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    China & Russia close the tech gap vs USA in weapons race


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    China & Russia close the tech gap vs USA in weapons race - Page 6 Empty China’s Military ‘More Than Just Catching Up’

    Post  nemrod Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:56 pm

    If indeed, in the past China used to copy soviet military's hardware, often times in the bad ways, after the 2010's it is no longer true. China's new hardware are matching in some ways many western and russian military's hardware. If they lagged behind Russia in many military's key points, they are now step by step catching up all russian hardware. Many pundits foresee in the next decade China, West and Russia equals. But after 2030 if the trend will go on, China could be the leader.

    China’s Military ‘More Than Just Catching Up’
    New Chinese military hardware remarkably more advanced

    hina’s military is not on par with the United States military, but it is “catching up,” according to a report released this week by the International Institute of Strategic Studies (iiss).

    In its annual report titled “The Military Balance,” the iiss details how China has made “remarkable” progress in its military advancement, particularly in avionics, missile technology and naval capability. According to Bastian Giegerich, director of defense and military analysis at iiss, “in some selected areas, our assessment is indeed that China is doing more than just catching up.”

    China has invested billions of dollars in its military to bring it into the 21st century. No longer content to be a regional power, China has made huge strides in the past year to take its military to the global stage. In 2017, China opened its first overseas base in the African nation of Djibouti. This allows Chinese naval vessels to operate farther from home for longer periods of time.

    At the same time, the Chinese Navy continues to expand. In 2017, it launched its first Type 055 guided missile destroyer, the largest post-World War ii warship to be produced in Asia. It has seven more of these vessels under construction. China is also constructing a second aircraft carrier. Regarding China’s expanding navy, Giegerich told Die Welt, “In the last four years, China has built vessels with a total tonnage that is greater than the total tonnage of the French Navy and is roughly equivalent to the total tonnage of the British Royal Navy.”

    The Chinese Air Force is also quickly catching up with American air superiority. It recently entered its own fifth-generation aircraft, the J-20, into service. Fifth-generation fighters incorporate stealth technology and have supersonic cruising speeds. This makes the J-20 a rival to America’s F-35 fighter. The model challenges America’s “monopoly on operational stealthy combat aircraft,” according to Dr. John Chipman, director general and chief executive at iiss.

    Still, this new fighter is a serious problem for the West. Since the end of the Cold War, air superiority has given Western nations an advantage over their enemies. Planes could operate with relative freedom in combat zones. But, according to Giegerich, “those days now are over.”

    The third area of advancement the report drew attention to was China’s missile capability. Its PL-15 extended-range air-to-air missile could enter service this year. “This weapon appears to be equipped with an active electronically scanned array radar, indicating that China has joined the few nations able to integrate this capability on an air-to-air missile,” reported Chipman.

    The bbc reported that a “very long-range air-to-air missile [is] intended specifically to strike at tanker and command and control aircraft that now orbit out of harm’s way; essential but vulnerable elements in any air operation.” Improving air-to-air missile technology pushes American support aircraft even further from Chinese forces.

    The J-20 fits right in with that strategy. As Business Insider reported, this new jet isn’t meant to go head to head with American jets. Instead of direct confrontation, these fighters deter confrontation almost completely:

    Malcolm Davis, a senior analyst at the Australia Strategic Policy Institute, told Business Insider that the J-20 is a “fundamentally different sort of aircraft than the F-35.”

    Davis characterized the J-20 as “high-speed, long-range, not quite as stealthy (as U.S. fifth-gen aircraft), but [the Chinese] clearly don’t see that as important.” According to Davis, the J-20 is “not a fighter, but an interceptor and a strike aircraft” that doesn’t seek to contend with U.S. jets in air-to-air battles.

    Instead, “the Chinese are recognizing they can attack critical airborne support systems like awacs (airborne early warning and control systems) and refueling planes so they can’t do their job,” Davis said. “If you can force the tankers back, then the F-35s and other platforms aren’t sufficient because they can’t reach their target.”

    Analysts call this China’s “anti-access area denial” strategy. This strategy is a combination of missiles, sensors and weaponry that tries to keep an enemy further away from its shores. By developing weaponry that attacks support aircraft, China can limit the range of the enemy’s attack aircraft.

    The same strategy can be seen in the artificial islands China is creating in the South China Sea. Despite its repeated denials, China is militarizing those islands. It has placed anti-ship cruise missiles on them. Like the air-to-air missiles, these cruise missiles force American naval vessels to operate farther away from China in the event of a conflict.

    All these advances in avionics, missile technology and naval capability create an overlapping defense grid that keeps potential enemies further away from China. The iiss report points out that China still lags behind in its ground combat capabilities. But China is working to prevent any enemies with superior forces from even being able to initiate a land war.

    The iiss report confirms the Trumpet’s warning on China’s strategy in the Pacific. Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry warned that China is “steering the world toward war.” In our July 2016 issue, he pointed out that the Chinese regime is now challenging “seven decades of American naval dominance in the Pacific Rim.” This aggressive behavior “should alarm the world!” he wrote.

