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    Military Aviation Industry: News


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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  Admin Sat Jul 18, 2009 12:03 am

    Komsomolsky plant "Sukhoi" notes 75-year anniversary

    MOSCOW, July 16. (ARMS-TASS). 75-year anniversary of notes on Saturday, July 18, part of holding "Dry" Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Production Association named Yuri Gagarin. On this day in 1934 was laid the first stone in the foundation of the main mechanical building future aircraft factory 126. In just two years - May 1st, 1936 was prepared to fly the plane scout-R-6 (ANT-7 design Tupolev). During the Great Patriotic War, the plant produces long-distance bomber aircraft - the DB-3F (IL-4). Overall, it was built 2757 of these fighting vehicles.

    In the postwar period, the plant to produce transport-passenger aircraft Li-2. 355 planes built here for decades has successfully exploited the civil and military air fleets of the country.

    One of the most important stages of development of the company was the first jet fighters MiG-15, MiG-17 and their modifications. Export MiG-17F in 50 years in Egypt and Algeria, opened the way for Komsomol aircraft on the world market for aircraft.

    In 1956, the plant linked to the fate of Paul Osipovich OKB Sukhoi. Working together has given the Armed Forces of the country, thousands of fighter planes of "Su".

    Along with the release of fighters The company manufactures self-anti-ship cruise missiles P-6 and "Amethyst", delivered by co-operation the Novosibirsk Aircraft Plant (now also part of the holding "Dry") of the rotary wing and rear fuselage with a tail to the front-line bomber Su-24, produced elements of the tail for a passenger aircraft IL-62.

    In 1976, the beginning of an important period in the biography of aviation: the company began to develop 4-generation combat aircraft - Su-27, which was the basic version of a family of aircraft design OKB Sukhoi. In 80 of the last century, the Su-27 fighter, and later modifications - the Su-27SK, Su-27SKM, the Su-30MK2, Su-33, became the main production plant. These machines and today form the basis of the Air Force fleet of combat aircraft in Russia and some foreign countries.

    Currently KnAAPO - the largest and one of the most modern aircraft factories in Russia. Here is a reconstruction of a deep and global technical re-equipment, which implement the latest technologies in production. For example, during the production of passenger aircraft "Sukhoi Superdzhet-100 only in 2008 was put into operation 45 modern machines and machining centers of the world's leading machine-tool production. The plant is actively implemented LEAN-technology: in 2009, nearly three dozen projects to be put into practice in the shops of association.

    Today Komsomolsky plant "dry" part of the three priority programs of the holding company: the development and manufacture of multifunctional fighter Su-35 combat aviation complex of the fifth generation of regional passenger aircraft "Sukhoi Superdzhet-100. It produces single and double modified aircraft Su-27 family - Su-27SM/SKM, the Su-30MK2, deck-based fighter aircraft SU-33, Su-27KUB, repair and modernization of aircraft, aircraft armament was standing in the Air Force and Navy of Russia. KnAAPO - certified supplier Corporation Boeing.

    To maintain the leading position in the production of aviation equipment in the context of growing competition in the global aviation market, the leadership of the developed and implemented quality policy for the period up to 2010 A systematic work on the development of staff. It includes the professional adaptation of new employees, periodic evaluation of staff and their capacity to work with a reserve of personnel, training and upgrading of workers.

    Particular attention is paid to the involvement on the production of promising young people. KnAAPO works closely with the Urban aircraft Lyceum, polytechnic colleges, Valea Morilor Technological University (KnAGTU). The best students of those schools are paid scholarships. The company sends students to specialize in the leading universities of the country.

    Much attention is paid to raising the professional skill. Regular competitions for young workers in various occupations. They are the winners go to city, provincial and All-Russian competition.

    KnAAPO Social policies aimed at maintaining the health of workers, the organization of their welfare and recreation facilities. In joining a house of rest, Center for Occupational Medicine, Park of Culture and Rest named Y. Gagarin, a children's summer camp. By the 75 th anniversary of the company after the overhaul enacted by the swimming pool sports complex "Change." The veterans are paid to private pension, the program "Housing".

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  Admin Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:12 am

    At the Komsomolsk plant "dry" for a year and a half implemented 1100 rationalization proposals

    MOSCOW, July 24. (ARMS-TASS). 1100 rationalization proposals, 11 inventions and more than 30 computer programs were introduced in production at the incoming of holding "Dry" Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association to them. Yuri Gagarin (KnAAPO) over the past year and a half. According to ARMS-TASS in the press-service of "dry", the economic effect of the introduction was about 24 million rubles., By reducing labor-components production, reduce consumption of materials, increasing labor productivity.

    KnAAPO - the largest and one of the most modern aircraft factories in Russia. The company held a deep reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the global, thus introducing the latest technologies in production. Association participated in the three priority programs of the holding company for the design and manufacture of multifunctional fighter Su-35 combat aviation complex of the fifth generation of regional passenger aircraft "Sukhoi Superdzhet 100. It produces single and double modified aircraft Su-27 family - Su-27SM/SKM, the Su-30MK2, deck-based fighter aircraft SU-33, Su-27KUB. repair and modernization of aircraft, aircraft armament was standing in the Air Force and Navy of Russia. KnAAPO - certified supplier Corporation Boeing.

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  Admin Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:15 pm

    Long arm of the Fifth Generation

    Research Institute of Instrumentation Tihomirova AFAR created for advanced multi-fighters

    Visitors Aerospace Salon in Zhukovsky, which opens on 18 August, and professionals who visit the MAKS-2009, is awaiting a sensation. Meet with her, they will be able to stand on behalf of Tikhomirov Instrument Research Institute in the pavilion № F-1, which would take United Aircraft Corporation. Immediately between the "Sukhoi and MiG, near the training rooms of our famous aircraft. And highlight of the exhibition NIIP, which, of course, be sure to write the world's press, will sample the active nature phased array (AFAR) X-band, designed for advanced multifunctional fighter.

    The apparent sensation

    Why the emergence of the AFAR sensation? The answer to aviation experts - the obvious. Yet no country, no company, including the famous Northrop Grumman and Raytheon, which makes similar products for F-22A, F-16E / F Block 60 or F/A18E/F, on any show is not shown "live "AFAR. And in the Farnborough and Le Bourget, and Berlin, and in Dubai - anywhere they are the largest international airline lounges, stands for the most promoted foreign companies have always shown only models and models of this antenna. But never a valid sample. For many obvious reasons. Including fear of competitors.

    NIIP named Tihomirova decided to act up. Why? Not only in order to emphasize the high level of Russian design ideas, which, thank God, still preserved in some local defense enterprises, scientific research institutes and design bureaus, but also to show the following. With the unification of the elements of its design and the selected design solutions based on a sample to be presented at the MAKS-2009, believed the institute may be established AFAR to modernize various radar systems. Including the families of fighters Su-27 and Su-30, as well as for their brethren under the brand name MiG, for ground-based systems for military and civilian purposes.

