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    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines


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    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Empty Re: China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines

    Post  George1 Sat Aug 05, 2017 2:29 am

    Chinese submarine project 032 is preparing to test a new type of ballistic missiles

    As reported by the magazine "Jane's Defense Weekly" in an article by Richard D. Fisher Jr. "Modification to sail of Qing-class" with reference to the photo appeared in the Chinese Internet, the Chinese experimental diesel-electric submarine project 032 (on-board number "201") underwent a conversion, presumably for testing A new type of ballistic missile. At the photo taken in July 2017 of this submarine at the Dalian Liaonan Shipyard shipyard in Dalian (more precisely, in Lushun - the former Port Arthur - now part of Dalian), it is noticeable that in the rear part of the railing of the drawers of the boat A missile mine of a greater length than before was clearly installed, which is now seriously "issued" in height.

    According to speculation, the modernization of the boat was carried out to carry out marine tests of the prospective marine ballistic missile JL-3, allegedly created for future Chinese nuclear missile submarines of the new generation of the project 096. About the development of the Chinese atomic missile submarine project 096 and the ballistic missile JL-3 for It is reported in the latest report of the "China Military Power" of the US Department of Defense.

    On the bmpd side, recall that the Chinese experimental prototype diesel-electric submarine project 032 (Western designation type Qing, the Chinese side number "201", the name "Great Wall 201") is considered the world's largest non-nuclear submarine, having a full underwater displacement of more than 6600 Tons and a length of 92.6 meters (our blog has already reported about it - here and here). The boat was built in Wuhan by the shipbuilding company Wuchan Shipbuilding company Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry Company, a part of China State Shipbuilding Corporation China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC). Construction of this submarine was started in Wuhan in 2008, launching took place in September 2010, and during 2011-2012 the boat was tested. On October 16, 2012, the boat officially became a member of the PLA Navy.

    The project 032 boat was designed and built to replace the PLA Navy used since 1965 as an experimental diesel-electric missile submarine of the Soviet project 629 (the Chinese designation project 031, the on-board number "200", was assembled in Dalian from the structures supplied from the USSR) and Is designed to develop various types of underwater weapons, including rocket, as well as detection systems, including the SAS. The general design of the double-hull design of Project 032 replicates Project 629 with the deployment of two ballistic missile silos. Passing through the hull of the boat and the fence of retractable devices. At the same time, the contours of the light hull of the 032 project boat were apparently largely borrowed from the Soviet submarines of projects 877 and 636. The project 032 also installed four vertical launching installations for cruise missiles, two 533 mm torpedo tubes and reserved seats for the new Special equipment. The boat is also for the first time in the underwater shipbuilding of China, equipped with a life-saving pop-up camera modeled on Soviet and Russian nuclear submarines.

    Initially, two JL-2 ballistic missiles were installed on the 032 project's boat, however, according to Chinese publications, the boat was "late" by construction and in fact was no longer used for marine testing of this missile, which now forms the main armament of the 094 project SSBN in China.

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    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Empty Re: China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines

    Post  George1 Tue Dec 18, 2018 11:01 pm

    China carried out the first flight test of a new submarine-launched ballistic missile, the JL-3 a significant milestone for its nuclear forces buildup

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    Post  George1 Thu Dec 20, 2018 6:11 pm

    The first test of a new Chinese submarine-launched ballistic missile JL-3

    The well-known Bill Hertz in the article “China Flight Tests New Submarine-Launched Missile,” published December 18, 2018 on the web site, reports that China conducted the first test of a new intercontinental at the end of November 2018, referring to unnamed representatives of the US Department of Defense. ballistic missile for submarines JL-3 (Julong-3, "Yyulan-3"). According to American data, the test was successful.

    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines 4521429_original
    The Chinese experimental rocket diesel-electric submarine of the project 032 (tail number "201"), which was refitted with the installation of, presumably, a new missile shaft of greater length for promising Chinese ballistic missiles JL-3. The picture was taken at the shipyard Dalian Liaonan Shipyard in Dalian in July 2017. Presumably, the first test launch of the JL-3 rocket was made from this boat November 22, 2018 (c) Jane's

    According to American estimates, the JL-3 solid-fuel rocket, which must be equipped with Chinese nuclear-powered submarines of the next generation (presumably referred to as Project 096), has an intercontinental range (up to 12-14 thousand km) and is capable of carrying up to ten separable warheads of individual guidance . The launch of the head Chinese submarines of the new generation is expected by the mid-2020s.

