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    Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope


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    Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope Empty Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope

    Post  BTRfan Wed May 15, 2013 6:41 am

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. -
    It's a growing trend sweeping the nation and killing kids here in Middle Tennessee, but it's a subject most people don't want to talk about.

    Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15 to 24-year olds.

    Suicides Skyrocket – More Americans Now Killing Themselves Than Dying In Car Accidents

    Posted on May 3, 2013 by expertsatwork

    Suicide rates among middle-aged Americans have risen sharply in the past decade, prompting concern that a generation of baby boomers who have faced years of economic worry and easy access to prescription painkillers may be particularly vulnerable to self-inflicted harm.

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    Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope Empty Re: Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope

    Post  BTRfan Wed May 15, 2013 6:44 am

    From New York Times-

    From 1999 to 2010, the suicide rate among Americans ages 35 to 64 rose by nearly 30 percent, to 17.6 deaths per 100,000 people, up from 13.7. Although suicide rates are growing among both middle-aged men and women, far more men take their own lives. The suicide rate for middle-aged men was 27.3 deaths per 100,000, while for women it was 8.1 deaths per 100,000.

    The most pronounced increases were seen among men in their 50s, a group in which suicide rates jumped by nearly 50 percent, to about 30 per 100,000. For women, the largest increase was seen in those ages 60 to 64, among whom rates increased by nearly 60 percent, to 7.0 per 100,000.

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    Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope Empty Re: Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope

    Post  BTRfan Wed May 15, 2013 6:46 am

    The suicide rate for middle-aged American males makes it 3rd in the world behind Greenland and Lithuania.

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    Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope Empty Re: Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope

    Post  Regular Tue May 21, 2013 3:00 pm

    BTRfan wrote:The suicide rate for middle-aged American males makes it 3rd in the world behind Greenland and Lithuania.

    Why Americans take their own lives?

    Suicide rates in Lithuania are very high amongst young people too.
    Even our famous comedian killed himself recently, he was my favourite:) Not shedding a tear, he had wealth, he had son and he was healthy, successful and etc.
    What can we do about it? Weather here is beautiful, life is not bad, thanks to emigration to west, you can find low paid job so you can survive, Government doesn't interfere in to Your life cause they are too lazy. What makes us kill ourselves is unclear, bullying, macho stereotype of society and weaker members feel like outcast? Sounds like some kind cave country, but reality is not far from it, when autumn and spring arrive they worsen depressions and people just collapse.
    At least we are good at something. We won 1 place in Suicide list and divorce list too!

    Russia is doing OK when it comes to suicides as most people who where prone to it already 6 feet under. In 10 years suicide rates dropped almost half in Russia.

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    Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope Empty Re: Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope

    Post  BTRfan Thu May 23, 2013 8:38 am

    Regular wrote:
    BTRfan wrote:The suicide rate for middle-aged American males makes it 3rd in the world behind Greenland and Lithuania.

    Why Americans take their own lives?

    American society has totally fallen apart. About 50% of all marriages will result in the woman filing for divorce and taking the man for most everything he has, along with taking his kids [85% of custody cases result in the woman being awarded sole/full custody]. Approximately 70% of all divorces are initiated/filed by the woman and 20% are filed by the man at the request of the woman, only 10% of divorces involve the man filing over the objections of the woman.

    There are 101 million people in the USA without any job.

    Most people under 30 are either unemployed, only able to work part-time, or working in some service/retail field that has nothing to do with their major.

    In the USA we have people with law degrees working as waiters or doing janitorial work. We have people who have a PhD in something such as philosophy working at Starbucks filling coffee cups.

    Even science, technology, and engineering jobs are being crushed.

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    Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope Empty Re: Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope

    Post  GarryB Thu May 23, 2013 9:48 am

    On the bright side there were all sorts of articles like this about Russia in the 1990s... things can change. Embarassed

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    Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope Empty Re: Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope

    Post  Firebird Thu May 23, 2013 3:23 pm

    BTRfan wrote:
    Regular wrote:
    BTRfan wrote:The suicide rate for middle-aged American males makes it 3rd in the world behind Greenland and Lithuania.

    Why Americans take their own lives?

    American society has totally fallen apart. About 50% of all marriages will result in the woman filing for divorce and taking the man for most everything he has, along with taking his kids [85% of custody cases result in the woman being awarded sole/full custody]. Approximately 70% of all divorces are initiated/filed by the woman and 20% are filed by the man at the request of the woman, only 10% of divorces involve the man filing over the objections of the woman.

    There are 101 million people in the USA without any job.

    Most people under 30 are either unemployed, only able to work part-time, or working in some service/retail field that has nothing to do with their major.

    In the USA we have people with law degrees working as waiters or doing janitorial work. We have people who have a PhD in something such as philosophy working at Starbucks filling coffee cups.

    Even science, technology, and engineering jobs are being crushed.

    That sort of thing was happening in Britain from the 90s onward. Courtesy of the Establishment, and then the job migration to China etc, and immigrants from Poland etc.

