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    Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: How Russia sank Nixon’s gunboat diplomacy


    Posts : 221
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    Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: How Russia sank Nixon’s gunboat diplomacy Empty Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: How Russia sank Nixon’s gunboat diplomacy

    Post  ricky123 Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:18 am

    PLease Read this link


    Salute to mother Russia  respekt  respekt  respekt  respekt  respekt

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    Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: How Russia sank Nixon’s gunboat diplomacy Empty Re: Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: How Russia sank Nixon’s gunboat diplomacy

    Post  TR1 Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:29 am

    "Nixon: A mass famine. But they aren't going to get that"

    Gotta give it to Nixon. Son of a bitch from start to finish LOL .

    My question is why aren't Russia and India conducting large scale naval maneuvers in the Indian Ocean or around Vladivostock or better yet the Baltic Wink .
    I am pretty sure Russia and India both do more maneuvers with the US, the supposed geopolitical enemy, than with each other.

    Posts : 221
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    Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: How Russia sank Nixon’s gunboat diplomacy Empty Re: Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: How Russia sank Nixon’s gunboat diplomacy

    Post  ricky123 Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:56 am

    TR1 wrote:"Nixon: A mass famine. But they aren't going to get that"

    Gotta give it to Nixon. Son of a bitch from start to finish LOL .
    u got that right pirat

    My question is why aren't Russia and India conducting large scale naval maneuvers in the Indian Ocean or around Vladivostock or better yet the Baltic Wink .
    I am pretty sure Russia and India both do more maneuvers with the US, the supposed geopolitical enemy, than with each other.
    i think india and russia are both peacefull countries and they dont like to Provoke any1 ..... and yes india does hold a lot of naval excersise with the usa .. even i dont understand the reason for that ... cuz after each excersise the Americans just say 1 think , ur russian Weapons are outdate ,buy from usa !! lol

    Indian Flanker
    Indian Flanker

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    Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: How Russia sank Nixon’s gunboat diplomacy Empty Re: Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: How Russia sank Nixon’s gunboat diplomacy

    Post  Indian Flanker Fri Apr 04, 2014 11:46 am

    I agree, India-Russia should do more Joint-exercises with each other. Who knows in future Russian/Indian military may have to fight together against some rogue nation Very Happy

    PS: OP it was USSR that sent its nuclear sub to counter US AC and not Russia( if that matters lol Twisted Evil)

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    Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: How Russia sank Nixon’s gunboat diplomacy Empty Re: Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: How Russia sank Nixon’s gunboat diplomacy

    Post  George1 Sun Dec 29, 2019 3:31 pm


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    Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: How Russia sank Nixon’s gunboat diplomacy Empty Re: Indo-Pakistani War of 1971: How Russia sank Nixon’s gunboat diplomacy

    Post  GarryB Mon Dec 30, 2019 6:51 am


    Shame about the spelling mistakes though.

    Not something I expect to ever see on the History channel to be honest... nice someone remembers it...

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