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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia


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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  Admin Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:32 am

    African fighter aircraft and the problems of Russia. By the last decade of the twentieth century aerial battles

    The war in the history of mankind - it habitual. In civilized Europe, the end of the twentieth century was Yugoslavia, the war is not uncommon in Asia, Latin America, is almost constant - in Africa. The latest war of classical type with all kinds of weapons, including modern aircraft, occurred there.

    It's hard to understand as a nation that emerged in the closely together against a common enemy, the State, which stood at the head of a cousin, to get to the bloody military conflict. In 1974 in the Ethiopian Orthodox monarchical about a hundred soldiers led by General Haman Andom entered into collusion with the head of the court of protection, Major Mengistu Haile Mariam overthrew Emperor Haile and Selasie. Two months later, already triumvirate led by General Teferi Bent (but with Mengistu) has replaced the entire government clan, shot a dozen colonels and the Amana Anda. Three years later, Colonel Mengistu, eliminating most of its allies, he became the head of state. Under his leadership, Ethiopia with the help of the Soviet Union and Cuba began to build socialism.

    In 1991, a number of factors exacerbate the situation in the country: drought, crop failure, famine in most provinces, the collapse of the Soviet Union, nationalist movement in the north for the formation of an independent state of Eritrea, student unrest ... All this has led to strong growth of the partisan movement, which began in 1988, Mengistu, possessing one of the largest armies in the region, was unable to suppress it, and after three years of civil war, fled to Zimbabwe. Celebrated the victory, the guerrillas divided the country into two friendly "powers" with a common currency, the new government began to have capitalist policies.

    But after a couple of years there has been problems. In spring 1998, Eritrea, showing the territorial claim, as a result of the abrupt onset captured more than 1000 square meters. km of Ethiopian territory. Before the onset of ground troops, the Air Force of Eritrea secured dominance in the air, a sudden bomb border airport. Appeal to the UN has not moved the process of normalization with the dead point, and the Government of Ethiopia is preparing for a major war.

    Before the conflict, the army supreme command, very little attention has been given to Ethiopia's air force, seeing it as an expensive toy. Training pilots five years of almost non-existent. Gradually exploited on the ground Soviet aviation: fighter aircraft MiG-21, MiG-23 and Mi-24. There are a number of obsolete Soviet MiG-17 and American F-5. All F-5 were on the ground due to lack of spare parts and complete neremontoprigodnosti American units in the context of Ethiopia. By the way, foreign helicopters to restore the same it was not possible. Restoration is the MiG-17 Ethiopian Air Force leadership considered impractical because of their obsolescence, and a limited number of crew. "

    After the fall of socialism, in order to establish relations with America, and for the possible replacement of old An-12, four were bought by American transport aircraft C-130. They flew a couple of times a week, warplanes almost no summer, military pilots can be converted to the fingers. In Ethiopia, at that time there were few Russian teachers Soviet aviation engineering services of local professionals to help with practical advice in cases of extreme bounce. Since the military use of aviation was given very little attention, the work was to train through an interpreter a few young technicians.

    Everything changed after the surprise raid on the airfield and bombing suburb Mekel, the place where born guerilla movement, places the defeat of the Italian expeditionary corps in 1938, and most importantly - the homeland air defense and Air Force Chief of Ethiopia Abebe Tekle Haymanot. Sam head ( "Jobe" as it is called in the troops), was previously the commander of a guerrilla infantry divisions, a large image and relationship in the government. In the first instance, assumed his new duties, he did everything to preserve the existing aircraft in Ethiopia. Was established almost exemplary protection of all locations of aircraft. Not one screw from the air is not gone. At the same time introduced a Canadian computer system of registration and storage of spare parts, which turned out to be much more perfect past. In addition, he put on all the important posts of its former regimental commanders, forcing them in the short term, without separation from the core responsibilities, learn to fly in combat aircraft that unusual for four men and reminds our motto is "Party have said - Komsomol answered is" .

