One of this a...holes in Washington (finance or economic minister) told the MSM that they can´t go for "tougher" sanctions against Russia because it would hurt the world economy. This is just BS. Like a midget coming to a basketball player an saying "I would hit you in the face if i had a ladder!".
Hannibal Barca
Walther von Oldenburg
par far
41 posters
Russian Economy General News: #10
Hole- Posts : 11227
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- Post n°26
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
Who cares about Moody`s? Back in 2008 they claimed a burned down house in a suburb of Chicago was AAA and worth at least a million bucks.
One of this a...holes in Washington (finance or economic minister) told the MSM that they can´t go for "tougher" sanctions against Russia because it would hurt the world economy. This is just BS. Like a midget coming to a basketball player an saying "I would hit you in the face if i had a ladder!".
One of this a...holes in Washington (finance or economic minister) told the MSM that they can´t go for "tougher" sanctions against Russia because it would hurt the world economy. This is just BS. Like a midget coming to a basketball player an saying "I would hit you in the face if i had a ladder!".
GunshipDemocracy- Posts : 6170
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- Post n°27
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
Is this something we should be worried about?
meh, nothing new. Chubais is sand as he ever was. Media just need some fight , people love it. As long as it's happening in the "sandbox" (not seen avg citizen) it's just fine. Chubais they sy is link between Putin and western deep states' structures. Otherwise why he could stay not in prison and live os long?
@Mike - no he wont run. As long s he is useful for Putin for whtever reason , he'll stay.
Last edited by GunshipDemocracy on Mon Jan 21, 2019 2:38 am; edited 1 time in total
GunshipDemocracy- Posts : 6170
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- Post n°28
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
Austin wrote:
In October, Moody's leading analyst on the Russian sovereign rating, Kristin Lindow, said that tightening US sanctions against Russia would not lead to a lowering of the country's sovereign rating, but could lead to a revised outlook from positive to stable.
ekhm but what does it have to do with Russian economy? it only connected with foreign investment/western borrowing in Russia, at the moment mostly by speculators.
Modern token: pilot regions will be eligible for settlements in cryptocurrency
With the help of special regimes, business representatives will be able to circumvent sanctions.
The State Duma supports the creation of pilot regions for practicing the circulation of cryptotools. About this "Izvestia" said the head of the State Duma Committee on the financial market Anatoly Aksakov. The bill that will make this possible was developed by the Ministry of Economic Development. The business is discussing such an option at the RSPP site: this will allow the use of cryptocurrencies and tokens to raise capital, as well as to buy and sell assets under sanctions. The development of the initiative is being monitored in the Kaliningrad region and Tatarstan - there are already companies there that are ready to become a platform for the experiment themselves or to take part in it. However, the target audience is big business.
Russia continues to work on the creation of cryptoeconomics. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, speaking at the Gaidar Forum, urged not to "bury" cryptocurrency. As Anatoly Aksakov told Izvestia, the work is going in several directions and one of them is the creation of so-called regulatory sandboxes that will allow us to test financial cryptotools and work out a legal regime for them.
- The law on the “regulatory sandbox”, which I hope we will adopt in the spring session, will allow in a pilot version in some region either individual companies or a particular industry to use including cryptotools for economic turnover and business operations, - said Head of the Duma Committee on the Financial Market.
The document was developed by the Ministry of Economic Development. As specified in the department, it is discussed at several venues, but so far it does not operate with individual regions or companies. Anyone who works with “end-to-end” information technologies will be able to take part in the project. These are not only distributed registries (blockchain. - “News”), but also quantum and neutro technologies, as well as artificial intelligence.
The Ministry of Finance recommended to apply for a comment to the Central Bank. At the time of publication, the Central Bank did not answer Izvestiya’s questions about the use of the experimental legal regime and the risks associated with it.
A large Russian business is already discussing the idea at the RSPP site. The advisory council on issues of digitalization works for this, Vice President of the Union Sergei Mytenkov told Izvestia. According to him, it is necessary to allow ten companies to work with financial cryptotools and, using their example, calculate the possible legal and economic risks.
