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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Russian Patriot
    Russian Patriot

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  Russian Patriot Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:38 pm

    Project 2038.0 Steregushchy Corvette

    Class Listing
    Unit Shipyard Fleet Chronology Notes  
    # number Name  Laid Down  Launched  Comm.  Stricken  
    1 530 Steregushchy SY 190  Dec 2001 16 May 2006  19 Nov 2007
    27 Feb 2008  2007 - undergoing testing
    2  Soobrazitelny SY 190  20 May 2003 13 Nov 2006 ? 2007  Commissioned  April 2010!
    3  Boykiy SY 190  27 Jul 2005  ? 2008   Floated out  April 15 2011
    4  Stoykiy SY 190  2006 ? 2009  
    5  Sovershenniy SY 340 Caspian 2006  2010  2 at Zelenodolsk for Caspian Flotilla
    6   SY 340 Caspian ? 2007    2 at Zelenodolsk for Caspian Flotilla
    7   SY 190  ? 2007    2007 - 2 launched + 5 building
    8   SY 190      at least 10 units planned
    9   SY 190      at least 10 units planned
    10   SY 190      at least 10 units planned
    11   SY 190      up to 20 additional units planned ?
    12   SY 190      up to 20 additional units planned ?
    13   SY 190      up to 20 additional units planned ?
    14   SY 190      up to 20 additional units planned ?
    15   SY 190      up to 20 additional units planned ?
    16   SY 190      up to 20 additional units planned ?
    17   SY 190      up to 20 additional units planned ?
    18   SY 190      up to 20 additional units planned ?
    19   SY 190      up to 20 additional units planned ?
    20   SY 190      up to 20 additional units planned ?


    Last edited by Russian Patriot on Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:19 pm; edited 3 times in total
    Russian Patriot
    Russian Patriot

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Project 20382 :Tiger Corvette

    Post  Russian Patriot Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:46 pm

    From Global
    Project 20382 Tiger Corvette
    Project-20382 “Tiger” corvette is a ship for acting in the near sea zone against ships and submarines, for supporting landing troops, and against air targets. The corvette is equipped with Uran anti-ship missiles. Kashtan antiaircraft missile system, and Ka-27 helicopter. The “Tiger” corvette’s baseline is project-20380 Steregushchy [“Guarding”] corvette, which is now undergoing factory and state tests, and which is to enter Russian naval forces’ combat strength in late 2007. Experts estimate one export “Tiger” corvette at about $120-150 million. Primarily South-East Asian countries, as well as Venezuela and Qatar are interested in the corvette.

    A wide range of products of the Russian defence industrial complex is represented at the international exhibition of naval machinery and weapons Euronaval'2004, which opened at Le Bourget near Paris on 24 October 2005. The Russian chief delegate made special note of the latest Project 20382 Tigr corvette, featuring Stealth technology.

    After experiencing the Western military equipment embargo, Admiral Slamet Soebijanto turned to the East for possibilities. In September 2005, the Navy Chief of Staff and his team visited Russia to explore the purchase of warships from Rosoboronexport, Russia's armament industry. The navy's Strategic Plan for 2003-2013, created by Soebijanto's predecessor Bernard Kent Sondakh, included the purchase of four Sigma Class corvettes from Holland. The plan was already approved by the House of Representatives (DPR). The four ships were to be purchased in two stages-the first in 2003. The Dutch government provided export credit facilities. The first two ships were currently being constructed and were expected to be ready in 2007.

    After the presentation of the project 20382 Tiger Corvette, an export variant of the project 20380 Steregushchiy (Guardian) Corvette, a number of participants of the International Naval Salon held in June 2007 in St. Petersburg, there was some customer interest in it. Rosoboronexport (Russian Defense Export State Corporation) was working actively in this direction and hoped to have some particular contracts by the summer of 2008.

    On 29 June 2007, at the 3rd International Naval Exhibition in St. Petersburg, Rosoboronexport’s First Deputy Director General Vladimir Pakhomov and Indonesian Naval Forces Commander Admiral Slamet Subijanto signed a contract agreement on building project-20382 “Tiger” corvettes for Indonesia’s Navy. Later a firm contract would have to be signed, fixing the terms for the project’s implementation and the number of ships to be built.

    The corvette hulls would be built in Spain according to Russia’s design. There they would be equipped with engines and navigation equipment. The corvettes would sail under their own power to Severnaya Verf, where communication equipment, radio-electric equipment, armaments and other systems would be installed.

