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    Syrian War: News #11


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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  KiloGolf Thu Dec 15, 2016 8:51 am

    KoTeMoRe wrote:Russians fast balled, they weren't fighting, they had no strength to fight. They pretty much did what they had to, delay, open and exit the noose. Which they helped the remaining Tigers do as well.

    Sounds like they skipped riding on the last fvck truck by mere minutes.

    Palmyra has all the elements of a tip off. SAA and Russian may have planned to have a weakened garrison for a few weeks, less than 800 men there. Maybe they needed extra muscle in Aleppo and gambled.

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:36 am

    KiloGolf wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:Russians fast balled, they weren't fighting, they had no strength to fight. They pretty much did what they had to, delay, open and exit the noose. Which they helped the remaining Tigers do as well.

    Sounds like they skipped riding on the last fvck truck by mere minutes.

    Palmyra has all the elements of a tip off. SAA and Russian may have planned to have a weakened garrison for a few weeks, less than 800 men there. Maybe they needed extra muscle in Aleppo and gambled.

    No, the forces in Palmyra were low for weeks, as the NDF and SAA was really only there to keep the cordon. What this shows is the actual bullshit in the SAA keeps running. Shaer campaign didn't help as they hardly won anything there and the most improbable success of Shaer was that it forced ISIS to commit more people on the sector. And like Tabqa push it backfired in spectacular fashion.

    Commander X loses 10 guys, he tells that Two weeks later, meanwhile he has lost 30 more guys. Those 40 guys wounded or killed can't be replaced, or should not be replaced because they get paid topdown. The money is needed (remember Ukraine). So you end up with holes in your perimeter, and are forced to rely on tactics that are already done FU.

    IS then talks to people, people with access to eyes in the sky, people that can overlook Palmyra (biggest mistake was to allow people to come back in the city), people it captures. These aren't only death cult assholes, there's a a couple of brainy motherfu**** in that bunch.

    Syria is a goldmine for everything that doesn't work in a military embroiled in a civil war/COIN campaign.

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  calm Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:57 am

    9:44 Assad being Assad Laughing
    The translation of their statement is for Russia please stop the advancement of the syrian army against terrorists, that's the meaning of that statement forget about the rest. You went to far in defeating the terrorists...


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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  calm Thu Dec 15, 2016 10:18 am

    Iran requested evacuation of Fua & Karya before evacuation of east Aleppo. Deal reached.
    We will see what will happen with Zabadani and Madaya now...
    Evacuation of 1000s of Fua & Kfarya civ (surrounded by Jihadists and rebels) will be part of the East #Aleppo deal. #Syria.

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  Vann7 Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:26 am

    Russia is partly to blame since pretty much they have control of Syrian Government ,
    Assad will do whatever thing Russia tells him to do , and they could have trainned more
    Syrian citizens for combat to be there in palmyra. So Russians were there underpowered
    in Palmyra and they did nothing to change the situation. Full knowing that Americans satellites
    can capture their numbers and soldiers positions.  So Putin cannot now complain the base was under powered . They knew Americans were pushing ISIS from Mosul to Syria about 5,000 forces and they had to be prepared and did nothing.  Sorry but Russia blaming Syrian army for Palmyra when their airforce could flattern the terrorist in the desert when they were advancing does not add. It was Russian incompetence what allowed palmyra to be lost. For not being sure the base was properly defended and soldiers properly trained.

    And this is NOT different that the 8,000 terrorist charge in eastern aleppo. With Russia Minister of defense in FULL KNOWLEDGE they were as many terrorist preparing to attack eastern aleppo.. 
    and what was the result? With full Russia domination of the skies ,they allowed thousands of terrorist to break through Syrian lines using trucks with bombs.  So is the same story. fortunately Syrian army pushed back them.  But we see Again and again and again how terrorist in Syria are allowed to freely deploy artillery and bomb civilians positions ,something that could be easily stopped if Russia had 24 hours full monitoring of aleppo airspace.  So this shows Russia is not fighting this war in the most ideal way.. but instead in a barely working way.
    heck Russia even lost 2 T-90 tanks to rebels ,when Russia have air superiority so who is to blame for this? Why Russia allowed those tanks to be captured? to difficult to bomb them?  No
    Simply Russian tactics in Syria are not the best ones. They work ,but not smoothly , since Russia needs to Hold Terrain ,it cannot allow ISIS or Alqaeda to easily over run their positions.
    Russian MOD allows rebels to regroup and forms big formations and this needs to stop. Russia is not even blocking terrorist communications so they cannot coordinate any attack , which i cant understand why. 

