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Eugenio Argentina
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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Eugenio Argentina
    Eugenio Argentina

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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Sat Mar 16, 2024 8:35 pm

    Southern Lebanon is an open front in the battle of the Al Aqsa Flood. These images are proof of the conditions in southern villages after 5 months of daily confrontations with "Israel."
    Eugenio Argentina
    Eugenio Argentina

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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Sun Mar 24, 2024 11:39 am

    Last night , israel attacked a point in Baalbek. This attack was in response to Hezbollah's attack on the IOF military bases of Kila and Yoav.

    Shortly after, more than 50 rockets were launched from southern Lebanon towards the enemy in the occupied Golan Heights. Israel followed and bombarded Syria.

    Now the Iraqi resistance threatened to bomb the ports, airplanes and refineries of the occupiers. Apparently, it has started its operation and we are waiting for its statement…

    Eugenio Argentina
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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:04 am

    Hezbollah has launched a salvo of rockets towards Kiryat Shmona, which made several impacts in the industrial area. 🔥


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    Eugenio Argentina
    Eugenio Argentina

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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:06 am

    CCTV footage shows moments when Hezbollah’s Katyusha rockets made several impacts in Kiryat Shmona, this morning. 🔥

    What will happen when Hezbollah fires dozens of medium-range missiles? I’m not even talking about their Fateh-313 ballistics.


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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  ahmedfire Thu Mar 28, 2024 9:13 am

    Hezbollah is targeting Meron airbase agian .

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    Eugenio Argentina
    Eugenio Argentina

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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Thu Mar 28, 2024 11:27 pm

    Surprised: This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance's operation targeting the positioning for an infantry force affiliated with the "Israeli" enemy army in Ramim Forest at the Lebanese-Palestinian border.


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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  ahmedfire Sun Mar 31, 2024 9:59 am

    Hezbollah targets a gathering of Israeli army soldiers at the Raheb site on the Lebanese-Palestinian border .

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    Eugenio Argentina
    Eugenio Argentina

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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Apr 05, 2024 6:18 pm

    🧵Brief Analysis of Sayyid Hassan’s Quds Day Speech:

    It seems there is a very real possibility for escalation based on the outcome of the Iranian response to the Zionist crime against the Iranian embassy in Damascus. It’s not a certainty, but it's certainly a possibility.

    Sayyid Hassan characterised the Zionist attack as an act of stupidity, which indicates strongly that the stage it will allow for is greatly to our advantage. He also spoke of this coming stage as a chance to decisively end this war.

    The resistance in Lebanon is ready. Sayyid Hassan reiterated the fact that the weapons they have used so far have been the most basic at their disposal, and that it’s been part-time fighters engaging the enemy - not the elite special forces.

    Thus, we await Iran’s response, and we await to see what further idiocy the Zionist entity will bring upon itself - right now, it’s impossible to discount the possibility of a pending war of liberation (but also important to remember it is still just that: a possibility).

    Sayyid Hassan said it very openly and clearly: we must all prepare and take precautions for all outcomes.

    And he ended the speech with a Quranic quote that I have posted many times over the course of the last six months:

    “Is the morning not near?” 🔥🔥🔥


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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  ahmedfire Sun Apr 07, 2024 9:45 am

    Hermes 900 downed by Hezbollah .

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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  nomadski Sun Apr 07, 2024 9:31 pm

    I heard the Zionists are withdrawing forces from Gaza . The only valid reason is to prepare for possible land battle against Lebanese Hezb Allah . Hence this spy drone ?  Therefore the axis forces must be getting ready for land battle . How about Yemen Ansar Allah ? They wanted to send troops through Saudi to fight ? And Saudi will not allows passage ? Well Iran could provide a distraction along the coast to convince them ? And Iran could attack through Syria . The Iraqi could attack through Jordan ? Yemen advance through mountains and capture Eilat ? Lebanese attack from North , along the coast ?

    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 1f602

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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  ahmedfire Mon Apr 08, 2024 11:25 am

    Land battle could only be on Lebanese borders with Hezbollah which i guess the israelis will not dare to make .