International companies are interested in this: in the face of external restrictions, cryptotools provide great opportunities. For example, if an organization cannot be placed on the stock exchange or make a payment, depersonalizing finances, it will be able to buy and sell assets using the blockchain, explained Sergey Mytenkov. According to him, we are talking about the use of cryptocurrency and tokens secured by assets - this is how capital can be attracted. A well-known brand and transparency of operations of participants in the experiment should remove the fears of financial authorities, he explained.
miketheterrible- Posts : 7377
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- Post n°29
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
Overview: in December 2018 in Russia opened 37 new productions
Overview: in December 2018 in Russia opened 37 new productions
dino00- Posts : 1677
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- Post n°30
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
The budget of the Russian Federation in 2018 was executed with a surplus of 2.7% of GDP
MOSCOW, Jan 22 - PRIME. The surplus of the federal budget of the Russian Federation for 2018, according to a preliminary estimate by the Ministry of Finance of Russia, amounted to 2.746 trillion rubles, or 2.7% of GDP, according to materials on the ministry's website.
MOSCOW, Jan 22 - PRIME. The surplus of the federal budget of the Russian Federation for 2018, according to a preliminary estimate by the Ministry of Finance of Russia, amounted to 2.746 trillion rubles, or 2.7% of GDP, according to materials on the ministry's website.
miketheterrible- Posts : 7377
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- Post n°31
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
The 2018: Russia opened 215 new industries
The 2018: Russia opened 215 new industries
Vann7- Posts : 5385
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- Post n°32
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
I posted this here ,because will be connected to Russia economy ,this will have a direct NEAR FUTURE impact in world politics.. and is directly connected with Nord Stream 2.. Why Nord Stream 2 ? because is the major Big Event ...of a very serious non negotiable conflict on interest..... of Germany and France vs United States.
This big event is even a bigger event..
than Brexit or the Creation of the European Union. or even the creation of NATO...
and will have tremendous consequences for world politics ,and world economy ,will be good for Russia when it
comes to business and it will mark the the Major Event. that will start the end of the American world.
The real end of the unilateral world.. The day United States.. either backtrack on Nord stream 2.. or either
sanctions Germany and France for going ahead with (Nord stream2).. it will be the official day , of the split of the American system.. the only question will be ,for how long it will last? This is the real motive why the yellow vest
protest .. it was never about fuel prices.. it was about removing macron and replacing him for a 100% loyal obedient Puppet of United States..
Contrary to more people beliefs. that repeats propaganda without thinking Macron is not a zionist Globalist..
he is a pro European Globalism.. he wants a different form of Globalism and a Bipolar world at least.. a world
shared between US and Europe.. Russia alliance with China ,even when it was important.. did not created anything new... but this new event.. A military alliance between France and Germany.. it will be HUGE.. in the political
spectrum.. and world politics.. Believe it or not.. this new European Army.. is a chess mate move, A new treaty
where basically Germany asking France to Protect them.. a treaty where france will be the body guard of Germany
in case Americans try to use their military to remove Germany Government from power ,after disobeying
United States and not cancelling Nord Stream 2.. and once they consolidate this Military alliance . they will only
expand from there and will take their own policies , and defend their own interest.. They for example ,once the military alliance setup ,and operating in full .. it will allow CROSS BORDER movement of military Troops..
That is dozen of thousands of french troops enough to counter American troops in Germany.
and it will be the ultimate SIGNAL that the american unipolar world is over ,and a new Bipolar one will start.. for the first time since world war 2.. it will be comparable to the wall breakup in Germany and leaving of Soviet Troops. This treaty when fully implemented will be the day that US officially lose control of Germany .
After France and Germany , organize and finalize the details..
