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Captain Melon
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    Alien Dawn


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    Alien Dawn Empty Alien Dawn

    Post  Kysusha Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:51 am

    Recently, we had a “Secret Scientist” from Area 51 join our forum to warn us of startling evidence of Aliens coming to surface in the next 10 years.

    He is either part of the Zionist New World Order or has been completely duped by their subtle propaganda.

    The Greeks, centuries ago, knew that theatre was the most effective form of propaganda. By using theatre, they [and others] could/can being about changes in perception which were not discernable to the viewer.

    This is exactly what is happening today as the controlled
    Hollywood continues to pump out more and more Alien stories – all designed to make us more susceptible to the possibility that there are aliens. Agencies have hidden behind the mask of “UFO Phenomena” in order to draw in public debate and subsequent subliminal acceptance of aliens.

    The purpose of this master deception is to usher in the need for a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT as the only viable defence against aliens. This is the ultimate goal of the NWO – total world control. We are matching down that road without a thought about where it is leading or who is doing the leading.

    Consider – Alpha Centauri, our closest star, is 3.6 billion kilometres [approximately 0.21 light years]; any alien that has been able to come from there and overcome the difficulty in doing so, when we can’t even send a man to the moon – is going to find little trouble with any defensive system we can establish. Aliens from further a field would have proportionately greater technology. We are being sacred into a course of action! Exactly the same as were have been over terrorists!

    If you don’t think the terrorist threat has made in Washington – just look at the latest debacle over alerts – the suspected bombs emanating from Yemen! All bullshit and carefully orchestrated to help Obummer with the American Senate elections. There WERE NO bombs. These terrorist alerts are scripted – Osama Bin Hiding is also scripted. Now they have a new name for a Yemeni terrorist king. Something else to keep the world doing what they want and fighting wars that no one wants – other then the Zionist New World Order.

    WAKE UP – you won’t see aliens in the dawn!

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  GarryB Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:42 pm

    Mathematically alien life must exist.

    The only evidence we are alone in the universe comes from the bible... which also started by saying the Earth was about 6,000 years old, was flat, and was the centre of the universe and was made in 6 days by an all powerful being called god that will send you to hell if you don't get on your knees and pray to him in their church.

    The ease with which they dismiss other religions as false is enough reason to dismiss all religions as false.

    Of course the huge irony is that it would take an enormous external threat to make humans realise they have more in common and that the big differences we dwell on so much really don't matter that much in the grand scheme of things.

    To drag this topic off topic and make it fun... what would your end of the world alien invasion weapon load out of choice be?

    Personally I wouldn't mind one of these:

    Alien Dawn Aia_m110

    This is the AIA M10A1 which is basically a .303 jungle carbine in 7.62 x 39mm calibre. Relatively cheap and light ammo that is easy to come by here now that with heavier bullet weights has good stopping power. The Lee Enfield action is familiar to me with a nice smooth action. It would cost a little more than the cheap Chinese 7.62 x 39mm bolt actions available here at the moment, but it seems to be the best option till I find a decent Russian bolt action in that calibre in my local gunshop.

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  Kysusha Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:03 pm


    The Church – that is, the Church of Rome, has a lot to answer for – I see nothing Christian in it. The persecution of the Christians thought the great inquisition is/was a black spot that they will never erase. The decrees of the Pope and usurping god’s position [claiming to be God’s representative on earth] is blasphemous. Revelations said that the Bible was closed! End of story and the religions who want to continue to “add to” the Bible are nothing but doing Satan’s work.

    One of the hardest concepts to understand in the Bible, is that of “Time”. We relate it to “our terms” but that is because time and physical matter are related – time and Spirit are not. This is a fascinating subject and one which is probably out of line in this forum, so I won’t go into it further here.

