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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  sepheronx Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:33 pm

    F-15E wrote:captured from russian soldiers/mercenaries russia

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 640x428
    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 534x800

    I can see you are using direct linking of images. Garry, is this even allowed? As well, RPG's of all types excluding 32, can be found in Ukrainian inventory as well, so you need to try a little harder and give detail as to where and how it was captured with evidence to back it up.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:38 pm

    F-15E wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:
    F-15E wrote:captured from russian soldiers/mercenaries russia

    Is that is how you and your Fag Buddies entertain the whole day..? trying to find Russian weapons in
    Ukraine? Why you don't post the pictures of NATO weapons in Ukraine imbecile? There are as many mercenaries
    American and NATO soldiers as volunteers helping the Rebels if not more. Already i gave you evidence of NATO soldiers in Ukraine.. and weapons too..   I bet pathetic Imbeciles like you find nothing wrong with the javelines
    missiles that Canada supplied to kiev.. last year.. but go a complain whenever see anything that looks like was
    given by Russia..  Hypocrite.

    Hahaha,you found a glock and then say "Nato is sending weapons in Ukraine bla bla bla",but unlike Russia,we do not send howitzers,tanks etc. russia

    But they send trolls such as yourself who scream and debate how small their micro-penis is on internet forums. Razz Quite a few NATO states who were former Warsaw Pact have been selling their old Soviet era stocks to Ukraine, you can't just give NATO only equipment when the Ukrainians don't have the logistics to adequately support their equipment, but if you weren't missing a few chromosomes you could probably understand the most elementary of military concepts. Razz

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  higurashihougi Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:45 pm

    F-15E wrote:Hahaha,you found a glock and then say "Nato is sending weapons in Ukraine bla bla bla",but unlike Russia,we do not send howitzers,tanks etc. russia

    I suggest you should send, and then the whole world will see how ill-equipped your army is. And how the lobbyist, corruption and zionism have been plauging your military industry and have been playing with the life of U.S. citizen.

    Would love to see F-35 being shot down by Novo AA defense system. Because that is a good lesson for the Pentagon about paying respect to the life of U.S. soldiers and the money of U.S. taxpayers.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  flamming_python Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:19 pm

    Suprisingly neutral and level-headed business article over at the Washington Post. It just briefly lays out the facts on the Ukrainian economical situation, nothing more. But it's the one of the most-read on the site, so perhaps something will be getting through to the average politically-conscious American after-all.
    Ukraine’s currency just collapsed 50 percent in two days
    By Matt O'Brien February 6

    Ukraine, to use a technical term, is broke. That's what you call a country whose currency has lost half its value in just two days.

    The problem is simple: Ukraine has no money and barely any economy. It's already talking to the IMF about a $15 billion bailout and what's euphemistically being called a debt "restructuring"—i.e., default—as its reserves have dwindled down to $6.42 billion, only enough to cover five weeks of imports. (Three months worth is considered the absolute least you can get by with).

    So it was more than a bit belated for Ukraine to stop spending the few dollars it does have on propping up its currency, the hryvnia. It took until Thursday for it to do that, though, and, when it did, the reaction was swift and it was violent. The hyrvnia fell from 16.8 to 24.4 per dollar, and then again to 25.3 on Friday, on the news that the government wouldn't intervene it in anymore. In all, it was a 50 percent decline in 48 hours. And this was despite the fact that its central bank simultaneously jacked up interest rates from 14 to 19.5 percent to try to get people to hold their money in hyrvinia that would pay them a lot instead of dollars that wouldn't. That, as you can see, didn't exactly work.

    Now let's back up a minute. Why is Ukraine so doomed? Well, it's been mismanaged on a world-historical scale by oligarchs who, for decades, have skimmed billions off the country's nonexistent growth. That last part's not hyperbole. It seems almost impossible, but Ukraine's economy has actually shrunk since communism ended in 1991. Or since 1992. Or even 1993. And now its not-so-cold war with Russia is destroying the little that's left. It's not just that the rebel strongholds in the factory-heavy east have deprived Ukraine of a quarter of its industrial capacity. It's that it can't afford to fight against what's still it's biggest trading partner—Russia. Think about that. You don't usually trade a lot with the country you're going to battle against, but Ukraine's economy is so dependent on Russia's that it still trades more with it than any other country. That means anything that hurts Russia, like lower oil prices or sanctions, just redounds onto Ukraine, and puts it in an even bigger financial hole.

