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    Russian Economy General News: #10


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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  Vann7 Fri Sep 27, 2019 11:00 pm

    With the stroke of a pen ,after Poland request ,The European Court of justice ,neutralized
    Putin's second Pipeline benefits of "Twice more energy".. not if the company is forced now
    to only transit half the capacity on each pipe..  lol1

    So Putin the "Genius" ,as many call him in this forum , was neutralized.. he wasted a lot of money ,
    in a pipeline ,that can't use at all , for the intended purpose ,to export twice more energy to Europe.  Laughing
    now it will be the same.. but with even worse consequences.. because will have to use Ukraine pipeline
    and pay them ,for that. in order to continue selling the same volumen of energy Russia was exporting to Europe.
    with just one pipelin..

    So Putin's Gas Station project for Russia didn't worked well after all, as he expected... US,Poland and Ukraine
    had to be laughing really hard this days at Putin's face ,after this court decision.. that got Gazprom by the balls.. and tie the hands of Russia energy business to expand in Europe.. If Putin the "Genius" do another pipeline for sure the european court, will demand Putin to reduce even more the energy they can transit ,through each pipe.  Laughing

    Truly embarrassing had to be for Putin ,for his enemies to outmaneuver him so easily..
    with just a pen stroke on paper , many years pipeline project defeated .  lol1

    This is why  Putin's Russia can be so easily Sanctioned.. so easily contained its economy..
    Because Russia lacks of a True Independence.. Something that Russia can only achieve it..
    if Russia had LEADERSHIP in the world..  Because like i said before..  Leaders are followed..
    the western anglo-jewish system created the rules... and Russia don't create the rules .. Russia is a follower of the western rules ..Instead of being the other way.. that the West Follows Russia. . which will be the most ideal thing of all.. Putin vision for Russia have not changed an inch in 20 make Russia a follower of the western system with Americans as the absolute leader and hope for them later to be fair..  Neutral   Rolling Eyes

    But Putin got a new "brilliant idea".. lets ignore the west ,pretend it doesn't exist  Rolling Eyes and "hopefully"
    Russia will be leave in peace , and do all their business with China.. and asia..
    allowing Americans to strengthen their control over its western neighbors ,and fill it with American military bases..with missiles aimed at Russia.   Rolling Eyes  

    Putin totally miscalculated his vision of Russia economy , his tactics of allowing US to  lead and dominate EU
    is what is causing so much troubles to Russia ,is what collapsed the Soviet Union and it is now threatening what is left  ,Russia own existence.  Can a nation being at war , survive with a president ,that behave as business as usual ,whenever Russia attacked and without a real strategy to stop the western hegemony ? other than politely ask people.. hey please don't use American Dollars.. because they are bad people and we are polite and friendly. Rolling Eyes

    Only Business Power is what talks..what convince ..  the one that leads world development..into the future..  something Putin's Russia don't have ,for having so lazy incompetent Outdated President.. So many things
    Russia could have done , to stop western Hegemony and did not did it.. only because Oil and gas business was the easier thing to do ,Putin found ,to invest..   Instead of leading a free energy revolution ..backed by innovative free energy modern business ,that will have crashed western petro energy business and those in the middle east too , and ending the financing of terrorism.. and crashing the petro dollar ,when a better system exist..

    Interestingly China itself is moving in that direction of the free energy cities.. so Putin (pivot to Asia) will also
    face a concrete wall ,long term.. like next 20 years..,when China do what Putin's Russia should have done
    long time ago...but didn't .. and stop their dependence on business ,that not only the west can offer alternative
    to them.. but also sabotage it ,very easily.. as they doing now to Russia. No  True Independence ,and Leadership.. through an innovative post industrial modern digital Economy revolution ,combined with space domination ,is what will have given Russia that influence it needs to create a new better system ,a new modern culture ,that will allow the world bypass the US system for having a much better alternative.. ,but something impossible to happen under Putin obsolete vision of what is Russia nation development .

    So what will be Putin's next move? Complain again how unfair the west is? Laughing
    Or maybe he will try to give ticket discounts to Europe ,to travel to Russia to increase Russia tourism.. Rolling Eyes
    and just pretend that American system doesn't exist.. and allow them to dominate in every major world business innovation.. while Putin continue promoting the good old times of the soviet past.  Is not surprising the opposition of Putin is growing by the day and the west is finding a fertile place to recruit in Russia , when society
    start looking and other nations , for a better future.. Because under Putin what they will get is a better past. No


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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Sep 28, 2019 2:05 am

    For those who have been living under a rock: reason why Nord Stream 2 project kicked off was to bypass existing and very permanent EU rule which says that Russia can only use 50% of pipeline capacity

    One single pipeline at full capacity would have taken the Ukraine out of the game permanently but with 50% rule another one was required and is being completed now

    There was never any chance of Nord Stream 2 being used at anywhere above 50% and anyone who thought otherwise is an idiot

    50%+50%=100%=> the Ukraine no more

    They are doing the same thing with Nord Stream 2 as with Kerch Strait Bridge: building the solution to a problem instead of wasting time waiting for solution to happen spontaneously


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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:46 am

    Gazprom will be able to sell all the gas they want, and that Europe needs. Don't worry about the Pollackistani idiocy, its won't stop the gas from NSII being distributed post-receipt by Germany. No amount of political or regulatory BS will impact actual sales.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:49 am

    Vann7 wrote:Truly embarrassing had to be for Putin ,for his enemies to outmaneuver him so easily..
    with just a pen stroke on paper , many years pipeline project defeated .  lol1

    What is truly embarrassing is that you're too frigging dense to understand what is happening.  You're the Russian analog of the US sufferers of TDS...  so deranged in your hatred of Putin that it's a certifiable mental disease. Seek help...

