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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust


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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Podlodka77 Fri Feb 10, 2023 8:29 am

    To higurashihougi

    I'm not going to waste any more time on the bolshevik rodent that is you.
    Your disparagement of the Russian nation is sickening and the fact is that MAINLY the Orthodox died. The stupid communist rodent will never accept the fact that the territory and the country were stolen from the Russian people, the same country that was created by the Russian people and the Russian Empire. Ukrainians as a nation did not exist at the end of the 19th century, you stupid monkeys, but they behave were Little Rus or Mala Rus or Rus Minor. The percentage of other peoples who died in the Second World War on the territory of the disgusting USSR creation is not small, but it is negligible.

    Your red rodents did not create anything, they worked to destroy a RUSSIAN nation and its identity. I would have made camps for you Bolsheviks and performed an exorcism on you if I had lived at that time.
    But the Bolsheviks did not manage to destroy one thing even in 70 years of their infectious rule, that is BEFORE them and AFTER them there was only one people - the RUSSIAN PEOPLE and the red bolshevik shit went down the drain.
    This is the Russian Empire you Bolshevik scumbag created by RUSSIAN people speaking RUSSIAN language and created by RUSSIAN emperors. Before the USSR there was a RUSSIAN people and today there is only a RUSSIAN people on the territory of RUSSIA (NO SOVIETS), so it is clear which people made the greatest sacrifice for the liberation of the Russian state - RUSSIAN people..

    Russian Empire; It was created by the Russians and destroyed by the red rodent-antichrist vermin.

    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Russia22

    I wrote to you and I will repeat; I WOULD KILL BOLSHEVIKS LIKE RATS IF I LIVED AT THE TIME.  attack

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  higurashihougi Fri Feb 10, 2023 11:27 am

    the stupid communist rodent will never accept the fact that the territory and the country were stolen from the Russian people, the same country that was created by the Russian people and the Russian Empire.

    Tell that to the Poles, the Baltics, the Finns, the Tartars, the Muslims, the Kavkaz Republics, the Central Asian republics and the Asiatic people in Russia.

    They will tell you how your glorious Orthodox State use violence to destroy their homeland, or to take land from other adjacent powers.

    Your map of Russian expansion is a solid proof of that your glorious Orthodox State got big by robbing land from others.

    Fact is fact that thanks to Lenin's principle of equality between nations that these people agree to stand with Russia in the common Union of the Soviet Republics to fought against the Western powers and the Tsarist compradors, saving the Russian nation from being broken apart.

    Ukrainians as a nation did not exist at the end of the 19th century, you stupid monkeys, but they behave were Little Rus or Mala Rus or Rus Minor.

    So they still behaved as a different entity from Big Rossiya, then ?

    Fact is fact that Big Russia failed to assimilate Ukrainian and Belorussian people into them and these people broke away from the Russian Empire when the chance arise, similar from other ethnic minorities in Russian Empire.

    Your glorious Orthodox State seems to be a piece of sh*t that no one wanted to stay in.

    The percentage of other peoples who died in the Second World War on the territory of the disgusting USSR creation is not small, but it is negligible.

    Negligible ?

    Are you high ?

    Where did you get that "negligible" from ?

    Did you simply thing the minorities just sit there and did nothing to supply the war effort ?

    Your red rodents did not create anything

    One of the two superpower in the globle, with majestic economy and military power, breathtaking level of technology, and was the greatest threat to the domination of the West, and the great inspiration of working class movement of the world, stronghold of the progressive forces in the world... you mean that is "nothing" ?

    What is the international position of your glorious Orthodox State back then ? A pathetic third-rate backward country shunned by the West with an impoverished working people, with a royal family spoke German better than Russian and literally c*cksucking the Western royal families ?

    they worked to destroy a RUSSIAN nation and its identity.

    Many Soviet citizens came to our country back then spoke Russian, knowledgeable of their Russian heritage, and we recognized immediately that they are Russian, not American or German or British.

    Did they lost their identity ?

    Or only Tsarist c*cksucker, religious fanatics were acknowledged as Russian ?

    But the Bolsheviks did not manage to destroy one thing even in 70 years of their infectious rule, that is BEFORE them and AFTER them there was only one people - the RUSSIAN PEOPLE and the red bolshevik shit went down the drain.

    What about the Tartars ? Buryats ? Yakuts ? Tuvan ? Armenian ? Gruzians ? Turkmens ? Uzbeks ? Baltic peoples ? Kazakhs ? Ukrainian ? Belorussians ?

