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Project Canada
Mike E
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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy


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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Sep 08, 2015 8:06 pm

    Video-motherload guys!!! russia

    CGI presentation of delivery, assembly, fueling and launch process step-by-step. And best of all, detailed map of all existing and planned facilities from now to 2030s:

    Video presentation of spaceport from July 2015 with lots of aerial footage and some statistics:

    Footage of launchpad construction from 18. august 2015.

    Footage filmed from top of the launch tower:

    When completed, this will be THE most awesome place on the planet!!! thumbsup


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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Sep 16, 2015 1:20 am

    From Rogozin's Facebook

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    Tsiolkovsky construction site:
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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 12033128_981363028553703_3976745760682881073_n

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:58 am

    Assembly buildings:
    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Xvostoch18092015_2.jpg.pagespeed.ic.UtVeziobhY

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Sep 24, 2015 5:00 pm

    ''Construction of the second industrial complex on Vostochniy Spaceport has started (road maintenance, road repair and construction management, mechanical-repair factory and warehouse facilities, guardhouse, petrol station, etc)

    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 CzU4LnJhZGlrYWwucnUvaTE2Mi8xNTA5LzU0L2YyMWQ1ZmVjNWRjNC5qcGc_X19pZD02ODE3Nw==

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Sep 24, 2015 7:54 pm

    ''First rocket arrived on Vostochniy Spaceport''

    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 CzAyMC5yYWRpa2FsLnJ1L2k3MDUvMTUwOS8yYS85ZGFlYTFkYzdlOWIucG5nP19faWQ9NjgyMDU=

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:06 pm

    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 754441507627962

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Oct 11, 2015 8:07 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    mutantsushi wrote:I didn't see this posted here, plans for manned Soyuz from Vostochny are being dropped completely,
    with manned program from Vostochny now planned to only happen via Angara-5V (+PPTS), now scheduled for 2025.
    Which begs the question, why bother finishing the Soyuz pad there?, if it will not achieve "independence from Kazakhstan"?
    I guess it leaves the possibility to re-start the manned Soyuz program from Vostochny WHEN/IF NEEDED,
    but honestly that is a very expensive contingency plan and Kazakhstan is hardly seeming to present a threat of non-cooperation...? /shrug
    I'm sure everybody in Roscosmos/etc are just waiting for the day Vostochny is finally fully functional and they can forget this long drawn-out episode.

    Soyuz will be go-to light cargo rocket for decades to come, hence the launch pad on Vostochniy (and in French Guiana and in China and most likely Brazil.....)

    Angara and PTK-NP are superior to Soyuz system on all parameters. You can't use 50 years old ship infinitely. It took a total redesign for it to carry 3 crewmen instead of 2.

    It is time for old girl to go to well earned retirement.

    Vostochniy must be completed in order to achieve independence from Kazakhstan.

    Kazakhstan cannot be trusted, neither can any country that is not called Russia. It is mathematical axiom. Recent events proven it yet again.

    Well I agree that Russia should take every step to end strategic dependency on any other nation, but to say that Kazahkstan cannot be trusted is a patently absurd claim, that is unwarranted and unsubstantiated:

    President Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan, not President Putin of the Russian Federation, is the mastermind behind the Eurasian Union and you could argue that Kazakhstan's Nomenklatura is on average more pro-Russian that Russia's Nomenklatura. Back in the early 90's Nazarbayev was trying his best to collect the pieces of the USSR puzzle and putting them back together again, take for example the Eurasian Union was in fact proposed by Nazarbayev in a speech back in 1994, meanwhile at the same time Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs were raping their respective countries' state-owned assets. Kazakhstan has reliably chosen to stick with Russia in the worst of times and the best of times, and resisted all the Pan-Turkic pressure of falling in to the orbit of Turkey in NATO's sphere of influence.

    If your still in doubt, here's a good write up about Nazarbayev and Kazakhstan, and their relationship with Russia:

    Interesting Overview of Central Asia's Most Successful 'Stan'

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  kvs Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:08 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    If your still in doubt, here's a good write up about Nazarbayev and Kazakhstan, and their relationship with Russia:

    Interesting Overview of Central Asia's Most Successful 'Stan'

    I know someone from Kazakhstan, a Russian academic, and what he describes is primitive ethnic politics where Russians are
    treated like second class citizens even though they are around 40% of the population. It's the same shit as in Ukraine, the
    Baltics and the Balkans. Politicians, including Nazarbayev, play off the "dominant" former culture (Serbia in the case of Yugoslavia and
    Russia in the case of the USSR). Of course all these ethnic republics were never abused like they pretend they were.
    This is a new political mythology manufactured by newly arrived elites to secure their position and get as much of the pie
    as they can.

