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    Syrian Civil War: News #7


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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 39 Empty reply

    Post  d_taddei2 Sat May 14, 2016 12:58 am

    ultron wrote:
    Neutrality wrote:This just got in. had a link to the SOHR article:

    16 commanders of JAN taken out by a single air strike. Which air force the plane belongs to is unknown yet.

    I put my money on Iranians. Russians are too stubborn and won't attack Nusra because Nusra is embedded with Ahrar and Ahrar is not on the UN terror list. Russia has done practically 0 airstrikes since Putin signed that damn peace treaty with Obama who plays Putin like a rag doll.

    your actually wrong as i posted in another thread it was a Russian Tu-160 which dropped 10 bombs. so i guess Russians are doing something

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    Post  d_taddei2 Sat May 14, 2016 1:29 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Dima wrote: ...................The Iranians have scarified a lot in men and they need to be supported. The problem with the Iranian and other anti-terrorists groups is that all are heavily dependent on the Russian air-support and in cases artillery support.................


    Iran has it's Air Force last time I checked so why aren't they using it? My answer would be because they lack balls just like their Saudi cousins and want someone else to bleed for them while they sit on their asses.

    Dima wrote:.................This is the biggest drawback....Iranians need to have their own hardware like aircrafts, helos, artillery, tanks and bmps so that they can support the troops (all allied) in assault.....

    Iranians already have  their own hardware like aircrafts, helos, artillery, tanks and bmps. And they can always buy more if they need to which brings me to my next point:

    Dima wrote:..........What surprises me is why Iran and Russia are not yet making any military hardware deals. Its required on an urgent basis that will help greatly in counter-terrorits offensive. This will be a good for Russian mil hardware sales and will greatly improve Iranian military capablity.  .............

    Only thing that is surprising here is the fact that Russia hasn't already thrown Iran to the wolves after they fucked them over. For years Russia supported Iran and negotiated nuclear deal and lifting of sanctions.

    And what was the first thing Iranians did? They instantly signed multi-billion $$$ deals with USA and EU and told Russian companies to fuck off. Only reason they are not buying weapons from the West is because nobody wants to sell it to them.

    Dima wrote:............Btw, how about employing the cost-effective Uran 3M24 missiles. We have already seen those 4 & 8x canistered truck based system so why not use them to occasionally make some kebabs in the distant areas?

    They are cost-effective but they still cost. Do Iranians plan on paying that effective cost? Didn't think so...

    If Ayatollah & Co want some more assistance after their little display of cunt-qualities then they better start signing contracts for triple-digit numbers of aircraft both civilian and military and four-digit numbers for tanks, APCs, IFVs, etc... (each, not combined!!!). Everything else in six-digit numbers at least.
    Payment up-front, no credits or loans and they better make it snappy.

    And if Iran really insists on sticking with that bullshit story that they don't have hardware then it's not a problem at all.

    Iran is a country with population of 80 million people. That is a lot of cheap biomass to throw in the meat grinder so they can always do smart thing and play to their strength.

    But like I already said, lack of hardware and manpower is not a problem, it's the testicles that they have shortage of.

    i agree on everything you said, i said this a while back Iran has the capability to send just about every type of hardware needed and you have to ask where is it? maybe if they send some of this hardware there troop death numbers wouldnt be as high and more progress made, Russia is doing the expensive part buy bombing the crap out of terrorists but they are also supplying the Syrian airforce with bombs, spare parts and fuel, as well as providing intelligence through recce aircraft, satellites etc, and then theirs supplying of equipment, ammo, and fuel, the de-mining and humanitarian effort, so i think its about time the Iranians started to provide another 16,000 troops along with artillery, aircraft, tanks, etc, and lets get this rolling in the right direction fast.

