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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet


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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  ahmedfire Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:14 pm

    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet 4504795_737330

    it's clear that NATO is on of the real enemies to russia...

    so, this comparison is in it's place...

    I saw some rafale and typhoon fan sites,they always speak about wrong things like (SU-35 have azero chance towards modern aircrafts like rafale or typhoon )

    wow seems su-35 came from 70 century !!

    they said that su-35 is just asu-27 ,,what's new ??!!

    they still believe that russia has no modern tech. to employ  Very Happy  

    also things like that !

    In simulated combat against a Sukhoi Su-35, the F22 shoots down 10 for every one of its own losses. The figures for Eurofighter Typhoon are just under half that capability (some 4.5 Su-35s for every Typhoon lost). The next best capability is the Rafale C which loses one for one
    what i'm see here that su-35 has all specifications to face any european aircraft.

    modern electronics ( the prove here is that russians get in 5th gen aircrafts,,european doesn't !!), X-band radar that is superior in power than any european radar ,although rafale and typhoon will have AESA 1 to 2 years, but irbis-E has apower like any current AESA (20 kilowatt )...

    saying that rafale and typhoon is low observable than sukhoi,ok little LO but it will not make abig difference bec of this 20 KW of irbis-E ,can detect the two from big distances,

    Su-35 is superior in weappons amount,,damn ,it's far superior in that point..

    also in engine thrust,TVC,maneuver and detection range...

    the experience of russians in IR fight is more than (as i think ) than europe,,russians used these systems for along times in the same thime that europians  and americans neglect if for years (except france with OSF )..

    saying that meteor is superior than any russian one ,no evidences for that !!

    su-35 has R-172 ,anti awacs and tankers,,damn what will be asituation if an awacs destroyed ?!!
    it's abig advantage,could make the su-35 face F-35 ,coz F-35 depend alot on awacs to make asilent attack closing it's radar ,so destroying this awacs will force joint to open clearly it's radar..that's good i think..

    recent variants of the Flanker have an inbuilt data networking system, so each Flanker shares what it knows with its peers. Unlike the Flankers, which have impressive fuel reserves, smaller aircraft like the F-35 are heavily dependent on Air-to-Air Refuelling (AAR) tankers for persistence, and AWACS for network centricity. The F-35’s dependency on front-aspect stealth for survival forces “nose cold” entry into combat and heavy reliance upon off-board AWACS data for situational awareness, lest it give its position away by using its radar. A few indiscrete sweeps could trigger the sensitive ESM systems of the Flanker E Plus.

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    So, the reality is that in an intensive air battle, these so-called ‘assets’ become ‘liabilities’ that must be protected since readily available Russian technology includes ‘AWACS killer’ missiles – such as the 200 nautical mile R-172 and the 160 nautical mile R-37 Arrow. While it is difficult to shoot down a networked Su-35BM, the network centric AWACS and AAR tankers are big, slow, defenceless, lumbering targets.

    In air combat scenarios, I always make the AWACS and AAR tankers the principal targets.

    The attack plan is a simple overwhelming swarm: Offensive Counter Air (OCA) Flankers engage the Combat Air Patrols (CAPs) protecting the AAR tankers and AWACS, while other sections of Flankers simultaneously kill the AAR tankers and AWACS. The fuel and missile payload advantage of the Flanker over the F-35 makes this easy to do.

    A probable scenario over vast areas of the Pacific Ocean where such air battles might rage, is that after the tankers are dropped, the F-35s exhaust their fuel and fall into the drink.

    If you fail to recognise the vulnerability of AWACS and AAR aircraft, and the risks in heavy dependency upon these exposed ‘assets’, then any reasonable person might ask “who is the one who does not understand future air warfare?”.

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:16 am

    su-35 has R-172 ,anti awacs and tankers,,damn what will be asituation if an awacs destroyed ?!!
    it's abig advantage,could make the su-35 face F-35 ,coz F-35 depend alot on awacs to make asilent attack closing it's radar ,so destroying this awacs will force joint to open clearly it's radar..that's good i think..

    You can take the paper statistics and directly compare aircraft all day, but the results you get will not be very useful.

    On paper a Mig-29 should beat an F-16 every time in the 1990s, but in actual fact this was not the case because the F-16 pilots coming up against those Iraqi and Serbian Mig-29s had already practised and talked to German Mig-29 pilots. They knew what it could and could not do and developed tactics and strategies to defeat such a system.

    Their efforts to defeat them were further aided by the fact that the Mig-29s were generally not operating within a fully operational air defence system with working communications. The Serbian Mig-29s often took to the air with non functioning radar because of poor maintainece that led to a criminal case after the war against the general in charge.

