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    Syrian Civil War: News #7


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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Vann7 Sun May 15, 2016 12:26 pm

    Epic new videos.. Syrian army in Aleppo.  Smashing terrorist. t-90 tanks and rockets
    and anti tank weapons used.

    In the Aleppo province of Syria, violent clashes are ongoing. The Syrian Arab Army and its allies are fighting against various terrorist groups supporting the offensive of “Jebat al-Nusra” against the village of Khan-Tuman.

    According to reports from the Syrian side, the army has liquidated a large number of terrorists on this sector of the front, and has confirmed the destruction of dozens of pickup trucks armed with machine guns, infantry fighting vehicles, and other military equipment of the bandit gangs.

    In this published footage, government soldiers are seen destroying tanks and infantry fighting vehicles with the aid of “Konkurs” Russian anti-tank missiles, and eliminating the gangs’ foot soldiers with mounted grenade launchers, rocket launchers, and anti-aircraft installations.

    As Russian Spring reported earlier, terrorists of the Al-Nusra Front and fighters of the moderate opposition have launched an offensive against Khan-Tuman and the city of Aleppo. More than 100 civilians have been killed and wounded under “hellish fire.” The tank attack of Al-Nusra militants against fortified pro-government military units has been caught on film by a drone.

    (Video) Syrian forces beat back Al-Nusra offensive with Russian rocket-launchers

    Bonus .. the shot down of the Turkey attack helicopter by kurds.
    Six soldiers killed.

    Suddenly the myth of Turkey army invulnerability ends.
    This is what Turkey gets for its criminal war against Kurds in their country.
    And their support of ISIS and Alqaeda in Syria and IRAQ. I didn't saw Parachutes
    there. So sad Erdowie did not bough Russian choppers at least will have ejection seats.

    grab video before is deleted.

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    Post  d_taddei2 Sun May 15, 2016 5:13 pm

    off topic is there a way to block or ignore members posts?

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    Post  0nillie0 Sun May 15, 2016 5:18 pm

    d_taddei2 wrote:off topic  is there a way to block or ignore members posts?

    Go to your profile.
    Browse to the tab "Friends and Foes".

    There you can add "Foes" from the member list.
    Foes are members whose messages will not be visible and who won't be able to send you Private Messages or post on your Wall.
    Note that you cannot ignore the moderators or the administrators.

    Hope this message was helpful to you.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  franco Sun May 15, 2016 5:36 pm

    d_taddei2 wrote:off topic  is there a way to block or ignore members posts?

    But... but then you would miss it when I occasionally do post something good Wink

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  calm Sun May 15, 2016 5:39 pm

    #SAA restores Nola farms, asserts fire control over Deir Al-Asafir in E #Ghota

    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 40 Marjjj

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    Post  Dima Sun May 15, 2016 8:44 pm

    I don't know if Tom Cooper pulled out some of those claims and figures from the backside, but atleast he has sticked to addressing the elected authority as Syrian Govt.

    One of the reasons why Russia put brakes on the supply of new MiG-29s could be the reason mentioned in the article (which we knew already) about the loyalty (I wouldn't take the story or figures he quoted blindly) of the servicemen. Russia wouldn't have wanted to see their brand new Syrian MiG-29s or Yak-130 being flown out of Syria into an Isreali or Jordanian or Turkish airbase.

    What’s Left of the Syrian Arab Air Force?
    After five years of war, there’s still life in the battered air arm

    Declared “inoperational” by most of foreign observers already at the start of Syrian uprising in 2011, the Syrian Arab Air Force not only remains operational, but — regardless of how badly impacted by attrition over the years — is showing surprising signs of vitality.

    The logical question is therefore — what’s left of the SyAAF?

    From the standpoint of the “silent service” — as the SyAAF used to be known within what was once the Syrian military — the civil war in Syria began slowly. For most of 2011 and 2012, all of Sunni officers and other ranks were grounded and de facto locked inside their bases.

    The large part of the Syrian fleet of helicopters and combat aircraft — the total was estimated at over 500 as of 2010 — was grounded, too. Types like the Mikoyan i Gurevich MiG-23MS and MiG-25P/PDS/PU/RB and Sukhoi Su-20 had been withdrawn from service in the 2000s. Nearly 50 percent of the remaining Mil Mi-8/17s, MiG-21MF/bis/UMs, MiG-23MF/MLs and Su-22s were in need of major overhaul, if not an outright replacement.

    During that period only a relatively few Alawites flew helicopters that the regime used to transport reinforcements and supplies to garrisons cut off by insurgents.