    As for shitting on Russia in terms of deals this is shocking to say the least, Iran has sign some small deals and that it, Iran should be placing 80-90% of all new deals with Russia, his would also be greatly needed by Russia due the low oil prices, other areas of the economy need the boost.

    but on another note i also think other countries should be doing their bit to support the war against ISIS and FSA and co. Algeria, and Belarus could easily provide money, aid, ammo, spare parts, and technicians/engineers, as well as base protection for Syrian bases which would free up SAA troops to be send to the front line. They could also provide armoured vehicles, trucks, and importantly artillery troops. The risk of their troops being killed or injured would be low.
    And then theirs China which could provide anything from troops, armour, artillery to aircraft. Would be a good chance for the Chinese to gain some much needed experience and battle test their equipment, would be nice to see the Nanchang Q-5 (based on Mig-19) in action and seeing as they are phasing them out they could give some to the Syrian airforce. And as a show of force they could station and use a few H-6 bombers.

    other countries such as India, Venezuela, Kazakhstan, and Vietnam could also provide some form of assistance.

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    Post  ultron Sat May 14, 2016 3:21 am

    d_taddei2 wrote:
    ultron wrote:
    Neutrality wrote:This just got in. had a link to the SOHR article:

    16 commanders of JAN taken out by a single air strike. Which air force the plane belongs to is unknown yet.

    I put my money on Iranians. Russians are too stubborn and won't attack Nusra because Nusra is embedded with Ahrar and Ahrar is not on the UN terror list. Russia has done practically 0 airstrikes since Putin signed that damn peace treaty with Obama who plays Putin like a rag doll.

    your actually wrong as i posted in another thread it was a Russian Tu-160 which dropped 10 bombs. so i guess Russians are doing something

    Leith is not a reliable source. Is there any word from MOD about a strike on Abu Duhur?

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    Post  ultron Sat May 14, 2016 3:34 am

    Russian MOD twitter gives a daily briefing

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    Post  sepheronx Sat May 14, 2016 5:23 am

    Syrian Army, Hezbollah reach strategic town in the East Ghouta: video

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    Post  ultron Sat May 14, 2016 5:49 am

    sepheronx wrote:Syrian Army, Hezbollah reach strategic town in the East Ghouta: video

    If this war were WW2 scale, that tiny village would have been taken in a day. Allies took down Germany in like 3 years.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 39 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Solncepek Sat May 14, 2016 9:08 am

    Премьер-министр Израиля едет в Россию. Посещение Москвы приурочено к 25-летию восстановления дипломатических отношений двух стран и будет уже вторым с начала года. О чем именно израильский политик хочет поговорить с российскими властями?

    Премьер Израиля Биньямин Нетаньяху намерен приехать в Москву 7 июня. Посещение российской столицы приурочено к 25-летию восстановления дипломатических отношений двух сторон. Как уже известно, в рамках визита планируется подписание соглашения о выплате Россией пенсий тысячам израильтян, утратившим при эмиграции гражданство РФ. Однако политологи уверены, что это далеко не все, зачем Нетаньяху приезжает в Москву.

    «Цели обычно одни и тоже. Это связано с военными событиями на Ближнем Востоке у израильских границ. Израилю нужны от России гарантии, что не будет поставок оружия каким-то странам, которые находятся с ним в состоянии войны, например, Ирану. Россия – это член той группы, которая занимается палестино-израильским урегулированием. И Израиль всегда старается донести свою точку зрения. Что касается экономики, тот тут больше скептицизма. Об этом много говорят, но до сих пор никаких сдвигов в этом плане не было. Вопрос безопасности – традиционный для российско-израильских отношений. Израиль волнует это больше всего. В плане экономики он ориентирован на США. Хотя, какие-то совместные с Россией проекты могут быть – в области газа или компьютерных технологий, но это всегда проходит с очень большим трудом», - прокомментировал ситуацию научный сотрудник Института востоковедения РАН, кандидат исторических наук Григорий Меламедов.

    В первую очередь, по словам эксперта, стоит вопрос, насколько Россия, после того, как было объявлено о выводе наших ВКС из Сирии, влиятельна, насколько мы можем в какой-то степени сориентировать президента САР Башара Асада по направлениям в контексте мирных переговоров.

