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    Islam and terrorism

    As Sa'iqa

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  As Sa'iqa Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:18 pm

    If I had to chose who should rule over Europe, either Muslims or Hindus, I would choose Hindus. At least they don't want to convert the entire universe to Hinduism and don't want people dead over insulting their religion.

    Regarding Poland - as I said, PC multicultural left has almost no influence here. I can't even imagine islamization of Poland by local Muslims and Romas who constitute maybe 0.1% of the population. It can occur only by massive immigration which will not materialize due to lack of social permission.

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  Sujoy Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:13 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote: At least they don't want to convert the entire universe to Hinduism and don't want people dead over insulting their religion.
    We do have our share of lunatics though and I have no shame in admitting it . Hindus cannot convert anyone else as Hinduism is a non proselytising religion . In other words , you are either born a Hindu or not .
    As Sa'iqa

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  As Sa'iqa Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:29 pm

    What if someone wants to become a Hindu?

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  Sujoy Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:46 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:What if someone wants to become a Hindu?
    They can't . One cannot become a Hindu during his lifetime if he was not born a Hindu .

    That being said a few people , especially in the West do claim that they have embraced Hinduism though they were not born Hindus . There are no laws in India that defines who can be described as a Hindu . In other words whosoever claims to be a Hindu is accepted as a Hindu . Also , foreign women who marry a Hindu (Indian) man in India are accepted as Hindus because Hindus have to register their marriage according to the Hindu Marriage Act .

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  Regular Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:24 pm

    Not being a racists(they are not separate race anyway) but those Romas are indeed a problem in my home city. Police is impotent to do anything against their occupation of parks, beauty spots. It sickens me.
    And I'm not talking about Lithuanian gypsies, but Romanian, Bulgarian ones. They can't understand Russian, not to mention Lithuanian or English. Don't even know why they came in first place. It's not a massive problem in my country, but I really hate to see my childhood place littered with syringes, rubbish and car parts. They are lucky because only old farts are in the country, Young able bodied people left.. It would be pogrom otherwise, but they are really asking for it!

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  Sujoy Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:51 pm

    Regular wrote:Not being a racists(they are not separate race anyway) but those Romas are indeed a problem in my home city. Police is impotent to do anything against their occupation of parks, beauty spots. It sickens me.
    You are certainly NOT being racist . Question is from where did these Romas come from into your country ? And if they are illegal immigrants why are they NOT being deported ? In India too illegal immigrants from Nepal and Bangladesh creates problems .

    But they do jobs that locals do not even touch so they find employment.

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  NickM Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:37 pm

    flamming_python wrote:Russia has a Muslim population of some 15-20 million, more if you count millions of other CIS citizens living or working here.
    Yet the amount of people actually willing to commit terror is very low and almost all of them are concentrated in the Northern Caucasus (where it's more often about crime and banditry than Islamic fundamentalism anyway).
    You don't need the entire population of Muslims to commit acts of terror a few hundreds will do .

    Not to mention that their are other racial groups like Romas , Hindoos and Chinese whose number in Russia run into thousands . These groups are most likely to commit violent acts of terror as they already have such a reputation . They can very easily harm the Russian economy by committing large scale Financial scams like they do in the US and UK.

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Global Islamic Jihad

    Post  Nibiru Tue Dec 25, 2018 10:14 pm

    Post articles here exposing Islam's latest move for World Islamic Conquest

    Ugandan Christians live in fear of minority Muslims on quest for conversions

    MBALE, Uganda — Sleeping on a hospital bed at Budaka Health Center in eastern Uganda, 12-year-old Emmanuel Nyaiti writhed in pain as he explained how Muslim extremists attacked him for refusing to convert to Islam.

    ” ‘Islam is a good religion,’ they said. ‘Please convert. We’ll not kill you, and you will go to paradise,” the boy recalled.

    Emmanuel is one among millions of Christians in this East African nation who face unprecedented levels of persecution from Islamist extremists.

    Christians in eastern Uganda are among those in their faith who face the most serious dangers in the world, according to World Watch Monitor, a group that tracks persecutions of Christians. The charity counted at least two incidents of Muslims killing Christians as well as vandalism of at least two churches.

    Emmanuel was walking home from his grandmother’s house when four men ambushed him and spirited him to a cassava plantation, where they tortured him and attempted to strangle him. One was named Ali and another was Abdul, he said. They wound up leaving him for dead.

