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    LK99 superconductor discussion


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    LK99 superconductor discussion Empty LK99 superconductor discussion

    Post  limb Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:34 am

    As most of you have probably heard, south korean scientists allegedly found a superconducting ceramic material thats simple it could be made with a pestle and mortar. They provided a "demonstration" with the piece of ceramic moving but not floating on a magnet. A massive a amount of hype was generated, where the chinese got on the bandwagon and then claimed they purified the material and proved it was superconducting.

    Cooler heads prevailed, and the material was proven to be a nothing more than ferromagnetic, and the korean paper was shown to have extremely vague claims and very poor methodology, for example it even lacked the measurement of resistance. One would expect with such a complex material property, there would be a massive amount of simulation of material structures and quantum behavior before a manufacturing decision would be made.

    This is raises several questions. One, the western capitalist scientific community has a problem with hype, and it isnt as rigorous as claimed to be, given the additional bombshells regarding stanford professors falsifying data. Secondly the west or china still hasnt achieved any kind of generational supremacy compared to russia in terms of materials science.

    The last question to physicists here is if room temperature AND earth pressur superconductors ARE EVEN physically possible, or they're just a mathematical thought experiment like negative mass matter for alcubierre drives.

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    LK99 superconductor discussion Empty Re: LK99 superconductor discussion

    Post  kvs Thu Aug 10, 2023 1:38 pm

    There is no real theoretical basis for these materials. The researchers looking for them are just hoping to get lucky. If there was some sort of
    atom-level material model, they could manufacture such materials in a lab. But they are engaged in trial and error searches.

    As for undermining credibility of research, that is not the case. These Musk style shyster outfits are a relatively recent development and I am not
    aware of such teams in the US and other established science leaders. Sure, there are all sorts of private sector startups that make BS claims to suck up investor
    money. But that is not the model for NSF funded researchers. "Blue sky" science is still clean but may not stay that way as woke degeneracy
    and imperial decline progress.

    South Korea appears to have drank the "magic of the market" koolaid and its researchers engage in money solicitation activity, which corrupts them.

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    LK99 superconductor discussion Empty Re: LK99 superconductor discussion

    Post  kvs Fri Aug 11, 2023 7:33 pm

    "It's levitating at room temperature, it must be a room temperature and atmospheric pressure superconductor!"

    bounce bounce bounce

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    LK99 superconductor discussion Empty Re: LK99 superconductor discussion

    Post  lyle6 Fri Aug 11, 2023 8:40 pm


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    LK99 superconductor discussion Empty Re: LK99 superconductor discussion

    Post  limb Fri Aug 11, 2023 11:43 pm

    If there was some sort of
    atom-level material model, they could manufacture such materials in a lab. But they are engaged in trial and error searches.

    So are room temperature normal pressure superconductors even physically possible then?

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    LK99 superconductor discussion Empty Re: LK99 superconductor discussion

    Post  GarryB Sat Aug 12, 2023 9:33 am

    I doubt anyone could say for certain.

    I rather suspect the science does not show it to be impossible, otherwise so many would not be wasting their time.

    Many things have been discovered while trying to do something else, and accidental discoveries happen all the time... who knows what new materials can be created, either on purpose or by accident.

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    LK99 superconductor discussion Empty Re: LK99 superconductor discussion

    Post  kvs Wed Sep 13, 2023 2:18 pm

    High temperature, low pressure superconductivity is a case of too good to be true and free lunch. The obvious fail is the low current capacity
    of these materials. You can find some field configuration (for a certain constituent element geometry) that can mimic low temperature or high
    pressure conditions but it is not a replacement for those conditions. Superconductivity is a boson regime for fermions, which is an extreme
    condition. The cost for trying to maintain this peculiar state at room temperature and atmospheric pressure is fragility and enough of those
    fermions (electrons) will overwhelm the balance. By contrast, very low temperatures or very high pressures are more robust brute forcing
    that can tolerate high current densities.

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