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  Kimppis Sat Sep 28, 2019 7:05 am

    I don't think Vann suffers from the "standard" (Western) anti-Russian PDS, but it's almost as if he thinks that:

    1. Putin is a dictator, who is personally in control of a command economy

    2. and that Russia is a country which

    - has a population of 300+ million people

    - has very little natural resources

    - is "East Asian" (or something...) both culturally and socioeconomically, and maybe even geographically

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sat Sep 28, 2019 7:17 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    For those who have been living under a rock: reason why Nord Stream 2 project kicked off was to bypass existing and very permanent EU rule which says that Russia can only use 50% of pipeline capacity

    One single pipeline at full capacity would have taken the Ukraine out of the game permanently but with 50% rule another one was required and is being completed now

    There was never any chance of Nord Stream 2 being used at anywhere above 50% and anyone who thought otherwise is an idiot

    50%+50%=100%=> the Ukraine no more

    They are doing the same thing with Nord Stream 2 as with Kerch Strait Bridge: building the solution to a problem instead of wasting time waiting for solution to happen spontaneously

    Anyway I do not believe it that the UESSR will last another 10 years, and probably not another 5. It is also possible that Germany will be one of the first to leave.

    At that point the north stream pipelines will be able to be used, if necessary at full capacity, since those absurd rules will not apply anymore. (The same way that Soviet rules do not apply anymore to Lituania and Warsaw pact rules do not apply anymore to Poland and Hungary).

    In 2030 the European Union will probably be composed only by Poland (maybe without Silesia, west Pomerania and west Prussia), west Ukraine and the Baltic States.

    They will be free to buy gas from Russia directly or from Germany at an higher price.


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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Sep 28, 2019 7:39 pm

    Rodion_Romanovic wrote:They will be free to buy gas from Russia directly or from Germany at an higher price.

    ..or LNG from the US, but it will cost much more and they will be required to routinely debase themselves and be publicly thankful for all the "freedom" that the US is graciously bestowing on them. Stockholm syndrome sufferers who have to pay annual subscriptions for their madness.... Very Happy

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  Vann7 Sun Sep 29, 2019 7:24 am

    Kimppis wrote:I don't think Vann suffers from the "standard" (Western) anti-Russian PDS, but it's almost as if he thinks that:

    1. Putin is a dictator, who is personally in control of a command economy

    2. and that Russia is a country which

       - has a population of 300+ million people

       - has very little natural resources

       - is "East Asian" (or something...) both culturally and socioeconomically, and maybe even geographically

    Not really..

    1)Putin was elected Democratically.. this is not the point at all.. Laughing
    2)Population Is totally Irrelevant in innovation.. South Korea ,have 50 million population ,
      Japan have 120 millions.. Taiwan have 23 million population.. and their business are galaxies away ,
      with a far more influential with society than Russia that have ZERO influence at all..
    because Russia economy is exactly the same strategy that soviet union had 50 years ago.. a commodities
    and weapons export nation.. what is new ?  oh yeah.. now Putin is doubling down in Sports. trying to draw away the west from US control with "healthy sports" as Putin call it.. ..No

    You are influenced by the things ,that you spend your hard earned money .. what does Russia offers anyone in
    the world ,to make their life better? that American don't also export? Neutral  NOTHING...  So is not surprising
    Russia is the world most disrespected Nation of all.. Because it doesn't lead in the things that matters...that could influence society towards Russia ..   Even Putin have said himself.. he don't want Russia to be a leader..
    so how he expect the west to follow Russia if he don't offer an alternative to the American system?  Neutral

    There is no way around this... if he wants the west to change .. he needs to change Russia first..
    He needs to Influence the west away of their wrong behavior destructive and hostile behavior towards Russia..
    And there is only 2 ways Russia can influence the west..   1) With the use of Force ,to force United states to peace through war,,, to destroy the American system ,by defeating the American military.  or.. 2) With Russian business.. by surpassing American most popular with society business , that they use as a weapon to influence the world.. to advertise America as the better nation..  Which business those are? 1)NASA space exploration leadership , 2) Silicon Valley companies.. (apple,intel,Microsoft,nvidia . 3) American culture.. Hollywood ,US music industry and entertainment industry.. the latest one.. American entertainment industry is the most underrated one .. a secret weapon .. that Putin completely ignores..

    Putins likes to promote patriotism through  by lets remember how good we were in the past...
    American promotes patriotism ,with Leadership of their innovative modern business.  While Russia goes
    and create parks  based on Soviet tanks and soviet victories.. Americans create Disney World ,with park attractions of movies ,they are releasing by the day..  

    Putin is a totalitarian albeit democratically elected president....
    he have to micro manage everything.. in all Russia.. and this is consequence of his mediocre leadership skills.. A True leader identify other good leaders and put them in positions of power ,in every part of Russia ,so he don't need to go there.. or supervise them..

    American can be influenced.. Ask Japan.. they love Japanese culture..  Poland can be influenced too..
    But if all Putin does.. is to keep Russia on a comfortable lazy zone..and major goal focus on of exporting Gas and Oil and hope for gas prices to stay up.. (when he knows americans is pushing them down ,to hurt Russia economy) then he is the one causing Russia to continue as an insecure nation ,with a weak economy..and worse of all ,without influence in the west..  

    So much Japan have influence over Americans.. that it will be impossible for trump to Ban Japanese most popular business.. Like Sony for example... What will happen if Trump ban Sony playstations in America?
    and their game sales ?? there will be a major revolution in US , since is too popular there.. he will lose very easily the support of society..  Because Japan Modern Business have Influence over Americans.. while Putins Russia  Business have zero Influence. (with the only exception of Russia space program..over American.. that Putins cut in half its budget..) Neutral  

    So is amazingly stupid the way Putin runs Russia.. he controls the Russian budget.. he says how much will go for this or that.. He should be promoting not Sport.. but Education and Science instead.. He should be starting an education revolution , not a sport revolution.. Is in Space where Russia needs to invest as if it was an olympic..
    Sochi everyone forgot about Russian medals in Sochi ,just a month after ..  While everyone in internet still talk about Russia Soviet era space achievements.  

    So there is like a million things Putin could do ,to stop the american empire of influence..  million of things..
    and none of them Putin is doing.. it Leadership Russia problem.. Russia could end the west cold war..
    if only had leadership , specially in the business that the west more love.. Just look what American movies
    shows ,the best selling popular ones.. that breaks records.. look at their video game industry ,that creates millions of jobs.. and american love.. and you will understand what things influence more the west..