    The concept of what is happening in the word, in regards to our “conditioning” is however, very real. We are lead by Hollywood in very subtle amounts and detail to accept certain parameters – same way as with computer games. Most Yanks have little idea of genuine history – their concepts and beliefs come from Hollywood; unless there was a film made of it, they don’t know about it. Most of them still think they won the war [and the First World War too], they haven’t the slightest idea that the Second World War was won by the Red Army – both in Europe AND in the Pacific!. Ask any of them and they will proudly tell you that the only country to have used “Weapons of Mass Destruction”, won the war by dropping two atomic bombs on Japan. This is reinforced by their history books, Hollywood and The History Channel.

    Media is the subtle transformer of concept and people ignorantly sit and watch crap. Let me give you an example. I was watching [unfortunately] a programme some years ago on the History Channel [have long since cancelled my subscription] and it was about the “Intelligence Services”. Every time they mentioned the KGB, there was a derogatory adjective preceding it – “the evil KGB”, ‘the deceitful KGB”, “the murderous KGB”. You get the picture? Yet every time the mentioned the CIA – they were neutral – They simply said “the CIA”. They also linked the CIA with doing good [wherever they got they notion from, I am unsure]. The effect of this subliminal conditioning is to make you choose sides – of course you will choose the side of the “goodies”.

    The media outlets, TV, Movies, Computer games etc are all conditioning us to accept “Inter-Stellar War” with aliens and the obvious need for a World Government in order to co-ordinate a defence against any such attack.

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:07 am

    I read somewhere that the probabilities for intelligent life occur about every 100 light years. Which means our galaxy could have five intelligent species in it.

    I wouldn't blame the Bible for not taking into account aliens. It doesn't say anything about it.

    As far as the timeline in the Bible, Genesis is written in cosmic time, once that is applied it is not such a crazy story. Man was created on the last day of God's work week, that adds up to where it would fall on the timeline. That leaves plenty of room for dinosaurs and ancient creatures that came before. God put vegetation as the first life, which is how all other oxygen breathing life was able to evolve. Then he put the creatures in the sea and then the creatures of land came. Lastly came the humans. Putting all the cosmic stuff aside, Genesis actually got the basic evolution of life in the right order. Sure there is plenty of stuff about day/night and the placement of stars, but that is actually countered out by the very first verse. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth... Big Bang. When God gave his vision to ancient man nearly 3000 years ago, it has to be taken in context about how primitive their understanding of science was and how they would interpret it. They didn't know about evolution and quantum physics, they thought when things were created they poofed from thin air. Genesis is an early attempt to actually break away with some of that thinking. It didn't say the universe just poofed into existence, it tried to explain it from the limited mind of early man. Even man came from the dust, which he really did in the longer scheme. We are just a collection of cosmic dust arranged in a higher order. Even the Noah flood story is appearing to have some basis in fact... Noah was actually Gilgamesh and there was major flooding in the Persian Gulf around his lifetime.

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  Kysusha Mon Nov 22, 2010 2:29 am

    Tovarish Vladimir,

    There is a very interesting book [I don’t know if you can get it in Russia] “The Bible As History” – by Keller. Absolutely fascinating as it recounts recent archaeological discoveries with Biblical accounts AND THEY MATCH.

    So far, all evidence unearthed, support Scripture and Biblical accounts. Even the confirmation of prophecy. Why people cannot accept the End Times prophecy and the “One World Government” is difficult to understand, when so much else is already proven. Scripture say that it cannot lie – if there is a lie in one place then the whole of Scripture is a lie. Conversely, we must accept that if it is correct so far, then it must also follow that the balance is correct [accepting that premise that it is God’s word].

    Our difficulty is in understanding the language of the Old Testament and the concepts it tries to explain. Add to that, the changes of name for many places etc and you have a confusing text to unravel.

    As for alien life form – as you pointed out, Scripture is silent on that, except that it states that God created the universe. Having done so, we are not to know if He created others or in what form they are created. What we do know is we are created in His image and we have His Word for His purpose for us; aliens are not in that.

