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    India and Russia joint military projects: News


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    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 Empty What will it take India to built Super-30s ?

    Post  Pinto Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:55 am

    India and Russia are back to the negotiation table and are currently discussing developing an upgrade package for India’s frontline Sukhoi-30MKI fighter jets which will keep it fighting fit against emerging threats for next two decades to come and carry on to be a formidable combat platform in Indian Air Force .

    India is also working with Russians in the development of 5th generation Stealth fighter jet based on T-50 design and also negotiating with France for the purchase of expensive Rafale fighter jets . India also has plans to procure one more 4++ Generation fighter jet platform and also is keen to develop indigenous multirole 5th generation fighter jets AMCA.

    Now the question remains, does India have enough money to go for the full-fledged upgrade to a develop ultimate Super Flanker or will it be forced to compromise and go for lighter but decent upgrade package . Both options will be discussed below .

    Five key upgrades requirements which India’s Su-30s will need to remain formidable and deadly combat jets are 1) Engines 2) Radar 3) Pilot interface 4) IRST 5) Airframe & Structural changes and modifications .

    Below arguments will be made for full-fledged and lite upgrade packages which India can adopt for Sukhoi-30MKI fighter jets .


    Indian Sukhois are powered by AL-31FP engines which generate 123kN of thrust and is locally manufactured in India by HAL . Reliability and serviceability of AL-31FP lately have been in the news and in last 15 years of operational history with Indian air force AL-31FP engines have suffered numerous mid-air engine flame outs resulting in many single engine landings . Russia is currently working on a host of improvements for AL-31FP engines based on India’s feedback and is also making changes to its FADEC and thrust vectoring nozzles to improve their serviceability. Technical changes made on the engine will be later incorporated in all engines in phases in India and to save money, improved AL-31FP engines might continue to power Super Sukhoi’s .

    Better but expensive option could be to procure and upgrade to AL-41FIS engines which are also known as 117s currently been used to power Sukhoi-Su35 and can generate 142kN of thrust and comes with improved FADEC and higher thrust and reportedly also as better reliability when compared to previous AL-31s engines .


    Sukhoi-30MKI incorporates powerful N-011M BARS Phased Array Radar which was once classified as Best Export Radar on any Flankers sold by Russia. But emerging threats from Stealth aircraft means Sukhoi’s will need new improved Radars with better detection and engaging requirements and India may discuss upgrading this radars to make them par with the performance of N-035 IRBIS-E PESA Radars used on Sukhoi-35s which has double target detection and engagement capability at fraction of the cost .

    Expensive option could be to go for new and modern Active Electronically Steered Array (AESA) radars which will have the improved capacity to track low observable fighter jets at significant range and mostly like Russian options which India can consider for Super Flanker are N036 Byelka active electronically scanned array radar system developed for fifth-generation Sukhoi T-50 fighter aircraft or Phazotron Zhuk AE/ASE AESA first developed for the MiG-35s.

    Pilot interface

    Russians are still not at par when it comes to providing cutting edge Machine Pilot interface when compared to western fighter jets . One look into Sukhoi-30s cockpit it becomes apparently clear that it is still rudimentary similar to older Su-27s Cockpit even though it has seen the introduction of modern days TFTs and avionics . Machine Pilot interface is one of the areas which has great scope for improvements and active feedback from pilots can be used as a foundation to improve them further for the less hectic work environment .

    An expensive option could be to make full-scale up gradation and go for complete new cockpit layout with major changes to onboard Avionics and Pilot interface bringing it par with Western fighter jets .


    Infra-red search and track (IRST) system found on Sukhoi-30MKI should be another equipment which can be upgraded , the expensive upgrade could be to replace current IRST of Su-30s and integration of newer and efficient next generation IRST developed by Russians for newer fighter aircraft like Su-35 and Pak-fa .

    Airframe & Structural changes and modifications

    The large air frame of Sukhoi 30 easily gives away its position much earlier than other 4++ Generation western fighter aircraft and when up against a Stealth aircraft Sukhoi 30 will always provide the first shoot opportunity to its rival which can have dangerous consensus to its crew .