They will finally be in a stronger position to defend their Economic interest , like Nord Stream 2 , and the
restart the Iranian deal , and turn IRAN into what Saudi arabia is for americans.. the chicken of golden eggs..
since there is a lot of business for Europe to do with IRAN.. This is bad news for United states.. and very
terrible news for israel.. and ironically i was right to predict.. that with Putin in power , Russia had no chance
to ever be fully independent.. since Putin/Russia lacks of charisma/business leadership necessary to influence Europe into its orbit. is not an end to the American system ,for sure..but it will significantly reduce Use economic power and the control US had over the world ,now that Europe will pursue its own Globalist version of the world with France and Germany in the lead..
In my opinion it will be better for the world and for Russia , if Russia accept to be a colony of France and Germany , by being under the European Union flag ,and accept a secondary role in the Union.. Than to wait for Putin poor leadership ever convince the world to change and move towards Russian orbit. and it will attract other European
nations to follow.. eventually disbanding NATO..
This is why washington DC is now speaking about the pivot to Latin america..
They know what is coming is not good for them.. because they wheels of the train are in motion ,to remove
US from Europe.. and Germany and France to lead in Europe an alternative system to the american one..
Is more likely Russia will gravitate to the European orbit .. since even Putin promoted the idea of free trade
with Europe..
posted in january 22 2019..
mark my words this will have global consequences for world economy.. if implemented..
but also benefit enormously Russia economy and even more European too.. the possibilities are endless.
Merkel: New Germany-France Treaty (BIG) Step Toward European Army (VIDEO)
IF this European army implemented.. i see some hopes for a little better world away from the American/zionist jews system ,with the European new system and with a smaller Zionist and Israel Influence. The new european system they trying to create it could be as bad as the American one or a bit better in terms of Russia security. but this will likely not end France intervensionism in AFrica and middle east.. but at least it have the big huge potential of removing American nuclear missiles from Europe and their bases.. is most European nations join the European army project. France and Germany after this treaty will heavily invest in their military and US will be the main reason for this. One of the main reason ,major security issues for Germany and France that are afraid of US ,using their American troops , positioned in Germany ,to remove Merkel by force from power or assassinate her for not abandoning Nord Stream 2.. because that pipeline will be a major huge boost for Russia economy ,totally neutralizing any sanction on US on Russia. Even Putin saw this European Army when announced by macron
as a good thing.. Russia knows that is not in Germany and France interest and most of Europe a war with Russia.. that by Germany and France having an army ,they will gain independence from US , and more freedom to oppose
US demands on Europe.
This will be good for stabilization of Russia economy since will break the siege ,of American sanctions on Russia.. Good for IRAN too.. since they have the very cheap oil Europe wants.. it will compete with Russia energy for sure ,but Russia economy will benefit in other ways once they get free trade , Russia could become the China of europe.. for its cheap labor..
I can see France and Germany ,as their major step for security ,after removing American military bases, from their countries for example ,once the European army is implemented. i can see Europe moving their business in big way to IRAN , too many business to do ,in a nation with so much oil , and later aiding Kurds too overthrow
Erdogan from Power.. and transform turkey ,into a colony of Europe. . This of course will benefit Russia too.
So there is a lot of common interest between Europe and Russia , so many count.. that definitively will help
Russia but only economic wise and not in the way or the vision ,that Putin's likes to promote as model for Russia culture.
IF european don't miss this opportunity a Franco-German alliance represent.. in the not long future ,we could
see a major European super economic power , that the business side will extend from Portugal to the Russian far east and will try to get Japan and South korea away from US orbit.. and leave latin america for US... The biggest losers will be Anglo jews powers , like UK ,Canada US ,Australia and Israel .
The biggest chance France and Germany have to gain its independence is now , with Trump in power.. that he is
also been advocating for the abandon of NATO.. and will find on a personal level (not presidential one) as a good thing that Germany and France unites.. so he can justify ending the spending on NATO ,because Trump will say.. Germany and France can take care of Europe security without US anyway.