    So for my money, I’ll go with Scripture [it’s been right so far] and say that talk of alien invasions is the work of Zionist looking to create the One World Government. They have seen how easily people are scared by terrorism and how effectively they can lead people to accepting draconian laws and reductions in personal liberties all in the name of anti-terrorism; the ends justifying the means! Having proved the assumption, they are now taking it to new levels and introducing the ultimate terror – an attack from Mars!
    Captain Melon

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  Captain Melon Mon Nov 22, 2010 2:46 am

    All I know from my colleagues is that some of the extra terrestrials are just observers and have been for thousands or even millions of years. But there are others who want to "play" with humanity's fate and they are in league with the rulers of Earth.

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  GarryB Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:58 am

    Regarding Aliens... my thoughts follow Monty Python in their song whose lyrics end with something like "Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space because there is bugger all down here on Earth".

    Regarding Religion the Bible is probably the most revised book in history. As man learns about the universe around him, more specifically things that the people who wrote the bible clearly got wrong like the age of the universe they make stuff up to patch it.

    Like the patches and updates for Windows operating systems.

    I am sorry but cosmic time doesn't exist.

    A year is the time period the Earth takes to orbit the sun.

    A day is defined by the Earths rotation speed.

    Before there was Earth and before there were people there were no time measures like years and days, and after the years and days were defined by what was supposedly created.

    The suggestion that bible years are actually millions or billions of years doesn't make logical sense. When you are talking to earth worms that have no concept of time you don't talk to them in terms of years that are millions or billions of actual years long before it was born and suddenly now it is alive its years become limited by the time it takes for earth to travel around the sun.

    It is like there is no mention of living things before humans and then dinosaur bones are found and all of a sudden there is an explaination for them too. Funny really because if the claims of religion were true and if religion would have scientific use they should have explained about the dinosaurs before evidence of them was found and studied.

    Religion provides a moral code that on the surface looks pretty good as long as you actually obey it yourself and don't impose it on others.

    Religion claims to offer answers yet in actual practise what it does is fight science tooth and nail. The problem for Religion of course is that Science is provable and actually practically useful.
    Religion resisted democracy and many other things the west now holds dear and has been the opposite of assisting with progress for mankind.

    The answers religion offers are largely meaningless too. Where do we come from? God made us in a poof of smoke. Well that is helpful to know. Science tells us about how stars and gravity for heavier elements that are necessary for the creation of life... the problem is their answer to why we are here is not popular.

    We are here by accident. Trillions of little things all happened in the exact right order and the earth formed and we are the result of a lucky chain of events.
    The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs and a large percentage of other life forms was lucky... for us. The collision of a large object with the Earth billions of years ago to form a large single moon that stops the Earths rotation from wandering all over the place making the planet unlivable for complex organisms was lucky too.

    The point is that if we weren't lucky we simply wouldn't be here talking and thinking about it... something else would... perhaps evolved from lizards or the Octopus.

    I have no problem with people believing in some higher power that will somehow make everything fair and look after you and family and friends when you and they die.

    If you want to know why God seems so cruel sometimes... that is simple too. There are two obvious likely hoods. Either God has a specific plan for everyone. You can't help what you do because God controls your every move and every thought. This makes everything good and everything bad gods fault. Doesn't sound very convincing to me. Makes god sound like a real sadistic pr!ck, which is hardly going to make him very popular.
    A more plausible option would be he did something to set in motion the creation of the earth as we know it... I doubt he went around personally and manually created things from atoms but it is plausible that he initiated the big bang and then followed the universes progress and interfered here and there to ensure life took hold in various places including Earth.
    He might have seen that the dinosaurs had spent hundreds of millions of years just fighting each other (a warning to us perhaps?) and decided to knock a rather large rock from the Oort cloud to send them all to their grave to make room for that small furry clever little fellows.
    In a mere two million years humans evolve way beyond any other species had in the previous 4 billion years and he allows us free will. We can do what we want and he will not interfere all the time. This means all the bad things are our fault. Don't blame your god, blame your fellow man and his parents for doing such a sh!t job of bringing them up.

    Hope I haven't offended anyone... you are entitled to believe what you want... as am I.

