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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research


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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Hypersonic missiles

    Post  SOC Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:48 pm

    Mindstorm wrote:
    its range could be easily extended from the current 300 km[/u], allowed under Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR).

    The MTCR does not explicitly ban the export of Category I items, which are those with ranges of at least 300 km or payloads of greater than 500 kg. That's where a lot of the confusion often lies when looking at things in relation to the MTCR. The only thing a signatory is actually prohibited from doing is exporting a production system for a Category I item. That means that Russia cannot develop the new BrahMOS all by itself and then sell the production complex to India. There's a bit mroe to it of course, but that's the very quick version.

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty In

    Post  Austin Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:52 am

    Some days back we were discussing on X-51 Hypersonic systems and how it helps , here is a nice interview of a professional on the subject , makes you realise the tremendous importance of Hypersonic Weapons.

    Interview with Former Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces said about the dangers of hypersonic vehicles

    How such missiles being equipped with nuclear warheads, can be more dangerous than intercontinental ballistic missiles?

    VE: To say that the more dangerous and difficult. Hypersonic effect is that the missile flies at altitudes of 80-100 km and more. It is difficult to detect the object of the system of aerospace defense. That's the benefit of this project. Such a missile is difficult to detect, respectively, it is more reliably hit the object than intercontinental ballistic missile whose trajectory is calculated, and to intercept warheads can use the missile defense system.

    VIEW: There is at least in the project means to deal with such missiles?

    VE: Not yet. These developments are reflected in the existing missile threats, and with the advent of the need to create new systems. Maybe the industry has already given the job to work in this direction, but I mean they have not heard.

    VIEW: air and missile defense systems, the armament of advanced armies in the world, are able at least to some extent counteract these missiles?

    VE: They fight with such objects is not able to. Neither the Americans nor us. Therefore, it is one of the priority development: it devalues ​​the existing missile defense system. But this is temporary. Fighting shield and sword: if someone is ahead, then later other to catch up.


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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  Mindstorm Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:11 pm

    Austin wrote:Some days back we were discussing on X-51 Hypersonic systems and how it helps , here is a nice interview of a professional on the subject , makes you realise the tremendous importance of Hypersonic Weapons.

    Interview with Former Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces said about the dangers of hypersonic vehicles

    How such missiles being equipped with nuclear warheads, can be more dangerous than intercontinental ballistic missiles?

    VE: To say that the more dangerous and difficult. Hypersonic effect is that the missile flies at altitudes of 80-100 km and more. It is difficult to detect the object of the system of aerospace defense. That's the benefit of this project. Such a missile is difficult to detect, respectively, it is more reliably hit the object than intercontinental ballistic missile whose trajectory is calculated, and to intercept warheads can use the missile defense system.

    VIEW: There is at least in the project means to deal with such missiles?

    VE: Not yet. These developments are reflected in the existing missile threats, and with the advent of the need to create new systems. Maybe the industry has already given the job to work in this direction, but I mean they have not heard.

    VIEW: air and missile defense systems, the armament of advanced armies in the world, are able at least to some extent counteract these missiles?

    VE: They fight with such objects is not able to. Neither the Americans nor us. Therefore, it is one of the priority development: it devalues ​​the existing missile defense system. But this is temporary. Fighting shield and sword: if someone is ahead, then later other to catch up.

    Right to the point !

    Someone can only hope that a bit of knowledgeable wisdom will finally gain space also among political authorities tasked to shape future military structure's developments .

    My vote to you Austin.

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty X-51 Hypersonic systems

    Post  Austin Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:38 pm

    Mindstorm , It says it the new Hypersonic Missile can fly at 80-100 Km or higher but do scramjet engine can burn at that altitude but there is really no oxygen to burn at those altitude unless they drop lower like 30 km ?

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Russian missiles 'Super-Holding' to Build Hypersonic Missile

    Post  George1 Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:26 pm

    Russian 'Super-Holding' to Build Hypersonic Missile -Rogozin

    Russia will set up an aerospace "super-holding" company consisting of missile makers NPO Mashinostroyenie and Tactical Missiles Corporation to develop hypersonic weapon technology, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Wednesday.

    "Initially, we are talking about a big 'super-holding' based on Tactical Missiles Corporation and NPO Mashinostroyenie," said Rogozin, who oversees Russia's military-industrial complex.

    Discussions on the creation of such a super-holding have been underway at least six months, Rogozin said.

    "We have found an acceptable solution on how to form this super-holding," he said. "The main idea for this holding is hypersonic technology."

