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Military Forum for Russian and Global Defence Issues

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    Translation solutions.


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    Translation solutions. Empty Translation solutions.

    Post  GarryB Wed Oct 27, 2021 4:31 am

    Like many members here I do not read Russian, though while I can recognise letters, the online translation pages are very useful for translating web pages the problem remains with images which are not translated... not such an issue for photos but for diagrams it can be frustrating.

    I personally use the Yandex translation page which has been updated recently with a solution to solve our problems... and not just Russian language of course... it includes most languages.

    The page I use is this:

    Across the top of the screen are links for text, sites, documents, and images. There are two large boxes, the left is the language you want to translate... I usually set that to auto detect... click on the current language and it opens a rather large dialogue box showing the language options with a switch at the top for auto detect which as I say I leave on. Below that are recently used languages to get to the most used languages you translate.

    In the right hand box is the language you want it to translate into, which in our case would be English though some members might prefer their native language instead.  There is a double arrow icon to the left of the language to translate to... this is handy if you are talking to someone in another tab in a different language... you can post what they say in the left box, read the translation in the right box and then click the arrow icon to swap the languages around so you can then type in english in the left box and it translates it automatically into the language you are communicating in with the other person into the right hand box so type what you want to say and copy the translation to post to the person you are chatting to.

    Anyway, if you click on the sites link at the top of the screen you can type in a web address and it will open the page and translate the whole page... in text mode you can also paste a web address into the text box for the foreign language and the web address will be repeated in the right hand box but a translate page button will appear which you can select to effectively do the same as clicking the site link at the top of the page.

    The Images button is new and allows you to find or upload an image which the page will scan for text... obviously the better the quality of the text and the image the better it will perform.

    What is new now is that when you translate text on the image a new button appears to download the image with the text translated, which is ideal for images of diagrams we can't get translations for... ie:

    Translation solutions. Freede10

    Which results in this... in a few seconds:

    Translation solutions. Freede11

    * note it has not translated the acronym PBCH as it probably recognises them as being english letters, though they should be translated into english as RVSN.

    The new file has .translated. added to the end of the file... when I saved the original image I couldn't read what it said so I made the file name the translation... ie


    So when I use the above service to translate it changes the name of the file to Freedeliveryheatlightanywhereworldnocomplaints.translated.jpg presumably to identify the page is translated and not over write the original.

    Just noticed there is a download button but next to that is a open as text button too which goes back to the text translation window but with the text from the image in the box ready to edit or copy and paste...

    So lets try a harder one:

    Translation solutions. Auv-1110

    Translation solutions. Auv-1111

    The extracted text looks like this:

    Connection node
    Networks of access to the resources of the transport communication network
    of joining
    Transport hub

    for access network maintenance
    Unified Digital Automated
    Transport hub

    for access network maintenance
    communication system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
    Transport hub

    for access network maintenance
    Transport network
    a transport hub
    for the maintenance
    of access networks

    Connection node
    Networks of access to resources broadcasting
    the dinen communication network

    This has enormous potential for translating scanned books for instance...

    zepia and sundoesntrise like this post


    Posts : 361
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    Join date : 2021-10-23

    Translation solutions. Empty Re: Translation solutions.

    Post  sundoesntrise Wed Oct 27, 2021 5:52 am

    tank you for you work garry

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