    Ukraine, in other words, doesn't have a lot of foreign currency, and doesn't have a lot of ways to earn more of it. Not when it didn't have much of an economy to begin with, it's fighting its biggest trading partner, and separatists have taken away its industrial heartland. The only questions are how big the bailout will be, and how far the hrvynia will fall in the meantime.

    Ukraine's currency is weak, and that's not a game.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:15 pm

    Holysh*t, according to German intelligence, Kiev has been lying and downplaying how many civilians and serviceman died in the Ukrainian Civil War. They estimate that the true death toll is 10 times higher than Kiev is claiming, with at least 50,000 dead!

    ‘Official figures not credible’: German intel say Ukraine death toll 10 times higher

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38

    The German intelligence service estimates the real losses in the Ukrainian civil war at 50,000 dead (civilians and servicemen), which is nearly 10 times higher than reported by the Kiev authorities, German media report.

    The information comes from a source in German intelligence, who spoke to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAZ) newspaper.

    “Germany’s special services estimate the probable number of deceased Ukrainian servicemen and civilians at up to 50,000 people. This figure is about 10 times higher than official data. Official figures are clearly too low and not credible,” the newspaper reported on Sunday, citing its source.

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Ukraine

    Just one day before the report was published, the Ukrainian president gave completely different numbers to the international community.

    “The death toll for the Ukrainian soldiers defending land from the aggressor is now 1,432. Thousands of people, 5,638, have been killed since April [2014] and every single day the number of victims among the civilians is rising,” Petro Poroshenko said in his address to the 51st Munich Security Conference on Saturday.

    The Ukrainian army is reported to be suffering its heaviest losses since the beginning of the conflict last spring. According to the Donetsk militia representative, Eduard Basurin, the Ukrainian army has lost 1,569 servicemen in just three weeks since restarting the offensive.

    The situation on the battlefield is dire for the Ukrainian forces. Some 8,000 Ukrainian troops are believed to be surrounded near the village of Debaltsevo in Donbass. Militia units cut off the only road linking this pocket of land to Kiev-controlled territory.

    Taking into account these heavy losses, Ukraine is set to call up as many military age Ukrainians as possible. The national military draft for 2015 is expected to see 100,000 people joining the army in three stages throughout the year.

    The recruitment effort, coming amid intensified fighting in eastern Ukraine, is being met by a distinct lack of enthusiasm by potential soldiers.

    ‘Official figures not credible’: German intel say Ukraine death toll 10 times higher

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  kvs Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:37 pm

    Before some butthurt clown pops up and claims that the above report is BS, I will make some points:

    1) We are seeing full blown conventional warfare of the WWII variety without a lot of air attacks. This is not a low grade
    guerrilla war.

    2) Civilians have been targeted from the beginning. These are not just sporadic collateral damage events, this is day in and
    day out slaughter via artillery and MLRS barrages. It is not as high per day as it could be, but that means squat.

    3) The numbers being thrown around cannot possibly be based on any comprehensive accounting of losses, especially when
    it comes to Donbas civilians. Several months ago I did an estimate of the total death toll based on my daily monitoring of
    the web (youtube, rebel websites) and got a figure close to what the UN was reporting (just multiply the daily average
    by the number of days since serious fighting began). So the UN is producing estimates based on "analysis" of web media.

    4) The web coverage of civilian losses is partial. We can can safely assume that civilian losses exceed military losses.
    Perhaps they are not 2:1 as during WWII but they are more than 1:1.

    5) Military losses on both sides are easily over 25,000. So over 25,000 dead civilians is a reasonable inference.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  F-15E Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:52 pm

    Poroshenko shows passports of Russian soldiers to demonstrate the presence of Russian troops in the Ukraine as he speaks at the 51st Munich Security Conference

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Big

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  sepheronx Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:08 pm


    And people were saying the us passports found in Georgia during the war were fake.

    This is funny. He holds em up like its money, but no names and photos of whom they belonged to? Ahahahaha.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:38 pm

    F-15E wrote:Poroshenko shows passports of Russian soldiers to demonstrate the presence of Russian troops in the Ukraine as he speaks at the 51st Munich Security Conference

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Big

    He'll have to have them independently verified for people to believe him...