Trump don't want US to police the world with hundreds of military bases everywhere and he wants to focus on business.. that Trump believe US can achieve power through business ,without the need of using NATO or using the military. So this will be the Most Ironic Alliance of all.. not predicted by anyone.. France and Germany
abandoning NATO and taking the lead of European Union security and with Trump undercover support for them..
doing everything behind the scenes ,to sabotage any attempt of the Deep state to interfere break France and Germany. You saw those double games of Trump of not allowing its opposition to really know ,what he thinks..
or what he wants.. in the bombing against Syria cruise missile attacks.. (but that later Putin told in interview
Trump gave him information about the military base they were going to hit so they don't harmed.)//
Then you saw how UK framed Russia into a chemical attack.. to tie the hands of any closing relations
with Russia.. and later Trump congratulate Putin on phone for his Victory on the elections , after he told that Russia very likely did it.. So trump is playing a dual side policy , one for deep state opposition and another for supporters.. and if he keeps going he could achieve all his objectives..
Is possible that the "European Army" at least is a Germany call for France for Help ,asking them to become
the Bodyguard of germany vs Americans.. Even Macron did not denied this.. he told he wanted an European
Army to counter United States.. The first sign of this will the creation of NEW very big military bases in Germany under control of France and German armies that will NOT be under control of Americans or NATO.. As many don't know that the official Germany army today they work for Americans ,and for NATO .. and even the Minister of Defense of germany is recruited by US military ,not by German government. So Germany is effectively a Colony..
but this Franco-German military alliance is to stop US military control over Germany. and to enhance the sovereignty of Europe. and defense of their interest. and Putin was very supportive of this idea. of this EU army.
This big event is even a bigger event..
than Brexit or the Creation of the European Union. or even the creation of NATO...
and will have tremendous consequences for world politics ,and world economy ,will be good for Russia when it
comes to business and it will mark the the Major Event. that will start the end of the American world.
The real end of the unilateral world.. The day United States.. either backtrack on Nord stream 2.. or either
sanctions Germany and France for going ahead with (Nord stream2).. it will be the official day , of the split of the American system.. the only question will be ,for how long it will last? This is the real motive why the yellow vest
protest .. it was never about fuel prices.. it was about removing macron and replacing him for a 100% loyal obedient Puppet of United States..
Contrary to more people beliefs. that repeats propaganda without thinking Macron is not a zionist Globalist..
he is a pro European Globalism.. he wants a different form of Globalism and a Bipolar world at least.. a world
shared between US and Europe.. Russia alliance with China ,even when it was important.. did not created anything new... but this new event.. A military alliance between France and Germany.. it will be HUGE.. in the political
spectrum.. and world politics.. Believe it or not.. this new European Army.. is a chess mate move, A new treaty
where basically Germany asking France to Protect them.. a treaty where france will be the body guard of Germany
in case Americans try to use their military to remove Germany Government from power ,after disobeying
United States and not cancelling Nord Stream 2.. and once they consolidate this Military alliance . they will only
expand from there and will take their own policies , and defend their own interest.. They for example ,once the military alliance setup ,and operating in full .. it will allow CROSS BORDER movement of military Troops..
That is dozen of thousands of french troops enough to counter American troops in Germany.
and it will be the ultimate SIGNAL that the american unipolar world is over ,and a new Bipolar one will start.. for the first time since world war 2.. it will be comparable to the wall breakup in Germany and leaving of Soviet Troops. This treaty when fully implemented will be the day that US officially lose control of Germany .
After France and Germany , organize and finalize the details..
They will finally be in a stronger position to defend their Economic interest , like Nord Stream 2 , and the
restart the Iranian deal , and turn IRAN into what Saudi arabia is for americans.. the chicken of golden eggs..
since there is a lot of business for Europe to do with IRAN.. This is bad news for United states.. and very
terrible news for israel.. and ironically i was right to predict.. that with Putin in power , Russia had no chance
to ever be fully independent.. since Putin/Russia lacks of charisma/business leadership necessary to influence Europe into its orbit. is not an end to the American system ,for sure..but it will significantly reduce Use economic power and the control US had over the world ,now that Europe will pursue its own Globalist version of the world with France and Germany in the lead..
In my opinion it will be better for the world and for Russia , if Russia accept to be a colony of France and Germany , by being under the European Union flag ,and accept a secondary role in the Union.. Than to wait for Putin poor leadership ever convince the world to change and move towards Russian orbit. and it will attract other European
nations to follow.. eventually disbanding NATO..
