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    Syrian Civil War: News #4


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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Werewolf Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:00 pm

    Dima wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    How interesting... Suspect

    Assad is Not the Enemy of France, ISIL is - Hollande

    President Francois Holland said that the Islamic State is his country's biggest enemy, not Syrian president Bashar Assad.
    Hold on!!!
    Its just too early...
    Ollande regime cannot be trusted and any action/step need to taken only after analyzing the French actions on the ground/world. Same goes for the Ca-moron regime.

    Exactly and i still do not get anyone here falling for this crap. They never wanted and they do not want now to destroy ISIS because they are the main funders of it and it was only build up to destroy Syria and Assad and for no other reason. If you still want to ignore facts that the west is truelly evil to the core of its regime and you believe that just deaths of 127 random people they would switch the sides and their plans you are just as insane as the west. They do not care about civilians lives not to mention that most leaders of european nations are not the nationality which they propagate they are. Merkel is not german, Olande is not french, not to mention all the rest of scum that is constantly in EU parlament of non elected dictatorship council most of them have no nationality of the country they represent, the bigger majority are all veterans of Goldman-Sucks. The EU is filled with foreigners, liberals, neo-cons, zionazis and other filth columnists. You can't even say that they genuinely betray their countries because that is not their countries to begin with.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Dima Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:07 pm

    Found few cartoons on twitter, plz post it in the relevant thread if this is not the one. This is for the ollande regime and not for the ordinary French ppl who like anyone one else in this world just want to have a normal peaceful life with their near and dear ones.
    Syrian Civil War: News #4 CT3gRd3WUAA0Su6
    Syrian Civil War: News #4 CT45AI0WEAIdp1Y
    Syrian Civil War: News #4 CT7fI_DXAAAXxHA
    Syrian Civil War: News #4 CT834JHWEAEb19A

    Hope ppl have already given that dirty French magazine who pulled out cartoons on Russian a/c tragedy. If not someone do rub it in to the $hitty ba$tards of that magazine.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Werewolf Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:16 pm

    Actually i fully support another terror attack on Hebdo but this time blow up the entire fucking building, no innocents there anyway.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Dima Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:18 pm

    JohninMK wrote:It gets better, this is a later release on that speach. My highlights. So, Syria is worse than Iraq ever has been and Afganistan after 9/11. WOW!!!

    The aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle will set sail for the shores of Syria on Thursday, French President Francois Hollande said during a rare address to the congress of the National Assembly and the Senate in Versailles.

    "The sponsors of the attack in Paris must know that their crimes further strengthen the determination of France to fight and to destroy them," Hollande said. He vowed to increase France’s participation in the ongoing battle against ISIL in Syria, naming that country as "the largest terrorist factory the world has ever known."

    Hollande also called for a united and strong anti-ISIL coalition, saying that he will meet with the US and Russian leaders to discuss coordinating their efforts in the struggle against the Islamic State. "We are not in a war of civilizations. These assassins don’t represent a civilization. We are at war with jihadist terrorism which threatens the whole of the world and not only France," he declared.

    Hollande also said that he would formally request the parliament to extend the state of emergency declared in the aftermath of the attacks in Paris for three months.

    Read more:
    Let Ollande and camoron say whatever they want, but Syria and Russia need to stay on course and bomb the crap out of those international terrorists and be prepared for any eventuality. An earlier statement from Syrian Govt/military said that if the CDG is meant to strike the Syrian Govt/Military interests, then CDG and the entire Ollande flotilla will be delt with and thats exactly what needs to be done. Hope Syria have kept its anti-shipping assets ready as a precaution. If striking Ollande's Mediterranean group will send a clear message and help the rest of the morons to keep off, let it be so.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  iraqidabab Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:19 pm

    Obama called the attack in Paris an attack on the civilized world. I think this is how politicians look at it, some countries are grouped as uncivilized animals, their life's are cheap.

    I don't know if Obama is unaware but he actually insults many when he says an attack on the civilized world, he did not use that for the bombings in Beirut, Baghdad, Ankara, Volvograd or anywhere except the west.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Dima Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:22 pm

    Werewolf wrote:Actually i fully support another terror attack on Hebdo but this time blow up the entire fucking building, no innocents there anyway.
    Much better place would have been the Queens empire, so that ordinary Brits on the streets are unharmed.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Dima Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:24 pm

    Ivan Sidorenko ‏@IvanSidorenko1 2h2 hours ago

    #Syria #Latakia Photo taking this morning over #Tartus #Tartous Sea
    Syrian Civil War: News #4 CT8pnhYWsAAdImq

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Dima Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:29 pm

    iraqidabab wrote:Obama called the attack in Paris an attack on the civilized world. I think this is how politicians look at it, some countries are grouped as uncivilized animals, their life's are cheap.

