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    Christianity Thread: Theology and Philosophy


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    Christianity Thread: Theology and Philosophy Empty Christianity Thread: Theology and Philosophy

    Post  gloriousfatherland Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:37 pm

    What do you think make christianity so special?
    Being easter weekend in Eastern Orthadox churches and last week being easter for catholics that question came to my head and had me pondering. So here is the response I came up with:

    For me personally, Christianity is more than life. Chirsitianity is living to glorify God. Chrisitianity is knowing that Jesus has  died so we can be free, saved and redeemed and risen so that we may get eternal life in Heaven. Chirstianity is not just a religious belief, it is a promise that God will love his children and his children should love each other and show moral values that we may serve him on earth in his image.

    In a world where wars, suffering, unholyness and lack of social justice pervail ie a world full of evil, the need to be closer to Jesus Chirst grow evermore important so we the christians in this world will fight the strongholds created by the devil, so we can call ourself God's people once again. We will fight not by an "eye for an eye", we will fight evil with good. We christians have been baptised with the holy spirit, we have the divine nature of God in us and once we unlock its potential evil doesn't have a chance against our united efforts.

    Chiristianity is a uniting household. It transends race, class and any other socioeconomic boundries that divides us a people, the boundaries that the devil use to turn brother against brother and father against son, nation against nation. We need unity not wars , love not bloodshed  and goodness not evil . 2.2 billon people world wide are united with christianity today, to help each other and others who dont know God. That is the power of God. He has given the christianity the power so that 1/3 of the world will find Jesus and more will continue to do so.

    I leave you with some amazing gospel songs of how I feel about Jesus and which I think encompasses Jesus love for us:

    Have a nice day, Love Jesus sunny

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    Post  GarryB Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:11 pm

    Being an athiest I respect your choice to believe, but I really don't understand when people talk the talk but don't walk the walk.

    Humans have free will and are flawed.

    We make mistakes.

    I appreciate the comfort people get from religion and during the period of our evolution when most things could not be explained I can understand that people liked having all the answers even if they were the wrong ones.

    The problem I have is when people claim you can only have morality and ethics with religion... suggesting athiests are somehow anarchists, that athiests don't love their children or whatever.

    For most of its existence religion has been power... the medicine man of the village didn't have to go out on the hunt they just sat at home and smoked weed... I can appreciate pretending you know something everyone else does not which gives you power.

    Religion has fought democracy tooth an nail because democracy took power away from the church, but now Christian churches seem to think they were at the forefront of bringing democracy to the world.

    The truth of the matter is that freedom comes from wealth, not religion.

    Religion is a set of rules and practises that many find comforting and offers answers to questions that can't be answered.

    Science also provides answers but is much more practical and useful.

    To be honest I don't trust people who suggest that their god is so egocentric they would create a whole universe and then demand all sentient life cowtow and beg and grovel to them.

    If there really was a god why is it only people that have religious symbols?

    Why don't animals stop working on sundays too?

    Unless religion is a human invention to answer questions like why the sun came up or to explain why the sun changed its path during the year to create the seasons... in fact most of these things were largely worked out before christianity even existed.

    The west is like the opposite of the Borg as it expands it makes its new colonies absorb its technology and mantra and overwhelms other cultures... it is stuck on transmit and not receive.

    A good example is nudity 1,000 years ago most of the worlds population in warmer climate areas were not ashamed of their own bodies...

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    Post  flamming_python Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:49 am

    GarryB wrote:Religion is a set of rules and practises that many find comforting and offers answers to questions that can't be answered.

    I believe it came about when people first started forming into tribes, villages, societies, etc... although on a more primitive level a belief in God may have been part of the human psyche for a very long time. Religion was somewhat neccessery post-Stone age as it served as a unifying force, a philosophy or code of ethics and behaviour that could unite different villages, communities, etc.. into something resembling civilisations, kingdoms and so on. Largely this was an organic process; as human societies developed and expanded, so did the religions, the natures of those religions, and the amount of them. In short I really don't think that religion should be demonised and blamed for some ills and so on - any more than any other aspect of human behaviour. It's just part of what makes us, us.

    Science also provides answers but is much more practical and useful.

