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    Your favorite music


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    Your favorite music Empty Incomprehensible dribble that we call "Music"

    Post  sepheronx Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:58 pm

    My rant. And a good one (If you don't like it, get our panzy!).

    Look at where music is heading. Yes, we live in a new generation. But ask yourself this question: is this generation all that good? Music is a damn good example. You got groups like Acon (Acorn, Acron, Achers, etc). who like to rehash the same beat over and over again using a synthisizer (ooh wow, how creative, must take lots of knowledge and skills to use a pre-created beat) and sing about the same damn thing every time for every song on every damn album: Baby, Girl!

    Yeah, I get it; Headacheorn likes to create music about how he likes women (he is now heterosexual, and proven to us he is not gay). But why do people like that same dribble? Makes no sense to me. In the past, we had awesome music (Don't remind me that I was not even born when this music came out) from groups like Aerosmith (even if Dream On was their only great song), Iron Maiden, Alice Cooper, The Beatles, Guess Who, The Who, etc. When music was not just about "girls, women, drugs, killing cops, etc" and about "new age, stories, horror, etc", the world seemed you know........more intellectual?

    We got these musics (and you know what? I will say it.....Good thing Biggy Smalls and Tupac (Twopack,4Pack, gayback) killed each other. They where over glorified gang bangers who deserved time, rather then money and "respect".

    Your favorite music Graph1
    True depiction of intelligence to that of time/music evolution (more like de-evolution to be exact).

    (how great, he reused the word "Nananana" over and over again, I know sh!t flinging apes who can rhyme better).

    Do you know how painful it was to listen to that?

    Well, guess what? MORE!

    (look how tough I am? A coke dealer and a pimp. Prison? Better get used to soap on a rope!)

    (Good example as to what I said: Gang bangers over emphasized by our beloved media!)

    Now, let us look back at classics!

    (song of pretty much redemption while already being in hell)

    (History right here. Hmm, Knowledge, something new generations don't have).

    (Innovation to new concept of Rock and Roll. Look at that? Guitar and other instruments that are NOT pre-recorded beats on an electric piano!)

    Many of you will hate me. But face it; as education in the concept of what everyone learns about our world as a whole is going to the toilet. Kids are now trying to be better of fitting in while doing Meth (big problem in the school I went to) and committing juvenile acts and for what? My view is that the sad aspect of over glorifying these dumb douche bags of current music and movie industries (don't even get me started on these so-called "roll models), is what giving the kids now and the kids to be a bad picture of how one should be and act.

    Oh well, the world is already in the gutter. But I will not resort to such delinquency.

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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  Jelena Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:15 am

    sepheronx wrote:My rant.
    Many of you will hate me.

    You are comparing different genres of music Wink .

    What would be your choice?

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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  Admin Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:18 am

    Rap has been dumbing down since the eighties. It used to be an art form but it is a bunch of no talent these days.

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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  sepheronx Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:29 am

    Jelena wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:My rant.
    Many of you will hate me.

    You are comparing different genres of music Wink .

    What would be your choice?

    Doesn't even really matter at a point now of Genre or not. Rap and hip hop are groups that are not actually music. How can you call it music? There are ballades in music, Rap does not have any.

    It is the concept though, that the popular music that grows, the mind set does not. That is what I am comparing to.

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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  Admin Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:22 am

    sepheronx wrote:
    Doesn't even really matter at a point now of Genre or not. Rap and hip hop are groups that are not actually music. How can you call it music? There are ballades in music, Rap does not have any.

    Ballads are versus in music. You might contend that rap is a ballad without "real" music. But to say it doesn't have one would be reserved for those that don't tell a story. Early rap told some pretty intense stories. Now it is just about bytches and hoes.

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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  Jelena Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:03 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:
    Doesn't even really matter at a point now of Genre or not. Rap and hip hop are groups that are not actually music. How can you call it music? There are ballades in music, Rap does not have any.

    Ballads are versus in music. You might contend that rap is a ballad without "real" music. But to say it doesn't have one would be reserved for those that don't tell a story. Early rap told some pretty intense stories. Now it is just about bytches and hoes.

    It's specific hip hop genre "Gangsta rap" (50 Cent, Eminem, Ice Cube, late Tupac Shakur etc.)and that's why is all about ... BUT it is what people want to listen, otherwise they would died out (or exist symbolically) like some other genres/sub-genres in music.

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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  sepheronx Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:53 pm

    Yes, But verses in these raps are not spaced out, but rather repeated lines with a continuous flow. It is as if media has taken the most illiterate retard off the block, and had him write music sheets. That is what Rap in my opinion.

    These so called Gangsters (whom are usually killed off by the real bad guys), are nothing more then a media hype that enrages me.

    How could we have allowed to go from this:

    To this?

    I may be an ultra-nationalist when it comes to classic music, but how did humanity get to this low point? Hmmmm....... Stupidity breeds stupid children. It is usually the stupid who also dominate the planet.