    Radar Cross-section reduction and use of composites and new radar absolving materials in airframe can considerably reduce its RCS and force low-observable aircraft to engage Sukhoi’s at a much closer distance giving it a fighting changes to complete it .

    Expensive upgrade changes and modifications could be deep Structural and air frame improvements and use of Radar absorbing materials and paint in various frontal positions . considerable Signature management of its high thrust engines which generates considerable amount of heat could be added bonus but this will require major changes in air frame for better heat displacement . to improve air frame life change of materials and use of newer lighter metals can also be considered but it could shoot up the cost but improve or double air frame life of this jets considerably allowing it to stay in service for much longer in future .


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    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 Empty India, Russia Make Conscious Efforts to Increase Defense Ties . Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website , Kindly don't post our articles on other copycat websites .

    Post  Pinto Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:10 pm

    After several years of frozen relations, a coming thaw shows a veritable increase in Indian-Russian defense ties.

    New Delhi (Sputnik) – In what is being seen as a prudent move by India and Russia the two countries are inching closer to signing a stalled 4 billion dollar project for joint development of their 5th generation fighter aircraft and upgrades for the Su-30MKI Super Sukhoi with advanced avionics and weapons.

    Additionally, most of the contentious issues between the two countries have been resolved or will be between Russian Helicopters and India's Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) regarding joint development of Kamov-226T light helicopters. Only a few days ago, Indian Commerce & Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman proudly announced that the Kamov 226T would be the first defense project completed under “Make in India.”

    India has also agreed to lease one Akula class submarine which will be known as INS Chakra after induction into the Indian Navy. Russia has offered its latest nuclear aircraft carrier Storm to India.

    Grounded Mi-17-1V helicopters will also be overhauled upgraded with the latest avionics, as negotiations are underway between India and Kazan Helicopters.

    Apart from this, an agreement for the S-400 air defense missile system could be signed very soon.

    All these developments have happened within the last fortnight. This could be a defining moment in India-Russia relation as these deals are worth than any other deal struck by India with western countries.

    Recently, media reported that India was leaning towards the US for its defense requirements. However, facts indicate otherwise. In March of this year Indian Minister of Defense Manohar Parrikar said, " During the last three years, 67 defense contracts have been signed with vendors from foreign countries, out of which 18 contracts are from Russia, 17 from the US, 13 from Israel, 6 from France and 13 are with others."

    Amit Cowshish, former financial adviser to Ministry of Defense, said " One of the few major contracts signed by India during the last two years is with Rosobornexport for the Smerch Rocket Launcher System. It may not be as big a contract as the ones for Apache and Chinook in terms of the financial value, but it is significant all the same. It only establishes that while Russia may not be the major exporter of arms to India any more, it continues to be a serious player in India's defense market."

    Notable is that India has not been interested in doing business with countries that are reluctant to participate in the “Make in India” program, evidenced by the fact that expenditure on capital acquisition from foreign vendors as a percentage of such expenditure of the total expenditure on capital acquisition keeps falling year wise. India spent 53% of its total capital expenditure on foreign acquisition in 2013-14, falling to 36% in 2015-16 and is expected to further drop in the current financial year.

    Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar asserted that India wants to double its defense exports as soon as possible. Thus, India will leaning towards those countries that would agree to either set up bases in India or are willing for meaningful transfer of technology.

    Rumel Dahiya, Deputy Director General of India's topmost defense think tank Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis said, "When it was decided to manufacture BrahMos Missile together [with Russia], it was decided that both the armed forces would acquire some of these missiles and then sell them to a third party. But, what we have seen is that while India started inducting BrahMos in its armed forces, Russia has not started doing so. If Russia inducts BrahMos in its armed forces as well, then there will be greater credibility about the weapon system. The second aspect of this is, there are many countries keen to acquire BrahMos. I think both India and Russia should work together, proactively; to now start identifying whom to sell. I think BrahMos will be very a fine model for joint development of weapon systems and then selling it to third countries as well. This could become a model for other weapon systems which we can jointly develop and Russia can help us greatly with the 'Make in India' project. If Russia comes early then of course we will have a head start ahead of all others. They can become a great partner in India's capacity building."