    “Ali convinced me to convert and become a Muslim, but I declined. They started pushing me on the ground threatening to kill me if I don’t accept Islam,” he said. “One of the attackers hit me with a sharp object on my neck, and I became unconscious. I remember them saying they have killed me.”
    Concentrated largely in the country’s east, Muslims comprise about 14 percent of Uganda’s primarily Christian population of 42 million. But the numbers — and the clout that comes with them — are in dispute.

    More than 1.6 million Anglicans and almost 800,000 Catholics converted to Islam, Pentecostal Christianity or traditional African beliefs, according to the 2014 Ugandan census, the most recent survey, which did not break down which faiths receive which converts.

    Muslims say their community is growing fast.

    “Muslims are 25 percent of the total population and not 13.7 percent,” Hajj Mutumba, a spokesman of the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council, told local media. “We have two to four wives, and we are producing about six children in a space of two to three years.”

    In eastern Uganda, Islamist extremists have intensified their campaign to convert more people to Islam.

    Anti-Christian feelings

    Many of those extremists belong to the Alliance of Democratic Forces, a Congo-based group of Muslim Ugandans who have fought an insurgency against their country’s central government in Kampala, noted World Watch Monitor. The alliance has helped stoke anti-Christian feelings in the region while calling for Islam-based Shariah law to be practiced in Uganda.

    “Ugandan Muslims were not intolerant in the past,” the World Watch Monitor survey said. “But those who sympathize with ADF are preaching the idea of having an Islamic state in Uganda (and in a part of the DRC), and this is taking away the culture of tolerance.”

    In June, a group of Muslims attacked Christian preachers in eastern Uganda during a “crusade,” where Christians publicly profess their faith and invite others to join.

    Muslims in the town accused the Christians of mocking Islam by publicly saying Jesus was the son of God.

    “They became very angry and began throwing rocks at Christians, chanting ‘Allah akbar,’ ” said pastor Moses Saku. “Many Christians were injured during the incident.”

    Such altercations have become increasingly common, the pastor said.

    “I witnessed an incident here where a Christian woman was brutally attacked with a machete by her Muslim husband for refusing to convert to Islam,” said Mr. Saku. “We continue to condemn the incident and urge our Muslim brothers to respect other religions and uphold freedom of worship.”

    Muslims dismissed the allegations and said they warned their Christians neighbors not to make provocative statements that offend them. “We have now declared a jihad against them,” said Abubakar Yusuf, 55, a Muslim teacher. “We are not going to allow anybody to despise Islamic teachings at their church or crusade. We will seek revenge.”

    Mr. Saku and millions of other Christians across Uganda are now demanding government protection.

    “We cannot continue to live in fear of preaching the Gospel and telling people the truth that Jesus is the son of God,” he said. “As Christians, we need protection from the government because our Muslim brothers are very angry when they hear the truth. But we have never abused Muslims or Allah during our preaching.”

    Police said they were investigating the details and circumstances behind attacks on the churches, crusades and people using provocative statements against others.

    Mr. Saku said police need to make some arrests to scare Muslims who are attacking Christians. “They need to arrest these people,” he said. “We cannot live like refugees in our own country where we cannot worship and preach the Gospel freely.”

    Meanwhile in Canada..,

    Wishing someone ‘Merry Christmas’ worse than murder for Muslims, says Canadian cleric

    Muslims should be offended when people worship Jesus as a god, and wishing someone a “Merry Christmas” is a worse sin than murder, a Canadian Islamic cleric has said during a sermon.
    Sheik Younus Kathrada was preaching to the Muslim Youth of Victoria in British Columbia ahead of Christmas when he said that congratulating non-Muslims on their holidays means approving them.

    “If a person were to commit every major sin – committing adultery, dealing with interest, lying, murder… If a person were to do all of those major sins, they are nothing compared to the sin of congratulating and greeting the non-Muslims on their false festivals,” Kathrada said, according to the video posted on the organization’s YouTube page.

    He later added that “this doesn't mean that we treat the non-Muslims in a bad way or that we deal with them unjustly. I’m not saying, and I’ve never said, go out and just kill them, and do this to them… No!”

    After the excerpts of his sermon were published by a Washington-based Middle East Research institute on their social media, Kathrada’s Facebook page was filled with “Merry Christmas” wishes.

    The South Africa-born cleric is no stranger to controversies. He was investigated by the Canadian anti-terror squad following his 2004 remarks that Jews are “brothers of monkeys and swine” during a sermon in Vancouver.

    He also criticized Muslims who wanted to build bridges between the two religious communities. Kathrada said his words were taken out context as he was talking about the Palestine-Israel conflict. He then went on to live in Malasya for several years and returned to Canada in 2016.

