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    Russian Economy General News: #1


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    Russian Economy General News: #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #1

    Post  Austin Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:25 pm

    Yes but to a point , the imports will get expensive which means they will have to spend more $$$

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    Post  Viktor Wed Feb 26, 2014 5:49 pm

    Austin wrote:Yes but to a point , the imports will get expensive which means they will have to spend more $$$

    But for that very same reason they should rely more on domestic production while at the same time getting money in foreign currency from oil and gas Very Happy 

    Anyway, something BIG is brewing between India and Russia

    Rogozin says Russia-India oil pipeline project is possible

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    Post  GarryB Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:08 pm

    Yes but to a point , the imports will get expensive which means they will have to spend more $$$

    Making domestic products more attractive on the domestic and export market is a good thing too.

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    Post  sepheronx Thu Feb 27, 2014 3:10 am

    If rouble is weaker and tarrifs are still high, then it is more profitable to open an assembly plant or manufacturing plant in Russia than it is to try and export your goods to it. As well, with it being done in Russia, you have more access to CIS countries.

    Russian economics minister outlines sources of economic growth in Russia in 2014-2015

    MOSCOW, February 27, /ITAR-TASS/. Russian Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukayev has outlined sources of economic growth in Russia in 2014-2015.
    “First, the role of consumer demand will stay in place,” he said in an interview with the Rossiiskaya Gazeta daily published on Thursday. “We hope that real incomes of the population and retail trade will develop at the rates close the current ones, i.e. by about four percent. But more important, we hope for a considerable investment growth.”
    “This year, we hope for an extra growth of four-percent and plan to reach a level of 5.6-6 percent in a span of three years. We plant to do that by means of creating better conditions for private capital and possibilities for businessmen. We shall focus on promoting partnership between the state and private businesses; the concession system, which guarantees investors access to public infrastructure; cost cutting mechanisms through quality regulation of natural monopolies’ tariffs; support to small and medium-sized businesses; support of non-raw materials exports; lifting infrastructure restrictions, primarily in the areas of transport and energy, which check economic growth, including by means of investments from the National Welfare Fund and from other sources. This is a set of instruments we are now using to achieve results,” he said.

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    Post  sepheronx Thu Feb 27, 2014 4:00 am

    KAMAZ - now in Indonesia
    KAMAZ "and Indonesian company PT. Tehnika Ina signed a distribution agreement for the supply of Russian trucks with the possibility of assembling production. Documents were signed in the framework of the Russian-Indonesian intergovernmental commission on trade and economic and technical cooperation, according to the materials of the Russian automaker.
    According to the CEO, "Foreign Trade Company" KAMAZ "Raphael Gafeeva negotiations Kama Automobile Plant Indonesian partner began more than a year ago. Over the next three to four months to complete the certification sides hope KAMAZ production in Indonesia: to this end, a contract was signed for the temporary importation of the first four right-hand drive vehicles - platform trucks KAMAZ-4326 (4x4) and KAMAZ-43118 (6x6) tractor unit KAMAZ-6460 (6x4) and a dump truck KAMAZ-6520 (6x4). All of them are ready for dispatch.

    Indonesia is a nation that Russia really needs to invest in and get into its sphere as Indonesia is a growing country with a huge populous, where Russian products can be competitive.

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    Post  Austin Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:32 pm

    Interview with Russia's Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukaev

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    Post  Austin Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:24 pm

    David Stockman vs. Clive Crook: Debate Over Zero-Interest

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    Post  Viktor Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:36 pm

    Nice  thumbsup 

    Foreign investment in Russia in 2013 increased by 10.1%

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    Post  Austin Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:52 am

    The Guardian

    This is no recovery, this is a bubble – and it will burst Ha-Joon Chang

    Stock market bubbles of historic proportions are developing in the US and UK markets. With policymakers unwilling to introduce tough regulation, we're heading for trouble

    According to the stock market, the UK economy is in a boom. Not just any old boom, but a historic one. On 28 October 2013, the FTSE 100 index hit 6,734, breaching the level achieved at the height of the economic boom before the 2008 global financial crisis (that was 6,730, recorded in October 2007).