    «Последнее время были сообщения о том, что есть трения внутри нашего руководства – между дипломатическим и военным направлениям.

    Израиль хочет это понять, получив информацию от самого президента», - считает Меламедов.

    Что же касается трений, о которых говорит политолог, то здесь стоит напомнить о том, что на днях Министр иностранных дел РФ Сергей Лавров заявил о том, что Башар Асад России не союзник в том смысле, в котором Турция считается союзником США.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 39 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  KoTeMoRe Sat May 14, 2016 9:16 am

    PapaDragon wrote:

    lol1 lol1 lol1

    Don't make me laugh this hard man...Razz

    You may want to leave Russia out of that BS headline. Russians are there to do some real geopolitical work and to score some durka scalps while they are at it.

    They are definitely not there to get themselves stuck in some Mid-East Shia/Sunni/Jewish/Whatever shitstorm that lasted for centuries and will last for centuries to come.

    If Iran has issues with how Russia operates they are free to take over. I am sure they will do much "better" job. I remember their amazing performance at Khan Touman the other day (defensive position, superior numbers and gear, full recon and air-support from VKS and they still scattered like rats).

    If SAA has issues with how Russia operates they are also free to take over. Or even better, they should have done their job 5 years ago so now they would not need Russia.
    Those idiots can't even hold position against some retards with AKs for more than 10 minutes so best course of action for them would be to STFU.

    If Hezbollah has issues with how Russia operates they can ask for Iran to cover their asses.
    After all Iranian Air Force has flown so many sorties in this war did it not? Or maybe Hezbollah might want to ask themselves how come their local bros keep selling them out.

    And seriously, where the fuck is Iranian Air Force? Are they doing Saudi thing "we'll go to war but only after big boys go first"?
    Well Russia is already rolling so what the fuck is Ayatollah Airlines waiting for, official invitation?

    And all those mentioned above are free to ask USA to take over supply duties from Russia.

    This looks like the same thing as the last time: Israel cashed in another coupon from the VKS. Big deal, move along...


    We still don't know how they took Baddredine out. From the images it looked like a car bomb. Which would be cheeky. Also Russia this, Russia that. Israel has been killing people in far more locked up places than this, going as far as shooting their way out of Dubai. Let alone hitting some one in Damascus which is what? A spit away. The real problem is where they got the intel on Baddredine whereabouts. And that's not from Russia.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 39 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sat May 14, 2016 12:08 pm

    Solncepek wrote: «Последнее время были сообщения о том, что есть трения внутри нашего руководства – между дипломатическим и военным направлениям.
    Израиль хочет это понять, получив информацию от самого президента», - считает Меламедов.

    Что же касается трений, о которых говорит политолог, то здесь стоит напомнить о том, что на днях Министр иностранных дел РФ Сергей Лавров заявил о том, что Башар Асад России не союзник в том смысле, в котором Турция считается союзником США.

    1 can read Russian but no everybody does, translation on English speaking forum?

    2 source pls ...


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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 39 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  ultron Sat May 14, 2016 1:15 pm

    The Americans and the Turks are invading Syria in a few days. Putin better have a Plan C going.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 39 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  ultron Sat May 14, 2016 1:27 pm

    More bad news from Deir es Zor. It looks like IS will soon overrun Deir es Zor. Tiger and co simply cannot get there.   Shocked

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    Post  ultron Sat May 14, 2016 1:41 pm

    Has Russia stopped airstrikes against IS in the Deir es Zor area? It looks like IS is about to overrun it. This ceasefire, unilaterally at that, is the most dumb move the good side ever made since like millions of years ago What a Face  I can't believe Russia signed ceasefire with terrorists.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 39 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Neutrality Sat May 14, 2016 1:51 pm

    Please, for the love of everything that's scared, shut the hell up.

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    Post  Viktor Sat May 14, 2016 4:41 pm

    ultron wrote:Has Russia stopped airstrikes against IS in the Deir es Zor area? It looks like IS is about to overrun it. This ceasefire, unilaterally at that, is the most dumb move the good side ever made since like millions of years ago  What a Face   I can't believe Russia signed ceasefire with terrorists.