    Development of hypersonic weapons - meaning those capable of flying at several times the speed of sound, generally with scramjet engines - has been a pet theme of Rogozin.

    In May, during a visit to Tactical Missiles Corporation's NPO Raduga missile design bureau, Rogozin called on Russia's defense industry to develop hypersonic air-breathing weapons as a future strike system.

    He picked out American development work in the X-51, Falcon, HiFire and HyFly programs as examples of what he described as the perspective threat posed by U.S. hypersonic development work.

    "The undertaking of this work allows us to lay the basis for the creation of a national competitor in hypersonic weapons," he said.

    He has since frequently repeated his call for hypersonic weapons to be developed as a replacement for the Russian Air Force's existing long-range bomber fleet.

    "I think we need to go down the route of hypersonic technology and we are moving in that direction and are not falling behind the Americans," he said on Rossiya 24 TV in August. "We will use this technology when developing a new bomber."

    "The question is whether we will copy the Americans' forty-year experience and create a [Northrop] B-2 analog...or will we go down a new, ultramodern technology route, looking to the horizon, and create a machine able to penetrate air defenses and carry out a strike on any aggressor," he added.

    Aerospace analysts contacted by RIA Novosti say hypersonic technology is more likely to be relevant to an air-launched weapon itself, rather than a manned aircraft.

    Tactical Missiles Corporation, based in Korolyov, Moscow Region, was formed in 2002 by amalgamating a number of defense design and production enterprises, of which the main ones were Korolyov-based Zvezda-Strela (tactical air-to-surface missiles), Moscow-based Vympel (tactical air-to-air missiles), NPO Raduga (cruise missile design), and Region (tactical air-launched weapons).

    NPO Mashinostroyenie, based at Reutov just west of Moscow, has designed and produced most of the Russian Navy's submarine-launched cruise missiles as well as satellites and other space systems, and has previously conducted extensive research into hypersonic weapons technology, including making a prototype hypersonic air-launched missile called GELA.

    NPO Mashinostroyenie is also the Russian partner in the BrahMos joint venture with India to develop the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile, based on the Russian 3M55 Oniks. BrahMos has said it is developing a hypersonic successor system to its existing supersonic missiles in partnership with India.

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  Viktor Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:52 pm

    Excellent idea. I guess Rogozin got what he wanted.

    Given vast Russian experience in development and building of such engines it would be of enormous shame

    to let those documents and project rot in some god forsaken offices. Now it will be put to good use and all in one place.

    Also there has being some speculation about privatizing some part of Russia MIC complex. New money could give further give

    it much needed boost while state will always retain dominant influence in companies.

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  GarryB Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:10 am

    Interesting that is an aerospace super holding... hypersonic weapons and craft for air and space use...

    With a scramjet engine it is quite conceivable that it could be launched as a large subsonic weapon with enormous but expendable external fuel tanks, so for the early part of its flight it could fly subsonic with a very simple scramjet providing propulsion for the majority of the way to the target, till the external fuel is burned up... perhaps 10,000km or more on a low thrust setting launched from a relatively high altitude bomber it could cruise enormous ranges, and then the external fuel tanks fall away leaving a slim high speed aerodynamic shape and the scramjet is moved to full throttle perhaps with the assistance of a small solid rocket booster to help it climb and accelerate faster to high altitude and hypersonic speed to penetrate the enemies air defences and rapidly reach the target.

    Or alternatively you could develop a hypersonic all the way missile with a solid rocket booster and scramjet combination already used (rocket/ramjet) in Onyx.

    The problems with engine thrust and fuselage heating encountered making hypersonic weapons will be invaluable for making hypersonic Bombers later on... new engine designs and new heat resistant materials etc.


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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty JSC Tactical Missiles Corporation

    Post  Mindstorm Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:37 am

    Without any surprise Rogozin take steps in the right direction : create a National joint effort capable to collect the separated , but benchmark at planetary level, Scientific knowledge of the sector pertaining to several Russian Federation's Companies and Institutes reorganizing them under a coherent R&D work aimed at master Hypersonic technology (i pointed out myself this need several times also in this thread -post 138- )    

    One can only hope that this initiative will not encounter political obstacles ; the returns for dozen of sectors ,civilian and military , could be potentially enormous.

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  Austin Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:41 am

    So if they are planning to form a consortium between NPO Mash and Tactical Missile Burea for Hypersonic Technology.