    “Since Japan’s defeat in World War ii, America has protected this vital trade route and brought peace to this part of the world,” Mr. Flurry wrote. But because of new military technology, China is pushing America out of the region. American forces can no longer safely operate there. “China is intimidating the nations of Southeast Asia into submission to its will,” he wrote. “It is forcing these countries to do what it wants. Everything is headed in the direction of war.”

    These new technologies make it much harder for America to confront China. America now risks significant losses if it ever needs to step in to defend its allies in Asia.

    The reality is that China’s grand strategy in Asia preys on America’s broken will.

    This is exactly what the iiss report outlines. While Western powers still have some advantages over Chinese forces, they need to exert a strong will to stay ahead of their rival. Along with continuing to develop better weapons, Western nations need to be “resistant to attempts to erode their cohesion and will in peacetime as well as war.”

    The problem is that America’s will is already broken, as Bible prophecy said it would be (Leviticus 26:19). So is its cohesion with its allies. It has been weak in its responses to Chinese aggression in the South China Sea and elsewhere. It is pulling back as the foremost leader in the world, isolating itself from its traditional allies, and, despite its enormous spending on its advanced military, already losing battles of strategy against China.

    China’s military expansion is a harrowing sign of what is about to befall America. To understand more about what the Bible says about China’s military advancement, be sure to read “China Is Steering the World Toward War.”

    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    China & Russia close the tech gap vs USA in weapons race - Page 6 Empty Re: China & Russia close the tech gap vs USA in weapons race

    Post  Hannibal Barca Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:04 pm

    Nobody was the best on his debut. Let them make a start and then we speak.  Potential, they do have.

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    China & Russia close the tech gap vs USA in weapons race - Page 6 Empty matching in some ways many western and russian military's hardware

    Post  GarryB Wed Oct 17, 2018 8:56 am

    Great progress is easier when you are behind and can see the road others have walked ahead of you.

    When you catch up however you will find there are lots of potential paths to take and not all of them lead to where you want to go... if you want to lead you have to pick a path... which can be the hardest skill of them all.

    Leading is always expensive and time consuming and you don't always get it right...

    When someone in the west decides on a technical career path they enter education and get the basics and some advanced training and then they go to the workforce and continue to explore ways forward in technology.

    When someone says the Russians are 20 years behind in a technology... what they normally mean is that they can do the same or similar educational course, but when they go to a job they don't have many jobs in the field and many of the things they are trying to work out have already been worked out somewhere else...

    If you look at the 2000s, you could say the Russians were behind in Thermal Imaging systems... the Russias bought technology from western countries and started working on that... no western country would sell their absolute best so they probably went from 20 years behind to maybe 5 years behind because state of the art stuff is a prototype... the most advanced stuff is never in full production... in fact you could argue that by the time it is in serial production its replacement is probably already working in a lab somewhere...

    China is now buying up technology and learning from it and it will be making advances to solve its problems.

    To be honest I think China getting good is a good thing... it means more areas of technology will move forward and they will go in directions the west or Russian probably have not considered... which leads to diversity...

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    China & Russia close the tech gap vs USA in weapons race - Page 6 Empty Re: China & Russia close the tech gap vs USA in weapons race

    Post  George1 Fri Dec 04, 2020 1:23 pm

    Technologies become the main line of confrontation between the United States and China

    As for the actual military sphere, at present there is not a single significant technology where the United States would not be ahead of the PRC. In addition, most of the American technologies have been tested on the battlefield to one degree or another. And, on the contrary, almost all modern PLA weapons, including those based on modern technologies, have not yet been tested even in peacetime. Only Chinese export unmanned aerial vehicles have experience in combat use. Considering that the PRC continues to critically depend on American patents in many areas of electronic products, as well as in the production of microprocessors, one can be sure that the US military-technological leadership will remain in the short and medium term.

    But huge spending on R&D, already comparable to the US, will provide China with technology parity in the long term, although so far the presence of strong scientific schools and a smooth combination of public and private investment in R&D gives the United States a significant advantage. Where these factors are of decisive importance - in microprocessors, aerospace, medicine, biotechnology - the US advantage is great and will remain for a long time. Where these factors, for some reason, are not so significant - primarily in a number of new areas (network technologies, including the same 5G) - or where the advantages of the huge capacity of the Chinese market affect, China has every chance to break into the leaders.

    To achieve military-technological parity, China must equalize its military spending with America's and maintain it for a long time. In addition, in the PRC, the transfer of civilian technologies to the military sphere is still ineffective. And if the Americans themselves kindly somehow do not help their competitor to gain a geopolitical victory, as Gorbachev's Soviet Union did, the Sino-American military technological parity will not be achieved until 2040–2045.

    A direct consequence of the competition between the United States and China in technology will be the disintegration of the global space of technological standards and solutions, dominated by the United States, into two areas - American (Western) and Chinese. This will significantly worsen the leadership position of the United States, depriving America of its role as a global technological unifier and weakening the global position of its high-tech industries. On the contrary, China's position will be strengthened by the emergence of its own technology sphere of standards.