    They are not in conflict. One provides philosophical and moral answers to certain questions, the other provides practical answers to other questions and real-world problems. A person who chooses to honestly and non-hypocritically live his life, by the teachings of Jesus Christ or Buddha, may for example, bring more usefulness to himself and others - than some toaster or motorcycle. Equally, a cure to AIDS can bring more usefulness than all the religious charity organisations, etc... altogether. It all depends - they both have a place in the world IMO

    If there really was a god why is it only people that have religious symbols?

    Why don't animals stop working on sundays too?

    Well like they say in the bible; the workings of God is not for man to understand; or something like that Smile

    This phrase actually carries very deep logical implications. In the sense that it means that it is impossible to fully understand the big picture, or why God does this, or does that. We simply don't have the capability to understand, and it's not worth attempting to prove or disprove God on such basis.

    Which makes sense if you think about it. After all when you compare us, a tiny speck even in our Solar System... to a force that created the entire universe and everything in it... well, if we assume that God exists - it would be indeed a completely futile manuever to attempt to prove, disprove or understand him on the basis of any of our reason.

    One thing that I can think of though - is that if there were religious symbols on animals; that may not be something that could be explained by conventional science, and may offer direct proof for God. Which would destroy the concept of faith and of people's free will when it comes to believing in God or not. And that may just be something that the big man might not want.

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    Post  Admin Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:49 am

    99% of the Earth's population believes in a God. They do it because thinking life ends with death makes for a pretty short existence, and a lonely one.

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    Post  Austin Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:05 am

    Being a Christian myself i can tell you that in my 25 years of early christian life i was as far from god as i could be ,never had an inclination and never took time to understand what it means to be a Christian.

    Till one day I found the love of God for me and since then there was no looking back , even during my early days when I had little faith looking back I felt god always loved me and was always there for me even though I probably took little interest in understand that love.

    Gods love is hard to explain and as such needs to be experienced by each one of us much like the love we receive from our Parents its hard to explain but can only be experienced.

    Its really not about gaining a new life after death or some immediate gain or trade off that you do in your prays with god but experiencing the immense Joy , Love and Affection that comes with understand Gods Love.

    The best way to start to know God is to read your bible specially Gospel from John , Mathew , Luke and Mark .....My personal favourite is John.

    In the end like all creatures we will perish one day but it will give us immense satisfaction and Joy knowing that we were loved by God and experience his True Divine Nature in his Love and Grace matter what after life holds for each of us.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:50 am

    99% of the Earth's population believes in a God.

    Actually I would suggest that this figure is very wrong, and a more realistic figure would be something like 70% of the worlds human population believe in Gods.

    The early religions upon which modern religions are built generally have more than one god.

    This of course is meaningless as we are talking about beliefs which are generally cultural and taught rather than known or experienced.

    Sorry Austin, but your comments make it sound like a cult.

    I think everyone thinks they are significant and that there was some purpose to their existence, but the reality is that this is a very big universe and we are like moss growing on a rock. All life on Earth naturally occupies about 5-6km from sea level to up the sides of mountains, and perhaps 10km down into the ocean depths there are strange creatures that seem alien to us. That narrow band of space on this tiny rock on orbit around a not very interesting yellow star three quarters of the way down an arm of a spiral galaxy we call the Milky Way. There are more stars in the galaxy than there are grains of sand on a beach and in the visible universe there are more galaxies than there are grains of sand on every beach on planet Earth.

    The main problems I have with religion is that they are man made and therefore flawed. This gives them lasting power because any new information can be absorbed by simply reinterpreting what was written in the texts.

    The main problem I have with religion is when it is used to justify things... as far as I am concerned religion should only be applied to the believers. If you believe that exposing a womans ankles in public is a sin then hide your own ankles but do not expect others to follow your lead.

    If you feel that a man can only marry a woman and not more than one then practise what you preach, but don't tell others what they can or cannot do based on your beliefs.

    The problem is that religion is often imposed on others as a set of morals or rules.

    Western democracies pride themselves on being open and free, but try marrying one woman to three men and see how free you are.

    Why are the western laws for marriage based on christian beliefs?

    Should an Athiest be bound by religious beliefs?

    Marriage predates the Christian religion.

    BTW I am technically an Agnostic... I don't really know if there is a god or gods or not, and really don't think they would care what I think about their existence.

    If it really was that important and they are all powerful, you would think they would take the time to say hello. Doesn't need to be a personal visit... a bit of telepathy saying hi, I am god... religion x is pretty much right so you should read their pamphlets and follow their code and things will be fine.

