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    Syrian Civil War: News #3


    Posts : 174
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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Siempre_Leal Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:39 pm

    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Siempre_Leal wrote:More of those AR variants in Syria pics from this year.
    Aaaaand you just won an up vote. Thanks Siempre. A1 flash hider. Sayyad hand guard, no windage knob, old forward assist shape. What's surprising is the fact they use it as DMR.

    youre welcome and thanks lol.....

    bingo! I was thinking the exact thing.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  arpakola Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:29 pm

    lot of info here,..>>

    The Rise of Russia on the Warm Seas: A brief look at Russia's military in Syria - November, 2015

    The Rise of Russia on the Warm Seas: A brief look at Russia's military in Syria - November, 2015
    My blog commentary this month comes as a prelude to an important military assessment produced by this blog's resident military analyst we all affectionately call Zoravar. Comrade Zoravar's lucid work titled "The Rise of Russia on the Warm Seas: A brief look at Russia's military in Syria" appears immediately below this commentary. Please feel free to skip right to it.

    As I announced in my previous blog commentary, in a historic turn-of-events, the embattled Shi'ite Arc was suddenly been reinforced by the Russian Bear. The Syrian government has been saved and a zone of Shi'ite influence (or what has remained of it after the carnage of the past four years) has been preserved. This unexpected move by Russia has given Lebanon's Hezbollah, Syria's Alawites and Iraq's Shiites a new lease on life and hope for the future. I hope to see this extend to Yemen's Houthis as well. And I want to see the strengthening of Iranian influence throughout the Middle East. Moscow should not have any reservations about a greater Middle Eastern role for Iran. Moscow should realize that Tehran does not have any territorial claims on Russia nor does Russia have a significant Shiite population. Moscow should realize that due to the region's Sunni majority, a greater Iranian role in the Middle East will not pose any long-term problems because Iranian influence will be strictly confined to Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. The only place where Iranian and Russian interests can potentially have disagreements is in the Caspian Sea region and in nations like Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. Comparatively speaking, these would be trivial matters that can be negotiated between the two powers.

    Ultimately, Kremlin officials need to recognize that if cultivated/seeded properly, the arc of Iranian influence, an arching swath of land stretching essentially from southern Lebanon to western Afghanistan, can also be a zone where Russians have significant influence. More importantly, for Moscow, the Shi'ite Arc can also act as an effective geopolitical buffer against Salafist/Wahhabist Islamic extremism and Western, Israeli, Turkish and Saudi expansionism.

    The Russian Bear needs to therefore continue assisting this budding arc of Iranian influence in the Middle East for two fundamental reasons: 1) As a measure to maintain and increase its military and political presence in the strategic region; 2) As a long-term countermeasure against Western-backed Sunni extremism. Preventing Syria from turning into another failed state like Libya and Afghanistan is part of the reason why Moscow has decided to militarily intervene. Kremlin officials realize that if left unchecked, Islamic extremists will eventually appear once again in the Caucasus and Central Asia. Russia is therefore throwing the first, preventative punch. President Putin couldn't have been any clearer. If Moscow is unable to help the Shi'ite Arc become a permanent fixture in the Middle East, it runs the risk of losing its strategic foothold in Syria and the region in general runs the risk of descending into chaos. It's encouraging for me to see that the important task of forging an "alliance between Russia, Syria, Iraq and Iran" is gaining wider recognition today -
    "Shiite arc" - the new reality in the Middle East?:
    Assad: Russia, Iran, Iraq alliance against terror must succeed:
    Iraqi Shiite Politicians Call for Russian Airstrikes on Islamic State:

    Iran lobbied for Russian campaign in Syria , officials say:

    Popularity of 'Putin the Shiite' sky high in Iraq:
    Regardless of what it is called or how it is characterized, it is important to realize that the Russian-backed Shi'ite Arc exists today. It was therefore highly symbolic that the Syrian President traversed the Shi'ite corridor on his way to Moscow to meet with the Russian president. The short visit to Moscow was highly symbolic in that it was President Assad's first travel abroad since the start of the civil war in Syria. It signaled to the global community that his government has survived and that any solution to the Syrian tragedy can only be possible through him as well as through Russia and Iran. Moscow and Iran are now setting the political tone in the Middle East and Western powers have no choice but to accept it. A new political era is dawning in the Middle East. All this came just in the nick of time for Syria was slowly heading towards complete disintegration.

    Moscow's military intervention

    Moscow's decision to militarily intervene in Syria was probably reached last summer after Russian officials had closed-door negotiations with Iranian officials. With the decision having been made, the first phase of Russia's military intervention in Syria was the movement of military hardware into Syria, done mostly covertly. The second phase was the commencement of airstrikes to stabilize the tactical situation on the battlefield and to deter regional powers from invading Syria. The next phase, the phase we are currently in, will be the liberation of strategic territories in Syria currently under occupation by Western-backed Islamist forces. And speaking of strategic territories, the ancient city of Aleppo is no doubt one them. Needless to say, Syria's enemies will now respond by increasing their support for the jihadis. For the foreseeable future, the Russian air force will be providing combat air support and the Syrian army, bolstered by troops from Lebanon, Iraq and Iran will be carrying out combat operations on the ground. Under the cover of Russian attack helicopters and ground attack aircraft, pro-Syrian forces are already advancing on several fronts throughout Syria.