    Meticulously examined the experience of modern local wars, the Army leadership has set a target of at least provide protection from air attacks by enemy ground troops, the capital and the border area. Later it turned out, the operational department of the Air Force analyzed the Ethiopian combat characteristics of the modern American, French and Soviet aircraft of similar class with a clear tendency to choose an American aircraft. However, negotiations with the Americans and followed them for an objective comparison of the aircraft using the criteria of "effectiveness-cost" Air Force Chief of Ethiopia was forced to seriously think about the types of Soviet aircraft.

    Suddenly, Russia for a positive experience worked in Ethiopia, the American C-130. To prepare the machines needed to fly the American specialists, aircraft every week refused to detail and need of the annual work by the manufacturer, which emphasizes the dignity of the An-12 plodder. They even have been old but they are well mastered the local experts, labor for maintenance had been minimal, the machine worked for months without denial.

    For advice on the performance of Soviet MiG-29, Su-25, Su-27 military aircraft head turned to the Russian specialists. Formal business meetings lasted for hours. Objective information on the advantages and disadvantages of our aircraft has led to increased confidence, but the choice still remains difficult. In off-hours debate was more intense. Over a cup of the famous Ethiopian coffee in a relaxed atmosphere, and almost home, in slippers at Bos leg, the head decided the fate of the air war. The gravity of the decision felt almost physically. The issue of choice of type of aircraft being worked thoroughly and very carefully, it was felt by professionally formulated questions. Taken into account also that the training and combat aircraft the majority of firms are traditionally designed for learning aerobatics and performing only limited combat tasks.

    In the end, bearing in mind that Eritrea has bought MiG-29 and the fact that Ethiopia has a relatively large area (approximately as Ukraine), it was decided to purchase Su-27 fighter jets. Initially, because of the cheap (or policy inconsistencies), considering the option of purchase of new Su-27P in the Republic of Belarus. However, referring to the state machine and analyze the specific delivery time, finally stopped on the second hand, but more universal Russian aircraft Su-27SK.

    Initially, it was assumed that the emergence of such a powerful long-range combat aircraft like the Su-27 to bring zarvavshegosya neighbor for a peaceful settlement of the conflict. In the hope of this, apparently, did not immediately purchased the equipment for testing guided missiles, mobile systems for the scheduled works, small cylinders of nitrogen supply was needed for intense combat patrol in the air.

    Immediately after the conclusion of the contract started in theoretical training engineers and crew of Ethiopia, part of the flight and technical staff were sent to Krasnodar for pereuchivaniya. After making the prepayment, the settlement of political issues and a little conditioning, that stretched for two months, IL-76 was brought dismantled Su-27UBK and then the Su-27SK to Ethiopia. Initially, the question of independent flight of Su-27 in Africa, but for the sake of saving resources and because of political tensions with Eritrea supports the Islamic states, through the airspace of which was the direct route of travel, staying in the carriage with the help of IL-76.

    Work on assembling and debugging of the aircraft, which served the Russian factory team, as a good practice to Ethiopian professionals, who actively helped in everything. However, in close collaboration and openness, and revealed some problems. After disassembly, transport and assembly, as expected, dramatically increased the flow of failures. All this is carefully recorded towards us to report head. Almost everyone over to expire before the expiry of the refusal hydrosystem, SDU-10, radio, even a single engine. And then another when the extreme flight opportunities for low skilled Russian pilot diverting just a second and lost speed, performing a loop. It was the parachute and pilot had ejected from an overturned position.

    Among the local inhabitants went to move sayings such as "Cheap is not good." We must pay tribute to the excerpt Chief, who has known a lifetime of experience that the right decision then, which is executed before the end. In the absence of technical education, he very quickly understand all arguments about the impact of bedding systems after assembly on the causes of failures, I realized the explanation test pilot for the failure of his high-mountain conditions in the airport flight at low altitudes.