    Specialists NIIP in a conversation with the author of these lines of stress that they have submitted in Zhukovskiy AFAR done that, fundamentally, to the domestic element base nanogeterostruktur based on GaAs technology and advanced antenna systems to electronically controlled beam (AU EUL). Tihomirovtsy more than 40 years of dealing with electronic scanning. The first in the world aircraft phased array (AFD), which they developed, have been installed in the system of armaments "Barrier" by far a fighter-interceptor MiG-31, adopting a more in 1981.

    But, of course, presented a sample far outpaced its progenitor on energy efficiency and the ability to manage a broad form of the beam, as well as the regimes of work. Before meeting with specialists NIIP I read in one of the special editions that AFAR - the basis of intelligence of current and future fighter aircraft, which allows to solve a complex variety of combat missions, the effective implementation of the various modes of air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles. And can provide significant advantages on such indicators as the radiated power, noise ratio, scanning sector range, etc.

    As explained to me to specialists, the quality BRLS with AFAR contribute not only to detect multiple air targets at maximum range (previously seen - earlier defeated), but that is particularly difficult to constantly maintain these goals, regardless of their maneuvers, maintenance up-down of our fighter aircraft, right-left or turn to various on-course, roll and pitch. And if the radar can continuously keep the goal in sight slot, "you think she's doomed.

    - If you talk about AFAR very simple - tell me the general director of NIIP Yuriy White - we have to understand that the traditional Locator - separate antenna, receiver, transmitter and receiver in AFAR with the transmitter and the antenna splits into smaller parts, into modules. And many of these modules represent AFAR. That is, each small yacheechka and their thousands, and contains a transmitter and receiver. In antenna "merges" all the high-frequency part locator. In addition, with AFAR radar capabilities to provide high reliability. Including the application of microwave radiation. Previously, if, for example, came out of the transmitter, the aircraft became blind. And it struck one or two cells, even a dozen, while the other thousands of works.

    Onboard Intelligence

    BRLS with AFAR - this is the basis of "intelligence" of modern fighter aircraft, which ensures compliance with all terms of the numerous and diverse challenges facing its pilot and weapons system. It is designed to help the pilot to solve many problems of air combat - from the conquest of the air and anti-missiles to defeat the enemy of small ground and surface targets. This assumes a dramatic increase in the level of automation control system arming (SUV). Maximum release of the pilot of the management functions with on-board systems, focusing his attention on solving tactical problems. This is important for multifunctional combat aircraft, especially for single

    - The promising fighter - said Yury Bely - is no longer just a locator in the usual sense, and an integrated electronic system, which includes radars in several wavelengths, as well as identification systems, EW and other necessary equipment. And all this is tied into a single ideology, a common vision, will provide, as is now fashionable to formulate a "synergistic effect of combat."

    Do tihomirovskoy AFAR there is one more feature, which is incidentally mentioned in the beginning of this material - the basic components to it - modules - are available on the automated line capable of mass production. Professionals know that to make any "glandule in single copy, including the international exhibition is called, the knee - not a problem. The Soviet Union was famous for its exhibition products, astonished the audience at the world fairs, but found them in stores or on the streets of Russian cities, it was impossible. And to ensure that this does not happen with AFAR, the state has provided a tremendous technological rearmament of enterprises of the Moscow - fryazinskogo "Istok", which now makes two-transmitter modules, of which, as a cell in the hive, and is going to AFAR. Build two production lines. One - the crystal output, which makes chips. Other - assembly, where these chips are collected in the chips, then they are integrated into the antenna elements. This specialized microchips ultrahigh frequency (UHF). Monolithic integrated circuits microwave - Microwave IIAs. World standard of specialized components. The more of these elements, the more powerful radar. A number of modules in the antenna can reach up to several thousand.

    NIIP director Yuriy White stressed that this is the most automated production in which almost excluded the human factor. The equipment is mainly foreign, including Japanese. The fact that our country is not made. And in general this technology, which today is used in creating our AFAR, formerly in Russia was not.

    Yuri Ivanovich did not tell me how much they produce locators.

    - Everything is done under specific orders - he explained. - But there is power "Istok", there is power NIIP, we are also engaged in production, is the power of our serial Ryazan instrument factory, which in the long run will collect BRLS with AFAR. We will now pass it the necessary documentation and technology. There, under the program builds a new production building with new equipment ...

    "In principle we are prepared to 50 aircraft a year to equip their radar", - assured the White Jury.

    Head NIIP noted that the term AFAR they are going to produce not only for the locators promising fighter, but also for other types of weapons. Steerable phased array antenna technology to produce grids should be unified. They can be used in all types of armed forces. Including in the perspective of anti-aircraft missile complexes large range, created in the Corporation PVO Almaz-Antey "(here the same principle:" First I saw - then won "), as well as MANPADS medium-range type" Book ". Maximum uniformity of time and give the maximum effect on the value. The more locators, so they are cheaper for the consumer. Americans than to win? They ran a similar technology in civil proceedings - in a system of communication and navigation system for the prevention of collisions on the roads and railways ...

    - Of course, our radar in the "Lada" is not set - looks Yury - import cars - well, they are closed to us by copyright. But metropoezd - please. At locomotives - as well. Trying to interest railroaders such prospects improve traffic safety and the passengers. While on the way to the many artificial bureaucratic hurdles.

    The future belongs to young

    I could not, of course, do not ask about who was involved in creating a new AFAR, and the relevance of this system is that young people who, as I told the general director of NIIP, came to the institute.

    - These guys, - said the White - have a direct bearing on the creation AFAR. I would say, decisive. The young radio engineer and designers, we have gained 4-5 years ago from the MAI, Baumanki, Ryazan Radioengineering, Taganrog University, technologists from Togliatti, a Ivanovskiy technology (we have extensive cooperation, trying to recruit the best, of course), job, gain experience in passive steerable phased array lattices and actively. In general, in our institute about 400 people who are below 30 years. A direct challenge AFAR were thirty to forty-man of this age. And when it was necessary to assemble the dish by a certain date, they even slept in the booth, as in wartime, working around the clock. Not got. Most importantly, because this new technology, new technique - it is their environment, and youth is very cool all this develops.

    And actually, I was the fellow journalists in the institute a year ago and then said: wherever you come in - all the young faces in the model stands, the assembly, the configuration of modules ... It gives hope that the institute has a future. But the director is still not satisfied - not even the youth, the elderly are much higher. Director of courage - in a crisis of our times - embarked on a construction of a hostel for young professionals. However, outraged by the fact that our "licensing" system construction terribly zabyurokrachena (the building can be constructed for the year to achieve a building permit - and little of two years). And with free financial problems. That would be where the state needs help! And then talk to all levels of the critical situation with the personnel shortage OPK and tangible things not seen. It is hoped that niipovtsy to cope with this challenge, how they coped so far with all its technical problems

    Yes, I almost forgot. At the air show MAKS-2009, at the stand of Tikhomirov Instrument Research Institute, will be shown more and AFAR L-band. Intended for installation in socks reject wing fighter. She also performed on the modern hybrid-integrated home technologies and provides electronic beam scanning in a wide sector of angles in azimuth and a broad band of frequencies. This locator as AFAR X-band, gathered in the NIIP, which was created for this unique laboratory-testing facilities, including those equipped with the latest modern technology anechoic chamber.

