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    T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems)


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    T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems) - Page 3 Empty Re: T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems)

    Post  GarryB Tue Feb 12, 2019 8:15 pm

    In addition, 18 units of military equipment entered the Saratov military training center (artillery): five Acacia self-propelled howitzers, four Msta-B towed howitzers, six Hyacinth self-propelled guns and two Hyacinth towed guns -B ". The training center was also equipped with a SNAR-10 mobile radar reconnaissance station. The 631st combat training center (artillery) is the only place in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for training junior specialists for artillery units. It annually for the troops prepare more than 1 thousand soldiers and sergeants. The Penza branch of the Military Academy of Material and Technical Support (MTO) received a launcher and transport-loading machine of the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile complex (PTRK).

    So training centre units go four Msta-B towed howitzers and two towed Hyacinth towed guns...

    The return to the active service of tanks not-modernized is also a fact in Russia today.

    When things are taken out of storage it is standard procedure to fully check they are completely operational, but normally they are fitted with new equipment and systems.

    A tank from 1985 would need quite a few upgrades and changes before it would be useful in service today... the audio cassette tape would be replaced by a solid state flash RAM system for instance.

    Even just to make it easier to operate and maintain, certain obsolete components would be changed and communications and optics would also be changed.

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    T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems) - Page 3 Empty Re: T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems)

    Post  d_taddei2 Tue Feb 12, 2019 10:30 pm

    eehnie as you believe towed artillery is obsolete when do think it will be phased completely out in frontline service and in reserve?

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    T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems) - Page 3 Empty Re: T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems)

    Post  eehnie Thu Feb 14, 2019 6:22 am

    d_taddei2 wrote:eehnie as you believe towed artillery is obsolete when do think it will be phased completely out in frontline service and in reserve?

    It is al explained in the previous page and in other topics, like the topic about the State Armament Program 2018-2027 and others.

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    T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems) - Page 3 Empty Re: T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems)

    Post  franco Mon Jun 08, 2020 4:42 am

    The MT-12 is called the sniper weapon of the Russian artillery and for good reason with this story.

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    T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems) - Page 3 Empty Re: T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems)

    Post  GarryB Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:14 pm

    Hahahaha... direct fire weapons can offer excellent accuracy, but I am sure capping oil well fires was not part of the requirements when the MT-12 was designed....

    Seems to have gotten the job done though so well done.

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    T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems) - Page 3 Empty Re: T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems)

    Post  d_taddei2 Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:38 am

    Some interesting variants using SPG-9. I think the only advantage of some of these systems is using the shoot and scoot tactic where some of these systems can fire a volley of rounds before scooting. Or if being used against buildings would be able to create large hole for troops to breach, or simply to destroy large number of enemy within the building.

    Iranian 4x4
    T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems) - Page 3 -11-210

    T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems) - Page 3 Images19

    Humvee with spg-9
    T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems) - Page 3 Images18

    MRAP with spg-9
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    Dual spg-9
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    Humvee with dual spg-9
    T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems) - Page 3 Images24

    Ukrainian BTR-80 with quad spg-9
    T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems) - Page 3 Images25
    T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems) - Page 3 Images26
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    T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems) - Page 3 Empty Re: T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems)

    Post  GarryB Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:54 pm

    It is simply a direct fire weapon that with its HE round version can hit targets out to about 4km or so.

    The HEAT has a range of less than half that I believe, but their advantage is their low cost and weapon flight range with reasonable accuracy performance.
    Being recoilless means they can use a very light mount and wont shake a launch vehicle to bits during firing.

    With modern laser rangefinders and ballistic computers its performance should be rather good even with unguided rockets.

    Its light weight and low cost means you can take a lot of ammo and actually use it with no fears of running out of money...

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    T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems) - Page 3 Empty Re: T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems)

    Post  d_taddei2 Sun Sep 12, 2021 8:02 pm

    GarryB wrote:It is simply a direct fire weapon that with its HE round version can hit targets out to about 4km or so.

    The HEAT has a range of less than half that I believe, but their advantage is their low cost and weapon flight range with reasonable accuracy performance.
    Being recoilless means they can use a very light mount and wont shake a launch vehicle to bits during firing.

    With modern laser rangefinders and ballistic computers its performance should be rather good even with unguided rockets.

    Its light weight and low cost means you can take a lot of ammo and actually use it with no fears of running out of money...

    Yes I already knew this. And we have talked about these points before. Just posting as it's not common to see multiple guns deployed as such.

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    T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems) - Page 3 Empty Re: T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems)

    Post  d_taddei2 Fri Dec 03, 2021 7:01 am

    Interesting idea, SPG-9 mounted on a Ural motorcycle could be done, hit and run urban tactics lol!

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    T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems) - Page 3 Empty Re: T-12/MT-12 and SPG-9 replacement (other future towed systems)

    Post  GarryB Fri May 31, 2024 10:56 pm

    Here is the 73mm gun of the BMP-1 mounted on the same mount used with the 82mm Vasilek auto mortar...

    Good rate of fire, cheap easy to get ammo, looks quite mobile and with good shooting range with an anti armour round and a HE round too.

    I suppose more importantly... it is an RPG round that can reach hard targets out to about 1.2km range, but it can also lob HE rounds out to about 4km or so, which makes it rather useful in a dual with an enemy with shoulder fired rockets.

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