    The insurgent advance on Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, in late July 2012 forced the air force into all-out action. For much of the second half of 2012 and through most of 2013, the SyAAF flew and fought in full swing. Its fighter-bombers were regularly striking targets from Salma near the Turkish border to Dayr Az Zawr in eastern Syria and from Aleppo to Dera’a.

    Acting as the regime’s “fire brigade,” the SyAAF even pressed interceptor types such as the MiG-23MF, MiG-23ML and MiG-29 into the ground-attack role, altogether flying up to 230 sorties a day.

    Most of the activity was recorded over Rif Dimashq and Homs governorates, where nearly 2,000 air strikes are known to have been flown between November 2012 and April 2013, alone — primarily by Mikoyan i Gurevich MiG-21bis and MiG-23BNs.

    Other types saw intensive action, too. Indeed, measured by the number of available examples, Syria’s fleet of just 19 Sukhoi Su-24M2s was the most heavily utilized element of the air force.

    Intensive operations inevitably resulted in heavy losses. And orders issued by the Ba’ath Party headquarters in Damascus demanding pilots to intentionally target civilians in insurgent-held areas — and commanders to lead by example — caused a spate of defections.

    Combined, both factors badly depleted the SyAAF’s ranks. Between July 2012 and July 2013, the SyAAF experienced the heaviest attrition during this conflict — at least 45 helicopters and 30 fighter jets were confirmed as crashed or shoot down.

    Also lost were around 375 pilots and other personnel, while 36 were captured and 40 went missing in action. By early 2014, the service was left with barely 60 operational helicopters and fewer than 150 operational fighter-bombers, nearly all of which were once again in need of overhaul.

    Western embargoes on the delivery of man-portable air-defense systems and the lifting of the siege of Aleppo in October 2013 eventually saved Syrian president Bashar Al Assad’s air force.

    The rate of losses dramatically decreased, but the availability of a crucial maintenance facility — “The Works” at Nayrab Air Base, part of Aleppo International airport — enabled the air force to overhaul around 20 aircraft in recent years.

    Furthermore, with help of Iranian financial support and advice, additional overhaul facilities stood up at a number of other bases. Using assemblies from inoperable aircraft and spares acquired from abroad, Syrians ground crews managed to assemble about two dozen fully mission-capable aircraft.

    These not only replaced worn-out or lost aircraft, but also secured the survival of the SyAAF as one of less than a handful of regular military services still loyal to Al Assad’s regime.

    Losses — whether through ground fire or in accidents — remain unavoidable, especially because security standards have significantly decreased in face of continuous and prolonged action.

    Aircraft are often sent to a mission with only most basic systems in operational condition. Stocks of ammunition are exhausted to a level where the SyAAF has been forced to launch domestic production of improvised bombs based on obsolete Russian designs.

    The latter have a poor operational record. Many fail to detonate. And some do detonate — but prematurely, destroying precious aircraft and killing or injuring ground personnel.

    Finally, some of pilots have begun showing obvious signs of becoming reckless. The crew of the Su-24MK2 shot down by Israeli PAC-2 Patriot missiles on Sept. 23, 2014 failed to activate their electronic countermeasures and then flew into Israeli-controlled airspace over the Golan Heights.

    Unsurprisingly, Russian military intervention in Syria starting in September 2015 was most welcome from the SyAAF’s perspective, as it somewhat lessened the Syrian force’s heavy workload.

    In five years of civil war, Al Assad’s air force has suffered a confirmed loss of at least 55 aircraft and 57 helicopters shot down or crashed and another 28 helicopters and 51 aircraft written-off on the ground — notably, most of the latter were in unserviceable condition.

    Included in these numbers are about a dozen of L-39s, seven MiG-23s of all variants, at least four Su-22s and four Su-24MK2s. Also included are no fewer than 10 MiG-21bis from Hama-based No. 679 Squadron. Losses within this unit forced the SyAAF to send MiG-21UM two-seat conversion trainers into combat and also to re-deploy a squadron of MiG-23ML interceptors to Hama.

    Similarly, heavy utilization of MIG-29s in the ground-attack role forced the SyAAF to overhaul two MiG-25PDS and return them to “operational-like” condition. Although rarely flown, they are kept on constant alert at Tiyas Air Base.

    Currently, what is left of the SyAAF is concentrated at five major air bases, each of which is a home for units usually operating fewer than a dozen of airframes.