    Viktor Litovkin

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Re: Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  Sukhoi37_Terminator Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:41 pm

    Here is some information I found about the Tikhomirov NIIP L-Band Active Electronically Steered Array

    Military Aviation Industry: News NIIP-AESA-L-Band-Brochure-2S
    Military Aviation Industry: News NIIP-L-Band-AESA-Growth
    Military Aviation Industry: News NPP-Pulsar-RF-Transistor-PD
    Military Aviation Industry: News NIIP-L-Band-AESA-ParametersMilitary Aviation Industry: News NIIP-AESA-L-Band-Brochure-3S
    Military Aviation Industry: News NIIP-L-Band-AESA-FOR-1S

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty JCS Helicopters of Russia begins modernisation

    Post  Admin Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:33 am

    Investment in upgrading the ACC "Progress" until the year 2015 will be about 6 billion rubles.

    JSC "Helicopters of Russia" continues to modernize holding enterprises, introducing advanced industrial technologies in the production process. Under this program, between 2009 and 2015 will be carried out large-scale technical re-equipment of JSC "Arsenyev aviation company" Progress "to them. NI Sazykina (AAK" Progress "), which produces the famous attack helicopters Ka-50 Black Shark and Ka-52 Alligator, Ka-60/62, is preparing to release a new light helicopter, the Mi-34S2 "Peregrine Falcon".

    It is assumed that the volume of investment in this project will be about 6 billion rubles. Funding will be provided through the state program of financial support, as well as through company's own funds.

    The development and introduction of innovative technologies in the production takes place within the federal target program "Development of the military-industrial complex of Russia for the period 2011-2020 years."

    In the first phase of the program on modernization of production AAK Progress is expected to re-equipment foundry, the second phase - to reconstruct and re-composite and mechanical industries, introduce a program of digital and information technologies, as well as implement a program for improving energy efficiency of the enterprise.

    The concept of restructuring the mechanical production of the company will replace high-performance equipment for machine tools with numerical control, which will significantly increase production efficiency while reducing the area occupied and the downsizing of staff. For example, the economic effect of the already entered into operation in September 2008, the laser cutting set of Tru Laser 3530 up to 12 months amounted to 14.7 million rubles. while reducing the complexity of the 8 times.

    Overall, the economic effect of the introduction of the mechanical production of new production equipment will be 160 million rubles. As the further modernization of production, these figures will only increase: economic efficiency through the introduction of HTS (cold harden the mixture) and machine low pressure casting will be 40 million rubles.

    Also in 2009, carried out basic work to create a center of competence foundry. Launching this center is planned in 2010. In addition, in 2010, is scheduled to begin work on creating a center of competence machining production, as well as embark on an extensive program of introduction of digital technologies on AAK Progress. The program is scheduled for 2015.

    "Steps for the modernization of enterprises holding company run by" Helicopters of Russia, in particular the ACC, "Progress", implemented to improve the productive capacity of Russian helicopters-enterprises to the highest international standards. In the face of very high competition in the world helicopter solution to this problem is possible only through a seamless upgrade Russian plants manufacturing equipment, wear which sometimes reaches 70%, and the introduction of highly innovative technologies ", - said the executive director of JSC" Helicopters of Russia Andrei Shibitov.

    According to the Managing Director of JSC "AAK" Progress "Yury Denisenko, it is expected that in 2009 the company will demonstrate the positive momentum in all major indicators of financial-economic activity. In the next 2010, we expect sales growth realized by increasing the load on aircraft company profile.

    It is expected that the profit ACC "Progress" in 2009 will grow about 7 times and will be about 140 million rubles. Projected revenue for the company's results in 2009 will increase to 7.3 billion rubles. That more than 2 times higher than in the past year.

    OAO Arsenyev aviation company "Progress" to them. NI Sazykina produces attack helicopters Ka-50 Black Shark and Ka-52 Alligator, and the supersonic cruise missile complex "Mosquito" and export options. In addition, commercially produced light aerobatic Yak-54. Today Arsenievo preparing to release a new light helicopter, the Mi-34S2 "Peregrine Falcon". Mastered rules repairs Mi-24 helicopters of all modifications.

    JSC "Helicopters of Russia" - a subsidiary of OAO OPK Oboronprom, which is part of the State Corporation Rostekhnologii. Manages helicopters-enterprises: JSC "Moscow Helicopter Plant. ML Mile ", JSC" Kamov ", JSC" Ulan-Ude aviation plant ", JSC" Kazan Helicopter Plant, Rostvertol, JSC Arsenyev aviation company "Progress" to them. NI Sazykina ", JSC" Kumertau aviation production enterprise ", OJSC" Moscow Machine-Building Plant "Forward", JSC "Stupino Machine-Building Production Enterprise, JSC" Reducer-PM ", OJSC" helicopter service company ", JSC" Novosibirsk Aircraft Repair Plant (Narziyev ) and the Ural Civil Aviation Plant (UZGA).

    OAO OPK Oboronprom - a diversified engineering group, established in 2002. A municipality in the GC "Russia's technology." The main activities: helicopter (JSC "Helicopters of Russia"), engine (CC "Joint engine manufacturing corporation), other assets . Revenue enterprise corporation in 2008 exceeded 100 billion rubles.

    JSC "Helicopters of Russia", press release
    Russian Patriot
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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Russia's United Aircraft Corporation to double production by 2012

    Post  Russian Patriot Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:53 am

    Russia's United Aircraft Corporation to double production by 2012

    RIA Novosti


    MOSCOW, March 2 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) is to double production by 2012 from 2009 to 200 planes, the company said on Tuesday.

    The target is part of the corporation's draft plan for 2010-12.

    In 2009, UAC reportedly delivered 95 aircraft, including 31 MiG-29 and two Su-34 fighter jets and 17 passenger airliners.

    The state-controlled corporation, established to streamline the Russian aviation industry, incorporates aircraft-making and affiliated firms engaged in the manufacture, design and marketing of civilian and military aircraft, including unmanned aerial vehicles.

    UAC has been described by analysts as one of the large Russian companies expected not only to seek profit, but also to advance national interests.

    The Russian government has pledged a steady flow of contracts for the domestic aircraft industry, as well as additional financial support and a restructuring of its 46 billion ruble ($1.6 bln) debt.

    In August, Prime Minister Putin criticized the UAC for selling planes to domestic and foreign companies at a loss.

    Apart from the ongoing recession, the MiG corporation has been hit by Algeria's decision to tear up a $1.28 billion contract to buy 34 MiG-29s, signed in 2006, over the planes' "inferior quality." The 15 planes were sent back to Russia.

