
    Georgian BMP was blown up on Gori-Tbilisi highway during the withdrawal of the Georgian army
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos D5a3245709d6
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 28e39bdca4e3
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Bda47fc60f9f
    Georgian BMP-2 burned Russian Su-25 in a raid on Georgian convoy
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 1b74cd43ad89
    Georgian BMP-2 - blown up by Russian units under Gori after the cessation of hostilities
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 8e18194252b7
    Padded BTR "Cobra" on Stalin Street № 307
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 16fb1ab7a67a
    Ossetians in the armored car trophy "Cobra" № 09
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 42986193
    By krion109 at 2011-08-06
    Burnt by the BTR-80 Gori. Presumably - Georgian
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Ad4c6e9e6552
    Driving captured Georgian BMP "squall" in Russia. BMP "flurry" of Ukrainian origin were abandoned by Georgian troops on a military base in Gori at full strength (15 cars)
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 792c081d0b4b
    Captured Georgian armored "Humvee" in Poti


    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Dcb84ad542b4
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 73ca7d2c572a
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 6dfbf1a80db9
    Georgian D-30, abandoned and broken down into firing positions at Gori
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 73617ccee81a
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos A53641d6cb67
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos F47c2d3e3a44
    Georgian D-30 thrown in Kodori (Abkhazia), all in the Kodori Gorge Abkhazian forces captured six Georgian D-30 and about 2000 rounds to them
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 8af83af5833e
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 8a416822e003
    Struck by the Georgian howitzer "MSTA-B" was struck by the struggle of the Russian counter-battery artillery shell fuse was installed on the explosive action and worked already in the ground. The gun was damaged and repair mechanisms are not subject to (Data from the forum
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 3b182783655e
    abandoned Georgian MTLB gun MT-12 "Foil"
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos A362c9801777
    Captured Georgian guns of Tskhinvali
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 6b1a696ab68e
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 7147cb9aac4b
    Burned Georgian ACS vz.77 "DANA" in Gori district
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 3b41101d9b21
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos C72f3907fdf6
    Abandoned and Captured georgian vz.77 "DANA"
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 03b0947bde17
    Trophy Georgia ACS 2S7 "Pion"
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 113a775f839e
    Starting the container from the Georgian MRLS LAR-160 in the Kodori Gorge. According to unconfirmed reports a Georgian MRLS LAR-160 was destroyed in Kodori (Abkhazia)


    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Fb37ef541b3c
    Georgian MI-24 - destroyed by a group of Russian troops on Georgian occupied the air base in Senaki
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos F57edbc9b0db
    Georgian MI-24 - destroyed by the Russian military helicopter MI-24 during a raid in the Georgian airbase at Senaki
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 1a2a7a1d85c4
    Destroyed Georgian Mi-14BT - destroyed by the Russian military helicopter MI-24 during a raid in the Georgian airbase at Senaki
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 15805ba49e30
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Bbbda1cdfaf6
    Destroyed Georgian military transport aircraft AN-2 in Marneuli - destroyed by air strikes by Russian aviation in the Georgian airbase at Marneuli: total destruction of 3 aircraft parked there and the whole motor-vehicle traffic


    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 9cf346ab807e
    Blown RK "Tbilisi"
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 8dc5fd282008
    Sunk RK "Dioskuria"
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 7f4291acdb14
    Submerged patrol boat P-204
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos D32bf95ebed7
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos D1c52d7db3d2
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Ba2b9ba27ca0
    In addition, maritime armed clash at the coast of Abkhazia by the Russian ships had been destroyed a Georgian patrol boats


    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos D8a61cefe58b
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Cafc7d377045
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 6f2ddf68ab99
    Burned Georgian KRAZ columns headquarters company of the 2nd Infantry Brigade of Georgian Armed Forces at x / d plant Shindisi. The column was completely destroyed by Russian troops - were killed and 15 Georgian soldiers
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Aff804d18a4e
    Destroyed Georgian KRAZ in villages Mereti. Destroyed by the Russian aviation
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 64c21a57d36e
    Burnt Georgian KRAZ near the village of Ergneti

    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 4c4478eb12d8
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 174a714dba61
    Abandoned and captured KRAZ

