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Hannibal Barca
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    The Skripal poisoning thread


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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  nomadski Thu Apr 12, 2018 8:17 pm


    Agree . Just heard on TV that the French have evidence of Syria chemical attack , but not stated what this is . Also the English met secretly with secret evidence , not stating what this is . The " chain of custody " does mean samples were in possession of different people . The truth is out there , but it needs a transparent and open and impartial investigation . All this secretiveness helps to hide the truth from the people . The ex-MI6 director said on TV that an attack should take place immediately . You see they rely on secretiveness and haste , and that is why they will attack . As time passes , the truth is in danger of sticking it's neck out .

    I expected more from the Turks . Saying there is chemicals in Syria . I hope they will not allow their bases to be used . Because they may have to be hit . They still have not learned the lesson of not dancing to the devil's fiddle . Once Syria is partitioned , then they may be thrown some scraps from table of uncle Sam , but an independent Kurdistan with oil , will mean a dissolution of Turkey .

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  JohninMK Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:10 pm

    This is a long report

    Russian Embassy, UK‏Verified account @RussianEmbassy 1h1 hour ago

    Our report "Salisbury: a Classified Case" seeks to summarize the sequence of events as well as to present crucial elements of Britain’s and Russia’s position. For the first time, UK replies to Russian questions are revealed in full.

    Read the report:


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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  Svyatoslavich Sat Apr 14, 2018 1:01 am

    Confirmed: OPCW has been completely owned by the US for more than 15 years.
    The list of countries who voted against and for the removal of former director José Bustani (the last independent head of this organization) is also very revealing:

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  nomadski Sat Apr 14, 2018 2:29 pm

    I will point out contradictions and oddities in report :

    ( 1 ) yulia Skripals first said to family that she was fine and father was fine and woke up a week ago , from hospital . Later police relayed message that she said , that she was still very ill and father was still ill .

    ( 2 ) It took three days for Porton down to identify supposed compound . It took OPCW one month to identify compound .

    (3) RT , reported that lavrov was told by ( source ) Swiss lab , part of OPCW , that they had identified two substances . One agent BZ belong to yank and NATO , that disables Iin 90 minutes and victim recovers in four days . This info was omitted from secret part of OPCW report summary . As well as agent A 234 . The type allegedly developed by Russia .

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  JohninMK Sat Apr 14, 2018 6:51 pm

    Certainly an interesting turn, this is a proper lab, one of only 5 in the world authorised by the OPCW.

    More from a different angle.

    Well those doubts may well have just been answered as according to the independent Swiss state Spiez lab, the substance used on Sergei Skripal was an agent called BZ, which was never produced in Russia, but was in service in the US, UK, and other NATO states.

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Sat Apr 14, 2018 8:20 pm

    Does Novichok even exist? Because before the skripal poisoning it was only a rumor that such chemicals were even being developed let alone existing. Out of all top secret soviet projects coming in the light(like the dead man's hand), there never was even a confirmation about a "novichok" project. This sounds like Rezun tier bullcrap. It seems like the Tories made up novichok existing because westerners will instantly believe it since theyre brainwashed to believe that Russia loves chemical weapons.

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  nomadski Sun Apr 15, 2018 1:25 am


    What do they believe ? What do they think ? I will tell you true story . I was passing a group of English white children . Older ones on the outside , youngest with blonde curls , about four years old , on the inside . They were playing a game . Pushing and kicking the small girl on the inside . They were saying " kick the nigger .....kick the nigger " . Do Russian children play such games ? I never played such games as an Iranian kid . Einstein on leaving Europe , commented on the European blackened hearts .

    Even if their prime minister came out and said : hey , we did the Skripals to get the Kurdistan to give us the Syrian oil for free . Then no one will mind here . Even if they killed a thousand or ten thousand . It is their oil after all . They not only not dislike the destruction of other races . They positively enjoy it. They are , it seems more human than the rest of us . This is the reality .

    Another oddity about this case is that the skripals visited the pub first . Then restaurant . Where restaurant table was allegedly so polluted that it had to be destroyed . Yet there were no reports of any contamination in pub . Surely if they had been contaminated at home , then the pub should have been contaminated worse than restaurant . Also I read on another forum that BZ reverses the effects of A 234 . That is , it acts as antidote . I don't know if this is true . But if the victims had genuinely collapsed on bench , then it could be that they were given BZ , for dramatic effect . But were later given A 234, to fool the lab results . This was done in hospital . The only way that a measured sub lethal dose of A234 can be given to two subjects is by injection in a private place , without cameras . Not possible with environmental exposure . Or blood samples were tampered with .

