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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?


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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  limb Fri Feb 12, 2021 9:13 am

    Do you think weed and pschydelisc like Shroom s, LSD, DMT, etc, should be legal, or at least decriminalized in Russia and elsewhere?  

    Now I know  most of you probably view these substances as degenerate and corruptive western influence, but keep in mind that it was actually the US that spearheaded the ban of them(due to the US prison industrial complex and police to get more funding, as well as higher incarcetation rates). Wierdly enough, until the 60s and 70s THC and CBD in the USSR were actually legal and sometimes even prescribed as relaxants and painkillers in the form of tinctures. It was actually due to american influence that the USSR banned them.

    Here are the reasons why i think these substances should be legalized:

    Whatever their negative effects, they're much lower than hard drugs and even tobacco and alcohol

    Most arguments against weed and psychedelics("They cause psychosis", "they make you dumb", "they're degenerate") apply just as much, if not more to tobacco and alcohol. Alcohol causes psychosis, acts of domestic violence, destruction of cognitive abilities, etc, while tobacco lowers the nation's life expectancy.

    While weed is mildly addictive, its not addictive to the same level as tobacco and alcohol. If someone can't use it responsibly, its on him. Meanwhile psychedelics aren't addictive and dont cause any physical or mental damage unless taken very often, which is very hard to do because after taking them, your brain has a revulsion towards them for a long time period.

    Psychedelics could be an alternative to the disgusting psychiatric pills peddled by the Pindos big pharma which are produced not to reduce side effects or drastically improve the mental state of the consumer, but to generate as much profit as possible. Moreover substances like psilocybin and LSD have been proven to reduce depression and anxiety in the long term without any serious side effects unlike the life threatening side effects of big pharma pills.

    Research on psychedelics is very difficult due to their western imposed illegality. Russia could provide a safer more effective alternative to Big pharma medicine( which is peddling its flawed pills to the rest of the world) through allowing its medical industry to research psychedelics and offer psychiatric treatments using them, . Think of psychedelics as the equivalent of bacteriophages, while SSRIs and benzos are the western antibiotics.

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Feb 12, 2021 11:53 am


    There is a reason why US citizens are inherently dumb.  High, drunk, lazy/fat and entertained.

    Hence why their country is going into the shitter.  Russia would be fast moving in that direction after just crawling out of it.

    Want other examples? Go to Vancouver BC and east Hastings Street. Go to Vernon BC, etc.

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  elconquistador Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:55 pm

    These 'innocent' psychedelic drugs that you describe here (like LSD) are actually developed during the CIA's MKUltra trials and later used for social engineering

    In the 60s they were intentionally released on the domestic US market to numb and dumb down the entire Boomer generation. The goal was to keep them on the plantation whilst their social structures were destroyed (cultural debasement) . It's easier to take away people's freedoms, rights, dreams and futures when they are as high as kite and detached from reality.

    It would be nice if people for once learnt from the mistakes of others.


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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  franco Fri Feb 12, 2021 2:03 pm

    Good God no man!! Shocked  
    We have some western posters on this site that obviously indulge in drugs and their logic defies belief clown  
    No names of course to protect the guilty.... lol1
    PS and no steroids either affraid Again no names!!

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  flamming_python Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:09 pm


    So we can increase our population of 'citizen of the world' bohemian degenerates like Holland has?

    No thanks

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  kvs Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:20 pm

    So on top of drunk driving we should now have doped up driving.  No thanks.

    The war on drugs is a failure in the USA because of corruption.   You can see this in action in Afghanistan.   Why would the US
    allow the restarting of the poppy plantations if it cared about stopping Heroin production and trafficking.   Noriega was another
    dope pushing project of the USA where the quisling mutt got too big for his britches.    

    Alcohol is bad enough already and should be the limit for addictive substances allowed under the law.   Pushers and trafficers need
    hard jail time and execution if they break the law routinely.   In particular there should be a focus on the school system including
    higher levels.   In Canada we have the insanity that under 18 year olds get little slap on the wrists even for 1st degree murder.
    Because some fraudulent bleeding hearts decided that there must be a shortage of these precious "children" and they must be
    protected from reality.   In reality, even 8 year olds need to face the consequences.   If you can tell right from wrong, then you
    carry the risk for your actions.    Pushing dope in the educational system should be subjected to Draconian punishment.   If the
    pushers fuck up their lives, then cry me a river.  