    I am not a 15 year old kid and didn't just decide overnight about what I believe so please no conversion attempts either... you might already have noticed how stubborn I can be. Smile

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:49 am

    Regarding Religion the Bible is probably the most revised book in history. As man learns about the universe around him, more specifically things that the people who wrote the bible clearly got wrong like the age of the universe they make stuff up to patch it.

    Considering there is no passage in the Bible that states how old the Earth or the universe is, just an amalgamation of several books and a guess, it doesn't have to be revised. It has to be interpreted as all religious teaching must. It is not an encyclopedia. People who take every word literally of a 2000-3000 year old document is going to have serious problems if they don't interpret it with the times. A revision of the book would require the text actually changing... it has not.

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  GarryB Mon Nov 22, 2010 7:06 am

    You are quite correct.

    I was actually meaning to refer to all the different interpretations of the same stories.

    The bible was likely an omnibus of stories of accepted morality and codes of conduct all put together by the church of the time.

    Those monks had to do something with their time so they collected all the stories they used to keep the local population in line and fearful. Who is going to leave their land and money to a church that forgives everything?

    The fact that there is always a medicine man no matter how remote or backward or sophisticated the society suggests that man likes to think he knows the answers and have some control of the things around him.

    Regarding the age of the earth I believe it was calculated by working through the x begat y from children to parent back to adam and eve.

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  Kysusha Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:15 am

    When I see the wonder of birth, a child growing, learning, developing; when I look at all the intricacies of nature, I know there is a creator. The permutations necessary to produce life as we know it are too astronomical to be a chance coincidence.

    But arguing religion is a less than rewarding task; as Scripture says:

    “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces. Matt 7:6”

    We are also advised in Scripture that it is written to confuse the intelligent, in that it is to be by faith that we understand. As such, we cannot argue Christianity with those who will not see. Religion is different – that is a man-made institution and people will argue that until the cows come home.

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:48 am

    I haven't seen a change in the morality taken from the stories. That part is timeless. It is when you start digging for hidden meaning that you get in trouble.

    The Old Testament had been compiled for centuries before the New Testament came, and that was written by 150AD. The books adopted at Nicaea had been the cornerstone of the Christian faith before there was a Bible. The council was represented by 1800 bishops of all different sects of Christianity across the Roman Empire. It was decided by vote what to include and omit making sure the teachings of Jesus were best represented in the Holy Book.

    At the time of the Bible's compilation, Christianity was a small sect of Roman society. There were hardly any monks to speak of as monasteries had not been widely proliferated in the empire. It was a couple hundred years before the Church became a source of power over the people.


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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:27 pm

    Do any of you think that we've been visited??

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  Kysusha Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:14 pm

    A qualified NO. A genuine “visitation” would have some tangible evidence. No one has or can produce credible evidence of a visit.

    However, I saying that< there are many things that require investigating and for which we do not have answers. I believe that military advancement is much further ahead than we might otherwise think and most probably “sightings” are unexplained military craft.

    I am troubled by the reported sighting in Briton by American’s guarding a nuclear base in the early 1950’s – the Colonel who witnessed it is on record describing what he saw; I struggle to exclude that “sighting”.
    Captain Melon

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  Captain Melon Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:32 am

    That was just one of our old prototypes that........our benefactors supplied us with. Pretty neat machine.

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  Kysusha Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:42 am

    That's the same one in Disneyland, I take it?

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  solo.13mmfmj Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:05 pm

    Consider – Alpha Centauri, our closest star, is 3.6 billion kilometres [approximately 0.21 light years]
    Alpha Centauri is at 4.2421 light years or 668432014145733.6 kilometers

    This is exactly what is happening today as the controlled Hollywood continues to pump out more and more Alien stories.
    Hollywood has no imagination anymore.

    I read somewhere that the probabilities for intelligent life occur about every 100 light years. Which means our galaxy could have five intelligent species in it.
    Light years is a measure of distance not time.If there intelligent life at 100 light years from Earth we would know about or they would know about us.

    Do any of you think that we've been visited??
    It is impossible to say

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  Pervius Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:31 pm

    The closest object to Earth is the moon, yet there are no high resolution pictures of the moon's surface for you to look at.