    Amit Cowshis says, "China and Pakistan have limited potential as export markets. As an important player in contemporary international politics it is anxious to regain its past glory and it will not serve Russia’s interest to pull out all the stops to align with China, which will benefit more from such an alignment, or with Pakistan, which has a dubious record of spawning extremism all over."

    Meanwhile, at a recently held exhibition in Russia, India expressed interest in leasing two Akula class submarines. In the Indian Navy's future projects, Russia is expected to have a crucial role in partnering with Indian Defense companies to build six submarines.

    Naval Captain (Dr.) Gurpreet Khurana, Executive Director of the National Maritime Foundation (NMF), said, "The Indian Navy would be much inclined to engage with the highly professional Russian Navy, much beyond the largely symbolic India-Russia biennial ‘Indra’ series of combined naval exercises. Furthermore, Russia could potentially play a crucial role in maritime security and safety in the Indian Ocean region. This would augur well for the ‘inclusive’ approach to regional ‘net security’ and stability involving all stakeholders, a mantra which India and the other regional countries have collectively adopted in regional multilateral institutions like the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) and the Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS)."

    A Defense Ministry official said on condition of anonymity, "India's new found closeness with the United States is only a perception. The reality is, India was under immense pressure from the US to take a stand against Russia in favor of Ukraine. But, India resisted all such pressure and firmly backed Russia. Also, it is a fact that the US helped India lose out in obtaining a Nuclear Supplier's Group waiver in 2008, but if you go through the records, it is only Russia that has benefited from this waiver, very much to the contention of the United States. India's entry into the Missile Technology Control Regime will also benefit Russia the most."

    Experts are of the view that Russian-origin submarines, armored vehicles, missiles, submarines, aircraft, helicopters, aircraft carrier, and other assorted systems constitute the backbone of India’s military capability. Going by past experience, these will remain in service for the next several decades. Moreover, of late, Russia has made a conscious effort to regain the confidence of Indian armed forces by providing prompt servicing of equipment. Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar praised this effort of Russia in Parliament recently. Therefore, Russian support in ensuring operational serviceability of the equipment, including repair, refit and upgrades would also be of crucial importance for many more years to come.

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    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 Empty India to use Tu-22M3 Supersonic Bombers to Hunt down PLAN Warships

    Post  Pinto Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:16 am

    India seems likely to acquire four Tupolev Tu-22M3 “Backfire” twin-engine strategic bombers from Russia and will probably use these long-range jets on maritime strike missions to attack warships with volleys of modern anti-ship missiles (ASMs), including India’s own BrahMos-A.

    When they arrive in India, the Backfires will become the country’s first long-range strategic bombers. Indian media said these four variable-wing jets should be sufficient to deter China from further expansion in the Indian Ocean.In December 2015, China announced it would build a naval base for its People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) on the Seychelles, an Indian Ocean nation off the east coast of Africa.

    Indian military analysts said the only conceivable deployment for the Tu-22M3 is to attack PLAN warships in the Indian Ocean and in the South China Sea. The jets have a range of 6,800 km, allowing them to venture out to the South China Sea from Visakhapatnam, headquarters of the Indian Navy’s Eastern Naval Command. The distance to the Seychelles is 4,000 km.

    Backfires from the Thanjavur Air Force Base in southern India armed with the BrahMos-A can hunt down and hit PLAN warships in the Indian Ocean. The BrahMos-A can be modified to carry a nuclear warhead.

    The Tu-22M3 was originally designed by the Soviet Union as a long-range maritime strike bomber armed with stand-off cruise missiles capable of attacking U.S. Navy carriers at very long-range.