    You know , recently I heard that British judges licence the police and security services to conduct operations and in fact break the law ! To what extent are they allowed to break the law ? My guess is that as long as nobody is killed or injured ( seriously) that they are licenced to carry out operation . Or they may even be licenced to kill . They have therefore not only opened pandora's box , they have climbed into it and shut the door on themselves .

    I bet a judge allowed a fake military exercise to be carried out . As part of ongoing chemical weapon exercises going on at that time in Salisburyby military . ............" ....oh yes you can do this , it is in our national interest ......those Russian must be held to account ........."

    Further oddities apart from missing ( incinerated ) pets and a car previously declared to be contaminated , to be declared clean , is the problem of hand contamination early in the day . As we know , skin contamination takes longer to affect victim . But how many times does a person , on average touch their face with their hands in an hour ? So the alleged victims should have been killed within the hour . And the police who came to the rescue was quickly affected as a result of contact with the victims , in a matter of minutes . This was secondary exposure . And poison was by this time weaker ?

    Last edited by nomadski on Thu Apr 19, 2018 10:54 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  JohninMK Thu Apr 19, 2018 1:14 pm

    There had to be something bubbling under the surface. This is an extract from "Lie no 7" from the Russian response to OPCE etc.

    Note especially para 3 where the US was still, in 2015 developing new methods of delivering this weapons. No wonder the US has put off its destruction of their stockpiles due to lack of resources until around 2022/3, the resources are on R&D instead! Apparently it is now no longer possible to search 'Novochok' on the US Patent website.

    In Russia, there has never been any research and development or experimental work conducted as part of a programme under the name of “Novichok”. I reiterate, there has never been a programme with such a name. In the Soviet times, starting with the 1970s, not only the Soviet, but also the British and American scientists were working on creating new types of nerve agents. This is how the famous VX nerve gas was created. And in the 1990s, after the breakup of the USSR, the Western special services exported from Russia a group of chemists together with the documentation. The specialists in the West began to closely study the documents and, based on them, started working in this direction, achieved certain results, which were made public.

    We know very well that the “Novichok”-type nerve agents were in production in a number of countries. And, unlike our Western partners, who are constantly rolling their eyes and saying that they know something but that it, as they say, is intelligence data and they cannot reveal it, we operate in a different fashion. We work with open sources. Thus, on December 1, 2015, the United States Patent and Trademark Office contacted the Russian agency responsible for issues concerning patents with a request to check the patentability of an invention made by an American scientist T. Rubin. Here is this document (demonstration).

    This document talks about the invention of a special bullet, the distinctive feature of which is that it has a separate cavity for equipping it with different kinds of toxic agents. When using the mentioned invention, the lethal effect is achieved due to the effect of this toxic agent on the human body. In other words, this ammunition falls under the jurisdiction of the CWC. The principle of operation of the bullet consists in equipping it with binary components which interact with each other upon impact. And this is what we read on the page 11 of this official American document, “At least one of the active substances may be selected from nerve agents including... tabun (GA), sarin (GB), soman (GD), cyclosarin (GF), and VG, …VM, VR, VX, and [attention!] Novichok agents.” In other words, this document confirms that in the United States the “Novichok”-type nerve agents were not just produced but also patented as a chemical weapon.

    And not some long time ago, but just a couple of years ago – the patent is dated December 1, 2015. Moreover, searching by the key word “Novichok” on the digital source you can find over 140 patents issued by the United States, related to the use and protection from exposure to the “Novichok” toxic agent. These are the real facts, not some idle talk, and the response to those who insolently claim that the “Novichok”-type nerve agents existed and were produced in the USSR and Russia.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sun May 27, 2018 10:41 pm

    Where the fuck is our soft power?

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  JohninMK Sun May 27, 2018 10:47 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:Where the fuck is our soft power?
    Why post in this thread?
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sun May 27, 2018 10:55 pm

    Feel free to move it elsewhere.

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  Aristide Thu May 31, 2018 8:06 pm

    My guess is that this stuff was either old and degraded already or mixed up wrong. I think some criminal mafia gang wanted to kill him and got their hands on the formula but i dont think the russian government ordered it

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  JohninMK Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:09 am

    A British citizen trying to get the Met Police to come clean on where they are now, explained by John Helmer. Surprised he has not been heavily lent on.

    And RT on the doubt out there re the British story.


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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  George1 Fri Sep 14, 2018 2:04 pm

    Kremlin: Russia has no reasons to take action towards Petrov, Boshirov

    The Kremlin spokesman noted that London had not addressed Moscow with a request for legal assistance in the Sergei and Yulia Skripal assassination attempt case

    MOSCOW, September 14. /TASS/. Russia has no official reasons to take any action towards Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov, whom London suspects of involvement in the Salisbury incident, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the media on Friday.