    Do I need to remind you that Tsarist Russia invaded and dominated Poland ?

    I start to understand why the ethnic minorities hated Russian empire so much and why they broke away as soon as chance arise. Cohabitation with religious fanatics were impossible.

    This is the Russian Empire you Bolshevik scumbag created by RUSSIAN people speaking RUSSIAN language and created by RUSSIAN emperors. Before the USSR there was a RUSSIAN people and today there is only a RUSSIAN people on the territory of RUSSIA (NO SOVIETS), so it is clear which people made the greatest sacrifice for the liberation of the Russian state - RUSSIAN people.

    So the Armenian, Azerbaijan, Byelorussian, Estonian, Gruzian, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Latvian, Litvian, Moldovian, Tajik, Turkmen, Uzbek, Ukrainian republics did not exists ?

    Which universe are you living in ?

    Russian Empire; It was created by the Russians and destroyed by the red rodent-antichrist vermin.

    Russian Empire was created by the successive invasions and bloody wars of the Tsarist regime at the expense of its own people, and was destroyed when its own people declared that we were fed up with you aristocratic pieces of crap.

    wrote to you and I will repeat; I WOULD KILL BOLSHEVIKS LIKE RATS IF I LIVED AT THE TIME.

    I wish you are lucky enough to survive in the war.

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Scorpius Fri Feb 10, 2023 1:04 pm

    You both represent two extremes, and this is not a reasonable approach. I'm Russian, a descendant of the Russian Old Believers. In the 17th century, my ancestors were fleeing religious persecution, when thousands of Old Believers were killed throughout Russia because they wanted to preserve the old Christian rites of service in the church. Your beloved Orthodox (there was no question of any Bolsheviks) KILLED THOUSANDS of the same Orthodox as them, just because of the differences in the performance of the rite in the church. Not even because of another faith, you know.
    The Russian Empire has never been some kind of magical "Russian state". More than 80% of the population of the Russian Empire were peasants, most of them were serfs, that is, in fact, slaves. While the aristocracy enjoyed its wealth, the Russian people were dying of hunger and disease, and this lasted for centuries. Russian Empire did not give anything to the Russian people, but only took it away, sucking the blood of the people in favor of a bunch of bastards who were not even Russian by origin! Russian Empire had periods in its history when the aristocracy did not even know the Russian language, when Russian was the language of "cattle", "plebeians", while worthy aristocrats had to speak French or German fluently, or even English. If you consider this period to be a boon, it means that you are a huge enemy of the Russian people.
    So literally no one except a bunch of sick assholes regretted when the bastard regime of the Russian Empire collapsed. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of Russians still believe that the collapse of the USSR was the greatest catastrophe for us in centuries. This is another argument in favor of the senselessness of your hatred of the USSR.

    Finally, I will mention that among every Russian's relatives one can find Orthodox Christians, Bolsheviks, non-party, serfs, workers, engineers and teachers. For example, in addition to the Old Believers, I have Don Cossacks in my family. One of the brothers fought on the side of the Whites, and the other - for the Reds. My great-great-great-grandfather was shot dead for speaking out against the Russians killing Russians during the Civil War. He survived the First World War to be killed in his homeland because of his political position (hint - it wasn't the Reds who did it). From another branch of my relatives, two brothers, one served in the NKVD, and the other was a church priest.
    Most of my relatives during the Great Patriotic War were Communists, and most of them died fighting the Nazis. And yes - they were communists from a family of Old Believers, deeply religious people. Are you insulting their memory? Are you suggesting that I and all Russians hate their own ancestors, their own families? I think we can sort this out without advice from someone who isn't even Russian, right?

    Podlodka77, I'm just pointing out to you once again the level of toxicity of your statements, which are as uncompromising and offensive as they are ignorant. The real situation is much more complicated than the propaganda nonsense that was poured into your head. Let's be a little more respectful about issues that at one time were not resolved even with the help of the Civil War.

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Mir Fri Feb 10, 2023 1:21 pm

    Very good post Scorpius - very good indeed! Smile

    Nice pool though Wink

    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Pool-c10

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Scorpius Fri Feb 10, 2023 1:39 pm

    Mir wrote:Nice pool though Wink
    Well, I would also prefer a swimming pool at this place, but I definitely won't blow up the temple that was built there now.
    I would prefer a country that doesn't choose between building a temple and destroying a pool or building a pool and destroying a temple. You can find a place for both.