    India might choose to arm the Tu-22M3 with the air launched version of its BrahMos supersonic cruise missile, the BrahMos-A, or with the Russian cruise missiles it’s designed to launch: the Raduga Kh-22 and the Raduga Kh-15.

    The Kh-22 has a range of 600 km and a 1,000 kg warhead. This weapon can also be armed with a nuclear warhead. The smaller Kh-15 with its 150 kg warhead is the world’s fastest aircraft-launched missile.

    Russia currently uses its Tu-22M3s to bomb targets in Syria in support of the Syrian government. The jets rain down unguided “dumb bombs” on their targets, which the United States says are mostly resistance groups allied with it.

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    Post  Pinto Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:19 am

    Tu 22 is a strategic bombers as it carries more loads of weapon compared to fighters.. It will workforce multipliers for navy along with P8i and Mig 29ks.

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    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 Empty Russia-India

    Post  GarryB Mon Aug 15, 2016 3:21 am

    The Tu-22 is a very old bomber type with externally mounted podded engines near the vertical tail surface.

    The Tu-22M3, which is the aircraft we are talking about is a heavy theatre bomber with half the range of the strategic Soviet/Russian bombers, but a rather decent bomb payload.

    If India reequips these aircraft with inflight refuelling systems they their range performance would be greatly increased.

    Needless to say on the Auspower website there is a chart comparing the Tu-22M3 with the F-111, which is Mr Kopps favourite aircraft and the Backfire is shown in comparison to equivalent alternative Australian options... namely one Tu-22M3 is equivalent to two F-111s with an inflight refuelling tanker, or four F-35s and two inflight refuelling tankers... and that assumes the Tu-22M3 has no inflight refuelling capability...

    In Indian service there is no reason why inflight refuelling capability could not be reinstalled.

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    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 Empty Re: India and Russia joint military projects: News

    Post  airstrike Thu Sep 22, 2016 1:40 pm

    Joint Russian-Indian "Indra-2016" military drills to be held in Russia

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    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 Empty MiG 29 Combat Aircraft Upgradation In Final Stage

    Post  Pinto Fri Sep 23, 2016 2:40 pm

    NASHIK, MAHARASHTRA: The 11 Base Repair Depot (11 BRD) of Air Force Station at Ojhar in Nashik which undertakes maintenance and overhauling MiG series combat aircraft, is currently engaged in upgradation of MiG 29 which is in final stages.

    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 Mig_29_fighter_650x400_41474363967

    Group Captain and Station Commander of Air Force Station, Ojhar, P K Anand also said at the depot yesterday that overhauling of MiG23 has been stopped since 2015.

    "Since 1996, our depot overhauled a number of aircraft and even upgraded them," he added.

    The upgraded MiG29 combat aircraft is fully equipped for delivering weapons, including missiles, increasing its capability, Group Captain and Station PRO, N Chaturvedi said.

    The depot engineers have made most of the changes and enhanced the aircraft by using 90 per cent of 'indigenous spares parts', produced in Nashik-based industrial units, Chaturvedi added.

    "Nashik has become for us a 'aviation-hub'. Even 11 BRD's best awards went to Nashik industrial unit for supplying and manufacturing good quality spares, which has also reduced our cost in overhauling combat aircraft," he said.

    During the visit to the depot, mediapersons were shown its assembly line, aircraft engine shops, pilot's special ejecting-seat workshop and stores of spare parts.

    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 Empty Re: India and Russia joint military projects: News

    Post  Guest Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:08 pm

    MSTA on trials in India:

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    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 Empty Re: India and Russia joint military projects: News

    Post  AlfaT8 Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:02 pm

    Militarov wrote:MSTA on trials in India:

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    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 2202040_original

    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 2202415_original

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    Some good wallpapers here.

    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 Empty Re: India and Russia joint military projects: News

    Post  Guest Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:05 pm

    Militarov wrote:MSTA on trials in India:

    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 2202755_original

    Some good wallpapers here.

    Sadly it lost the competition.

