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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Situation in Belarus

    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Situation in Belarus Empty Situation in Belarus

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Mon May 29, 2023 6:57 am

    What's the current situation in Belarus? Is it true that Lukashenko is in hospital in critical condition and that there is going to be a pro western uprising in the country?

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    Situation in Belarus Empty Re: Situation in Belarus

    Post  flamming_python Mon May 29, 2023 8:50 am

    Well that's what the NATO/Ukro intel rumour mill was circulating a couple days ago

    Add to that the comments of the Polish general 1-2 weeks ago about preparing an uprising in Belarus, and you get the picture

    Whether Lukashenko is out of action I don't know. I haven't been keeping track of where he is or when he was last seen. The Eurasian economic union conference was some days ago by now.
    This rumour could just be some sort of dry run for later.
    But of course if he really has been poisoned and hospitalized in Moscow, then that would be a major upset for Russia that something like that could even happen under the Kremlin's nose.

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    Situation in Belarus Empty Re: Situation in Belarus

    Post  ALAMO Mon May 29, 2023 9:01 am

    Skrzypczak is a common example of an old fact, that lacking a brain won't hamper military career.
    He was dumb even in ranks, now as retired he can entertain us all with every single piece of damaged brain cells he has.

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    Situation in Belarus Empty Re: Situation in Belarus

    Post  lancelot Mon May 29, 2023 11:09 am

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:What's the current situation in Belarus? Is it true that Lukashenko is in hospital in critical condition and that there is going to be a pro western uprising in the country?
    He is fine. He was at the EAEU meeting and looked pretty healthy.

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    Situation in Belarus Empty Re: Situation in Belarus

    Post  kvs Mon May 29, 2023 1:05 pm

    Even if Luka croaks, Poland and NATzO will not get their regime change dreams fulfilled. They are terminally delusional about how
    Russia and Belarus are ripe for revolution. Colour revolutions are nothing more than coups. They are not popular uprisings. The
    Kiev Maidan is an example. There will not be any Maidan in Belorus because the 5th column is not organized and powerful enough.
    Luka is not holding together a rotten facade ready to crumble.

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    Situation in Belarus Empty Re: Situation in Belarus

    Post  Broski Mon May 29, 2023 5:39 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:What's the current situation in Belarus? Is it true that Lukashenko is in hospital in critical condition and that there is going to be a pro western uprising in the country?
    Yes NAFO troll, Putin and Lukashenko have stage 10 cancer and both of their countries' governments will be overthrown any minute now.

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    Situation in Belarus Empty Re: Situation in Belarus

    Post  ucmvulcan Mon May 29, 2023 6:42 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:What's the current situation in Belarus? Is it true that Lukashenko is in hospital in critical condition and that there is going to be a pro western uprising in the country?

    Yes, Luka has Putin's disease -a mix of pancreatic cancer, AIDS, smallpox, bubonic plague, and SARSCOV2 - and his generals are already plotting how to oust him and the Ukrainian army is already in central Minsk where 90 percent plus of the population is awaiting the young lady who won an overwhelming 10 percent of the popular vote to take her rightful place as the unelected sock puppet in chief and queen of the wicker people. My source is Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo. . . .

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    Situation in Belarus Empty Re: Situation in Belarus

    Post  JohninMK Tue Jul 18, 2023 6:03 pm

    🇧🇾💀⚡Important⚡Lukashenko legalized Wagner PMC in Belarus⚡

    Alexander Lukashenko signed the law "On the People's Militia". According to the minister of defense of the republic, the law will enable unconscripted citizens to defend their country with weapons in their hands.

    The draft law was adopted in the first reading by the deputies of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly at the end of May, when it was strange even to think about the appearance of many “unconscripted citizens” in the republic.

    Immediately after, Lukashenka ratified an agreement with Russia on the creation and operation of combat training centers, it is obvious that these are links in the same chain and all this will legalize the appearance of Wagners on the territory of Belarus.

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    Post  Kiko Tue Dec 12, 2023 10:26 pm

    The Belarusian army will be taught to fight in Russian, by Andrey Rezchikov for VZGLYAD. 12.12.2023.

    The creation of combat training centers by Russia and Belarus became a new response to NATO aggression.

    Vladimir Putin ratified an agreement with Belarus on the creation and operation of combat training centers on the basis of almost all types of troops of both countries. Their main task is to increase the combat training of flight personnel, anti-aircraft missile specialists and ground forces. As experts note, these centers will significantly strengthen Russia’s defense potential and will help both in conducting a military defense system and in deterring NATO countries.

    On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed  a law  ratifying an agreement with Belarus on  the creation  and operation of combat training centers for joint training of military personnel. Last week the document was ratified by the State Duma. The agreement itself was signed in March of this year.

    In accordance with the agreements, centers will be formed on the territory of military units. They are designed to practice combat training tasks, duty duties and increase the level of coherence. Decisions on opening centers will be made jointly by the defense departments of both countries. They will determine the directions of their activities, composition, structure and locations.

    In this case, the admission of representatives of the sending party to military facilities or enterprises of the military-industrial complex will be determined by the receiving party. The commander of the military unit on the basis of which this or that center will be created will be responsible for organising the daily activities of the center.

