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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China


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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty Re: Possible war between USA and Russia/China

    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:33 am

    The US's conventional capabilities are ignored by the US when discussing balance with Russia and China.

    It is like the guy with the machine gun complaining that the other two guys have got bayonetes fixed to their rifles and that if they are not careful someone might get jabbed.

    I also find it amusing that the US fears that if Russia or China perceive they might have a nuclear superiority that they might start throwing their weight around in a colonial like way... like the US does now... talk about fearing your own reflection.

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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty Re: Possible war between USA and Russia/China

    Post  Viktor Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:37 am

    Its interesting also that US by all means possible want to believe Russia and China and China and India and etc

    will point their nukes at each other and while such scenario will evolve they will hold upper hand of morality by democracy and freedom


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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty Re: Possible war between USA and Russia/China

    Post  TheRealist Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:52 am

    It makes me very suspicious why the US is not particularly happy when the Russian Federation have showned that they would no longer re-new the Nunn-Lugar Agreement. And in some articles I have read the American side have stated that Russian tactical nukes are destabilizing and that the creation of a new liquid fueled missile is unnecessary. Makes me wonder why the Americans gets a little noisy when it comes to the nuke arsenals of other countries.

    Another interesting point in the article is Russian and Chinese suspicion of one another, yes their is still some issues however compared to the adaptability of foreign policy the Russians and Chinese see a far greater benefit in maintaing a good diplomatic not to mention a ever expanding trade relation that is not coupled with the threat of currency manipulator title which the US gov't seems to want to put on China. Besides Russia and China knows how to separate business and politics which is essential. Besides as long as Russia and China maintain a credible nuclear deterrent the relationship is stable.

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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty Re: Possible war between USA and Russia/China

    Post  GarryB Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:08 am

    Like any spoiled brat... it is not enough to get everything you want, when you want it... being able to prevent the other kids from having what you have is very important too.

    The main reason the Russians want to end the program is that it gives far too much secret data to the Americans while America is not obliged to divulge the same information to Russian regarding their own weapons.

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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty China And Russia’s Nuclear Submarines Capable Of Striking American Bases...

    Post  nemrod Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:22 pm

    The purpose of US military complex is always the same, when they want more money from the tax-payers, chieftly US middle-class, they invent threat, in order to be diffused by US media. The goal here is to increase and to upgrade the US militay nuclear stock atomic weaponneries, that is around more than 2500 nuclear warheads. Meanwhile China is not more than few hundreds nuclear warheads -about Russia, I don't know-.
    The problem nowadays, is more critical for US than it seems, US simply could not afford these new expenses. US system is in total bankrupcy. This is not the case for Russia and China.

    China And Russia’s Nuclear Submarines Capable Of Striking American Bases Says U.S. Navy

    China and Russia’s nuclear submarine capabilities have been increasing rapidly in recent years and the U.S. Navy is already assessing how it will change its strategy based upon recent advancements in technology. A U.S. Navy Admiral is also warning that both the Chinese and Russian navy are becoming capable of striking American bases.

    In a related report by The Inquisitr, the Russian military successfully tested a Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launched from the Russian nuclear submarine the Vladimir Monomakh. The test nuclear missile flew from the White Sea near Russia’s border with Finland and hit its target nearly 3,500 miles away on the Kamchatka peninsula north of Japan. This was considered significant since the Bulava ICBM has suffered repeated glitches in the past which lead to launch failures. Vladimir Putin also discussed a 2016-2025 Russian nuclear weapons modernization program focused on creating a “guaranteed nuclear deterrent.”

    Navy Vice Adm. Michael Connor made a comparison to the Cold War when discussing recent world events, but also seemed to indicate that China was a potential threat instead of just Russia.

    “The Soviet Union devolved into Russia but they kept their nuclear capabilities,” Connor said. “They are now re-growing those capabilities and others. As they re-grow, we find that modern Russia appears to have some aspirations both territory-wise and influence-wise that are reminiscent of the way they behaved when we had the Soviet Union. The world has become multi-polar and we have competition for global influence and power from a rising China — which is also very much on our mind. The Chinese have had ballistic missile submarines in some form for a while. Their pace has accelerated and they have several nuclear ballistic missile submarines and are continuing to build more.”