    Other trucks
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 2255914bbde0
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos E4c663948ff7
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 9716cbef6148
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos A4ec8e19de28

    "Tayota Haylyuks," etc.
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 7f228fdd7011
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 874d2936cf77
    Burnt Georgian pickup "Haylyuks" in the "oak grove" in the south of Tskhinvali
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 35d768d79281
    Bunch of burned-out vehicles from the convoy of Georgian headquarters company of the 2nd Infantry Brigade of Georgian Armed Forces at x / d plant Shindisi
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 4fe0c2fa7bb2
    A group of 10 Georgian "Tayot" was destroyed by Russian Su-25 attack near the village of Mereti
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 6eb1eb4ffa45
    Destroyed by the headquarters "LAND ROVER" from the column headquarters company of the 2nd Infantry Brigade of Georgian Armed Forces at x / d plant Shindisi
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 4e90a82fde02
    Abandoned Georgian military truck / transporter MAZ-537 (partially burned)

    7.Air defense and SAM

    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 5e3e5a67c939
    Abandoned anti-aircraft gun S-60 (with MTLB)
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 1b8894525312
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 08cb7e2ddbf7
    Trophy SAM "BUK-M" and TZM (transport-loading machine). Captured at a military base in Senaki: only captured two SAMs and 2 TRV
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 570a1285f637
    Captured Georgian "Buki" and TRV - prepared for shipment to the Russian territory to the Georgian-transporters as MAZ-537 (also captured in the same area)
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 2394cd00d6f8
    Trophy SAM "OSA-AK" (captured in the vicinity of Gori)


    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 6b1b4f89aebd
    Broken (or abandoned) mobile Georgian radar P-18
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 71403a311254
    Destroyed Georgian radar 36D6. Struck by a missile from a Russian SU-34
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos B307d4141b33
    Destruction of civilian Georgian radar station near Tbilisi airport (which was integrated into the defense of Georgia)
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 39c369925ddb
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 006a66d758d4
    Discounted and abandoned IMR-2
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 845b25517ebe
    Trophy BTS-2
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 79e716c7efa4
    In addition to military equipment to Georgia bases were captured, and there are interesting machines
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 515cb8ee5167
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 75a03461a6ad
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 4c6ecb8d61b7
    Georgian mountains of weapons and ammunition

    Last edited by Agressor on Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Loss of military equipment RUSSIA

    Post  Agressor Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:47 pm

    Loss of military equipment RUSSIA

    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos F4ba3a699817
    Who: T-72BM/BU tank from the 141st Tank Battalion separate
    Where: South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, South peacekeeping base.
    Burned 09/08/2008, at approximately 18-19 hours of the day on the southern outskirts of Tskhinvali, in the location of the base of the Russian peacekeepers. One of the two tanks 141 OTB, forced their way into the location of the peacekeepers in an unsuccessful attempt to release them during the day August 9 by the first battalion of 135 SMEs and 141 tank company OTB. The tank support fire for several hours peacekeepers, exhausted ammunition and was damaged. The crew abandoned him and joined the peacekeepers, and then in the evening August 9 went along with them. Tank commander, Lieutenant Alexander Popov was wounded in the leg.
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 62d95ff4c47f
    Who: The T-62M (tactical number 232) from the 70 th Motorized Rifle Regiment 42th Guards Motorized Rifle Division
    Where: South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, Moscow street
    Hit around noon on August 10 in Tskhinvali, on the street of Moscow. Killing two crew members - Commander of a tank platoon Guard Lieutenant Vitaly Neff and charging tank Guard soldier Serik Kumarov.
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos B3143dec661c
    Who: The T-72B (tactical number 321) from the 1st Tank Battalion Company 693rd Cavalry Regiment 19th Infantry Division
    Where: Georgia, the village of Zemo Khviti
    Destroyed around 14.30 on 11 August in the village of Zemo Khviti (Zemo Quito) Outdoor Column 693rd infantry regiment entered the village and was ambushed. The tank was hit by a grenade launcher, as a result of falling into the tank ammunition exploded, killing the entire crew of Lt. Michael Molchan driver's ordinary conscript Maxim Pasko and operator-gunner ordinary conscripts Dmitry Burdenko. Anti-tank calculation Georgians shot down the tank, was in turn destroyed by soldiers of the battalion "Vostok" with the sweep of the village.