    The point is that it matters not how brave or dedicated you are, when one side has fully operational C4IR and the other side does not then it is like an organised group against a collection of amateur individuals.

    Of course Russia is currently making efforts to improve its C4IR and make it fully integrated across the services, which will mean NATO would not have things its own way.

    To say the Typhoon is better than the Flanker is rubbish, just as it is rubbish to say the opposite.

    A NATO Typhoon fighting a Russian Flanker is not a serious matter because no matter who wins the fight the battle will be decided by nukes.

    A Libyan Su-35 vs a NATO Typhoon will be one sided because NATO comes in with all the C4IR force multipliers and Libya does not.

    Just as importantly a Libyan Typhoon against NATO Rafale would also fail for the very same reasons.

    Some things can make a difference and for the last 20 years it has been AMRAAM. Serbian and Iraqi Migs didn't have anything like AMRAAM so in combat with inferior western aircraft the western aircraft have won simply by hanging back, using AWACS to identify the target and then firing AMRAAMs outside the range of the R-73.

    This has been successful, though just after Desert Storm in the early 1990s it did lead to the destruction of two Blackhawks that were mistaken for Hinds because the F-15s were too afraid to get close enough for a proper visual ID.

    BTW Meteor looks to be an excellent missile, but to claim it out ranges all Russian missiles is just silly. The R-37 has been tested to a flight range of 300km and the R-37M for use against AWACS type aircraft has even greater range performance.

    There are extended range models of R-77 in development including ramjet powered missiles.

    I remember in the mid 1980s the Germans and French were going to get together and make a missile they were going to call the ANS. It was going to be a missile in the 600-800kg range with a 50kg warhead and a combined rocket ramjet propulsion with a range of about 100km and a flight speed of mach 2.

    The name changed and requirements changed a bit but it never got off the drawing board.

    In comparison the Kh-31, which is a 600kg missile with a 90kg warhead with a rocket ramjet propulsion system that can hit targets at 110km in the old anti radiation model version with a flight speed of mach 3 has been available for quite some time... including an improved model with more than double that range.

    The Soviets/Russians have plenty of experience with combined rocket ramjet missiles... starting with the SA-6 SAM and including a large number of other missiles.

    Right now I would guess they are working on Scramjet propulsion that should lead to even higher speeds and much longer ranges.

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  Corrosion Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:38 am

    ahmedfire wrote:
    wow seems su-35 came from 70 century !!

    Haha U mean to say from deep future Razz or is it some different calender.

    In simulated combat against a Sukhoi Su-35, the F22 shoots down 10 for every one of its own losses. The figures for Eurofighter Typhoon are just under half that capability (some 4.5 Su-35s for every Typhoon lost). The next best capability is the Rafale C which loses one for one

    All these comparisons are based on certain conditions/assumptions which they seldom make public. Under certain conditions Mig21 defeated F-15 in cope india exercises. So my question is How many F-15 does Mig 21 Bison shoots down for every one of its own losses. Very Happy . Fighters seldom go one on one straight on. If it is BVR straight on without any AWACS or ground radar installations between Su-35 and F-22. I would say F22 would have a edge/higher chance of firing first. After that anything can happen depending on what the two pilots do. And BTW how much an F22 cost, 350 million or something according to news reports sometime back. That is one seriously expensive fighter plane, which only very very few countries can afford to operate that too in low numbers. I do not believe either EF or Rafale will have any significant edge over any latest flanker derivatives. It will be a fight. I think euro canards will have lower RCS than any Flanker out there based on open source data. But a lot also depends on what are they holding under their wings. Especially if it looks like this:
    Unless weapons are carried internally RCS difference of so called 4th, 4+, 4++, 4+++ gen fighters is not enough to win u an engagement. It matters but is not the only thing out there.


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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  Corrosion Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:11 am

    EF/Rafale vs Flanker : One way of finding this out through peaceful way is maybe post 2015 when Indian MMRCA is inducted and Su30 goes through super 30 upgrade or even current level MKI standard. and some internal exercise is conducted to check the performance of MMRCA and results made public or some leak. There might be Something like this (Go to page 5 2nd para) So if Su 30 out performs MMRCA then rest assured Su35 will out perform any EF/Rafale atleast airframe performace wise. Radar wise right now Irbis should beat Captor/RBE2.