    The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) believes the Chinese Navy is now “increasingly capable of striking targets hundreds of miles from the Chinese mainland” and the deployment of the Jin SSBN “would mark China’s first credible at-sea-second-strike nuclear capability.” ONI even believes China’s nuclear ICBM aboard the new submarine would “enable the Jin to strike Hawaii, Alaska and possibly western portions of CONUS [continental United States] from East Asian waters.” According to Stars and Stripes, China’s nuclear weapons capabilities have also been augmented by the HK-6 bomber, a nuclear-capable aircraft with a range of about 2,000 miles, and the Dong Feng-41 ICBM, capable of launching multiple nuclear warheads.

    An article from China Daily Mail reports that the Chinese language news site Qianzhan is claiming that “China’s reclamation in key areas in the South China Sea will enable China to set up naval and air bases for anti-submarine aircrafts and warships to contain US nuclear submarines.” In addition, when “China’s new nuclear submarines have been commissioned and communication technology improved, Chinese nuclear submarines will be able to operate near the U.S.” The article does note that since China’s nuclear weapons have long range capability some believe “it is not necessary for a Chinese strategic nuclear submarines to cruise near the U.S. to make American people nervous.”

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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty Re: Possible war between USA and Russia/China

    Post  GarryB Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:51 am

    The US seems unable to function without a serious threat to be afraid of and to work against... I guess it has been all these years of lowering the bar... Nazi Germany was a serious threat, and the Imperial Japanese became so when pushed into a corner with economic sanctions.

    the Soviet Union was again a worthy adversary, but since the 50s things have become pathetic... the reunification of Korea was hardly a matter for the UN, and keeping Vietnam split apart was a waste of energy too... grenada, iraq, haiti, Serbia, Bosnia, cuba, most of the countries of the middle east... all minor situations which, if left alone would not have destabilised the west.

    On the other hand interfering around the world in every little sht hole that has oil with bombing and the claim you are saving the world from factor x, has cost a lot of money and men and time, and not made the world safer or better or more moral... all the time telling your public you are a force for good in the world, when in fact you are an imperial power keeping your rich mates rich and their enemies at the muzzle of a gun... whether they fight for communism or nationalism.

    If you don't believe me even today the richest people in Cuba tend to be the whitest.... similar situation in central and south america and north america too.
    par far

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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty US in for 'major war with nuclear Russia'

    Post  par far Sat Oct 18, 2014 10:24 pm

    We know what the war on terror is all about, hope Russia is ready. In 2016 us elections will happen and after that they will push for war.

    Mike E
    Mike E

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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty Re: Possible war between USA and Russia/China

    Post  Mike E Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:15 am

    par far wrote:We know what the war on terror is all about,  hope Russia is ready. In 2016 us elections will happen and after that they will push for war.

    They simply cannot go to war with Russia... As a US citizen, we don't have the money, we don't have the equipment *ready*, and most importantly - the public doesn't want war, more so against Russia. The nuclear shield is more relevant than ever, and I expect it to stay that way for years to come... If the US actually goes to war with Russia (they won't), you can bet your money that there will be a bad case of coup d'etat heading towards Washington.

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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty Re: Possible war between USA and Russia/China

    Post  Werewolf Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:09 am

    Mike E wrote:
    par far wrote:We know what the war on terror is all about,  hope Russia is ready. In 2016 us elections will happen and after that they will push for war.

    They simply cannot go to war with Russia... As a US citizen, we don't have the money, we don't have the equipment *ready*, and most importantly - the public doesn't want war, more so against Russia. The nuclear shield is more relevant than ever, and I expect it to stay that way for years to come... If the US actually goes to war with Russia (they won't), you can bet your money that there will be a bad case of coup d'etat heading towards Washington.

    What do you think US has so many slaves for?

    Like in Roman empire they will send stupid retarded slave countries to do their wars aka EU and NATO and even non NATO slaves are doing their Terrorist academies with annually thousands graduates.

    WW3 is set in stone that is unavoidable.
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty Re: Possible war between USA and Russia/China

    Post  Mike E Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:22 am

    Werewolf wrote:
    Mike E wrote:
    par far wrote:We know what the war on terror is all about,  hope Russia is ready. In 2016 us elections will happen and after that they will push for war.