    Incidentally, the accident will make an initial plan for the purchase, increasing the number of training and combat aircraft, because instead of combat aircraft crashed on the advice of its pilots, "Jobe" ordered another Spark. Training of military Su-27UBK fully perform all functions of combat aircraft, but the existence of the second pilot gives you more confidence in the correctness of actions and the psychological sense of support that is especially affected, with the first sorties for the pilots, with a relatively small plaque and a small experience in military use.

    To conduct a successful ground operations had to be confident in the lack of impact of aviation on the enemy Ethiopian troops. Therefore, the beginning of the strictly correlated with the timing of combat readiness of aircraft and pilots, and flight training, and technical staff has been accelerated. For the final inspection in January had a few flight of tactical drills (LTU) for interaction with other air delivery of troops.

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty African arms market

    Post  Admin Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:32 am

    In early February 1999, just before the onset, the Su-27 squadron was divided into two parts. One part was transferred to the northern border airfield, located 40 kilometers from the border. It was to cover ground troops and northern parts of the country during the fighting. Planned by the group, to reduce the reaction time to the actions of the enemy, continuing to watch in the air, thus ensuring a secure area in the cover of its troops with minimal time delay. Another group remained at the base airport. Its aim was the protection of the rest of the country and the capital. It organized a round-the-clock duty crews on the ground of procedural work, the removal of complex failures, resulting in the planes of both groups, the military maintenance units. In these conditions, with limited quantities of spare parts, equipment for testing aircraft systems, special tools and devices, this solution was the only true, but difficult. According to the command, the main failures were eliminated by replacing poagregatnoy after the delivery of the requested blocks from the main base. We must pay tribute to the organization of communication and responsiveness of logistics, resulting in planes at the airport lost a few days. True, cases and lining, resulting in, for example, never lost a block configuration B-12.

    The difficult task of solving the technical composition of team, who with the help of built-in test and such a mother "in the shortest time was right to determine the cause of the rejection, and then quickly remove it. In addition, during operation in hot climate in the high altitude showed several features of our technology. The first thing encountered difficulties of translation issued weather millibar or Pascal, in millimeters of mercury. Also, it was not possible on how the existing process maps show the zero height of airport take-off, due to the high (1600-1800 feet) height of the airfield. The problem quickly coped organizational practices, and in OKB "dry" process map for this kind of work is missing now.

    A more serious problem was the sudden and start the engines, which at low atmospheric pressure (about 630 mm. RT. Art.) Launched a long throw and high temperature. Characteristically, in the MiG-21 and MiG-23 that was not. I had to think, to consult with representatives of the developer engine. As a result, one and a half times increased startup time, but reduced the drop in temperature to acceptable values. In the future, with intense flights, the problem exacerbated by high temperature, high solar heating and the temperature of the engine, not ostyvshego from a previous flight. The time of launch has grown to almost double from the norm, again were dangerous drop in temperature. Preparing to fly again because of this stretch to a half or two hours (filling, the filling of 20-30 minutes, and the rest of the cooling of the engine). We had to determine the direction of any small wind and deploy aircraft is strictly against the wind, not to put caps on the engine intakes and nozzle, open the top hatches of the engines, water water concrete coating. It managed to reduce the time between departures up to 45-55 minutes. This experience has there has not been formally taken into account and not mastered.

    Similar problems have arisen, and with the Eritrean MiG-29, which, however, based both on the high altitudes (Asmara - 2300 meters), and normal air (MASA 100 meters). However, they are the hottest time - from 12 to 15 hours - do not fly. And the impact on the MiG-29 only one turbostartera, which runs alternately both the engine and is heated twice from each run, with far worse conditions of cooling. Thus, the weight savings designers resulted in a decrease in the number of daily departures, and therefore the equal opportunities and combat aircraft.