    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos F25b492d1577
    BRDM-2 reconnaissance company of the 135th Motorized Rifle Regiment from the BTG. Destroyed by hitting the tank armor-piercing projectile.
    Severe wound received her mechanic-driver Oleg Riedel (lost his sight)
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 1b8ddf818624
    During the march the regiment in South Ossetia, August 9, an accident with fatalities. Even in Russia, North Ossetia, armored regiment fell from a bridge near the village of Nar.
    As a result, killing two soldiers regiment junior sergeants Kondrashov and Tsygankov, three more soldiers were injured.
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Abf114c6fd52
    BTR-80 242-second self-propelled artillery regiment of the 19th mechanized infantry division. Non-combat losses - an accident August 8, 2008 in South Ossetia, the nomination of the regiment.
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos F5187faba5de
    On the morning of August 8, during a march to the aid of an attacked Tskhinvali the column advanced battalion tactical group 693rd Motorized Rifle Regiment through Guftinsky bridge, the engine of BMP-2 № 005 is stuck right on it. For a quick
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 0289b220fcb4
    Russian BMP-2 from the 135th Regiment. Burned by Georgian mortars on the Dzar Road
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 29706cff9d62
    A group of three wrecked BMP-1 column from the 1st Battalion, 135th Cavalry Regiment (General Khruleva column). These BMPs were in the head of the column and which was destroyed by Georgians, not the entire column
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos E68f52261a62
    Russian BMP-2 from the 693rd Motorized Rifle Regiment. Burned in a battle in the village of Zemo Nikozi
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 42aedbb36a06
    Burned Russian machine guns 1V13 fire-control based on MTLB landfill technology in Tskhinvali
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Bc382ddb916b
    When nominating a column by day August 11th battalion of the Georgian territory inland was damaged as a result of "friendly fire" from a Russian Su-25
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Fa187331b28c
    As a result of fighting and heavy shelling of the Georgian peacekeeping battalion of artillery Russia lost almost all their equipment


    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 32d875909b2e
    Russian GAZ-66. Burned by Georgian mortars on the Zar Road. Total burned 4-10 cars
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 7ca5f64f2576
    Russian URAL fell off a cliff. non-combat losses
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos De0907de1074
    Frustrated URAL Russian peacekeeping battalion


    The wreckage of Russian combat aircraft to Georgia and South Ossetia
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 0bfc881dd893
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 6ca693b8ed24
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 8befa47a32d2
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 7ea855ffaa11

    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos A4219b74a29f
    Non-combat losses, which occurred several days after the end of active hostilities. When landing on a platform near the town of Java hurt Mi-24 helicopter, standing on the ground that led to catastrophe. Mi-8MTKO crashed and caught fire. Killed Alexander Burlachko mechanic, the other three crew members were seriously burned. As a result of fire or explosion of munitions 8MTKO Mi-and Mi-24 were completely destroyed.

    Last edited by Agressor on Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Loss of military equipment SOUTH OSSETIA

    Post  Agressor Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:51 pm

    1. TANKS

    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos E979b8df8bc2
    T-55 from the separate Army tank company in South Ossetia. Hit in Tskhinvali, was wounded a driver


    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 849b5dda9b53
    BMP-2 № 119 from the South Ossetian battalion of "Alania"
    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 8ee8674ae128
    BMP-2 № 118 from the South Ossetian battalion of "Alania"

    Russian Patriot
    Russian Patriot

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  Russian Patriot Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:03 pm

    My colleague GarryB asked you to do a intro and yet you break the rules and continue ?

    Follow the Request or you will be banned and this thread deleted!

    I give you 48 hours to do so!


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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  Admin Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:02 pm

    Agressor has been banned for back talking moderators. I like the thread so it can stay open.

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  ali.a.r Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:19 am

    It's a pity. He had a lot of potential.

    From all accounts, I understand that out of the six or seven Russian aircraft lost in the war, only two were shot down by Georgia. The rest were due to friendly fire from Russian forces on the ground using mostly MANPADS. I'm guessing that these quite high losses were due to lack of a proper Command & control system, especially between the AirForce and the troops on the ground. Yes?

