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    Soviet era aircrafts used in some countries:


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    Soviet era aircrafts used in some countries: - Page 3 Empty That's what I mean

    Post  Isos Wed May 25, 2016 9:40 pm

    GarryB wrote:You mean rocket assisted takeoff?

    they have mentioned development of EM cats on their new carriers... the only practical purpose for such is to allow heavier aircraft to operate from the carrier like AWACS and tanker aircraft and light transports

    That's what I mean, using rocket assisted takeoff for just Yak-44. They are planning to upgrade Kuznetsov and still use it a long time so it could be a good choice to put an Awacs. Using Ka-31 for that role is not the best option as it simply look around the carrier, no deep penetration near the combat zone. Plus the radar could be more powerfull, flown higher and designed in L band to see F-22/35 300km away.

    max steel wrote:

    But Israelis jammed or decoyed Syrian S-300 successfully.

    I've never heard they have them. They wouldn't be so afraid of Iranian S-300 if they could do so ...

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    Soviet era aircrafts used in some countries: - Page 3 Empty Why Yakovlev don't sell its Yak-44 to India and China?

    Post  GarryB Thu May 26, 2016 12:58 pm

    That's what I mean, using rocket assisted takeoff for just Yak-44. They are planning to upgrade Kuznetsov and still use it a long time so it could be a good choice to put an Awacs. Using Ka-31 for that role is not the best option as it simply look around the carrier, no deep penetration near the combat zone. Plus the radar could be more powerfull, flown higher and designed in L band to see F-22/35 300km away.

    Don't underestimate the Ka-31, the army are actually buying versions of it for battlefield surveillance too.

    they can fly at up to 5km altitude and have a rather large flat panel radar antenna stowed under its belly that offers a full 360 degree search capacity when deployed.

    they would need to spend some money and develop a new model Yak-44 as the original is ancient and most components would now be obsolete.

    Having said that a small AWACS that could be used to fill gaps for Russia or could be sold to smaller nations with smaller budgets has huge potential...

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    Soviet era aircrafts used in some countries: - Page 3 Empty Just out of interest

    Post  d_taddei2 Mon Jul 09, 2018 5:40 pm

    Just out of interest if you were in charge of a heavily sanctioned country unable to purchase any military equipment from foreign countries but did have the ability to produce certain types of aircraft although of an older design with limited upgrades AND you only had enough investment to start two types of aircraft which TWO of the following would you choose.

    Mig-21BIS, 93.
    Mig-23 MLD, BN, mig-27
    Mig-25P, RB

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    Soviet era aircrafts used in some countries: - Page 3 Empty Re: Soviet era aircrafts used in some countries:

    Post  Svyatoslavich Mon Jul 09, 2018 8:28 pm

    MiG-25 is very specialized, complex and expensive to operate. Better to have bigger numbers of MiG-21 and Su-22 in my opinion, a fighter and an attacker.

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    Soviet era aircrafts used in some countries: - Page 3 Empty Re: Soviet era aircrafts used in some countries:

    Post  Isos Mon Jul 09, 2018 10:10 pm

    Mig 21 93 with r-77 and an aesa radar in big numbers and a lot of airbases because they have very limited range.

    Su-22M4 for ground attack but also because it can carry kh-31 for SEAD or anti ship attack.

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    Soviet era aircrafts used in some countries: - Page 3 Empty Re: Soviet era aircrafts used in some countries:

    Post  d_taddei2 Mon Jul 09, 2018 10:23 pm

    My choice would be the same although the mig-21 and mig-23/27 is also a good choice as mig-23 would give another interceptor and ground attack in form of mig-27. For me it's quite a tough choice

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