    You got to understand that Russia can not wage wars for other nations. It can help them defend but ultimatevly Syrian people are the ones who should take up the arms to defend

    their country with the help of Russian aviation, tanks, training, inteligence etc.

    It would not be right for Syrians themselves to see 200 000 Russian and Chinese troops fighting their wars. I understand that Russia is also defending their own interest but first and

    foremost Syrians need to take up the arms. So while you blame Putin for all the things that happen on the battlefield you should understand that by providing Syrians with air coverage

    Putin has stated that he will not let Syria fall and this is the very moment Syrians should understand and take the things into their own hands.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 39 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  calm Sat May 14, 2016 11:14 pm

    Lots of dead terrorist around shaer, maybe those russians have something to do with it...
    I will post links to pictures from today
    Here, just scrol down...

    Here is the video from terrorists attack on same place days ago.
    SAA did the right thing to fall back after all.

    News from Daer Ez Zor, pics from shaer. 18+

    One captured in Daer Ez Zor.
    Captured ISIS militant in #DeirEzzor
    Allegedly SAA manage to kill 11 terrorists in the Hospital and free 60 hostages, and allegedly all terrorists were sleeper cells inside the city.

    Terrorist Abu Malik, one of the perpetrators of al-Zara massacre has been sent to hell. #Syria

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    Post  ultron Sat May 14, 2016 11:44 pm

    Viktor wrote:
    ultron wrote:Has Russia stopped airstrikes against IS in the Deir es Zor area? It looks like IS is about to overrun it. This ceasefire, unilaterally at that, is the most dumb move the good side ever made since like millions of years ago  What a Face   I can't believe Russia signed ceasefire with terrorists.

    You got to understand that Russia can not wage wars for other nations. It can help them defend but ultimatevly Syrian people are the ones who should take up the arms to defend

    their country with the help of Russian aviation, tanks, training, inteligence etc.

    It would not be right for Syrians themselves to see 200 000 Russian and Chinese troops fighting their wars. I understand that Russia is also defending their own interest but first and

    foremost Syrians need to take up the arms. So while you blame Putin for all the things that happen on the battlefield you should understand that by providing Syrians with air coverage

    Putin has stated that he will not let Syria fall and this is the very moment Syrians should understand and take the things into their own hands.

    Wrong. Russians should wage war in Syria. Syria is basically Russian territory. Without the current Syrian government, Russia would have no military bases in the ME. Can you imagine that? Russia having no military bases in the ME? Even if a million Russian soldiers die in Syria, Russians should fight in Syria to defend its national interests in Syria.

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    Post  PapaDragon Sat May 14, 2016 11:45 pm

    ^^^ That's a lot of dead pigs. Well done.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 39 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  JohninMK Sun May 15, 2016 12:29 am

    Iran is sending about 100 military advisers and instructors to Syria and Iraq from the University of Imam Hussein Murteza Safari for the Preparation of Officers and Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

    “Over the past year, a significant number of our commanders and instructors, about 100 people, went for the service period of two months in these areas,” news agency Tasnim quoted Safari as saying.

    According to the Iranian military, some experts on the group returned home after two and three months, but some of them have continued to perform their duties as instructors.

    Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdollahiyan said that Iran is increasing the number of its military personnel in Syria in connection with the intensification of the fight against terrorism.

    They (the experts) will remain in the country until it is requested by Damascus, Abdollahiyan said.

    Read more:

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 39 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  ultron Sun May 15, 2016 12:34 am

    Early reports of IS destroyed 4 Russian attack helicopters and 20 supply trucks at the Tiyas airbase. Waiting for further info. A huge loss for Russia if true.
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 39 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Sun May 15, 2016 1:53 am

    ultron wrote:Early reports of IS destroyed 4 Russian attack helicopters and 20 supply trucks at the Tiyas airbase. Waiting for further info. A huge loss for Russia if true.