    What is the ultimate thing that most influence the west?

    The west dreams with conquering and exploring space.. and Putin don't take advantage of this..
    and stay happy for more than a decade ,to Russia become just taxi to the ISS.. Neutral
    if he plans to be second or third in the moon or mars development ,he should not bother at all..
    and give up on competing with US on space too..

    This is why the west produce so many movies in space ,so many video games. they fascinated with space..
    and Soyuz rocket is the only thing ,that Russia have ,that americans not interested in politics or military ,could
    click a video on youtube ,to see it.. American love space.. and it was a catastrophic mistake that putin cut in half
    Russia space budget ,while increasing 10x fold ,Russia sport investment. Neutral With the 50billions USD$ ,that putin spend in Sochi alone.. combined with a super train to china.. (another $200billion) will have been enough to finance travels to jupiter and mars too ,with Russian cosmonauts.. and create a coffee shops there.. Laughing
    Plant the Russian flag and declare it Russian territory.. Wink Even if it is for fun ,it will be a major humilliation
    to the American leadership and system.. this is how Russia can stop US.. control over the world.. by being LEADERS.. but Putin shows insecurity and follows the western Leadership and focus just in banana style economy development.. and is no wonder nations ,don't trust Russia could be an option over United States.

    If i was President of Russia ,i will do a million times better ,than the US empire..  Cool
    Russia economy ,should be most of it.. focused in things that are fun to do...  Russia needs more fun..
    Business Russia should push are Free energy business , using innovative technologies.. complete cities
    that use free energy from sun or other sources.. electric cars should be the norm.. this is why Russia need to get rid of most of its Oil and gas industry ,and sell it to Europe...and live happy with taxes for they extracting energy.. and don't need the government to provide them .. that will be very cool.. to have
    a self sufficient cities ,with modern intelligent modular houses ,that can be customized ,all across Russia ,that produce all it needs..   Another major huge modern and very innovative business is 3d printing.. That every house /apartment family can print all it needs ,not only in plastic but steel too..and create tools on the fly for any customization of their house or repairs. that will be another Fun business.  

    Things Putin could do ,very long terms plans.. (since is very expensive $$$) to start drawing attention from the west.. Russia could do ,is transform their cities in theme parks ,of movies. and or video games... Like Star war like cities , or how about a real Gotham City like with -Batman like- theme every place but with a twisted Russian version?  Very Happy   A lord of the rings city. ..with white elf castles.. or hobbits town..but Russian version:lol1:
    Warhammer 40k is also very very popular in the west , this is british entertainment. but that US and Europe also
    popular.. Tourism ,that promotes art and movies and entertainment industry at same time..that will create a million of jobs in Russia. Business that promote Jobs on Fun things.. this is the way Russia economy should be..
    Space exploration Fun? Yes.. so go full on that.. Entertainment industry Fun? yes , then move on that....  Obviously it will be far better if Russia had a very strong entertainment industry that rivals hollywood ,and develop a culture /fashion/cities around it..and people every day ,dress every day , like their favorite movie characters.. This is how an modern innovative culture will look like.. a culture driven by their own business and entertainment industry/culture that looks to the future and not to the past..  What is a nation traditional culture.? if not the entertainment of people in the past??? Culture = Entertainment..what people do ,to entertainment themselves and makes their lives more fun.. So this is why is so wrong to be attached to the old past entertainment.. to Russian dolls. or ancient Russian music..   US and Japan are very modern cultures.. Russia is very backwards one. That promotes stalin victories , monuments of world war 2 everywhere.. this is totally silly.. and while the intentions are good ,to honor the past heroes and promote patriotism.. the tactic is bad.. There is no better way to promote patriotism than with Leadership.. of your country. Leadership in Space ,leadership in
    Fun innovative Business ,that no other nations have..  that makes their life more fun , and more interesting.  Only China is offering competition to American business..

    with Huawei > Apple..this directly damage not only US business sales. but US leadership image too..  Shocked

    Holy fuck.. China competes with the American empire. .where is Putin competition to US influential business?

    Putins is doing NOTHING.. when he could do a million times better... starting with the way he behave in public.. showing more security ,and not speaking so soft.. downward looking ,and polite ,and weak.. why he don't speak fluently English ? To the west? that will help him ,to better communicate and better advertise Russia in the west.

    So is terrible.. is like Putin have the most terrible staff around him.. that don't advice him ,how to project better in public.. or more importantly ,how to compete better with the west.  Sadly.. i don't think Russia under Putin , have a chance to ever take off ,to the next level and defeat the west influence and their system..  No   You need a real visionary leader ,that wants not only an economy that "survive" western sanctions But that leads the world development into the future.. without the Liberal Crap that comes attached to the west..

    Basically the future of Russia ,should be a United States Done Right...
    without the wars ,without the Liberal crap , and with a nation that focus on leading the world into
    the future and not just having "economic stability" as putin have said many times he wants..
    When something is "stable" , it means it can switch to Unstable too..  Imagine someone tells you
    , Not worry ,the pilot of your plane is stable.. you can trust on him..  wtf.. it means he can be unstable
    too at times?? Laughing

    So is an insecure future what Putin promotes..
    this is what a Russian leader should look.. and nothing less.. than success and awesomeness.
    Leadership is the only way and the examples are plenty.. To look at the right things..that Japan and China are doing.. to follow the example of China ,that is fighting American most influential business. is the way to go for Russia.. and to have an extremely ambitious ,very active space exploration program ,to lead the world and not to be second or third and neither first.. but to completely dominate there.. and have no competition.
    This will not only create a lot of jobs in modern business ,but also help Russia militarization of space too..for nation security..

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Sep 29, 2019 8:48 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  GarryB Sun Sep 29, 2019 8:06 am

    because Russia economy is exactly the same strategy that soviet union had 50 years ago.. a commodities
    and weapons export nation.. what is new ? oh yeah.. now Putin is doubling down in Sports. tr

    What is new is that the Russians don't have an ideology to pedal and sell, they can just trade with anyone... they just want to trade peacefully and not tell others what to do or think... you know... they want to treat others with respect and they expect the same... which the west does not understand.