     So Russia is not fighting this war in the most ideal way , and needs to stop that.
    Not allow terrorist to regroup or organize and also Russia needs dozens of drones ,armed with precision bombs to be there in Aleppo skies and Palmyra skies 24 hours a day to target terrorist artillery and terrorist tanks or suicide bombers in pickups or trucks.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:45 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  calm Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:29 am

    #SDF are advancing toward Thawra Dam in W #Raqqa CS (~30km) in 2nd Phase

    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 CztbhK9WQAE24So

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  calm Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:40 pm

    The Suleeman Shahin Facebook page has published a description of the battle in Palmyra, told by Omar Dirmam, a soldier of the Syrian Army, and written by Iyad Al-Hussein. SF presents the translated chronicle of the fighting in Palmyra.

    Saturday, December 10, 2016 – Palmyra, 8 am

    Repeated warnings about the impending attack of Daesh [the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group] came from Russian satellites. An alert about dangerous gathering of terrorists on the city’s perimeter sounded. The air power was carrying out airstrikes on oil fields in the area and did not have time to respond.

    The as-Savamiyah military facility and its surroundings, 10 am

    The post is located 15 km east of Palmyra on the as-Suhna highway. The defense forces consisted of the Military Security Shield Forces, al-Badia with different units, as-Saima, Zanubiya, Heart of Syria, and units of ash-Sheikh Suleiman – in total, about 1,800 fighters; the 11th and 18th divisions, armed with six 130-mm artillery cannons, six 122-mm artillery cannons, seven Grad multiple rocket launchers, and 12 tanks; the formidable al-Faminiyun legion, consisting of 1,200 fighters and a large number of redoubtable military equipment; about 150 fighters of the Tiger Forces for defense of the weak point in the southeast of the region.

    In total, it was enough large army, according to the number of servicemen and military hardware.

    So, a movement of two Daesh vehicles and a tank on the as-Suhna road, 7 km from as-Savamiyah, was spotted from the top of the at-Tar hill, where the observation point was located.

    The air power carried out airstrikes and destroyed the both vehicles. The tank continued to move. As it turned out, it was loaded with ten tons of explosives, which could defeat in a radius of 400 meters in the case of an explosion.

    For unclear reasons, the Konkurs anti-tank gun, which the 18th division had, did not shell the tank. Being approximately 200 meters from the positions, the tank was hit with an assault antitank weapon.

    A powerful explosion occurred. A terrible panic started among fighters, survived after the explosion, they started to leave the positions. Then, a quite long lull followed, terrorists were preparing to storm the at-Tar hill.

    Fighters started to leave their positions across all the front line without any apparent reasons. The retreat of the al-Faminiyun legion provoked a chain reaction, and the legionnaires did not run in the direction of Palmyra, but abandoned the defense of the city to its fate.

    The Military Security Shield Forces and the 18th division followed after them. Unlike them, the 11th division retreated to the city and took up defensive positions on the perimeter of Palmyra. In this way, only the forces of colonel Suheil, defenders of the airport and the air security forces stayed in the south-eastern sector of the defense – in total, about 100 fighters.

    The fighters scattered around and set up a temporary line of defense on the sides of the east and south-east.

    The area of the top of the at-Tar hill, 11 am

    The at-Tar hill towers over the city of Palmyra. Control over it would mean control of Palmyra and the road, leading to the city. Usually, attacks of Daesh begin with car bomb attacks, then, direct contacts with an enemy follow in order to avoid airstrikes. At-Tar is the most strategically vulnerable defense point; its owner controls the situation. About 500 members of the Tiger Forces were stationed at its top before the start of the fall of Palmyra. At the first sign of danger, about half of them left the position, explaining their action with the delay in wages for 5 months.

    In addition, there were two positions of the 18th division near the top, in the area of the Ras-Antar hill.

    The attack on the at-Tar hill began with terrorists’ firing. The firing was conducted from four pickup trucks, equipped with machine guns, which covered the movement of 2 tanks. In addition, 130-mm cannons, as well as 120mm and 92-mm mortars also operated. The ‘hellish cannons’ also shelled the point with gas cylinders with explosives. There were no effective anti-tank weapons, which could stop and destroy the approaching enemy tanks, on the at-Tar point.