    China announced, without giving details, about conducting five test launches of unnamed missiles from November 20 to 23, with the naval zone for "military exercises" in the area near Dalian closed on November 22.

    The test launch of the JL-3 missiles was allegedly made from the Chinese 032 diesel-electric diesel-electric rocket boat. As previously reported, this boat (tail number 201 ") was commissioned in 2012, and in 2017 it was upgraded to Dalian Liaonan Shipyard shipyard in Dalian (more precisely, in Lüshun - former Port Arthur - now part of Dalian), presumably to test new types of ballistic missiles, with the installation of new shaft length greater than the first, which is now seriously "given" in height.

    From the side of bmpd, we recall that the first Chinese SLBM JL-1 was first successfully launched from under the water on October 12, 1982 from a converted diesel-electric submarine of the Soviet project 629 (project 031, tail number "200"). The JL-1 solid-fuel rocket had a launch weight of 14.7 tons, a length of 10.4 meters, a firing range of 1,700 to 2,500 km, and a all-in-one warhead. JL-1 missiles were equipped with the first Chinese SSBN of project 092, commissioned in singular in 1983 (the tail number "406", had 12 missile silos) and carried out the first successful launch of the JL-1 missile on September 15, 1987. Nominally, the SSBN of Project 092 is still part of the PLA Navy, although by most estimates it is not a combat-ready ship.

    The next Chinese SLBM JL-2 was first launched during tests from an additionally converted submarine of Project 629 (Project 031, tail number "200") in January 2001. The JL-2 rocket has a launch weight of 42-45 tons, 13 m long, the flight range is from 7,400 to 8,000 km and is capable of carrying either a monoblock warhead, or three or four split head units of individual guidance. JL-2 missiles are equipped with Chinese second-generation SSBNs of project 094 (with 12 missile mines each), the head of which was put to the test in 2009 and the PLA Navy was commissioned in 2010. To date, judging by the latest reports, five submarines of Project 094 have already been added to the PLA Navy. The first launch of the JL-2 missile from the head boat of this type was carried out in 2009.
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Apr 24, 2019 5:41 am

    New SSBN displayed at parade:
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Sat May 04, 2019 12:28 am

    Pentagon warns on risk of Chinese submarines in Arctic

    IMO, they won't be sending their SSBNs there unless the VMF will help to protect them, & communication under ice may be a problem. The US West coast is within range of SLBMs from the SC Sea.

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    Post  GarryB Sat May 04, 2019 4:00 am

    Are their SSBNs ice capable... there is no point operating there if they can't launch through the ice...

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    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Empty Re: China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines

    Post  Admin Sat May 04, 2019 4:15 am

    GarryB wrote:Are their SSBNs ice capable... there is no point operating there if they can't launch through the ice...

    Are their SSBNs even capable of performing deterrence patrols? They don't do them and when they do sail it is without missiles. They are so noisy and the launch mechanism for the JL-2 has such a high failure rate they are frantically testing a new design.
    Tsavo Lion
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    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Empty Re: China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sat May 04, 2019 5:11 am

    A recent Office of Naval Intelligence report notes that the Jin-class marks China’s “first credible at-sea second-strike nuclear capability.” Similarly, the Department of Defense’s 2016 Annual Report to Congress on China’s military states that the Jin-class/JL-2 platform “represents China’s first credible, sea-based nuclear deterrent.”..
    According to a 2013 report in The National Interest, the Jin-class SSBN design may have fundamental flaws that cause the large missile compartment at the rear of the vessel and the flood openings below the missile hatches to create a detectable sonar signature. Furthermore, a 2009 U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence report compared the low-frequency noise of China’s SSBN force to Russian/Soviet submarines and found that, of the 12 submarines examined, the Xia-class and Jin-class SSBN were the first- and the fourth-most-detectable submarines, respectively.