    The Russian airstrikes have been so successful that Western forces have been forced to send troops into Syria to essentially act as human shields. In my opinion, the downing of the Russian airliner in Egypt was also a by-product of Russia's recent advances in the Middle East. The tragedy revealed two things: If it is proven that Islamic terrorists did indeed down the aircraft, it is yet another proof that Islamic terrorism is being controlled (directly or indirectly) by Western powers, Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Ask yourselves: If a group like Al Qaeda or ISIS had the capability to bring down airliners and if there really was a Western-led war against Islamic terrorism, wouldn't you think that such terror groups would have attacked a Western, Israeli, Turkish or Saudi airliners by now? The other thing that this latest tragedy revealed is just how much contempt Western powers have towards Russians. After watching how extensively Western news media covered the German and Malaysian airliner incidents, I am shocked at how little coverage the downed Russian airliner is getting.

    Involved in a major military operation in a nation far from its borders, Moscow has signaled to the world that it is back in the game. In fact, the degree of Moscow's involvement in the Middle East is unprecedented. The fact that Moscow has deployed some of its most modern gadgets, tanks and warplanes and has commenced combat air operations in Syria underscores the strategic importance the Kremlin is placing on Syria and Russia's role in the region. Russia's strong military presence along the eastern Mediterranean Sea also signals that for the foreseeable future the Russian Bear will be a permanent fixture in the region's landscape and regional powers will have to take this new reality on the ground into account. Russia has finally realized its dream of establishing a naval presence in the warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

    With the Russian Bear back in the Middle East, Israeli officials are gradually coming to the sobering realization that they no longer enjoy total military supremacy in the region. Having been militarily checked by the Russian Bear, Uncle Sam has been made to swallow its imperial pride and sign a "deconflicting" deal, which essentially gives Russians the right to enforce a no fly zone over government held territory in Syria.

    Uncle Sam is in a serious predicament. With Russia having suddenly hijacked Washington's narrative about fighting terrorism in the Middle East, American officials are now perplexed: What should the US do, put aside Western interests and help Russia defeat Islamic terrorists and in doing so help the Syrian government survive, or preserve Western interests in the region and derail the Russian effort in Syria by helping jihadis? Uncle Sam's predicament can be vividly seen in the following news articles -
    U.S. to Iraq: If Russia helps you fight ISIS, we can't:

    West refuses to share intel on ISIS with Russia - MoD:

    American Killed in Raid to Rescue Prisoners in Iraq:
    The special forces raid in Iraq was meant to show the world that the US is still a power-broker in the region. Uncle Sam wanted to show the world that it is still tough and that it is courageously fighting ISIS. But the effort was a failure not because one of Uncle Sam's special forces commanders was killed in the raid, but because the people Uncle Sam supposedly wanted to rescue were not present at the prison. In other words, US special forces freed people they had no intention of freeing and lost a veteran military operative in the process.

    What a difference a few years makes. What is happening is a historic milestone in global affairs and a drastic reversal of roles between Russia and the US. Make no mistake about it, this is the dawning of a new era. What is happening in the Middle East is a tectonic shift in geopolitics. While the Great Game between regional powers is no way near an end, as if overnight, the Middle East has been transformed and a new geopolitical landscape has clearly begun to form. As we watch President Putin's Russia make its moves in Syria, we are watching history in the making, and it's fascinating. The nation that we were told was isolated and was on the brink of a collapse has suddenly become a global player and is currently given the global community some shock and awe of its own.

    Seven years ago, Washingtonian rednecks were making fun of Russia's "rusting" navy when Moscow sent a warship to Venezuela. Two years ago, the warmongering freak known as John McCain guaranteed the American public that Russia was too weak to act in Syria. Last year, the House Negro bragged that Russia "does not make anything" and Western "economists" were predicting that it was the "end of the line" for the Russia's economy. More recently, however, Westerners have begun to fear Russia's military and US military officials have been very impressed with Russia's military performance in Syria. Suddenly, political observers in the West are envisioning a lesser role for the self-styled world cop.

    The Russian military is once again raising many eyebrows around the world. After about two decades of decay, Russia's armed forces has begun making great strides. The difference between the Russian force that entered Georgia back in 2008 and the Russian force than entered Crimea in 2014 is like the difference between night and day. The Russian Bear was in deep hibernation during the 1990s as its military hardware lay rusting and its military industrial complex struggled for survival. The Russian Bear abruptly awakened in 2008, but was a bit sluggish. Crimea and Syria are proof that the Russian Bear is now fully awake, hungry and somewhat angry. Syria is now the perfect place to put Russia's newly developed weapons systems (some of it the finest in the world) and recently acquired knowledge to good use. Confined wars such as the one in Syria are the perfect place to test weapons, fine-tune military hardware and garner combat experience. Western militaries have been doing this in the Middle East since 1991. It's Russia's turn now.