    Japan sent a satellite around the moon and the photo's they released are very low resolution. You can take better pictures with a cheap telescope with a digital camera duct taped to it...why did Japan only release low resolution photo's?

    India sent a satellite around the moon and they didn't release any photo's. President Obama oddly ran over there as they were looking at their photo's....

    China sent a satellite around the moon to take pictures and played off in some photo's ops that there is something up there being hidden.....but they haven't released any photo's of whats up there.

    If we don't even have high resolution photo's of the moon available to the public...and 5 countries have taken high resolution photo's of the moons surface.......

    Something is being hidden from us. Does the US really have a moon base on the backside of the moon?

    Why did Russia say a few months ago they saw a laser flash on the moon?

    The answer to all of your questions lies on the rock orbiting our planet. The rock with an atmosphere. Did you see the Apollo astronauts hammering that stake into the moon's surface? Gee there was a sound when the hammer struck the stake.

    There could only have been a sound if there was an atmosphere on the moon. (or Apollo was faked in the deserts of the US) Who knows.....5 Countries know...and they aren't telling the world.


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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  Pervius Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:33 pm

    This is an interesting read as well:


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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  GarryB Sun Aug 07, 2011 6:16 am

    The answer to all of your questions lies on the rock orbiting our planet. The rock with an atmosphere. Did you see the Apollo astronauts hammering that stake into the moon's surface? Gee there was a sound when the hammer struck the stake.

    Show me the video.

    Why did Russia say a few months ago they saw a laser flash on the moon?

    There are several reflectors left on the moon by both the US and the Soviets so that lasers on the earth can be bounced off the surface to measure the distance accurately.

    That is why they know the moon is slowly moving away from us.

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  Pervius Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:54 am


    Show me the video.

    After he realizes he is making noise....."change arms sir"...and you see him turning the hammerhead sideways so he quits making noise.


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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  Pervius Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:30 am

    Can anyone identify this craft?

    Anyone? (its not alien)

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  GarryB Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:47 pm

    After he realizes he is making noise....."change arms sir"...and you see him turning the hammerhead sideways so he quits making noise.

    I am not convinced.

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  Pervius Sun Aug 07, 2011 5:05 pm

    You didn't hear the clanging of the hammerhead on the stake?

    Turn your volume up. What kind of craft is pictured in those NASA photographs on the moon?

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  Pervius Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:30 pm

    Read up on 'Project Orion'.

    Here's another picture with that funky spring tail to receive energy on its blast plate for propulsion:

    It appears that engine module hooked up to the crew module later on....that you can see in the link/pictures above 3 few posts.....

    Ole Project Orion must have been one heck of a ride. Unless I'm mistaken and that's some "antenna" and somehow the pictured module is supposed to be a Apollo Command module....oddly without a tailcone like pictured here:

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    Alien Dawn Empty Re: Alien Dawn

    Post  GarryB Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:20 am

    You didn't hear the clanging of the hammerhead on the stake?

    Turn your volume up. What kind of craft is pictured in those NASA photographs on the moon?

    I heard a noise, but those space suits are rigid, they are not like wetsuits... it could very simply be a case of his hammering movement resulting in part of the rigid suit hitting another part of the suit and making a noise.

    If you follow cricket a very common problem is that sometime the batter clips his pads as he swings the bat that the umpire can sometimes mistake for the bat hitting the ball. It is not enough to just hear a noise, you need to prove the noise is what you think it is.

    (note a part of the suit hitting another part of the suit would make both parts vibrate which could not be heard from the camera through the vacuum between them, but would go through the radio of the person using the hammer. The Camera is not recording the sound because it can't. The sound recording is of the radio communication between the spacemen.)

    BTW I looked at those photos and on one part of one of the photos saw the letter e.

    These photos are made up of dozens or hundreds of smaller photos and put together like a collage. These patterns of repeated craters could simply be an error in collaging these multiple images. I have put enough panoramas together manually with photoshop to know how easy that can be. It would be even easier to do it on purpose.

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