    China Deploys First Nuclear Deterrence Patrol

    Why China’s SSBN Force Will Fall Short for the Foreseeable Future

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    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Empty Re: China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines

    Post  Admin Sat May 04, 2019 6:37 am

    The 2016 report to Congress states that it didn't go to sea with missiles. You can't do a deterrence patrol without them.
    Tsavo Lion
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Sat May 04, 2019 7:23 am

    The Chinese could have duped them into believing that &/ give it a reduced load of BMs. They can also use SSNs to patrol near US W. Coast with nuclear SLCMs- no need to go to Arctic & seek polynyas or surface trough the ice to launch BMs.

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    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Empty Re: China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines

    Post  Admin Sat May 04, 2019 1:18 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:The Chinese could have duped them into believing that &/ give it a reduced load of BMs. They can also use SSNs to patrol near US W. Coast with nuclear SLCMs- no need to go to Arctic & seek polynyas or surface trough the ice to launch BMs.

    Chinese submarines are so noisy they can't be safe outside of their home waters.  They tried that with Japan and were made an international embarrassment by being forced to the surface.  JL-2s have had a troubled development and never performed as intended which is why they are frantically developing JL-3.   With only one warhead it would not be a serious threat to US ABM defences.

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    Post  GarryB Sat May 04, 2019 2:47 pm

    It is a start though, and should be encouraged.... Twisted Evil

    If WWIII starts I can't see the US limiting itself as to who it launches nuclear weapons towards...
    Tsavo Lion
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    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Empty China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sun Jun 02, 2019 8:06 am

    Chinese Nuclear Armed Submarines in Russian Arctic Ports? It Could Happen.

    IMO, they don't need to go that far- from the Sea of Okhotsk bastion most of the CONUS will be within their range.

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    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Empty China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines

    Post  George1 Sun Jun 02, 2019 10:43 pm

    The second test launch of a new Chinese ballistic missile for submarines JL-3

    As reported in the Chinese military forums at 4 hours 28 minutes in the morning, on June 2, 2019, a new intercontinental ballistic missile for submarines JL-3 (Julong-3, Ju-Llan-3) was launched in the Bohai Bay near the Shandong Peninsula in eastern China .

     The JL-3 solid propellant rocket, which must be equipped with the next-generation Chinese nuclear missile submarines, has an intercontinental range (up to 12-14 thousand km) and is capable of carrying up to ten separate warheads of individual guidance.

     Earlier, the Maritime Security Administration of Liaoning Province issued a navigation warning about the closing of the maritime zone for "military exercises" in the Bohai Bay area on June 2, 2019.

    From the side of bmpd, we recall that the first test of a new Chinese intercontinental ballistic missile for submarines JL-3 (Julong-3, Ju-Lang-3) was held in the same water area on November 22, 2018.

    According to American estimates, the JL-3 solid-fuel rocket, which must be equipped with Chinese nuclear-powered submarines of the next generation (presumably referred to as Project 096), has an intercontinental range (up to 12-14 thousand km) and is capable of carrying up to ten separate warheads of individual guidance . The launch of the head Chinese submarines of a new generation is expected by the mid-2020s.

    Test launches of JL-3 missiles are supposedly carried out with the Chinese 032 diesel-electric diesel-electric rocket boat. As previously reported, this boat (tail number 201 ") was commissioned in 2012, and in 2017 it was upgraded to shipbuilding. - Dalian Liaonan Shipyard shipyard in Dalian (Lüshun - former Port Arthur - now part of Dalian), presumably for testing new types of ballistic missiles, with the installation of new rocket shaft boats at the rear of the fence Olsha length than before, which is now seriously "given" in height.

    The first Chinese SLBM JL-1 was first successfully launched from under the water on October 12, 1982 from a converted diesel-electric submarine of the Soviet project 629 (project 031, with a side number "200"). The JL-1 solid-fuel rocket had a launch weight of 14.7 tons, a length of 10.4 meters, a firing range of 1,700 to 2,500 km, and a all-in-one warhead. JL-1 missiles were equipped with the first Chinese SSBN of project 092, commissioned in singular in 1983 (tail number "406", had 12 missile silos) and carried out the first successful launch of the JL-1 missile on September 15, 1987. Nominally, the SSBN of Project 092 is still part of the PLA Navy, although by most estimates it is not a combat-ready ship.