    I don't know if Obama is unaware but he actually insults many when he says an attack on the civilized world, he did not use that for the bombings in Beirut, Baghdad, Ankara, Volvograd or anywhere except the west.
    The achievements of 'civilized" world

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Dima Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:39 pm

    Военный Советник ‏@miladvisor Nov 15

    New Map.Eastern #Idlib /south #Aleppo.
    Syrian Civil War: News #4 16112015_200

    See Idlib city will be around 28-30Km from where SAA is shown in the above map. An advance and "breaking the siege" of Kafarya and Al Fu'ah will be another big stuff after breaking the siege on Kuweries.

    Hope SAA and allies are planning to march right ahead from the Kuweries airbase to north to reach the Turkish border. Its is necessary for two reasons - 1) to cut off direct link from Turkish border to the terrorists and 2) The Kurdish forces on the east and west should not get linked. No problem with the Kurdish forces (especially YPG) as such, but the presence of US will complicate the matter. So SAA need to fill up all the areas that is currently under the control of the ISIS.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Monarchist Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:58 pm

    Does it surprise anyone?

    Russian foreign ministry: Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization. It's a legitimate political entity that we will continue having contact with.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Werewolf Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:52 pm

    Hezbolla is a legitimate political party only jews and west paints them as terrorists organisation, which is funny since half the israeli secret intellgience services have been formed from the jewish terror groups which where formed in 1946 to murder and expulde palestinians from their land, hell they have had "presidents" that are terrorists and netanyahjew is one of them.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Cyberspec Mon Nov 16, 2015 9:09 pm

    Dima wrote:Ivan Sidorenko ‏@IvanSidorenko1 2h2 hours ago

    #Syria #Latakia Photo taking this morning over #Tartus #Tartous Sea
    Syrian Civil War: News #4 CT8pnhYWsAAdImq

    Does this mean extra Mi-8's arrived?

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Vann7 Mon Nov 16, 2015 9:36 pm


    If we talk about international law, then what about Russia arming rebels in Donbas. Ukraine is a UN member and an internationally recognized sovereign country. If Russia arms rebels in Donbas, then by Russia's own standard that breaks
    international law since Russia officially recognizes the Poroshenko government and not rebels.

    Hold on there.. The Rebels in Novorosiya are not terrorist , the ones in Syria are. Pro Russian
    Rebels are fighting for their lives ,for their families and for their rights after an illegal coup against its democratically elected President was removed by force and a Tyranny came to power.
    You have the rights to fight any government whenever it does not allows you to live like a human being.  It might be "illegal" under that that tyranny .. but legal or not legal is not the same as correctness. Internationals laws are not correct always. Specially when it allows US and ISrael to break the laws at will but force every others to follow it. That said.. technically speaking Russia could be "violating" international laws with Annexation of Crimea and supporting Rebels in eastern of Ukraine.. But Morally speaking it will be completely
    wrong and incorrect for Russia to do nothing after US overthrow a legitimate government
    and installs Radicals hostiles to Russia in Power ,that start killing them. Russia actions were 100% aimed to save civilians and save its nation security..  US actions in the other hand in Syria is 100% aimed to kill civilians and destroy a nation.. so there is a Big difference the support Russia give to rebels in Ukraine and the Support that Americans give to so called rebels in Syria.. Russia actions saves lives and promote law and order and respect for minority rights.
    as is the case of Minsk-2 which is a document created 95% by Putin. While the actions of US ,and its dictators/zionist alliances is to promote violence,civilians killed and terrorism.

    What Russia is doing in Ukraine and what US coalition are doing in Syria are night and day different. Russia is not seeking to destroy Ukraine ,or to overthrow Poroshenko ,Russia rebels protect civilians from any side. While in Syria US is seeking to destroy Syria and overthrow Assad and rebels don't protect but kill any civilians not aligned with their cause. Russia promote
    peace while US and Israel and its middle east alliance promotes violence and war.. Big difference.  What Russia is doing in Ukraine might not be legal under UN laws..but its 100% legitimate and correct from humanitarian point of view.  Laws are man made rules and they are not always perfect. and not always is correct to follow them..whenever the life or security of people is at risk.

    Russia knows who shot down the Russian airliners. It was a bomb planted by IS. IS even claimed responsibility for it. IS never claims responsibility for something it has not done.
    Russia knows who did it and killed all 224 people on board. Russia knows.