    Terrestrial climate is rapidly changing every day. The success of the first attack followed a stop, and then regrouping ground troops. At low efficiency of ground radar to detect enemy at low altitude in a mountainous area, with air cover for their troops were constantly on duty in the air, as to expend resources and scarce fuel. The first days of trying to produce more in-flight "Spark" for "vletyvaniya" a greater number of pilots, better acquaint themselves with the area of operations, and some misinformation opponent, as the instructor talks and the pilot were not specifically through the SPU, and on radio, which imitated the flight pair aircraft.

    In the first week of the air battles were not. However, in one of the first flights nearly shot down a Mi-8 also. He returned to the front-line landing site on the airfield Mekel refused to system identification. The pilot of the Su-27, keeping goal in sight and without removing your finger from the combat button does not Polenov for the third time to seek the guidance of the item for authorization launch. Fifteen-twenty seconds, enough to clarify the membership of a helicopter pilot saved the lives of an extract of ten people and the prestige of fighters.

    Opponent raised its aviation has, however, tried not to approach the zone of possible launches of missiles Su-27. But after eight days of the Su-27SK has returned from the flight without the two "radio" and two "hot" missile R-27. Ground service inquiry did not confirm the destruction of enemy air, although involved in early induction and troops saw launches of missiles. Analysis of the case, the use of guided missiles has been hampered a lack of hardware decoding of MLP-14, but is likely to sight a great nervous tension pilot and his weak natrenirovannost, as evidenced in nevyderzhivanii time illumination "radio" missiles.

    Two days later, another application, and then fail, one missile did not even self-destruct. A more or less kept its fragments were able to bring to the study. Effective investigation failed, but became clearly visible to the need for the full cross-missile special equipment for delivery in the country and better determine the "radio" missiles after suspension by using the available on the main ground-based CPA. To convince the pilots of the need for compliance with all conditions for starting vyzubrit all the nuances of the cabin fittings and all the parameters of possible areas of missile launch.

    In flights found by real permitted range, decoding of the letters "E" on the missiles R-27R (T) E. It turns out that this meant "export" rather than "energy", as initially thought. In reality, this is almost equal chances of Su-27 and MiG-29 long-range missile in combat. The advantage of the Su-27 for acceptable time putting missiles type R-27 with Su-27 and MiG-29 with two-way counter-attack on the entire course was reduced to 1-2 seconds difference, instead of 5-7 seconds. It was also found that the ground operators, aiming not see on the screens of air missile launching, and therefore can not warn their pilots on the use of these missiles, enemy aircraft, although in theory the new digital Ukrainian trehkoordinatnoy radar type D35D6 sold through Israel, that are available.

    Hope this is not added, so the next day with an excerpt from the instructions on the use of combat pilots are not separated, even in the dining room. Lessons learned, albeit negative, is actively transmitted and developed.

    Seeing very little impact of the two cases of missiles, the enemy became more active use of its aircraft. February 21, 1999 eritriytsy even fired an ambush by two MiG-29, moving first to attack at a height of about 6 km on duty at the above Ethiopian Su-27 "52". Sblizhayas with acceleration, the pilot of the Su-27 used the R-27RE with a range of about 45 km, but the missile exploded near the goal, not hitting it as well as the nerves of the MiG-29 pilot did not pass and he turned away, knowing about a surprise for the attacker to his fighter. The pilot of the Su-27 continues moving closer to the enemy in broadside, at a distance of 10 km for the outgoing opponent has produced another R-27T, and even saw a gap near its missiles the MiG-29, which began after the energetic decline. But on the Su-27 also was used a missile to the MiG-29, which was previously for the plateau in the ambush, and suddenly began to prosecute the attacker. Difference of heights of over 4 km and supersonic speed Su-27 has allowed him to evade the enemy, although the spectacle of two self-destruct the missiles, fired on it with the MiG-29, a long time remained in the memory of the pilot.

    Damaged eretriysky MiG-29 was not counted, although in its airfield on intelligence data, he never came back. Pilots are carefully reviewing this dogfight, check the correctness of their tactics, the benefits of aviation equipment, and vospryanuli spirit.