    The next Chinese SLBM JL-2 was first launched during tests from the additionally converted submarine of Project 629 (Project 031, tail number "200") in January 2001. The JL-2 rocket has a launch weight of 42-45 tons, a length of 13 m, the flight range is from 7,400 to 8,000 km and is capable of carrying either a single-unit warhead, or three or four separate head units for individual guidance. JL-2 missiles are equipped with Chinese second-generation SSBNs of project 094 (with 12 missile mines each), the head of which was put to the test in 2009 and the PLA Navy was commissioned in 2010. To date, five submarines of Project 094 have already been added to the PLA Navy. The first launch of the JL-2 rocket from this type of head boat was carried out in 2009.

       The JL-3 solid propellant rocket, which must be equipped with the next-generation Chinese nuclear missile submarines, has an intercontinental range (up to 12-14 thousand km) and is capable of carrying up to ten separate warheads of individual guidance.

       Earlier, the Maritime Security Administration of Liaoning Province issued a navigation warning about the closing of the maritime zone for "military exercises" in the Bohai Bay area on June 2, 2019.
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    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Empty Re: China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines

    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon Jun 03, 2019 6:50 pm

    The JL-3 is rumored to have a range of up to 12,000 kilometers, meaning that cities on the west coast of the US like San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle were well within its range if fired from China’s littoral waters in the East China Sea.

    The distance from the Sea of Okhotsk to New York=5,468 mi, or 8,799.89 km:

    to Washington is 5,511 mi, or 8,869 km:

    to Kings Bay (SSBN base) is 5,892 mi, or 9,482 km:

    to Barksdale AFB is 5,428 mi, or 8,735.5 km:

    So, even if the JL-3 is only 10K km range, virtually the entire US E. & Gulf Coasts can still be hit from the Okhotsk Sea, which btw is better protected from US/RN SSNs then the open Arctic Ocean.

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Tue Jun 04, 2019 3:42 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : add links)

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    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Empty Re: China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines

    Post  George1 Thu Jul 04, 2019 3:21 am

    ‘Big Waves’: China Confirms Successful Testing of Its New Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile

    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines 1076115831

    In early June, residents in several provinces in central China claimed that they had spotted a mysterious light moving across the sky, with the People's Liberation Army Rocket Force and Chinese Navy hinting at the time that it could be a secret military test.

    China’s Ministry of National Defence spokesperson Ren Guoqiang told reporters on Tuesday that the country had successfully tested the Julang (JL)-3, a next-generation intercontinental submarine-launched ballistic missile.

    “The scientific research and tests were conducted according to plan are normal”, Ren said, adding that the test had not targeted “any country or specific entity".

    “China has always followed a defence policy which is defensive in nature and an active defence military strategy. The development of weapons and equipment is to meet the basic needs of safeguarding China's national security”, he pointed out.

    Ren’s statement came in response to reports about a mysterious light thought to be shot from Zhengzhou in Henan province on 2 June, alarming locals and prompting speculations about a classified missile test.

    US officials in turn claimed that after the JL-3 was launched from a submarine test platform in the Bohai Sea, it covered several thousand miles before falling on a missile impact range in western China.

    The third-generation Julang (‘Big waves’)-class missiles are specifically designed for China's nuclear-powered submarines. China’s Global Times newspaper earlier reported that the JL-3 can carry more warheads than the country’s current submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

    The JL-3 has a full operational range of about 8,700 miles (about 14,000 kilometres), which media reports say allows the missile to obliterate potential targets throughout most of the United States.

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    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Empty Re: China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines

    Post  George1 Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:22 am

    New JL-2 Julang-2 Ballistic Missiles Launched from Type 094 Nuclear Submarines

    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines JL-2
    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Jl-212

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    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Empty Re: China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines

    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Dec 25, 2019 7:37 pm

    China tested SLBM capable of hitting US targets
    According to the Defense Blog , the third-generation JL-3 solid-propellant rocket will be used to equip the next-generation Chinese nuclear missile submarines. Its range is 12-14 thousand km, the missile is capable of carrying up to 10 independent warheads.