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:18 am

    6-7 is a little high.

    AFAIK there was the Tu-22MR, a Su-24 of unknown type (could have been the strike model or possibly the recon or jammer model), and 3 Su-25s, with quite a few Su-25s landing with one engine severely damaged.

    Considering that the Georgians claimed they moved their forces into South Ossetia in response to Russian aggression, I would not believe a single thing they say.

    Not to say I believe everything the Russians say of course... the first victim of war is often the truth.

    From what I have read the Frogfoot aircraft were operating low as normal to spot and engage ground targets with unguided weapons.

    The Tu22MR and the Su-24 on the other hand would not be flying low as they recognised the main threat to aircraft were MANPADS.

    The aircraft I mentioned above that were shot down were shot down because the BUK has a large 70kg warhead, while the Su-25s that were damaged and returned to base were hit by MANPADs.... likely Groms and Iglas.

    I am sure agressor might have been interesting to chat to on this and perhaps other topics, but he had completely the wrong attitude.

    When asked to comply with the forum rules and post an introduction he obviously lost his temper and sent an abusive PM to RP. I am an easy going guy, but that is just not acceptable.

    Perhaps with a break of two weeks or a month he might think about what he has said and done and with a sincere apology to Russian Patriot might get unbanned... that is totally up to Vlad.

    He has obviously spent a lot of time putting the above posts together and I was rather looking forward to discussing them with him, but his behaviour was childish and insulting and couldn't be ignored.

    I mean ask yourself... was posting an introduction really that hard?

    Of course he might just never come back... it is up to him ...and Vlad of course, I think a cool down period, plus a sincere apology and a promise to follow the rules might satisfy Vlad.

    Just from his posts I can tell agressor is likely Russian, so it would be useful to have him, but again there is no place for people who don't follow the rules and abuse Mods.

    Anyway... here is a pic:

    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos 1df42a10

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  ali.a.r Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:19 am

    To the best of my knowledge Russian aircraft losses were, 1 Tu-22M, two Su-24 and three/four Su-25. Thats just what I heard, I'm happy to be wrong.

    As for Agressor, if he's in a repenting mood, I say give him another chance.

    Are those Humvees captured from the Georgians?

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:09 pm

    Off Topic
    As for Agressor, if he's in a repenting mood, I say give him another chance.

    Sorry, I don't think it is appropriate to discuss this sort of thing on the forum... this is not a democracy, and I am not prepared to give you all the details of what was said by whom.

    I think we should just leave it at things were said in anger, so a cooling off period has been imposed. The door is not closed and bolted and then bricked up, but a serious and sincere apology and attitude change needs to occur before that kid is allowed to come and play in this toyshop again.

    There are no rights to be here, Vlad makes the rules, and in this case aware of the facts that I am aware of I agree with the decisions made.

    No more discussion about this please, I only posted this because I felt other members needed an explanation... this will not become a public discussion for all the same reasons that trial by media is bad.

    Back on topic, I had heard mention of two Su-24s, but had not heard confirmation of the second from the Russians.

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  ali.a.r Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:51 pm

    Ok. Ok. I got it.

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    2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos Empty Re: 2008 South Ossetia War: Photos and Videos

    Post  ali.a.r Sat Jan 07, 2012 8:39 am

    Back on topic, I had heard mention of two Su-24s, but had not heard confirmation of the second from the Russians.

    To the best of my knowledge, the first Su-24 was shot down on the morning of August 9. It was apparently brought down by Grom MANPADS. The incident was recorded on camera, so it's pretty much undisputed.

    The second Su-24, was shot down on the morning of August 11. It was apparently shot down by a Russian convoy en route to Gori using MANPADS (a friendly fire incident). The only solid evidence is the wreckage which ended up all over the S.Ossetian mountains.

    Thats the best I can find. I got it by checking and cross-checking various accounts (some pro-Russian versions claimed just one Su-25 was lost, while the more anti-Russian ones preposterously claimed that as many as 15 aircraft were downed). I just narrowed it down to the six or seven incidents which appear in most reports.

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