    It was Indonesia that required the corvette’s hull to be built in Spain. Rosoboronexport agreed to this plan in order to gain access to Indonesia’s naval market. Spain had been successfully working at Indonesia’s defense market for a long time. Thus it was said to be easier for Rosoboronexport to promote Russian ships to Indonesia thru Spain. Spain had not initially chosen the dockyard for building the corvettes.

    Russia’s Ministry of Industry and Energy believed that such international cooperation could delay the contract’s signing and implementation. It would be necessary to obtain numerous licenses for supplying the corvettes’ design data to Spain, and this would require solving issues of intellectual property rights, commercial and state secret protection,. Russia already had a positive experience suppling India with of ing European and Israeli electronic systems installed on Russian Su-30MKI fighter jets, and Russian fire system “Smerch”, onto Czech Tatra trucks. However, these projects were difficult to implement due to the substantiall amount of coordination work required.

    By mid-2007 Rosoboronexport State Corp., the Moscow-based state intermediary arms-trade agency, was briefing Algeria, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates and Singapore on the new Project 20382 Tigr. At present, corvettes are employed by 30 nations while only 7 nations are capable of building them. Estimated market capacity as concerns such ships for 20 years to come is USD 9.5 billion.

    Russian Patriot
    Russian Patriot

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  Russian Patriot Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:42 am

    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette 3151-1_pic1

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  Admin Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:05 pm

    Russian Patriot wrote:Pics:
    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette 3151-1_pic1

    Wrong ship, that is the border guard version.

    This is 2038.0

    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette 25_21710
    Russian Patriot
    Russian Patriot

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  Russian Patriot Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:48 am

    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette 1270190768_soobraz0

    Project 20380 Soobrazitelny launched!

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty 20380 replacement

    Post  Viktor Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:42 am

    I tought 20380 is goot corvette for its displacement.
    Type of armament second corvette and all after it should have place it among best armed corvette around.

    Russia to hold competition to choose new Navy corvette - paper

    The Russian Defense Ministry will hold a competition in September to select a new corvette for the Navy to replace the Project 20380 class, a business daily said on Monday, citing sources in the shipbuilding industry.
    The competition should produce a mobile, fast-moving ship with a helicopter hangar and a distinct modular layout for weapons, Kommersant said.
    The Project 20380 corvette is deployed to destroy enemy surface ships, submarines and aircraft, and to provide naval gunfire support for beach landings. It uses stealth technology to reduce the ship's secondary radar signature, as well as its acoustic, infrared, magnetic and visual signatures.
    Five design centers are likely to take part in the competition, the paper said. Three belong to Russia's United Shipbuilding Coorperation: Zelenodolsk, Severnaya Verf and Almaz. A fourth unnamed foreign shipyard, which specializes in small civilian vessels, is a likely participant, the paper said.
    The first Project 20380 corvette, the Steregushchy, entered service with Russia's Baltic Fleet in October 2008. The second, the Soobrazitelny, was launched on March 31, and two other ships of the same series, the Boyky and the Stoyky, are under construction.
    The Russian Navy needs around 50 Project 20380 vessels to ensure the protection of its coastal waters, as well as its oil and gas transportation routes, especially in the Black and the Baltic seas.
    However, a shipbuilding industry source told Kommersant that the Project 20180 ship "does not meet modern requirements" and a new class is therefore required.
    If the competition in September is successful, the approved project "will determine the shape of surface shipbuilding for the next 15 years", the source told Kommersant.
    MOSCOW, August 23 (RIA Novosti)

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  Robert.V Mon Aug 23, 2010 4:17 pm

    It is but the West is going to introduce new corvettes in the next 7-9 years. While the project 20380 corvettes are more then a match for the current corvettes they won't be for long. The project 20380 stems all the way back to late 70's and really was just a stop gap and keeping the shipyards at work ..there is no real point in making 20 ships of p 20380 corvettes. By the time all the ships of the p 20380 corvettes are build they will be outdated.

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  Viktor Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:41 pm

    Dont think so. I mean whats the point of introducing few pieces of some time like corvette.

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  Robert.V Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:12 am

    Not sure I got you right but the Russian Navy is in need of ships badly. P 20380 corvettes are just a stop gap as of now that's it ...they'll finish the last 2 or 3 that are in the shipyards right now and that's it, they ain't going to build 20 of them like they intended to.