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  GarryB Wed Dec 26, 2018 5:01 am

    Yes, of course, those damn muslims spreading death and hate... after the last few centuries of christian colonial powers inflicting their religion on everyone by force.

    But then you would have to argue that the christian west has spread peace and democracy so well... why would members of other religions object to being converted from 25,000 ft by a killer drone... to a red mist.

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  Nibiru Sun Jan 27, 2019 1:59 pm

    Philippines Submits to Islam

    Philippines' Muslim Minority Votes for Greater Autonomy

    The Philippines’ Muslim minority overwhelmingly voted to approve a law giving them greater control over an expanded region that’s expected to bring peace and economic growth to the nation’s south.

    Nearly 89 percent of the 1.7 million votes cast during a Jan. 21 plebiscite favored the proposal creating a bigger Muslim region called Bangsamoro with more funding, official results from the poll body showed. A developing city, Cotabato, also opted to join the region in a surprisingly close vote. More areas will vote on Feb. 6 if they want to be included.

    “The national government should ensure that this ratification will strengthen institutions that will bring economic growth in the newly formed region,” Vice President Leni Robredo said Friday in a statement after the release of the official results.

    The affirmative vote will help spur growth in the southern Mindanao island -- which has seen four decades of armed conflict -- through agriculture and tourism, Economic Planning Secretary Ernesto Pernia said. Infrastructure projects worth 22.15 billion pesos ($421 million) are lined up for the region this year, he added.

    President Rodrigo Duterte, who won on a platform of developing the nation’s south, said Wednesday that he was “very happy” with the plebiscite’s results as it brings Mindanao “a step nearer to peace.” He now has to appoint an interim government for the region composed of 80 officials, who will serve until the national elections in 2022.

    Muslims quick to show their gratitude to the clueless Kuffars

    Twin explosions kill 20 people at Philippines cathedral

    Twenty people were killed and 81 injured when two bombs exploded outside a Roman Catholic cathedral on a southern Philippine island where Muslim militants are active security officials have said.

    The country’s national police chief said the first bomb went off in or near Jolo cathedral during a mass on Sunday, followed by a second blast outside the compound as government forces were responding to the attack. Oscar Albayalde said the dead included troops and civilians.

    A spokesman for the Philippines’ president, Rodrigo Duterte, vowed the country’s military would hunt down the attackers. “The enemies of the state have boldly challenged the capability of the government to secure the safety of the citizenry in that region,” said Salvador Panelo. “The armed forces of the Philippines will rise to the challenge and crush these godless criminals.”

    There was no immediate claim of responsibility but police suspect the bombings were carried out by Abu Sayyaf, a militant group that has pledged allegiance to Islamic State and is notorious for its bombings and brutality.

    Photos on social media showed debris and bodies lying on a busy street outside the Cathedral of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, which has been hit by bombs in the past.

    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 SSyKeu2
    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 CEV5h4R
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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 FRqDF8g
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:31 pm

    IMO Islam and Judaism should be outlawed in rational societies. Both adopt practices that damage irrevocably human integrity.

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:42 pm

    GarryB wrote:Yes, of course, those damn muslims spreading death and hate... after the last few centuries of christian colonial powers inflicting their religion on everyone by force.

    But then you would have to argue that the christian west has spread peace and democracy so well... why would members of other religions object to being converted from 25,000 ft by a killer drone... to a red mist.

    Then they can leave my country if they don't want to wish Merry Christmas to me.  Luckily many of them do wish me Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays so those are my friends.  The ones who don't like it, can leave.

    As for the Philippines, Deturte wont bend a knee to these Muslims. He will make them stand in line, and if they don't, he will kill them. Which is something I agree with.

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  GarryB Mon Jan 28, 2019 3:17 am

    Then they can leave my country if they don't want to wish Merry Christmas to me.

    So you don't believe in religious freedom?

    Christmas was a pagan ritual observed in mid winter as a reason to have fun at a time when it was cold and dark most of the time... christians took over the festival and called it christmas and gave some bullshit story based on their bible and basically demanded the natives obey and convert.

    Now some christians are complaining that another religious group does not want to follow their ritual celebrations... well boo hoo.

    I bought some optical sights and lasers from Russia late last year and got emails from the company I was dealing with on December the 25th... yes... she was working on christmas day... she might not even know what Halloween is, let alone think very much of July the fourth...

    Might come as a shock but there are countries around the world with their own holidays and rituals that don't include western ones... after destroying so many civilisations who is the west to say which celebration can or cannot go ahead?