    Since then, it has had ups and downs, but on 21 February 2014 the FTSE 100 climbed to a new height of 6,838. At this rate, it may soon surpass the highest ever level reached since the index began in 1984 – that was 6,930, recorded in December 1999, during the heady days of the dotcom bubble.

    The current levels of share prices are extraordinary considering the UK economy has not yet recovered the ground lost since the 2008 crash; per capita income in the UK today is still lower than it was in 2007. And let us not forget that share prices back in 2007 were themselves definitely in bubble territory of the first order.

    The situation is even more worrying in the US. In March 2013, the Standard & Poor 500 stock market index reached the highest ever level, surpassing the 2007 peak (which was higher than the peak during the dotcom boom), despite the fact that the country's per capita income had not yet recovered to its 2007 level. Since then, the index has risen about 20%, although the US per capita income has not increased even by 2% during the same period. This is definitely the biggest stock market bubble in modern history.

    Even more extraordinary than the inflated prices is that, unlike in the two previous share price booms, no one is offering a plausible narrative explaining why the evidently unsustainable levels of share prices are actually justified.

    During the dotcom bubble, the predominant view was that the new information technology was about to completely revolutionise our economies for good. Given this, it was argued, stock markets would keep rising (possibly forever) and reach unprecedented levels. The title of the book, Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the Coming Rise in the Stock Market, published in the autumn of 1999 when the Dow Jones index was not even 10,000, very well sums up the spirit of the time.

    Similarly, in the runup to the 2008 crisis, inflated asset prices were justified in terms of the supposed progresses in financial innovation and in the techniques of economic policy.

    It was argued that financial innovation – manifested in the alphabet soup of derivatives and structured financial assets, such as MBS, CDO, and CDS – had vastly improved the ability of financial markets to "price" risk correctly, eliminating the possibility of irrational bubbles. On this belief, at the height of the US housing market bubble in 2005, both Alan Greenspan (the then chairman of the Federal Reserve Board) and Ben Bernanke (the then chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers to the President and later Greenspan's successor) publicly denied the existence of a housing market bubble – perhaps except for some "froth" in a few localities, according to Greenspan.

    At the same time, better economic theory – and thus better techniques of economic policy – was argued to have allowed policymakers to iron out those few wrinkles that markets themselves cannot eliminate. Robert Lucas, the leading free-market economist and winner of the 1995 Nobel prize in economics, proudly declared in 2003 that "the problem of depression prevention has been solved". In 2004, Ben Bernanke (yes, it's him again) argued that, probably thanks to better theory of monetary policy, the world had entered the era of "great moderation", in which the volatility of prices and outputs is minimised.

    This time around, no one is offering a new narrative justifying the new bubbles because, well, there isn't any plausible story. Those stories that are generated to encourage the share price to climb to the next level have been decidedly unambitious in scale and ephemeral in nature: higher-than-expected growth rates or number of new jobs created; brighter-than-expected outlook in Japan, China, or wherever; the arrival of the "super-dove" Janet Yellen as the new chair of the Fed; or, indeed, anything else that may suggest the world is not going to end tomorrow.

    Few stock market investors really believe in these stories. Most investors know that current levels of share prices are unsustainable; it is said that George Soros has already started betting against the US stock market. They are aware that share prices are high mainly because of the huge amount of money sloshing around thanks to quantitative easing (QE), not because of the strength of the underlying real economy. This is why they react so nervously to any slight sign that QE may be wound down on a significant scale.

    However, stock market investors pretend to believe – or even have to pretend to believe – in those feeble and ephemeral stories because they need those stories to justify (to themselves and their clients) staying in the stock market, given the low returns everywhere else.

    The result, unfortunately, is that stock market bubbles of historic proportion are developing in the US and the UK, the two most important stock markets in the world, threatening to create yet another financial crash. One obvious way of dealing with these bubbles is to take the excessive liquidity that is inflating them out of the system through a combination of tighter monetary policy and better financial regulation against stock market speculation (such as a ban on shorting or restrictions on high-frequency trading). Of course, the danger here is that these policies may prick the bubble and create a mess.