    Already 25 Feb., 1999 Su-27 with the hull number "54", performing the routine duty in the air, was placed on intercepted a pair of MiG-29, clearly expects to storm the Ethiopian ground troops. Given the experience of friends, and well-running inquiry officer, the pilot just went to the zone of permitted starts, withstood the treatment correctly and on time, fired the two R-27 to lead razomknuvsheysya couples manned Eritrean pilot Samuel. As a result, the first MiG-29 was shot down immediately destroyed in the air, the pilot was killed and a second, energetically unfolded, returned to their territory, not doing the job. The victory confirmed the ground troops.

    The next day, the enemy decided podlovit on duty in the air of the Su-27, and at the end of his shift has sent the aircraft type MiG-29 in the capital of Ethiopia. Ground control said target at high altitude and immediately began to make Su-27 with the hull number "58." Everything happened just like to exercise until the last minute, when the ground had been found pointing another MiG-29, going on a low altitude and suddenly started aiming for the Su-27. To the credit of the Su-27 pilots, despite a warning from the earth, and later trills "Birches", signaling the capture of its aircraft targeted the enemy and may have already started on it, he has had for a very limited time and aim to put two missile R-27T, that struck the target. The Eritrean pilot Ionas died. The second aircraft, saw the falling debris partner immediately turned away and returned to its airport. Because of the small residue of fuel Su-27 also had to return to its base. After landing it in the tanks is about 200 kg of kerosene, which is less than half of authorized emergency balance.

    Careful analysis of the battle showed that the pilot of the Su-27 was shot down just because to fully realize the benefits of the Su-27, with several high resolution range of start-up (they are 2 seconds!), And in this case, high speed flight. Later navigators guided always special to look for an air atmosphere at low altitudes, even delaying the start of induction.

    This dogfight recorded on videotape front Ethiopian correspondent. A few days later, the videotape was broadcast on local television, which has contributed to raising the morale of troops and the prestige of the aircraft "Su." He acknowledged a senior in the family of combat aircraft in Ethiopia. Through the effective use of the Su-27 was conquered by the absolute dominance in the air. During the Eritrean war of aviation never bombed the country.

    More enemy in the open air to enter the collision did not try, though has made several attempts to check the proxy system for air defense of Ethiopia. In one case, from the north-west zaletel allegedly strayed Kenyan "Douglas, who was intercepted on a desert area for a very long-range force, and planted on the airfield Bahar Dar on duty near the capital of the Su-27. After stopping the violator, the Su-27 was twice over the guard escorted ground pilots "Douglas" and quietly sat down at the airport of the main bases.

    In another case, in the evening, when the fly has never served either Ethiopia or Eritrea, ground radar detected an unidentified aircraft at 60 km from the headquarters front. After 7 minutes of the Su-27 had already stood on the runway ready for departure. Unfortunately, instead of the command "Take off" came the command "End": the offender used two missiles of "Pechora". South African jet Dolphin with two pilots spread in tatters, he became the innocent victim of someone else's war. Then it became known that they have requested permission from the Eritrean Movement for transit in South Africa and have not notified of his flight to Ethiopia. Eritrean commanders because of their political and military reasons, has not been informed about the flight of the enemy. If there is a little more lead time, Su-27 might be more peacefully resolve this misunderstanding, and everything would be finished paying the fine, as in the case of a Kenyan plane.