    The fact that they don't do that suggests to me they don't exist because they are relying on word of mouth to sell their existence and they made humans so they know what liars we can be and that we would not trust someone else on such matters... just the same as no one can tell me who I should love, or what flavour ice cream I should prefer.

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    Christianity Thread: Theology and Philosophy Empty Re: Christianity Thread: Theology and Philosophy

    Post  ricky123 Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:09 pm

    i am a catholic .but never go to church or pray to god ... but that doesnt mean that i dont beleave in him .even today when i am in trouble i take gods name and hope the trouble is over and most of the time it works .

    i dont judge other people on what they beleave in cuz if there is god then everything on earth belongs to the same god so why fight in the name of god ....
    my moto is to live a life which helps others not trouble them if i can do that and not go to church i dont think god will be angry at me lol dunno

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    Post  TR1 Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:26 pm

    Why are all our Indians Christian Very Happy ?

    Personally I always found the non-monotheistic philosophies of the east (India and China) to be a lot more compelling to study and integrate into my life than the Abrahamic religions.

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    Post  Austin Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:20 pm

    ricky123 wrote:my moto is to live a life which helps others not trouble them if i can do that and not go to church i dont think god will be angry at me lol dunno

    Well thats a good moto to have and God never gets angry on any one Laughing so keep doing the good work and you will experience gods love in your life

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    Post  Austin Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:58 pm

    GarryB wrote:Sorry Austin, but your comments make it sound like a cult.

    May be it does perhaps 10 years back if i had read my comments i would have said the same.

    Life has changed for me and surely for the better after i found gods love for me , this is a very personal experience and its hard to explain , to explain in human terms its hard to explain some one the joy of being a father or a mother unless you become one.

    I think everyone thinks they are significant and that there was some purpose to their existence, but the reality is that this is a very big universe and we are like moss growing on a rock.

    Its true its a big universe and there are billions out there but each and every person is important to God.

    In much the same way if a family has 12 kids then each one of them is dear to their mother and father.

    The main problems I have with religion is that they are man made and therefore flawed. This gives them lasting power because any new information can be absorbed by simply reinterpreting what was written in the texts.

    Religion can be man made for sure but the world in bible came from God.

    I do not perosnally approve many things that a church would do because it has to more to do with culture over period of many decades and centuries not all may be relevant today or for that matter even true from religious prespective.

    If you feel that a man can only marry a woman and not more than one then practise what you preach, but don't tell others what they can or cannot do based on your beliefs.

    Legally you can just marry one women AFAIK but only Islam allows you to marry 3 women , infact i know many people in India who change their religion to Islam to marry another women.

    The problem is that religion is often imposed on others as a set of morals or rules.

    Yes true in a way you tend to be born in a family and from childhood you follow a certain religion but at a later stage of life you can always change it.

    All religion carry few basic facts of life and its good to follow them , i believe 80 % of what most religion would say is the same.

    Western democracies pride themselves on being open and free, but try marrying one woman to three men and see how free you are.

    Why are the western laws for marriage based on christian beliefs?

    I guess that because West is predominantly Christian , much like Indian laws have some hindu marriage act in it and perhaps West Asia would have Islamic law.

    But in West the church and the law are seperated can always marry in civil court and need not marry in church you always have a choice.

    Should an Athiest be bound by religious beliefs?

    No but i think Athiest should believe in god and its existance and his love for all , they need not be binded by strict religious belief or cultural thingie.

    BTW I am technically an Agnostic... I don't really know if there is a god or gods or not, and really don't think they would care what I think about their existence.

    I believe God cares about every one even though you might not care about him ....thats because he has created you and you have not created him

    If it really was that important and they are all powerful, you would think they would take the time to say hello. Doesn't need to be a personal visit... a bit of telepathy saying hi, I am god... religion x is pretty much right so you should read their pamphlets and follow their code and things will be fine.

    They do say hello and Hi all the time but not the way you want to see it or be heard. If you rise the next day from your bed then its god way of saying Good Morning and Hello You are Alive.

    The fact that they don't do that suggests to me they don't exist because they are relying on word of mouth to sell their existence and they made humans so they know what liars we can be and that we would not trust someone else on such matters... just the same as no one can tell me who I should love, or what flavour ice cream I should prefer.