    Soldiers, deployed in the area of the Ras-Antar hill, also had two tanks, but the terrorists almost immediately brought them out of operation with precise strokes.

    In this way, only infantrymen stayed at the defense of the hill, and they directly clashed with the enemy.

    The fighters managed to destroy Daesh tanks and terrorists, accompanying them, but it was a hard and long fight. Despite the losses, the defense withstood. The attack lasted up to 17 pm, soldiers lost a few positions. There were many wounded militants, several Daesh members were captured. But the rest of them continued to resist! The 18th division retreated towards the Т-4 airfield.

    Anyone, who asks where the air power was, we answer – it is impossible for the air force to operate in such conditions, for this reason, its role was only to carry out air strikes on routes of reinforcement of the terrorists’ units.

    Palmyra, 17 pm

    Russians blew up the ammunition depots at their base in Palmyra, before to leave it. The sky over the city turned into a festival of fireworks that scared civilians and military in the city. Later, the city was completely evacuated.

    Palmyra, 18 pm

    The city is empty. There are no people, no military, except a detachment of the state security forces and police. The head of the al-Badia security forces, accompanied by a handful of officers, was always on the move with his armored luxury Cadillac in order to demonstrate his command that he did not leave the city. At the same time, 2,500 fighters of al-Badia and the Military Security Shield Forces were not in Palmyra, nobody of them defended the city.

    Only fighters of the 11th division were on the positions among the Tiger Forces, but they were dispersed without a specific place of deployment.

    The Tiger Forces came in touch with the leadership, reported the situation and asked for urgent reinforcement. Colonel Suheil ordered to stay and said that help is on the way.

    Nobody else of the other forces, which were supposed to protect Palmyra: the 18th division, al-Badia, the al-Faminiyun legion, stayed in the city. Only the Cadillac of Major General Shaulat Hawali, ten his officers and a pickup truck of his guard forces were in Palmyra.

    Palmyra, 22 pm

    The reinforcements did not arrive.

    Palmyra, 24 pm

    About 100 fighters of the al-Faminiyun legion and 70 soldiers of the 18th division returned with support. It was not a lot, but it was good.

    The 11th division, as the Tiger Forces, did not leave the city; the Tiger Forces were grateful to them for this and welcomed their courage and resilience.

    These forces strengthened the eastern flank of the defense by halves. Two tanks and 40 fighters took up positions on the as-Suhna road.

    Sunday, December 11, 2016 – Palmyra, 1 am

    A mined vehicle with suicide bombers penetrated to the positions of the 11th division from as-Suhna and destroyed tanks of Syrian soldiers. Several defenders were killed. The rest remained in the place. About 60 fighters of the Tiger Forces came to the place to help them. Together, they blocked an access to Al-Ameria neighborhood and the hill, which was empty already during twenty-four hours. Only the area of the warehouses 410 on the Raqqa highway was not covered because there were not enough forces for this.

    Palmyra, 3 am

    Contact with the commander. The colonel found out the current situation and explained the situation. The Tiger Forces were grateful to him that he kept in constant touch, encouraging and supporting them.

    The sector of the warehouses 410 was empty. There was suspicious silence that caused concern. But it was impossible to do anything. Elementary, there was not enough manpower.

    Palmyra, 9 am

    The attack of Daesh began simultaneously on two directions: on the at-Tar hill (south-west) and al-Ameria neighborhood (north, perhaps, even the north-east of the city). At night, a group of terrorists, dressed in military uniforms, entered the neighborhood and suddenly hit us in the back from al-Ameria, occupied by them. Then they were supported from the direction of the warehouses 410. I should say that control over al-Ameria allows to shell all the city. Militants killed everyone, whom they noticed at the streets.

    Jabal at-Tar

    At the same time, four tanks and three pickup trucks of Daesh, equipped with heavy machine guns, attacked the positions of Syrian military in the well-protected at-Tar point. Due to the cold and hunger, the defense was considerably weakened. The help never came, only false promises. However, the defense of at-Tar fell only after almost all the fighters were killed or wounded.

    Palmyra, 11 am

    Tel al-Ameria was under Daesh control. They shot at any moving target. Jabal al-Tar is under control of terrorists.