    Which design bureau is building the Zircon-S program ? Is it Tactical Missile Bureau or NPO-Mash or some other ?

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  GarryB Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:01 am

    They are pooling together all the companies that have some experience in super and hyper sonic weapons, with the express goal of mastering hypersonic related technologies that will no doubt first be applied to weapons and then later unmanned and manned platforms.

    It would make sense to include all the companies that make high speed missiles, and companies that make air launched missiles of different sizes and performance ranges.

    This new structure will unite their research and development in regard to hypersonic technology including scramjet engines and materials resistant to high levels of friction and high temperatures, and of course aerodynamic configurations that can adapt and provide high lift and low drag from stationary... through subsonic to high supersonic speeds.

    This doesn't mean these companies will stop existing work... for instance Tactical Missiles Corporation will still make RVV-SD, RVV-MS, and RVV-BD AAMs, and the department that works on the RVV-BD will likely have some technology to contribute as the goal speeds we are talking about for the first weapons will likely be in the Mach 7-9 range, which is likely a small margin above the RVV-BDs top speed which is perhaps mach 6 or so.

    As it states in the article NPO Mashinostroyenie is making Brahmos II with India, so there will be plenty of useful technology there too.

    Tactical Missiles Corporation includes Raduga that makes the supersonic anti ship missiles like Granit and likely Zirconium too.

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  GarryB Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:17 am

    The technology they are developing could offer enormous improvements in terms of aerospace design and technology... imagine a mach 10 trip from New York to Sydney Australia in 2 hours, or more interesting a flight to the new international space station then on to mars.

    By pooling resources so ten different companies each developing different things don't spend lots of money trying to solve all the same problems I think this could be the best way forward... especially with a long term goal of a hypersonic bomber, with the shorter term goals of anti ship/land attack missile, followed by strategic hypersonic missile, and then bomber. This will result in the challenges being broken down with the first step getting scramjet engines to work to speed and dealing with heat problems for short periods of time. Flying at 2km/s a 700km range missile gets to its target in about 7 minutes flight time. For a strategic missile the distances will be much greater and the flight speed might be more variable because of the weight of fuel that needs to be carried. It might fly at 1.5km per second at launch but over the 5,000km it flies it might accelerate to beyond 3km/s by the time it gets to its target area, and this experience and knowledge will be very useful for developing a strategic bomber... which, much like a rocket will be mostly fuel when it takes off.

    Of course with the bomber it will be different because the bomber will be a multiple use item rather than a suicide mission piece of expendable ordinance, so it might in actual fact be useful to make the bomber with an active wing that allows very long range subsonic cruise with a very high lift wing shape and turbofan engine, along with the ability to reprofile the wings for very low drag and scramjet engines that could simply be Turbofan engines with 100% bypass so once the turbofan has gotten the aircraft airborne and up to a reasonable speed, you could adjust the intakes to completely bypass the turbofan engine and redirect the air into the scramjet engines which can accelerate the aircraft to higher and higher speeds with the wings constantly changing shape to give the optimum combination of drag and lift to maximise acceleration.

    The only problems then remaining of course is to create a scramjet engine that generates enough thrust to move such a large object through the air at the required speed and materials for the leading edges that can take that sort of friction heat and retain their strength and shape.

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  Mindstorm Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:48 am

    Which design bureau is building the Zircon-S program ? Is it Tactical Missile Bureau or NPO-Mash or some other ?

    "Zircon" is a project mainly developed by НПО Машиностроения -NPO Mashinostroyenie- (rather ,to be most precise,at the actual stage by one of its federated Institutions specialized in guidance systems : "НПО электромеханики" , in the Annual Report 2011 ,at pag 38 you can find it )

    Tactical Missiles Corporation includes Raduga that makes the supersonic anti ship missiles like Granit and likely Zirconium too


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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  GarryB Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:05 pm


    I suppose that makes a kind of perverse sense as India will be joint paying for the development of Brahmos II, and contributing technology and knowhow, so it would probably not make sense to get a different Russian company to develop a parallel system... eating up extra funding to basically develop the same thing.

    The main difference is that India has input in the design of the Brahmos II, while Zirconium is all Russian.

    Interesting they seem to use the names of stones for their missiles... Granite, Basalt, Onyx, Zirconium, Amethist, Malachite, ... of course the names that don't seem to fit are Termit, Rubezh, Progress, Vulkan, Zubr (Surface launched Moskit), and Uran, though I think Uran is Uranium.

