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Military Forum for Russian and Global Defence Issues

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    Graphic images/videos


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    Graphic images/videos Empty Graphic images/videos

    Post  mack8 Thu Jun 05, 2014 4:59 pm

    Dear Moderators,

    Recently there seem to have been an infusion of very graphic images and videos posted on this forum, particularly here:

    I did not seems to have found anything specific in the forum rules regarding graphic content, and i'm not sure if this has been a common occurrence and has been tacitly tolerated. But i would like to respectfully ask that graphic content should be regulated so that cannot be viewed accidentally by those of us who do not embrace such views, if some members really find necessary to post graphic and gore images, allowing just the links to wherever they are posted (together with explicit warning) would give the members the option to view or not to view such materials. Obviously, i do not agree with such practices because imo, glorifying death and suffering like this, for whatever purpose (even if thought to be "good"), serves only to animalize and dehumanize peoples and make them insensible to death and horrible suffering. I know such practices are common on say, jihadist or extremist websites, but i hope RMF and it's morals are far, far higher than that.

    Thank you very much .

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    Post  GarryB Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:13 am

    If you find material on this site that is objectional please do not hesitate to PM both the poster and a moderator.

    We are all adults here, but if the poster refuses to act or continues to post objectional material without warnings then a complaint to a mod is your last option.

    I have graphics (vids and pictures) disabled on my machine but if you identify items that are objectionable I will look.

    I expect 99% of the time when asked to remove or warn about graphic content the poster will comply themselves.

    The only exception is porn.

    Post porn here and expect a break and for your post to be deleted.

    To those that post potentially objectionable material keep in mind that while these things happen in the real world some people have already seen that and don't want to see it at home at night after work.

    Watch videos before you post them and make sure any scenes that might offend come with warnings or just post a link to the site you found them on.

    Freedom of speech is a fundamental right, but before demanding the right to post video of people shot or burned pretend your 11 year old daughter is watching this site.

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    Location : Skopje, Macedonia - Скопје, Македонија

    Graphic images/videos Empty Re: Graphic images/videos

    Post  macedonian Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:46 am

    I agree that graphic images/videos are hard to watch.
    God knows I've had my fair share of trauma and emotional reactions from watching many of the videos coming out of Ukraine and Syria.
    That said, this IS a MILITARY forum. I'd expect that for many veterans seeing the said atrocities ON THE GROUND would be much more of a traumatic experience.
    NOT TO MENTION [the] CIVILIANS caught in the crossfire of the said events.

    My point:
    Though graphic videos are TRULY hard to watch, and are appalling, and heart-wrenching - they ARE the reality of war.
    Discussing war should NEVER be a 'salon' experience on a pure academic level. I'd rather be shocked by videos/images than be detached from the realities of war, and discuss things as if they are everyday occurrences. Discussing war, especially civil war IS MEANT to be a bad, and emotional experience!
    Unless you are the one instigating it, and go by the 'Neocon' epithet, I guess. Than civil war is just means to an end, and you don't give a fcuk about the suffering of the affected.

    And about moderation...
    I think I'd prefer people to self-moderate, and not have this forum go down the way, where many anti-NATO, anti-US, and especially anti-Israel posters are banned. What's the point in discussing things on a forum, if different opinions are banned?! We'll just end up circlejerking - agreeing on everything. Not good for discussion. I certainly would post much less here if things were that way... This should be reserved for people going off topic, and posting with an agenda though.

    Another note, I'd like to add here, or rather appeal to all posters:
    Please don't dehumanize the enemy. Don't cheer for burning people alive, and the execution of war prisoners. Russians should be better than that. Leave that to the Banderovitsi scum, and their US supporters. Claim the high moral ground. The seps in Ukraine should be the heroes of this war, and we, their supporters, should be holding them to a higher standard than what we hold the Nazis and their Western supporters and mercs.

    That's it.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:21 am

    I will not ban anyone for their views.

    If someone is told not to post pictures of dead people (no matter who the dead people are) without warnings and they continue to ignore instructions from me or another mod then I will certainly ban them for at least a week the first time... and if it happens again permanent bans become likely.

    That is not to say you can get away with posting dead americans and will be banned for posting dead Russians.

    You will get clear warnings and you will be banned for ignoring those clear warnings.

    This is a military site but no everyone wants to see graphic pictures or videos... whether it is the reality of war or not.

    I love guns... but I hate violence. There is no contradiction there... only a fool loves violence IMHO.

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    Graphic images/videos Empty Re: Graphic images/videos

    Post  macedonian Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:08 am

    My opinion is stated clear enough, I don't feel the need to add anything on the subject.
    You are the mod, you take the decisions. I can only offer my opinion.

    GarryB wrote:I love guns... but I hate violence. There is no contradiction there... only a fool loves violence IMHO.
    I agree. Problem is, fools are not in short supply in the world at current.

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    Graphic images/videos Empty Re: Graphic images/videos

    Post  Airbornewolf Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:38 pm

    macedonian wrote:

    Another note, I'd like to add here, or rather appeal to all posters:
    Please don't dehumanize the enemy. Don't cheer for burning people alive, and the execution of war prisoners. Russians should be better than that. Leave that to the Banderovitsi scum, and their US supporters. Claim the high moral ground. The seps in Ukraine should be the heroes of this war, and we, their supporters, should be holding them to a higher standard than what we hold the Nazis and their Western supporters and mercs.