    With that range, their SSBNs can stay in the SC Sea.

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Wed Dec 25, 2019 8:42 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add link)

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    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Empty Re: China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines

    Post  George1 Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:18 am

    A rare video of a new Chinese nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine of Project 094B

    Chinese modernized strategic nuclear submarine with Type 094B ICBMs, accompanied by Project 054 frigate Sanya of the PLA Southern Fleet, goes on combat patrols at sea.
    At the moment, Type 094B is the largest submarine built by the forces of the Chinese shipbuilding industry. The main tactical and technical characteristics of the ship have not yet been published in open sources. It is known that the newest Chinese nuclear submarine carries 12 Julang-2A intercontinental ballistic missiles with multiple warheads capable of hitting targets at ranges over 7,000 km. The new ship differs from its predecessors - the submarines of projects 094 and 094A - by slightly modified hull contours and the location of the horizontal rudders.

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    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Empty Re: China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines

    Post  walle83 Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:16 pm

    Latest version of the Jin-class SSBN. They seem to have done some changes in the design. The completly gotten ridd of the Soviet style windows in the sail. Looks like an updated Delta class.

    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines 09410
    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines 094c10
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    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 26, 2021 9:16 am

    Latest version of the Jin-class SSBN. They seem to have done some changes in the design. The completly gotten ridd of the Soviet style windows in the sail. Looks like an updated Delta class.

    Windows make sense when you are in the arctic and the outside temperatures are minus 50 degrees.... I rather suspect these Chinese subs will operate in more southerly latitudes and therefore the wind screens and getting out in the fresh air make more sense.

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    Post  walle83 Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:52 pm

    Type 094 SSBNs and Type 093 SSNs at a Chinese nuclear submarine base.

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    Post  George1 Mon Apr 26, 2021 1:47 pm

    Strategic nuclear submarine of project 094 of the PLA Navy. The nuclear submarine carries 12 JL-2 ballistic missiles with a range of 9000 km

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    Post  walle83 Sat Nov 19, 2022 2:28 pm

    China has started fielding thier new JL-3 long range SLBM on thier Type-094 Jin subs.

    China has fielded new, longer-range ballistic missiles on its six nuclear-powered submarines, allowing it to hit the continental US from much closer to its own shores, the US acknowledged publicly for the first time Friday.

    China’s six Jin-class submarines are now “equipped with JL-3 intercontinental ballistic missiles,” Admiral Sam Paparo, the head of the US Pacific Fleet, told military reporters at a conference in Washington. “They were built to threaten the United States.”

    “We keep close track of those submarines,” Paparo said.

    In its annual report on China’s military a year ago, the Pentagon said the People’s Liberation Army Navy would eventually gain the ability to target the US from its own coastal waters. Paparo declined to say if any of the six submarines have conducted so-called “deterrence patrols” close to Hawaii.

    The Congressional Research Service estimates that the previous model submarine-launched ballistic missile, the JL-2, had a range of about 7,200 kilometers (4,464 miles), giving Chinese submarines the ability to attack parts of Alaska from areas close to China. But the subs would have had to enter waters east of Hawaii to hit the US east coast.

    The longer-range JL-3 changes that equation. It would allow China to target the continental US “from a protected bastion within the South China Sea,” US Strategic Command Commander Admiral Charles Richard told the Senate Armed Services Committee back in March.

    Some news reports have suggested that the JL-3 could have a range of more than 10,000 kilometers (6,200 miles).

    “They’re now capable of continuous at sea determined patrols with their Jin-class submarines” and “more are coming,” Richard said. “They have a true nuclear command and control system.”

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    Post  walle83 Sun Nov 20, 2022 12:15 pm

    Comparing the Type-094 with a Delta IV.

    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Delta-10
    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Temp10
    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines Sva00810
    China's Nuclear Ballistic Submarines 0941010

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