    The biblical assertion that there is no prophet in his own country, led to its positive side. Perhaps, therefore, the Ethiopians as soon as possible to establish the technical activities that are not implemented for decades. They very quickly learned the method of replacement blades in the compressor field. Such work, we usually run in ARZ. The technique of visual control of including the cooling fan wheels took 15 minutes for each plane, we have implemented it already 18 months and the end of the implementation is not visible. For two months in Ethiopia have developed and implemented elektroshemu mixed use of the missile and bomb weapons at the Mi-24. Analogous to the scheme until the Russian Air Force does not. Using new methods of monitoring the battery for a month introduced a battery-type operation 15STSS-45 and 20NKBN25 for technical as what we can not do since 1993, when these techniques were developed. Methods of controlling the magnetic deviation of inertial navigation systems, SCR type, C-050 introduced in the week, although we have not implemented it so far since 1977 in a few months had mastered most of the military maintenance units onboard the aircraft radio equipment and a large number of blocks of aircraft equipment . On this issue has worked intensively since 1993 a department of 13 SOMO Erato and in full for the Su-27 it it is not yet legally allowed.

    It is not clear why Russia is now in the pace of work on the aircraft is slowed. Excuse is to increase the complexity of the equipment, but the element base and develop desheveet for two to three years in order. For example, in the mid 80-ies of the modernized Su-17 and Su-24. One major designer not utruzhdaya a study of advanced systems, has left the old band and the computer, and another asked about potential systems and found PRNK-54. As a result, until now Su-24m vozyat sighting and navigation equipment weighing more than 1500 kg, the volume of 2 cubic meters, and blocks PRNK-54 weight and volume of an order of magnitude less than the face on another machine.

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  Admin Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:33 am

    More than 100 years ago the Wright brothers first plane lifted into the air, over a third of the time OKB "Sukhoi" is working on a Su-27. Long-term infatuation with only acrobatics before a fall, why step on rakes, which already occurs in the late 30's, when the speed Me-109 did everything I wanted with manoeuvrable and-16. The modernization of Su-27cm increased some fighting characteristics by 20-30%, but this is not enough. I am ashamed to look at the shelves SDU, NCP, weight, dimensions, performance which is disappointing. Indeed, the modern notebook at 2-3 orders more efficiently. In addition, the time has come, finally, to draw attention to the effective range of the use of weapons, which is much more important in the real battle than spectacular aerial tricks.

    Conclusion: The experience of every combat use of Russian aircraft to be studied and to make a timely conclusion. If a fighter release in 2009 struck goal in the back hemisphere at distances characteristic of the 70-ies, then it does not correspond to their intended use.

    A. I.
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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Russia signs $1.2 bln contract for jet fighter delivery to Algeria, Uganda

    Post  Russian Patriot Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:28 pm

    Russia signs $1.2 bln contract for jet fighter delivery to Algeria, Uganda

    RIA Novosti


    MOSCOW, April 5 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's state arms exporter Rosoboronexport has signed two contracts worth $1.2 billion on the deliveries of 16 jet fighters to Algeria and another six fighters to Uganda, the Russian Vedomosti daily reported on Monday.

    The two African nations will receive different models of the Su-30 Flanker fighters. Algiers will receive 16 Su-30-MKI(A)s and Kampala will receive six Su-30MK2s, the paper said.

    In 2008, Algiers cancelled the delivery of 34 MiG-29 Fulcrum multi-role fighters because of flaws in design. The Russian military bought the rejects for its own use.

    Su-30 Flankers in various models have also been sold to India. India has so far received 120 out of the 230 jets it has ordered. Malaysia has also received 18 fighters.

    Rosoboronexport has closed some $7.5 billion worth of arms export deals since the beginning of the year. According to the company's head, Anatoly Isaikin, Russia signed $15 billion worth of contracts during 2009.

    Last edited by Russian Patriot on Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty 16 Mi-28N for Kenya

    Post  Viktor Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:50 pm

    Who would have thought?

    The first export customer of combat helicopters Mi-28NE - Kenya?

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  Austin Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:05 pm

    Interesting but wont believe until they ink the agreement Wink

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  Viktor Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:08 pm

    Austin wrote:Interesting but wont believe until they ink the agreement Wink

    Well, 3 Mi-28N are already there. Incredible.

    KENYA ARMY ACQUIRES RUSSIAN GUNSHIPS - Simon Githae reports from Nairobi

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  Austin Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:16 pm

    WoW so there is some credibility to this news.

