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    Egypt Tourism's Photos


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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  ahmedfire Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:05 am

    Egypt Tourism's Photos SPHINXXXXX
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    Egypt Tourism's Photos WestEdmontonMall-Credit-Canadian_Tourism_Commission
    Egypt Tourism's Photos Temple-of-ramesses-ii

    Last edited by ahmedfire on Wed Nov 11, 2020 8:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  ahmedfire Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:11 am

    Egypt Tourism's Photos Abu-simbel
    Egypt Tourism's Photos Egypt_Luxor_Karnak_Temple_view_bynight_STI

    Egypt Tourism's Photos 86697310
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    Last edited by ahmedfire on Wed Nov 11, 2020 8:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  ahmedfire Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:18 am

    Egypt Tourism's Photos Luxor-temple
    Egypt Tourism's Photos Cairo
    Egypt Tourism's Photos Makadi-palace-lobby-building
    Egypt Tourism's Photos 86742710

    Last edited by ahmedfire on Wed Nov 11, 2020 8:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:33 am


    Beautiful images... thanks for posting.

    Always slightly annoyed when I see the Sphinx however with her missing nose... such vandalism.

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  Hoof Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:02 am

    GarryB wrote:Wow.

    Beautiful images... thanks for posting.

    Always slightly annoyed when I see the Sphinx however with her missing nose... such vandalism.

    Sphinx didnt have hos nose for a long time... anywhere from 500 to 400 years...

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  ahmedfire Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:56 am

    GarryB wrote:Wow.

    Beautiful images... thanks for posting.

    Always slightly annoyed when I see the Sphinx however with her missing nose... such vandalism.
    you welcome,, The popular story is that the troops of Napoleon Bonaparte used the nose for target practice in 1798... Shocked

    i want to see Napoleon now,, i'll break his nose Very Happy

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  ahmedfire Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:59 am

    Hoof wrote:
    GarryB wrote:Wow.

    Beautiful images... thanks for posting.

    Always slightly annoyed when I see the Sphinx however with her missing nose... such vandalism.

    Sphinx didnt have hos nose for a long time... anywhere from 500 to 400 years...

    The Sphinx of Giza is a symbol that has represented the essence of Egypt for thousands of years. Even with all of the pictures that we see of the Sphinx, nothing can really prepare you for the time that you finally see the Sphinx with your own eyes. Here's a look at the Sphinx that will give you a hint of what you can expect to see if you visit Egypt

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  ahmedfire Fri Dec 20, 2019 3:31 pm

    In Abu simbel temple the rays of the sun penetrate into the temple🏛 and lightening the three statues for Ramses II and Amon twice a year; once in February 22 celebrating agriculture and cultivation season, and the second in October 22 celebrating flooding season. Both dates also reflect the date of Ramses II birth and his coronation🏆, There are 4 seated in the back of the temple. Ra-Horakhty, Ramses second, Amun-Ra and Ptah. The light never hits Ptah as he is a god affiliated with the underworld.

    Egypt Tourism's Photos 79301410

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  ahmedfire Fri Dec 20, 2019 3:34 pm

    Egypt Tourism's Photos 78844110
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    Egypt Tourism's Photos 80489710

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  Gomig-21 Thu Nov 05, 2020 1:41 am

    ahmedfire wrote:In Abu simbel temple the rays of the sun penetrate into the temple🏛 and lightening the three statues for Ramses II and Amon twice a year; once in February 22 celebrating agriculture  and cultivation season, and the second in October 22 celebrating flooding season. Both dates also reflect the date of Ramses II birth and his coronation🏆, There are 4 seated in the back of the temple. Ra-Horakhty, Ramses second, Amun-Ra and Ptah. The light never hits Ptah as he is a god affiliated with the underworld.

    Egypt Tourism's Photos 79301410

    I never knew that about this specific tomb.  That is truly remarkable and one of many remarkable things the Ancient Egyptians performed.

    Even for us Egyptians who grew up or live in the midst of all these phenomenal records of that incredible civilization are constantly reminded of how truly incredible and advanced and smart and talented these people were for their time.  I marvel at the sculpture work alone.  

    Take some of the stone sculptures alone and look at how they were able to carve out the shape of a human with that accuracy out of the side of a mountain and to smooth the surfaces out without grinders or sandpaper lol.  Who knows, they might've had their own types of sand paper to crate the smoothness on all those surfaces of mostly limestone.  Even the remarkably large marble sculptures have extraordinary smooth surfaces I think they probably used a wet stone type of honing method.  A lot of water and a huge variety of abrasive stones with tons of elbow grease.