    They simply cannot go to war with Russia... As a US citizen, we don't have the money, we don't have the equipment *ready*, and most importantly - the public doesn't want war, more so against Russia. The nuclear shield is more relevant than ever, and I expect it to stay that way for years to come... If the US actually goes to war with Russia (they won't), you can bet your money that there will be a bad case of coup d'etat heading towards Washington.

    What do you think US has so many slaves for?

    Like in Roman empire they will send stupid retarded slave countries to do their wars aka EU and NATO and even non NATO slaves are doing their Terrorist academies with annually thousands graduates.

    WW3 is set in stone that is unavoidable.
    I completely disagree... Any war with Russia, and you can expect a revolution here in the US. In fact, I doubt many troops would even fight! 

    The best way for war to be stopped or avoided, is internally, and that is how it is here in the US... 

    Not with nuclear weapons it isn't. People have been predicting WW3 ever since WW2, and guess what?

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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty Re: Possible war between USA and Russia/China

    Post  Asf Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:52 am

    Any war with Russia, and you can expect a revolution here in the US.

    That's what FEMA camps are for  Smile
    Mike E
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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty Re: Possible war between USA and Russia/China

    Post  Mike E Fri Oct 24, 2014 10:43 pm

    Asf wrote:
    Any war with Russia, and you can expect a revolution here in the US.

    That's what FEMA camps are for  Smile
    That's a completely loony joke of a conspiracy theory... I'm a "conspiracy theorist" myself, but FEMA camps went over the line... There really hasn't been much (if any) real evidence supporting the theory, for crying out loud they used cheap plastic coffin (holder things) as proof! 

    Them can't jail the whole country anyway, and war is a great way to get citizens riled up for good or for bad.

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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty Re: Possible war between USA and Russia/China

    Post  Asf Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:29 pm

    Them can't jail the whole country anyway, and war is a great way to get citizens riled up for good or for bad.
    All jokes aside, it's possible during martial law. Look at nazi germany. So you have to start a war and obtain martial rights in order to mobilize people, take extraordinary power, suppress any opposition, ect.

    American are mostly ignorant and patriotic (no offence!). It's not that hard to tell about red bear is alive, begin a propaganda campaign, starting with somekind of a false flag operation, say, russians attack another civilian plane full of cute kittens. Jingoistic early-war patriotism wave will wash many brains, you will see crowds screaming 'Let's show those communist bastarts the taste of an apple pie! Don't tread on us!'. And after that - first casulities, hatred and vengeance will start to burn bright, goverment will start witchhunt and many will be sure they do a right thing sppressing off the dissension. Day by day the hysteria will grow until the goverment will take full control over society, and then it will be too late. Even if someone will choose to fight own goverment, they will be displayed as radicals, terrorists and treacherous bastartds, who should be stomped outright. And granpa's shotguns, civilian berettas and yugoslavian AKs aren't arguments against artillery and strike UAVs. Don't think the goverment would be stupid enough to loose control over national guard or regular army units - USA isn't Ukraine, after all.

    So I think you believe in people's self-defence too much. It seems to be an american myth about armed nation defending it's rights, ect. Sorry, but russians have much more experience in civil wars (and I'm not happy about it), so I can tell you won't make it. You need a lot of organisation, like bolsheviks, and foreign money (again, like bolsheviks) or your own fatcats to support your. Or you just won't make it. Never. It isn't a movie.
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty Re: Possible war between USA and Russia/China

    Post  Mike E Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:34 pm

    Asf wrote:
    Them can't jail the whole country anyway, and war is a great way to get citizens riled up for good or for bad.
    All jokes aside, it's possible during martial law. Look at nazi germany. So you have to start a war and obtain martial rights in order to mobilize people, take extraordinary power, suppress any opposition, ect.