    What were they doing in Syria?

    On a Safari?

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    Post  KoTeMoRe Sun May 15, 2016 1:57 am

    Holy F*ck...could you please use your brain for 30 seconds. It's basically a pro-Isis account claiming all attack helicopters were destroyed. Same account sputtered that 25 Russian Jets were downed, 259 Russian Generals killed and about half a billion Russian soldiers exterminated.

    Oh...I just realized I was replying to Mr. Cuckoo.

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    Post  ultron Sun May 15, 2016 2:25 am

    As can be seem at Palmyra, if Russians want a place taken, it will be taken fast. There is RUMOR, that Russians plan to have Zahreddine sacrificed at Deir es Zor to spur on loyalty and revenge from Druze. Shocked

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 39 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Erk Sun May 15, 2016 4:54 am

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:
    ultron wrote:Early reports of IS destroyed 4 Russian attack helicopters and 20 supply trucks at the Tiyas airbase. Waiting for further info. A huge loss for Russia if true.

    What were they doing in Syria?

    On a Safari?

    Ultron is a well known troll on this forum, most of us have him on ignore lists already, he spreads misinformation.


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    Post  Regular Sun May 15, 2016 7:58 am

    Why can't he and his alter egos be banished from here? Clearly Ukrainian troll with too much time on his hands. He is posting same identical messages across other forums. Copy+paste - 1 hrivnya earned, salo unlocked

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    Syrian Civil War: News #7 - Page 39 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #7

    Post  Vann7 Sun May 15, 2016 9:02 am

    It looks like terrorist lost all the progress they had in the last week.

    Deizurr ,Homs, and progress in Damascus. The hospital retaken by Syrian army.
    And the terrorist who invaded ZARA all wiped. Looks like generally speaking the last 2 days ,
    Syrian army got the upper hand in nearly all fronts.  Deizurr offensive of terrorist stalled ,
    and they retreating but the fight still continues there.

    Reports by Syria 24 ,that Russians special forces are helping in homs , the Syrian army.

    ‪#‎Terrorists‬ involved in the Al-‪#‎Zara‬ Massacre have been Eliminated ‪#‎Syria‬ ‪#‎Syria24‬

    So called "Opposition" sources claim that ‪#‎Daesh‬ withdrew from most areas that they advanced on in ‪#‎DeirEzzur‬ ‪#‎Syria24‬

    The terrorist who killed civilians in ZARA were eliminated.

    Since 2011 reporting about the Syrian war. ^^
    Run by Syrian citizens with contacts with Government media in syria and the army.
    Is largely accurate most of the times. Albeit their info is always dependent on what the
    Syrian army reports or journalist.

    For me is clear that Russia strategy in Syria is an attrition war on Turkey ,Saudi Arabia and
    USA. This means that the major economic burden will be on Turkey ,Americans and Saudis for having to support very large Terrorist army in all Syria. So as long Russia stay in Syria ,even if with a minimal airforce ,artillery and armor force . they can put enough pressure on the terrorist. to make it very costly any progress they make.  For example ISIS took control of Al ZARA and in less than 48 hours ,they all wiped. albeit civilians died which was not intended ,at least in the end the terrorist were pushed back.

    What is important to know is that the war in Syria will not end ,by capturing IDLIB,Aleppo
    and Raqqa and all northen Syria. it will only mean a new war will start. the one of Syria vs Turkey and with American special forces ,logistics ,weapons and drones help.

    So in real practice the war will end when Erdogan/Saudis no longer have money to continue financing the war. Or also when no longer Americans can continue hiding their actions and the pressure to stop the illegal war against Syria is too much for them. Already in the white house
    journalist put in trouble the white house spokeman about why they are not labelling moderates
    who cooperates with Alnusra and do join operations as terrorist. The more americans citizens who are very slow to wake up and realize their Government are on the side on Alqaeda and ISIS. the more difficult will be for Obama to continue the war. So Freezing the conflict (fake cease fire) favors Russia but also Syria. even if civilians die. because allowing Syria to take control of northern Syria when Turkey still wants to continue fighting ,will only provoke a full scale direct war ,between Turkey army and Syria Army ,with turkey army tanks invading Syria, that will pull Russia and can end with nuclear weapons used.