    I think with all these incredible feats, the most remarkable one for me is the one shot deal.  Take Abu Simble for example and how they carved that entire monumental entryway with the 4 sitting kings in that size and not a single mistake!  You can't make a mistake with stone like that since the whole thing is junked.  The same with those huge obelisks.  Those are another whole story by themselves how they were able to cut those out of huge slabs of stone and then lift them into place!  

    Speaking of Abu Simble, when Nasser wanted to eventually build the Aswan High Dam, they needed to flood and create Lake Nasser to make room and divert the Nile to built the dam and so they had to move the entire structure.  What an ordeal that must've been.,delicate%20work%20began%20in%201964.

    Egypt Tourism's Photos Simbel-1

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  ahmedfire Wed Nov 11, 2020 8:15 pm


    It was a sign of perfection .

    Also i was impressed by their dentistry ,according to historical findings, Egypt is regarded to having started dentistry.

    They have used different tools and treated different diseases included cavities and gums and they used strings to unite the molar teeth.

    For the loose teeth,they filled it with a mixture that is akin to a modern day composite filling: a filler agent (ground barley) is mixed with a liquid matrix (honey) and an antiseptic agent (yellow ochre). This is either used as an actual filling, or as a splint to keep the tooth in place.

    Also they used crude analgesics and sedatives prepared from the mandrake fruit.

    Those gold wire is shaped perfectly ,just like the modern wiring industry , also the small holes are matching with the wire's diameter.

    Egypt Tourism's Photos Dentistry-in-ancient-Egypt-2

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  ahmedfire Wed Nov 11, 2020 8:38 pm

    Egypt Tourism's Photos 86757810
    Egypt Tourism's Photos 86766510
    Egypt Tourism's Photos 86809010

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  ahmedfire Wed Nov 11, 2020 8:40 pm

    Egypt Tourism's Photos 86776510
    Egypt Tourism's Photos 86860210
    Egypt Tourism's Photos 87025810

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  ahmedfire Sat Apr 03, 2021 7:56 pm

    Pharaohs’ Golden Parade where 22 mummies will gracefully roam the streets of Cairo from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization

    Egypt Tourism's Photos Fb_img15
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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Whatsa11

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  ahmedfire Sun Apr 04, 2021 8:40 pm

    The music of the symphony is based on a simulation of the music in Ancient Egypt by bringing folk instruments to the stage such as harp, Nai (Flute), and Rebab.

    Moreover, the lyrics of the musical piece were taken from the epic “Book of the Dead” texts, several hymns dedicated to Goddess Isis, and Pyramids texts, in addition, they were vocalized in the Ancient Egyptian language.

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Apr 04, 2021 8:58 pm

    That was fucking awesome

    It's not every day that Pharaohs relocate and they would definitely find this parade satisfying thumbsup

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  ahmedfire Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:00 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    That was fucking awesome

    It's not every day that Pharaohs relocate and they would definitely find this parade satisfying thumbsup

    Meanwhile in Egypt many girls are asking about the hair routine of queen TIYE  lol1

    And beauty centers took a chance to share some products .

    Egypt Tourism's Photos 16890510

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  GarryB Mon Apr 05, 2021 6:53 am

    Might sell some hair gel but I think it will struggle with the skin moisturiser... still I rather suspect no one else is going to look that good after that sort period of time... Very Happy

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  nomadski Mon Apr 05, 2021 10:23 am

    I hope that Tourism picks up again. A return for investment. But is the Tourism industry leading to a diverse economy in Egypt? Is it properly regulated and taxed?  Relying on Tourism alone, is not wise.

    The Dutch run the country on selling flowers and Tourism. Are standards of living higher there or elsewhere? Do they rely on billions of economic aid from America, to live?

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  SaneBomber Mon Apr 05, 2021 3:15 pm

    ahmedfire wrote:The music of the symphony is based on a simulation of the music in Ancient Egypt by bringing folk instruments to the stage such as harp, Nai (Flute), and Rebab.

    Moreover, the lyrics of the musical piece were taken from the epic “Book of the Dead” texts, several hymns dedicated to Goddess Isis, and Pyramids texts, in addition, they were vocalized in the Ancient Egyptian language.

    I'm getting weird occult vibes from this whole ceremony, it looks and feels like an occult religious ceremony.