    Western forces are outclassed by Russia's military

    Many around the world today are shocked by Russia's unexpected military intervention in Syria. For that matter, they were also shocked when Moscow sent troops into Georgia back in 2008. They were also shocked when Russia annexed Crimea back in 2014. I guess people continue being surprised because of the depth to which Russia had sunk to in the 1990s, a time when Chechen separatists brought the post-Soviet Russian army to its knees. With Western military running amok around the world with impunity, no one expected the Russian military to recover so quickly and so thoroughly. But it did. The Russian military is back and in many regards it is better than ever.

    Many observers around the world today are asking why has there not been a discernible response by the "greatest military" in the world? Many are asking why does Washington seem so helpless? Why is the US military ceding strategic territory to Russia? Why does Uncle Sam look so impotent as of late? As I said in my previous commentary, the problem the US has today has nothing to do with the miserable House Negro in the White House. Simply put: The problem for Washington is that the US military has finally met its match and it can no longer act with impunity in the Middle East. Military observers around the world today are coming to the realization that the Russian military today is a formidable force, a force to be reckoned with. I want to bring the readers' attention once more to an interesting comment President Putin made back in 2012 -
    "We have more aces up our sleeve that would push our Western colleagues and partners to a more constructive dialogue than we have seen before. What do I mean why this? Just a few years ago, as I know, they used to speak of us among their fellow allies as follows: "Russia could tinker with its military as much as it wants, we are not the least interested in what's happening there. All they have is rusted-out junk." But this is not true. Today, it's a different game"
    Ever since Russia reportedly prevented a Western-led military aggression against Syria back in September, 2013, the military calculus in the Middle East seems to have changed quite drastically. The West has ceded initiative in Syria and is pulling back militarily because it does not want to get into a situation where Russian forces make them look like the paper tigers that they are. Western powers have been defeated on the battlefield and they are embarrassed, that is why mainstream news media in the US did not report the recent incidents involving the US Predator drones -
    Two armed US Predator drones crash in Iraq, Turkey:
    Two US operated Predator drones, one patrolling on the Turkish border with Syria and the other over Iraq were brought down last week within a couple of days of each other. Russians were known to be shadowing US operated drones throughout the conflict theater. Curiously, Western officials and Western media have been silent about the incidents. I have no doubt Russians brought down the pilotless aircraft essentially to bring US officials to the "deconflicting" table. US military leaders have been made to recognize that they no longer have military leverage against Russia. Moscow has been developing cutting-edge weapons systems that are capable of rendering US weapons obsolete. Some of these weapons are very likely stationed in Syria. This is perhaps why President Assad had been confident of a final victory. What I am essentially saying is that the US military today is outclassed by weapons being produced by Russia's military industrial complex -
    Russian Plasma Weapon:
    Russian systems of electromagnetic weapon:
    Electromagnetic weapon of Russia:
    What frightened the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?:
    New U.S. Stealth Jet Can’t Hide From Russian Radar:
    Pentagon Worries That Russia Can Now Outshoot U.S. Stealth Jets:
    Meet The Russian "Avtobaza" - Iran's Possible Drone Killer:
    Take the information provided above into close consideration when reading the following comments made by President Obama recently in response to Hillary Clinton's criticism for his inaction against Russian actions in Syria -
    “She was, obviously, my secretary of state. But I also think that there’s a difference between running for president and being president, and the decisions that are being made and the discussions that I’m having with the Joint Chiefs become much more specific and require, I think, a different kind of judgment. I think Hillary Clinton would be the first to say that when you’re sitting in the seat that I’m sitting in, in the Situation Room, things look a little bit different”
    What President Obama was essentially saying was this: Having assessed the situation at hand, high ranking military officials in Washington recognize that they have no military options available against what Russia is doing inside Syria. Therefore, the US will not respond in any tangible way, even if Russian airstrikes are indeed targeting US-backed rebel strongholds, shadowing US operated drones and threatening NATO member Turkey.

    There are a number of military related articles posted below this commentary. Please read them to better understand the military aspect of what's going on in the region. Bluntly put, there are weapons systems today that can disable and render useless satellites, communications, computers, radars, missiles, ships and aircraft. Simply put: There are weapons that can disable anything that is operated electronically. Such weapons systems was how the super high tech US spy drone, the Sentinel, was hijacked over Iran back in 2011; how Russian forces stopped a missile attack against Syria back in 2013; how USS Donald Cook was essentially shutdown after it entered the Black Sea and encountered a single Russian aircraft; and why two US operated Predator drones crashed within days apart more recently. The more technologically advanced a military is, the more vulnerable it becomes to countermeasures.

