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    DOS attacks on this site


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    DOS attacks on this site Empty DOS attacks on this site

    Post  kvs Fri Aug 28, 2020 4:33 pm

    I am experiencing stalling on all sorts of third party tracking sites (which can be seen on the lower left in Firefox) including Google.
    This amounts to a DOS attack on this board. When I go to Youtube and elsewhere I am not getting any stalling from such sites.

    This is not tinfoil nonsense. Deplatforming and cancelling is all the rage these days including in the western corporate environment.
    It would not be surprising if such dirty tricks were being applied to heretical and dissident sources not toeing the western PC
    totalitarian utopia-to-come line. Youtube shadow bans non-conforming voices. Blanket censorship is too extreme and would cause
    a backlash.


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    DOS attacks on this site Empty Re: DOS attacks on this site

    Post  GarryB Sat Aug 29, 2020 8:45 am

    Isn't there a feature of Firefox that bypasses all the secret little trackers like facebook and twitter and google ....

    Have not had any problems myself...

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    DOS attacks on this site Empty Re: DOS attacks on this site

    Post  JohninMK Sat Aug 29, 2020 10:55 am

    I run Firefox and have no problems. Nothing in bottom left either, my indicators are top right. I have Ghostery and ABP active.

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    DOS attacks on this site Empty Re: DOS attacks on this site

    Post  LMFS Sat Aug 29, 2020 1:15 pm

    I also have Firefox + Ghostery and have not noticed anything wrong... in fact Ghostery just reports 3 trackers in the site

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    DOS attacks on this site Empty Re: DOS attacks on this site

    Post  kvs Mon Oct 26, 2020 3:45 pm

    I do not why all of you are not experiencing serious slow downs with this site, but for me it has become like molasses. None
    of the many other sites I visit have this slow down and are snappy to access. So it is not a problem with my computer environment
    or browser.

    So it is not a case of DOS attacks. But it is a case of 3rd party servers taking way too long. As if I have been black listed by
    one or more of them. But this is exclusive to this website.


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    DOS attacks on this site Empty Re: DOS attacks on this site

    Post  franco Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:16 pm

    Getting a lot of notices of malice ware blockage from my security provider but this has been happening for months. It has not however slowed down the site or links.

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    DOS attacks on this site Empty Re: DOS attacks on this site

    Post  GarryB Tue Oct 27, 2020 6:08 am

    If you click on this link and go to whatismyIP

    It will tell you what your IP address is.

    Copy that into memory by highlighting it precisely (without spaces before or after) with your mouse and then pressing the control key and holding it down and pressing C for copy.

    Once you have copied that into memory click on this link

    Or click on the link along the top of the first screen that says IP Lookup.

    In the big text box click inside and press and hold the control key and the the letter V to paste your IP address and click on the button get IP details and it will open a page with your IP details and location on a map... halfway down the list is a button to check blacklist status... click on that and it will show the many tracing websites have you on them... and options to get you off them...

    There are about 70 sites and I got a red cross on four... which I am not really very worried about....

    If you want to hide your IP address there are various links and options that mostly result in a monthly or yearly fee to join a virtual private network or VPN... it is not something I have bothered doing.

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    DOS attacks on this site Empty Re: DOS attacks on this site

    Post  kvs Thu Dec 10, 2020 8:27 pm

    Even if people dismiss my observations, I am experiencing ridiculous delays loading every single page on this site. For me this
    is a DOS attack. I think that it is a directed DOS attack that is not affecting everyone, but via third party "ad sites" is targeting
    certain IPs. Smarmy NATzO censorship in action.


    Posts : 40382
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    DOS attacks on this site Empty Re: DOS attacks on this site

    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 11, 2020 7:26 am

    It is probably not a DOS attack as such, otherwise we would all be noticing it.

    That does not rule out something specifically aimed at you though... all the western talk about Russian troll farms... the Russians don't have that sort of money to piss away.... like the west does...

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