    In the longer run, however, the best way to deal with these bubbles is to revive the real economy; after all, "bubble" is a relative concept and even a very high price can be justified if it is based on a strong economy. This will require a more sustainable increase in consumption based on rising wages rather than debts, greater productive investments that will expand the economy's ability to produce, and the introduction of financial regulation that will make banks lend more to productive enterprises than to consumers. Unfortunately, these are exactly the things that the current policymakers in the US and the UK don't want to do.

    We are heading for trouble.

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    Post  sepheronx Mon Mar 03, 2014 5:58 am

    Ruble waiting "Black Monday"
    Russian Rouble seem gloomy morning waiting. All experts - as one - today predict a decrease in prices. Prerequisites for this appeared in the weekend: in exchange to buy foreign currency was virtually impossible.

    In many places it just was not, and wherever else remained, the rate was significantly higher than at the auction on Friday. The U.S. dollar, for example, cost up to 39 rubles., Ie almost 3 rubles. above the official rate of the Central Bank. did not lag behind and the euro - to 52 rubles. The main reason, analysts say, were the events in Ukraine. On Saturday, the Federation Council approved treatment Vladimir Putin about the possible use of Russian troops in the neighboring state. U.S., meanwhile, have threatened our country economic isolation. It should be noted that military tensions always provokes the sale of assets. This explains the increased demand for dollars and euros, those who have not yet had time to buy hard currency, are trying to do. Additional pressure on the ruble will and forced closure of positions aimed at the strengthening of the ruble. What will be the action of the Central Bank is not yet clear. But the former Economy Minister Andrei Nechayev Russia believes that the Central Bank will do everything possible to somehow mitigate the slump. Anyway, with a high degree of confidence we can say that right from the opening will be updated and new historical highs against the euro and the dollar. Indicative session on Monday ruble traded at 36.70 to the dollar and the euro - at 50.58 .

    So with the Rouble drop, they will now have to actually take control of the Rouble and tie it to something so that it can appreciate and so they can trade more with it. BRICS banks was the best option anyone anywhere can make. Gets them out of the tyranny of USA.

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    Post  Austin Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:26 am

    Russia in the case of sanctions by the United States will be forced to go into other currencies, create a cash-payment system, said Tuesday in an interview with RIA Novosti Presidential Aide Sergei Glazyev.

    "We will have to go into other currencies, create a cash-payment system. We have excellent trade relations with our partners in the East and the South, and we will find a way to not only zeroed our financial dependence on the U.S., but will come out of these sanctions with great advantage for themselves, "- said the eye.

    Trying to announce sanctions against Russia will turn to the collapse of the U.S. financial system, which will entail termination of U.S. dominance in the global financial system. If sanctions are applied against state structures, we will be forced to actually recognize the impossibility of return of those loans that were given to the Russian structures by U.S. banks. Indeed sanctions - a double-edged weapon, and if the United States were frozen our assets, that, accordingly, liabilities of our organizations in the U.S. will also be frozen. This means that our banks and businesses will not return U.S. Loans partners ", - said the eye.

    "The Americans threaten Russia with sanctions and involve the EU in economic and trade war with Russia. Regarding the possible effects of these sanctions can say the following: most of sanctions against Russia will suffer the U.S. itself, because if we talk about trade relations with America, we did them not depend. Treasuries We keep a decent amount - more than $ 200 billion, and if the United States against us dare to apply sanctions to freeze accounts of Russian enterprises and citizens, we can no longer view America as a reliable partner and we encourage all to dump U.S. Treasuries , dump the dollar as the currency in which we can not be sure and leave the U.S. market. "

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    Post  Austin Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:53 am

    So talk about Economy Russia and Sanctions.

    US can apply sanction but Europe cannot because of its trade dependency on Russia and Vice versa

    Russia has a FOREX reserves of  of  $ 493 Billion additionally it has  about $175 Billion , In National Welfare and Reserve fund

    They says they have USD $200 billion as US Tressury Bond .

    May be they can dump that and go for Euro , Chinese or Indian Bonds ......How BRICS can help ?