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Podlodka77 Fri Feb 10, 2023 5:29 pm

    Scorpius, as far as I'm concerned, you and I are done with this topic a long time ago.

    You and I will NEVER be on good terms and there is no need for you to teach me anything.
    I've always found it interesting that fans of bolshevik rats always like to sidestep the topic of the bloodiest war in human history, the Russian Civil War. And that's where I see how much education in the USSR has brainwashed future generations. -
    The West has been looking for Russia's weak points for hundreds of years, and the atheistic and cosmopolitan approach, which Russian liberals have, would certainly have been disastrous for Russia in the long run. If it suits the majority of some future Russians - I respect their choice and I am sure that with such a choice they will hammer the decisive nail into their own coffin.
    For seventy years, the Bolsheviks killed the identity of you Russians in schools and wrote Russian history until 1917 as it suited them. That's why you write the way you write because it's implanted in your subconscious. Fortunately, I know that there are also Russians who do not think like you.

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  higurashihougi Fri Feb 10, 2023 5:32 pm

    Well, I would also prefer a swimming pool at this place, but I definitely won't blow up the temple that was built there now.
    I would prefer a country that doesn't choose between building a temple and destroying a pool or building a pool and destroying a temple. You can find a place for both.

    Regardless of my violent words, which I sincerely apologize to others here, I also don't agree with the arbitrary destruction of a religious building, especially the one with historical and cultural value.

    From my point of view it is very unlucky for the historical buildings, such as the Koenisberg Castle, that they were caught between war and between class and ideology conflict.

    I do not have issues with religious people in general, neither do I think the religious people are stupid because of their theistic belief. The religious people are normal humans, just like me, work hard to pay taxes and cover the needs of their family. Some of them have the political opinions which I may feel despicable but, regardless of the violent words I just used here, I don't claim that their morality are completely rotten.

    But I do have issue with the churches, priests and monks who had association with the aristocrats and/or the ruling oligarchs against the interest of the common people, especially the one associated themselves with foreign imperialist powers.

    And I would like to clarify that, philosophically, Marxism-Leninism and dialectical materialism do not agree with using brutal violence to impose a religious/irreligious belief on other people.

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Podlodka77 Fri Feb 10, 2023 5:47 pm

    To higurashihougi Today at 5:32 pm

    But I do have issue with the churches, priests and monks who had association with the aristocrats and/or the ruling oligarchs against the interest of the common people, especially the one associated themselves with foreign imperialist powers.

    The Russian Orthodox Church did not propagate the conquest of Western countries, but it was always Russia that defended itself and defeated the Western invaders.
    Look at Poland and look at Russia and you will see the harmful influence of the Roman Catholic Church on the Poles, while on the other hand there is NO hatred of the Russians against the Poles.
    Both Poles and Russians are Slavs, but the influence of the Roman Catholic Church on the Polish population is disastrous. The same is the case in the relationship between Serbia and Croatia.
    You try to equalize what cannot be equalized.
    In the West, they know that they defeated all the conquerors who came from other parts of the world like Cartagena, but that's why they always lost in their campaigns to the east - to Orthodox Russia.
    Our Orthodox religion is not a problem, but accepting imposed violent ideologies is a problem; Nazism, Fascism, Bolshevism, LGBT rights, etc. I am in favor of traditional values ​​and that it should be known what is a man and what is a woman, and I am against any violent rewriting of history according to the system "either you are with us or you are against us". The Bolsheviks are vermin and let me just remind you - there are no more Soviets and no more USSR.
    And it's high time for you to drive that red devil out of you.

    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 E9eqxv11

    I live for the day to see two-headed eagles on the Kremlin towers again.

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Podlodka77 Sat Feb 11, 2023 2:40 pm

    I forgot to piss on the Bolshevik legacy, even though that ideology is dead (thank God) in the political circles of Russia.

    Lenin is the same cold-blooded thug who famously wrote, “We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth[.] ... We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.”

    Elsewhere, Lenin declared that “The proletariat needs state power, the centralized organization of force, the organization of violence, for the purpose of crushing the resistance…and for the purpose of leading the great mass of the population…in the work of organizing a socialist economy.”

    And one good tweet;

    Never understood why Russians followed Lenin. "Here's the deal: I'm going to take all your stuff, burn down the churches, and murder, like, half of you. And I know I LITERALLY LOOK LIKE THE DEVIL but I'm totally not. Here, wave this blood-red flag."