    Russia also has no responsibility to carry other weak nations that are more a burden than something of value.

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    Post  Vann7 Sun Sep 29, 2019 8:58 am

    they just want to trade peacefully and not tell others what to do or think... you know... they want to treat others with respect and they expect the same... which the west does not understand.

    Russia also has no responsibility to carry other weak nations that are more a burden than something of value.

    But thats irrelevant .. wanting to live in peace,, will not make Putin Russia to live in peace..
    when it have enemies already at war with Russia.. Doing all they can to desintegrate it..
    So Putin can't Ignore the west fight on Russia.. he can't just look to the other side and just continue
    exporting wheat and depending on Oil sales..   He need to STOP the western aggression after agression
    before is too late... and this is the point you refuse to understand..
    and building hypersonic missiles will not stop them.. specially if they don't used.. to change the west hostilities towards Russia..

    So Putin needs to fight back.. this is the point.. and just wanting to trade in peace ,will not do that..
    he needs to counter the western System ,counter US leadership ,Counter the influence of American popular
    business.. This is the point .. Russia needs to fight , when west is at war with them...and ignoring
    them will not solve anything.. it only encourage them to continue attacking Russia until they finally get it done.
    So Putin lack of competition , lack of fighting against US military or US business ,is the root of the problem ,of why nothing change for the better for Russia and why the opposition in Russia grows.. He needs to counter US Business influence that they use to advertise their nation that Russia can.. later it will be impossible to do .too late, ,when Russia is on recession and a very weak .   Is a race for influence ,what Russia face.. space race is just one part of it.. and Putin is showing no hurry , no interest to compete and win..and dominate and this is a mistake.

    Putin inaction ,allowing the west to continue to dominate/influence the world with their business ,is what makes more possible for a military confrontation to happen..something he could avoid.. if he developed a 180 degree change of strategy ,to now directly challenge American business that more influence give US over the world.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:03 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:01 am

    Vann, stop being stupid. Soviet economy isn't same as modern economy.

    Russia has privatized and continues to do so it's various industries. They free float their economy. In SU it was centralized to extreme.

    Not even close to same thing.

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  Vann7 Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:14 am

    miketheterrible wrote:Vann, stop being stupid. Soviet economy isn't same as modern economy.

    Russia has privatized and continues to do so it's various industries. They free float their economy. In SU it was centralized to extreme.

    Not even close to same thing.

    Soviet Economy..

    = Commodities Economy..
    Commodities = Agriculture ,mining ,oil and gas..
    (just like africa ,venezuela and latin America)
    with the extras of having an ambitious space program..

    Russia federation economy?
    = Commodities economy.. same thing.. with a far less ambitious space program.

    So what i am missing here?
    Is same economic model.. but with a far balanced budget.. and far less soldiers fighting on foreign wars.

    US economy
    = High Tech exports /entertainment and digital base economy combined with space exploration
    domination. This is their major focus..  What they advertise and show to the world .
    they also sell a lot of weapons too..

    Russia have same economic model of the soviet union ,and the only positive thing is a balanced budget.
    the negative thing is that waste a lot of money in totally superficial things.. like Olympics , like pretty expensive parks.. that in no way challenge the western business. and their influence.

    The excuse is that because they have twice more population than Russia.. bla bla bla.. just excuses..
    Even Israel wich is a nation with just 3 million people ,have a stronger civilians business in High tech than Russia. Taiwan ,South korea japan.. why they can do so much better in technology exports than Russia? Neutral

    Because Putin focus his economy on the most lazy ,lowest risk possible business possible he can..
    And you know the saying ,those that never take risk in life ,never will achieve anything. lack of competition.
    this is why The US empire have lasted for so long.. and putin's lack of ambitions and attachment to the old past.

    Glorifying Russia old past.. instead of reinventing Russia in a totally new way that can counter
    and influence their Adversaries.

    Take a look ,the US advertising ,this is what Americans more love.. more dream ,more praise..
    and putin not really taking advantage of this..

    how long Putin in power? 20 years of taxi to the ISS.. can't he do better than that?

    US love for space ,and pride over their leadership in exploration is everywhere in American movies..

    and in their entertainment industry..and video games too..
    this is how it works US system,, advertising ,advertising ,advertising.. we are #1 ,we are in mars.. we discovered a new planet.. (show images) ,new ice here.. new planet discovery (show images on media) and Putin what he does?  "hey look ...we are breaking world records in wheat production.. ,hey look ,we won many medals in sport.."  Neutral  No  hey look this pretty park.. Why would anyone praise agriculture world records, is beyond me.. specially if it comes from Putin directly.. he is out of touch of the problems he face.. that is Russia lacks of competition ,to the American system ,the #1 problem Russia face.. they allow US to LEAD in world development ,to lead in the fun things..that society likes and this is why he have been so ineffective in defending its Russia interest in the world .. earning respect.. or convincing Europe to stop following the US System and disband NATO. Everyone follows the leader.. and Obama was all the time speaking about it.. What  does Russia make? and laughing about it..  unfortunately he was right.. Putin is seen as a backward nation ,and Putins hypersonic missiles and pretty parks and sport medals will not change that opinion..
    and obsolete nation with good weapons and that knows how to build safe best.. is the opinion of the west. and the perception DO matters.. Is through perception that people win elections and lead nations,,and lead the world.

    is not all bad.. because at least China do competes.. with US system.. they do have a better chance
    to compete for technology leadership.. and perhaps space too.. But is sad that Putin lose  so many opportunities
    for being so distracted in totally superficial things.. of the past or meaningless activities.. Russia economy is very limited ,so he need to invest more wisely ,in things that truly matters ,that will allow Russia compete with the west to weaken their Influence.. over the world. hows that Putin dedolarization project going?  lol1   China still have 1 trillion dollars. this is how much Putin influence the world.. not even China listen Putin calls for dedolarization.. No nation will stop using dollars as long Americans continues leading their business with things people wants to buy.. nobody explained this to Putin.. it seems.  Putin tactics are the most abysmal failure ,possible to counter US.. to ask others to not follow US system , one that Russia follows even when is unfair to them. Rolling Eyes

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Sep 29, 2019 11:01 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:56 am

    Vann7 wrote:So much Japan have influence over Americans..

