Arrow wrote:Throw weight MM III is 1.3 tons, throw weight Yars is 1.3 tons. Throw weight Trident is 2.8 tons, throw weight Bulava is 1.2 ton
. American missiles carry the same amount of decoys and Tridents much more than Bulava. In addition, Trident also flattens a trajectory. Trident is better than Bulava, although older.
The S-500 will not stop a massive nuclear attack. In addition, his options against ICBM and SLBM are highly debatable. Even much better SM III have limited options against ICBM. Only GBI and here against a fairly limited nuclear attack. Russia is defenseless against Trident with many decoys and MM III...
The Russian arsenal is newer but it does not mean technologically better. Yars is level MMIII and Bulava is weaker compared to Trident II. There is no mythical technological advantage over the US.
Before you write something like this...please get better information.
The CEP of Bulawa and Trident II reentry vehicle are nearly same. Trident II in it's heavy form weighs 22 tons more for only 2000 km more range. The latest Trident missile is 2 m longer. Better weight to distance ratio is clear for Bulawa. The number of MIRV is fixed with START treaty, Bulawa and Trident could both carry more, but are not allowed to.
Yars is a MOBILE system, the Minuteman 3 is stationary in silos. Yars has a longer range, better accuracy, more MIRV, but weighs more that's true.
Why you compare S-500 with SM-3????? The ABM System is not primary S-500 it is A-135 and A-235. Older A-35 and actual A-135 use a 5 kt nuclear warhead to destroy incoming reentry vehicle. USA trust a kinetic kill vehicle to destroy the reentry vehicle. If I would bet my money...I would put everything on the 5 kt nuclear warhead. The A-235 is developing right now. The S-500 has the ability to destroy reentry vehicle in the middle to terminal phase, but only with the biggest missile! By the way...EVERY AD system has the ability to destroy incoming reentry vehicle, the S-400 can and the S-300 too, but the perfomance would not be overwhelming. The S-500 has no analouge in the world at has the ability to shoot everything out of the sky, from drone to ICBM, that's true and maybe that hurts.