    In addition, the prison system should not be a hotel system.   In North America, the average prisoner costs the state over $50,000
    per year (it is likely higher now).   This is so insane it is surreal.   Don't give me BS about laundry and food requiring such costs
    since the ratio of guards to prisoners is nowhere near high enough to account for it.   The prison cells are hardly hotel rooms
    and heat and electricity for such facilities cannot be industrial in scale.    With sane as opposed to racket costs, there should never
    be the pretext that prisons are too expensive and all the criminals need to be on the streets.   One of the biggest arguments in
    favour of legalizing dope is that it will reduce the prison population.   Maybe this reduction is not so desirable.

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  GarryB Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:27 am

    Interesting you try to justify these things by saying some are not as bad as tobacco or alcohol...

    Maybe legalise severing some ones limbs or blinding them because it is not as bad as murdering them?

    I would say improve your mental health system and improve every ones lives to the point where they choose not to get off their heads with drugs... legal or illegal.

    Note I voted Other... because I am a Kiwi sitting on the other side of the planet and should have no say on Russian laws...

    But I think legalising harmful chemicals is just admitting you can't deal with the problem... I would think study of these substances could be useful, and there might be legitimate uses, but for the general public I think their access and use should be extremely restricted because they are dangerous and not healthy... and addictive.

    The irony of the way the west has treated opiates in the past is amusing, but the quality of the drugs these days is much much more powerful and potent than it was then but even then they started realising it would be a problem needing to be made illegal.

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty многословный

    Post  SVGuss Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:54 am

    Sorry for being too verbose and overly scientific:
    f**k no!

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  thegopnik Thu Feb 25, 2021 4:41 am

    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Main-q12

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  kvs Thu Feb 25, 2021 5:46 am

    That poster was produced by somebody who never lived in Russia/USSR. There was never any western style feminism in
    the USSR. Women automatically got equal access to all jobs including top management jobs. It was not window dressing
    like affirmative action. Western feminism is some sort of perversion since it pits women against men. The original suffrage
    for the vote gave way to the 3rd wave feminism that is just insanity. Women are told that they should literally fuck around
    until they reach their 40s and then magically the right beta simp will arrive to give them personal welfare. Fucking around
    was not acceptable in the USSR. And welfare leeching was considered criminal (since you had a right to not just any job
    but pretty much one of your choosing after a short initial probation period, you were expected to work). In this regard it was
    50 to 100 years "behind" the west. More like behind in terms of social decay.


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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  SVGuss Thu Feb 25, 2021 6:00 am

    kvs wrote:That poster was produced by somebody who never lived in Russia/USSR.  

    Which part of the poster are you referring to?

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  limb Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:07 am

    kvs wrote:So on top of drunk driving we should now have doped up driving.  No thanks.

    The war on drugs is a failure in the USA because of corruption.   You can see this in action in Afghanistan.   Why would the US
    allow the restarting of the poppy plantations if it cared about stopping Heroin production and trafficking.   Noriega was another
    dope pushing project of the USA where the quisling mutt got too big for his britches.    

    Alcohol is bad enough already and should be the limit for addictive substances allowed under the law.   Pushers and trafficers need
    hard jail time and execution if they break the law routinely.   In particular there should be a focus on the school system including
    higher levels.   In Canada we have the insanity that under 18 year olds get little slap on the wrists even for 1st degree murder.
    Because some fraudulent bleeding hearts decided that there must be a shortage of these precious "children" and they must be
    protected from reality.   In reality, even 8 year olds need to face the consequences.   If you can tell right from wrong, then you
    carry the risk for your actions.    Pushing dope in the educational system should be subjected to Draconian punishment.   If the
    pushers **** up their lives, then cry me a river.  

    In addition, the prison system should not be a hotel system.   In North America, the average prisoner costs the state over $50,000
    per year (it is likely higher now).   This is so insane it is surreal.   Don't give me BS about laundry and food requiring such costs
    since the ratio of guards to prisoners is nowhere near high enough to account for it.   The prison cells are hardly hotel rooms
    and heat and electricity for such facilities cannot be industrial in scale.    With sane as opposed to racket costs, there should never
    be the pretext that prisons are too expensive and all the criminals need to be on the streets.   One of the biggest arguments in
    favour of legalizing dope is that it will reduce the prison population.   Maybe this reduction is not so desirable.

    So if you had it your way, you would have a prohibition of all psychoactive substances, including alcohol and tobacco?
    Ive had far more bad experiences with alcohol addicts than weed addicts. Alcohol addiction is absolutely worse than weed. Alcohol addicts are agressive abusers. Ive never met a person who got more agressive and reckless from weed.  My uncle is an alcohol addict and would beat his wife and son to a pulp, but you seem to consider that a lesser evil. What a joke.

    So far I havent found any argument that proves that weed or psychedelics is equal to hard drugs. You seem to assume its so without any thinking. Its also laughable that you compare using weed with first degree murder.