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    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 Empty Re: India and Russia joint military projects: News

    Post  George1 Sat Oct 15, 2016 4:05 pm

    An agreement on the production of the Ka-226T in India

    According to Elizaveta Kuznetsova in the article "Russian helicopter - the best friend of the Indian elephant," published October 15, 2016 in the newspaper "Kommersant", Russia and India have agreed to establish a joint venture, which is to be located in Bangalore for production of light multi-purpose helicopters Ka-226T. First, the joint venture, in which control will receive the Indian Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, will purchase 60 machines from the "Helicopters of Russia", and then another 140 Ka-226T will be assembled in India under license. Delhi has repeatedly intention to buy abroad helicopters of this type, but in 2014-2015 focused on the Russian model. The main buyers of the Ka-226T should be the Indian military, but not excluded, and the export of these machines as agreed.

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    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 Empty Re: India and Russia joint military projects: News

    Post  AlfaT8 Sat Oct 15, 2016 4:33 pm

    Militarov wrote:
    AlfaT8 wrote:
    Militarov wrote:MSTA on trials in India:

    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 2202755_original

    Some good wallpapers here.

    Sadly it lost the competition.

    Too who???

    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 Empty Re: India and Russia joint military projects: News

    Post  Guest Sat Oct 15, 2016 5:16 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    AlfaT8 wrote:
    Militarov wrote:MSTA on trials in India:

    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 2202755_original

    Some good wallpapers here.

    Sadly it lost the competition.

    Too who???

    To the K9 Vajra-T which is Indian license built K9 Thunder.

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    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 Empty Re: India and Russia joint military projects: News

    Post  George1 Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:03 am

    Moscow will test the Indian nuclear submarines

    In the newspaper "Izvestia" October 19, 2016 published an article by Nicholas Surkov "Moscow will test the Indian nuclear submarine,"which reported that Russian ships and rescue experts will ensure the safety tests of the newest Indian submarines.

    The Government of the Russian Federation and India agreed to provide assistance to Russian seamen Indian counterparts in tests of new nuclear submarines. The submarines will be built within the framework of the development of India's nuclear submarine fleet. Experts point out that without the experience and capabilities of the Russian sailors of Indian Navy's accession process in the "atomic age" would go much slower.

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    India and Russia joint military projects: News - Page 9 Empty ‘Russian Helicopters’ could localise Mi-17 production in India

    Post  Pinto Mon Nov 21, 2016 4:45 pm

    If the Ka-226T helicopters, assembled in India, are successfully exported to neighbouring countries, the localised assembly model could be used for other helicopters as well.

    Alexander Mikheev, CEO of the Russian Helicopters Holding company, (a Rostec member) does not rule out the possibility of localising production of the Mi-17 helicopters in India.

    “At the moment, we have no plans to localise Mi-17 production in India, but we also do not rule out such a possibility in the future,” Mikheev said in an interview with the Indian blog Livefist.

    He said if the Ka-226T helicopters, which will be assembled in India, are successfully sold in the markets of neighbouring countries, the localisation experience could be replicated for other models of helicopters.

    Russia handed over the final batch of three Mi-17V-5 military transport helicopters to India in February this year, under a previously signed contract, which entailed a total of 151 helicopters, built by the Kazan Helicopter Plant, (part of the Russian Helicopters company). India also approved the purchase of 48 additional Mi-17V-5 helicopters.

    The new helicopters are for use in operations in various sectors, including in the desert and in mountainous terrain.

    Mi-17 military transport helicopters are among the most popular helicopters in their class. These helicopters were built incorporating a full-spectrum analysis of Russian helicopters' operation in combat situations and conflict zones. It is the universality and high flight capabilities of these helicopters that make them among the world's most popular Russian-made helicopters.

    The latest Mi-8/17 military transport helicopter family includes the Mi-17V-5 (domestic designation Mi-8MTV-5) made at Kazan Helicopters and the Mi-171Sh (Mi-8AMTSh) made at Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant.