    Moscow demands copies of ‘Russian soldiers IDs’ shown in Munich

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  Werewolf Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:46 pm

    Lol you have to read the first comment on the RT video on this porky holding passports.

    6 солдат ебашут вашу великую армию? и вы просите помощи?

    "6 Soldiers fuck up your great army? And you still ask for help?"

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  kvs Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:47 pm

    Do people actually believe that soldiers carry passports into battle? Especially if the battle is supposed to be semi-covert?

    Please, put the crack pipe down before it is too late!

    Russian soldiers cannot use their passports while on active service – they must hand them in. Everybody who has ever lived in Russia knows this. Indeed, even contract soldiers are forced to hand in theirs while on army business and, like the troops, they get a replacement military ID. This is why Sochi’s bars are crawling with off-duty Russian military – they can’t go abroad without their travel documents.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:04 pm

    kvs wrote:Do people actually believe that soldiers carry passports into battle?  Especially if the battle is supposed to be semi-covert?

    Please, put the crack pipe down before it is too late!

    Russian soldiers cannot use their passports while on active service – they must hand them in. Everybody who has ever lived in Russia knows this. Indeed, even contract soldiers are forced to hand in theirs while on army business and, like the troops, they get a replacement military ID. This is why Sochi’s bars are crawling with off-duty Russian military – they can’t go abroad without their travel documents.

    F-15E's wet-dreams have been crushed thoroughly lol! Him and his fellow swine Porkyshenko, and Ferkel Merkel are better suited twisting their asses on metal rods, rotating over a open fire!
    par far

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  par far Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:32 pm

    F-15E wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:
    F-15E wrote:captured from russian soldiers/mercenaries russia

    Is that is how you and your Fag Buddies entertain the whole day..? trying to find Russian weapons in
    Ukraine? Why you don't post the pictures of NATO weapons in Ukraine imbecile? There are as many mercenaries
    American and NATO soldiers as volunteers helping the Rebels if not more. Already i gave you evidence of NATO soldiers in Ukraine.. and weapons too..   I bet pathetic Imbeciles like you find nothing wrong with the javelines
    missiles that Canada supplied to kiev.. last year.. but go a complain whenever see anything that looks like was
    given by Russia..  Hypocrite.

    Hahaha,you found a glock and then say "Nato is sending weapons in Ukraine bla bla bla",but unlike Russia,we do not send howitzers,tanks etc. russia

    Russia should send everything it needs because the Jew United States of America is right on their door step. This is a very important war because any country(including Russia) has the right to sell their oil in any current they wish(and that is what this war is mostly about).
    par far

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  par far Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:34 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    F-15E wrote:Poroshenko shows passports of Russian soldiers to demonstrate the presence of Russian troops in the Ukraine as he speaks at the 51st Munich Security Conference

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Big

    He'll have to have them independently verified for people to believe him...

    Moscow demands copies of ‘Russian soldiers IDs’ shown in Munich

    If Russian soliders want to go to Ukraine to fight the fascists, why would they need their passports. I don't think they would worry much about customs.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  Vann7 Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:03 pm

    par far wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    F-15E wrote:Poroshenko shows passports of Russian soldiers to demonstrate the presence of Russian troops in the Ukraine as he speaks at the 51st Munich Security Conference

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Big

    He'll have to have them independently verified for people to believe him...

    Moscow demands copies of ‘Russian soldiers IDs’ shown in Munich

    If Russian soliders want to go to Ukraine to fight the fascists, why would they need their passports. I don't think they would worry much about customs.

    yep.. they need the passports to enter through the border checkpoints .. Laughing
    I think it still was a good stunt by Poroshenko.. thruth is not important.. but good propaganda is what counts.
    Ironically he about rebels receiving help from Russia but Russian regular army is not..but formers soldiers/veterans
    of chechen or afgan war. They can be as lethal if not more than regular army soldiers.. in some case..
    Like Motorola and givi ,they have been in no less than 3 wars.. chechenia ,yugoeslavia apparently and Georgia..
    so their knowledge and trust in their capabilities is worth of gold.