    "No action has been taken towards them, because there are no reasons for this. They have violated no laws in Russian territory and we have no official information as to whether they violated some laws elsewhere around the world. De jure and de facto," Peskov said, adding that London had not addressed Moscow with a request for legal assistance in the Sergei and Yulia Skripal assassination attempt case.

    About the television channel RT’s interview with Petrov and Boshirov, Peskov said "the question is not about whether it was to Russia’s benefit or detriment."

    "The British side named two Russian citizens and accused them of complicity in this incident. These two Russian citizens have showed up," Peskov said.


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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  GarryB Sun Sep 16, 2018 5:37 am

    Hahahahaha... trapped in the BS web they have spun... all this time the British have been claiming Russia is guilty... Putin himself is responsible... because either it was an intentional assassination attempt ordered by Putin himself, or because of lax security measures organised crime in Russia have secured the weapon and used it... and we all know Putin controls all organised crime in Russia... and the rest of the world.

    How can they possibly cooperate with the criminals.

    The same method was used in the investigation into that Malaysian airliner going down over the Ukraine, yet ironically they were able to cooperate with the Ukraine in that investigation, so the likely guilty party was never likely considered guilty...

    After they released the photos they almost immediately claimed they were GRU, and probably used false names... and Putin has probably already had them killed or sent to Siberia... none of which is true.

    It seems that they looked through the details of people coming into the UK and leaving the UK on suitable days to be able to potentially commit the crime they allege occurred and they found these two, which seemed to fit their BS story the best and they gambled in the hope that it would remain unresolved by the time the UK supported terrorists in Syria released footage of the use of chem weapons by the Syrian government forces, and they can put... unsolved but the damage is done on the Skripal case... that would be as closed as it will ever get.

    The amusing thing is that the timelines given prove they could not have put poison on the doorknob of he Skripal house because the Skripals left at 9am or so and they only arrived from London after 11am, so it doesn't even fit their story of events.

    At every step Russia has offered to cooperate and for every offer the UK has called them murderers and refused... demanding they just admit their guilt and then shut up.

    Why would Russia hand its citizens over to such psychos?

    The May government and Boris the loon have made it very difficult to watch all those British cop/detective shows... they should be ashamed.

    With the UK leaving the EU, you would think they would be looking around for alternative trade partners, but instead they are burning bridges left right and centre.

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  dino00 Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:57 pm


    Best thing about the Uk nonsense

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  JohninMK Sat Sep 29, 2018 12:15 am

    Anyone else seen anything about this

    Ellen Barry
    ‏Verified account @EllenBarryNYT
    10h10 hours ago

    German outlet, FOCUS, reports that Skripal assisted in unmasking three active GRU agents during his visit to Estonia in 2016. This is sourced to a senior NATO counterintelligence official in Brussels.

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  Godric Sun Sep 30, 2018 2:19 am

    JohninMK wrote:Anyone else seen anything about this

    Ellen Barry
    ‏Verified account @EllenBarryNYT
    10h10 hours ago

    German outlet, FOCUS, reports that Skripal assisted in unmasking three active GRU agents during his visit to Estonia in 2016. This is sourced to a senior NATO counterintelligence official in Brussels.

    yes i saw it several days ago

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  flamming_python Sun Sep 30, 2018 12:28 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Anyone else seen anything about this

    Ellen Barry
    ‏Verified account @EllenBarryNYT
    10h10 hours ago

    German outlet, FOCUS, reports that Skripal assisted in unmasking three active GRU agents during his visit to Estonia in 2016. This is sourced to a senior NATO counterintelligence official in Brussels.

    Says NATO. A British ally. They're trying to pin Russia with a motive.

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  nomadski Sat Nov 10, 2018 7:00 pm

    So it looks like two Russian individuals visited . A tourist visit . Even if we  say they were on official duty . This does not mean they carried out an attack . We do know that skripals were double or triple spies . Buying and selling . From many sources . So a chance for many unhappy customers . A state sanctioned act , would have been low key affair . Without political fallout . Against Russia .

    The kashogi case is yet another example  . Why dispose of  him in such a high profile way ? They might as well have put a sign saying MBS did it . A state sanctioned act , would have been a low key affair . Without political links or fallout . Against MBS .  Maybe he made too many enemies ?

    The last case is supposed assassination attempt by  dual national Iranian . Against armed opposition in Denmark . Using 500 grammes of stuff ! I am sure that would have done the deed  . As a kid , I had more fire crackers in my bag ! Why attract attention to Iranian diplomat ? A state sanctioned act would have been a low key affair . Without political fallout . Against Iran .

    Finally the British did carry out a state sanctioned assassination . Against two armed IRA men . In Gibraltar . There was even a BBC documentary about it . Called the death on the rock . That was a state sponsored act and it did not have any political fallout for UK .  It was low key .