    According to the document, the receiving party provides the military contingent with the necessary real estate free of charge and is responsible for the engineering and airfield support of the center. Along with this, the repair of weapons, military and special equipment, vehicles, as well as their maintenance will be carried out by organizations of the country to which they belong.

    As  Alexey Polishchuk, director of the Second Department of the CIS countries of the Russian Foreign Ministry, noted  , these centers can be created for almost all types of troops on the basis of military units in both Russia and Belarus. At the same time, in March 2021, the defense ministers of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus agreed to create three combat training centers in the Nizhny Novgorod and Kaliningrad regions of Russia and in the Grodno region of Belarus, RBC recalls.

    In turn, Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Nikolai Pankov said at a hearing in the State Duma that the centers are primarily needed to “increase the combat training of flight personnel, anti-aircraft missile and ground forces specialists, as well as the coherence of units,” the Zvezda TV channel reported."

    It is also worth noting that on Tuesday Putin also signed a law on the ratification of the protocol with amendments to the Russian-Belarusian agreement on joint provision of regional security of December 19, 1997. The amendments concern the procedure for joint planning, the use of a regional grouping of troops of Belarus and Russia, and the financing of joint operational, mobilization and combat training activities.

    Experts are coming to the conclusion that military cooperation between Moscow and Minsk is reaching an increasingly higher level, because the degree of integration of the national armies of Russia and Belarus will be much greater than the degree of integration between NATO countries.

    In addition, constant joint training is extremely necessary to unify approaches to solving certain problems both by the Russian Armed Forces and by the Belarusian Armed Forces. When people study in the same classrooms, work with the same equipment, do everything side by side and shoulder to shoulder - this greatly increases their interaction in the event of real combat operations.

    “I'll give you a simple example. Belarus has been asking Russia for advanced weapons for a long time. Among them are the S-400 air defense system and the Iskander OTRK. But based on the high price and demand in international markets, the supply problem persisted until relations between Russia and the West worsened,” recalls Alexander Alesin, a Belarusian military expert.

    A solution to the problem was found, among other things, by creating Russian-Belarusian combat training centers for training military personnel. This will make it possible not only to train the Belarusian military to work with modern Russian equipment, but also to put this equipment on combat duty in Belarus.

    “These centers must carry out combat training duty. That is, in the process of training and preparing personnel, they will perform a real combat mission. For example, the same S-400 is used to protect airspace, and the Iskander is used to deter the aggressive intentions of a potential enemy,”

    – Alesin explained. The specialist emphasizes that the creation of centers is extremely important, because the S-400, in conjunction with the A-50U AWACS aircraft, “shoots down Ukrainian aircraft at a distance of up to 400 kilometers.” And taking into account unofficial data that the S-400s are already on the territory of the Grodno region, such operations “could be carried out with the air forces of hostile Poland if it takes any aggressive actions.”

    “Polish military aviation, if it starts to threaten us, will be hit right on takeoff at their airfields. Therefore, combat training centers are a strong deterrent. The presence of the Iskander OTRK in Belarus will also greatly force a potential aggressor to think about whether it’s worth testing us,” the speaker noted.

    “The decision to create centers is correct and timely. This will increase the coordination of actions of military personnel of both countries in emergency situations and during combat duty. This will strengthen our military potential on the western borders - in areas adjacent to the Kaliningrad region and Belarus, as well as in the south of Belarus,” explains Alexander Bartosh, corresponding member of the Academy of Military Sciences. The expert adds that

    In NATO countries, the interaction of personnel and the standardization of equipment are well organized, but now Russia and Belarus will rise to a higher level.

    “We will strengthen the standardization of staff procedures and speed up decision-making in various combat situations. This increases the combat potential of Russia and Belarus, this is an important step to strengthen our capabilities,” the speaker added. “If there were no restraining factors, we would have seen much greater impudence of the Poles and those NATO contingents located on Polish territory and in the Baltics.”

    The expert also believes that the strengthening of military cooperation between Russia and Belarus will be deeper than in NATO. “We have the same mentality, a common historical past, there are no contradictions on religious, ethnic or other grounds. Exercises have already been conducted where Belarusian and Russian military personnel acted as part of the same crews, together they formed combined companies, platoons, battalions that carried out combat missions under the command of Belarusian or Russian officers,” he recalled:

    “In fact, as President Alexander Lukashenko said, we have a single army. Actually, it is a regional grouping of ground forces.”

    “The decision to create training centers will strengthen the defense of the Union State in the western direction. With such pressure on Russia and Belarus, it is necessary to constantly strengthen our fraternal community and increase the coherence of actions,” says Andrei Koshkin, head of the department of political analysis and socio-psychological processes of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, retired colonel.

    According to him, NATO countries suffer from the fact that they cannot fully “regulate the coordination of the actions of multinational forces, this is their weak spot.” All this leads to confusion during joint exercises and other maneuvers. “Therefore, our centers are real strongholds for increasing combat readiness. This is a movement towards closer and more effective integration between the two countries,” the expert is confident.

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    Situation in Belarus Empty Re: Situation in Belarus

    Post  ucmvulcan Wed Dec 13, 2023 4:29 am

    This may be tangetical, but what is the current state of the Union State?
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Situation in Belarus Empty Re: Situation in Belarus

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Tue Jul 09, 2024 5:51 am

    Seven Guest Countries Participate in the Liberation of Belarus Victory Parade in Minsk.

    You Can See the Entire Parade Here:


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