    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Fpx-ws10

    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Mugsho10

    Just look at what that inferior red Bolshevik antichrist looked like. Only a sledgehammer to the head was the solution for him.

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  higurashihougi Sat Feb 11, 2023 3:43 pm

    "We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth"

    Where, when, at which circumstance did Lenin said that ? Proof ? Sources ?

    That sentence is commonly quoted among the right-wing circles, but without any reliable source and proof for that.

    The right-wing anti-communist thugs are so famous of twisting the words of Marx and Lenin to discredit the proletariat so I see no credit in their claim.

    “The proletariat needs state power, the centralized organization of force, the organization of violence, for the purpose of crushing the resistance…and for the purpose of leading the great mass of the population…in the work of organizing a socialist economy.”

    So what ?

    What is wrong about using organized violence against the garbage of the society who get filthy rich at the expense of the working class ?

    Do you imply that we have to prostrate and beg your glorious Tsar to stop bloodsucking and terrorizing people like a mafia boss ?

    For centuries the Tsars and aristocrats in your glorious Orthodox State got filthy rich at the misery of Russian peasants. Now it is the time you have to pay for all your crime.

    It is not violence. It is justice.

    Take a look at the history and see you glorious Orthodox State used organized violence against Russian peasants, against its competitors, against the Poles, the Tartars, the Asiatic people, the Chinese, and others.

    Why do you think your Orthodox State became the biggest country in the world ? The people the voluntarily gave up land to it ? Or your Orthodox State behaved like a criminal gangster and terrorized people into submission ?

    In the previous comments you openly called for mass murder of the working class and so then why are you so against the organized violence of the working class against the oppressors ?

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Podlodka77 Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:18 pm

    You are a red Bolshevik and nothing is sacred to your brainwashed brain.
    It's not worth it for me to CONSTANTLY write to you that the bloodiest Civil War in the history of human civilization is something bad, it's not worth it, because you can't put a hat on a fool's head - on your head.
    A violently imposed heretical ideology that served to kill the Russian people. Russia lost tens of millions of people under the Red Rats, or through the Civil War,  through purges, camps, hunger and general terror. AND WHAT IS WORST because of that red rat and antichrist, Russians are still dying in Ukroshitstan to this day.

    I am trying to understand how a Western country would react from the historical point at which Russia is today, if millions of people died in that country in a civil war and tens of thousands of churches were demolished. But such a thing did not happen ANYWHERE in the West.
    And the irony is that the Russians are still fighting in Ukroshitstan because of that antichrist. But some Russians defend that red trash even today. It is an illusion and it is clear that it is an illusion because the SOVIET and the USSR are no more. It's one thing when you live in the USSR and you have to declare yourself as a Soviet, and it's quite another if your ANCESTORS and DESCENDANTS are exactly Russians. And then what is the fact here except that the Russian people died for a great utopia and because of that utopia they are still dying today...

    The Russian state has been held together by religion since the end of the 9th century, and your red bolshevik parasites only ruled for a few decades, only by force and with heavily bloodied hands.

    Red rats are lucky that they don't exist today because I think about them the same as about Ukroshitstans - they only deserve a two meter deep hole.
    I despise from the depths of my soul everything that is imposed and carries in itself an essential evil; Nazism, Fascism, Bolshevism, Ukroshitstan. I will also add the ruling elites in the West.

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Mir Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:49 pm


    Perhaps one day you will realize that fundamentalism is not religion.

    Perhaps one day you will realize that the Nazis prayed for victory against the Untermench (and they still do).

    Perhaps one day you will realize that the true "Lucifer" of this world is raw Capitalism as depicted here >>.

    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Commun10

    But I have my doubts Laughing

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Podlodka77 Sat Feb 11, 2023 5:14 pm

    To MIR

    * Before the USSR and after the USSR there were only Russians, at least that's what the whole world says.
    Maybe one day you will understand that the descendants of those who died for Lenin and Stalin were Russians, as are all the inhabitants of Russia today. And if you still claim that "the Soviets" died for Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk or Leningrad, then there is no salvation for you.

    * Maybe one day you will realize that IVAN or SERGEY is not a Soviet name, and that Moscow or Veliky Novgorod were not founded by the Soviets but by the Russians.And while the USSR could temporarily usurp the territories of the Russian Empire, it could not do so with the people. A people is a people and the Reds could not wipe out a people - the Russian people.