    ABout ukraine 5$ billions ,5 week reservers Shocked
    thats totally insane.. No wonder Poroshenko is now agreeing with a cease of fire.. if they are in the middle
    of war.. they will not get a loan .. In my opinion , The Europeans should delay any help to Ukraine and wait
    its economy to default officially.. that way no longer the ukraine army will be paid anything and they will be
    FORCED to stop fighting and negotiate with the Rebels.. the last report i saw.. was about kiev looking to take
    people savings from banks.. ala CYPRUS.. that is steal people savings from banks to pay their debts.. they are
    really insane.. and reports like that will create panic in the population more than any Russian army invasion..
    and will start to widraw their money and try to change it in euros as soon as possible and flee the country.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  Rmf Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:24 pm

    F-15E wrote:Poroshenko shows passports of Russian soldiers to demonstrate the presence of Russian troops in the Ukraine as he speaks at the 51st Munich Security Conference

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Big

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 XWIiksMyGkc0.jpg.pagespeed.ic.XaiF4dPLGMCbx_O-qwxh
    par far

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  par far Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:46 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    par far wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    F-15E wrote:Poroshenko shows passports of Russian soldiers to demonstrate the presence of Russian troops in the Ukraine as he speaks at the 51st Munich Security Conference

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Big

    He'll have to have them independently verified for people to believe him...

    Moscow demands copies of ‘Russian soldiers IDs’ shown in Munich

    If Russian soliders want to go to Ukraine to fight the fascists, why would they need their passports. I don't think they would worry much about customs.

    yep.. they need the passports to enter through the border checkpoints .. Laughing
    I think it still was a good stunt by Poroshenko.. thruth is not important.. but good propaganda is what counts.
    Ironically he about rebels receiving help from Russia but Russian regular army is not..but formers soldiers/veterans
    of chechen or afgan war. They can be as lethal if not more than regular army soldiers.. in some case..
    Like Motorola and givi ,they have been in no less than 3 wars.. chechenia ,yugoeslavia apparently and Georgia..
    so their knowledge and trust in their capabilities is worth of gold.

    ABout ukraine 5$ billions ,5 week reservers Shocked
    thats totally insane.. No wonder Poroshenko is now agreeing with a cease of fire.. if they are in the middle
    of war.. they will not get a loan .. In my opinion , The Europeans should delay any help to Ukraine and wait
    its economy to default officially.. that way no longer the ukraine army will be paid anything and they will be
    FORCED to stop fighting and negotiate with the Rebels.. the last report i saw.. was about kiev looking to take
    people savings from banks.. ala CYPRUS.. that is steal people savings from banks to pay their debts.. they are
    really insane.. and reports like that will create panic in the population more than any Russian army invasion..
    and will start to widraw their money and try to change it in euros as soon as possible and flee the country.

    You right vann, this is just propaganda, Russia should grab all the proof it can about Americans and other mercenaries fighting for the fascist regime in Kiev. I am pretty sure people are already taking their money out of the banks and exchanging it into other currencies, if they not, they will soon start and quickly.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  TR1 Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:42 pm

    F-15E wrote:Poroshenko shows passports of Russian soldiers to demonstrate the presence of Russian troops in the Ukraine as he speaks at the 51st Munich Security Conference

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Big

    That is embarrassing.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  sepheronx Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:48 pm

    TR1 wrote:
    F-15E wrote:Poroshenko shows passports of Russian soldiers to demonstrate the presence of Russian troops in the Ukraine as he speaks at the 51st Munich Security Conference

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Big

    That is embarrassing.

    Which part?

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  TR1 Sun Feb 08, 2015 9:05 pm

    The proof part.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  flamming_python Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:45 pm


    This is Zaporozhie, the next region over russia russia russia

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  flamming_python Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:48 pm

    Also this, unverified, but it wouldn't be the first time we've heard about disturbances in the Odessa region.

    The first to non-cooperate, was a Bulgarian village over a week ago.
    Now a Romanian one. Sensationalist title can be ignored though.

