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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports


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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  Admin Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:07 am

    Ukraine does not know how its tanks are in Southern Sudan


    Is involved in the violation of official Kiev UN embargo on arms separatists from southern Sudan? Recently, local media reported, T-72 tanks were seen in southern Sudan. No formal evidence of illegal shipments of military equipment to South Sudan not.

    Background of the scandal appeared in the last year, when the infamous ship "Faina" captured Somali pirates. Then in some Western media have appeared on the assumption that Kenya was only a transit point, but in fact the buyer of the T-72 tanks and other heavy weapons that were on board the Faina "are separatists from southern Sudan.

    Official Kiev categorically denied these accusations, but Kenyan authorities have confirmed that the weapons were for the Kenyan military, even before Kenya does not use weapons of Soviet design. By the way, all the weapons that were on board the Faina "was produced back in the Soviet Union.

    To prove the validity of allegations of illegal arms sales are not managed, so the scandal has calmed down by itself. If approved, the T-72 in southern Sudan will be an occasion for the resumption of the investigation, as similar legal supply of heavy weapons in the region has not been, and tanks appeared shortly after the transfer of weapons of Kenya, which borders southern Sudan. The only similar version is that this is the very tanks that carried "Faina" - others just get nowhere.

    Official Kiev has nothing appearance of tanks in southern Sudan. Formally, it is nothing to do with it. The arms sold to Kenya, which it received. The fate of these weapons affects primarily the authorities in Kenya.

    No formal evidence that Kiev knew who actually was a military cargo, no. But in any case, the scandal has hurt the reputation of the official Kyiv, which is already more than once in the past been involved in similar scandals.

    Vladimir Sinelnikov

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  Vladislav Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:42 am

    Yushenko been doing that ever since he came into office. Oh, I don't know how my weapons ended up in Georgia or Sudan. I am armorer of all genocidal nations! It is time to invade and remove him.

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  Admin Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:12 am

    Vladislav wrote:Yushenko been doing that ever since he came into office. Oh, I don't know how my weapons ended up in Georgia or Sudan. I am armorer of all genocidal nations! It is time to invade and remove him.

    Invade Ukraine? I think it would be easier for FSB to assasinate him. Hell, just hire Kydarov! xaxa

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Azerbaijan purchased 32 APC-70 from Ukraine

    Post  DoubleEagle Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:36 am

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Ukraine sold 34 tanks (33 to Kenya and 1 to Georgia) in 2008, Kyiv said in a report issued for the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms.

    Georgia purchased 15 infantry fighting vehicles and 25 armored personnel carriers. U.S. bought 1 IFV-3. Azerbaijan bought 32 APC-70.

    Ukraine made some $800 million by exporting arms last year, replenishing the national budget with 1.185 billion hryvnas, reported.

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  Admin Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:41 am

    I do believe those tanks for Kenya ended in Sudan . More illegal arm sales by Yuschenko.

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Iran and Ukraine signed agreement on helicopters

    Post  Admin Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:12 pm

    Iran and Ukraine signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of helicopter

    TEHRAN, August 24. (ITAR-TASS). Iran and Ukraine in the framework held in Zhukovsky air show MAKS 2009 signed an agreement on cooperation in the helicopter. This was reported today to the Iranian news agency Fars head of the aviation and space industry (OAKP) Seyyed Javad Ibn Al-Reza.

    According to him, the agreement with Ukrainian company "Poltava helicopter provides for transfer to Iran of technology production of light helicopters, AK 1-3. Al-Reza informed that OAKP started to look at the external market of technology of light helicopters, three years ago and only now these searches ended effectively. The Iranian official said that despite the sanctions in the field of aircraft construction in the Islamic Republic, 84 foreign companies willing to develop cooperation with OAKP.

    Iran and Ukraine implement a joint project of building the Iran-140 aircraft. The first serial aircraft An-140 or the Iran-140, collected at the enterprise Hessa in Isfahan, took off on Feb. 4, 2001. Total Ukrainian-Iranian contract of 1995, an Iranian company is planning up to 2020 to collect 80 aircraft.

    Права на данный материал принадлежат ИТАР-ТАСС

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Ministry of Defense of Ukraine illegall weapons sales

    Post  Admin Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:43 am

    Ministry of Defense of Ukraine illegally sold 18 helicopters and nine aircraft

    Structure of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine illegally sold 18 helicopters Mi-8 and 9 IL-76.

    Relevant test results, told a news conference in Kiev head of the Control and Auditing Department of Ukraine Petro Andreev.

    According to him, officials of the Ministry of Defense, first went on sale illegally engine helicopters and planes, and then sold the machines themselves.

    "We do not know where this technique is, where it flies, that transports" - "Andreev said.

    He added that officials embezzled every way tried to prevent checking - for example, not to allow auditors on the grounds that the premises where stored documents, carried out the destruction of cockroaches, which lasted about 3 weeks.

    As a result, said Andreev, responsible for the machinations of the Ministry of Defense official with the property managed to escape and take out all the accounting documents and databases.

    According to the forecast Andreyev, the recovery of documents may take 1.5-2 years.

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Iraq has demanded that Ukraine compensation for the failure of military contracts

    Post  Admin Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:51 am

    Iraq has demanded that Ukraine compensation for the failure of military contracts

    Iraq has put Ukraine penalties of $ 165,000 dollars for the failure of a contract to supply transport aircraft An-32B, says Ukrainian magazine "Focus", citing sources close to the arms business. Agreement for the supply of six transporters have been concluded between Iraq and Ukraine in late 2009. The deal amounted to $ 99 million. The first AN-32B had to be transferred to the customer in the autumn of 2010.