    It is long known that Russia excels in ballistic missile technology. Now, electronic warfare seems to be a field that Russians are also excelling in. But it's not only electronic warfare and ballistic missiles that Russia is making a name in. Innovative weapons platforms like the 5th generation PAK-FA T-50, 4th-plus generation SU-34, surface to air missile systems like the S-400 and robotized tanks like the T-14 Armata are state-of-the-art weapons platforms that either equal their Western counterparts or excel them.

    The reason why Western powers were taken aback when a Russian warship stationed in the Caspian Sea struck about a dozen targets in Syria was because of size, the size of the ship and the weapon in question. A small cruise missile stationed on a relatively small warship was able to navigate at low altitude (to avoid radar detection) and accurately deliver a warhead around one thousand miles away. From a military perspective, it means that large numbers of combat aircraft and small naval vessels can be equipped with such cruise missiles - armed with nuclear warheads - and accurately hit targets over one thousand miles away and there is no defense against them. Suddenly, NORAD's radars and the great oceans that once made Uncle Sam feel secure has all but dissipated. This was the real significance of the cruise missile strike in Syria, but don't expect to hear about it on CNN or read about it in the Wall Street Journal.

    Nevertheless, this is a new a new era not only in the Middle East but also in warfare. The more technologically advanced a military is, the more vulnerable it is to electronic countermeasures. Western forces and the Zionist state today no longer enjoy military supremacy in the region and they can therefore no longer go on reckless military adventures anymore.This is a new era in warfare and Syria has become a theater where newly developed Russian weapons systems are being showcased and tested in live combat - thus far, with astonishing results.

    No military, including the US military, will risk the prospect of facing these new weapons in a high stakes war. In other words, the US is no longer facing a third world army or some paramilitary force that it has gotten so used to fighting in recent years. This is why we are seeing the US military stand down. With that said, I do not think the US presence in Syria or Iraq will disappear any time soon. They are too deep into the mess they have created. More importantly for them, there is simply too much at stake in the region - not the least of which is the protection of the Zionist state as well as the preservation of pro-Western Arab monarchies in the Persian Gulf region. I therefore think there will be a negotiated settlement in the end. All parties currently involved in Syria now recognize this political inevitability. Impacting the war's political aftermath is the main reason why Moscow entered the fight. For now, however, they have to prop-up government forces by pushing back rebels from certain strategic areas. That is what the current airstrikes are accomplishing. Going forward, the struggle will be over who get what. Nevertheless, with Russia now firmly entrenched in Syria and with Iran gradually shedding its isolation, the Shi'ite zone of influence cutting horizontally right through the Middle East can potentially bring peace and political parity to the region.

    Allow me to remind the reader once more that this is not the 1990s and a Western-backed drunk is not in power in the Kremlin. Russia's military has gone through a drastic makeover in recent years and is today modern fighting force. Man-for-man, I would dare say that Russia's military today is better than its Soviet predecessor. Man-for-man, I have no doubt that the Russian military is better than any military in existence today, including Western ones. Russian military might is the reason why we are seeing Western powers back down and give the Russian Bear freedom of movement. Pretty soon, the only threatening weapon the West will have left will be the US Dollar. I am glad President Putin is working on neutralizing that threat as well.

    The Western military is a paper tiger

    Scify looking "special ops" troops... stealth bombers... fifth generation fighters... pilot-less drones spying from the skies... aircraft carrier groups roaming the oceans... hundreds of impressive military installations based around the world... bombing tribal villages... killing women and children... terrorizing third world populations... I'm really not all that impressed by the Western war machine. Omit the nuclear factor, Western militaries are paper tigers that only excel at sexual assaults, drug abuse and suicide and of course committing atrocities against third world populations.

    If I had to described Western military in a few words, it would be the following: Drug induced, multiracial and sexually deviant hordes armed with exorbitantly priced fancy gadgets that don't always work.

    When the celebration of gay marriages and mass shootings continue making news headlines around the Western world, you know western civilization is in steep decline. A civilization in decline will often have a military in decline as well and the Western world is not an exception to this rule. The Western spirit today is totally devoid of its foundational inspiration, Christian ideology and identity. The very concept of the traditional family (humankind's time proven institution) in the Western world has been deformed beyond recognition. Western societies have become utterly dumbed-down. Western men have become demasculinized. Western women have lost their femininity. Inundated by materialism, celebrity worship, ultraliberalism, interracialism, multiculturalism and sexual decadence Western societies have lost the true meaning of culture and morality as well as a general sense of direction.

    Overmedicated, overentertained, overweight, overregulated and undereducated, Americans have become a very strange hybrid within the human race. Washington itself has been hijacked by money-men, mega-corporations and self-serving special interests. Without God, family and country, Westerners have become instinct driven animals on a constant search for self-gratification. The cultural decline the Western world is suffering from is also being felt in its armed forces. Historic rates of suicides, substance abuse and sexual abuse is now the new norm, particularly in the US military. Moreover, the Pentagon has become a den of extreme corruption and criminality and the US military establishment remains for the most part dangerously overconfident of its abilities. More significantly, the US military establishment remains overdependent on comfort and technology - and the only combat experience they have had in recent decades has come against third world militaries and backward tribes.