    Men would lie but God Wont so you have to personally find god existance in something , Mother Teresa found god by serving people and Gandhiji found in the poor of our country ,some saints found god in doing small good things in life all the time , you have to find your own way and travel your own journey there are many road that leads there you have to drive your own.

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    Post  flamming_python Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:58 am

    GarryB wrote:The main problems I have with religion is that they are man made and therefore flawed. This gives them lasting power because any new information can be absorbed by simply reinterpreting what was written in the texts.

    That's definately true; I don't believe that any one religion is a true representation of God because then that would imply that all the others are invalid. They are just various representations so to speak; what man himself thinks - a philosophy or way to live your live as such. They are still valuable I think and if they make someone a better person than I think that's good. One thing's for sure - no religion has survived that has preached malice and hatred, or advocated human sacrifice and I don't think that's not for no reason; such behaviors are contrary to peaceful and prosperous human society. But of course there are potential dangers too, such as when they are used as political tools, hijacked by extremists, corrupt clergy and so on.

    The main problem I have with religion is when it is used to justify things... as far as I am concerned religion should only be applied to the believers. If you believe that exposing a womans ankles in public is a sin then hide your own ankles but do not expect others to follow your lead.

    Right, like Jesus did - he just set an example and showed everyone how one should act and treat others; he acted himself and attained a whole retinue of disciples and followers. He never tried to force anyone to do or think anything though.

    Christianity has gone off on a bit of a tangent since then, and you had nasty phenomenons such as theocracies, inquisitions and so on that basically completely contradict the teachings of Jesus Christ - but I think the guy himself was pretty much correct in everything he ever said or did; and that's what makes the Bible such a valuable book. Like I said - not for nothing that the world's major religions today have survived while others didn't.

    If you feel that a man can only marry a woman and not more than one then practise what you preach, but don't tell others what they can or cannot do based on your beliefs.

    I Think there is something inherently wrong with a man marrying a man or more than 1 woman, and it doesn't have anything to do with religion.

    If it really was that important and they are all powerful, you would think they would take the time to say hello. Doesn't need to be a personal visit... a bit of telepathy saying hi, I am god... religion x is pretty much right so you should read their pamphlets and follow their code and things will be fine.

    The fact that they don't do that suggests to me they don't exist because they are relying on word of mouth to sell their existence and they made humans so they know what liars we can be and that we would not trust someone else on such matters... just the same as no one can tell me who I should love, or what flavour ice cream I should prefer.

    Considering our society's low level of technological development and processing power - it would be completely foolish to try and figure out what God would and wouldn't do. Imagine him as a giant computer - one made up from and using every single particle in the entire universe. And we ourselves are what, maybe 6 billion individual tiny computers, forming a distributed network in the form of human society. There is absolutely no comparison - he would out-calculate us any day of the week and we will have no chances to be able to ascertain any of his motives because they would be monstrously unfathomable in their complexity, wisdom and forward-thinking.

    Personally I think that if God does exist, it would exactly be against his interests to pop in and say high, or to prove or indicate his existence in any way or form. Which is exactly what makes it impossible to prove or disprove his existence; making the concept of faith and free choice relevant in our world.

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    Post  Corrosion Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:29 am

    TR1 wrote:Why are all our Indians Christian Very Happy ?

    Personally I always found the non-monotheistic philosophies of the east (India and China) to be a lot more compelling to study and integrate into my life than the Abrahamic religions.

    I come from India and I am not a Christian, born in a Sikh family. Also, I do greatly admire Vedic Philosophy. Wink

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    Post  NickM Tue May 21, 2013 5:20 am

    Unlike other religions like Hindoo , Islam , Buddhism etc in Christianity Equality is the central reality.This emphasis on equality and love is what sets Christianity far above every other religion because equality is the central reality of human life.

    It is said that a people's values can be seen in the god they worship. For Christians, ``God is love''.

    Compared to religions like Hindoo , Islam , Judaism etc Christianity does not believe in discriminating among people based on their color or race. This is because we Christians believe God is a unity of three Divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit .

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    Post  TR1 Tue May 21, 2013 6:48 am

    That's funny considering what a racist douche you come off as.