    Three squadrons are based at Hama, three at Shayrat, four at Tiyas, three at As-Seen Air Base and four at Dmeyr Air Base. A few other units and minor detachments are distributed at Kweres, Dayr Az Zawr, Marj Ruhayyl/Bley and Khelkhleh, while Almazza and Damascus International remain major helicopter- and transport aircraft hubs.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Dima Sun May 15, 2016 9:09 pm

    PD, you seems to have misread and misunderstood the first sentence you read of my reply and hence your entire response centered around it with completely wrong conclusions. Quoting some of it

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Dima wrote: ...................The Iranians have scarified a lot in men and they need to be supported. The problem with the Iranian and other anti-terrorists groups is that all are heavily dependent on the Russian air-support and in cases artillery support.................


    Iran has it's Air Force last time I checked so why aren't they using it? My answer would be because they lack balls just like their Saudi cousins and want someone else to bleed for them while they sit on their asses.
    You interpret what you wanted and not what I meant to say.

    Last time you checked you saw lots of Iranian aircrafts, good. But how many Iranians a/c were as capable as the Syrian ones (SyAAF has been atleast active in the last five years, where as Iran has no experience) to get the job done? Let alone the Russian airforce.

    The fact is Iran needs good aircraft and a military deal for either upgrading the in service aircraft or new aircrafts will only make it on par with the very effective campaign by the Russians.
    Iranian's without balls? Seems like you have little knowledge about this part of the world and culture?

    Iranians already have  their own hardware like aircrafts, helos, artillery, tanks and bmps. And they can always buy more if they need to which brings me to my next point:
    I'm talking about quality products like Mi-35M/28, T-90S, upgraded BMP-2Ms etc etc. In short my entire post was about new contracts being done (fastracked) with Russia so that new hardware is directly introduced into the Syrian theatre. There was talk about 1,000 T-90 few years before, its the deals like these I want to see fast tracked with the first batch/urgent one getting delivered to Iranian units directly into Syria.

    Only thing that is surprising here is the fact that Russia hasn't already thrown Iran to the wolves after they fucked them over. For years Russia supported Iran and negotiated nuclear deal and lifting of sanctions.

    And what was the first thing Iranians did? They instantly signed multi-billion $$$ deals with USA and EU and told Russian companies to fuck off. Only reason they are not buying weapons from the West is because nobody wants to sell it to them.
    I have raised the issue earlier about the civilian aircrafts (which was the first contracts that Iran signed with the West).....and I asked what has Russian Govt done to promote the Tu-204 and such in the Iranian markets? As far as I can see NOTHING!
    I have been and continue to be a big supporter of promoting the Tu-204, havnt seen anyone else having the slightest interest in those flying machines even in this forum.

    The fact here is that there is a Irkut gang in the Russian aviation industry headed by the Sukhoi who have been detrimental to every other established manufacturers....and they have been the first obstacle in the promotion and sales of Tu-204.

    And what does Russian industries have to offer in the CIVILIAN sector??
    South Korea recently concluded a vist to Iran with a massive business delegation....where is the business initiative from Russia?

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Dima Sun May 15, 2016 9:48 pm

    Has anyone come across any more details regarding the T-90 that was hit in Aleppo recently? A wall behind the T-90 we saw demolished raising the question if it was the wall which the TOW actually hit? Two missiles were reportedly fired at the tank....

    Much to the dislike of the usual suspects, T-90 have done very well in conflict with only 3 successful strike by the TOW. It is highly unlikely that terrorists have launched just three TOW against the T-90 in the last 6 months or so and since the terrorists have post only two videos we can safely assume that other attacks by TOW did not even touch the T-90s and probably Shotra did indeed deflect those missiles....

    BM-21 GRAD ‏@bm21_grad  11 hours ago
    Syrian soldier posing with a Russian military T-90A, location is likely to be Eastern Homs. One shtora is cracked
    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 40 CifDzBKWEAAKH_9
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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Mon May 16, 2016 2:18 am

    Regular wrote: 1 hrivnya earned, salo unlocked

    now you owe me a new keyboard as I´ve just spilled tea all over my keyboard!!!  Laughing Laughing Laughing

    Vann7 wrote: So don't be distracted too much by what happens in Syria or Ukraine. Neocons will like the war there to last decades if possible as long is need to collapse Russia economy and Putin and the Russian government support. the front lines can change in any direction over time back and forth ,and the wars in Syria and Ukraine can last a decade. What is more important for Russia is to make strong its economy ,get a solid Public Support for the Russian government and not allow Americans to over run Syria as they did to Lybia ,because that will also damage the support of Putin and Russia Image. Is all about Putin and Russia ,because in the end ,Russian citizens not many will want their government to start a major war with NATO in defense of a any country in middle east.  So Putin does not have full support to risk even the security of Russia and its economy in defense of syria.  If it was Armenia or Serbia or Belarus,
    kazakistan ,or even Crimea ,is a different story. Not many Russians will sacrifice their quality of life and live in poverty ,for a war in defense of country in middle east. they dont identify or feel connected.