    American are mostly ignorant and patriotic (no offence!). It's not that hard to tell about red bear is alive, begin a propaganda campaign, starting with somekind of a false flag operation, say, russians attack another civilian plane full of cute kittens. Jingoistic early-war patriotism wave will wash many brains, you will see crowds screaming 'Let's show those communist bastarts the taste of an apple pie! Don't tread on us!'. And after that - first casulities, hatred and vengeance will start to burn bright, goverment will start witchhunt and many will be sure they do a right thing sppressing off the dissension. Day by day the hysteria will grow until the goverment will take full control over society, and then it will be too late. Even if someone will choose to fight own goverment, they will be displayed as radicals, terrorists and treacherous bastartds, who should be stomped outright. And granpa's shotguns, civilian berettas and yugoslavian AKs aren't arguments against artillery and strike UAVs. Don't think the goverment would be stupid enough to loose control over national guard or regular army units - USA isn't Ukraine, after all
    Martial law? The US population would never let that happen, never-mind war with a country like Russia...

    Most Americans are, but a large minority aren't... Despite their idiocy at times, the Right along with far-left and far-top (like myself) would be very opposed to such action. It seems plausible in theory, but "We the People" have had enough of this crap.... Many of see through the propaganda, the false-flags etc. The US would have a heck of a hard time controlling us, especially when we are armed... Our armed forces would never (many*) engage against citizens anyway.

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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty Re: Possible war between USA and Russia/China

    Post  Werewolf Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:38 pm

    Mike E wrote:
    Asf wrote:
    Them can't jail the whole country anyway, and war is a great way to get citizens riled up for good or for bad.
    All jokes aside, it's possible during martial law. Look at nazi germany. So you have to start a war and obtain martial rights in order to mobilize people, take extraordinary power, suppress any opposition, ect.

    American are mostly ignorant and patriotic (no offence!). It's not that hard to tell about red bear is alive, begin a propaganda campaign, starting with somekind of a false flag operation, say, russians attack another civilian plane full of cute kittens. Jingoistic early-war patriotism wave will wash many brains, you will see crowds screaming 'Let's show those communist bastarts the taste of an apple pie! Don't tread on us!'. And after that - first casulities, hatred and vengeance will start to burn bright, goverment will start witchhunt and many will be sure they do a right thing sppressing off the dissension. Day by day the hysteria will grow until the goverment will take full control over society, and then it will be too late. Even if someone will choose to fight own goverment, they will be displayed as radicals, terrorists and treacherous bastartds, who should be stomped outright. And granpa's shotguns, civilian berettas and yugoslavian AKs aren't arguments against artillery and strike UAVs. Don't think the goverment would be stupid enough to loose control over national guard or regular army units - USA isn't Ukraine, after all
    Martial law? The US population would never let that happen, never-mind war with a country like Russia...

    Most Americans are, but a large minority aren't... Despite their idiocy at times, the Right along with far-left and far-top (like myself) would be very opposed to such action. It seems plausible in theory, but "We the People" have had enough of this crap.... Many of see through the propaganda, the false-flags etc. The US would have a heck of a hard time controlling us, especially when we are armed... Our armed forces would never (many*) engage against citizens anyway.

    Major BS, there is already Martial law in the US trained and forced upon several towns, police already gets militarized, after Boston Bombing False Flag they have been searching houses with APC colons without any warrant to search your house. The US is already beyond 1984, any day they can do what they want and there will be no bloody revolution to bring down this empire from within, US citizens are already zombified, as long they have junk food and TV they will not move a finger.
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty Re: Possible war between USA and Russia/China

    Post  Mike E Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:57 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    Mike E wrote:
    Asf wrote:
    Them can't jail the whole country anyway, and war is a great way to get citizens riled up for good or for bad.
    All jokes aside, it's possible during martial law. Look at nazi germany. So you have to start a war and obtain martial rights in order to mobilize people, take extraordinary power, suppress any opposition, ect.

    American are mostly ignorant and patriotic (no offence!). It's not that hard to tell about red bear is alive, begin a propaganda campaign, starting with somekind of a false flag operation, say, russians attack another civilian plane full of cute kittens. Jingoistic early-war patriotism wave will wash many brains, you will see crowds screaming 'Let's show those communist bastarts the taste of an apple pie! Don't tread on us!'. And after that - first casulities, hatred and vengeance will start to burn bright, goverment will start witchhunt and many will be sure they do a right thing sppressing off the dissension. Day by day the hysteria will grow until the goverment will take full control over society, and then it will be too late. Even if someone will choose to fight own goverment, they will be displayed as radicals, terrorists and treacherous bastartds, who should be stomped outright. And granpa's shotguns, civilian berettas and yugoslavian AKs aren't arguments against artillery and strike UAVs. Don't think the goverment would be stupid enough to loose control over national guard or regular army units - USA isn't Ukraine, after all
    Martial law? The US population would never let that happen, never-mind war with a country like Russia...