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  Austin Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:20 pm

    Mindstorm wrote:
    "Zircon" is a project mainly developed by НПО Машиностроения -NPO Mashinostroyenie- (rather ,to be most precise,at the actual stage by one of its federated Institutions specialized in guidance systems : "НПО электромеханики" , in the Annual Report 2011 ,at pag 38 you can find it )

    Tactical Missiles Corporation includes Raduga that makes the supersonic anti ship missiles like Granit and likely Zirconium too


    I dont get what you are trying to say , Zircon is developed by NPO Mash how does Tactical Missile Corp come into the picture ?

    Since NPO Mash is working on Brahmos 2 then how does these two hypersonic missile project co-exist ?

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  Firebird Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:27 pm

    I've been wondering about the physics of hypersonic missiles/ planes.

    Obviously one problem is propulsion or indeed multiple propulsion systems for different stages of flight.

    The next problem, which ofcourse will occur in EM railguns too, is the friction and heat caused by it passing thro the air at high speed.

    So, I wonder, how could the heat on a missile tip be conducted thro a missile and then transferred to the propulsion and cooling units?
    Currently, I think insulators are used ie something that will stop the heat spreading into the missile. But surely that is hindering the missile AND a waste of energy?

    As an analogy, with superconductors, very low ( or actually zero) electrical resistance can be found.The problem is, low temperatures need to be achieved for the superconductor to work.

    As another analogy, rockets use technology to draw heat away from various components, otherwise the rocket would melt itself.

    So getting back to my point,I wonder how could the missile draw friction heat in from the tip to enhance performance( and indeed keep the missile intact)?

    Maybe decades into the future,a technology can be developed to absorb laser energy and redirect it towards an attacker?

    BTW this was an interesting article on the problems of hypersonics.
    Skin-peeling speed doomed hypersonic glider, U.S. says
    By Larry Shaughnessy

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  Mindstorm Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:28 pm

    I dont get what you are trying to say , Zircon is developed by NPO Mash how does Tactical Missile Corp come into the picture ?

    I try to be very direct here : Zircon is a missile program at an already very advanced stage of completion that ,when completed, will represent the benchmark for this specific weapon sector.

    Well, the programs on which this multilevel joint-venture (if truly realized...finger crossed here) will work will cause Zircon/Zircon-S program to appear like a little more than a toy for kids.

    Since NPO Mash is working on Brahmos 2 then how does these two hypersonic missile project co-exist ?.

    Indian side will be the "leading" one in BrahMos II, in this project the scientifical contribution of НПО Машиностроения ,in percentage, is significantly inferior to that involved in BrahMos program (naturally its deep experience and knowledges in scramjet propulsion and materials designed for space vehicles is put to fruit ) therefore a significant amount of specific "know-how" achieved in the program will remain in the exclusive ownership on India ; an element representing obviously ,for Indian side, an immmense catalyzing agent for the development of a world level sector and scientifical community in this critical high-tech field.

    Russia ,on its side, will continue with its own programs without a full scale commitment that will ,in some instances , work as a R&D "bottleneck" (and now even more if this joint program for hypersonic technology will be realized).


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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  Austin Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:42 pm

    Thanks for the clarification.

    I though doubt that DRDO would take a lead in Brahmos 2 program , I spoke with Brahmos chief last year and he told me he was not sure yet.

    I was also wondering how can Zircon-S achieve a range of 1000 km as claimed since if its the same size and dimension as Oniks its range would be around 400-500 km , if its bigger then it wont fix in the VLS tube of Yasen.

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  Mindstorm Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:55 pm

    I though doubt that DRDO would take a lead in Brahmos 2 program , I spoke with Brahmos chief last year and he told me he was not sure yet

    Wait only an year or two and see Wink

    I was also wondering how can Zircon-S achieve a range of 1000 km as claimed since if its the same size and dimension as Oniks its range would be around 400-500 km , if its bigger then it wont fix in the VLS tube of Yasen.

    1) Oniks 400-500 km ?

    Little historical hint : the stand off range of P-500 and P-700 was stimed no more capable ,in a perspective environment, to assure the destruction of enemy naval unities outside the range of their sensors (ship or air based...) ; from that central requirement was conceived Oniks. Wink

    2) The mass of Zircon-S will not its whole flight pact Wink


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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  GarryB Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:57 am

    Obviously one problem is propulsion or indeed multiple propulsion systems for different stages of flight.