    Because Russia wants to control the response ,it needs to delay the conclusion of the results.
    If for example Saudi Arabia or Israel or British intelligence was behind some say ,that a missile was fired from Israel..Then it will be on the interest on Russia to get 100% evidence of the author before any retaliation. Or if the attack was made by US or UK..Russia cannot start a world war 3 with nuclear weapons and kill millions for a plane with 300 people ,so it needs time to know first who really did it..and second study the best possible retaliation they can do,to that nations that can achieve its objectives to stop the nation from any future new aggression .

    Whenever it comes to war need to study the objectives and goals..and evaluate the best efficient way to achieve your objectives not just fight for the sake of revenge..without achieving any objective.

    If the attack on the Russian plane was done by a nation of the US will be in the interest on Russia to first get 100% evidence of who did it.. 100% clear ,seek support internationally for any military retaliation and ask its generals what kind of military response
    Russia can do that hurts the enemy a lot but and scare them so much that they do not do it again..but without starting a world war 3.

    If any major agression happens against Russia.. either terrorism or plane attack..
    It will be on the interest of Russia to get 100% solid evidence of Who did it and later get
    international support for a retaliation that could achieve your objectives to stop that nation from
    any more attacks.

    Holy crap, is this real? Or am I simply dreaming. Hollande wants to create a coalition with Russia to fight against ISIS.
    Cameron and Obama both pointed out that the Russian military effort in Syria is very important.

    POliticians words are cheap. one thing is what is said in front of camera and another is what they do behind it.. Celebrate only when you see Hollande shaking hands restoring relations with Assad and French planes taking off from Syria airports bombing Obama moderates and helping the Syrian army to capture land. Im skeptic but you never know.

    Many says the attacks on paris were done by israel to get France aligned with Israeli
    plans to destroy a blackmail on france with terror.. that if france do not join
    Israel objectives it will experience more terrorism.  But Minsk-2 peace deal between
    Russia-France and germany is a solid proof that US does not have total control over
    Germany and France policies.and they can rebel at times and even oppose US policies.
    So we will need to wait and see ,what tricks France do after a month of bombing ,if they dont
    "Accidentaly" bomb Syrian army.. or if indeed they are breaking from US and ISrael greater middle east project.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Vann7 Tue Nov 17, 2015 1:09 am

    What a bomb dropped dempsey in the Senate/congress hearings
    and largely ignore by Western Media.. US allies finance ISIS.. lol

    The more time it pass in this conflict.. the more obvious even for the
    most zombie americans that something is not right with what their government
    haven been doing for years in Syria. Cool


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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Nov 17, 2015 1:23 am

    Vann7 wrote:

    What a bomb dropped dempsey in the Senate/congress hearings
    and largely ignore by Western Media..  US allies finance ISIS..  lol

    The more time it pass in this conflict.. the more obvious even for the
    most  zombie americans that something is not right with what their government
    haven been doing for years in Syria. Cool

    Damn Gen. Dempsey is having NONE of that Bull, you can see how fucked up the situation is, when the military is sarcastically fronting the political elites.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Cyberspec Tue Nov 17, 2015 5:39 am

    I had to check twice I was really at the FT website after reading this   Wink

    Putin transformed from outcast to problem solver at G20


    And in other news....neocon mouthpiece, Michael Weiss comes out of the closet... pirat

    Syrian Civil War: News #4 CT-oD04UsAAeYOM

    Kataib al-Jabal Nabi Yunis (NDF unit) artillery position in #Latakia; including TOS-1A MRSL
    Syrian Civil War: News #4 CT-Y1aAVEAMdbTZ

    #Syria AQ/JN last propaganda release in Southern #Aleppo shows 2 HUMVEE used by pro-Assad forces (Iraqi, IRGC)

    Syrian Civil War: News #4 CT98ntjWsAAeSIJ

    more here:

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 17, 2015 6:35 am

    If we talk about international law, then what about Russia arming rebels in Donbas. Ukraine is a UN member and an internationally recognized sovereign country. If Russia arms rebels in Donbas, then by Russia's own standard that breaks
    international law since Russia officially recognizes the Poroshenko government and not rebels.

    The poroshenko government came to power through illegal means via force. The Russian government talks to them because they are shelling their own people and Russia wants them to stop... they can either talk to them or do what the west does... bomb them.

    The west would love the Russians to start bombing Kiev... it would fit their agenda for the region.

    By just talking the casualties are kept to a minimum, (compared with an all out war which would be brutal and devastating) and at some stage in the future when a vote is held the people in the Ukraine can have their say as to what their future becomes... whether that is the Ukraine splitting into two or more pieces... that is up to the people... not Russias military.