    That's it.

    i fully agree with this, people that "explode" emotionally with the violent materials posted. ive been confronted in my life several times with such things, war experience may sound easy to the one that never went trough it but its almost unexplainable to the one that does not know. its not something you learn either by watching vids or seeing pictures. and for those that do not know than keep it that way. its never a "good" experience. and a lot of people end up mentally damaged by it for good reasons.

    but indeed, to lower to such things as Macedonian described as cheering at burning people or wishing any other primitive, brutal interpretations of revenge on a computer far away from the conflict zone is immature to say the least. i think thats where Garryb's comment fits "only a fool loves violence". but thats my personal interpretation.

    dont lower to the Kiev Nazi trash that compared the burned alive people in Odessa as "collorado beetles" with disturbing comparisons as if those people where "insects" or a piece of KFC on online social media or people cheering at executed POW's like Macedonian said. there is nothing honorable about such behaviour. certainly not online.


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    Graphic images/videos Empty Re: Graphic images/videos

    Post  mack8 Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:51 pm

    Thank you very much GarryB for your reply and especially clarification on behalf of the RMF Staff, it is much appreciated, and thanks to Macedonian and Airbornewolf for your well argumented posts. thumbsup

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    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:39 am

    At the very least I will talk about it with both parties and those I see as being in the wrong will be told why I see it that way.

    No surprise bannings like MP net and no banning one side and allowing the other side to continue posting the same.

    My opinion is stated clear enough, I don't feel the need to add anything on the subject.
    You are the mod, you take the decisions. I can only offer my opinion.

    I hope I have made it clear I will never ban anyone because they dont share my views.
    I certainly respect your views and the views of many others on this forum. Even when I don't or only partially agree.

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    Location : Skopje, Macedonia - Скопје, Македонија

    Graphic images/videos Empty Re: Graphic images/videos

    Post  macedonian Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:12 am

    GarryB wrote:At the very least I will talk about it with both parties and those I see as being in the wrong will be told why I see it that way.

    No surprise bannings like MP net and no banning one side and allowing the other side to continue posting the same.

    My opinion is stated clear enough, I don't feel the need to add anything on the subject.
    You are the mod, you take the decisions. I can only offer my opinion.

    I hope I have made it clear I will never ban anyone because they dont share my views.
    I certainly respect your views and the views of many others on this forum. Even when I don't or only partially agree.

    Yes, quite clear.
    I'm being very honest here, when I say that you're doing a great job moderating this forum. My +1 to you.

    Understood about the banning part, wasn't really trying to make an argument on it, rather explain my views on the matter.
    Oh, and as I said - it would be a very boring forum if we all shared the same opinions...  Very Happy 
    No, I like it the way it is. And thank all the posters for it.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:04 am

    And if everyone can be as mature about it... my job becomes much easier... Smile

    I would like to clarify if you don't agree with a decision I make as a moderator please feel free to send me a private message and we can discuss it.

    There is plenty of scope for miscommunication on a forum and I don't want to restrict access to people who don't deserve it.

    Note in the situation in the Ukraine thread someone has posted an image that includes many dead bodies in it. It is a political message the image tries to portray and while I actually support the message I did change it from an image that displays to a link that must be clicked on to view with a warning message stating the image includes photos of dead people.

    No bans or timeouts this time, but can everyone think twice about the images and videos they post.
    Russian Patriot
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    Post  Russian Patriot Wed Jun 11, 2014 3:26 pm

    I can only echo what Garry said.

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    Graphic images/videos Empty Re: Graphic images/videos

    Post  mack8 Mon Jul 28, 2014 4:22 pm

    Dear Moderators,

    Unfortunately after a long hiatus since you have clarified for us the status of graphic images on this forum, today there has been again repeated cases of such images posted in this topic by Arpakola and on previous page of the same topic, by Vann7.

    It is regretable that these gents do not wish to follow common sense, i thought posting a clear warning and posting a link to whatever graphic images they want to use to "prove" something (i obviously disagree with that practice, it is grotesque, but it's their choice) is at least sensible and straightforward.

    Thank you.

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    Graphic images/videos Empty Re: Graphic images/videos

    Post  mack8 Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:23 pm

    Dear moderators,

    I am forced yet AGAIN to report Arpakola for yet another gruesome graphic post, i was checking the forum for updates in the morning and i was shocked to be hit by this in the face:
    Post number 717.

    This kind of practice to keep using horrific images to justify one's political rants is absolutely disgusting and despicable, and ultimately disrespectful to the innocent victims that have been killed in this war (or any war). Shame on you Arpakola and those who keep doing this.

    Sorry for keep using this as a sort of "report" topic, but i don't seem to find a report button on the forum, unless i missed something.

    Thank you.


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    Graphic images/videos Empty Re: Graphic images/videos

    Post  mack8 Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:53 pm

    Dear moderators,

    I have to report Arpakola once again for a graphic post, despite the clear warning he has received from the moderators only few days ago, he still persists in posting this dreadful grotesque material, for reasons that cannot be understood by a sane person! No

    Post number 625 on this page. Thank you.

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