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  higurashihougi Mon Jan 28, 2019 3:55 am

    The original Filippino were not Christians... they practice their own religion and then Spaniards priest came, took their land and gave them the Bible to eat.

    In Vietnam, they destroyed Báo Thiên pagoda and build there an ugly piece of shit named Grand Cathedral of Hanoi... a dark, ugly, dull building represents the equally dark and terrible days of French colonial times...

    Learning more about Abrahamic religions makes me become more and more atheist.

    But then there are exceptions... when the Nazi invaded Russia, Orthodox priests donned the military uniforms, took up the guns and now on their cleric uniforms we see red star medals...

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Meanwhile, Fundamental Islam entrenching in Indonesia

    Post  PhSt Wed Sep 11, 2019 5:02 am

    While the West is busy bitching about allege human rights violations in Russia and China, injustice in the name of Islam continues to grow unnoticed in many parts of the world, and now it is taking root in Indonesia. Since the west loves the idea of divide and conquer, why dont they give the civilized world a favour and start breaking up countries like Malaysia and Indonesia and make every Islamic countries poor and struggling? At least in that way these Islamist rats won't gather enough strength and influence endanger the rest of the world.

    Harsh criminal crackdown in Indonesia likened to Islamic law

    Jakarta: Extra marital sex, homelessness, criticism of the President and spreading communist ideology would all be crimes - and attract jail time - under looming sweeping changes to Indonesia's penal code.

    Other mooted changes include making it illegal for couples who aren't married to live together, showing contraception to a minor (for example, displaying condoms in a shop), curbing access to abortion and criminalising criticism of a judge, fake news, bestiality and black magic.

    The Indonesian Parliament has been working to update the country's penal code since 1995. Much of the current code dates back to the era of Dutch colonialism, pre-World War II.

    The current Parliament will finish sitting in a matter of weeks and a vote on the bill is due to take place on September 24, before the new slate of MPs elected in the April 17 elections take their seats in October.

    As the deadline for the vote looms, NGOs and human rights groups are increasingly alarmed by the prospect of the new code passing into law.

    They want President Joko Widodo to intervene and block passage of the bill if it wins parliamentary support, as appears likely.

    A broad alliance of NGOs and rights groups including the Institute for Criminal Justice Reform, the Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation and Human Rights Watch met with close to 20 foreign diplomats on Monday to discuss the changes.

    Australia, Canadian and European diplomats heard from speakers about the threat the penal code revision poses to freedom of expression and the rights of LGBTQ people, women, HIV-positive people, children.

    The rights groups want foreign governments to lobby Joko, the Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly and former president Megawati Soekarnoputri, who is the boss of the ruling PDI-P party.

    Human Rights Watch's Andreas Harsono said the proposed changes were "basically Aceh's criminal law expanded to the national law". Aceh is the only Indonesian province allowed to introduce Sharia, or Islamic law.

    "Hundreds of Sharia ordinances have been introduced in [parts of] Indonesia, like the mandatory hijab, curfews, anti-LGBT regulations. But this criminal code is the crown jewel of Islamisation," he said.

    "There is no indication President Jokowi will strike this down."

    Erasmus Napitulu, the program director at the Institute for Criminal Justice Reform, said there were three main areas of concern with the penal code changes.

    These included the impact on civil liberties on democracy and on the protection of vulnerable groups.

    "How could the government criminalise blasphemy, cohabitation and adultery? This will have a bad impact. And will the Indonesian government target tourists?" he said.

    "And the protection of vulnerable groups, such as the HIV [positive] population. If you ban the promotion of contraceptives it defeats the government's aim to eliminate HIV."

    Erasmus said some changes, such as inmates who have been on death row for more than 10 years being able to apply for a stay of execution, were welcome.

    He was not confident the law would be blocked by the President.

    "I'm a pessimist. Can the President still stop the law? Yes. But will he do that? I don’t know."


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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Muslim Convert Badly Misunderstands Islam

    Post  Vann7 Sun Nov 15, 2020 2:48 am

    Time to debunk islam...

    Muslim Convert Badly Misunderstands Islam

    interview with muhammad..

    The man who destroyed islam (in turkey).


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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  PhSt Wed Dec 30, 2020 12:48 am

    This Barbaric Ideology is far more dangerous and contagious than Covid, Ebola, Marburg, HIV and Rabbies combined! I can't believe how modern humans still get tricked into believing these sorts of Religious BullSh!t!

    While NATO, Russia, China, India are busy competing against each other, these jihadists are hell-bent on destroying us and conquering the entire world. Even worse, nobody is making any concrete steps to stop them. This is just ridiculous! How many churches, temples, stadiums, trains, busses need to be blown up before non-muslims finally start to take action??? angry

    As for those fools who convert to Islam, They deserve to be given a second chance, convert back to their original religion or be lobotomized to save those around them from harm.