    I am sure the people in the east will not forget or forgive so easy...

    2 HUMVEE used by pro-Assad forces (Iraqi, IRGC)

    Just proves you can improve any only crap piece of US kit by fitting a 14.5mm HMG to it... Twisted Evil

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Vann7 Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:11 am

    What will be the ideal utopian Hardware that Russia could pick from its inventory in terms of armored vehicles and infantry vehicles for Russia to use in Syria.. if they wanted to fight the Terrorist and start clearing cities too?  and the Gun caliber?

    in other words which armored fighting vehicles is ideal to kill 50,000 terrorist (soft targets)
    in Urban warfare that are very spread in the terrain and armed some of them with TOWs and mortars and artillery.

    I was thinking in about 200-300 x of this ..

    Syrian Civil War: News #4 2008_Moscow_May_Parade_Rehearsal_-_BMP-3

    armed with counter electronics if possible and with anti tank missiles defenses.
    Have a 100mm gun that can launch artillery or anti tank rockets and also have a 30mm gun..
    and with counter electronics and ability to deflect lazer guided weapons and ToW.

    No idea what else maybe a 65mm cannon?

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:38 am

    Dima wrote:Ivan Sidorenko ‏@IvanSidorenko1 2h2 hours ago

    #Syria #Latakia Photo taking this morning over #Tartus #Tartous Sea
    Syrian Civil War: News #4 CT8pnhYWsAAdImq

    Checking if Charlies can surf? lol1

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:38 am

    Cyberspec wrote:I had to check twice I was really at the FT website after reading this   Wink

    Putin transformed from outcast to problem solver at G20

    Paywall, can you copy the text here?


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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Erk Tue Nov 17, 2015 1:19 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Cyberspec wrote:I had to check twice I was really at the FT website after reading this   Wink

    Putin transformed from outcast to problem solver at G20

    Paywall, can you copy the text here?


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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  ultron Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:53 pm

    Can Tu bombers be deployed to Latakia air base to bomb?
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Tue Nov 17, 2015 5:30 pm

    ultron wrote:Can Tu bombers be deployed to Latakia air base to bomb?
    Is there a need for that? They can conduct sorties from North Ossetia-Alania.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  JohninMK Tue Nov 17, 2015 6:37 pm

    I know that AlJazeera can be a bit suspect and may be just stirring it here but, it fits in with what seems to have been the US bombing strategy over the past year or so.

    However, a media activist in Raqqa, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Al Jazeera on Tuesday that French air strikes had targeted abandoned ISIL bases in the suburbs of the city where there are no civilians or ISIL fighters. "It has been two insane nights. Abandoned ISIL posts were targeted at the entrance of the city, along with ISIL checkpoints and several other points. Electricity and water have been cut off as supply lines were hit too. "We can confirm that there were no civilians killed or injured in the latest French air strikes.

    The Syrian activist in Raqqa said that in the past few days Russian air strikes had caused the most destruction. "Last week, Russian air strikes destroyed one of the main bridges in the city in addition to the national hospital. Most hospitals in the city have been destroyed in Raqqa," he said. "Russian air strikes have resulted in so much destruction. If these countries wanted to bomb the heartland of ISIL, they could have done so. But they still have not targeted the group's most important bases.

    "This is what we do not understand. The targets bombed by French warplanes were mostly abandoned by ISIL fighters. "Raqqa is devastated. Raqqa has endured the unbearable and we live in fear under ISIL's dictatorship. "A lot of people fled the the city. In fact, most refugees heading to Europe are from Raqqa.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #4

    Post  Monarchist Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:05 pm

    Why Iran and Russia aren't as closely aligned on Syria as you might think

    TEHRAN, Iran — Common and immediate objectives have united Iran and Russia on Syria in the short run, and this unity will probably be flexed against the West’s influence in the long term. However, when it comes to some key aspects of Syria’s future — including the nature of the government and the rebuilding of the Syrian military — differences between Tehran and Moscow are bound to come to the surface.

    Despite the shared short-term goals that have currently united them on Syria, Iran and Russia's differences over Syria's future are bound to lead them into conflict.
    Author Saheb Sadeghi Posted November 10, 2015

    In broad terms, Iran and Russia have embarked on the same path and entered a new phase of the geopolitical game in Syria. A major power, Russia is trying to redefine its role in the world, as evidenced by its actions in Ukraine and Syria. After 40 years, Moscow has returned to the Middle East to prove that today’s world is different — and multipolar. Iran’s strategy also revolves around redefining its geopolitical role. Iran’s game in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and even Yemen shouldn't be considered only from an ideological point of view, but rather as the Islamic Republic seeking what can be defined as living space.