    For whatever pittance of influence Japan has on USA it's the USA that has trillion times more of it over Japan

    It's Japan that feels insecure in comparison to Americans, it's Japanese​ who are fetishising American culture and who are trying to cram as much English language phrases into their language as possible

    Vann7 wrote:..that it will be impossible for trump to Ban Japanese most popular business.. Like Sony for example... What will happen if Trump ban Sony playstations in America?
    and their game sales ?? there will be a major revolution in US , since is too popular there.. he will lose very easily the support of society..

    Riots over PlayStation? You always were one but now you gave expression "full retard" a whole new meaning.

    USA can easily ban PlayStation should they choose to (they already did it with Toshiba back in the 80s)

    And they will not miss it one bit given that they have Xbox

    Vann7 wrote:Sochi everyone forgot about Russian medals in Sochi..

    Probably because they are too busy counting all that tourism money from Sochi Cool

    Vann7 wrote:Basically the future of Russia ,should be a United States Done Right...

    United States ARE United States done right, do you honestly think they are doing something wrong from their point of view?

    Vann7 wrote:..without the wars ,without the Liberal crap , and with a nation that focus on leading the world into the future..

    Wars are how they took over the world, liberal crap is how they are maintaining control of the world and you happen to already live in the future because United States dragged you kicking and screaming into the future alongside everyone else

    You want Russia to rule the world? Only way to do it is through war same as always.

    Russia however is more interested in cash (as they should be) than providing you with some space masturbation bullshit or "liberating" whatever shithole you think is entitled to have Russians fighting their wars for them (my bet in this case is Palestine or Iran)


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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  kvs Sun Sep 29, 2019 10:58 am

    miketheterrible wrote:Vann, stop being stupid. Soviet economy isn't same as modern economy.

    Russia has privatized and continues to do so it's various industries. They free float their economy. In SU it was centralized to extreme.

    Not even close to same thing.

    There is no value in discussing anything with an ignoramus. Russia already privatized over 70% of its economy years ago and the
    state owned companies are the same as Canadian Crown Corporations. Basically private companies with a dominant shareholder,
    the government.

    Russia's economy is diversified well beyond the US level. Yes, that's right. The USA has offshored its production and the diversity that
    goes along with it. Financial and retail dominated GDP is not diversified. This is why the USA is sinking. It's greedy oligarch class
    decided back in the 1980s or earlier that they could offshore production to China, etc., and reap the super profits of sweatshop manufacturing
    servicing vast numbers of global consumers. They threw their middle class under the bus and now the chickens are coming home to roost.


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    Post  Vann7 Sun Sep 29, 2019 11:18 am

    kvs wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:Vann, stop being stupid. Soviet economy isn't same as modern economy.

    Russia has privatized and continues to do so it's various industries. They free float their economy. In SU it was centralized to extreme.

    Not even close to same thing.

    There is no value in discussing anything with an ignoramus.   Russia already privatized over 70% of its economy years ago and the
    state owned companies are the same as Canadian Crown Corporations.   Basically private companies with a dominant shareholder,
    the government.  

    Russia's economy is diversified well beyond the US level.   Yes, that's right.   The USA has offshored its production and the diversity that
    goes along with it.   Financial and retail dominated GDP is not diversified.   This is why the USA is sinking.  It's greedy oligarch class
    decided back in the 1980s or earlier that they could offshore production to China, etc., and reap the super profits of sweatshop manufacturing
    servicing vast numbers of global consumers.   They threw their middle class under the bus and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

    and show how ignoramus you are..
    SHow me ,how many business Russia have that competes with American retail Big innovative business..?
    things that the average civilian will like to have? and that people like so much to invest a lot of money on it?
    Whenever i buy something in internet , Russia ,UK,taiwan ,south korea and Japan have the monopoly in high tech and important things ,and takes my money.. What you can buy from Russia?  waiting for an answer....

    that you can't get better in the west? Nothing.. This is a tragedy. for Russia ,because limits significantly
    their influence in the west ,as an outdated nation..

    Its irrelevant dude..  Diversification for the sake of diversification..
    Is to compete with American leading prestigious business . what counts.. How many companies exist in Russia ,
    that Replace American business that the average society will want to buy something?

    ZERO!!!  Russia don't counter American influential business. Not even NASA exploration program in space..
    while money is important..Is not about money .. is about Fighting American BEST business.. those that
    influence more the average society .and that no alternative or competition they have.. .  offering a real alternative to them,, why? so that nations no longer need to follow american business and US can't use as a weapon their business.
    like Trump told.. If any nation wants to do business with us ,will need to follow US sanctions.. But because there is no alternative to US high tech business ,then the world follows America and not a gas station focused nation like Russia.
    Russia needs business to compete with US ones..  Exporting tomatoes , or Potatoes.. even if diversify the economy , will not impress anyone in the west.. if it doesn't compete with american best modern business, doesn't count..  Now come again and say how diversified is Russia economy.  Neutral

    you are not very smart at all.. not impressed. keep sidestepping the issue to things completely irrelevant to the discussion. Is about Quality of the economy.. not about Quantity.. Norway have a higher quality of life for its citizens than Russia..better salaries and better roads.. their economy however is an outdated as the Russian one, one based on commodities exports.. So norway don't have a chance in a million of years to replace American empire with selling oil.. But Norway don't need to compete with US.. they are not at war.. with each they can live happily selling oil...or farming.. but Russia can't do that.. is at war..that the west have on Russia..So for Russia case Is far better an economy  Developing Computers ,moon rockets and high tech.. that what Putin is doing.. a gas station.. maybe if Russia can sell personal portable mini nuclear reactors.. for homes use .for free electricity for many years ,that will be very interesting.. to say the least... that will attract some serious attention..   I will buy one.. Very Happy

    So the west cant buy Russian tanks or jets or Russia nuclear reactors either that they are good producing.. So Russia in no way improve the quality of life of people in the west..  So this is why have no influence in the west and so Disrespected. and why RUssia face a cold war.. But if Russia was attracting The west with amazing innovative fun business ,then things will be completely different.. and there will be no cold war.. if Russia had
    the bussiness power to compete and surpass  the west and keep it doing it for long...