    Mi-17V-5 (Mi-8MTV-5) and Mi-171Sh (Mi-8AMTSh) helicopters are designed to transport personnel, and for carrying cargo internally or on an external sling. They can be used for search and rescue operations, and can also be equipped with weapons.

    India and Russia formally inked an agreement on October 15, 2016, to create a joint venture to produce Ka-226T helicopters in India. The agreement was part of the outcome of the Russia-India summit in Goa.

    Signing the JV agreement marked a new stage of cooperation between Russia and India in the helicopter industry, first outlined in the intergovernmental agreement between Moscow and New Delhi in December 2015. The JV will become a pilot project for the Russian-Indian part of the “Make in India” programme.

    "The joint venture is certainly a breakthrough project for us, because it fundamentally changes the model of our cooperation within the helicopter industry. For the first time we are ready to offer our deep localisation of helicopters, including the set up for production of various helicopter components and assemblies. I hope that the Ka-226T assembled in India has a great future in the world market," Russian Helicopters CEO Mikheev said in October.

    "The joint venture for local production of Ka-226T is a profoundly new and substantial step in the development of cooperation between India and Russia. The fleet of Russian-made helicopters in India is over 400 units. But this is the first of such large-scale complex agreements for delivery and production of new helicopters in the amount of 200 units, which is fully in line with the Make in India initiative," said Sergei Chemezov, Rostec CEO. "In addition, over the next 5 years there will be facilities set up for maintenance and servicing of the produced helicopters. Therefore the agreement represents not just a contract for production but for full lifecycle support."

    Under terms of the intergovernmental agreement, the joint Russian-Indian enterprise created by Russian Helicopters, JSC Rosoboronexport and India's HAL Corporation must arrange the localisation of production and supply of 200 light multirole Ka-226T for 9 years. The first 60 helicopters will be produced in Russia, while production of the remaining 140 helicopters is being planned in India.

    In addition to the assembly, the agreement provides for maintenance, operation, repairs and technical support cooperation.

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    Post  George1 Tue Mar 07, 2017 3:09 pm

    NEW DELHI (Sputnik) — The Indian government has asked its shipyards to start working on the $4-billion Indo-Russia Krivak class project. Under this project, two state-of-the-art frigates will be constructed at an Indian shipyard, most likely to be the Goa Shipyard, and will be fitted with the BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles.

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    Post  George1 Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:49 pm

    Russia, India Shake Hands on Production of 200 Ka-226 Helicopters for New Delhi

    Sergei Chemezov, the head of Russia's Rostec corporation, said that Moscow and New Delhi have shaken hands on production of some 200 Ka-226 helicopters for India.

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russia will supply India with 200 Ka-226 helicopters under a contract worth over $1 billion, the head of Russia's Rostec corporation said Thursday.

    Taking relations with Russia to another level, the Indian government has begun a discussion with Moscow for setting up another defense manufacturing unit under the ‘Make in India’ program. This was discussed when Indian Defense Minister Arun Jaitley met his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu recently.

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    Post  George1 Sun May 07, 2017 1:21 am

    An Indian-Russian joint venture for the production of Ka-226T helicopters established in India

    As the Indian Embassy in the Russian Federation reported, on May 2, 2017, the Indian Ministry of Corporate Affairs established India-Russia Helicopters Limited Company. This marked the formal establishment of a joint venture between the Indian state association Hindustan Aeronautic Limited (HAL) and the Russian JSC Helicopters of Russia and Rosoboronexport JSC, and "was a key milestone in the organization of production of Kamov Ka-226T helicopter in India with the participation of Russia."

    The intergovernmental agreement on the creation of this joint venture was signed during the 16th annual India-Russia summit summit on December 24, 2015 in Moscow.

    On the bmpd side, we will add that it was reported that assembly of Ka-226T helicopters in India within the framework of this joint venture is planned to be organized at the new HAL production site in Tumakura (74 km north of Bangalore). The cost of the production facilities built there is estimated at 50 billion rupees (about 670 million dollars), and the number of employees in production should reach 4,000 people. The assembly of Ka-226T helicopters can be started in Tumakura in 2018.