    It's easier for other sides to use drones and missiles to keep israel in draining situation  , we are waiting for the Iranian response Wink

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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  nomadski Mon Apr 08, 2024 11:58 am

    So the only forces that can and dare to transgress national boundaries / consulates with land armies are the white Europeans / Americans / NATO / Zionists / Turks ? The only people allowed nukes ? The rest of us must cross borders as stateless / landless refugees ? But some are not even allowed to do that . They must die quietly !


    How about an Arab response ? An Egyptian response ? Don't worry , you ( Egyptians , Jordanians et al .....) only need to launch a single drone and Iran will reciprocate . Let's say 12 pm GMT today .


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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  GarryB Tue Apr 09, 2024 12:37 am

    War is a game for the west... it is very real for everyone they fight though so it is not an easy choice and not always the popular decision for long.

    Of course sometimes it is necessary... I think we can all agree the war in the Ukraine had to happen... western escalation meant it could not go any other way.

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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  nomadski Tue Apr 09, 2024 5:17 am

    A nuclear torpedo , sinking a Zionist submarine while submerged  , will both be proportional and deterring and discreet . Netanyahu can keep quiet about it , or say accidental loss or cry wolf ! Iran can keep quiet about it . Deny , deny , deny ! Difficult to make war capital or political capital out of this ! Kind of too toxic , on the Richter scale ! Or Roentgen scale !
    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 1f602

    Looks like salvo fired second missile , hit debris and was not intercepted by C- dome ! Solution is to slightly change trajectory of second missile or give slightly longer time between firing salvo . First missile can be cheap sacrificial to absorb SAM . A missile sponge .

    Twisted Evil

    NB : Secong missile hitting debris of first means GPS jamming useless . Accuracy very very high ! Israel must try strawberry jamming instead .

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    Eugenio Argentina
    Eugenio Argentina

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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Apr 12, 2024 7:37 pm

    ⚡View over the Galilee now

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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  nomadski Fri Apr 12, 2024 8:13 pm

    Popcorn ......set ! Screwdriver .......set ! Connect A to B .......high yield ! Connect to C.......high.......wait for it , wait for it , You tube says " unnamed sources close to CIA announced Iran will strike in next 48 hours ! ( Again ) and Nuclear Scott Richter on YouTube also says genocide killing millions , get angry now and attack ! Israel loosing the war already ! Looks like I do not need to wait and connect C to D for high radiation output , and enjoy my popcorn watching it all on TV ! I will just walk over in the next 48 hours and ...well the job is almost done anyway !

    Looks like 100% interception of Israeli SAM by Rockets ! Was thinking this tactic useful , before missile launch from Iran , coinciding with shortages in some area ! Looks close to Golan heights .



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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  JohninMK Sat Apr 13, 2024 1:27 pm

    p r i n t e r F a c t o r y

    Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth: During the war, Hezbollah fired about 240 heavy missiles, the weight of which ranged from 100 to 500 kilograms, and they caused severe damage similar to Israeli air strikes. It was these missiles that destroyed the headquarters of the Galilee Division in Beranit

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    Eugenio Argentina
    Eugenio Argentina

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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Mon Apr 15, 2024 12:37 pm

    Fotros Resistance (AryJeay), [15/4/2024 05:53]
    Israeli media admits that 4 IOF soldiers were wounded, including one seriously, as a result of a blast on the border with Lebanon, overnight.

    They belong to the Golani Brigade's reconnaissance & elite Yahalom combat engineering unit.

    The IOF is investigating the cause of the blast.

    Fotros Resistance (AryJeay), [15/4/2024 07:13]
    UPDATE: Hezbollah claims responsibility for the blast that wounded Israeli troops on the Lebanon border overnight, saying it placed several explosive devices in the area, which led to the injury of IOF troops.


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    Eugenio Argentina
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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Mon Apr 15, 2024 12:38 pm

    🇮🇱/🇮🇷 BREAKING: The IDF has reportedly prepared attack plans for a 'substantial' strike inside Iran, and the War Cabinet will convene today to discuss the options – Hebrew Media

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    Eugenio Argentina
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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Mon Apr 15, 2024 12:39 pm

    NOTE: There are signs that the Israelis and Americans are vastly overstating the amount of missiles Iran actually used

    This is to make the Iron Dome, Arrow & David Sling seem more effective than they actually are, and to paint Iranian missiles as ineffective.

