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    H.Kissinger has died


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    H.Kissinger has died Empty H.Kissinger has died

    Post  andalusia Thu Nov 30, 2023 4:28 am

    Henry Kissinger has just recently died:

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    H.Kissinger has died Empty Re: H.Kissinger has died

    Post  TMA1 Thu Nov 30, 2023 8:49 am

    Been told to not speak ill of the dead. That is all I can say.

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    H.Kissinger has died Empty Re: H.Kissinger has died

    Post  GarryB Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:41 am


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    H.Kissinger has died Empty Re: H.Kissinger has died

    Post  Hole Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:59 pm

    Been told to not speak ill of the dead.
    F... it. Guy was a war criminal.

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    H.Kissinger has died Empty Re: H.Kissinger has died

    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 01, 2023 1:38 am

    I was watching a standup routine by Sean Lock, a now deceased British comic, who was talking about a rather nasty piece of work called Jimmy Savile, who was a childrens entertainer mostly on the BBC and also someone who interfered with children.

    The BBC covered up his crimes and so he lived a long life without ever seeing the inside of a prison.

    So the comedy routine Sean went for was that he was no longer going to be an athiest, he now wanted to be a christian, because as he points out if dying is the end of things then Jimmy essentially got away with it. During his lifetime he didn't have the face the terrible things he did.

    Seeing Kissinger has died I thought to myself something similar, except I remain an athiest... I don't apply my beliefs to others, it will be the religion he chose that will punish him, or the religion of those he wronged.

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    H.Kissinger has died Empty Re: H.Kissinger has died

    Post  kvs Fri Dec 01, 2023 2:52 am

    There is no Karma. There are only laws of physics. Evil gets away with it if it can. No laws of the universe mete out punishment.
    Religions love to claim that there is a cosmic balancing (e.g. good will triumph over evil) but this is infantile wishful thinking at best and
    a con racket at worst. Praying to your deity will not bring you fortune and wrong-doers misfortune. Evil people exert influence in those
    same holy institutions. No lightning bolts from Heaven ever strike them down.

    Punishment is biological since normal humans are wired not to professionally harm their own species. But this is not universal since there
    are plenty of broken samples (sociopaths, psychopaths, etc.). Even those that feel guilt can still act in evil ways. We also see
    how evil emerges from social organization as governments, corporations and institutions fall into modes of operation that do not serve
    the greater good. This is a feature and not an exception.

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    H.Kissinger has died Empty Re: H.Kissinger has died

    Post  ahmedfire Sat Dec 02, 2023 9:18 am

    There is a book "The Trial of Henry Kissinger" which describes his war crimes in Vietnam ,Timor, massacres in Bangladesh , and assassinations in Cyprus and Chile.

    It doesn't matter if he is alive or dead , he didn't work as an individual but inside an administration , so we are pointing to the US war crimes .

    Now there are many of Henry Kissinger but with different names .

    andalusia, kvs and TMA1 like this post

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