    Most Americans are, but a large minority aren't... Despite their idiocy at times, the Right along with far-left and far-top (like myself) would be very opposed to such action. It seems plausible in theory, but "We the People" have had enough of this crap.... Many of see through the propaganda, the false-flags etc. The US would have a heck of a hard time controlling us, especially when we are armed... Our armed forces would never (many*) engage against citizens anyway.

    Major BS, there is already Martial law in the US trained and forced upon several towns, police already gets militarized, after Boston Bombing False Flag they have been searching houses with APC colons without any warrant to search your house. The US is already beyond 1984, any day they can do what they want and there will be no bloody revolution to bring down this empire from within, US citizens are already zombified, as long they have junk food and TV they will not move a finger.
    There is, and it is constantly rebelled against by citizens... There is a difference between the "Martial law" you are thinking about and the "Martial law" that Asf and I are thinking about.

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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty Re: Possible war between USA and Russia/China

    Post  Asf Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:04 am

    Martial law? The US population would never let that happen, never-mind war with a country like Russia...
    Ok,Russia invade Ukraine and take down a plane full of cute kittens. Politicians tell you your allies in Germany and Polland won't make it against the Red Bear, USA need to save the free world again, just like your grandparents did in Normandy. Reservists are called up, first destroyers and submarines are damaged during growing naval skirmishes, dozens of american sailors killed or injured, several MAGTFs together with japanese are ready to launch a surprise attack on Sakhalin and Vladivostok, you see a lot of fat, scared 40-years old national guardsmen walking around in your town. Politicians argue about the need of conscription. It's a russian commies, after all, f*cking hordes of them. France seems to be on their side ("traitors! after all we did for them during WWII!"), Italy is silent, and Germany have already pissed it's pants having no army to speak of. China seems to be quiet, but it's naval forces are gathering around Korea and Japan for no reason. So, as they tell you, it's time to show all the national spirit - working day will be longered, taxes will grow up, less fancy stuff in stores (after all we shouldn't trust chinese commies who are in league with russkies bastards) - but it's ok, after the war (which of course will be short and victorious!) americans will again change their cars every year, ect. Many people believe in it, you know your neighbours are speaking about 'sleeping KGB agents' who will try to sabotage America's unevitable victory from within (as they heard on patriotic meetings). Police have already took away one unfriendly guy living alone down the street - nobody seems to know there he is, somebody say he moved to Georgia or joined Navy. The Congress have given the president right to use National Guard in case of public disorders, "because of illegal migrants and mexican drug dealers". In his speech the president tells about hard times which will harden the USA, about justice which should be swift during this times of unrest and about new age of prosperity which will happen after all revisionists will be pounded into dust.

    What would you do? Will you agree that the USA is challenged by some reds and go to the recruit center like a true patriot? Or will you fight the 'necessery evil' tales you are force fed like all other americans? How? Your internet traffic could already be monitored by NSA, as there was no revolution then you understood the net is under NSA's umbrella

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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty Re: Possible war between USA and Russia/China

    Post  Vann7 Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:32 am

    Mike E wrote:
    Asf wrote:
    Any war with Russia, and you can expect a revolution here in the US.

    That's what FEMA camps are for  Smile
    That's a completely loony joke of a conspiracy theory... I'm a "conspiracy theorist" myself, but FEMA camps went over the line... There really hasn't been much (if any) real evidence supporting the theory, for crying out loud they used cheap plastic coffin (holder things) as proof! 

    Them can't jail the whole country anyway, and war is a great way to get citizens riled up for good or for bad.

    Oh Boy.. the Fema camps is NOT conspiracy .. Is a fact.  They are concentration camps for american citizens . The US government expect major Riots and Unrest like never in history if for example a major conflict start with Russia or IRAN.. even if it is temporarily .. lets say a US Aircraft carrier is sinked.. that will create millions of angry americans turning to the streets demanding the President and the Army Generals to resign.. Many heads will roll.. and the only way to save The US Government in such scenario.. that millions protest in every city.. is arresting millions and sending
    them to the Camps ,just to allow the government to continue.  The Coffins were ordered because they expect many people to die.. as consequences of the violence..  Is not conspiracy dude.. The White House is expecting their actions against Russia and or CHINA or IRAN/Syria sooner or later will backfire and they are preparing fro it..