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    Post  Pinto Sun May 07, 2017 8:25 am

    The requirement of Kamov 226 heli is going to be 1000 plus for both army n air force, the200 Nos is just the begining. i hope this joint venture succeeds specially while setting up plant in India

    Which engine does it use ?

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    Post  GarryB Mon May 08, 2017 2:55 am

    AFAIK there is a french engine and a Russian engine.

    No doubt the Russian models will use Russian engines, but the aircraft for India could use either.

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    Post  George1 Sat Nov 11, 2017 2:02 pm

    Details of the production of the Ka-226T for India and the state of JSC "KumAPP"

    In August 2017, the television and radio company Aris published an interesting interview with the managing director of Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise JSC (KumAPP, part of the Russian Helicopters JSC) Yuri Pustovgarov. The interview tells about the reasons for creating a duplicate production of light multi-purpose helicopters Ka-226T at JSC "Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant", and also tells about KumAPP's plans. Our blog offers an excerpt from the interview.

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    In the interview it is said that initially the order for delivery of the Ka-226T for India was to be performed by KumAP. However, according to the Indian technical specification, the helicopter must fly in the mountains at an altitude of 7,200 meters. This requires a completely new gearbox, a new fuselage, and so on. As a matter of fact, only the main rotor and blades remain the same.

    Given all the requirements of the Indian side, it was necessary to prepare a new production worth more than 8 billion rubles (and the helicopter itself will appear in 2020). The financial condition of KumAPP simply did not allow it. It is alleged that for this reason, a duplicate production of the Ka-226T is being created at the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, and the "Indian" version will be produced at UUAZ.

    At the same time KumAPP remains the manufacturer of Ka-226T for Russian and other export customers. Also the refusal of KumAPP from the Indian contract is compensated by the work with an unnamed Russian state customer for the production of the Ka-226 ship variant. Helicopters will need to be lightened by 100-150 kg in comparison with the basic version, and also equipped with new electronics. What is noteworthy, the number of cars on the contract coincides with the Indian order for the Ka-226T.

    Also within the framework of the Indian contract KumAP becomes a constant supplier of columns of the main rotor and blades (works for 1 billion rubles annually).

    It is interesting that the prospects for the release of the "Indian" version of the Ka-226T (manufactured by Ulan-Ude) to the Russian market are already being discussed. It is said that this will happen no earlier than 2025. However, KumAP is not afraid of the competition of the Ulan-Ude machine. During these years, Kumertau plans to modernize its version of the Ka-226T - it considers a monocoque (without a "detachable cab"), a skid-mounted chassis and a lightening machine. It is alleged that this option will be much cheaper than the "Indian" from Ulan-Ude.

    As for KumAPP plans, the enterprise "must fight" for retaining the competence of the final assembly, assembly production, blades and columns. At the same time, it is necessary to get rid of the technological redistribution, in which KumApP is far behind - like procuring and stamping production. The company also plans to outsource transport services, cleaning and recreation centers. The abandoned infrastructure of the enterprise is proposed to be turned into an industrial park and allowed to go there business.

    There are plans to switch to digital production and robotics. In particular, KumAP recently won a grant from the government for robotizing the production of blades.

    Also in the interview were ideas for the creation of a small helicopter such as Robinson.

    As noted, in the city of Kumertau there are four teams (former employees of the enterprise) working on the topic of small helicopters. It is proposed to collect these teams in a single design bureau, but not under the auspices of KumAP (otherwise the overhead costs of the enterprise greatly inflate the cost of the machine), but within the framework of a new firm that will become a resident of the zone of the territory of advanced development. It is stated that KumAPP as a plant is ready to make "precise mechanics" for the project - a column, blades. But in order for the final product to appear, you need two years of work and about 200 million rubles.

    The state of KumAP for August 2017 is as follows. The company employs 3,589 people. 1224 of them are young people under 35 years old. The average age of the employees is 42 years.