    This is how Russia diversification needs to be.. one that FIGHT BACK at US economy ...directly..Innovative business that put pressure on Silicon Valley business.. or NASA exploration program.. or both and so force US to negotiate with Russia.. for peace.. China is forcing US to negotiate..  With Russia ,they just slap sanctions and Russia have nothing to fight back. other than complain how unfair is the west.  Rolling Eyes  This is consequence of Putin 20 years of missguided Russia development ,that offers zero competition to US business ,in civilian retail market.. and so this weaken Russia possibilities to negotiate with the west over anything ,since Russia civilian business offers no competition ,at the consumer retail market . As long people don't tell Putin his mistakes ,he will continue doing them.. So praising him is not how to solve Russia problems of not knowing how to fight back the US system.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:59 pm

    But thats irrelevant .. wanting to live in peace,, will not make Putin Russia to live in peace..
    when it have enemies already at war with Russia.. Doing all they can to desintegrate it..

    They are not at war with Russia, they are merely stifling what they see as a rival to their position in the world.

    Russia certainly could actively act against them, which in their mind would justify all the anti Russia behaviour of the past and elevate it further, which does not help Russia at all.

    Russia needs to defend itself without overspending and bankrupting itself... which it is doing.

    Russia needs to build ties and trade relations with other countries who are willing to trade and they are doing that too.

    Russia needs to forget the cold war bullshit of us and them and be prepared to trade and have relations with any country, though she should not over commit to any relationship where she could get screwed... trade relations with Pakistan and China and Saudi Arabia and Turkey show they are doing that as well.

    Their military performance in Syria shows they can get the job done without fuss and over reaction, and many countries in the region have seen how they behave and react and have a new respect for Russia because of it... the Taleban wants Russia in talks with the Afghan government... they hated the Russians and vice versa, but the Russians know and the Taleban knows that continuing to fight makes Afghanistan stay the poor shithole the US and UK are hovering over to exploit when they can. No oil, but suspected enormous mineral wealth and rare earth elements worth lots and lots of money... in a war torn shit hole you can get things done by bribing the right people a pitiful amount of money. In a stable country it costs rather more because there are more figures you have to deal with.

    It would be easier for the west to crush Russia on its own if it stood up on its own... what Russia needs to do is relax and wait... any measures taken against them should be countered with measures that hurt the west more than it hurts Russia... the house of cards that is the US can't continue forever... they have to change but their problem is clearly their elected leaders have no power. The checks and balances put in place to stop a dictatorship, also mean the real control is elsewhere and it is certainly not the voting public.

    Trump became president promising to pull US troops out of useless wars, and to forge better relations with Russia so they can get things done... he has done neither.

    The only things he has really managed to do is tear up everything Obama created during his time in office and a lot of other things too.

    He has damaged the image of america far more than Russia could ever manage... ironically by openly stating what used to get said behind closed doors.

    The US hasn't suddenly just become and money and oil and power hungry monster... it is just that people have just realised that cute little tweety bird sitting in that big cave with the sharp teeth like stalagmites and stalagtites on the floor and ceiling is a small growth on Americas tongue used to lure in suckers for dinner...

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    Post  Vann7 Mon Sep 30, 2019 7:21 am

    GarryB wrote:
    But thats irrelevant .. wanting to live in peace,, will not make Putin Russia to live in peace..
    when it have enemies already at war with Russia.. Doing all they can to desintegrate it..

    They are not at war with Russia, they are merely stifling what they see as a rival to their position in the world.

    And you call that a serious Argument.. You just lost right there.. dude , you are complete out of touch
    with reality.. US is killing Russian soldiers in Syria and bombing their military base... and funding terrorist
    in  Southern Russia.. This is what Putin Himself and his defense minister ,have told to Sputnik media..
    they even said it in Public.. the Americans are behind attacks on Russia base and terrorist attacks on
    Russia cities. that always those base attacks happens when US intelligence planes fly near their base..
    and controls the drone to aim better at Russian base...

    So are you saying that Putin is lying when he told that ?  The Pentagon  secretary under OBAMA ,even went
    full Gangster mode and threatened Russia with civilian planes shot down. and hundreds of civilians killed. If Russian army continues in Syria , just few days later " after that major threat , a major civilian
    airliner crash in Egypt.. with hundreds of Russian civilian killed. just like the Pentagon secretary warned..and "ISIS" claims responsibility from it..  So if that is not war..Rolling Eyes  then your definitions of war then you have a serious problem  in your reasoning skills. .

     Is a war dude.. and is worse than the soviet one.. Here you have
    a nation threatening Russia with war almost every week.. Doing mock up bombing exercises with nuclear bombs , on Russia from Norway .killing hundred of Russian civilians by targeting Russian egypt terror attack.... Doing economic sanctions on Russia to BREAK
    RUssia economy and provoke a civil war ,to destroy Russia, This is an act of war dude.. Stop with the bullshit.. @GarryB .  There is war.. Is a slow war ,how they call it..  But is War ..their objectives are the same is to break Russia as they did to Soviet Union... Putin by asking politely he wants to be friend.. Will not be taken seriously
    by the west.. it will only encourage their attacks more.. weakness attract aggression.. never forget that.
    because bullies know can get away with it. But look at IRAN.. they shot down american expensive drone.. and by the use of FORCE now American don't fly anymore anywhere close to IRAN. they got a strong message and now they show respect. Smile

    So Putin can't just pretend he defend Russia by just building better tactical nukes..and hypersonic weapons,. and doing nothing else.. if they not used.. to force US to peace.. then they are USELESS..  Because US is attacking Russia by declaring REAL WAR on Russia by PROXY.. by damaging Russia interest in the world , like Syria ,Venezuela ,Ukraine.. IRAN , later will be Serbia ,Moldovia, all this wars are to HIT RUSSIA.. to force Russia intervene with its military and this put a pressure
    on Russian budget.. and weaken Russia economy..  So stop misleading people @garryB you are not helping anyone with your disinformation.  Russia face a proxy war from US.. PERIOD.  And Putin is not doing anything to
    stop this attacks.. They launch cruise missiles over Russian soldiers heads..  So if Putin Don't have the balls
    to fight back with their  ARmy.. As IRAN Does.. then He needs to do it in some other way.. As long Russia don't fight back .. they will continue being attacked day and night.. their military base attacked ,their soldiers killed
    by American airforce in "Self defense". And the Economic sabotage on Rusia economy and the civil unrest continue in Russia , all financed by US Embassy..  That now coordinate with the opposition the map ,of the route
    to travel for the violent protesters.. This is war what Russia face..  and saying is not is total disrespect for the
    cold /semi hot war on RUssia that we witness for years . they even now chase Putin plane with Combat planes armed with missiles..   So if you don't see the war.. then you are the most naive person in the planet..