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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  ahmedfire Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:12 am

    The prob is some euro fans talked about things they can't prove !!

    somethings like efficiency of missile seekers,they always say that west seekers is far better that russian,so we can't compare ranges coz the effectiveness in west is more than russian !!

    things like quality of radar modules ,they said we could make aradar with 900 module that is better than russian 1000 module one !! claiming that modules will be more efficient and higher gain higher efficiency that give anice powerful electromagnetic beam...

    things like ECCM capabilities and that euro ones has alot of edges here, refale fans in every damn forum say that russians have no system like spectre on rafale

    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Oldsoak

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 02, 2011 3:40 am

    things like quality of radar modules ,they said we could make aradar with 900 module that is better than russian 1000 module one !! claiming that modules will be more efficient and higher gain higher efficiency that give anice powerful electromagnetic beam...

    They have to say that because they know the Su-35 has a nose big enough to take a radar larger than anything the Eurocanards can use.

    Having a net centric air defence system that includes satellite based radar, ground based radar and aircraft based radar to detect and track threats in the air and in space above Russia suggests that the efficiency of an Su-35s radar is not going to be crucial.

    During tests in the 1990s a Mig-31M that had not been fitted with its upgraded ZASLON-M radar yet managed to hit a target at a missile flight range of 300km with the aide of a Su-30M that was flying much closer to the target that sent target information back to the launch aircraft so it could fire an R-37.

    The point is that it doesn't matter where that target data comes from... a satellite in space, and AWACS aircraft, ground radar, ship at sea... if you think the aircraft with the best radar wins then you will be dead before you know it.

    You can compare numbers on paper all you want but at the end of the day it is tactics that win battles.

    The Me262 on paper should have been invincible... high flight speed... enormous fire power... yet they got shot down in large numbers for lots of reasons that Germany could do nothing about and did not win the war for Germany.

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  Admin Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:17 am


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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:02 am

    Nice vid, but it doesn't show anything the Su-35 can't do...

    Those rocket power assisted laser guided bombs are nice but the Kh-29 comes in TV and laser guided versions with a range of up to 40km in the later versions.

    AS-18 KAZOO missiles (Kh-59M) have a range of about 240km and have a 900kg warhead with TV guidance and a digital data link to the launch aircraft, so you can fire one towards a target area and when it arrives in the target area it sends back a video view of the target area. The weapon officer in the launch aircraft uses a joystick and moves the cross hair onto the target they want the missile to engage and commands the missile to attack the target from hundreds of kms away.
    The AS-13 KINGBOLT (Kh-59) could do the same over a range of about 120km.

    The Russian AF has already ordered the Damocles targeting pod too.

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  medo Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:21 pm

    things like ECCM capabilities and that euro ones has alot of edges here, refale fans in every damn forum say that russians have no system like spectre on rafale

    Really? About ECM capabilities, Su-35 could use the same SAP-518 and SAP-14 ECM pods as Su-34, what gives Su-35 capabilities similar to EA-18G Growler. Su-35 also have IRST, RWR, LWR, MAWS, data link, PESA Irbis radar and digital computers to fuse all those datas in one picture, so there is nothing in Rafales Spectre, that Su-35 don't have.

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  Pervius Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:16 pm


    The point is that it doesn't matter where that target data comes from... a satellite in space, and AWACS aircraft, ground radar, ship at sea... if you think the aircraft with the best radar wins then you will be dead before you know it.

    You can compare numbers on paper all you want but at the end of the day it is tactics that win battles.

    US couldn't get JDAM bombs to hit targets in Afghanistan because mountains blocked satellite signals. If you are relying on satellites, AWACS, ground radar, ships at sea......what are you going to do when they aren't there for you?

    Likely when Air to Air fighting really starts the fiber optic cables/ocean cables will be cut....Satellites destroyed.....then maybe when it's just fighter to fighter over your own airspace....yes the jet with the best radar wins. Hence why the US is going to those little tiny Dorito planes...harder to see aren't they?

    They aren't going to rely on all that technology that could disappear when they need it. Hence why Russian big radar would be needed to see them.


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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:52 am

    US couldn't get JDAM bombs to hit targets in Afghanistan because mountains blocked satellite signals. If you are relying on satellites, AWACS, ground radar, ships at sea......what are you going to do when they aren't there for you?

    That is different.

    JDAM uses Navstar, so it needs at least 3 satellites to be visible to get a signal from them to triangulate its position from launch to impact with the target.

    Because of the orbital heights of the Navstar satellites obviously that was not possible because of the height and shape of the mountains in question in the context of the height and position of the Navstar satellites above Afghanistan at the time.

    The positioning of the Navstar satellites means that near the poles it is difficult to get good readings from 3 or more satellites so Glonass is actually more accurate in those regions because they have eliptical paths coming in close and going up very high as they go around the Earth.