    So the strategy is weak and slow but it can work.The Time Russia wins in syria ,can allow Russia
    to better prepare to a potential war in another front that americans create like Ukraine for example. or a direct war with US.

    All this weak strategy is consequence of Russia being so dependent on Europe trade.
    Had Russia had zero dependence in energy trade with Europe ,and a strong economy trading with Asia . it could afforded a full scale war in many fronts and no worries if even have to fight
    Turkey directly. War and Economy and public opinion goes hand in hand. you cannot be effective in any war if economy totally collapse and public opinion is very negative. that will
    only provoke civil unrest in Russia. Which is the real goal of Americans. To grind Russia in Syria
    and kill many Russians there ,and destroy Putin Image ,and Russia economy ,to more easily provoke a revolution.

    Americans real goal in Syria is not Assad. Is not even Hezbolah that is only a bonus for israel. their real goal for arming terrorist in Syria is  -> Putin and Collapse Russia Economy  ,because if Russia economy collapse , and Putin fails in Syria miserably and in Ukraine too,it will significantly damage Putin image but also United Russia party of Medvedev and create the conditions for a revolution and major violence to start in caucasus by muslin seeking to take advantage of Russia bad economic situation. Possibly helping Communist party to take power ,
    which will commit the same mistake of soviet union of isolating itself from the world and make very easy for Americans to split Russia Federation as they did with Soviet union.

    Always this is important to remember , the real goal of Americans in Syria is not Assad or capturing Syria. but Capturing Russia instead. by destroying Putin and Russia Economy permanently by Isolating it from the world. So this is why Russia Government needs to balance
    every thing they do in Syria and Ukraine with the Cost for its economy and the security for its soldiers.

    So is 100% about Russia , American policies in the middle east and 0% about Syria.
    Neocons says. lets provoke violence in Syria and Ukraine to pull Russia into an endless fight that will crush its economy ,Get as many Russian soldiers killed as possible and destroy Putin and his party popularity ,so that is more easier to provoke civil unrest in Russia and disband it.

    So if Russia cease to exist the next week ,and disband in many parts ,becomes moscow landlocked to other independent republics ,and Putin and his party overthrow. Then Obama no longer will need Erdogan and Turkey. And will ask ISIS and Alqaeda to redeploy its armies to Turkey and disband it. and remove Erdogan. This will be done to come as a hero for his European Allies. that are suffering for Turkey sending migrants to Europe. Then will start arming
    Ukraine with the best weapons they have to start invading Russia and easily capture it.

    So Putin needs to keep really in check its economy/and the security of its soldiers more than anything while helping Syria and rebels in donetsk to hold , if it doesn't want to allow Americans to do what they really want to achieve when they provoke violence in Ukraine and Syria.

    Americans war against Syria is real objectives is simply a war on Russia economy and destroy Putin and its United Russia party popularity and support.  

    So don't be distracted too much by what happens in Syria or Ukraine. Neocons will like the war there to last decades if possible as long is need to collapse Russia economy and Putin and the Russian government support. the front lines can change in any direction over time back and forth ,and the wars in Syria and Ukraine can last a decade. What is more important for Russia is to make strong its economy ,get a solid Public Support for the Russian government and not allow Americans to over run Syria as they did to Lybia ,because that will also damage the support of Putin and Russia Image. Is all about Putin and Russia ,because in the end ,Russian citizens not many will want their government to start a major war with NATO in defense of a any country in middle east. So Putin does not have full support to risk even the security of Russia and its economy in defense of syria. If it was Armenia or Serbia or Belarus,
    kazakistan ,or even Crimea ,is a different story. Not many Russians will sacrifice their quality of life and live in poverty ,for a war in defense of country in middle east. they dont identify or feel connected.

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