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    Post  Regular Tue May 21, 2013 8:20 am

    I grew up in Soviet Union. Religion was nothing to my family while some people we knew were keeping orthodox Icons of Jesus. We considered them to be archaic people and religion was seen as backwardness. I never got baptised even if it quite common even for atheists, I knew few things about christianity as we learned Ethics in school.
    But suddenly after SU collapsed people became so religious. That what made us pissed of, because it was put in Your face against Your will. I had to be dropped out of shool 10 grade because my school suddenly became Catholic shool and I refused to attend religious classes. I said one remark about god and I was flying out the school 10 minutes after.
    I'm happy to say that I made my wife non-religious agnostic and we want to raise our children that way. We consider christianity or other religion to be unnecessary and we are hostilised by agressive religion spread in our country.

    Soviet Union destroyed most of the churches in my country and I'm really would call it a most positive thing they did. No kidding

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    Post  Regular Tue May 21, 2013 8:38 am

    Sorry, I can not rant about it...
    I love christian priests. Driving better cars than I do, working ZERO hours. Secretly living with women or using escort services. Some of them use drugs too. And I would never let my children next to them.
    Last month one of them refused to babtise my nephew because he didn't like baby crying.. He was paid about 60 euro up front.

    My christian friends are OK to drink till they piss themselves, hang out with hookers, get in the fights with fellow christians.

    Don't see any moral high ground. Asking god new car or money is what praying is about.

    You can teach Your children morals and ethics without telling him that up in the sky there is Big grey bearded person and he will punish You for ethernity if You break 10 of his laws. But still he loves You... Very Happy You can pray for him and he will probably grant You quick death when you are old.

    Last edited by Regular on Tue May 21, 2013 8:40 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : God)

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    Post  GarryB Tue May 21, 2013 9:46 pm

    Don't see any moral high ground. Asking god new car or money is what praying is about.

    The real secret of religion is being able to do bad things to get what you want and then ask for forgiveness.

    Without religion you stay poor and honest. Twisted Evil

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    Post  sepheronx Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:39 am

    Regular wrote:Sorry, I can not rant about it...
    I love christian priests. Driving better cars than I do, working ZERO hours. Secretly living with women or using escort services. Some of them use drugs too. And I would never let my children next to them.
    Last month one of them refused to babtise my nephew because he didn't like baby crying.. He was paid about 60 euro up front.

    My christian friends are OK to drink till they piss themselves, hang out with hookers, get in the fights with fellow christians.

    Don't see any moral high ground. Asking god new car or money is what praying is about.

    You can teach Your children morals and ethics without telling him that up in the sky there is Big grey bearded person and he will punish You for ethernity if You break 10 of his laws. But still he loves You... :DYou can pray for him and he will probably grant You quick death when you are old.

    I thought for a moment, you were talking about priests/guru's from specific regions of the world....

    Religion, IMO, is a tool used to control people, or to convince them to follow specific tasks that you deem is right. I am agnostic, so I am more or less a believer that something is indeed out their, and that Religion at one point was the general reason for explaining that beings existence and also a general guidance towards living a good "riteous" life. But in today's, it is really more or less a tool, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc, are all guilty at one point or another for horrific acts.

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    Post  George1 Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:11 am

    i am a greek orthodox and i would like to contribute to this thread some facts-characteristics of Greek Orthodox Church.

    The churches where the Greek Orthodox term is applicable are

    The four ancient Patriarchates:
    1. The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, headed by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, who is also the "first among equals" of the Eastern Orthodox Communion
        The four eparchies of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople:
              i. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain
              ii. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Italy
              iii. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
              iv. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia

    2. The Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria
    3. The Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch
    4. The Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem

    Three national autocephalous churches:
    1. The Church of Greece
    2. The Church of Cyprus
    3. The Orthodox Church of Albania

    The Church Calendar begins on September 1st and ends on August 31st. The Church venerates at least one saint or sacred event in the life of the Church every day of the year. There are however several feast days during year

    The Major Feast days

    Nativity of the Theotokos - September 8
    Exaltation of the Holy Cross - September 14
    Presentation of the Theotokos in the Temple - November 21
    Christmas (Nativity of Jesus Christ) - December 25 [public holiday]
    Epiphany (Baptism of Christ) - January 6 [public holiday]
    Presentation of Christ in the Temple - February 2
    Annunciation (Evangelismos) - March 25 [public holiday]
    EASTER (Pascha) - (Varies from year to year) [public holiday]
    Ascension - (40 Days after Easter) [public holiday]
    Pentecost - (50 Days after Easter)
    Transfiguration of Christ - August 6
    Dormition of the Theotokos (Kimissis) - August 15 [public holiday]

    The most important are Annunciation (Evangelismos) and Easter

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    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:09 pm

    George - does the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinopole reside in actual Constantinopole (Istanbul) or it's just a nominal title, like the title "Emperor of Rome" carried by Byzantine Emperors (who did not rule over actual Rome)?