    Also how the hell do you think the US prison system of all prison systems, is a hotel? A prison system with frequent abuse, constant rapes, organized crime, overcrowded cells, and privately directed slave labor? Do you want a prison system with less or more of these things? If you want the latter, then decriminalizing weed is bound to reduce prison population. if you want the more of those things, be prepared to have a population of former prisoners that can never be reintegrated back into society.

    Since I imagine youre a law an order type, you rpobably worship places like thailand and indonesia, even when those places are violent shitholes where organized crime runs rampant.

    Last edited by limb on Thu Apr 22, 2021 5:33 am; edited 3 times in total

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  limb Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:09 am

    flamming_python wrote:Why?

    So we can increase our population of 'citizen of the world' bohemian degenerates like Holland has?

    No thanks

    Russian brainless liberasts seem to have no problem appearing just fine without weed or psychedelics. I believe NGOs, instagram, and western media are far more destructive substances. Also the strawman that weed turns you into a hippy is straight out of 1960s US propaganda.

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  limb Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:17 am

    elconquistador wrote:These 'innocent' psychedelic drugs that you describe here (like LSD) are actually developed during the CIA's MKUltra trials and later used for social engineering

    In the 60s they were intentionally released on the domestic US market to numb and dumb down the entire Boomer generation. The goal was to keep them on the plantation whilst their social structures were destroyed (cultural debasement) . It's easier to take away people's freedoms, rights, dreams and futures when they are as high as kite and detached from reality.

    It would be nice if people for once learnt from the mistakes of others.

    This is moot since MKUltra was a failure. If it wasnt, LSD and shrooms wouldnt be banned.

    Instead what we have is western pharmaceutical companies dumbing down their population into being emotionless stoic submissive husks with stuff like SSRIs, Benzodiazepams, and Adderal. Not only that, but these pills as well as alcohol are directly proven to be far more damaging to the brain and addictive than weed, but the only reason they stay legal is due to political and profit interests. If you cant addict your population easily, you cant generate profit.

    The russian medical industry has the opportunity to research psychedelics(because most research of these substances is forbidden in the west), and provide an alternative to these aformentioned pills if there are positive findings.

    Even alcohol is actually more in the interests of the ruling class since its usage stops the average proletarian from caring ab out his exploutation and lack of any power, while psychedelics and even weed cause more awareness.

    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:22 am

    Psychodelics all show immense potential in psychotherapy. MDMA for PTSD has a remission rate of 70% after several weeks while standard of care had 35% after a year.

    LSD and shrooms also show a lot of potential

    Main reason they were banned in the US was because right wing politicians started panicking about society losing its morals and stuff. Their ban halted progress in psychiatry by 40 yeats

    At least on case of LSD and psilicybin, whsts the deal? Its usage has been linked to several positive things, including long term reduction in depression and anxiety, increased emotional empathy and openness to experience, something that alcohol certainly does not give. They are also significantly less addictive

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  elconquistador Thu Apr 22, 2021 4:19 am

    limb wrote:
    elconquistador wrote:These 'innocent' psychedelic drugs that you describe here (like LSD) are actually developed during the CIA's MKUltra trials and later used for social engineering

    In the 60s they were intentionally released on the domestic US market to numb and dumb down the entire Boomer generation. The goal was to keep them on the plantation whilst their social structures were destroyed (cultural debasement) . It's easier to take away people's freedoms, rights, dreams and futures when they are as high as kite and detached from reality.

    It would be nice if people for once learnt from the mistakes of others.

    This is moot since MKUltra was a failure.


    Lost me right there. The findings of MK Ultra are being mass projected on society on an everyday basis

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  Backman Thu Apr 22, 2021 4:21 am

    Well... This is a big issue.

    Did you know that all the drug prohibition laws that spread around the world originated from the USA ?

    What was the Russian empire's drug policy ? What was the Soviets drug policy ? Is prohibition just an import from the US in Russia ? Because it is for a lot of countries. Most countries.

    What I like about Russia is that they always do things their own way. And id like to see Russia think about this issue on its own and come up with some ideas that aren't corrupted with bullshit British common law and US drug laws.

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  Backman Thu Apr 22, 2021 4:33 am

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Psychodelics all show immense potential in psychotherapy. MDMA for PTSD has a remission rate of 70% after several weeks while standard of care had 35% after a year.