    THis is in many ways a bigger sign of weakness than the headline unemployment figure.

    PS this is partly caused by the bizarre fad that is the current version of "globalism".
    And partly caused by monkeys like George Bush deciding to spend 2 trillion or more on a "look how big my cock is" exercise.

    America used to be massively ahead of the EU, atleast from what I saw. Now, I think America is in a difficult situation. And I'm not sure they know exactly what to do..

    Posts : 3892
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    Location : Ukrolovestan

    Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope Empty Re: Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope

    Post  Regular Thu May 23, 2013 4:56 pm

    In the USA we have people with law degrees working as waiters or doing janitorial work
    I'm pretty sure it is global thing.
    I couldn't get a job and worked in construction yard. But back then we got like 3000 euros per month for people who could wield and 2000 could work on roofs. It's better money than You would get with my degrees. Still constructions stopped in crisis.
    I know loads of people who have law degrees and work totally unrelated job. Thanks to military I had chance to finish my part time studies for free. I have 2 useless diplomas and I can work really pointless work and no one would hire me for one I use in UK. If it wasn't for my decision to pursue IT I would probably still be in military and have no personal life and probably would get depression because after so many years it doesn't become fun place as Your interactions are very limited.

    Posts : 344
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    Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope Empty Re: Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope

    Post  BTRfan Thu May 23, 2013 6:45 pm

    GarryB wrote:On the bright side there were all sorts of articles like this about Russia in the 1990s... things can change. Embarassed

    Keep in mind, Russia has been about 80-85% ethnic Russian, and has a reasonable amount of unity even given the separatists in the Dagestan/Chechnya area.

    I doubt professors in Russia teach students about anal sex and hire prostitutes to conduct demonstrations with vibrators. I also doubt that Russian city leaders work with professors who hate Russia and organize young people to burn the Russian flag.

    At Northwestern University, one of the most prestigious universities in the American Midwest, a professor had 100 students assemble in a lecture hall and then had a man come in with his girlfriend at which time she stripped naked and let the man use a vibrator attached to a reciprocating saw, to bring her to orgasm. The professor defended his actions by stating it is part of human biology/sexuality. This is what passes for education at most American colleges.

    Russia was able to achieve a turn around because even after decades of Soviet tyranny which sought to suppress nationalism the people still valued their nation, their culture, and their community.

    In the USA most people don't even know their neighbors despite living next to them for years. I only know the names of some of my neighbors and some of them don't even say hello when you see them outside working in their driveway. America is a land where most people are disconnected from others. Indeed about 40% of all Americans stated on surveys that they don't even have a single friend in whom they can confide and with whom they can seek advice on major issues.

    America is a nation with disconnected, isolated, and lonely masses, with about 30% of all adult women on prescription anti-depressant drugs.

    While the masses struggle to get through the nightmare of their daily existence, the leaders, the elected/selected officials reign over a nation and populace that they hold in thinly veiled contempt.

    In the USA the Secretary of Agriculture has never farmed, the Secretary of Commerce has never been in business, and the Secretary of the Treasury was formerly the head of Citibank. These men are elected/selected for their connections and they paraded before us as great patriots who want to fix the nation. All they want to do is maintain the present system, preserve the status quo, so they can continue looting America while we focus our attention on basketball, football, and the latest Hollywood melt-down.

    America cannot achieve a recovery because Americans continue to elect bought and paid for whores who call themselves Democrats or Republicans. Neither party offers any hope for national salvation. Granted a handful of individuals from one party or the other may be decent or may have a strong pro-America stance on the 1st Amendment or the 2nd Amendment, but overall most politicians favor big government, they want to expand the size and scope of government, they want government to take an active role in the economy, they want bail-outs for bankers, they want foreign interventionism, they want globalism, they want open borders immigration.

    Short of a revolution America is doomed.

    I believe the elites realize this because the Pentagon has begun to make major plans for civil war, revolution, and has undertaken steps to lessen the risk of a military coup. They have assigned large numbers of combat/infantry troops to US North Command [major domestic military command/district] and they have already done some test runs. They deployed thousands of soldiers to the streets of Boston to conduct door to door searches and to enforce a total ban on citizens leaving their homes, in the aftermath of those Chechen boys who were used as patsies. I don't much like Chechens but I believe those boys are patsies.

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    Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope Empty Re: Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope

    Post  BTRfan Thu May 23, 2013 7:07 pm

    Firebird wrote:
    America used to be massively ahead of the EU, atleast from what I saw. Now, I think America is in a difficult situation. And I'm not sure they know exactly what to do..

    When I sit around brainstorming policy ideas with my pro-revolutionary friends and comrades, these are the basic policy ideas we arrive at, with some variation.

    *I* would do the following-

    1- Repudiate all foreign owned debt. Foreigners who have accumulated large amounts of worthless federal reserve notes [the Fed printed trillions of new dollars in 2010 alone] will not be allowed to use inked paper to buy up this nation. China is already buying up huge tracts of land in the American northwest.