    The average salary is approximately 29 thousand rubles. Reducing the staff to 3000 people due to optimization of non-core assets will increase the salary to 35 thousand.

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    Post  George1 Sun Dec 03, 2017 10:31 pm

    About the course of preparation of production of the Ka-226T helicopter under the Indian contract

    The Bulgarian aviation journalist, the editor of the resource AERO / Alexander Mladenov, told our blog about the current status of the production program for the light helicopter Ka-226T for the armed forces of India.

    According to Alexander Mladenov, according to Alexander Boginsky, General Director of Helicopters of Russia, all details of the contract for India's delivery of the Ka-225T helicopters should be finally agreed by mid-December 2017. Currently, the contract is actively negotiating between the Russian Helicopters, Rosoboronexport, the Ministry of Defense of India and the Indian state aircraft company Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). The contract is expected to be signed in the first quarter of 2018. The contract will be signed between the Russian-Indian joint venture (also known as Indian Russian Helicopters Company Limited) and the Ministry of Defense of India. The share of HAL in the joint venture is 51.5%, and "Helicopters of Russia" owns 49.5%.

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    Post  rick Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:40 am

    India hasnt really been a good partner for Russia and if India turns to Ukraine over this, then so be it. India blamed Russia for Indias incompetence in maintenance of aircraft for years, then to find out people stealing from the company. As well, India has this wierd opinion that they deserve a fifth gen jet without real investments, and to expect 50/50 build when Russia has put in far more as it would be based off of Pak Fa. And as well, their disagreements to use PD-14M are unfounded, especially since India doesnt actually make such engines themselves and their input would be strange. But then again, the "anonimous military official" is a common ghost used by media to spread bullshit, and very common in India.
    I'll agree with you on the media, but the rest really? India hasn't been a good partner? Whom would you rather have? Iran? They don't have the money. China? They take your money. America? They don't your money. India? If India wants to buy as many T-50 frames as RuAF wouldn't you want to split the production 50/50? Reduce cost be economical? If not don't sell it right? Why doesn't India deserve a 5th gen plane? Either way, with or with out Russia, IAF will get its 5gen fighters and more. You don't really know of the relationship of Russian deep states and India?

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    Post  GarryB Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:24 am

    Why doesn't India deserve a 5th gen plane? Either way, with or with out Russia, IAF will get its 5gen fighters and more.

    What has it done to deserve getting 5th gen stealth fighter plane technologies handed to them for free?

    If they don't want to pay for the technology then they should not get it... it is as simple as that.

    When Russia was going through a difficult time in the 1990s India was a good customer and bought a few things, which at the time was useful for certain parts of the Russian military, but there was no charity... India didn't over pay for anything and they certainly didn't buy anything they didn't need to help sectors of the Russian federation out. It was purely business... so right now... purely business too.

    If India deserves a 5th gen fighter plane there are three places they can get it... Russia, China, and the US... though I do have serious suspicions about the Chinese aircraft because so little is known about them.

    With the F-35... the UK has invested 2 billion dollars or more in the programme and they don't even get the software code... so if they want to integrate a British weapon like Brimstone or ALARM they have to ask the Americans to do it for them... and in doing that they hand over all the technology secrets of their weapons... would you like to hand over the secrets of Brahmos to the US so they can integrate it into F-35s for India?

    I am sure you can trust them.

    If India does not want to spend the money getting Su-57s then perhaps they should just buy a lot of Su-35 based aircraft to fill out their fighter aircraft shortfall.

    The Russian Su-57 will still enter Russian service.... the Russian aircraft will have all Russian components... the aircraft Russia and India develop will likely have components from all over the place...

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    Post  George1 Fri Apr 20, 2018 1:30 pm

    According to the magazine "Jane's Defense Weekly" in the article Rahul Bedi, "The Indian MoD plans to license-build upgraded AK-103 assault rifles", the Indian Defense Ministry now intends to purchase a license for the production of the Russian modernized AK-103 submachine gun under the Soviets cartridge 7.62 x 39 mm.

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