    Here 20,000 new protesters in Russia..  (photo taken in sept 29 2019)
    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 39 5d90ba43203027586563dc4b

    So what is Putin waiting ,the protest to reach millions ?  to be like Hong Kong..?
    You know that Americans can do this  FOREVER ? because there is no negative consequences
    for them? Since Putin's don't fight back?  and don't come with the dedolarization bullshit..
    not even CHina follows it..  lol1   you need a lot more than that to counter US.. The only
    thing Putin does ,is encourage his enemies to continue the attacks.. for his weakness. and
    for ignoring them.. not doing anything to fight back.. at best what putin does is survive and hold ,
    but to hold.. to survive is not an strategy if he doesn't fight back.  Something he could do very easily
    with the talent Russia engineers and scientist . Putin is the director ,who have the capability to
    talk to their business ,billionaires and students and people in which direction to build their business.

    The US embassy is now giving orders to protesters using twiiter.. what is Putin going to do ?
    Just ignore US and pretends that nothing happens ? that US is not in a real war with Russia?
    and "Pivot To Asia"?  What Putin is doing doesn't work anymore.. of Just "Stabilizing " the economy.
    by reducing the budget in some areas and put them in others.. or just building better missiles.. that doesn't work.  Russia needs to Fight BACK... but not with war.. since there is no need for that , Russia best way
    to fight back is creating an Alternative to all those BIG and popular business ,that helps a lot US economy
    and US image in the world as super power.. and as leader of world development.. Farming more bananas , or wheat and organizing more sports ,or glorifying more the Russian past ,will not reduce in any way ,the business power ,Business influence they have over the world..   Is only fighting Back at US Economy , at US most influential Business on society.. From High tech electronics to their digital media entertainment.. to space exploration , this is where Putin needs to Focus and promote its economy . If he could invest from Russian budget close to  70 Billions $$ USD dollars in hosting sports .. and another $250 in super trains to China to promote tourism.. Then it means he could clearly he can do far better than he does in promoting a real ambitious
    modernization of Russia economy ,in things that really matters for Russia , to counter the western influential very popular business ,including American internet.. with an alternative .and focus Russia economy to directly challenge the US  one... and cause real damage in US economy ,force them to negotiate to peace ,through business that challenge US Leadership in the world.. So that no nation ,specially those in NATO ,can be blackmailed with American Empire business and so no need to follow them if superior alternative exist.
    Apple Alone makes more money ,that the entire Russian budget..   So Putin is missing a lot of opportunities.
    for staying in a comfort zone ,and investing most of Russia budget in  Energy business. Most of Russian debt
    is consequence of those Pipelines , Russia build to Europe.. LEASE to Germany and France ,Russian gas fields and lso they can't be sanctioned anymore ,and it will become a monopoly in Europe Russian gas.. and focus instead
    in Business to challenge US top modern business and in Space..

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Oct 01, 2019 3:16 am

    Good news. Rich people whom are hiding their money outside will still get taxed.

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    Post  miketheterrible Fri Oct 04, 2019 8:41 am

    Rostec has entered into ten the largest Russian companies

    RBC has published the fifth in a row, a ranking of the 500 largest companies in Russia. Rostec revenue 1 643 billion rubles for last year is on the sixth line. In rating RBC were also in the contour of the Corporation of the company, four of them in the first hundred of the list.
    Total rating included 625 companies, but 125 no number of positions: 120 of them with foreign ownership and five is a diversified holdings, among which state Corporation rostec. The top five RBK 500 unchanged for the fifth consecutive year. Is "Gazprom", "LUKOIL", "Rosneft", Sberbank and Russian Railways. Followed by the rostec state Corporation with net sales of 1 643 billion. Net profit of Rostec for the last year amounted to 128 billion rubles.

    In the RBC rating 500 also hit in the contour of the Corporation of the company: AVTOVAZ, United engine Corporation (UEC), the holding company "Helicopters of Russia", KAMAZ, Uralvagonzavod (UVZ), the group "tehmash" holding "shvabe" and concern "Automatics".

    AVTOVAZ has improved its position, rising over the year from 55 th to 50 th place. The automaker is slightly inferior to the JDC, which is on the 56th place. "Helicopters of Russia" – on 74-m a place, and the legendary KAMAZ occupies 78th place.

    Corporation "Uralvagonzavod" – to 110-m site, tekhmash, OOO for the year rose from 34 degrees and settled on the 176-th place. Located next to the holding "Schwabe" – 210-I place.

    "Automation" for the first time participating in the rating, is located on 282-m a place. As noted in the concern, to get the list of the largest companies failed due to the systematic increase in profits through diversification of production. Automation is one of the leaders in this area in Rostec. In 2018, the share of civil production of the holding amounted to 57.3% of total revenue, and for the first half of 2019 already 65,8%.

    We will remind that this year the bottom bracket in terms of revenue for entry into RBC 500 increased by 21% to 21.6 billion rubles. According to the ranking, total revenue of the 500 largest companies in 2018, made up of 85.5 trillion, or 82.3% of GDP, compared to 72,3 billion rubles (about 78.5% of GDP) in 2017. The revenue growth rate doubled from 18.2% vs 9%, say the compilers of the list.

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    Post  kvs Sun Oct 06, 2019 12:37 pm

    The port at Novorossiysk on the Black Sea has been upgraded to accept up to 330 m long and with a 15 m draft ships.