    Historically, Anglo-American militaries (particularly their land forces) have never been very effective in combat against equals. Napoleon's outnumbered, outgunned and utterly exhausted army in 1815 was defeated by German Prussians, not the British, as Anglo historians want you to believe. Anglo-American-French forces did not militarily defeat Germany during the First World War, Germany surrendered due to domestic and financial problems. Nazi Germany was defeated only when the Soviet Union turned the tide of the war in 1943 as a result of a series of German military blunders on the eastern front. Japan only surrendered when the US resorted to using atomic bombs. In both world wars, the US entered the European theater of war during its closing stages, when the war's end was clearly in sight. The Korean war was a stalemate. The Vietnam war was a defeat. Western powers didn't dare engage the Serbian army in ground warfare in 1999. Afghanistan and Iraq wars have been failures for the most part. Libya was less like a war and more like an armed robbery of a wealthy yet vulnerable nation. Finally, the Western war machine's impotence was highlighted in Syria most recently.

    I am a student of military history and I cannot think of a war during which Western forces were able to comprehensibly defeat a truly powerful foe on the battlefield without third party assistance and/or without using weapons of mass destruction. Yet, due to Western successes (albeit limited) against African, Middle Eastern and Central Asian tribesmen in recent years - as well as ubiquitous movies, novels and television programming celebrating US military prowess - most people today simply assume that Western militaries are formidable on the modern battlefield. Western military strength is more a matter perception and hype than reality. But as long as they continue producing blockbuster films such as Top Gun, American Sniper, The Expendables, Zero Dark Thirty and Flags of our Fathers, the global sheeple will continue believing in the perceived invincibility of Western militaries. It can therefore rightfully be said that the Western world's greatest weapon is Hollywood (and of course the US Dollar). The reality is that Western militaries are not all that impressive under closer scrutiny. Therefore, take my advise and don't believe the hype.

    For the Western soldier war fighting has been very comfortable and I would even say fun, like a video game! Imagine, just the cost for keeping American troops air-conditioned(!) in Iraq and Afghanistan was many times more than the entire national defense budgets of most nations on earth today.

    With that said, a vast majority of the combat arsenal in Western inventories today are in fact Cold War era productions. The modern but ridiculously expensive stealth aircraft such as the B-2, F-22 and the F-35 are too impractical and in some cases too flawed. Such weapons systems only serve to deplete state coffers and provide a false sense of security. And the world famous aircraft carrier battle groups, the pride of the US navy for decades, are in reality only good at terrorizing third world populations into compliance because such naval vessels on the open seas would be worthless against a modern military armed with modern submarines and aircraft carrying anti-ship missiles. The US and Britain have traditionally been air and naval powers. Such powers are never truly successful militarily on land - where it matters the most. While the West surpasses (thus far) the capabilities of Russia on the open oceans and perhaps in the air, Russia will by the end of this decade have by-far the most capable land force on earth. Russia will therefore be the most formidable military on the Eurasian continent. But, even today, Russia could hold its own against Western air and naval forces by utilizing its highly sophisticated electronic countermeasures and anti-ship/aircraft guided missiles.

    Take away their technology (and nuclear weapons) and Western troops, particularly Anglo-Americans, are a bunch of sissies. Ironically, the only sector of American society that has a natural knack for war fighting is the country's southern and mid-western white, gun toting, christian off-springs of European settlers - the same group of people Washingtonians are trying very hard today to mongrelize and castrate. Therefore, with the frontier spirit in America dying, Russians today have become the scariest white people.

    At the end of the day, when it comes to raw fighting abilities, I'd pick patriotic Slavic Russians and their very lethal, efficient, practical and innovative weapons systems over anything else on earth today.

    I have been very impressed with the professionalism of the Russian military and the warrior spirit of Russian society. Russians have proven immune to the decaying effects of westernization and globalism. Consequently, the warrior gene historically prevalent within Russian society remains alive and well today. We have been seeing this Russian trait on vivid display in Georgia, Novorossiya and in Syria. Russian military interventions in recent years have shown us that what Russian troops do in real life, Western troops are only capable of doing in Hollywood movies.

    Let's recall that seven years ago, with barely over ten thousand troops armed with terribly obsolete military hardware, Russia was able to comprehensively crush Georgia's Western/Israeli/Turkish armed and trained military in a matter of two or three days. Moscow has since spent hundreds-of-billions of dollars modernizing its armed forces. We vividly saw the results of this effort in the brilliant way in which Crimea was secured by Russian troops in the spring of 2014.

    Today, Russia has the technology to detect and take down stealth aircraft and the anti-ship missiles to sink every single opposing warship within the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea within the first few days of a war's outbreak. This isn't 1853, hitting even the best Western warships on the open seas today would be like shooting fish in a barrel for the Russian navy, air force and land-based anti-ship missile systems. A few US warships at the bottom of the sea in the first few days of a war with a power like Russia will make Western forces either withdraw or contemplate a response with nuclear weaponry. Since they are not ready to do either, they will not risk any form of direct confrontation with a power like Russia. In short: If a war breaks out, Russia's armed forces today are capable of establishing and maintaining air and ground superiority throughout Eurasia.

