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    Some question about examinations in the ancient era


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    Some question about examinations in the ancient era Empty Some question about examinations in the ancient era

    Post  higurashihougi 19/03/23, 06:52 pm

    My first question (dunno if there will be second ?) is that, in the history of examination in the Western world, have this kind of trickery questions been used in any examination ?  Question Question Question Idea

    Some question about examinations in the ancient era Dong_a10

    Posts : 40979
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    Join date : 2010-03-30
    Location : New Zealand

    Some question about examinations in the ancient era Empty Re: Some question about examinations in the ancient era

    Post  GarryB 19/03/23, 08:32 pm

    Western intelligence agencies will be looking at University results and questions all the time... when they were having their war on Iraq then Arabic speakers would get jobs easily, but now speakers of Russian and Chinese will be of interest and of course in maths courses anyone that displays good knowledge of encryption or algorithms will be snapped up... universities in the west will look for such people around the world and offer scholarships and western spooks will look at the foreigners they attract... and not just for what they know or how smart they are, but also whose family they are from.

    You can bet the children of Zelensky and the leaders of Georgia and Armenia and plenty of other countries will get to study at the best western schools... some free of charge because western intel want access to their children and families... it is all about soft power.

    The west spends a lot of money buying good ideas and moving development back to their countries so they can own it and control it... there was a report of an Aussie team that developed a way of processing Uranium using lasers... which was all bought up and moved to the US... obviously they would buy it if they could but if the inventor wouldn't sell they would claim such technology makes building nuclear weapons too hard to track and monitor so they are seizing the technology in the interests of US national defence... or some such bullshit.

      Current date/time is 15/01/25, 03:18 pm