    The Fema camp are civilian prisons , concentration camps to control population.. they were created in Nazi Germany too to counter the opposition to the Government for their criminal wars in europe.. For what are the Fema concentration camps? To guarantee that even in the worse case scenario ,that the government of United States  will not be overthrow.. but what do i know? lets listen what Bill Clinton says then about the fema camps when asked..

    CLinton did not deny the Rumor ,he confirms it.. He clearly says people and the government needs to go together, not separate ways.. (no revolution). So the concentration camps is nothing more than the last line of defense of the government , to hold and maintain its power , in case a major revolution happens. No such a thing like freedom exist in america.. you are only free as long as you do not interfere in the government world agendas.. of destroying everyone who is not aligned with them.

    The US government is so Obsessed in creating a world empire ,and following hostile policy against Russia and other
    emerging nations ,that they for sure have been preparing to arrest probably as much as 10% to 20% of its entire population ,that is 1 member of each family.  

    Why did you think the US spy on all americans their phone numbers and internet?  To be 3 step ahead of any potential Revolution in USA.. that could overthrow them.. Actually Ukraine is also making their own version of Fema Camps too.. they were expecting major unrest because of their illegal war against civilians.. Whenever any government have plans to do things that its population will not support and majority will reject it ,and they expect a lot of resistance ,then they create concentration camps..   The US Gov wants war with Syria with IRAN and will continue supporting terrorist in the middle east.. all those things are highly unpopular on Americans.. So the Fema Camps have the role as Clinton say.. to allow them to continue operating with civilians collaboration as he call it and not without them.. As Clinton told.. they cannot allow Americans to go their own way ( a revolution) without the government . so thats the role of Fema Camps.. at the moment hundreds of them exist in all USA.. every state have at least one Fema concentration camp for a major unrest they expecting.  Things that can cause Unrest?

    1) War
    2) hundreds americans killed because of the US government illegal actions..
    3) A coup by a president against his own nation.. a take over of all democratic institutions and turn US into a dictatorship.. etc..  Obama is not far from that.
    4)A failed False Flag event ,where americans killed and evidence shows it was all setup by the government.
    5)a lethal virus , that require the army to totally seal a City.. etc. ( This is the only one case where is justified concentration camps only if is proven beyond doubt is not Government fault.)  

    And USA is already at war with Russia.. is called the Arabspring.. Basically they hire mercenaries to overthrow
    any government that is friendly to Russia.. Libya was friendly to Russia check... Syria..check.. Iraq..check... Argelia revolution was in 2010.. check.. the only exception is egypt that was overthrow their president for not being totally the west.. The jewish elite wants monkeys to rule in any country in the world..that they control.. that when they say jump..they jump.. Notice how ISIS and Alqaeda do not attack the nations in the middle east where they have their military bases..and naval bases.. terrorist never byte the hands the feeds them.

    And about fema camps.I will not be surprised actually if Russia had their own concentration camps too.. If for example Russia is attacked by a nuke ,they will have to totally destroy the aggressor military infrastructure at least  and many Russian people peace activist financed/brainwashed by US NGOS..will oppose any war of Russia against anyone.. not even for the defense of their nation after being attacked.  The major difference however is that US is preparing against the strong negative reaction of civilians against their illegal and criminal actions they planning to do against other nations without being provoked.. ie.. like bombing IRAN nuclear facilities or Assad or exporting terrorist to Russia... while Russia is preparing for legitimate self defense of their nation if attacked first.

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    Possible war between USA and Russia/China - Page 3 Empty A Russian invasion of US

    Post  henriksoder Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:19 pm

    I am courios about knowing the opportunities of Russia to invande North America from Bering Strait. I have seen that Russia got many military bases near the Bering Strait in Russia and want to discuss differents aspects and facts of a such invasion.