This is why washington DC is now speaking about the pivot to Latin america..
They know what is coming is not good for them.. because they wheels of the train are in motion ,to remove
US from Europe.. and Germany and France to lead in Europe an alternative system to the american one..
Is more likely Russia will gravitate to the European orbit .. since even Putin promoted the idea of free trade
with Europe..
posted in january 22 2019..
mark my words this will have global consequences for world economy.. if implemented..
but also benefit enormously Russia economy and even more European too.. the possibilities are endless.
Merkel: New Germany-France Treaty (BIG) Step Toward European Army (VIDEO)
IF this European army implemented.. i see some hopes for a little better world away from the American/zionist jews system ,with the European new system and with a smaller Zionist and Israel Influence. The new european system they trying to create it could be as bad as the American one or a bit better in terms of Russia security. but this will likely not end France intervensionism in AFrica and middle east.. but at least it have the big huge potential of removing American nuclear missiles from Europe and their bases.. is most European nations join the European army project. France and Germany after this treaty will heavily invest in their military and US will be the main reason for this. One of the main reason ,major security issues for Germany and France that are afraid of US ,using their American troops , positioned in Germany ,to remove Merkel by force from power or assassinate her for not abandoning Nord Stream 2.. because that pipeline will be a major huge boost for Russia economy ,totally neutralizing any sanction on US on Russia. Even Putin saw this European Army when announced by macron
as a good thing.. Russia knows that is not in Germany and France interest and most of Europe a war with Russia.. that by Germany and France having an army ,they will gain independence from US , and more freedom to oppose
US demands on Europe.
This will be good for stabilization of Russia economy since will break the siege ,of American sanctions on Russia.. Good for IRAN too.. since they have the very cheap oil Europe wants.. it will compete with Russia energy for sure ,but Russia economy will benefit in other ways once they get free trade , Russia could become the China of europe.. for its cheap labor..
I can see France and Germany ,as their major step for security ,after removing American military bases, from their countries for example ,once the European army is implemented. i can see Europe moving their business in big way to IRAN , too many business to do ,in a nation with so much oil , and later aiding Kurds too overthrow
Erdogan from Power.. and transform turkey ,into a colony of Europe. . This of course will benefit Russia too.
So there is a lot of common interest between Europe and Russia , so many count.. that definitively will help
Russia but only economic wise and not in the way or the vision ,that Putin's likes to promote as model for Russia culture.
IF european don't miss this opportunity a Franco-German alliance represent.. in the not long future ,we could
see a major European super economic power , that the business side will extend from Portugal to the Russian far east and will try to get Japan and South korea away from US orbit.. and leave latin america for US... The biggest losers will be Anglo jews powers , like UK ,Canada US ,Australia and Israel .
The biggest chance France and Germany have to gain its independence is now , with Trump in power.. that he is
also been advocating for the abandon of NATO.. and will find on a personal level (not presidential one) as a good thing that Germany and France unites.. so he can justify ending the spending on NATO ,because Trump will say.. Germany and France can take care of Europe security without US anyway.
Trump don't want US to police the world with hundreds of military bases everywhere and he wants to focus on business.. that Trump believe US can achieve power through business ,without the need of using NATO or using the military. So this will be the Most Ironic Alliance of all.. not predicted by anyone.. France and Germany
abandoning NATO and taking the lead of European Union security and with Trump undercover support for them..
doing everything behind the scenes ,to sabotage any attempt of the Deep state to interfere break France and Germany. You saw those double games of Trump of not allowing its opposition to really know ,what he thinks..
or what he wants.. in the bombing against Syria cruise missile attacks.. (but that later Putin told in interview
Trump gave him information about the military base they were going to hit so they don't harmed.)//
Then you saw how UK framed Russia into a chemical attack.. to tie the hands of any closing relations
with Russia.. and later Trump congratulate Putin on phone for his Victory on the elections , after he told that Russia very likely did it.. So trump is playing a dual side policy , one for deep state opposition and another for supporters.. and if he keeps going he could achieve all his objectives..