    The SR-71 showed what could be done in that regard... it uses two large turbojet engines, but in a special arrangement that allows the air to bypass the turbojet engines and just pass through empty tubes to the rear where the after burner is.

    An empty tube with an afterburner on the end is called a ramjet, where air is sucked in and compressed and then fuel is added and ignited generating thrust.

    So you simply use the turbojet engine to get the aircraft into the air and put it in full after burner and climb. As you get faster and faster you start feeding air around the turbojet till eventually all the air is going around the turbojet and you can shut the turbojets down and just run on ramjets.

    At very high speeds turbojets have problems because the rotational speeds of the blades in the engines gets so high the blades break and the engines overheat.

    So, I wonder, how could the heat on a missile tip be conducted thro a missile and then transferred to the propulsion and cooling units?
    Currently, I think insulators are used ie something that will stop the heat spreading into the missile. But surely that is hindering the missile AND a waste of energy?

    There are a few ideas... one is to use materials that remain strong when heated to high temperatures like Titanium, or ceramic materials. Another option is ablative materials like those used on the heat tiles of the Space Shuttle. Yet another option is a porous skin on the leading edge where friction with the air heats the surface, where you can pump fuel through to keep it cool. Rocket nozzles for very large missiles and space rockets use this method to keep the nozzles from melting already so it is not as far fetched as it might sound.

    Obviously there would be problems if you get a fuel blockage and the fuel stopped flowing...

    So getting back to my point,I wonder how could the missile draw friction heat in from the tip to enhance performance( and indeed keep the missile intact)?

    I rather suspect the final answer will be a combination of new heat resistent ceramic materials that use fuel to distribute heat to the fuel tank and could be used to prep the fuel before it goes to the engine.

    Maybe decades into the future,a technology can be developed to absorb laser energy and redirect it towards an attacker?

    Like a mirror? Smile


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    Post  GarryB Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:11 am

    Austin... the difference between a scramjet and a ramjet is significant.

    It is like a petrol engined car with just one gear. You can't guarantee you will park on a hill facing down all the time, in fact sometimes you will need to park on a hill facing up so that one gear needs to enable you to drive up a hill from stationary... in other words it needs a fairly low ratio to get the mass of the vehicle moving.

    That is a ramjet... it is limited because it can't operate with supersonic air in its combustion chamber.

    Scramjet means you can add as many gears as you need... if you can pick your direction and road for a long trip you might pick a long straight flat road where you can get to very high speeds in a very high gear where your motor is basically idling along not burning much fuel yet you are travelling at very high motorway speeds... it will strongly effect the driving range of the car... and that is with the same engine... same wheels, same chassis, same body shape and size and same weight.

    Yakhont can reach 300km, I would expect Oniks to at least double that range... estimates I have seen are for 600-700km for Oniks.

    The talk about the new hypersonic missile has been for a 1,500km range weapon. I have assumed so far that this is the supersonic model Klub... the whole idea of the subsonic cruise portion of the weapon was to greatly increase range, so having a range of 300km is clearly a waste of its potential... especially when the subsonic all the way model can manage 2,500km.

    BTW I just realised that when I was talking about the air launched Kh-55 having a range of 2,500km, I actually was mistaken... it was Granat... the sub launched cruise missile with the 2,500km range. The Granat evolved into the Klub family.

    The Alfa cruise missile was supposed to share the design characteristics of the supersonic Klub in having a long range subsonic stage and a terminal high supersonic portion. Its performance was supposed to be about 2,000km subsonic with 50km supersonic, though with no radar seeker to find ships and a compact nuclear warhead I believe the terminal component was much lighter and more compact than that needed for the Klub.

    The Zirconium will be a very interesting system and if able to fit in the UKSK tubes will be a big step forward for the Russian navy because it will just add more flexibility to an already versatile system that will become standard.

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Hypersonic technology

    Post  GarryB Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:28 am

    I dont get what you are trying to say , Zircon is developed by NPO Mash how does Tactical Missile Corp come into the picture ?

    TMC includes Raduga which designed and built a few large anti ship missiles, and of course a few other missile companies that made missiles like Kh-31m and of course are working on ramjet powered R-77s.

    Pooling all this knowledge and ability together could lead to great improvements like scramjet powered R-77 instead of just ramjet powered. Mach 8-9 instead of mach 5-6 makes a difference over 200km.

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Russia will test an hypersonic missile this year

    Post  dino00 Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:46 pm

    Russian Defense Ministry to set a date first full test launches promising hypersonic missile capable of speeds up to Mach Five (about 5.8 thousand kilometers per hour). According to the newspaper "Izvestia", the tests are scheduled for July and August 2013, and will be produced at the site in Akhtubinsk Astrakhan region.