    Last edited by Russian Patriot on Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:10 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Re: Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  rkt86 Wed Mar 03, 2010 6:50 am

    Russian Patriot wrote:Russia's United Aircraft Corporation to double production by 2012

    RIA Novosti


    MOSCOW, March 2 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) is to double production by 2012 from 2009 to 200 planes, the company said on Tuesday.

    The target is part of the corporation's draft plan for 2010-12.

    In 2009, UAC reportedly delivered 95 aircraft, including 31 MiG-29 and two Su-34 fighter jets and 17 passenger airliners.

    The state-controlled corporation, established to streamline the Russian aviation industry, incorporates aircraft-making and affiliated firms engaged in the manufacture, design and marketing of civilian and military aircraft, including unmanned aerial vehicles.

    UAC has been described by analysts as one of the large Russian companies expected not only to seek profit, but also to advance national interests.

    The Russian government has pledged a steady flow of contracts for the domestic aircraft industry, as well as additional financial support and a restructuring of its 46 billion ruble ($1.6 bln) debt.

    In August, Prime Minister Putin criticized the UAC for selling planes to domestic and foreign companies at a loss.

    Apart from the ongoing recession, the MiG corporation has been hit by Algeria's decision to tear up a $1.28 billion contract to buy 34 MiG-29s, signed in 2006, over the planes' "inferior quality." The 15 planes were sent back to Russia.

    GOOD N GREAT NEWS... bounce cheers

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty MiG and Ilyushin design bureaus sold off highest bidder

    Post  Admin Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:33 pm

    KLA plans built on the land

    Corporation wants to help out in their plots 52 billion rubles.

    United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) expects to rescue up to 52 billion rubles. ( $ 1.7 billion at today's Central Bank rate) from the sale of its production sites in central Moscow with a total area of more than 95 hectares. This assessment is contained in prepared Inteko's Yelena Baturina concept of development of these lands , approved by the Board of KLA. Market participants believe that selling the land freed up for that amount in the near future is unrealistic.

    The fact that the board approved the KLA prepared Inteko the concept of commercialization of property complexes AVIACOMPLEX Ilyushin , a corporation MiG and Sukhoi Design Bureau , " Kommersant said vice president , Alexander Tulyakov . He said the first to bid may be set to ground AK Ilyushin (21,8 ha in metro area "Airport") , which developers sell the concept recommended a single lot. Sales of the largest sites - MiG , which occupies about 60 hectares in area Khodynsky field - according to Mr. Tulyakov , will not begin until 2013. " This is due to the need to transfer power MiG to other production sites . Currently, the KLA has been developing a detailed plan to relocate the company , "- he said " L " , specifying that Inteko recommends that a survey of the site and to sell it piecemeal .

    According to the concept , the proceeds from the sale of the KLA areas may take up to 52 billion rubles. , said Alexander Tulyakov . " KLA Board was requested to continue work on the development of architectural concept and documentation for planning of the territory , " - he added . The representative of Inteko Gennady Terebkov told Kommersant that the company received notification from the KLA on the approval of the concept , refusing to clarify its details , including the method of calculations.

    The largest of the liberated areas - industrial platform MiG corporation - has 58.23 ha in the 1 st Botkin passage between Begovoy Street and Aviakonstruktora Sukhoi ( Khodynskoye field) . AK Ilyushin occupies 21.8 hectares at the address: Leningrad Ave ., ow. 45g ( District Metro Airport ). Furthermore , in the playground located Khodynka Sukhoi 15 hectares ( st. Polikarpov , ow. 23a ) . These lands should be freed after moving aircraft design bureau and experimental production in Zhukovsky near Moscow , which is currently building the National Center for Aircraft Manufacturing ( completion scheduled for 2017 ). As grounds for the transfer of power MiG corporation considers production site in Lukhovitsy outside Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod Aircraft Building Plant "Sokol " .

    Development of the concept of land development companies KLA took over a year . In May last year, the parties entered into an appropriate agreement based on the outcome of the tender , which was won LLC Inteko Center . It was assumed that Inteko not only prepare a concept of development of these sites, as well as hold a land auction. To participate in it will attract institutional and private investors , Inteko then also did not exclude their participation . Yesterday, Gennady Terebkov told Kommersant that Inteko still "does not exclude the possibility of participation in this project as an investor -builder , if the market conditions at the time of its implementation will be favorable . "

    Experts doubt that the KLA will be able to rescue the 52 billion rubles. belonging to her land. " such land prices in Moscow now, no , " - says the managing partner of Blackwood Konstantin Kovalev . In his view , plot on the Leningrad prospectus KLA could sell for $ 109-130 million, the land in Botkin travel - for $ 240 million, and the site Sukhoi - for $ 60 million , ie a total bail out a maximum of $ 430 million, Managing Partner Praedium Oncor International Michael Goetz believes that now sell the land in this area can be maximized for $ 6-7 million per 1 hectare , or $ 570-665 million for all sections of the KLA . That is, given present conditions of the sale price of these plots aircraft manufacturers have been able to rescue three to four times less than the expected $ 1.7 billion " In theory, for this price you can sell if the land will be divided into very small lots , - added Mr. Goetz but He doubted that even in 2013 when real estate development market may recover , there are many willing to buy out OAK plots . " The crisis showed that the Moscow land has been substantially overstated , "- said the expert .

    Elena Kiseleva, Khalil Aminovs
    Russian Patriot
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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Re: Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  Russian Patriot Fri Jun 25, 2010 12:26 am

    Are they Crazy? Selling OKB Illyshin , OKB Mikoyan and Sukhoi to to a commericial company.

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Re: Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  GarryB Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:15 am

    They are not selling MiG or Ilyushin, they are selling the land both companies operated from/owned.
    Now that they are part of UAC they will likely be moved to new facilities and use shared resources/assets to continue their work.

    Likely if they have design equipment they will take that too and it will be the offices and testing areas etc etc that is sold off.

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Re: Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  Admin Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:53 am

    They thought they could get $1.7 billion by selling the facilities, when it is more like $600 million. No one wants the outdated equipment they are using, it isn't even an aviation concern taking it over. They are moving to Zhukovsky outside Moskva where the cluster of aviation bureaus will be. They think they can make a Silicon Valley for aviation. Problem with that is they are all under the same company, UAC. There will not be any competition. The real result is a downsizing of the bureau's staff and resources. Here is a concept...

    The educational base will be the Flight Research Institute in Zhukovsky, like one school can provide enough graduates for the entire aviation of Russia? You kill aviation of St. Pete to move it to Moskva. There is no expertise in Zhukovsky for the entire range of aviation they want to make, even helicopters. So much equipment they have to buy and land sales bring little money. This will cost more than it is worth.

    Russian Patriot
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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Re: Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  Russian Patriot Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:56 pm

    GarryB wrote:They are not selling MiG or Ilyushin, they are selling the land both companies operated from/owned.
    Now that they are part of UAC they will likely be moved to new facilities and use shared resources/assets to continue their work.

    Likely if they have design equipment they will take that too and it will be the offices and testing areas etc etc that is sold off.

    With all respect , Garry, but I don't trust UAC , just look at other goverment corprations like NeonTechnology that Chybas runs... First they will move , then get sold.