    It is as I see it. As or Armenia...I am afraid Azerbaijan is pushed by US/Turks for open war,,,

    Dima wrote: I have raised the issue earlier about the civilian aircrafts (which was the first contracts that Iran signed with the West).....and I asked what has Russian Govt done to promote the Tu-204 and such in the Iranian markets? As far as I can see NOTHING!
    I have been and continue to be a big supporter of promoting the Tu-204, havnt seen anyone else having the slightest interest in those flying machines even in this forum.

    The fact here is that there is a Irkut gang in the Russian aviation industry headed by the Sukhoi who have been detrimental to every other established manufacturers....and they have been the first obstacle in the promotion and sales of Tu-204.

    And what does Russian industries have to offer in the CIVILIAN sector??
    South Korea recently concluded a vist to Iran with a massive business delegation....where is the business initiative from Russia?

    me was one who opted for Tu-204 but discussion about mental colonization (all and onlt with west ahhh how cool) of Russian economical elites is off topic here AFAIK

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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Mon May 16, 2016 3:10 am

    as for Kurds´MANPADs - I guess no direct shipment took place but I presume intel where "moderate" terrorists have stored sauds or Turkish shipments would be interesting ...let´s wait for Saudi jets going down with missiles they bought terrorists...

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    Post  sepheronx Mon May 16, 2016 7:38 am

    Dima wrote:

    And what does Russian industries have to offer in the CIVILIAN sector??
    South Korea recently concluded a vist to Iran with a massive business delegation....where is the business initiative from Russia?

    A lot actually:
    Metallurgy technology, Agriculture machinery, Construction equipment and materials, Medicine, Medical equipment, optics and optical equipment, laser technology of various types, welding equipment, tooling equipment from standard to automated CNC, modern Automotive manufacturing and investments, mining equipment and investments, energy from NATGAS, Coal Processing and Nuclear, Water purification and transportation, Agricultural End goods like manufacturing of food products, Aerospace in the form of transportation like engines (PD-14) and subcomponents (yes, they make lots of avionics for civil goods), airport technology (they just upgraded facilities in Africa), scientific development and cooperation, Material manufacturing and development, Technological in the sense of development of microprocessors and controller chips/boards, infrastructure, etc.

    So much they can cooperate with and a lot Russia can invest in Iran in development, not just some aircraft. And the major thing happening is that even though there are lots of delegates, doesn't seem to really amount to anything. Iran and Russia has had delegates going back and forth between the countries for the last couple of years and even recently. I know that Russia and Iran are creating a joint bank for both countries to operate in and make trade significantly easier. Same with investments. These things will take time and are not instant. It isn't like Iran is swimming in cash and the fact that they are not even receiving any money back that was being withheld. US is just handing it out to so called victims.

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    Post  OminousSpudd Mon May 16, 2016 7:38 am

    Dima wrote:Syrian soldier posing with a Russian military T-90A, location is likely to be Eastern Homs. One shtora is cracked
    Terros been trying to snipe Shtora probably, good attempt but no bueno.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Dima Mon May 16, 2016 7:58 am

    ^^ Maybe someone sniped?
    But its still working, another set of pics of the same T-90.
    Couldn't stop myself from posting this.... Cool

    BM-21 GRAD ‏@bm21_grad 8 hours ago
    The same T-90A, location is indeed near Shaer gas fields, with it's Shtora on turned on tonight. Beauty.
    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 40 CihyCiUWkAIDgQf
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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Guest Mon May 16, 2016 8:02 am

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    Notice T-shirt

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Dima Mon May 16, 2016 8:13 am

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:me was one who opted for Tu-204 but discussion about mental colonization (all and onlt with west ahhh how cool) of Russian economical elites is off topic here AFAIK
    Oh sorry about then. Hope we can make some breakthrough in the sale of Tu-204. Very Happy


    I know that dear, but the problem is outside of Russia no one knows about Russian products (except those who go after searching for Russian products) and Russia hardly have any promotional stuff which reach the masses around the world. As an example I had years earlier searched for a Russian music home theater system just for getting a feel of the Russian designed/manufactured acoustic system considering that Russia have pretty advanced research in that field. I even finally managed to find (a feat for someone outside of Russia) one but there was no online sales and delivery to my location.
    We can talk a lot about the civilian stuff/consumer there are a lot to talk about and the revamp needed...but I leave it now.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 40 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Dima Mon May 16, 2016 8:15 am

    @ Militarov
    That was a good find... Laughing

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