    2- Invalidate all foreign purchases of American public/national infrastructure made by foreigners in the last 30 years. There is no reason for Arab states to own the Ohio turnpike [state toll highway] or the Pennsylvania turnpike. These roads belong to our people.

    3- Invalidate the USD and declare the issuance of a New Dollar, perhaps to be called the New American Dollar or the Jefferson Dollar. The currency will be fully convertible in gold and/or silver. All previous issue of the USD, the worthless paper Federal Reserve note, will be convertible into New Dollars, but at a miniscule rate. Since the old American dollar [federal reserve note] is not a claim on gold or silver, it will not be worth much, but perhaps 1000 dollars in Federal Reserves notes will = 5 Jefferson Dollars and thus be worth an ounce or two of silver. It is not yet agreed what the base unit of the new currency should be. I have argued for 1 new dollar = 1/16th [or 1/8th] an ounce of silver while some of my revolutionary friends believe 1 new dollar should = 1 ounce of silver.

    4- Dismantle all US military bases located outside of the USA with possibly a half-dozen exceptions.

    5- Disband NATO or at least withdraw from NATO and let the other member states figure out what they want to do.

    6- Withdraw from the United Nations and let the organization fall apart, or stay in the UN and use security council veto to keep anything from getting done in the way of infringing the rights of the people and spreading globalism and global government.

    7- Detain all illegal aliens and anybody who has received amnesty and place them in detention camps.

    8- Consider using all detained illegals to build a massive series of fortifications along the entire US/Mexican border. Also consider demanding Mexico establish a 5 mile "no go" zone whereby no Mexican may live within 5 miles of the US/Mexican border. This "no go" zone will then become a canal as a canal is dug from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean, making further crossing very difficult. At any rate, canal or no canal, zone or no zone, on the American side a massive wall will be erected, along with minefields, observation towers, and then command centers and platoon sized outposts at regular intervals. In 2003 there were 141 instances where armed/uniformed Mexican soldiers crossed into the USA, all of this was documented by Congressman Tom Tancredo [this was the year I completed an essay/report on the topic]. To my knowledge nobody is documenting how bad it may be today, but Mexican soldiers, in uniform, have been found providing security for drug couriers and they have fired on American citizens and American police officers. This situation will not be allowed to continue.

    9- Once the walls are complete all previously detained illegals will be deported. Any of them who had "anchor babies" will have the option of taking their baby with its supposed "anchor citizenship" with them or they can leave their baby in an alley or in the woods.

    10- Abolish the Federal Reserve [this goes along with earlier points]

    11- Repudiate NAFTA and CAFTA.

    12- Establish national right to work policies.

    13- Repeal the 1934 NFA, 1968 GCA, and the 1986 Hughes Amendment.

    14- Disband the ATF.

    15- Disband the DEA.

    16- Disband the EEOC and end all government sponsored/mandated policies of affirmative action.

    17- End all new deal programs established by FDR that were initially declared unconstitutional and were only declared constitutional when he threatened to pack the Supreme Court with 6 additional justices and force most of the sitting justices to retire.

    18- Abolish the programs established by LBJ that defined his "Great society" scheme.

    19- Outlaw property tax, outlaw inheritance tax, outlaw capital gains tax, outlaw sales tax, outlaw payroll tax, outlaw income tax. The government will fund itself through tolls, duties, tariffs, and the sale of government property.

    20- Decrease the size of all branches of the military. Place most heavy equipment in storage, sell large amounts of equipment to local revolutionary militia groups which will be formed and tasked with community/national defense, and sell large amounts of the rest of the equipment to reliable foreign nations.

    21- Announce a jubilee year [the bible says total debt forgiveness once every 50 years, America is supposed to be a Christian nation and now is as good a time as any to start observing the Jubilee]. Banks have been bailed out, wall-street has not only had its debts forgiven but it has had its debts forced onto the backs of small business owners, farmers, factory workers, and others in the American middle class and lower working class. A jubilee means that in the USA all student loans are invalidated, all mortgages are invalidated, all credit cards are invalidated, all debts are abolished.

    22- In keeping with the jubilee, abolish usury, which means no interest paying instruments may be issued or traded. Nobody may loan unto usury or receive a usury based loan from another. After credit card debts and mortgages are abolished in the jubilee there will never be credit cards again in the USA, at least not based on interest/usury.

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    Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope Empty Re: Suicide rates In USA- A Nation Without Hope

    Post  BTRfan Thu May 23, 2013 7:20 pm

    Americans seem addicted to credit, living beyond their means, and taking pointless vacations on crowded ships [cruising] where they lounge around a swimming pool and eat the same slop that is served on the land all while incurring thousands of dollars in debt for the privilege of being able to ride on a ship and look at the water.

    There is no political will to enact meaningful change and the masses prefer to continue the long march down the road to ruin.

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