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Re: Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:22 am

    There is no reason to trust anyone, but lets face it, in some parts of the world Mig and Il mean something so I rather doubt such hard won brand names will be squandered.
    I sort of got the feeling that the UAC company would have divisions that worked on specific areas like fighters and helos and transports of different sizes etc and in each division there would be departments based on the former design bureaus, so in the helo division you would have Kamov and Mil and also the factory that makes the ANSAT. In the UAV division you could have almost everyone and a few extras as well.
    Within the helo division work will be proceeding on heavy, medium and light transport helos as well as attack and scout helos etc etc.

    I would hope companies like MiG don't get sold because they have technology and skills that Russia needs, and needs to protect from rivals.

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty FROM SU-30 TO YAK-130 AND MS-21

    Post  Austin Sun May 29, 2011 4:57 am

    FROM SU-30 TO YAK-130 AND MS-21
    Author: Alexander Krasny
    Alexander Krasny, specially for Military Parade

    The Irkut Corporation is the flagship national aircraft manufacturer. Irkut should be credited with almost a third of profits, derived by the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), and more than 15% of Russian arms exports. According to the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, Irkut’s production output grew by 54% in 2009 year-over-year 2008, while its contract portfolio exceeded US $3 billion.

    The Irkut Corporation was based on the Irkutsk Aircraft Production Association in the late 1990s – the early 2000s. The Irkutsk Aircraft Plant, which celebrated its 75th anniversary last August, is the main production facility of the Irkut Corporation. Over the years the Irkutsk Aircraft Plant has put into production more than 20 types of aircraft, developed by almost every Soviet and Russian design bureau. Aircraft, manufactured by the Irkutsk Aircraft Plant, have been exported to 37 foreign states across the globe.

    At the present time the Irkut Corporation comprises a number of leading Russian aircraft manufacturers and engages in the entire production cycle, including design, production, sales, and after-sale services of a wide range of military and civil aircraft.

    Su-30MKI-family multi-role aircraft, which are the most advanced mass-produced Russian-made fighters, are the prime product of the Irkut Corporation. The Su-30MKI is the first Russian combat aircraft to be fitted with both national and foreign avionics. Given the high interest, generated by the Su-30MKI among customers, and its further development programme, the fighter will be manufactured at least until 2015.

    The Irkut Corporation is the initiator, the systems integrator, and the prime contractor of the Su-30MKI programme. The fighter is built at the Irkutsk Aircraft Plant in Russia, and produced under a licence by the Indian HAL Corporation.

    Another crucial defence programme, implemented by the corporation, consists in manufacturing the Yak-130 new-generation combat training jet, designed by the A.S. Yakovlev Design Bureau, integrated into the Irkut Corporation.

    In late 2009 Russian Air Force Commander-in-Chief Colonel General Alexander Zelin signed the Yak-130 joint state test report. The document allows the Yak-130UBS combat trainer to discharge both training and combat tasks. A. Zelin emphasised that the aircraft met corresponding modern requirements:

    “The aircraft is easy to pilot and is armed with weapons unheard of for aircraft of this type. After undergoing training on the Yak-130, rookie pilots will take to combat aircraft cockpits like ducks to water.”

    Irkut Corporation President Oleg Demchenko stressed: “One of the primary objectives, which faced our company last year, consisted in completing the Yak-130 state tests. The Yak-130 boasts both unique characteristics and a unique development history. It is the first aircraft to be designed and built from scratch in the post-Soviet period. It is the first time we have developed a combat aircraft with the help of digital technologies at every design and production stage. It has reduced labour intensity, cut down the production cycle duration, improved product quality, and established modern facilities for mass-producing the Yak-130.”

    The Yak-130 has been selected as the main aircraft for basic and advanced training of Russian Air Force pilots. It is designed for both flight personnel combat training, and combat employment against air- and ground-based targets in any weather conditions. The Yak-130 is capable of carrying a total externally mounted combat load of up to 3,000 kg.

    Advanced aerodynamics, new-generation avionics, top-notch aircraft systems and power plant ensure highly efficient training and combat employment, a high flight safety, and low flight hour and life cycle costs.

    The Yak-130’s flight performance and manoeuvrability are similar to those of modern fighters at subsonic speeds. The aircraft ensures top-quality pilot training for flying Russian and foreign 4+ and fifth-generation combat aircraft.

    The Yak-130 is the main components of the Russian Air Force’s training system, comprising an integrated control system, computer-aided training classrooms, mission and special flight simulators.

    The combat trainer is mass produced by the Irkutsk Aircraft Plant, and the first Yak-130s entered service with the Russian Air Force in 2009. Besides the Russian Air Force the Yak-130 has been ordered by Algeria and Libya. Irkut currently negotiates Yak-130 deliveries to a number of other foreign states.

    In order to diversify its product line the Irkut Corporation develops and manufactures unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and produces components for Be-200 multi-role amphibious aircraft and Airbus-family airliners.

    Within the framework of international industrial cooperation, first and foremost, with EADS, Irkut prepares to convert (retrofit) A-320/321 airliners into air freighters. Airbus Freighter Conversion GmbH was established to undertake this joint venture. Besides, it is the first time in the history of the Russian aircraft industry Irkut has participated in a joint project with Airbus as a full-fledged partner, rather than a first- or a second-level subcontractor, while the Irkutsk Aircraft Plant is the only supplier of conversion kits under this project.

    The Irkut Corporation has actively implemented the MS-21 airliner development programme of late. It is the UAC’s major advanced project, included in the federal target-oriented programme of civil aviation development through to 2015, with Irkut being the prime contractor. The new family will include the following three airliners: MS-21-200 with a seating capacity of 150 passengers, MS-21-300 (181 passengers), and MS-21-400 (212 passengers).

    The MS-21 will be superior to existing airliners in performance. Cutting-edge technologies will result in a 25% greater fuel efficiency, 15% lower operational costs, and a higher environmental safety. Performance is expected to be perfected due to the introduction of a new aerodynamic configuration of the wing, a wider use of composite materials, state-of-the-art high-efficiency engines, and new-generation avionics.

    The MS-21 is expected to make its maiden flight in 2014, to be certified in compliance with Russian airworthiness standards in 2015 and in conformity with international standards in 2016. The MS-21 programme is implemented right on schedule, with the third milestone successfully reached in early 2010.

    On 19 November, 2009 the UAC Board of Directors decided to establish a business entity, based on the Irkut Corporation and designated ‘UAC – Commercial Aviation’. The new entity will incorporate leading national civil aircraft design bureaux and production plants. Deputy Prime Minister and UAC Board of Directors Chairman Sergei Ivanov stated: “Irkut has been selected the backbone of the new entity as a result of a well-thought-out and reasonable decision. The corporation has proved its ability to operate in market economy, develop new projects, and master advanced technologies.”