    It is technological rivalry that will determine all other aspects of the confrontation between the United States and China, and the development of computing power and networking solutions will be a breakthrough success. This will change the face of the entire civilization and, in particular, the face of war. In military-technological terms, one can expect completely remote warfare with the massive use of drones and smart ammunition, as well as total anti-missile defense capable of hitting many of the most difficult targets, which will devalue traditional nuclear forces and deprive Russia of the last attribute of a great power left to it from the USSR.

    And Russia, after another one and a half to two decades of efforts to preserve its military-technological autonomy, will be forced to choose one or another pole of competition. And it is not at all predetermined that this side will be China. If American policy is sufficiently patient, flexible and open, then it will have a considerable chance of getting Russia on its side, especially since the Russian elite dreams of exactly this. Only now, there is less and less reason to expect flexibility and wisdom from Washington.

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    China & Russia close the tech gap vs USA in weapons race - Page 6 Empty Re: China & Russia close the tech gap vs USA in weapons race

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:04 pm

    George1 wrote:Technologies become the main line of confrontation between the United States and China

    As for the actual military sphere, at present there is not a single significant technology where the United States would not be ahead of the PRC. In addition, most of the American technologies have been tested on the battlefield to one degree or another. And, on the contrary, almost all modern PLA weapons, including those based on modern technologies, have not yet been tested even in peacetime. Only Chinese export unmanned aerial vehicles have experience in combat use. Considering that the PRC continues to critically depend on American patents in many areas of electronic products, as well as in the production of microprocessors, one can be sure that the US military-technological leadership will remain in the short and medium term.

    But huge spending on R&D, already comparable to the US, will provide China with technology parity in the long term, although so far the presence of strong scientific schools and a smooth combination of public and private investment in R&D gives the United States a significant advantage. Where these factors are of decisive importance - in microprocessors, aerospace, medicine, biotechnology - the US advantage is great and will remain for a long time. Where these factors, for some reason, are not so significant - primarily in a number of new areas (network technologies, including the same 5G) - or where the advantages of the huge capacity of the Chinese market affect, China has every chance to break into the leaders.

    To achieve military-technological parity, China must equalize its military spending with America's and maintain it for a long time. In addition, in the PRC, the transfer of civilian technologies to the military sphere is still ineffective. And if the Americans themselves kindly somehow do not help their competitor to gain a geopolitical victory, as Gorbachev's Soviet Union did, the Sino-American military technological parity will not be achieved until 2040–2045.

    A direct consequence of the competition between the United States and China in technology will be the disintegration of the global space of technological standards and solutions, dominated by the United States, into two areas - American (Western) and Chinese. This will significantly worsen the leadership position of the United States, depriving America of its role as a global technological unifier and weakening the global position of its high-tech industries. On the contrary, China's position will be strengthened by the emergence of its own technology sphere of standards.

    It is technological rivalry that will determine all other aspects of the confrontation between the United States and China, and the development of computing power and networking solutions will be a breakthrough success. This will change the face of the entire civilization and, in particular, the face of war. In military-technological terms, one can expect completely remote warfare with the massive use of drones and smart ammunition, as well as total anti-missile defense capable of hitting many of the most difficult targets, which will devalue traditional nuclear forces and deprive Russia of the last attribute of a great power left to it from the USSR.

    And Russia, after another one and a half to two decades of efforts to preserve its military-technological autonomy, will be forced to choose one or another pole of competition. And it is not at all predetermined that this side will be China. If American policy is sufficiently patient, flexible and open, then it will have a considerable chance of getting Russia on its side, especially since the Russian elite dreams of exactly this. Only now, there is less and less reason to expect flexibility and wisdom from Washington.

    What absolute crock pot full of bullshit! clown

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    China & Russia close the tech gap vs USA in weapons race - Page 6 Empty Re: China & Russia close the tech gap vs USA in weapons race

    Post  franco Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:28 pm

    The never ending propaganda by the MIC for more money.

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    China & Russia close the tech gap vs USA in weapons race - Page 6 Empty Re: China & Russia close the tech gap vs USA in weapons race

    Post  GarryB Sat Dec 05, 2020 4:07 am

    Funny that they claim China is behind the US in every regard... except vaccines and 5g and of course supersonic anti ship missiles...

    Chinese products are certainly a bit of an unknown because they are not combat tested, but that alone is an advantage they ignore... China is not really tied to any conflict at the moment unlike the US which uses conflict to gain access to resources and attempt to punish rivals.

    There is certainly no reason why China could not change their policy and start to send their weapons to various places for operational testing... Syria springs to mind... I am sure Iran would welcome the opportunity to try some Chinese weapons and give advice and criticism to help further development of those systems... just as one example.

    Amusing they still dream of using Russia and China against each other to meet their goals of retaining their position...

    They still seem to be vastly better bang per buck than the US does and it only seems to be getting worse... the western focus on money only as a goal in itself at the cost of anything else will be their downfall.

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