    Today, they claimed that more than 50% of Iran's missiles failed to launch, or landed in territories outside of Israel. This is merely a weak excuse to hide the fact that they deliberately overstated the numbers.

    In reality, Iran likely only launched dozens of ballistic missiles, the vast majority of which were low-cost and old models without MaRV capability, used mainly as decoys to distract Israeli defenses.

    The small amount of more advanced missiles which Iran did launch, almost all of them penentrated the Israeli defenses and struck their targets in the Negev and Golan.

    It will all become clearer when the IRGC releases the official details of Operation True Promise.


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    Eugenio Argentina
    Eugenio Argentina

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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Mon Apr 15, 2024 2:14 pm

    Middle East Spectator, [15/4/2024 08:20]
    🇮🇷/🇮🇱/🇪🇬 NEW: Iran has sent an 'important and unprecedented' warning message to Israel via Egypt – Al Jazeera


    Middle East Spectator, [15/4/2024 08:22]
    🇮🇷/🇺🇸/🇪🇬 NEW: Iran has also sent a warning message to the United States through Egypt – Kann



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    Eugenio Argentina
    Eugenio Argentina

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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Mon Apr 15, 2024 2:18 pm

    Statement issued by the Islamic Resistance:

    In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

    "Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory." (Quran 22:39)

    In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in solidarity with their brave and honorable resistance, and after closely monitoring and anticipating the movements of the enemy forces, the Islamic Resistance fighters planted a number of explosive devices in the area of Tal Ismail, adjacent to the border with occupied Palestine within the Lebanese territory. When a unit belonging to the Golani Brigade crossed the border and reached the location of the explosive devices, they were detonated, resulting in casualties among their ranks, leaving them dead and wounded.

    "And victory is not but from Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Wise."

    Monday, April 15, 2024
    6 Shawwal 1445


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    Eugenio Argentina
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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Mon Apr 15, 2024 6:24 pm

    The Military Media - News broadcasting, [15/4/2024 13:20]

    "Israeli" media: The "Israeli" army was unaware of the reason for the explosion that targeted the Golani unit until Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the operation.


    The Military Media - News broadcasting, [15/4/2024 13:20]

    "Israeli" Occupation Army Radio: A Golani patrol and Yahalom unit crossed the border with Lebanon and entered Lebanese territory for a search operation near the border. They were then hit by an explosion, injuring 4 soldiers immediately. The "Israeli" army subsequently opened heavy fire from the air and ground to cover rescue operations. The fighters were evacuated by helicopter for medical treatment at the hospital.


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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  GarryB Tue Apr 16, 2024 2:43 am

    Israel struck an Iranian embassy in Syria... if anyone else did that the west would go nuts... except of course if it was them...

    The Iranian response seems to be measured... it appears they hit an HQ and an airfield that likely were linked to the Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy.

    That is a measured response considering what they could have hit including infrastructure or economic targets that could have really hurt Israel.

    If Israel is going to attack Iran in response I can see the Iranians doing rather more damage than they did.

    You see Israel knew that attack was coming and could guess what was going to be attacked so they would put their best defences in the right places to stop it and from what we have seen they didn't stop very much at all. This will give Iran enormous confidence moving forward because they only used a tiny fraction of their weaponry arsenal and most of it seems to have gotten through and accurately hit their targets.

    If Israel had any brains they would say all Iranian missiles were shot down and no damage was done so there is no need to continue the escalation and react.

    But of course they will strike back... at who knows what... I am sure Iran already knows what it will strike in response, though if they try to take out the Iranian leadership then Iran might scale up their response in kind... this will be interesting.

    BTW that news regarding Israeli troops injured near the Golan heights is amusing... enemy forces brutally attack Israeli soldiers innocently defending the border was the western/israeli report... then the truth comes out.... home invaders already occupying territory that does not belong to them run into a booby trap and get injured while scoping the house next door to see its defences and whether they could invade that house too.

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    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 Empty Re: Israeli-Hezbollah conflict

    Post  nomadski Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:59 am

    Israeli-Hezbollah conflict - Page 5 14030110

    I think from now , if any Iranian is killed or gadgetry by Israel , then retaliation should be instant with no warning .

    I could not resist the poster artwork . The new " scream ! " appeared in Iran media . Netanyahu screaming !

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