Is possible that the "European Army" at least is a Germany call for France for Help ,asking them to become
the Bodyguard of germany vs Americans.. Even Macron did not denied this.. he told he wanted an European
Army to counter United States.. The first sign of this will the creation of NEW very big military bases in Germany under control of France and German armies that will NOT be under control of Americans or NATO.. As many don't know that the official Germany army today they work for Americans ,and for NATO .. and even the Minister of Defense of germany is recruited by US military ,not by German government. So Germany is effectively a Colony..
but this Franco-German military alliance is to stop US military control over Germany. and to enhance the sovereignty of Europe. and defense of their interest. and Putin was very supportive of this idea. of this EU army.
Hole- Posts : 11227
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- Post n°33
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
I don´t know… should I laugh or cry?
PapaDragon- Posts : 13663
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- Post n°34
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
Hole wrote:I don´t know… should I laugh or cry?
I cry when I think of all that wasted server space...
Big_Gazza- Posts : 5029
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- Post n°35
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
Vann7 wrote:
OMG... I think I'm gonna puke. Surely not even Micron could.... ahh... yeah... of course he could. /yeeeecccchhhhh!!!!
miketheterrible- Posts : 7377
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- Post n°36
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
Austin- Posts : 7617
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- Post n°37
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
Year of suffering: what is happening with the Russian economy
Austin- Posts : 7617
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- Post n°38
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
Ex-RBI Governor Rajan Says U.S-China Dispute Far Bigger Than Trade
Austin- Posts : 7617
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- Post n°39
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
Dalio, Weber on Rethinking Global Financial Risk: Davos Panel
Firebird- Posts : 1847
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- Post n°40
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
Modern Europe eh. A Rothschild fag who fucked schoolteacher grannies when he was a child. With a fat Islamist loving dyke. Fagron is so gay looking, Smerkel thinks he looks just like one of her dyke friends. Wouldn't surprise me if he had his dick amputated so she actually IS fucking him. Politics is stranger than show business. Because show business tries to keep some semblance of credibility.
Austin- Posts : 7617
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- Post n°41
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
Banks earned 1.3 trillion rubles in 2018
franco- Posts : 7162
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- Post n°42
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
The Ministry of Economic Development explained the GDP growth of 2% in 2018
The Russian economy in 2018 added 2.0%. This assessment results in its report "Picture of business activity" in January, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. For comparison, in 2017, GDP growth was at the level of 1.6%. The situation was significantly affected by the review by Rosstat of the construction dynamics for 2017-2018, carried out in January, the report specifies. The most significantly changed data for 2018: according to updated data, last year the volume of construction work increased by 5.3%, while the previous estimate for 11 months was + 0.5%. The growth rate of the construction industry in 2017 was adjusted upward by 0.2% (to -1.2%). The revision of the data was routine in nature and was due to the clarification by the respondents at the end of the year of the previously submitted information, explain to the Ministry of Economic Development.
Taking into account the new data of Rosstat on construction, the office of Maxim Oreshkin revised the estimates of annual GDP growth rates in January-November upwards by 0.1-0.4%. The official forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development for 2019 is GDP growth in the range of 1.3%. According to Maxim Oreshkin, there are no reasons for an emergency revision of macroeconomic indicators. “Despite the fact that oil has fallen by 30% since September last year, the ruble has strengthened very seriously. Therefore, there is no reason to urgently revise the forecast, either at the exchange rate, inflation rate, or the GDP dynamics,” said at a press conference following the World Economic Forum in Davos, RIA Novosti .
Commenting on inflation data (since the beginning of January, she gained 0.9%), Oreshkin noted that the peak has already passed, the trend is declining. Acceleration of economic growth, according to the minister, is worth waiting closer to the second half of the year.