    In context of what I was talking about above space based radars will have similar eccentric orbits and there will be quite a few of them to at least cover Russia and their paths should allow no blind spots.

    Likely when Air to Air fighting really starts the fiber optic cables/ocean cables will be cut....Satellites destroyed.....then maybe when it's just fighter to fighter over your own airspace....yes the jet with the best radar wins. Hence why the US is going to those little tiny Dorito planes...harder to see aren't they?

    Cutting fibre optic cables and shooting down satellites would be the worst possible situation for the US because it is totally reliant on satellites for recon and communications. There is the issue of AWACS and ground based radar and electronic support vehicles and EO systems supporting the air defence. NATO airfields are fixed so in the first few seconds of a conflict they will be targeted too.

    And in a decade or so those Eurocanards will be flying with F-35s but they will be up against T-50s.

    I would think in such a case the superiority of the second line aircraft is less important if the first line aircraft clears the skies of the opposing forces second line aircraft...

    They aren't going to rely on all that technology that could disappear when they need it. Hence why Russian big radar would be needed to see them.

    Indeed they are used to force multipliers being available to them in combat, and careful use of force initially is applied to make sure their opponents lack similar support.

    They can do it to small armed forces but when the opposing force is Russia then they will have as much problem killing mobile targets as they did in Kosovo, except Russia has missiles and weapons that can hit NATO countries directly and of course they have the air defence missiles that can reach out and touch NATO air power too.

    A totally different ball game.

    (BTW I also agree with Medo, but if Eurofans want to think Su-35s are export model Mig-21s in terms of self defence avionics then that is their pilots funerals... If Libya had purchased some old model S-300s on the cheap and had bought Su-35s NATO would not have chosen to intervene... especially if they had a few Bastion coastal defence missile batteries with Yakhonts... I am sure other countries unpopular with the west for not letting the west rape and pillage their resources like Iran will take note... )

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  KamovHelicopter Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:11 am

    Su-35 is superior in armament,technology and avionics but not in maneuverability. Rafale have small wing-loading and great thrust/weight so it have better maneuverability. Sukhoi is also great in that point. In BVR fight Su-35 is (for now) lot better, but problem is when NATO finish MBDA Meteor AAM missile, because it is better than Russian Vympel R77M (best Su-35 missile) - but maybe than Su-35 use new Russian/Indian Novator missile and again is lot better than Rafale!! Laughing .

    So point is,

    for 25 million LESS you got better fighter - Su-35 scratch

    Rafale vs Sukhoi SU-35 - Data Comparison

    Well, against Eurofighter Typhoon same story. Eurofighter is little better than Rafale, better technology, almost like Su-35 and great avionics dunno
    For now same story with AAM missile - MBDA Mateor vs Novator K-100.

    Eurofighter vs Sukhoi SU-35 - Data Comparison

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  GarryB Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:46 am

    Su-35 is superior in armament,technology and avionics but not in maneuverability. Rafale have small wing-loading and great thrust/weight so it have better maneuverability.

    I disagree... wing loading and thrust to weight ratio are important, but fully operational 3D thrust vectoring mean the Su-35 should be able to do things the Rafale can only dream about.

    Also the RVV-BD is the export version of the R-37M long range AAM, and it will be fully compatible with all new Russian fighters... Mig-31BM, Mig-29SMT, Mig-35, Su-27SM, Su-35, and PAK FA.

    The difference of course is that it will not be limited to 200km range engagements and it is slightly heavier at about 600kgs vs 510kgs for the RVV-BD.

    Having said all that there are no guarantees and a Rafale could beat an Su-35 or vice versa.

    The Flanker will have the advantage of larger fuel capacity so when it lines up an enemy aircraft to launch a missile at it can climb and accelerate to supersonic speed to give its missile a longer reach.
    It could also fire several missiles like an R-27ET IR homer and an R-27ER SARH missile plus an R-77 ARH just to make things really difficult for the target.

    The high altitude high speed launch will give the missiles max reach and the launches will be timed so that after manouvering to evade the first missile the target will then have to evade the next missile and will be so low on energy as to require afterburner which might make it worthwhile firing the IR guided missile last.

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  TR1 Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:59 am

    Rafale has marginally better better TWR in both dry and AB at empty, and loaded weights (using the available figures at least), but the Su-35 is better by a larger gap when talking about MTOW. Of course the problem for Rafale is how much of that is in external, draggy fuel tanks.

