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    Russian Army Robots


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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty humanzee army

    Post  Russiaftw Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:38 pm

    I still very much prefer the humanzee army that Staling wanted to get xD


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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:29 am

    Someone better put couple of bullets in Miles Dyson otherwise we are all screwed... lol1 lol1 lol1

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:31 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Someone better put couple of bullets in Miles Dyson otherwise we are all screwed... lol1 lol1 lol1

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 5ac2bccda0ed

    Mother of God!!! It's looks like it can take on a Armata brigade without breaking a circuit lmao!!! lol1

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Akula971 Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:49 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Someone better put couple of bullets in Miles Dyson otherwise we are all screwed... lol1 lol1 lol1

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 5ac2bccda0ed

    Is there a video of this or even a name ?? I am intrigued.

    It seems to have a 30mm maingun, a RADAR, 4 x manpads (the red ribbons of the trubas), and something like 2 Attakas on it (might be a RPO but cant tell) .
    Maybe its a 2 x AA and 4 x ATGM loadout.

    Has Science gone too far ???

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Akula971 Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:55 am

    So I am guessing its the same vehicle. Can anyone comment if its the same turret ?

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 ROBOT_141220_02

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  zg18 Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:53 am

    Akula971 wrote:So I am guessing its the same vehicle. Can anyone comment if its the same turret ?

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 ROBOT_141220_02

    Yes, the same , part with missiles and sensors can elongate. That is actually very creative , imagine advantages in urban combat.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Akula971 Tue Sep 08, 2015 4:40 pm

    zg18 wrote:
    Akula971 wrote:So I am guessing its the same vehicle. Can anyone comment if its the same turret ?

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 ROBOT_141220_02

    Yes, the same , part with missiles and sensors can elongate. That is actually very creative , imagine advantages in urban combat.

    Urban combat, stand alone turrets, you name it. Judgement Day is long gone, dig in.

    If it can take on both Iglas and Atakas ( it does seem to have those on), this will change the way Russia fights wars.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Akula971 Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:58 pm

    Akula971 wrote:
    zg18 wrote:
    Akula971 wrote:So I am guessing its the same vehicle. Can anyone comment if its the same turret ?

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 ROBOT_141220_02

    Yes, the same , part with missiles and sensors can elongate. That is actually very creative , imagine advantages in urban combat.

    Urban combat, stand alone turrets, you name it. Judgement Day is long gone, dig in.

    If it can take on both Iglas and Atakas ( it does seem to have those on), this will change the way Russia fights wars.

    This confirms the loadout on this platform.

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 14416910
    Project Canada

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Project Canada Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:25 am

    whats the name of this drone? also, one of the screenshots has an RT logo in it, there must be a video of this drone on youtube?

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Akula971 Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:22 pm

    Project Canada wrote:whats the name of this drone? also, one of the screenshots has an RT logo in it, there must be a video of this drone on youtube?

    It is there, i have seen it a while ago but right now i dont remember the name of this platform. There are 3 different designs for such vehicles as far as I have seen. Only 1 of them has been spotted multiple times, that is Platform - M.

    Project Canada

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Project Canada Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:59 am

    Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin posted on his page on the social network Facebook video tests of domestic combat robots.

    First, the robot scout find the target, determines and informs the base of its coordinates. Then the cause is accepted robot liquidator - it shoots an enemy machine gun. At the time of firing robot scout is given to the team to leave the shelter.

    Then find out the situation has sent combat iron scout. He finds ammunition in the car imaginary enemy. A command to destroy. Robot liquidator took only a few seconds to accomplish the combat mission.

    "Good iron guys for a showdown with the bad guys. MIC tests reconnaissance combat robots and liquidators "- the comment ushered Dmitry Rogozin, video tests.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  x_54_u43 Sun Sep 20, 2015 6:11 am

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Image_10

    Comrade Centaur.

    Never something so practical looked so ridiculous, what's it got in its pockets? Service member card? Warranty card? Imagine with a holster for a pistol.

    Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  GarryB Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:28 am

    Well you have to ask yourself what the point is of having a human shaped robot.

    is it so the robot can use existing equipment already developed for humans so it can perform roles humans perform but in places not safe for humans?

    Is it to fool the enemy into thinking there is a human present when there actually isn't?

    If it is the former or latter reason it makes sense to use standard body armour on the robot... the robot has hands... what makes you think it can't use pockets or pistols?