    Before the container ships had to unload in Romania, Ukraine or Turkey and ship with smaller vessels to Russia. This
    added 2 weeks and obvious costs to the container shipping. As with the Baltics, Russia is liberating itself from
    dependence on hostile regimes for its trade.


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    Post  Vann7 Wed Oct 09, 2019 12:06 am

    kvs wrote:
    The port at Novorossiysk on the Black Sea has been upgraded to accept up to 330 m long and with a 15 m draft ships.  

    Before the container ships had to unload in Romania, Ukraine or Turkey and ship with smaller vessels to Russia.   This
    added 2 weeks and obvious costs to the container shipping.   As with the Baltics, Russia is liberating itself from
    dependence on hostile regimes for its trade.

    Russia is liberating from Nothing.. you keep ignoring Russia chains to the American system..
    TAke a look how A modern Economy like America ,use their Entertainment Industry as a weapon
    to influence Ukraine away from Russia orbit.. and to encourage them to continue following US policies
    of zero talk ,zero negotiations with Russia..

    another example how US modern culture influence Russian society ,but Putin's Russia culture
    no one outside Russia borders.

    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 39

    GasPutin ,the only thing he did ,to influence Ukraine into a "friendship" , was gas discounts.. and same with Europe.. to influence America Putin use ticket discounts in soyuz to the ISS.. No no wonder why Russia government and Putin are so disrespected and outdated its culture and find problems to keep nations closer to Russia.. including former Russian republics.. Kazakistan was abandoning Russian language.. Ukraine and Georgia too.. while in Russia english is teach in all Russian schools.. only rejected and outdated nations like Venezuela ,Cuba and IRAN follows Russia.. China not even dedolarized its economy ,despite all Putin promotion .Brazil from BRICS is out.. following US .. and India play both sides.. neutral.

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 39 Empty Russia should reform oil taxes to sustain output: Energy Minister Novak

    Post  Austin Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:02 am

    Russia should reform oil taxes to sustain output: Energy Minister Novak

    Alexander Novak said oil production in Russia, which has enough reserves of crude to sustain current production for over 50 years, could decline if the tax system remained unchanged

    MOSCOW: Russia's energy minister has told Reuters his country should reform oil taxation to bring into production some 10 billion tonnes of currently uneconomic reserves and boost producers' margins to compete better with rivals such as U.S. shale firms.

    Alexander Novak said oil production in Russia, which has enough reserves of crude to sustain current production for over 50 years, could decline if the tax system remained unchanged.

    "We have the highest oil taxes in the world. On average they amount to 68-70% of revenues. But in the case of West Siberian fields with no tax breaks, for example, they amount to 85%," Novak said in an interview.

    Russia had long been the world's largest crude oil producer before being overtaken last year by the United States, whose production has skyrocketed because of the shale oil boom.

    The cost of producing crude in Russia is higher than in Saudi Arabia, the world's top oil exporter. It is lower than in the United States, however, thanks to a weak local currency, fairly easy-to-extract reserves and cheaper oil services.

    Russian oil production has repeatedly surprised on the upside over the past decade despite predictions of a slowdown in mature West Siberian fields, but Novak said the upward trend could soon end.

    "We have great reserves but a big chunk is uneconomical under the current tax regime. The current tax regime doesn't allow us to raise output significantly," he said.

    Like many other oil producers, Russia depends heavily on revenues from crude and gas. The Finance Ministry has repeatedly opposed lowering taxes on the oil industry.

    "If we don't change the tax regime and don't encourage new field development in West Siberia and the Arctic, we won't be able to maintain the current level of production just a few years from now," Novak said.

    He said the United States was able to compete with producers such as Russia thanks to cheap credit and taxes that are levied mainly on company profits. In Russia, oil-industry taxes are based on revenues and output.

    Novak said he was proposing to widen the use of profit tax instead of the mineral extraction tax, which is based on output volumes rather than a project's profitability

    He said Russia should also give tax breaks for exploration work, small field development and advanced oil extraction technologies by allowing firms to amortise and deduct those costs from the mineral extraction tax.

    Such measures could raise profit margins by $3-$5 a barrel, make Russian oil more competitive and bring into production up to 10 billion tonnes (73 billion barrels) of new reserves, which at current prices would generate $4 trillion for Russia.

    Russia has been reducing oil output in tandem with the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries since 2017. Novak said the production cut had allowed oil prices to be maintained at levels that encouraged investment in new fields.

    He said in the longer term, oil would stay near $50 a barrel because booming production in the United States and elsewhere was offsetting the loss of Iranian and Venezuelan output and events such as last month's attacks on Saudi oil facilities.

    "Everyone has forgotten about oil at $100 per barrel. We live based on mid-term oil price assumptions of $50 ... Our budget is based in 2019 on oil prices of $43-$45 per barrel".


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    Post  GarryB Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:25 am

    The highest oil tax in the world?

    Dude... they have the only oil tax in the world... everywhere else the oil industry is subsidised by taxpayers...

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    Post  miketheterrible Wed Oct 09, 2019 4:35 am

    It's the oil tax that allows Russia to have a high budget
    What this guy wants is to make his friends rich.  Russian oil is already competitive being between Brent and WTI oil.

    He is basing his view on make belief ideas of potential development vs real development now. Heck, all of the Russian oil companies are making profits hands over fist.

    Fuck that.  Guy should be investigated for potential corruption

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    Post  kvs Wed Oct 09, 2019 7:38 am

    This whole Danish theater of the absurd raises a serious question. They expect to collect a transit fee for a pipeline going over
    their EEZ and not their territorial waters. This is a de facto upgrade of the EEZ to territory. I seriously doubt the logic
    and actual right for such treatment. It allows for collecting fees from vessels transiting EEZ waters. No such piracy is envisioned
    in the Law of the Sea.

    The EEZ concept has become a creeping land (i.e. seabed) grab. I bet if Russia tried to apply this precedent to its Arctic EEZ, then
    the yanquis would be rolling around on the ground shitting themselves screeching about freedom of passage and other such BS. Their
    theatrics in the South China Sea are certainly in contradiction to how Denmark is treating its EEZ.

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