    In the short run, both Iran and Russia will attempt to preserve Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s position, help him maintain the territory his government now controls and retake territories that the Syrian army has recently lost. There is also the consideration of Russia seeking to test its new weapons and air force. In sum, the obvious aim is to weaken the position of Assad’s opponents in Syria as much as possible, and this short-term objective will ensure the current Iranian-Russian unity.

    Yet despite this unity, Moscow and Tehran have serious differences over the future of Syria.

    Moscow and Damascus have traditionally been allies. In the past decades, Russia has been the largest exporter of weaponry to Syria, with Tartus serving as the main logistical hub for Russian arms shipments. Moreover, many Syrian commanders and senior officers have been trained in Russia. In this vein, the structure and equipment of the Syrian military depend on Moscow. Russia is thus pursuing the revival of the Syrian military as its leverage in the country, with the belief that the only way to influence the future of Syria is through restoring the Syrian military to its condition before the eruption of the civil war in 2011 — in other words, a secular army that can easily be controlled.

    Iran, on the other hand, has chosen a completely different path. When Iran saw that the Syrian army was near collapse, it sought to strengthen irregular forces made up of volunteers. The Islamic Republic thus established a massive force composed of Alawites. The latter has now become the main force combating the different armed opposition groups and is more powerful than the Syrian army on the battlefield. These volunteer forces, which number about 200,000 men, take orders from Iran rather than the Syrian government. According to some reports, about 20,000 Shiites from Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan have also joined them. These forces may very well come to play an important role in the future of Syria. Moreover, the Islamic Republic hopes to use them as a viable alternative to the Assad government. This strategy is not unique to Syria but also encompasses Iranian policy toward Iraq, Lebanon and even Yemen. In Lebanon, Hezbollah is at least as powerful as the Lebanese army. In Iraq, Iran-backed Shiite militias are now the main pillars of the country’s armed forces. Moreover, the Yemen army has been incorporated into the popular Ansar Allah forces.

    Iran and Russia also differ on the future political orientation of the Syrian state. For Iran, it is vital that the future Syrian political system maintains an anti-Israeli stance and continues to act as a bridge between Tehran and Hezbollah. In contrast, Russia is not concerning itself with these matters and is even outright avoiding them. Indeed, Israel and Russia have held several meetings in the past few months at the political and military levels to find common ground on Syria. The two sides have agreed on avoiding probable military confrontation in the skies over Syria, and Moscow has even committed itself to preventing Hezbollah from obtaining Russian arms. It has also pledged to impede actions against Israel by pro-government militias and Hezbollah forces in the Golan Heights. Of note, Israel — unlike its Western allies — has not adopted or expressed a negative stance toward the Russian military presence in Syria, signaling that Moscow does not want Syria's future political system to maintain an anti-Israeli posture. In this vein, it should be borne in mind that Israel and Russia have also recently been building good relations and even signed contracts related to trade in advanced weaponry in addition to bilateral military exchanges. Indeed, the bigger picture shows that one of the main goals of Russia in Syria is to get more concessions from Europe and the United States on the issue of Ukraine.

    Thus, the possibility of a compromise between Moscow and Washington is not far-fetched and may very well even be reached at the expense of Iran’s interests. In this vein, it seems that Russia and the United States do have the potential to come together over the future of Syria. The common threat posed by radical Islamists along with the lack of a viable alternative presented by Syrian liberals is inducing Russian-American consideration of someone from the Syrian Baath Party as a successor to Assad. At a joint press conference with his Russian counterpart after the first meeting on Syria in Vienna, US Secretary of State John Kerry announced that the two countries share a commitment to the idea of a secular and democratic Syria. Russia’s discontentment with Iran’s influence in Syria can be detected in the words of President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with Assad, when he — without mentioning Iran’s role over the past few years in helping the Syrian government — said, “The Syrian people have resisted and fought international terrorism practically alone for several years now.”

    In short, the differences between Iran and Russia over the future of Syria appear to be quite serious. Yet, these differences are not out in the open as the two countries are trying to achieve common and short-term goals for now. Moreover, it should not be overlooked that Russia is concerned that Iran and the West will narrow the gap between them in the aftermath of the nuclear deal, and that Moscow is therefore trying to show that it enjoys close ties with Tehran. Therefore, it is obvious that with the start of negotiations on the transition of power in Syria and disarmament of different armed groups in the post-Islamic State era, differences between Iran and Russia will inevitably come to the fore.

    Good analysis.

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