    LSD and shrooms also show a lot of potential

    Main reason they were banned in the US was because right wing politicians started panicking about society losing its morals and stuff. Their ban halted progress in psychiatry by 40 yeats

    At least on case of LSD and psilicybin, whsts the deal? Its usage has been linked to several positive things, including long term reduction in depression and anxiety, increased emotional empathy and openness to experience, something that alcohol certainly does not give. They are also significantly less addictive

    That's right. Which is why I think it could be done a different way than either decriminalizion on legalization. 

    The government should operate a darknet drug dispensing account. Keep it all illegal and underground on the surface. But the govt could sell safe , clean quality drugs through the darknet where it would only be sent out discreetly in the mail. Like how dark markets work now. They could make the money on the sales. And just see what happens. 

    Maybe there would be a reduction in gang activity and crime because drug prices would fall. And you could experiment with it. Get some data on it and go from there.

    This way, drugs are all still illegal. And for the drugs out there , the govt would be making the money on it. Not criminal syndicates.

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  limb Thu Apr 22, 2021 5:30 am

    elconquistador wrote:
    limb wrote:
    elconquistador wrote:These 'innocent' psychedelic drugs that you describe here (like LSD) are actually developed during the CIA's MKUltra trials and later used for social engineering

    In the 60s they were intentionally released on the domestic US market to numb and dumb down the entire Boomer generation. The goal was to keep them on the plantation whilst their social structures were destroyed (cultural debasement) . It's easier to take away people's freedoms, rights, dreams and futures when they are as high as kite and detached from reality.

    It would be nice if people for once learnt from the mistakes of others.

    This is moot since MKUltra was a failure.


    Lost me right there. The findings of MK Ultra are being mass projected on society on an everyday basis
    What I meant was that the usage for LSD in MKultra was found to be a failure, hence why big pharma revised it started pushing benzos, adderal, SSRIs, birth control ,etc. to the masses, while the FBI started pushing crack and cocaine.

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  elconquistador Thu Apr 22, 2021 9:20 am

    Backman wrote:Well... This is a big issue.

    Did you know that all the drug prohibition laws that spread around the world originated from the USA ?

    What was the Russian empire's drug policy ? What was the Soviets drug policy ? Is prohibition just an import from the US in Russia ? Because it is for a lot of countries. Most countries.

    What I like about Russia is that they always do things their own way. And id like to see Russia think about this issue on its own and come up with some ideas that aren't corrupted with bullshit British common law and US drug laws.

    Yeah right, like the drug prohibition laws in a place like China, which totally didn't have anything to do with the Opium War and the subsequent utter and total destruction of society by the widespread availability of drugs

    Last edited by elconquistador on Thu Apr 22, 2021 9:29 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  elconquistador Thu Apr 22, 2021 9:26 am

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Psychodelics all show immense potential in psychotherapy. MDMA for PTSD has a remission rate of 70% after several weeks while standard of care had 35% after a year.

    LSD and shrooms also show a lot of potential

    Main reason they were banned in the US was because right wing politicians started panicking about society losing its morals and stuff. Their ban halted progress in psychiatry by 40 yeats

    At least on case of LSD and psilicybin, whsts the deal? Its usage has been linked to several positive things, including long term reduction in depression and anxiety, increased emotional empathy and openness to experience, something that alcohol certainly does not give. They are also significantly less addictive

    If you want to take care of society induced mental illnesses like depression, PTSD and anxiety you might want to start with putting the brakes on the breakdown of the nuclear family, the war on traditional morality, the atomisation of society , the elevation of soulless materialism, feminism and the subversion, and breakdown of traditional religion

    Which are the true culprits of the mental illness crisis we are facing today.

    All of these are, bytheway, engineered by the same people that are now pushing drugs as a 'remedy'.

    Also I have no idea what you mean by 'increased emotional empathy'. We live in an era of feelings over facts, perpetual childhood and non stop pampering already. The last thing we need is more 'emotions' sewn into whatever it is that you are suggesting

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    Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics? Empty Re: Do you think Russia should legalize weed and psychedelics?

    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 22, 2021 2:31 pm

    The great American philosopher Homer J Simpson once made a toast... the alcohol.... the cause of, and solution to all of lifes problems... except it is not a solution to anything really.

    Most countries that banned alcohol eventually made it legal again to stop fucking idiots making it themselves and getting the mix wrong and making it lethal.

    Alcohol should be seriously restricted, perhaps like illegal drugs they could learn what makes it addictive at a chemical level and develop something that blocks that, or add the addictive component to healthy food or exercise.

    The argument that something legal is potentially worse is not an argument to legalise something, it is an argument to ban something else.

    Most of the US is already on opiates vastly more powerful and refined than they were 100 years ago when many were discovered.

    They bypassed the law on illegal drugs by making them in a different way with a different name and calling them medicine.

    They still have drug problems.

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