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Death of Mikoyan

    Post  Ogannisyan8887 Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:08 am

    On October 21, the labor union of the Engineering Center of the Experimental-Design Bureau (OKB) named for A. I. Mikoyan went public with its claim that well-known aircraft maker RSK MiG is in a catastrophic state. published part of the union’s open appeal as well as MiG’s official reaction. The union’s letter is addressed to the president, prime minister, and heads of political parties, and dated October 11.

    Union chairman Yuriy Malakhov says:

    “The situation taking shape in our engineering center forced me to write this letter. We’ve always been the brain of the company, it’s right here that new aircraft models were developed. For a long time, we’ve had no new orders. In the past five years, six general directors have been replaced, they all come from the Sukhoy company, and the impression’s created that they are strangling us, they want to close our company. All the best orders go there [Sukhoy]. For example, we aren’t even allowed to participate in developing unmanned aerial vehicles. Sukhoy is working on them, but this aircraft company doesn’t have our experience. They focused on heavy fighters. The pay of our colleagues is lower than in the trolleybus yard next door. Lead engineers get 8-10 thousand rubles [per month]. Sometimes with occasional bonuses they get 30 thousand. Talented young specialists leave for other firms, for example, Boeing, where they get two-three times more. Now 10 percent of orders come from Russia, the rest from abroad. In the course of several years we tried to get a response from our leadership, but no one wanted to start negotiations with us. And the engineering center’s director decided to meet with employees only after this letter. We are very much hoping for this meeting. We expect new orders and increased wages.”

    MiG’s press-secretary offered this response:

    “The absence of the Gosoboronzakaz in the 1990s was a serious blow to the country’s defense industry, including to RSK MiG. Only those companies that had large export contracts could develop successfully, for example in that period the Sukhoy company managed to conclude contracts with India and China. At that moment, MiG had only a contract with Malaysia. In recent years, RSK MiG’s been headed by directors from Sukhoy corporation – Nikitin, Fedorov, Pogosyan, Korotkov. From outside this could look like a raider’s seizure of MiG. But who needs to seize debts and problems? A positive dynamic began precisely with the arrival of these people – large foreign contracts were signed, the contract with the Defense Ministry to supply MiG-SMT. Aircraft were supplied against this contract and they’re being successfully employed in the RF VVS. Presently, a contract with the Defense Ministry to supply the MiG-29K is being discussed.”

    “Today RSK MiG’s order portfolio is more than $4 billion, serial production of new aircraft is unfolding. There is a positive dynamic, maybe it’s not as quick and wages not as high as all of us would like. Some young specialists come and stay, some leave. But on the whole the company has good prospects.”

    A couple points on these claims. We know raiders take and sell what’s good, and leave “debts and problems” behind. The Defense Ministry’s acceptance of the Algerian MiG-SMTs was more a financial bailout for the company and face-saving maneuver for Russia writ large than a real contract. Not mentioned is Aleksandr Sukhorukov’s October 11 statement that MiG-29K procurement won’t come until 2013-2015.

    The text of the union’s letter says MiG is simply dying. It cites many problems and complaints, including a 48-billion-ruble debt, losses and delays in contracts, moving engineers to Zhukovskiy, closing MAPO, etc. It says crucial pay bonuses can’t always be paid, and MiG is just supplying skilled people to Sukhoy and Irkut. The letter calls OAK an incomprehensible middle layer blocking competition, but allowing personal lobbying. Finally, it blames Mikhail Pogosyan for closing MiG’s promising future projects.

    Scanning other recent MiG headlines – the Indian tender wasn’t the only blow to the MiG-35, its chances with the Russian Air Forces didn’t look too rosy anyway, and the early September MiG-31 crash indicated again what dire straits that old airframe is in.

    Izvestiya’s Ilya Kramnik published recently on the MiG-29’s fate. He wrote that (unlike the Su-27 or Su-24) the Defense Ministry doesn’t plan to modernize the MiG-29. His military source says replacement of these worn-out aircraft in the future is deemed more cost-effective.

    Kramnik’s source describes production of the generation “4+++” (?!) MiG-35 as an unavoidable but not yet decided step. He sees the MiG-29 variant line ending since it’s outclassed by updated Su-27s.

    Kramnik’s OPK source sees 20 or 24 MiG-35s being produced each year, for about 25 billion, to replace 150 or 160 MiG-29s in Russia’s inventory.

    He cites Konstantin Makiyenko who sees the MiG-35 as important not just as a MiG-29 replacement, but also to keep Russia in the light- to medium-, $60-million-range fighter export market and not leave this industry segment to China and its J-10.

    But Konstantin Bogdanov tells Kramnik he thinks the MiG-35’s loss in the Indian tender hurt its chances at home because it raises questions about MiG’s ability to support a production program for the Russian Air Forces.

    One also wonders how much MiG-35 and MiG-29 will be needed with T-50 / PAK FA, with Su-35, and with Su-27 upgrades out there.

    It’s hard to see the MiG story as anything but another chapter in the painful and necessary process of post-Cold War industrial downsizing and restructuring. After all, the U.S. is down basically to Boeing and Lockheed Martin. In MiG’s case, one can question whether the selection is really natural and the fittest are truly surviving. The answer is probably yes. However they managed it, Sukhoy and Irkut played their post-Soviet hand better, and it shows today. The Russian aviation sector will be better off with further consolidation. Still it doesn’t need Sukhoy to be a monopolist. Managing that outcome will be tricky.

    Why the hell would someone from Sukhoy lead Mikoyan, scratch thats like asking for trouble, if Sukhoy gets to be a monopoly, then MOD will have to pay the price Sukhoy asks for its aircraft no matter what.

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Re: Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  Ogannisyan8887 Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:52 pm

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Re: Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  GarryB Mon Oct 31, 2011 2:42 am

    if Sukhoy gets to be a monopoly, then MOD will have to pay the price Sukhoy asks for its aircraft no matter what.

    Not only that... if Sukhoi can't be bothered then the Russian AF wont get it.

    Look at the Mig-35 and you will see a 360 degree EO system for air to air and air to ground use.

    Russia has an enormous area of air space to cover, but I think having fewer manned aircraft and larger longer range aircraft will leave gaps.

    UAVs, ground and space based sensors, radar mounted in airships, barrier type radar antenna, plus some large fighter/interceptors, and a larger number of cheaper lighter aircraft makes more sense than allowing MIG to die.

    Before the 1980s the Sukhoi design bureau was focussed on interceptors (Su-9/-11/-15/-21) light (Su-25) medium (Su-7/-17/-22) and heavy (Su-24) strike aircraft.

    It was a strange range of things that added to Sukhois rise to power... Mig in the west was famous for fighters, because of the fall of the Berlin wall and NATO access to Mig-29s but not Su-27s meant that for a while the Mig-29 was a known entity in the west... western pilots could fly a Mig-29 and test its advantages and weaknesses so when they met it in real combat it held little in the way of threat or fear.

    It was instrumental in the shift in NATO from using the training and highly manouverable western aircraft to promote dogfighting skills, to favouring BVR combat with AMRAAM... simply because they knew how capable the R-73 and Mig-29 were in close range combat.