    The project to create hypersonic missile secret, so neither its code, no problems, no performance characteristics are unknown. The first test launch took place at the site in Akhtubinsk in 2012, but they can not be considered full. The inspections rocket separated from the suspension plane runs its own engine, fly a few miles to subsonic speed and landing.

    The purpose of the preliminary tests was to check the throwing of control rocket in flight and its interaction with the system start-up and on-board equipment of the aircraft carrier. In the new test launch parameters will be expanded: the rocket will carry longer flights already at hypersonic speeds, and the engine will run ammunition in several modes.

    The development of hypersonic missiles actively conducted in the USSR in the 1970s, but in the 1990s, has practically disappeared. In particular, "the NGO engineering" to develop missiles "Meteorite" and the late start of work on the machine with the code "4202". ICB "Rainbow" in 1980 launched a project GELA X-90. In the 1970s, based missile system S-200 missile was created "Cold", which was able to develop a speed of six thousand miles per hour.

    Currently, "NPO engineering" is involved in a joint development with India hypersonic cruise missile "Brahmos" is capable of speeds up to five Mach numbers. In addition, the Corporation "Tactical Missiles" is engaged in the creation of missile capable of a speed exceeding the speed of sound in the 12-13 times.

    In September last year, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin announced that the country plans to create a "superholding" which will develop hypersonic technologies. The holding company is expected to enter the corporation TEV "NGOs engineering."


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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  dino00 Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:33 pm

    The Russian Defence Ministry will start testing advanced hypersonic missiles in the coming summer. At present, Russia is conducting research in several areas of developing hypersonic technology, but it’s unclear which will be successful.
    The work on hypersonic vehicles conducted by the Soviet Union and the U.S. during the Cold War was suspended after it was ended. But it has restarted now. Both countries are aimed at creating guided means of destruction which should be an alternative to intercontinental ballistic missiles. This task was set at the dawn of the hypersonic technology.

    At present, the main task is to develop an engine capable of giving the vehicle necessary speed. The manoeuvering warheads are not facing this problem because the booster gives them the necessary speed. The present task is to develop a hypersonic reusable vehicle.

    This task is being solved in the U.S. where an experimental vehicle X-27 has been developed. Its testing started in 2010. At present, it is making the third orbital flight started in December 2012. It will continue for several months. The testing is aimed at developing a hypersonic weapon carrier capable of manoeuvering in the orbit and entering the atmosphere to launch attacks on anywhere in the world. But many problems, such as the designing of the vehicle, developing navigation and communication systems, are yet to be solved to achieve this goal. The traditional radio communication and radio navigation are not working during flights at hypersonic speeds in the atmosphere.

    Russian developments of hypersonic vehicles are moving in several directions. Russian specialists have achieved great success in developing manoeuvering warheads. Such warheads that are heavier and bigger than ordinary ones are capable of manoeuvering in the atmosphere. This excludes their interception by the existing and promising anti-missile defence systems.

    A hypersonic missile for the Russian Navy will be developed in the next few years. The Tsirkon anti-ship system should be based on the hypersonic missile that is being developed by Russia and India on the basis of the Bramos missile. The Russian Air Force is interested in such missiles but the speed of the missiles for it should be more than ten times the speed of sound.

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  Austin Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:00 pm

    BrahMos missile cant be intercepted in next 20 years: A Sivathanu Pillai

    BrahMos, the world's only supersonic cruise missile and a symbol of the India's military prowess has been billed to be "uninterceptable" for the "next 20 years", by none other than the "father of BrahMos" himself.

    "The equivalent of BrahMos is yet to built. And, in the next 20 years, it cannot be intercepted by an enemy," says A Sivathanu Pillai, scientist, and CEO and MD of BrahMos Aerospace sharing the vision for the future trajectory of growth for the iconic missile technology developed jointly by India and Russia.

    "We take pride in the fact that BrahMos, world's only supersonic cruise missile, a symbol of Indo-Russian co- operation, where India provided the guidance, avionics, software and airframe components, etc, has been successfully delivered to both the Indian Navy and the Indian Army and the aerial version for the Indian Air Force too shall be ready in few years time," Pillai told PTI in an interview.

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    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research

    Post  Austin Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:00 pm

    Russia and other developments in Hypersonic Research - Page 2 Htv10

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