    The situation with Kazakhstan is that its leadership are not total drooling idiots who would go for outright ethnic cleansing.
    But they cannot be trusted. Russia must have friendly relations but it should not tolerate abuse and have any illusions
    that it has real friends at the state level. This is actually true for all countries throughout history. At the state level
    we have a predatory fish ecology even if we have rational behaviour at the individual level.

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  sepheronx Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:16 am

    kvs wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    If your still in doubt, here's a good write up about Nazarbayev and Kazakhstan, and their relationship with Russia:

    Interesting Overview of Central Asia's Most Successful 'Stan'

    I know someone from Kazakhstan, a Russian academic, and what he describes is primitive ethnic politics where Russians are
    treated like second class citizens even though they are around 40% of the population.   It's the same shit as in Ukraine, the
    Baltics and the Balkans.   Politicians, including Nazarbayev, play off the "dominant" former culture (Serbia in the case of Yugoslavia and
    Russia in the case of the USSR).   Of course all these ethnic republics were never abused like they pretend they were.  
    This is a new political mythology manufactured by newly arrived elites to secure their position and get as much of the pie
    as they can.

    The situation with Kazakhstan is that its leadership are not total drooling idiots who would go for outright ethnic cleansing.
    But they cannot be trusted.   Russia must have friendly relations but it should not tolerate abuse and have any illusions
    that it has real friends at the state level.   This is actually true for all countries throughout history.   At the state level
    we have a predatory fish ecology even if we have rational behaviour at the individual level.  

    I don't know. I hear two different stories. Some say that in Kazakhstan, Russians are usually in the business sectors and Kazakhs are elsewhere. Russians even are in the Kazakh military (seen some that are clearly Russian in the higher ups). So I would say I kinda doubt the whole second class citizen thing. Maybe some are, especially if they are secluded in other regions.
    Project Canada

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  Project Canada Mon Oct 12, 2015 1:00 am

    one thing I want to happen in my lifetime is for Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine (maybe at least half of it because Ukronazis have completely occupied western Ukraine) to join the Russian Federation russia

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Oct 13, 2015 7:15 pm

    Back on topic guys:

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    Project Canada

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  Project Canada Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:02 pm

    I cant wait to see Vostochny up and running. is it 2018 when it will become fully operational?

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  Viktor Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:07 pm

    +1 PapaDragon - great pics

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  kvs Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:48 am

    Project Canada wrote:
    I cant wait to see Vostochny up and running. is it 2018 when it will become fully operational?

    There is no reason for them to wait two years to launch rockets if they have delivered one on site already.   I am quite
    sure they will launch in 2016.  Various parts of the cosmodrome will take longer to complete and 2018 is likely the
    "everything ready" date.

    I tried to look this up using Google and had to swim through a flood of anti-Russian propaganda excrement.
    Wikipedia uses the fringe propaganda rag The Moscow Times as some sort of verifiable information source.

    Seriously, NATO numbskulls, how can any of you expect humans with functional brains to swallow your drivel?
    For a project with such dramatic coverage of its "problems" it sure as hell is getting finished fast.   In case it
    is not clear, NATO numbskulls, serious problems lead to project paralysis and terminal delays.   What you claim
    are problems are routine issues experienced by any megaproject.   Especially in your benighted NATO itself.

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  George1 Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:01 pm

    Putin arrives in Amur region to inspect construction work at Vostochny spaceport

    The President wants to see what has been done to catch up with the construction schedule, his press secretary says

    BLAGOVESHCHENSK, October 14. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in the Far Eastern Amur region, where he will inspect construction work at the Vostochny spaceport and will chair a session on its development.

    President Putin wants to see what has been done to catch up with the construction schedule, president’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday.

    "It is a routine inspection trip," he said, adding that the Vostochny space center was Putin’s pet project and the president was personally controlling the construction.