    This suited the west too as there was always the Su-27 to scare the public with to get more funding.

    Mig fell out of favour politically too, which is quite common in Soviet history when there is a change of guard at the top.

    The huge irony is that if they can afford both the Ka-52 and the Mi-28, then why can't they afford both a light and heavy fighter?

    PAK FA will not be cheap and is unlikely to be affordable in the numbers required to be the only fighter in Russian AF service.

    Personally I think a combination of Su-35s and Mig-35s is ideal to support the PAK FA, and work on the Mig-35 will allow Mig to perhaps further develop a light relatively cheap 5th gen fighter that would fill the gap in the Russian military and her allies that the F-35 fills in the west.

    I have seen two views on the subject... both recognise that the Mig-29s in service will be maintained but not upgraded or improved and that when they are ready for retirement will go. The differing views revolve around the replacement for the Migs, whether the replacements will be Mig-35s, or whether the replacements will be Su-30s and Su-27SMs.

    The former would be consistent with current military procurement policy that when a new aircraft is ready to replace the old that they stop buying the old and replace the old with the new as the old withdraw from service.
    The latter is fairly consistent with Russian AF policy over the last 20 years of neglecting the Mig-29 and favouring the Su-27.

    Having said that the number of Su-27SM aircraft actually in service is pitiful so you could easily argue that both aircraft have been neglected.

    Personally I hope the military take note of this letter from the people at MIG and the problems are resolved.

    It does not benefit Russia to have only one aircraft maker.

    It would probably have been rather useful to have also selected the Mig-AT as a primary jet trainer aircraft too as it would have been cheaper and they could have used the direct competition to negotiate the price with Yak regarding the Yak-130.

    In many ways the Yak-130 could have been a dual trainer and light fighter/bomber, while the Mig-AT would be better suited to pure a trainer role.

    They could have gotten both makers to tweek the designs so the Yak-130 could be slightly more expensive but also more capable in a few areas that would make it useful, while the Mig could have been simplified and made the cheap option to reduce the price and operations costs. This would mean the Russian military could mix the orders up to suit their needs.

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Re: Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  Flanky Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:38 pm

    I think the problem with the MIG is that they need to make a light fighter but with single engine. Mig-29 was somewhat a "differrent" front aviation fighter. Usually frontal aviations should have quantities of lightweight figthers or lets say more simple airplanes with single engine, low maintenance costs, low price. Mig-29 although being cheaper than F-16 is not a single engine fighter as we all know. And this simple fact might have been a decision factor in the loss in the Indian tender - probably together with its older airframe. Two engines are two engines and you need additional materials to maintain twice as much engines as with a single engine concept. So eother MIG will have to come up with something revolutionary so that it can attract the attention of potential Mig-29 or Mig-31/35 buyers or it needs to come up with a completelly new fighter. But as far as my knowledge goes - i have been reading reports that Russians are running in parallel 2 5th generation fighter programs - one is the well known PAK-FA and the other one is the less well known, but nevertheless important LMFS. Another thing is that MIG had their SKAT development program - it was cancelled - what the f*ck were they thinking to cancel a very promising project?
    I am sometimes left baffeled at the rational behind the thinking of some officials...
    If the program was too costly - they should have cancelled it long time ago.
    I think it would be a very bad thing if they would leave MIG behind... they probably need to transform the MIG as company and get rid of the old image that was basically turned on the table after the Algerian MIG scandal... they need to reshape the company, they need to focus on new technologies and bring new innovative products on the market. If sukohi dominates the market field with heavy fighters... so be it... MIG can dominate with lightweight fighters. It will not be good to have single company that will manufacture fighters in both classes. Look at the lockheed martin... F-22 is yet to see its first combat deployment and there have already been several major issues with this type and Lockheed is developing the F-35 as well. Well you can imagine that neither JSF will be left without major issues because and Lockheed will earn a huge buck by setting maintenance and services high as they know that USAF cannot approach any other company as Lockheed is the company producing main fighter for both USAF fighter classes. They have a monopol and monopol is ALLWAYS a bad thing. Only in a competitive enviroment you are driven to allways produce the best results for a competitive price. That is why RSK MIG neeeds to survive.

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Re: Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  GarryB Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:43 am

    Mig-29 although being cheaper than F-16 is not a single engine fighter as we all know. And this simple fact might have been a decision factor in the loss in the Indian tender - probably together with its older airframe.

    The two aircraft still in the competition both have two engines and the only two competing aircraft with a single engine were the F-16... in service with Pakistan... though that didn't stop India using the Flanker even though it is in service in China, and of course the Gripen.

    The Mig-29 wasn't even considered for the competition as it was not entered... Mig entered the Mig-35 and the Indians said it lost because they already had too many Russian aircraft in service and they didn't want to become dependent on one supplier.

    Not sure why they encouraged Mig to submit the Mig-35 in the first place, or why they complained when it wasn't present at AeroIndia earlier in the year... if the reason given was the real reason, then it never had a chance in the first place and they just wanted a nice plane to fly at their air show.

    Usually frontal aviations should have quantities of lightweight figthers or lets say more simple airplanes with single engine, low maintenance costs, low price.

    The original Mig-29 was designed for operational rates... with proper maintainence and support the Mig-29 could fly for the 200 odd hours you would use it in a real conflict with almost no maintainence, it was just that during peace time it would not be cheap to support as it used rigid expiry dates for parts so parts were discarded without inspection after x number of flying hours.

    The SMT upgrade and newer models have diagnostic equipment and testing equipment and a completely rescheduled maintaince regime that includes regular inspection and testing.

    Support costs are 40% of those of a base type Mig-29, which should actually make them comparable to Mig-21s in terms of maintenence.

    BTW I should point out that despite all its faults the F-18 has a very good reputation for cheap and simple maintainence that is reportedly the best in the USAF fleet... including the single engined F-16.

    If engine number was the real problem why would they have kept the 8 engined B-52 in service for 50 years?

    Two engines are two engines and you need additional materials to maintain twice as much engines as with a single engine concept.

    Two engines is not ideal, but it makes engine design much easier... just look at the numbers... by having two engines the Mig-29 can have two RD-33 8-9 ton thrust engines, now making it a single you would need the equivalent of the engine from the Mig-31 at about 15 tons thrust and you lose twin engine safety... and also any advantage thrust vectoring engine nozzles might have offered.

    I do agree they need a new stealth light fighter, and if it can be designed around the engine of the PAK FA then that is even better for commonality and support costs.

    They will likely get funding in 2018 or after when the PAK FA is in service, but it is critical that the cheaper lighter fighter does actually turn out cheaper than the PAK FA otherwise there is no point... in that sense the F-35 is already a failure.

    So eother MIG will have to come up with something revolutionary so that it can attract the attention of potential Mig-29 or Mig-31/35 buyers or it needs to come up with a completelly new fighter.

    Mig has a stealth design in the light category, that was confirmed by the manager at UAC when Mig joined. He said it was very promising but needed to wait till the PAK FA was on solid ground so as not to take away from it resources/attention.

    i have been reading reports that Russians are running in parallel 2 5th generation fighter programs - one is the well known PAK-FA and the other one is the less well known, but nevertheless important LMFS.