    Bessarabian rebels take Ukrainian patrol hostage and burn call-up papers in the village square
    By Sergey Ilchenko,, Feb. 1, 2015, translated from the original Russian by Kristina Rus and published on Fort Russ website

    Call-up papers burned and Ukrainian patrols blocked in Odessa region

    Events in the Reni district (Budjak region) of Odessa region in Ukraine are characteristic of the “fourth wave” of mobilization in the South of Ukraine. People in the old fishing village of Limanskoe have rebelled. Hundreds of residents captured an armed group of military representatives and publicly burned all the call up papers in the village square.

    Reni is the extreme southwestern point of Ukraine. Located on the left Bank of the Danube, the district borders Romania and Moldova. Once upon a time, it was a major port and rail junction and agriculture and fishing farms flourished. Now, only “independent” ashes remain of the local economy. People earn a living by poaching and smuggling across the Danube. Such business forms bold and decisive characters. Every other household has a weapon, and old people tell legends about heroic robberies of Grigory Kotovsky.

    Limanskoe is the former Romanian village Frikarsei. Most locals are Moldovan, Gagauz and Russian. They are openly hostile to the Ukrainian junta and completely refuse to go to war. The mood is typical, however there is one characteristic. The called-up men could easily cross the border and hide in the swamps of the Danube. But they decided to stay home and throw out the Ukrainian military.

    Military Commissar of the district Igor Skrypnik knew very well about the attitude of the civilian population of the county towards mobilization. So before a trip to Limanskoe to issue mobilization orders, he requested armed security. A group of Commisar employees was reinforced with Odessa punisher-nazguardians.

    That produced the opposite result: when people in camouflage with guns appeared in the village, this caused an outburst of spontaneous protest,” said acting chairman of the State Administration Sergey Barimov.

    “About two hundred inhabitants of Limanskoe surrounded the representatives of the military and the guard armed with machine guns. I immediately informed the governor Igor Palitsa of the unfolding emergency in Limanskoe. I reported because I know the mentality of this village: the incident could have ended tragically!”

    The head of the district is right – the commissar’s reps and the nazguardians were disarmed, the crowd was seriously going to deal with them. At the same time, the fishermen of Limanskoe put up checkpoints around the village. Across Lake Cagul, brigades from neighboring villages were rushing in on motor boats. The Romanian towns Lukavitsa and Isakcha on the right bank got on high alert.

    To negotiate with the rebels, the deputy chairman of Reni administration, Ivan Stadnikov, quickly arrived. The respected leader was able to persuade his countrymen to release the “prisoners” without inflicting injuries.

    Finally the residents lined the military representatives on the square, placed the bag with call up papers nearby, doused it with gasoline and defiantly set it on fire. Moreover, they forced the military representatives to stare at the fire until the papers burnt to ashes.

    What happened to the confiscated machine guns is unknown.

    This was reported by the acting head of the district administration S. Barymov. He argues that the Odessa regional administration does yet intend to pursue a punitive operation in the rebellious village. A power sweep against the Danube rebels may trigger an explosion of people’s anger around the Bessarabian region. [See note below on the history of Bessasrabia.]

    “When the incident was over, I was called by the head of the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine in the Odessa region and assured that the head of the Reni district police department, dispatching armed guards, made a mistake and will be punished”, shrugged the official.

    That is, people were reassured by the promises that the cops are to blame for everything, and the commissar patrol will not show up in Limanskoe ever again.

    Comment by translator Kristina Rus:
    Looking at the map above, you can see that the Reni district is completely cut off from the rest of Odessa region (and Ukraine) and is surrounded by Romania from North and West, and the lake in South-East. Perhaps geography contributed to their bold hostility. It appears that no one from the Odessa region wants to deal with them at this point. Perhaps hoping that its isolation will not infect other districts. Do we have a Reni Republic in the works? I can bet this is what local men talk about at night. For now, looks like we have a “Limanskoye Republic” for sure. Surrounded by its own checkpoints. And triumphantly left to their own devices by the masters of Odessa region.

    This is yet another argument for those analysts who think that more fragmentation of Ukraine is yet to come.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  sepheronx Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:20 pm

    TR1 wrote:The proof part.

    For who? You need to be more specific.

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    Post  ahmedfire Mon Feb 09, 2015 12:27 am

    It's easy to predict something that you already set it up !


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #10 - Page 38 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #10

    Post  Regular Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:05 am

    Damn, was it arty positions hit or warehouse? Pretty massive.

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