    Russia must have Canada allied to success a such invasion, right? Becouse Russian troops need to be supported with supplies if they should make it to US. First, Russia must stabilze Canada to compete US, right? Have US much military forces in Alaska, becouse Russia can surely beat Alaska, and how is the opportunities to stabilze military zones in Canada for a Russian invasion of US? I mean, food shoulden't be any problem, but supplies to the military eqiupment should also be to be foreseen? Have Russia a strong navy enough to beat US's many carriars and submarines, it kind seems funny to seet in all Russian corvetttes to fight US navy? Can Russia stabilze antiaircraft near the Bering Strait and avoid that US take the control of the airspace and sea and win the war? If Russia can stabilze antiaircraft and control the sea at Bering Strait, it shoulden't be any problem to stabilze military bases at North America and beat US, right? Canada and Alaska, Russia beat easily, and how strong is the home US army actually? I mean they got like less then a third then Russian tanks, and many vechiles, and much more aircraft's and helicopters than Russia, Russia must take substantially all their army to beat North America? And that seems pretty illogial for Russian security.

    Any other facts and opinions about a such invasion? How strong is US army amongs Russian army actually?

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    Post  max steel Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:25 pm

    Laughing Very Happy . There is nothing in US which Russia wants to invade except dismantling its nuclear silos . But US neocons wants the reverse . Mad

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    Post  Cyberspec Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:36 pm

    Already been done....they'll sneak up in container ships Cool


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    Post  mack8 Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:43 pm

    henriksoder wrote:I am courios about knowing the opportunities of Russia to invande North America from Bering Strait. I have seen that Russia got many military bases near the Bering Strait in Russia and want to discuss differents aspects and facts of a such invasion.

    Russia must have Canada allied to success a such invasion, right? Becouse Russian troops need to be supported with supplies if they should make it to US. First, Russia must stabilze Canada to compete US, right? Have US much military forces in Alaska, becouse Russia can surely beat Alaska, and how is the opportunities to stabilze military zones in Canada for a Russian invasion of US? I mean, food shoulden't be any problem, but supplies to the military eqiupment should also be to be foreseen? Have Russia a strong navy enough to beat US's many carriars and submarines, it kind seems funny to seet in all Russian corvetttes to fight US navy? Can Russia stabilze antiaircraft near the Bering Strait and avoid that US take the control of the airspace and sea and win the war? If Russia can stabilze antiaircraft and control the sea at Bering Strait, it shoulden't be any problem to stabilze military bases at North America and beat US, right? Canada and Alaska, Russia beat easily, and how strong is the home US army actually? I mean they got like less then a third then Russian tanks, and many vechiles, and much more aircraft's and helicopters than Russia, Russia must take substantially all their army to beat North America? And that seems pretty illogial for Russian security.

    Any other facts and opinions about a such invasion? How strong is US army amongs Russian army actually?


    Are you serious? Rolling Eyes
    Walther von Oldenburg
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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sun Apr 05, 2015 4:46 pm

    Let us pretend he's serious.

    Conducting such an invasion would require establishing a supply route for 2-2.5 mln soldiers and to do so, Russia would have ro first defeat the US Navy altogether and that would be extremely hard. Look at how hard it was for us Germans to supply our forces in USSR during WW2, multiply the difficulty factor by 5 - and you'll know what kind of problems a Russian invasion force in USA would face. Invasions of big countries work well in movies but not so much in the real world.

    During the Cold War USSR NEVER planned to invade US mainland. The entire Soviet war planning was geared towards defeating NATO forces in Europe and Soviet Navy in particular was tailor made for disrupting US supply routes to Western Europe - hence they concentrated so much on submarine warfare but not on aircraft carriers.
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    Post  max steel Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:08 pm

    Keeping this invasion part apart . Why you think its difficult for Russia to completely destroy US navy ?

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    Post  Werewolf Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:18 pm

    max steel wrote:Keeping this invasion part apart . Why you think its difficult for Russia to completely destroy US navy ?

    Many times smaller in size would be the main reason. If they can not destroy it by surprise with Shkval torpedoes to destroy entire fleets with one strike it will shift from offensive to defensive very quickly that will result in losing entirely the logistical and supply chain which will leave the present soldiers on US soil cut off and they will be wiped out. Unlike most countries the US has an unique geographic position which not only makes it almost impossible to get their, but it also is completley unnecessary, since they do not have any resources of value enough to wage a totaliratrian war for several decades, or a very short and nuclear hot one.

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