    Palmyra is surrounded and completely fell under the Daesh fire.

    Remains of the Syrian military were forced to retreat to the southern suburbs and to gain a foothold at the al-Bayarat fork.

    Palmyra, 13 pm

    All servicemen were withdrawn. About 200 fighters of the Tiger Forces left to cover the retreat. They had two tanks and two machine guns, as well as the luxury car of the Major General. Unfortunately, nothing else. As I have told, we stayed at the al-Bayarat fork.

    Palmyra, 14 pm

    We are completely surrounded by Daesh. The terrorists also fully control the al-Bayarat highway. There is no place to retreat. Thank God that the General is with us, he finally got in touch with the authorities and sent six Mi-28 helicopters to accompany our retreat through gardens. They successfully covered us with fire from the right and left flanks. We managed to break out of the encirclement. During all the time, two journalists kept in touch with us and recorded the chronicle of the events. They supported us morally and promised that even in the case of our death the truth about the fall of Palmyra will be enlightened for the history.

    In this way Palmyra and its surroundings fell.

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  calm Thu Dec 15, 2016 1:19 pm

    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Czt1UGxUUAAwEAASyrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Czt1UGZVQAApU3w
    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Czt1UGNUAAEixZc
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  Hannibal Barca Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:36 pm

    These buses are Chinese.

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:40 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:These buses are Chinese.

    Jinlong 16120. The second most sold urban bus in the universe.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  Hannibal Barca Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:44 pm

    So Assad bought them from Alibaba you claim?

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Dec 15, 2016 4:42 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:So Assad bought them from Alibaba you claim?

    I say that these buses are the staple of the Middle-East, even prior to China being buddy with Bashar.

    par far

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  par far Thu Dec 15, 2016 7:34 pm



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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  VladimirSahin Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:50 pm

    KoTeMoRe wrote:Russians fast balled, they weren't fighting, they had no strength to fight. They pretty much did what they had to, delay, open and exit the noose. Which they helped the remaining Tigers do as well.

    IS has published two more videos about Tadmur, one is a filthy bodycount, and it's not really extensive. As usual all positions are under strength.

    Also among the 60 or so AK74's only 5/6 are marked with dope numbers and issue "bilet". (dope numbers are holdover numbers for the sighting system, useful when the rifle is passed along and isn't always zeroed properly and is a small piece of paper over the handguard, "issue bilet" is the name or place the rifle is issued to).

    So basically only 10% of the rifles left behind were to men, the rest was storage.

    I don't buy one recent story that 3500 men were at palmyra and fled. From the AFV's in the scene and knowing Tigers/desert hawks got away with about a platoon worth of tanks, highly improbable that such a force wouldn't properly reinforce the lines.

    Also if the number of 3500 was true, and ISIS would really had gone full retard at Palmyra with equivalent strength, they would have already overrun T4, unfortunately they failed just like the other times. While I don't doubt that ISIS had at least 1000 involved in the whole operation (Qaratayn, Shaer, Huwaisis, Tadmur) it's simply not feasible for them to engage that many troops, with their logistics.  

    IS raids then moves up.

    Also that Gazeta.RU is some bullshit.

    Even the weapon count found at base shows they weren't 300+. And no Russian is going to fight with an AKS74U in that situation. The fact they blew the ammo and requested CAS to exit clearly indicate that they couldn't hold on longer.

    Fact is that if anything the guys did everything by the book. And seeing the equipment still in base (UR-83, Vystrel) the group was VERY thin.

    I agree, if there were 250 Russian soldiers there it would have been possibly quite a different outcome.

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  franco Thu Dec 15, 2016 10:34 pm

    VladimirSahin wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:Russians fast balled, they weren't fighting, they had no strength to fight. They pretty much did what they had to, delay, open and exit the noose. Which they helped the remaining Tigers do as well.

    IS has published two more videos about Tadmur, one is a filthy bodycount, and it's not really extensive. As usual all positions are under strength.

    Also among the 60 or so AK74's only 5/6 are marked with dope numbers and issue "bilet". (dope numbers are holdover numbers for the sighting system, useful when the rifle is passed along and isn't always zeroed properly and is a small piece of paper over the handguard, "issue bilet" is the name or place the rifle is issued to).

    So basically only 10% of the rifles left behind were to men, the rest was storage.