    "There were very serious problems, the construction lagged behind the schedule. Now the situation has been improved. And the president wants to see it by himself," the spokesman said.

    After a visit to the construction site, Putin "will have a conference with the government members who supervise the construction and with the contractors to discuss issues linked with the construction works, preparations for the first launch, and, naturally, issues of social maintenance of those who take part in the construction works," Peskov said.

    Besides, Putin will met with the director general of SIBUR company, Dmitry Konov, to discuss construction of a new gas processing plant in the Amur region. SIBUR is a Russian gas processing and petrochemicals company headquartered in Moscow.

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:38 pm

    Viktor wrote:+1 PapaDragon - great pics

    Thank you buddy!  thumbsup
    Got some more, feast you eyes on this:

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    Some more stuff here, there is also an awesome drone footage in the source page but I can't link it here, be sure to check it out!!!

    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  Guest Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:22 pm

    Seems like fresh video Smile

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Oct 17, 2015 2:46 pm

    ^^Beat me to it buddy, good one +1 thumbsup Very Happy

    That UAV footage from my previous post:

    Official visit:

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:18 pm

    Winter is coming!!! russia
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    Scale model of Tsiolkovsky or not, can't tell for certain...
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    Good stuff starts at 3:15


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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Nov 07, 2015 11:30 pm

    More spaceport porn!!! thumbsup russia

    10 minutes of awesomeness!!!


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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  Cyberspec Sun Nov 08, 2015 4:55 am

    Pretty impresive...not bad for a country that "doesn't make anything" Wink .....thanks for posting.

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  Rmf Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:14 pm

    construction is slow, and launches of soyuz, angara ,and manned orbiter are postponed, plus corruption scandals... but they seem to have worked it out finally.

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  George1 Tue Nov 10, 2015 1:41 pm

    First residents of Tsiolkovsky to move to their new homes in November

    Today, about 2,000 people are needed to ensure the space center’s operation, said a deputy chief of the center Andrei Okhlopkov

    MOSCOW, November 9. /TASS/. First residents of the city of Tsiolkovsky that is being built in the vicinity of the Vostochny space center also under construction in Russia’s Far Eastern Amur region will begin to settle in their new homes in November-early December 2015, Andrei Okhlopkov, a deputy chief of the center for operation of ground-based space infrastructure facilities, said on Monday.

    "Stage one of the city construction project provides for accommodations for 6,000 people. Stage two is also meant for 6,000 people. In November-early December first residents - technical personnel of the Vostochy space center - will move to their new homes," he told the Ekho Moskvy radio station.

    Today, about 2,000 people are needed to ensure the space center’s operation, he said, adding that the center’s overall area was about 100 square kilometers.

    When asked whether it is planned to develop tourism at Vostochny, Okhlopkov said this issue is not on the current agenda. "I think it would be right to demonstrate construction and technical beauties. But as long as the construction is not over, it is wrong to invite tourists," he said.

    "We will build an airdrome in cooperation with Gazprom. Apart from that, the city will have a hotel, a sports center, etc.," he said, adding that stage two of the project - the construction of an Angara space rocket complex - had been launched.

    "The first Angara launch in from Vostochny is planned for 2021 in an unmanned modification. The first manned Angara launch is planned for 2023," Okhlopkov said.

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  sepheronx Tue Nov 10, 2015 2:45 pm

    Very good news. Planned towns/cities tend to do well. Wonder what kind of shopping stores, restaurants, other entertainment facilities will be available?

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    New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy - Page 3 Empty Re: New Russian Cosmodrome - Vostochniy

    Post  Firebird Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:34 pm

    Very impressive. It does show that, despite all the bitching about Russia, Russia does actually get things done.

    I suppose its one of many Russian "megaprojects" - Sochi, Skolkovo, the World Cup, Moscow City skyscraper district.

    I wonder what the next megaprojects will be? The highspeed railway to China? Vladivostock as a true "3rd capital"? Another skyscraper centre for Moscow? The new Parliament that is planned?

    Finally, it will be interesting to see how the Cosmodrome affects Russia in practice? Will Russia leap ahead as the key player in putting satellites in orbit? Or will Vostochniy be a massive tourist attraction? Perhaps a supercomputing centre? Its a big investment, so it should be much more than just impressive pictures..!

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