    They should have started to build P 20380 corvettes 10 years ago like they were supposed to have been but they didn't have the money for it. And building more then 5 of this class corvette's doesn't make any sense anymore becuase by the time all 20 ships are build they'll be outclassed or soon to be outclassed.


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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  Admin Tue Aug 24, 2010 2:48 am

    Having 20 or even 100 corvettes is not going to fix the Navy. We need blue water ships. First on the list is air-defence ships, second ASW, third aircraft carriers, fourth amphibious assualt, fifth mine sweepers. Corvettes come in dead last. It isn't going to make a bit of difference as long as we have naval aviation.

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  GarryB Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:34 am

    Russia needs both corvettes and a blue water navy.
    It needs to be a global power and a blue water navy has proven to be the only way to achieve that.
    Of course it needs coastal protection as well and corvettes do that job cheaper and simpler than larger vessels designed to operate further afield.

    It is a bit like aircraft, strategic transports and long range fighters are useful but more expensive. Short range fighters and light transports are also needed too and they can make up numbers and fill gaps where needed.

    Regarding the new corvette there has been a drive for new technology to get into service and while the Project 20380 is much newer than what is actually in service there are several new things that could be added to it.
    For one there are a range of new vertical launch systems from SAMS of several types and cruise missiles for land attack and for anti ship use and also anti submarine use.
    Stealth could also be taken a step further in the design to make it even harder to spot before hopefully it sees its target.

    It originally had a modular design so upgrading it should just be a case of upgrading each module and then examining the combinations to see what works and what needs to be added or discarded.

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  Robert.V Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:57 am

    Vlad you do realize their are sea and in the near ocean zone where land-based aviation cant work on-call. And the P 20380 corvette's are punching above their weight especially if equiped with KLUB and navilized TOR can use them as carrier escorts and etc.

    What russian Navy needs are modern multi role ships and fast. Becuase the Russian Navy is standing on it's last legs.

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  Viktor Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:57 pm

    20380 can be added VLS and with 9M96/CLUB-S combo you have a very potent ship. I dont see even if Russian Navy want technology more advanced ships can not made 10-20 pieces of it and than move along?

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  Robert.V Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:13 pm

    20380 is a very capable ship (atleast on paper) especially with Klub and navalized TOR like I said above.

    But like I said by the time they finished constructing all 20 they'll be not up for the task. The P 20380 corvette's are ten years late.


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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  GarryB Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:07 am

    The reality is that while commonality is a good thing almost every weapon system goes through upgrades during its production period.
    Look at the Kirov class, with each vessel having a slightly different weapon and sensor fit, and the Kiev class carriers where the last carrier made was so different from the first it was called Kiev Mod in the west.
    As new weapons and sensors become available it makes sense to fit them to in production vessels.
    This search for a new corvette can be seen as an attempt to reevaluate the design so that technologies that are scheduled to become available are compatible and to make sure anything learned from using the first few vessels can be applied to later units to further improve their performance and growth potential.

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  Robert.V Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:31 am

    What's your opinion on the new Frigate class Garry ?

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  GarryB Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:41 am

    Have they released more info about it yet?

    Most of the info I have read was pretty vague... just describing it as multipurpose boat lighter than a destroyer... which is pretty much what a Frigate is.

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  Robert.V Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:30 pm

    Apparently with the 20380 they tried to make a corvette in to a light destroyer (well in western terms). The main problem seems to be the Furke rader and integration with navalized Vityaz complex that and nor is Furke to the paper spec.

    And there are few other problems it seems.

    I kinda like were they are heading though if they can pull it off. Just imagine a corvette packing Klub complex, a mix of 9M100 and 9M96 missiles for the AAW. Add the very capable Paket-E anti-submarine/torpedo system, a monster of a main gun and well ....Shocked

    On the other hand cramming all that into 2200 +/- ton displacement ship. One hit and it would probably light up like a Christmas tree and if not the damage control team would have an almost impossible task on their hands.

    GarryB wrote:Have they released more info about it yet?

    Most of the info I have read was pretty vague... just describing it as multipurpose boat lighter than a destroyer... which is pretty much what a Frigate is.

    Few tid bits here and there and that's about it.

    Russian Patriot
    Russian Patriot

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  Russian Patriot Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:12 pm

    I would wait until new info is revealed! Then make predictions!

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  Robert.V Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:17 am

    Was that directed towards me ?

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  GarryB Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:55 am

    Predictions can be fun as long as no one takes them too seriously.