    And does he actually have power over the Orthodox community like the Catholic Pope does over Catholics? Or various autokephalic churches rule themselves independently?

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    Post  George1 Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:45 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:George - does the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinopole reside in actual Constantinopole (Istanbul) or it's just a nominal title, like the title "Emperor of Rome" carried by Byzantine Emperors (who did not rule over actual Rome)?

    Yes it resides in Constantinople even after the Ottoman conquest in 1453. Till now. The role of the Patriarch was somehow of ethnarch of all Orthodox Christians under Ottoman rule, regardless of their nationality. The ottomans used this continuation in order to absorb the occupied populations in Ottoman Empire (so that people will obey the religious leader and not start rebellion)
    The Patriarchate has contributed to the preservation of Greek cultural heritage with the Orthodox functional and church tradition. However, when finally broke the Greek Revolution in 1821, then Patriarch Gregory V under the pressure of the Sultan excommunicated the rebels. In spite of such action, the day of Easter 1821 was hanged in the central gate of the Patriarchal House, which since then remain sealed.

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:
    And does he actually have power over the Orthodox community like the Catholic Pope does over Catholics? Or various autokephalic churches rule themselves independently?

    Only his title resembles that of Pope, he is considered an international Person and has the title of "His Most Divine All-Holiness the Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch". The successor of Eastern Orthodox Church of Constantinople. But in title only.
    The Patriarch of Constantinople has the honor of primacy, but his title is only first among equals and has no real authority over the other autocephalous Churches, than the Constantinople's. He however enjoys the right of convening extraordinary synods. His role can be described as the spiritual leader of the Orthodox Church.

    From greek metropolises the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople has under its rule the
    1. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Crete island and (annexed to Greece in 1912)
    2. Metropolises of the Dodecaneses islands (annexed to Greece in 1947)

    All the other metropolises in rest of Greece are ruled by autocephalous Church of Greece.
    Metropolises of the New Lands (Epirus, Macedonia, Thrace, Northern Aegean Islands, annexed also between 1912-1924), which in the Patriarchal and Synodical Tomos of September 4, 1928 decided to run epitropikos (temporarily) by the Church of Greece, is a matter of conflict between the church of Greece which now governs them and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

    All the other also autokephalic churches rule themselves independently. For example that of Cyprus, whose archbishop Makarios was the first president of Cyprus in 1960 (Orthodox Church there also having the role of ethnarchy during British rule, took over the struggle for "enosis" = Union with Greece)

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    Post  Austin Sun May 22, 2016 2:08 am

    Will of God , Bible Homily by Rev Pastor Sam

    Cowboy's daughter
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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Mon May 23, 2016 2:34 pm

    For me what makes Christianity so special is Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, persons can ask Him to be their Savior, without asking Him to be their Lord. But He is and should be both our Lord and Savior.

    & Jesus Christ, a living Spirit, living in us, and God giving us a new heart, changing us. being God's children. the blood of Jesus Christ, and all He has done for us.

    "I owed a debt I could not pay: He paid a debt He did not owe." the love of God...also...

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    Post  Austin Mon May 23, 2016 10:56 pm

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:
    I owed a debt I could not pay: He paid a debt He did not owe." the love of God...also...


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    Post  jhelb Tue May 24, 2016 3:04 am

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:For me what makes Christianity so special is Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, persons can ask Him to be their Savior, without asking Him to be their Lord.

    This spoke loudly to me. At the core of Christianity is forgiveness. Which explains why we Christians are more than willing to forgive even those individuals who are not Christians and have caused us harm.

    Cool prayer about this:

    Lord Jesus, today we bring to You each and every person who has broken our hearts, injured us physically or emotionally or hurt our dear ones. Lord, we make a decision to forgive. Please take hold of each pieces of our shattered hearts and make them whole again. Pour forth Your Spirit and give us the healing that we need so badly. Wipe our tears tonight, when we are totally alone in this pain. Amen.

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