    * Perhaps one day you will realize that the inferior anthrist Lenin, who has read a few books on Marxism, is the man who caused the former Russians to lose their identity and become Ukroshitstans. Maybe that's why he's worth the monument from that picture of yours, right ? Very Happy

    * Maybe one day you will understand that "comrades" drove in ZIL and Chaika cars while the average "Soviet" waited for years for a Lada or Moskvitch. That is the "real" virtue of party comrades, isn't it ? Capitalism has never been and will never be eradicated and it existed long before the Roman Empire in one form or another.

    * Whether you understand all this or not, I honestly don't give a ****, the fact is that everything you wrote is a utopia that died (thankfully) 31 years ago. thumbsup

    * And that monument from your picture is a thesis replacement because I see the antichrist with an outstretched hand and some monstrous creature in the foreground.

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Mir Sat Feb 11, 2023 5:54 pm

    As I've said I have my doubts Laughing Laughing Laughing

    * Before the USSR and after the USSR there were only Russians, at least that's what the whole world says.

    And I quote from Wikipedia - but you will get this from many other sources as well.

    Russia, as the largest country in the world, has great ethnic diversity, is a multinational state, and is home to over 190 ethnic groups nationwide.

    Your idea of only "Russians" in Russia sounds very similar to Hitler's Aryan utopia. Perhaps you're mixing things up a bit? Wink

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Podlodka77 Sat Feb 11, 2023 7:23 pm

    To MIR....

    No, Mir, I do not claim that all who died in the Great Patriotic War were Russians, but more than 80% were Russians and Belarusians.
    Mir, to whom Stalin said this;
    Comrades, men of the Red Army and Red Navy, commanders and political instructors, men and women guerillas, the whole world is looking to you as the force capable of destroying the plundering hordes of German invaders. The enslaved peoples of Europe who have fallen under the yoke of the German invaders look to you as their liberators. A great liberating mission has fallen to your lot. Be worthy of this mission! The war you are waging is a war of liberation, a just war. Let the manly images of our great ancestors—Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov—inspire you in this war! May the victorious banner of the great Lenin be your lodestar!
    Who do you think he counted on in this speech, Estonians, Lithuanians, Uzbeks or Russians?

    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Screen16

    For example, it should be mentioned that in 1939 almost 40% of Kazakhstan was made up of the Russian population.

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    As for the data for Ukroshistan, I claim that they are Russians because Ukroshistans are an artificial nation and Ukroshitsan is an artificial state. Ukroshitstans Nazi trash were in the Bandera team at the time.

    The Russian Empire had its mistakes and I am not defending the Tsar, but the Russian people who have been trampled by red rodents for decades.
    And what the communists did to the Russian imperial family and the Orthodox Church is bad karma that Russians are still paying for to this day.
    If, according to the logic that you all write here, "I am an atheist" or "we are all brothers", then that is the path to destruction.
    I start from who I am and I know that Jesus, as the son of God or an ordinary prophet, whatever he was, did not propagate violence.

    Nazis, fascists and Bolsheviks killed in a couple of dozen years such a number of people as had never been seen before.

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Mir Sat Feb 11, 2023 7:36 pm

    I just quoted what you said - which has nothing to do with whom died in the Soviet's Great Patriotic War dunno

    Here is what you said again >>

    Podlodka77 wrote:* Before the USSR and after the USSR there were only Russians, at least that's what the whole world says.

    My response was simple - and straight from Wikipedia

    Mir wrote:Russia, as the largest country in the world, has great ethnic diversity, is a multinational state, and is home to over 190 ethnic groups nationwide.

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    Post  Podlodka77 Sat Feb 11, 2023 7:41 pm

    To MIR

    Yes, and what do you see as the problem?
    What was the majority population in Russia and what is the problem if I write that they are Russians ?
    I did not write that Chechen is Russian or that Bashkir or Tatar is Russian, but the bottom line is that RUSSIAN is not SOVIET.
    I think I was clear now if there were any doubts. Very Happy

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Mir Sat Feb 11, 2023 8:28 pm

    Podlodka wrote:but the bottom line is that RUSSIAN is not SOVIET

    Quite the opposite my friend. The USSR, Communism, The Soviets and being Comrades were all part of Russian history and culture. Denying it is just ridiculous and ignorant.

    It was a difficult period but it also delivered some great achievements for the Soviet/Russian people and for the world. You can not separate the two. The same goes for the history of Imperial Russia.

    You can celebrate the fall of the Soviet Union all you want but it was the glue that kept a lot of things together - just like your Yugoslavia. AND today we are fighting back the Nazis in Ukraine because the Soviet Union seized to exist.