    Actually I think it is a good idea... the cart can be used in testing to carry diagnostic equipment for the robot and when testing is completed the cart can be used to deliver food, water, ammo, weapons or equipment on the battlefield... with the driver able to use small arms if needed, or even a heavy support weapon fitted to the rear of the vehicle while the rest of the unit withdraws or moves forward depending upon the situation.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  GarryB Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:38 am

    BTW x_54_u43 it is a forum rule that your first post should be an introduction in the rules and introductions section.

    While you are there please take the time to read the rules and perhaps look at the other introductions to familiarise yourself with some of the people you are talking to... Smile

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Sep 20, 2015 11:15 am

    GarryB wrote:Well you have to ask yourself what the point is of having a human shaped robot.

    is it so the robot can use existing equipment already developed for humans so it can perform roles humans perform but in places not safe for humans?

    Is it to fool the enemy into thinking there is a human present when there actually isn't?

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 178425-84958-terminator


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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  x_54_u43 Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:58 pm

    GarryB wrote:Well you have to ask yourself what the point is of having a human shaped robot.

    is it so the robot can use existing equipment already developed for humans so it can perform roles humans perform but in places not safe for humans?

    Is it to fool the enemy into thinking there is a human present when there actually isn't?

    If it is the former or latter reason it makes sense to use standard body armour on the robot... the robot has hands... what makes you think it can't use pockets or pistols?

    Actually I think it is a good idea... the cart can be used in testing to carry diagnostic equipment for the robot and when testing is completed the cart can be used to deliver food, water, ammo, weapons or equipment on the battlefield... with the driver able to use small arms if needed, or even a heavy support weapon fitted to the rear of the vehicle while the rest of the unit withdraws or moves forward depending upon the situation.

    I never said it was bad, just looks very funny. I think its very practical and has useful applications, but you have to admit, seeing it move and operate would bring fits of laughter.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Sep 20, 2015 6:20 pm

    x_54_u43 wrote:Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Image_10

    Comrade Centaur.

    Never something so practical looked so ridiculous, what's it got in its pockets? Service member card? Warranty card? Imagine with a holster for a pistol.

    80's FLASHBACK!!!  affraid  affraid  affraid

    I knew this thing looked familiar!!!

    My god, it's been two decades since I watched this movie!!! It sucked even back then...  lol1  lol1  lol1

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Demonlover9_zps222d99d2
    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 P46809_p_v7_aa
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty MARS A-800

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sun Sep 20, 2015 11:38 pm

    MARS A-800

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 ALdiKbU

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 CiQv5xh

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 POTZ2hg

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 3IoS9Gf

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 FHp05Kf

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 G32jjpo

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  x_54_u43 Fri Sep 25, 2015 12:16 am

    Russia has a new cockroach robot.

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Img_0010

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Img_9910

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Img_9911

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Alekse10

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Img_0011

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Img_9912

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 A_belo10

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Poster10

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Sep 27, 2015 4:15 pm

    Soldiers of steel. Military Acceptance.....Wall-E the robot sighting at the 32:56 time-stamp.


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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Oct 02, 2015 8:25 pm

    The exhibition will show the Defense Ministry robotic systems

    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Str-1672515520-na-vystavke-minoborony-rf-pokazhut-robotizirovannye-kompleksy-670x379

    Companies military-industrial complex in action show a wide variety of robot systems at the exhibition, entitled "Innovation Day 2015 the Defense Ministry." The event will take place in the center of congress and exhibition activities "Patriot" 5 and 6 October.

    The representative of the military department of the Russian Federation drew attention to the fact that the area close to the center, is specially equipped for the demonstration of robotic systems. It is noted that among them will be the platform and terrain of Mars-800, which is an autonomous conveyor.

    This development has been created in order to accompany their own infantry, and Transportation. With the help of the installed sensors, cameras and radar platform can develop and move the route where there are no dedicated roads.

    Also in the center will be able to look at controlled remotely robotic system "kick." The machine is designed for a variety of purposes, for the functioning of the Land Forces and specialized units. "Strike" consists of a transportable robot fire support, mounted on the chassis of the BMP-3 reconnaissance drone helicopter type and point the remote control directly on the basis of "Ural-4320".

    Of all the passenger cars represented by stands automated control system unmanned vehicle. This new development may allow the leadership of the items of the base chassis and ground-based robotic systems.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Werewolf Fri Oct 02, 2015 8:56 pm

    Why is the robot a freaking Abrams?

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Oct 02, 2015 9:11 pm

    Werewolf wrote:Why is the robot a freaking Abrams?

    Even better question, is it a Autobot or a Decepticon?

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Oct 03, 2015 11:19 am

    BMP-3 based combat robot

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Flanky Sat Oct 03, 2015 2:11 pm

    I do not not how about you.... but i see a lot of ISIS killers here.

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