    I don't buy one recent story that 3500 men were at palmyra and fled. From the AFV's in the scene and knowing Tigers/desert hawks got away with about a platoon worth of tanks, highly improbable that such a force wouldn't properly reinforce the lines.

    Also if the number of 3500 was true, and ISIS would really had gone full retard at Palmyra with equivalent strength, they would have already overrun T4, unfortunately they failed just like the other times. While I don't doubt that ISIS had at least 1000 involved in the whole operation (Qaratayn, Shaer, Huwaisis, Tadmur) it's simply not feasible for them to engage that many troops, with their logistics.  

    IS raids then moves up.

    Also that Gazeta.RU is some bullshit.

    Even the weapon count found at base shows they weren't 300+. And no Russian is going to fight with an AKS74U in that situation. The fact they blew the ammo and requested CAS to exit clearly indicate that they couldn't hold on longer.

    Fact is that if anything the guys did everything by the book. And seeing the equipment still in base (UR-83, Vystrel) the group was VERY thin.

    I agree, if there were 250 Russian soldiers there it would have been possibly quite a different outcome.

    After reading the gazette article and that report from one of the SAA soldiers posted by "Calm", sounds like the gazette writer got his "who" confused and credited Russian soldiers for doing what an approximately same number of SAA soldiers did.

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  calm Fri Dec 16, 2016 4:21 pm

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    Post  KiloGolf Fri Dec 16, 2016 4:49 pm

    calm wrote:Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Czzc-utWgAAGaX-

    I'd like to see all that on video. Good job nevertheless.

    and now for something completely different, Hobo tank saga, vintage hobo level unlocked. pirat

    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 CzzCrhBXAAAnsjc
    Within Syria ‏@WithinSyriaBlog 3h3 hours ago
    SAA T-72 upgraded with Sarab-1 APS and Viper-72 thermal sight in east #Aleppo
    tens of tanks were specially upgraded for Aleppo battle

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  calm Fri Dec 16, 2016 4:58 pm

    RG wins this one
    4th Division / RG. T-72AV
    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 CzzLFjZXcAAjnFK

    Captured ISIS T-62 (number 336) / East Aleppo, January 2016
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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  calm Fri Dec 16, 2016 6:22 pm

    #Turkey Land Forces Sabra tank and what seems to be Cobra I MRAP vehicle hit by #ISIS ATGM near Al-Bab #Aleppo #Syria


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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  KiloGolf Fri Dec 16, 2016 6:28 pm

    calm wrote:#Turkey Land Forces Sabra tank and what seems to be Cobra I MRAP vehicle hit by #ISIS ATGM near Al-Bab #Aleppo #Syria

    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Obama_facepalm

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    Post  KiloGolf Fri Dec 16, 2016 6:38 pm

    Hassan Ridha ‏@sayed_ridha 5m5 minutes ago
    SAA & Hezb regain control of Sharifah village west of Tayfor Airbase

    Hassan Ridha ‏@sayed_ridha 1h1 hour ago
    Syrian Arab Army & Hezbollah have regained control of al-Qaryatayn crossroad south of Tayfor Airbase in eastern Homs countryside

    Hassan Ridha ‏@sayed_ridha 30m30 minutes ago
    Turkish Army opened fire and is shelling YPG controlled Tell Sha'ir west of Kobane - ANHA


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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  airstrike Fri Dec 16, 2016 6:44 pm

    Video: Double ATGM hit on Turkish M60T tank and Cobra armored vehicle in Syria
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  par far Fri Dec 16, 2016 6:53 pm


    par far

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  par far Fri Dec 16, 2016 7:03 pm

    airstrike wrote:Video: Double ATGM hit on Turkish M60T tank and Cobra armored vehicle in Syria

    There are 3 assholes just standing there, did they not hear the missile coming? This looks staged(I am no expert, so I could be wrong).


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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  VladimirSahin Fri Dec 16, 2016 8:15 pm

    calm wrote:#Turkey Land Forces Sabra tank and what seems to be Cobra I MRAP vehicle hit by #ISIS ATGM near Al-Bab #Aleppo #Syria


    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 6 Cz0Fvu3W8AApMQQ

    Sabra dead, cobra dead... Let's put our vehicles next to a hill out in the open overlooked by a dense urban environment. Laughing

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