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    Post  Viktor Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:18 am

    Nice  thumbsup 

    Ukrainian influence events on the Russian markets - temporary, says Putin


    Russian stock indexes closed higher by 5-6%

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    Post  Viktor Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:42 pm

    Nice  thumbsup

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    Russian Economy General News: #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #1

    Post  flamming_python Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:21 pm

    Ruble went up today too
    Meanwhile the Dollar and Euro went down.
    Looks like the shock is being recovered from.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:00 am

    The fact that there have been no deaths or serious violence probably helps...
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Russian Economy General News: #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #1

    Post  Hannibal Barca Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:19 am

    flamming_python wrote:Ruble went up today too
    Meanwhile the Dollar and Euro went down.
    Looks like the shock is being recovered from.

    Power matters. Saw that you are strong and everyone believe that you are credible.

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    Post  flamming_python Thu Mar 06, 2014 2:50 am

    Hannibal Barca wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:Ruble went up today too
    Meanwhile the Dollar and Euro went down.
    Looks like the shock is being recovered from.

    Power matters. Saw that you are strong and everyone believe that you are credible.

    Yup not a pussy like Obama.

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    Russian Economy General News: #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #1

    Post  TR1 Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:00 am

    You best be joking Python.

    Obama is doing 100% the right thing. Not escalating the situation and getting America involved in something it has no interest in.

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    Russian Economy General News: #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #1

    Post  Werewolf Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:12 am

    TR1 wrote:You best be joking Python.

    Obama is doing 100% the right thing. Not escalating the situation and getting America involved in something it has no interest in.

    Not involved? 5 Bln USD for another "revolution" is hardly some you can call "not involved".

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    Post  flamming_python Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:25 am

    TR1 wrote:You best be joking Python.

    Obama is doing 100% the right thing. Not escalating the situation and getting America involved in something it has no interest in.

    Of course he's doing the right thing, otherwise we could be in WW3.

    But what I'm trying to say is that when you have the balls to go funding some putschists in a country right next to Russia (granted, it all slipped out of everyone's control towards the end anyway), then you best have the balls to follow it through to the end.

    Obama should have have had the wisdom not to meddle in the first place, if he wasn't ready for the consequences.

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    Russian Economy General News: #1 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #1

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:36 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    TR1 wrote:You best be joking Python.

    Obama is doing 100% the right thing. Not escalating the situation and getting America involved in something it has no interest in.

    Of course he's doing the right thing, otherwise we could be in WW3.

    But what I'm trying to say is that when you have the balls to go funding some putschists in a country right next to Russia (granted, it all slipped out of everyone's control towards the end anyway), then you best have the balls to follow it through to the end.

    Obama should have have had the wisdom not to meddle in the first place, if he wasn't ready for the consequences.

    Correction Obama's handler Zbignew Brzezinski told him to meddle with Ukraine, it's said Brzezinski's own family was deeply involved in the Orange Revolution, it should also be noted that many people believe Zbig to be the worlds most influential russophobe.

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    Post  TR1 Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:46 am

    Werewolf wrote:
    TR1 wrote:You best be joking Python.

    Obama is doing 100% the right thing. Not escalating the situation and getting America involved in something it has no interest in.

    Not involved? 5 Bln USD for another "revolution" is hardly some you can call "not involved".

    That is to be expected, no matter what Pres is in the White House.

    But a Republican candidate would have very different rhetoric right now, I can guarantee you that.

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    Post  Werewolf Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:23 pm

    TR1 wrote:

    That is to be expected, no matter what Pres is in the White House.

    But a Republican candidate would have very different rhetoric right now, I can guarantee you that.

    And like always rhetoric doesn't matter, actions matter. I don't give a crap about promizes or stupid speeches to get more sympathy among people the only thing that counts is what actions someone takes and all actions by US are considered warmongering and should be appropriatley answered with complete embargos let this shitheads feel how their economy really relies on Asian sector.
    As Sa'iqa

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    Post  As Sa'iqa Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:36 pm

    Do you know the statistics how much of Russian GDP is based on oil exports?

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