    The reality is that we don't know, and part of the reason we don't know is because we simply don't have access to the information the people making the real decisions have.
    We don't know the options they can choose from, and we don't know their exact needs, or the costs of each option and the benefits each option brings.

    For example many were surprised the Russian navy has chosen the Mig-29K simply because Sukhoi has dominated Russian fighter defence procurement and on paper the Su-33KUB looks like a very capable aircraft.
    Reality interceded however and it is clear that the Mig-29K was chosen because it is a capable aircraft that is going into production for India so production capacity is paid for already.

    As Russian Patriot suggests however we really can't know till we are told and any speculation in the mean time is just that.

    Was that directed towards me ?

    He said what he was going to do so I guess he directed that at everyone... Smile
    Sometimes too much speculation leads to fantasy land, which not everyone is interested in.

    Perhaps Carlos Kopps greatest failing is he is guilty of too much speculation as an example. He is also a great source of technical information that is not speculation and therefore quite valuable in my opinon.
    Russian Patriot
    Russian Patriot

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  Russian Patriot Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:59 pm

    Robert V., that was directed to everyone! Thanks Garry, you understand me mid thought!

    Robert V., though please check your intro since the Mod there wants more details!

    On topic: I am skeptical about this new class replacing 20380 class since the navy liked the class!

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  GarryB Mon Aug 30, 2010 3:32 am

    If they liked it then I think it might be a similar case to the An-70 where they want it but the delay in actually getting it has led to a gap where new electronics and systems have become available and so before they start production it makes sense to review the design to see what can be improved or even replaced, what works and what could work better before full production starts and the design is fixed.

    For instance when these things were designed multi core processors were not common and software didn't allow for such capabilities. To pay for new stuff you might as well make sure it really is new and not just off the shelf stuck in a time zone from when it was first developed.

    In other words it is not bad but lets take this time to see if we can make it better before we commit to making lots of these things.
    Russian Patriot
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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  Russian Patriot Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:11 pm

    Russia floats out 3rd stealth corvette

    St. Petersburg's Severnaya Verf shipyard floated out a new corvette for the Russian Navy featuring stealth technology on Friday.

    The Boiky is the third Steregushchy class (Project 20380) corvette designed by the Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau.

    The first Project 20380 corvette, the Steregushchy, was put into service with Russia's Baltic Fleet in October 2008, and the second ship in the series, the Soobrazitelny, is expected to join the Russian Navy in 2011.

    The Project 20380 corvette can be deployed to destroy enemy surface ships, submarines and aircraft, and to provide artillery support for beach landings. It uses stealth technology to reduce the ship's secondary radar field, as well as its acoustic, infrared, magnetic and visual signatures.

    Russia plans to have up to 30 vessels of this class to ensure the protection of its coastal waters, as well as its oil and gas transportation routes, especially in the Black and the Baltic seas.

    Each corvette has a displacement of 2,000 metric tons, maximum speed of 27 knots, and a crew of 100.

    The ship's armament includes SS-N-25 Switchblade anti-ship missiles, a 100-mm gun and a variety of air defense and anti-submarine systems.

    ST. PETERSBURG, April 15 (RIA Novosti

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    Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette Empty Re: Project 2038.0: Steregushchy Corvette

    Post  GarryB Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:12 am

    The displacement of a Corvette and the fire power and equipment of a Frigate.

    Once there are plenty of these vessels in service they can withdraw a few older obsolete small vessels from service and then with the practise and experience of making these small vessels they can start on medium sized vessels... which in many ways will actually be just larger displacement versions of these vessels with the capacity to carry larger sensors and more weapons.

    The talk of carriers seems to have been postponed to 2020 or later so they don't need a huge budget to rebuild the navy.

    In many ways the Mistrals... if they can ever agree on all the terms, will very much be lead ships with the SIC 21 NATO system seeming to be the stumbling block. The SIC-21 is a NATO battle group command and control system and the French don't seem very keen to let the Russians have it. From what I have read they are happy to provide their SENIT 9 Combat Information and Command System without requiring a licence (so in theory the Russians could put that on all their Mistrals without an extra cost).

    I guess it is a buyers market so eventually the Russians might have to pay a little more to get SIC 9, or they might decide to put something that is compatible with their own systems perhaps.

    Each service seems to be developing separate systems which could be a problem when they work together... the space and air defence branch for example will need to be able to provide data to the other branches and those branches will need to share data back.

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