    As decadent and evil as Western powers are, Western officials are not insane enough to risk a world war, especially one that has the potential to go nuclear. Western forces will not risk direct combat with Russia. As evil as they may be, Western officials are not crazy enough, they do not have the military capabilities necessary and they do not have the political will - or courage or the financial resources or the public support - to directly engage Russia in any form of military combat. This realization is essentially why John Kohen Kerry wants the world to know that the US "will use 21st century tools to hold Russia accountable for 19th century behavior". In other words, Washington will stick to its worthless sanctions against Russia... something that will in fact prove counterproductive for the Western world in the long-term, as it will force Russia and its allies to move away from the US Dollar thereby weakening the currency's global dominance.

    In closing, I would again like to once again point out that the Russian Bear's presence in the Middle East is preventing a new genocide. Exactly one hundred years ago the Russian Empire was similarly protecting Ottoman Armenians from assured annihilation. The protection worked quite well. As late as 1917, Russian troops were holding a battlefront against Turks as far west as Trabizon, Bitlis and Mush. The Western-financed Bolshevik revolution in Russia however forced Russian troops out of the region and the tragic result was the first genocide of the twentieth century. And as if that was not enough, what was left of historic Armenia in Turkey and Cilicia was simply abandoned by the victorious allies; namely the Britain, France and the US. If Bashar Assad's enemies got their way in Syria, we would have witnessed the first genocide of the twenty-first century. There is no doubt about that.

    What Moscow has done in Syria is a historic milestone in global affairs and its repercussions will be felt for decades to come. While the Great Game in the region is no way near an end, as if overnight, the Middle East has been transformed and a new geopolitical landscape is being formed as we watch. We are watching history in the making and once again Russia is at the forefront. Therefore, let's all pray for the health and well being of the great Russian nation because Russia today is a rising global power and a bringer of sanity, ethics, structure and balance to global affairs. Russia today is the last front against Western globalism, American expansionism, Zionism, Islamic extremism and pan-Turkism. Russia today is the last hope for the preservation of the traditional nation-state, conservative family values, apostolic Christianity and classical western civilization and adherence to international law. I cannot even begin to imagine a world today without the existence of the Russian nation.

    The great leader of the Russian nation Vladimir Putin - who has been enjoying an astounding approval rating of nearly 90% - has been quite literally God sent. The role Russia is playing on earth today is that of a savior. Russia is in fact fighting evil. Much to the chagrin of Westerners, more-and-more voices in the Middle East are saying "thank God for Russia". Russia's job is therefore sacred. President Putin is the man and Russia is the nation humanity needs to rally around if we hope to defeat the evil emanating from the Anglo-American-Jewish world order. We can no longer continue tolerating the Anglo-American-Jewish world order. President Putin echoed the sentiments of many millions of people around the world when he spoke the following words at the much anticipated address be gave at the UN: "we can no longer tolerate the current state of affairs in the world". The Russian president went on to give one of his finest speeches of his illustrious career. Even his enemies were envious. President Putin was announcing to the world that the old order was no longer valid and that a new global order, a multipolar global order was forming - with Russia in the lead.

    Now, without any further ado, I would like to present to you comrade Zoravar's assessment of Russia's military intervention in Syria. Please note that immediately below, I have also provided the reader links to Zoravar's previous works. He will be on hand periodically to answer questions pertaining to relevant military matters.

    November, 2015

    The Battle for Novorossiya (May, 2015):
    The East-West Balance and the Strategic Importance of Crimea (April, 2014):
    Syrian Conflict: A Brief Military Analysis (June 2013):
    A Call to Arms (November, 2011):
    Russia Military Update (December, 2010):

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  zg18 Wed Nov 04, 2015 5:59 pm

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 CS-tiYZWEAAhoby


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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  sepheronx Wed Nov 04, 2015 6:07 pm

    Economic news: Iran Khodro will reopen its Syrian plant.

    Any little economic development will help Syria out big time.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  zg18 Wed Nov 04, 2015 6:08 pm

    Syrian army capture of village Tall Dadin , just south of Al-Hadher town , Aleppo region


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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  iraqidabab Wed Nov 04, 2015 6:46 pm

    They use heavy armor too often for a war where the enemy's most effective weapons are ATGW. Seems like a war where mobile light-weight transport vechiles along with assault troops is a much better approach, tanks can play their role in this by opening entries and distracting the enemy but the real force should be infantry.


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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Dima Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:00 pm

    par far wrote:Right next to Russian airbase, these assholes are asking for it.

    This has to be clubbed with the earlier news report about US sending a dozen F-15s to its Turkish airbase. The US intention with these two steps is very clear - they will be using the F-15s to intimidate and force back/abort/disrupt the Russian/Syrian strike aircrafts from conducting a successful mission against the US & co funded and supported terrorists. Specifically the areas in which the new group of US units are likely based. I consider these two steps as an escalation from the US side with the intend of a controlled collision course.