    Another thing is that MIG had their SKAT development program - it was cancelled - what the f*ck were they thinking to cancel a very promising project?

    From what I have heard SKATE was just a mockup and they hadn't done a huge amount of detailed work on it, and that at the time it was revealed to get funding from foreign investors or interest from the Russian military. AFAIK there wasn't enough interest and that there are secret Sukhoi, Tupolev, and other programs working on similar designs that were better funded so Mig has cancelled the SKATE and is assisting other programs of UCAV.

    they probably need to transform the MIG as company and get rid of the old image that was basically turned on the table after the Algerian MIG scandal...

    There is nothing wrong with the Mig brand... the situation in Algeria was that Sukhoi was offering Algeria Flankers at Mig prices... they would be fools to not take that offer, yet how could they reject the Migs... which are currently flying in the Russian AF BTW.

    they need to reshape the company, they need to focus on new technologies and bring new innovative products on the market.

    MIG is now a part of UAC. The Mig-35 is about as innovative as you can get and is an excellent 4th gen fighter. The Indian Navy is perfectly happy with its Mig-29Ks and has ordered more.

    If sukohi dominates the market field with heavy fighters... so be it... MIG can dominate with lightweight fighters.

    I agree, but light weight must include cheaper... there is no advantage to a light weight fighter if it costs as much as a heavy fighter.

    They have a monopol and monopol is ALLWAYS a bad thing. Only in a competitive enviroment you are driven to allways produce the best results for a competitive price. That is why RSK MIG neeeds to survive.

    Totally agree... there needs to be some competition even if it is just between two departments of the same company (UAC).

    I think not only will Russia find smaller lighter yet still 5th gen fighters useful to fill gaps... ie large long range fighters have a flaw and that is shown in a country like Russia. On paper the difference between an early model Mig-29 and early model Su-27 is that the Su-27 can carry twice as many missiles and fly more than twice as far. Now on paper you might say that means if you get rid of the Mig-29s and replace them one for one with Flankers you can cover twice the territory and close down half the airfields, because the longer range aircraft don't need so many closely space airfields.

    The problem is that while 2 Flankers can cover the area of 4 Fulcrums they are not twice as fast, so the area covered by 4 fulcrums has much better coverage. In the wide open plains of Siberia you don't need large concentrations of aircraft as there is little to actually defend. In the European part of Russia however you need much denser coverage, which the Mig-29s naturally provide.

    The Mig-29s offer better coverage in densely populated areas, while the Flankers offer better performance over large empty places... so for Belgium the Mig-29 would make sense, while for Australia or Iran or Canada the Flanker would be a good choice.

    For India and Russia a mix is best, and a cheaper smaller stealth fighter that Russia can sell to its less wealthy customers will be a very good thing. They could even be -5th generation with built in basic stealthy shaping and RAM, they might need external conformal pods to carry a decent weapon load while having an element of stealth.

    Now that East europe is looking to NATO and the EU the Russians have lost a huge part of their military market that actually paid on time, so a low cost but capable fighter... a 5th gen Mig-21, except only in terms of low cost operation... with modern AAMs it should be fairly potent in air to air and also useful in air to ground performance.

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Russian Military Aircraft Production Outlined

    Post  Admin Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:56 pm

    UAC chief Pogosyan details Russian military aircraft production
    By: VLADIMIR KARNOZOV MOSCOW 12:00 23 Feb 2012

    Russia's United Aircraft Corporation expects to sustain the annual production of between 70 and 90 fixed-wing combat aircraft for the next few years, in line with its performance in 2011.

    Military sales accounted for 80% of the 102 aircraft produced last year, said company president Mikhail Pogosyan. The Russian air force was the largest recipient, taking delivery of six Sukhoi Su-34 twin-seat interdiction aircraft, 12 Su-27SM3s assembled from parts manufactured under a cancelled Chinese order, and several twin-seat Su-30M2s. Four Su-35s were also handed over to support test activities, with the type due to enter air force service in 2013.

    Russia also signed a deal in August 2011 for the remanufacture of 30 RSK MiG-31BM interceptors, with these to join 20 modified examples already returned to use.

    Export business last year totalled $1.69 billion for 36 Su-30-series fighters sold to Algeria, India, Uganda and Vietnam, while MiG-29s worth $800 million were handed over to the Indian navy, Myanmar and Syria.

    In December 2011, Irkut made the first export deliveries of 16 Yakovlev Yak-130 advanced jet trainers to Algeria under a contract estimated at $200 million. Irkut president Alexei Fedorov said talks are "at an early stage" to sell 10 more to Bangladesh, while Syria has also been reported as having placed an order.

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Re: Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  GarryB Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:40 am

    Hopefully they will gain momentum and production can continue to increase.

    I am surprised the Yak-130s aren't selling faster.

    Put a small fighter sized radar in them and they appear to be capable little fighters/light strike aircraft.

    The two seats means they can operate as trainers, but also as combat aircraft.

    At one stage I think there was talk of an unmanned UCAV model that was stealthy, which would be interesting too.

    Instead of a very expensive satellite uplink control connection, you could fly a Yak-130 to control one or more unmanned armed UCAVs, that go into danger areas while the Yak-130 remains relatively safe, and armed to defend itself.

    50 upgraded Mig-31s sounds interesting too, replacement of old electronics should make them a bit cheaper to operate and enhance performance.

    They said they were testing the new R-37M this year so the more upgraded aircraft able to use it when it is cleared for service the better.

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Re: Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  TR1 Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:22 pm

    In a pretty short amount of time Yak-130 has gained big orders from Russia, Algeria, Syria, Vietnam, intent from Belarus, and possibility of Malaysia. Pretty good start IMO.

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Re: Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  George1 Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:36 pm

    I am also surprised why the Yak-130 don't produced faster for RuAF

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Re: Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  GarryB Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:40 pm

    Yes, lots of interest, but it is strange that the Russian AF isn't buying more and faster considering it is an all Russian aircraft unlike their previous jet trainers (L-39).

    Also in terms of getting pilots ready for new and upgraded fighters it would be useful to introduce potential pilots to the sort of performance they will find when they get to their operational units... eventually.

    It is also a stunningly attractive aircraft.

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    Military Aviation Industry: News Empty Re: Military Aviation Industry: News

    Post  TR1 Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:45 am

    It is a matter of 1.) Funding 2.) production capability.
    The latter is confusing. There are two places where the Yak-130 is made, Irkut, and Sokol. Irkut has been making the Algerian birds. Sokol made the first 12 batch for the RuAF, but made a statement that they might not take part in Yak-130 production for the RuAF in 2011 and 2012. Something about MOD not declaring where production would go.

    Anyways since then we have seen the 55 (and possibly another ten) order from Irkut. This was delayed by price squabble. What this spells for Sokol Yak-130 production I don't know. But I think at this point, if funding is present, production is pretty swift.

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