If we talk about international law, then what about Russia arming rebels in Donbas. Ukraine is a UN member and an internationally recognized sovereign country. If Russia arms rebels in Donbas, then by Russia's own standard that breaks
international law since Russia officially recognizes the Poroshenko government and not rebels.
Hold on there.. The Rebels in Novorosiya are not terrorist , the ones in Syria are. Pro Russian
Rebels are fighting for their lives ,for their families and for their rights after an illegal coup against its democratically elected President was removed by force and a Tyranny came to power.
You have the rights to fight any government whenever it does not allows you to live like a human being. It might be "illegal" under that that tyranny .. but legal or not legal is not the same as correctness. Internationals laws are not correct always. Specially when it allows US and ISrael to break the laws at will but force every others to follow it. That said.. technically speaking Russia could be "violating" international laws with Annexation of Crimea and supporting Rebels in eastern of Ukraine..
But Morally speaking it will be completely
wrong and incorrect for Russia to do nothing after US overthrow a legitimate government
and installs Radicals hostiles to Russia in Power ,that start killing them. Russia actions were 100% aimed to save civilians and save its nation security.. US actions in the other hand in Syria is 100% aimed to kill civilians and destroy a nation.. so there is a Big difference the support Russia give to rebels in Ukraine and the Support that Americans give to so called rebels in Syria.. Russia actions saves lives and promote law and order and respect for minority rights.
as is the case of Minsk-2 which is a document created 95% by Putin. While the actions of US ,and its dictators/zionist alliances is to promote violence,civilians killed and terrorism.
What Russia is doing in Ukraine and what US coalition are doing in Syria are night and day different. Russia is not seeking to destroy Ukraine ,or to overthrow Poroshenko ,Russia rebels protect civilians from any side. While in Syria US is seeking to destroy Syria and overthrow Assad and rebels don't protect but kill any civilians not aligned with their cause. Russia promote
peace while US and Israel and its middle east alliance promotes violence and war.. Big difference. What Russia is doing in Ukraine might not be legal under UN laws..but its 100% legitimate and correct from humanitarian point of view. Laws are man made rules and they are not always perfect. and not always is correct to follow them..whenever the life or security of people is at risk.
Russia knows who shot down the Russian airliners. It was a bomb planted by IS. IS even claimed responsibility for it. IS never claims responsibility for something it has not done.
Russia knows who did it and killed all 224 people on board. Russia knows.
Because Russia wants to control the response ,it needs to delay the conclusion of the results.
If for example Saudi Arabia or Israel or British intelligence was behind it.as some say ,that a missile was fired from Israel..Then it will be on the interest on Russia to get 100% evidence of the author before any retaliation. Or if the attack was made by US or UK..Russia cannot start a world war 3 with nuclear weapons and kill millions for a plane with 300 people ,so it needs time to know first who really did it..and second study the best possible retaliation they can do,to that nations that can achieve its objectives to stop the nation from any future new aggression .
Whenever it comes to war ..you need to study the objectives and goals..and evaluate the best efficient way to achieve your objectives not just fight for the sake of revenge..without achieving any objective.
If the attack on the Russian plane was done by a nation of the US coalition..it will be in the interest on Russia to first get 100% evidence of who did it.. 100% clear ,seek support internationally for any military retaliation and ask its generals what kind of military response
Russia can do that hurts the enemy a lot but and scare them so much that they do not do it again..but without starting a world war 3.
If any major agression happens against Russia.. either terrorism or plane attack..
It will be on the interest of Russia to get 100% solid evidence of Who did it and later get
international support for a retaliation that could achieve your objectives to stop that nation from
any more attacks.
Holy crap, is this real? Or am I simply dreaming. Hollande wants to create a coalition with Russia to fight against ISIS.
Cameron and Obama both pointed out that the Russian military effort in Syria is very important.
POliticians words are cheap. one thing is what is said in front of camera and another is what they do behind it.. Celebrate only when you see Hollande shaking hands restoring relations with Assad and French planes taking off from Syria airports bombing Obama moderates and helping the Syrian army to capture land. Im skeptic but you never know.
Many says the attacks on paris were done by israel to get France aligned with Israeli
plans to destroy Syria..ie.. a blackmail on france with terror.. that if france do not join
Israel objectives it will experience more terrorism. But Minsk-2 peace deal between
Russia-France and germany is a solid proof that US does not have total control over
Germany and France policies.and they can rebel at times and even oppose US policies.
So we will need to wait and see ,what tricks France do after a month of bombing ,if they dont
"Accidentaly" bomb Syrian army.. or if indeed they are breaking from US and ISrael greater middle east project.