    So Ka-52 to Iraq and Mi-28N to Kenya.

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  Viktor Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:22 pm

    Austin wrote:WoW so there is some credibility to this news.

    I have hard time believing myself. Very Happy 

    Austin wrote:So Ka-52 to Iraq and Mi-28N to Kenya.

    Mi-28N and Ka-52 Very Happy  and Pancir-S1 and some other big contracts in preparation - I hope I did not opet this theme just for few helicopters and few SHORAD Very Happy 

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:24 pm

    How the hell can 3rd world massively corrupt African tribal civil war torn sh*thole have the money to buy more than a dozen state-of-the-art attack helicopters while a supposedly developing for the better European country like Bulgaria struggle to find the money to keep even half of its airforce airworthy?

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  Viktor Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:28 pm

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:How the hell can 3rd world massively corrupt African tribal civil war torn sh*thole have the money to buy more than a dozen state-of-the-art attack helicopters while a supposedly developing for the better European country like Bulgaria struggle to find the money to keep even half of its airforce airworthy?

    Hahaha - I asked the same question myself (for my own country) and lots of other "european states" could do the same Very Happy 
    But while you are at it, care to look what Uganda acquired?Very Happy 

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  sepheronx Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:45 pm

    Viktor wrote:
    KomissarBojanchev wrote:How the hell can 3rd world massively corrupt African tribal civil war torn sh*thole have the money to buy more than a dozen state-of-the-art attack helicopters while a supposedly developing for the better European country like Bulgaria struggle to find the money to keep even half of its airforce airworthy?

    Hahaha - I asked the same question myself (for my own country) and lots of other "european states" could do the same Very Happy 
    But while you are at it, care to look what Uganda acquired?Very Happy 

    Did they acquire anything other than those beautiful Su-30's?

    Kenya isn't really a wartorn 3rd world shithole. Kenya has a growing GDP, and even though their GDP per capita (both in PPP terms and Nominal) are lacking, they are one of the more advanced and prospering east african countries. It is like Ethiopia, where they have quite the military force, for being considered poor. Uganda on the other hand does indeed have a militancy issue and it is strange how they were able to purchase advanced aircrafts.

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  xeno Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:15 pm

    Viktor wrote:
    Austin wrote:Interesting but wont believe until they ink the agreement Wink

    Well, 3 Mi-28N are already there. Incredible.

    KENYA ARMY ACQUIRES RUSSIAN GUNSHIPS - Simon Githae reports from Nairobi
    No photo, no believe.
    However, hope it is true.

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  TR1 Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:16 pm

    I am pretty positive Iraq ain't getting Ka-52s. Just seems one big cock up.

    Rostervertol guys have been noncomital about the Kenyan deal. Something about Mi-28NK appearking...stay tuned.

    This is funny though:

    I remember seeing this Kenyan military forum way back when searching Mi-28 and Kenya, and thinking "LOL wishfull thinking much?"
    Maybe not!

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  Viktor Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:49 pm

    TR1 - is this photoshop or real thing?

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  TR1 Wed Jul 03, 2013 6:24 pm

    Viktor wrote:TR1 - is this photoshop or real thing?

    100% shooped.

    Nothing in Rostvertol 2012 summary about Kenya or export Mi-28s.

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Russia offering ex-Indian Su-30s to Ethiopia

    Post  Cyberspec Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:56 pm

    Russia is offering 18 ex-Indian Air Force Su-30MKI fighters to Ethiopia, which already operates a number of Su-27 models.


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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  flamming_python Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:18 am

    They should feed their people first

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  flamming_python Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:19 am

    sepheronx wrote: Uganda on the other hand does indeed have a militancy issue and it is strange how they were able to purchase advanced aircrafts.

    Probably the same way Bangladesh is - ask for a Russian loan or credit for the purchase.

    Only to never be able to pay it back and 20 years later have it written off by the Russian government, perhaps in exchange for some preferences in industrial sell-offs or natural resource extraction contracts.