The Russian economy in 2018 added 2.0%. This assessment results in its report "Picture of business activity" in January, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. For comparison, in 2017, GDP growth was at the level of 1.6%. The situation was significantly affected by the review by Rosstat of the construction dynamics for 2017-2018, carried out in January, the report specifies. The most significantly changed data for 2018: according to updated data, last year the volume of construction work increased by 5.3%, while the previous estimate for 11 months was + 0.5%. The growth rate of the construction industry in 2017 was adjusted upward by 0.2% (to -1.2%). The revision of the data was routine in nature and was due to the clarification by the respondents at the end of the year of the previously submitted information, explain to the Ministry of Economic Development.
Taking into account the new data of Rosstat on construction, the office of Maxim Oreshkin revised the estimates of annual GDP growth rates in January-November upwards by 0.1-0.4%. The official forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development for 2019 is GDP growth in the range of 1.3%. According to Maxim Oreshkin, there are no reasons for an emergency revision of macroeconomic indicators. “Despite the fact that oil has fallen by 30% since September last year, the ruble has strengthened very seriously. Therefore, there is no reason to urgently revise the forecast, either at the exchange rate, inflation rate, or the GDP dynamics,” said at a press conference following the World Economic Forum in Davos, RIA Novosti .
Commenting on inflation data (since the beginning of January, she gained 0.9%), Oreshkin noted that the peak has already passed, the trend is declining. Acceleration of economic growth, according to the minister, is worth waiting closer to the second half of the year.
Austin- Posts : 7617
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- Post n°43
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
Recession Is Written All Over the U.S. Economy, Ex-Budget Director Stockman Says
Austin- Posts : 7617
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- Post n°44
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
Video: Russian Sanctions Undermines Long-Term Strength of U.S., Says RDIF's CEO
medo- Posts : 4342
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- Post n°45
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
According to Russian Central Bank:
- Russian external debt in December 2018: 453,749 billion $
- Russian international reserves in December 2018: 466,9 billion $
At the end of the year 2018, Russia have more money in reserves than debt.
- Russian external debt in December 2018: 453,749 billion $
- Russian international reserves in December 2018: 466,9 billion $
At the end of the year 2018, Russia have more money in reserves than debt.
Kimppis- Posts : 617
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- Post n°46
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
franco wrote:The Ministry of Economic Development explained the GDP growth of 2% in 2018
Thanks. What's the source though?
And very good if 100% accurate and finalized. It means the annual growth was above 2% for the first time since 2012.
franco- Posts : 7162
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- Post n°47
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
Kimppis wrote:franco wrote:The Ministry of Economic Development explained the GDP growth of 2% in 2018
Thanks. What's the source though?
And very good if 100% accurate and finalized. It means the annual growth was above 2% for the first time since 2012.
Hole- Posts : 11227
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- Post n°48
Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
medo wrote:According to Russian Central Bank:
- Russian external debt in December 2018: 453,749 billion $
- Russian international reserves in December 2018: 466,9 billion $
At the end of the year 2018, Russia have more money in reserves than debt.
Less then 60 Bill. debt belong to the state.
Austin- Posts : 7617
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Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
medo wrote:According to Russian Central Bank:
- Russian external debt in December 2018: 453,749 billion $
- Russian international reserves in December 2018: 466,9 billion $
At the end of the year 2018, Russia have more money in reserves than debt.
They need to make the difference around $200 billion then it will give Ruble more strength
What is public debt according to central bank ?
medo- Posts : 4342
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Re: Russian Economy General News: #10
Austin wrote:medo wrote:According to Russian Central Bank:
- Russian external debt in December 2018: 453,749 billion $
- Russian international reserves in December 2018: 466,9 billion $
At the end of the year 2018, Russia have more money in reserves than debt.
They need to make the difference around $200 billion then it will give Ruble more strength
What is public debt according to central bank ?
Russian government debt is 44,084 billion $.
Russian Central Bank debt is 12,072 billion $.
The rest are banks and other sectors (companies).
Why? They are one of the rare states if not the only one, which have higher reserves than debt. Russia also have 2.066 tons of gold, which already give a lot of strength to Rouble. Look at all those sanctions and ups and downs of oil prices and Rouble value is more or less constant and Russia didn't spent a cent to support it.