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  SOC Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:40 am

    I've always admired the Rafale. Not as much as the FLANKER, but still... If Rafale has something going for it, especially compared to the EF-2000, it's that far more attention was paid to forward hemisphere RCS reduction. Plus, the EO suite should be a pretty good tool to have. They've flown the Rafale M over Afghanistan, which is a pretty good spot to trial something like that. There aren't any SAM threats to worry about at medium altitude, and you can see what the system does in a real-world environment, tweaking future production blocks as required. Beyond that, some of the other rumored ECM/ESM systems aren't something to laugh about either, particularly if the active cancellation system works even 25% of the time. None of this is in any way indicative of how I do or do not think the Rafale would match up against a modern FLANKER derivative like the Su-35 or Su-30MKI, however. But if somebody told me I had to outfit my air force with the Rafale, I certainly wouldn't be complaining about it!

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  Austin Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:30 am

    Rafale won the Indian MMRCA contest Laughing

    Now coming back to the itchy question , how does it compare with Su-35S ?

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  TR1 Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:57 am

    Gimme both, fuel, weapons, and airspace to test them out in, and I will get back to ya. Wink

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  Austin Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:25 am

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  GarryB Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:00 pm

    Interesting, but they haven't been updated to include the RVV-BD, or its domestic equivalent.

    The export missile has a range of 200km against an 8g target and 280km for an 8 g target for the domestic model.

    You would assume against a non manouvering large aircraft like AWACS or inflight refuelling tanker, that the effective range would become about 300km for the export missile and perhaps 350km for the domestic against 2g targets.

    Also the fact that Rafale has a slightly better thrust to weight ratio and lighter wing loading does not change the fact that the Flanker has 3D thrust vectoring that should allow it to perform manouvers that would stall a Rafale.

    Even if it was fitted with 3D thrust vectoring nozzles the Rafale would have the disadvantage of having its engines close together, which would greatly reduce the effect of differential thrust.

    In other words if you pull your nose up and stall so the airflow isn't moving over your wings or your control surfaces then the only way you can manouver the aircraft is by directing the thrust and getting the plane to turn in response. In a full stall the control surfaces no longer push against the air flowing over them and turn the aircraft so to roll the aircraft one engine nozzle goes down and the other goes up and the aircraft rotates. By separating the engine nozzles you increase the turning force they apply to the aircraft, so even with the same amount of power the Flanker would roll faster than the Rafale in the stall and would get its nose onto targets faster.

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  GarryB Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:20 pm

    Buying planes these days is just as political as it is about the aircraft itself.

    Australia is a case in point... it buys Hornets because it is American oriented. It would be much better off with late model Flankers... in the 1990s the Russians not only offered Su-34s to replace their F-111s, but also the Su-27M (the first Su-35) and cooperation in developing a new long range AAM... which was either R-37, or KS-172.

    But no, they still have their F-111s, they have Hornets and Super Hornets and they are buying F-35s.

    ...the cost of which could have paid for all the Su-34s and Su-35s they wanted and still left them with change.

    If they had taken the offer I am sure the US would not have been friendly, but who is going to invade Australia?

    They likely would have been offered a share in the FFGA program together with India and would have pushed forward the timescale for the Su-34 and Su-35 by about 10 years.

    They'd likely be making AESAs now.

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  SOC Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:29 pm

    GarryB wrote:But no, they still have their F-111s

    Those have been retired for a year or so now, maybe a bit longer.

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Did the new silent hornet has alower RCS than su-35 ?

    Post  ahmedfire Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:04 am

    Did the new silent hornet has alower RCS than su-35 ?

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  Austin Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:49 am

    ahmedfire wrote:
    Did the new silent hornet has alower RCS than su-35 ?

    Even if it does , the RCS will change drastically depending on the external payload it carries for a mission and depending on the angle of the target to the radar , bands etc.

    For conventional aircraft which carry external payload rcs reduction is good but not really decisive.

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  ahmedfire Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:56 am

    Austin wrote:
    ahmedfire wrote:
    Did the new silent hornet has alower RCS than su-35 ?

    Even if it does , the RCS will change drastically depending on the external payload it carries for a mission and depending on the angle of the target to the radar , bands etc.

    For conventional aircraft which carry external payload rcs reduction is good but not really decisive.

    but effective, Silent hornet has internal payload for missiles .

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    Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet Empty Re: Su-35S vs EF Typhoon/Rafale/Super Hornet

    Post  Austin Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:14 am

    ahmedfire wrote:but effective, Silent hornet has internal payload for missiles .

    Well if you design a internal payload system for Flanker like SH , Put some RAM and call it Silent Flanker it wont become a PAK-FA.

    Silent Hornet lacks the shape to be truly LO , since its not designed from scratch for such.

    At best it would be able to maintain its so called 1 m2 RCS if it flies at certain angle at the target relative to radar.

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