    Note that the cult of Isis has been exported to Europe over two millennia ago. Paris is named after Isis, the name is a declination of "Par-Isis", or the bark (ship) of Isis, which designated the island on the river Seine at the core of the city, where Paris started.

    The bark of Isis is clearly shown in the arms of the city of Paris, notice the egyptian style of the boat, with the godess Isis at its bow, sailing toward the star of Sirus, towards which the whole city of Paris is aligned on its central axis.

    Egypt Tourism's Photos Parisnap

    Notre Dame cathedral on that island originally was a temple dedicated to the cult of Isis, which like many other pagan temples in Europe was turned into a Christian church.

    The cult of Isis was widespread in Europe, for example Switzerland was literally named after it, the name "Suisse" in French is a contraction of "Soeurs d'Isis" or sisters of Isis, as well as in German, where Schweiz is a contraction of "Schwester Isis", beliefs carried by secret societies who founded the country, most likely Templars escaping persecution of French king Philippe IV and Pope Clement V. That's where Switzerland got its flag from (the Templar cross), and its banking tradition.

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  ahmedfire Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:34 pm

    I hope that Tourism picks up again. A return for investment. But is the Tourism industry leading to a diverse economy in Egypt? Is it properly regulated and taxed?  Relying on Tourism alone, is not wise.

    The Dutch run the country on selling flowers and Tourism. Are standards of living higher there or elsewhere? Do they rely on billions of economic aid from America, to live?

    The tourism revenues has reached $12.6 billion in the fiscal year 2018-2019 but it was dropped by 70% in 2020 due to COVID-19 .

    There are current ongoing projects to invest more in infrastructure ,petrochemical industry and agriculture .

    The US aid is nothing in a 100 M population ,most of it is laying under the band of " peace and security" as a military aid .Suez canal and tourism revenues together is equal to 13 times the US aid .This aid is a US fake friendship show to prevent Egypt from turning to the 60's and 70's attitude .

    I'm getting weird occult vibes from this whole ceremony, it looks and feels like an occult religious ceremony.

    Note that the cult of Isis has been exported to Europe over two millennia ago. Paris is named after Isis, the name is a declination of "Par-Isis", or the bark (ship) of Isis, which designated the island on the river Seine at the core of the city, where Paris started.

    The bark of Isis is clearly shown in the arms of the city of Paris, notice the egyptian style of the boat, with the godess Isis at its bow, sailing toward the star of Sirus, towards which the whole city of Paris is aligned on its central axis.

    Isis has influence in many other cultures ,like the Greeks and Romans , many writers treated her as a historical queen who taught skills of civilization to humankind .

    She was  famous in France during the French Revolution, she was considered as an alternative to traditional Christianity and a symbol that could represent nature, modern scientific wisdom, and a link to the pre-Christian past .

    But this hieroglyphic song is just a compliment to her by the ancient Egyptian language .

    English Translation

    O human beings and gods who are in the mountain,
    she is the only lady
    who is feared to Isis, for she who gives birth to the day
    with a reverence for Isis, for she is the lady of the West and the two lands together,
    she is fearful to Isis, for she is the great-mighty eye of Ra in the provinces,
    for she is the one who gives a lot to the king of Upper and Lower Egypt.  

    Egyptian Hieroglyphic words

    E ramat Netro  
    En Bajo
    Nets Hanout Waat
    Seng en est beag en es get ef
    Seng en est entes Hanout Ament tawy em esebway
    seng en est eiret reaa wor hasaout em sbatt
    seng en est rdey nas aat en nieso betie

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    Egypt Tourism's Photos Empty Re: Egypt Tourism's Photos

    Post  SaneBomber Tue Apr 06, 2021 1:14 am

    That sounds like a religious incantation, not a poem, especially when sung in a highly ritualized ceremony like the one depicted above.

    She was famous in France during the French Revolution, she was considered as an alternative to traditional Christianity and a symbol that could represent nature, modern scientific wisdom, and a link to the pre-Christian past . wrote:

    The Statue of Liberty is also a representation of Isis. It was commissioned by a group of French freemasons, and was initially destined to stand at the entrance of the Suez Canal.

    The French Revolution is a masonic, luciferian movement whose goal was to overturn traditional Christian values and the monarchy that ruled through that framework. That revolution was spread to the Bolsheviks in Russia, and to Mao's China, where they also aggressively overturned their traditional culture, with disastrous results and the genocide of tens of millions.

    This revolution is still ongoing today, in the form of cultural marxism, spearheaded by the same luciferian dogma that started the French Revolution centuries ago.

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