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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  Jelena Thu Aug 13, 2009 10:11 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Yes, But verses in these raps are not spaced out, but rather repeated lines with a continuous flow. It is as if media has taken the most illiterate retard off the block, and had him write music sheets. That is what Rap in my opinion.

    Well, hip hop has it's origins in Bronx, NY. Kind of self explanatory...

    I may be an ultra-nationalist when it comes to classic music, but how did humanity get to this low point?

    I don't listen rap my self but do know many well educated ppl who don't mind listening it. No one is forced to listen something he doesn't like.

    Hmmmm....... Stupidity breeds stupid children. It is usually the stupid who also dominate the planet.

    It may come as a surprise to you but some of the world biggest criminals loved to listen classical music Exclamation

    What about this?

    Or this:

    I guess this one is safe to go with Wink


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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  sepheronx Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:04 pm

    I am not denying the concept of criminals listening to old music, but at least the classic music did not proclaim or even praise the crap we have now. I will not defend that so-called degenerate music that you call rap, hip hop or whatever you love. Its the same crap over and over again, unoriginal and obviously created for people with a one track mind.

    Oh, and intelligent it book smarts or what? Cause people would call my sister (who listens to that crap) intelligent, just because she can memorize a book. Something that most people fail to realize, as Common sense is an oxymoron these day's.

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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  Jelena Sat Aug 15, 2009 3:02 am

    sepheronx wrote:I am not denying the concept of criminals listening to old music, but at least the classic music did not proclaim or even praise the crap we have now. I will not defend that so-called degenerate music that you call rap, hip hop or whatever you love. Its the same crap over and over again, unoriginal and obviously created for people with a one track mind.

    Oh, and intelligent it book smarts or what? Cause people would call my sister (who listens to that crap) intelligent, just because she can memorize a book. Something that most people fail to realize, as Common sense is an oxymoron these day's.

    You're so sweet Smile . Look, I understand your problem but you're not going to solve it this way Wink

    Intelligence is you IQ-predisposed when you were born and smartness can be related to many things, among others also "book smart".

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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  sepheronx Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:24 am

    Jelena wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:I am not denying the concept of criminals listening to old music, but at least the classic music did not proclaim or even praise the crap we have now. I will not defend that so-called degenerate music that you call rap, hip hop or whatever you love. Its the same crap over and over again, unoriginal and obviously created for people with a one track mind.

    Oh, and intelligent it book smarts or what? Cause people would call my sister (who listens to that crap) intelligent, just because she can memorize a book. Something that most people fail to realize, as Common sense is an oxymoron these day's.

    You're so sweet Smile . Look, I understand your problem but you're not going to solve it this way Wink

    Intelligence is you IQ-predisposed when you were born and smartness can be related to many things, among others also "book smart".

    "pshaa", IQ at least with IQ tests are an observing method of ones reaction towards questions, not if you know it or not. I may do well on some IQ tests and some others (110 or 115), but others, no. Also, I do quite well when it comes to aptitude tests (which I passed when trying to join the police force, but failed in the physical).

    But, everyone has their taste in music. I just think there is a comparison somewhere in what I made mention.

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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  RussiaRules Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:34 pm

    I agree most rap sounds too similar and unoriginal, I think rock is my favorite genre
    But the best rap is Swedish with a bit of jazz

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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  Vladislav Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:31 pm

    RussiaRules wrote:I agree most rap sounds too similar and unoriginal, I think rock is my favorite genre
    But the best rap is Swedish with a bit of jazz

    Russian rap is the worst.


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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  Jelena Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:18 pm

    Vladislav wrote:

    Russian rap is the worst.

    Depends how you look at it Smile


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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  Admin Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:05 am

    Russian isn't a very good rapping language IMO. The worst langauge for any music is Hebrew... hack hack.

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    Your favorite music Empty Your favorite music

    Post  sepheronx Thu Aug 27, 2009 9:27 pm

    Post your favorite music (No Bias-ismsmism......... involved).

    (Found one in my hometown (Winnipeg), but not great quality)

    (posted this one before)

    (watched these guys Live in Calgary)


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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  Jelena Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:12 am

    There are so many (depends on my mood)... Where to start Question Very Happy

    Or this:

    More later, after other members sunny

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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  Jelena Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:58 pm

    Jelena wrote:
    More later, after other members sunny
    I'll wait no more music


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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  sepheronx Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:05 pm


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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  Jelena Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:36 pm


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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  Jelena Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:44 pm


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    Your favorite music Empty What are you listening to?

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:09 am


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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:12 am


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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  Jelena Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:57 am

    You two are too aggressive Very Happy

    For Mother Russia!


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    Your favorite music Empty Re: Your favorite music

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:47 pm

    Vietnamese folk dance :3 isn't it just graceful ? I love you

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