    As I've been saying earlier, its time (if they have not already done) for Russia to augment AD units & air-defence/superiority fighters in Syria. Few of my wishlist so as to keep up with what the international terrorists are throwing at the Syrian border.

    >  more Pantsir-M
    >  Buk-M2 and S-300
    >  2 x A-50 (include on-site training for SyAF, they need it now and in future)
    >  34 x MiG-29SMT
    >  12 x Su-30SM

    ^ These are meant to cover the North, West (both areas related to regaining territory & retaining current territory) and Southern sectors (protecting Damascus) coz these are areas to be protected well just in case some idiots gets trigger happy and sets in motion a controlled/limited chain reaction.

    Few of my wishlist to be supplied to SAA (and allies - mainly Hezbollah. $ck the Isreali's) to cover their frontline units from air-attacks in support of the terrorists.
    >  Tunguska
    >  Grad with newer 40+Km rockets
    >  Smerch or Tornado

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    Post  Dima Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:14 pm

    Though it might find out of place here, but another system I'd love to see get a fresh lease of life (in the Syrian theater with the SAA and allies) is the forgotten 'original' ultra light weight field howitzer - 152mm 2A61 howitzer which came to life in the early 90s without any orders. After successfully completing all trials in 1991, the system did not find its way due to the crisis period that was the 90s.

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    Its based on the 122mm D-30 but I would love to see the 152mm 2A61 with an increased caliber of 152/39 or 152/45 from its original 152/30.

    This would have been the best competitor to the 155mm M-777.

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Guest Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:20 pm

    Dima wrote:Though it might find out of place here, but another system I'd love to see get a fresh lease of life (in the Syrian theater with the SAA and allies) is the forgotten 'original' ultra light weight field howitzer - 152mm 2A61 howitzer which came to life in the early 90s without any orders. After successfully completing all trials in 1991, the system did not find its way due to the crisis period that was the 90s.

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 Fdc222018ae280d99973e38adad31f53
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    Its based on the 122mm D-30 but I would love to see the 152mm 2A61 with an increased caliber of 152/39 or 152/45 from its original 152/30.

    This would have been the best competitor to the 155mm M-777.

    If someone asked me, id supply them with plenty of NONA-Ks, i simply love it.

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 120-mm-howitzer-Nona-K-03

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    Post  sepheronx Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:39 pm

    @ Dima

    You are aware that US has been flying F-22's in Syria, right? And that is a far more potent air superiority fighter than these old F-15C's. And yet, Russia is still flying uncontested in Syria. You think some old F-15's are gonna change anything?

    Seriously, Russias Krasuha-4 will deal with anything that -15C's would do and cause an effect that the F-15's wont be able to properly track or engage any Fighter. As well, I would put my money on Su-30SM in being able to deal with them. And heck, even Su-34's proposed air to air capabilities are apparently good too as per Medo.

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    Post  PapaDragon Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:52 pm

    Unexpected article from LA Times reporter who actually bothered to go to Syria (I am still recovering from shock lol1 )

    "In Damascus, Syrians express a surprising level of optimism"


    And some sweet, delicious butthurt form The Telegraph Razz cry

    "Syria has now become a greater foreign policy catastrophe than Iraq"

    Comments are the best part as usual...Very Happy

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    Post  Cyberspec Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:33 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Tiger Forces storming Sheikh Ahmad right now:
    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 CS-BnX1W4AAVwut

    Reports that it has fallen, after changing hands several times during the day

    Rook ‏@2Rook14 · 30 min.
    #Syria: #NDF (@NationalDefens) report that Sheikh Ahmed village has been taken, Kweiris Air Base around the corner. #Aleppo

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    Post  Cyberspec Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:48 pm

    Footage from the operation to clear the Aleppo-Khanaser road


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    Post  Cyberspec Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:05 pm

    SAA pulls out of the town of Morek...which was only captured a week ago

    It's official: just spoke to a journalist with the 87th Brigade in Morek - the SAA withdrew from the city.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Bidoul Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:31 pm

    The 87th brigade is spread a bit thin on north Hama... might be better for them to withdraw.

    On satellite it looks not that great to defend while there is a nice ridge line just south of it.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  mack8 Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:05 pm

    Romania a source of weapons for the "moderate" jihadist rats in Syria. Not really surprised. Would also not be surprised if Romania is also one of the sources of weapons for the ISIS scum, not with the traitors and corrupt oligarchs in US service at the top - and the brainwashed population at the bottom. Rolling Eyes

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    Post  JohninMK Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:06 pm

    An interesting al Qaeda quadcopter video showing quite well why it takes so much effort to move forward. Walls everywhere.

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    Post  Cyberspec Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:33 pm

    JohninMK wrote:An interesting al Qaeda quadcopter video showing quite well why it takes so much effort to move forward. Walls everywhere.