    But who can blame them.

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Russia - Sudan Military cooperation

    Post  Viktor Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:37 am

    Expanding influence.

    Russia to supply helicopters to Sudan for $ 200 million

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Ghana contract

    Post  Viktor Mon Dec 08, 2014 5:10 pm

    Nice  thumbsup

    Ghana intends to purchase airplanes 300 million. Dollars, including the Russian Mi-17 and Mi-35
    max steel
    max steel

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  max steel Tue Jan 05, 2016 4:18 pm

    Ghana to get Mi-35 helicopter


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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  George1 Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:59 pm

    Russia to Oust 'Shady’ Soviet Military Equipment Repair Plans in Africa

    Russia plans to stamp out "shady" repair and upgrade plans for Soviet-era military equipment offered to African nations, a high-ranking official in the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC) told RIA Novosti on Wednesday.

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russia plans to stamp out "shady" repair and upgrade plans for Soviet-era military equipment offered to African nations, a high-ranking official in the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC) told RIA Novosti on Wednesday.

    "We have the ability to push aside the ‘gray schemes’ offered by our competitors from Eastern Europe, Ukraine and China in repairing and modernizing Soviet (Russian) military equipment," the FSMTC official said.

    The official stressed that African clients understand that repairs must be carried out legitimately.

    "They want to work with Russia. Many African countries have refused, for example, to work with Ukraine because of the poor quality of the parts [they supply]. This relates to helicopter and aircraft equipment, [and] air defense systems," the FSMTC official specified.

    The official added that the continent’s rich hydrocarbon resources could be used to settle payments under repair agreements.

    Rosoboronexport, Russia’s state arms exporter, said in January that it had received orders exceeding $22 billion in 2015 from foreign partners, noting growing interest in the Middle East and North Africa.

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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  George1 Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:36 am

    Russian arms exporter's contracts with African countries stand at above $21 bln

    Rosoboronexport has established lasting military-technical ties with Angola, Egypt, Zimbabwe, Mali, Uganda and other countries

    MOSCOW, September 13. /TASS/. Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport’s contracts with African countries currently stand at above $21 billion, an adviser to Rosoboronexport’s CEO, Yuri Demchenko, has said.

    Rosobornoexport will participate in the international weapons show Africa Aerospace and Defense-2016, to be held in Pretoria, South Africa, on September 14-18.

    "We keep building up proactive cooperation with a majority of countries in northern Africa and with states south of the Sahara desert. The overall value of orders for Russian military products the African countries account for exceeds $21 billion," said Demchenko, who leads Rosoboronexport’s delegation to the weapons show.

    Rosoboronexport, he said, has established lasting military-technical ties with Angola, Egypt, Zimbabwe, Mali, Uganda and other countries. Of late, there was good progress towards closer contacts with Namibia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Mozambique, Tanzania and Equatorial Guinea.

    "Rosoboronexport specialists expect foreign delegations may display great interest in the combat and training plane Yakovlev-130, helicopter gunship Mi-28NE, military transport plane Ilyushin-76MD-90A, and helicopter gunship Mi-35. Of considerable interest to visitors will be the diesel-electric submarine of project 636 and armored personnel carrier BTR-82A," Rosoboronexport’s press-service has said. For the first time ever the Russian arms exporter will display a multimedia virtual reality simulator project for the reconnaissance and attack helicopter Ka-52.

    Earlier, last March, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the commission for military-technical cooperation with foreign states that Russia’s military hardware export contracts had reached $56 billion. The head of the corporation Rostec Sergey Chemezov said that Russia in January-August 2016 exported more than $7 billion of military products.


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    Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia Empty Re: Sub-Saharan African arms market for Russia

    Post  George1 Thu Sep 15, 2016 5:30 pm

    Russia to export helicopters to four African countries in 2016-2017

    Mil Mi-8/17 and Mi-24/35 helicopters will be supplied to Angola, Mali, Nigeria and Sudan


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