    Like all murder cases . In any court . Because of severity of crime and punishment . Higher standards of proof are needed . Speculation serves a political purpose .

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:53 am

    Seems the term intelligence agencies is being abused... recent reports released regarding all these cyber attacks over the last few years have been revealed to be bogus... the intel reports claim it was the Russians because the intended result would suit Russian objectives rather nicely so they must be the guilty party...

    If Sherlock Holmes ever said that he would lose all reputation.

    This is a bad joke, it seems western intel is like western journalism... copy and paste has won...

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  kvs Sat Mar 09, 2019 1:18 am

    The UK theater of the propaganda absurd goes on. The actually accuse the Russian ambassador of receiving a civilian achievement
    award as if it was proof that he was a spy.

    Gotta keep the sheeple distracted. And it works.

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  GarryB Mon May 18, 2020 11:20 am

    Was reading an absurd pro western article about Russian weapons and was amused to read the responses to the article below...

    The article is here if you want to visit:

    Lots of inuendo and suspicion as usual... but when I read the two comments at the bottom of the page my negative feeling to the west was eased a little to see we are not all sheeple....

    There was this response:

    Anthony Hall • 10 months ago • edited

    What a load of Pro-American Bullshit. The Red Army has never set foot in the Ukraine. In the Gulf War Daddy Bush used American Precision Weapons to Bomb an Iraqi Undeground Hospital; Killing 250+ Men,Women and Children. Baby Bush used White Phosphorus and Napalm Bombs on Fallujah in his Invasion of Iraq for it`s OIL.
    Now Trump wants Iran`s Oil.

    Is the Wavell Room next to GCHQ ?

    But more relevant to this thread was this response... I have highlighted in blue the section relevant to this thread:

    Gary Sellars • 6 days ago • edited

    The author opens his article as a true Atlantacist propagandist...

    "The Russian 2008 invasion of Georgia, 2014 assault on Ukraine, intervention in Syria, continuing provocative military exercises, and the use of a chemical weapon on British soil in an attempted assassination"

    Russia did NOT "invade" Georgia. The OSCE report makes it plain that the Georgians attacked S.Ossetia, killing Russian peacekeepers in their barracks (whose presence was authorised by the Treaty of Sochi signed after the end of the Georgian civil war. Russian forces came to the aid of the S.Osettians, repulsed the attackers, pursued them back over the border, trashed their base in Gori that was used to support their assault, and then WITHDREW. Compare this to the US who tend to invade to overthrow the govs of nations that won't "co-operate", and then never leave...

    There was no "assault " on Ukraine, just Russians assisting ethnic-Russian East Ukrainians who were being assaulted by the ultra-nationalist goons of the coup regime because they dared to rebel against occupied Kiev. Don't like Russias response to the western orchestrated violent putsch and subsequent repression of Russian-speakers? I don't think they care much for your views...

    Intervention in Syria - to defeat western-backed Wahabbi terror gangs including AQ affiliates and ISIS. Well done Russia. Stick by your friends and allies and never concede to terrorism.

    Provocative military exercises? You mean like US and UK destroyers having an exercise in the Barents Sea? Or NATO troops exercising in the Baltic (fake) states?

    CW on British soil? What a joke. No-one really believes the UK govs story. Skripal has been disappeared by the British state so that he can't tell what really happened, ie he wanted to re-defect, and his daughter was acting as conduit to Russian intel. MI6 found out he was going to do a bunk so they incapacitated the two of them with BZ (with symptoms like Fentayl poisoning) and took him into custody, then fabricated the Novochok nonsense using diluted sample made at nearby Porton Down CW research labs.

    I didn't bother to read the rest of the article as I don't believe in giving any credence to a KNOWN LIAR.

    What do you guys think of that?

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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  kvs Mon May 18, 2020 4:33 pm

    I am glad to see people with independent analytical skills who engage their brains instead of lapping up MSM drivel. I believe
    that no country can be labelled by the behaviour of its elites (and government). Most humans are not out to eliminate each
    other by any means possible and have no ambitions to wage war and conquer territory and resources. They may benefit from
    some trickle down but cannot be accused of enabling. My vote controls nothing here in Canada.

    I think today we have much more real dissent in the west than 20 years ago. The behaviour of the western elites and their
    MSM mouthpieces are starting to turn people off. I think we will see the anti-Russian hysteria biting its "owners" in the


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    The Skripal poisoning thread - Page 3 Empty Re: The Skripal poisoning thread

    Post  JohninMK Mon May 18, 2020 8:55 pm

    I think that the talk at the time was that the Porton analyzed stuff they sent to OSDE was strong and pure, it was a killer but the Skripals didn't die.

    Apart from that I think he's on the money.

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