    Amazing....almost like watching a video game. The battlefield resembles a labyrinth.

    mack8 wrote:Romania a source of weapons for the "moderate" jihadist rats in Syria. Not really surprised. Would also not be surprised if Romania is also one of the sources of weapons for the ISIS scum, not with the traitors and corrupt oligarchs in US service at the top - and the brainwashed population at the bottom.  Rolling Eyes

    Apparently, now the sponsors are shopping for OSA (SA- Cool and STRELA-1 (SA-9) in Eastern Europe....Ukraine being the most likely supplier

    Bidoul wrote:The 87th brigade is spread a bit thin on north Hama... might be better for them to withdraw.

    On satellite it looks not that great to defend while there is a nice ridge line just south of it.

    Sounds like it....They were reportedly outnumbered and had to pull out

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Monarchist Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:39 pm

    Cyberspec wrote:SAA pulls out of the town of Morek...which was only captured a week ago

    It's official: just spoke to a journalist with the 87th Brigade in Morek - the SAA withdrew from the city.
    This war is definitely lost. It's over. SAA can't take small villages without hundred of casualties. Wahabists take cities without a fight. It's hard to say but this war is unwinnable.
    Since Russia started it's campaign Syria has lost bigger cities like Morek, Mhardeh and only taken villages. Mad

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    Post  sepheronx Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:43 pm

    Monarchist wrote:
    Cyberspec wrote:SAA pulls out of the town of Morek...which was only captured a week ago

    It's official: just spoke to a journalist with the 87th Brigade in Morek - the SAA withdrew from the city.
    This war is definitely lost. It's over. SAA can't take small villages without hundred of casualties. Wahabists take cities without a fight. It's hard to say but this war is unwinnable.
    Since Russia started it's campaign Syria has lost bigger cities like Morek, Mhardeh and only taken villages. Mad
    Before I request to have you banned for trolling, care to share links of hundreds dead trying to acquire villages?  So you would rather that the stretched thin soldiers die rather than fight another day when more prepared?

    You are pitiful.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Monarchist Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:49 pm

    sepheronx wrote:
    Monarchist wrote:
    Cyberspec wrote:SAA pulls out of the town of Morek...which was only captured a week ago

    It's official: just spoke to a journalist with the 87th Brigade in Morek - the SAA withdrew from the city.
    This war is definitely lost. It's over. SAA can't take small villages without hundred of casualties. Wahabists take cities without a fight. It's hard to say but this war is unwinnable.
    Since Russia started it's campaign Syria has lost bigger cities like Morek, Mhardeh and only taken villages. Mad
    Before I request to have you banned for trolling, care to share links of hundreds dead trying to acquire villages?  So you would rather that the stretched thin soldiers die rather than fight another day when more prepared?

    You are pitiful.
    There are villages in Tartous and in Latakia without any alawite men left. SAA are taking high casualites, while deserters come to Europe to rape and pillage. They are losing the demographic war that's why they are retreating from cities without a fight.

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    Post  sepheronx Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:50 pm

    Monarchist wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:
    Monarchist wrote:
    Cyberspec wrote:SAA pulls out of the town of Morek...which was only captured a week ago

    It's official: just spoke to a journalist with the 87th Brigade in Morek - the SAA withdrew from the city.
    This war is definitely lost. It's over. SAA can't take small villages without hundred of casualties. Wahabists take cities without a fight. It's hard to say but this war is unwinnable.
    Since Russia started it's campaign Syria has lost bigger cities like Morek, Mhardeh and only taken villages. Mad
    Before I request to have you banned for trolling, care to share links of hundreds dead trying to acquire villages?  So you would rather that the stretched thin soldiers die rather than fight another day when more prepared?

    You are pitiful.
    There are villages in Tartous and in Latakia without any alawite men left. SAA are taking high casualites, while deserters come to Europe to rape and pillage. They are losing the demographic war that's why they are retreating from cities without a fight.

    I will ask 1 more time before I report you: I want links to the last comment.  And no, that isn't why they are retreating from a surrounded position.

    Besides leaving a town, they have gained a lot of areas and also took a major highway.  That is success.  You cannot win everything and sometimes it is best to pull and and strike.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  ExBeobachter1987 Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:57 pm

    Monarchist wrote:Since Russia started it's campaign Syria has lost bigger cities like Morek, Mhardeh and only taken villages. Mad

    Morek and Mhardeh are not even cities. They are towns.
    And Morek is even less. It is a ghost town.

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    Post  sepheronx Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:59 pm

    ExBeobachter1987 wrote:
    Monarchist wrote:Since Russia started it's campaign Syria has lost bigger cities like Morek, Mhardeh and only taken villages. Mad

    Morek and Mhardeh are not even cities. They are towns.
    And Morek is even less. It is a ghost town.

    Exactly.  So that means when the terrorists want to make their way in, they can bombard the town without killing any innocent.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 21 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  ultron Thu Nov 05, 2015 12:05 am

    Cyberspec wrote:SAA pulls out of the town of Morek...which was only captured a week ago

    It's official: just spoke to a journalist with the 87th Brigade in Morek - the SAA withdrew from the city.

    Wasn't Morek under SAA control since last year?

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