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  kvs Wed Dec 30, 2020 7:06 am

    One thing that has an infinite supply is human stupidity. To me the whole idea of religious conversion is grotesque and obscene.
    Think about it. You have some belief system. By definition belief is irrational and humans tend to hold onto their delusions.
    But along comes some clown preaching an alternative belief system and you flip your beliefs like you would buy a new pair of
    socks. Really...

    So there must be a key to penetrating human irrationality and psychological barriers. Cults and virulent religions (mostly
    originating from the Middle East including Christianity) appear to have developed such a key (a set of conditioning tricks).
    People who let themselves be manipulated this way basically deserve what they get.

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  PhSt Wed Dec 30, 2020 7:29 am

    But along comes some clown preaching an alternative belief system and you flip your beliefs like you would buy a new pair of
    socks. Really...

    This is truly frightening. I have watched a lot of conversion videos and over time it is hard not to see how these seemingly normal, sane and kind people turn into religious fanatic monsters. I fear that the future will be filled with bloodshed and misery if PlSSLAM is allowed to metastasize across the world.

    par far

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  par far Wed Dec 30, 2020 7:32 pm

    PhSt wrote:

    This Barbaric Ideology is far more dangerous and contagious than Covid, Ebola, Marburg, HIV and Rabbies combined! I can't believe how modern humans still get tricked into believing these sorts of Religious BullSh!t!

    While NATO, Russia, China, India are busy competing against each other, these jihadists are hell-bent on destroying us and conquering the entire world. Even worse, nobody is making any concrete steps to stop them. This is just ridiculous! How many churches, temples, stadiums, trains, busses need to be blown up before non-muslims finally start to take action??? :angr y:

    As for those fools who convert to Islam, They deserve to be given a second chance, convert back to their original religion or be lobotomized to save those around them from harm.

    I read several articles which say the same thing.

    The living in conditions in the west are going down(we can clearly see this for ourselves), the plan was that western countries were going to blame Covid and Russia for these things. Covid is obvious. Russia was going to be blamed because the "good west" has to fight the "big bad Russia".

    The west set traps for Russia in Ukraine, Armenia and other places but Russia did not fall for this.

    Now the western countries are going to go to plan B and that is to blame Covid and Islam. Reasons for Covid is obvious. Islam will be used, to commit terror acts in western countries and this thus will be blamed for the living decline in western living conditions, along with many other things.

    It was western countries that used Islam against USSR in Afghanistan and than used Islam as a pretext to invade other countries. Imagine if the western countries spent all the money they spent on the war on terror, on actually developing trade with Islamic countries. Muslims would have no reason to come to west and no need to spread Islam.

    But the western countries went the opposite way and they have made everyone hate Islam. Right now Islam is very danergous.

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  kvs Wed Dec 30, 2020 7:45 pm

    The downfall of the NATzO empire is going to be nasty. It will not go away quietly like the USSR. Expect Biden to distract
    American sheeple with witch hunts against Russia for "hacking" and all sorts of inane rubbish. Pompeo actually tries to paint
    Libya as some sort of democracy which is being undermined by "Russian agents".

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    Islam and terrorism - Page 4 Empty Re: Islam and terrorism

    Post  PhSt Wed Aug 09, 2023 1:54 am

    So just recently, there was a shooting incident in the country's financial district involving three police officers while inside their headquarters.

    3 cops wounded in Taguig police station gun duel

    MANILA, Philippines — Three police officers were wounded, including two  who reportedly shot each other after a heated argument at the Taguig City police station on Monday, according to authorities.

    The Taguig City police identified the two police officers as Executive Master Sergeant Heriberto Saguiped and Chief Master Sergeant Alraquib Aguel.

    Based on an initial report, the shooting incident occurred at about 11:30 a.m. inside the Office of Community Affairs Section of the police station after Aguel arrived and approached Saguiped.

    A heated argument ensued, while Corporal Alison Sindac tried to calm down both officers.

    The feuding police officers eventually shot and wounded each other, as well as Sindac.

    Responding colleagues rushed the three police officers to hospital.

    As it turns out, one of the police officers is a Muslim and was served pork stew for lunch, when the officer got offended, he shot dead one of his colleagues and attempted to kill another police officer. The suspect was shot back after a brief gunfight. Unfortunately, the suspect survived and is currently receiving treatment for his injuries. Rolling Eyes

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