    During the Cold War NATO for most part had 16 member countries. After the fall of the Soviet Union it expanded to 31 and counting. Russia itself was nearly destroyed because of that.

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    Post  higurashihougi Sat Feb 11, 2023 8:39 pm

    I just put this picture in here.

    Remember, ultranationalism and xenophobia are the factors that break Russia apart. Meanwhile mutual respect, equality and solidarity were what kept the Soviet nations together in the Union against the pressure and invasion from outside.

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Podlodka77 Sat Feb 11, 2023 9:00 pm

    To MIR...

    What the world is fighting against is not only the Nazis but the SATANISTS.
    We can't agree about the red rodents and I consider Bolshevism and Lenin to be Russia's biggest enemy ever.
    The main ingredient that the Bolsheviks took was the land, the land created by the Russian Empire, and then the Russian people in that empire were forced to follow the ideology of the red rodent Lenin.
    This is exactly why I wrote to you what annoys me in the whole story, which is the attribution of the victims of the Great Patriotic War to some kind of "soviets", even though the fact is that the most killed were Orthodox Russians, Belarusians and a large number of Georgians and Armenians.

    And those achievements that were achieved during the USSR would have come sooner or later, certainly it was not necessary for what happened to happen.
    I refuse to believe that such a bloodshed had to break out and I am SURE that there would be far more Russians today if it had remained an orthodox state, as well as if there had been no Ukroshitstan.

    The desire of the Western elites is to present themselves as living gods, which they are not. On the other hand, they managed to master the manipulation of their population, as well as to impose LGBT rights on all member countries, and even try to force children to choose their own gender.
    It's not just Nazis, it's Satanists.

    I am a believer and I have already written several times that I hate everything that is forcibly imposed; Nazism, Fascism and Bolshevism.
    And I must repeat that what the Western elites are doing is worse than Nazism.

    TO higurashihougi

    Glory be to the soldier who died for mother RUSSIA!
    Do you understand, that country was never the "Soviet mother". Very Happy
    I think you did not understand the essence, and the essence is that the picture of the fallen soldier is surrounded by the ribbon of Saint George, which was established in 1769 or in the Russian Empire.

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Mir Sun Feb 12, 2023 8:49 am

    Podlodka77 wrote:What the world is fighting against is not only the Nazis but the SATANISTS

    I guess all these lovely people are praying for Satan to save 404 from the Untermensch dunno

    Just a few samples >>

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Podlodka77 Sun Feb 12, 2023 9:12 am

    Mir, I am a believer and Orthodox, and there is nothing in those pictures related to the Russian Orthodox Church. It is a sin to put the Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox churches in the same basket. The Orthodox did not have colonies, they did not kill the Indians, the indigenous population of South America or the Aborigines. The list is endless..

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Mir Sun Feb 12, 2023 9:23 am

    Those praying Nazi Ukrs are also Orthodox Christians - once closely connected to the Russian Othodox Christians. The Catholic Pope prayed for the Ukrs - not the Russians - which is a bit telling.

    Some more praying for 404.
    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 0001-p12

    This one is even humorous Smile

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  ALAMO Sun Feb 12, 2023 9:34 am

    The Catholic Pope prayed for the Ukrs - not the Russians - which is a bit telling.

    Not that I would like to step into your fascinating dispute Twisted Evil ...
    But since the Wehrmacht belts had the inscription "Gott mit uns", the pope of the time was actually quite openly a nazi supporter, and the Vatican banking system played a huge role in washing the nazi robbed wealth and transferring it to South America - and back in the 60s - what is the part that does not connect, in your opinion? Very Happy

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    Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust - Page 4 Empty Re: Nazism discussion inc the Holocaust

    Post  Podlodka77 Sun Feb 12, 2023 9:36 am

    To MIR

    It is a sad fact that the West and the Roman Catholic Church never came to terms with the Great Schism, which was a tragedy for Christianity, but the West has been doing everything to destroy Orthodoxy ever since. Everything you see in Ukroshitstan now Is a hoax and it's a satanic attempt to exterminate and divide the Orthodox. Although Ukrainians are mostly Orthodox, their church is not recognized by either the Russian or the Serbian Orthodox Church, and what the current regime is propagating in Ukraine has nothing to do with Orthodoxy. The West also plays a MAIN role in all of this. And Volodymyr Dildoinsky himself is not Orthodox. They are satanist my friend, satanists.

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