    Amongst the Ukrainian Transport must also convey to Iraq 420 BTR-4, totaling 457.5 million dollars. This contract was also signed at the end of 2009. The first armored Iraq was supposed to get 5 November 2010, but the delivery was postponed to the end of February 2011. Under the agreement, Iraq must be placed 270 linear BTR-4, 80, command vehicle, 30 staff, 30 medical and ten repair and recovery.

    As the magazine notes, delay in delivery of armored vehicles and aircraft to Iraq may be associated with redistribution of the arms market in Ukraine. The total value of transactions with Iraq is 556.5 million dollars. 20 percent of the sum of Baghdad was supposed to pay in 2009, 40 percent - in 2010, and the same in 2011. The contracts involve penalties for the failure of supplies of equipment at a rate of one per cent of the transaction amount per month, starting from the second month of delay. Iraq may require no more than ten percent of the contract value, or about 55.7 million dollars.

    Writes the "Focus" at the disposal of the Iraqi side has a letter of guarantee of the Government of Ukraine, which may be represented at any arbitration. This letter establishes the obligations of Ukraine for the supply of military equipment.

    The fact that the Ukrainian side is disrupted deliveries of military equipment to Iraq on Jan. 13, 2011 in his blog on the Ukrainian Pravda "wrote journalist Mustafa Hire. According to him, the Iraqi Defense Ministry in December 2010 refused to accept the first batch of armored vehicles. The most probable reason for this could be a technical marriage. According to the Head of Kharkiv Malyshev Plant Michael Borisyuk, the first batch of the BTR-4 were installed substandard guns, give "misfires and delays."

    It should be noted that Ukraine has delayed the delivery of armored vehicles to customers in the past. For example, Thailand, bought in Ukraine in 2007, 96 BTR-3E1, a long time could not get the armored personnel carriers from the fact that Germany had refused to supply some components manufacturer, because of which the Ukrainian side had to seek an alternative supplier. The first cars arrived in Thailand in September 2010. Meanwhile, the first batch of armored vehicles purchased in Cambodia, was delivered only in time.

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  Hoof Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:21 am

    They should have known not to buy stuff from Ukraine, right now they are in worse condition than Russia...

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  TR1 Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:37 am

    Not Russian but - Ukraine sold T_84s directly to the US.

    Another genius decision by the people who sold their main combat aircraft, the Su-27, to someone will obviously exploit their characteristics.

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  Zivo Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:23 am

    The US most likely knew everything the T-80 brings to the table prior to the purchase. Nozh is equivalent to Kontakt-5 correct?

    I bet they sold them for 30 pieces of silver.

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  TR1 Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:41 am

    T-80 yes. But not T-84, which was the top of Ukranian tank development at the time. Selling that to the US seems insane.

    Nozh is newer than K-5.

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:54 am

    If they already knew everything there was to know about them then they wouldn't have bought them... they are not a charity.

    The T-84 is very much like the T-90 in the sense that both were developed after the split between Russia and the Ukraine so the high tech secrets they were selling were largely their own.

    It was not without precedent either... The Russians sold Tunguskas to Britain and S-300Vs to the US at a time when the money earned was critical in developing new weapons/models.

    Having access to T-84s might give them a idea about what early model T-90s might be like, but nothing about late model T-90s or for that matter T-99 Armata based tanks.

    I rather suspect it is why Putin has never shown interest in recreating the empire... Dragging Russia forward will take effort but attaching countries full of people who will only complain they are not getting their share or that Russia somehow owes them something that are in fact a burden to Russia will only limit Russia.

    When Russia turns real things around and becomes successful I am sure a lot of countries in former eastern Europe and ex Soviet satellites will want to jump the EU boat... just hope that those in command remember the nineties and naughties when such countries were happy to jump ship at the first opportunity and stick the boot in when they could.

    Of course not being slavic or orthodox christian I might be being a bit harsh, but in my view it wasn't Russia pushing everyone away... they ran with their eyes open away from what they saw as a sinking ship to the safety of the EU and NATO.

    The thing is that the secrets they are selling are their own... the T-84 is their equivalent of the T-90AM.

    Makes one think that perhaps the next Ukrainian tank will be a downgraded export model of an Abrams... but with the last lot of elections they have swung away from the west... but under the circumstances I rather doubt Russia will sell them Armata Brigades now...

    Just as well UVZ is separate from Kharkov and Omsk... well now Omsk is integrated into UVZ.

    Still it is a bit like the German possession of Mig-29s at the end of the cold war... a lot of the assumptions the west made about the Soviet capabilities came from downgraded export unupgraded Mig-29s... if they had met Su-27s in combat they would have been in serious trouble.

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  medo Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:13 pm

    I don't think, selling T-84 from Ukraine will make problems to Russia, but mainly to Ukraine itself. Russian armor units now based more on modernized T-72 and T-90 and not on T-80, so important equipment in Russian tanks are not compromised with this sale.

    On the other hand it seems Ukraine is in state of disarming and they sell from stocks a lot of weapons around the world, while they could modernize only few T-64 tanks. Ukraine is becoming very weak, what will have very negative impact in European defense. Greece is bankrupt and after Greece, there is no serious armed force in Balkans, so the Balkan path to Europe is open. On the other hand Spain and Portugal are also bankrupt, so Iberian path become also open. And EU and NATO sell a lot of weapons to their own enemies in Arab world and in North Africa as well as in Asia.

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:30 am

    We were talking on another thread about the Ukraine selling T-84s to the US, and I notice on this website that Russia sold some Igla-1 missiles to the UK in 2005-2006.

    The Igla-1 is known to NATO as SA-16, which is the export early model version of the Igla (SA-18) the latter actually entered service in about 1983, with the former entering service in early 1981.

    The Igla-1 has been fairly widely exported so a sale to the UK is no big deal.

    Assuming no corruption was involved I rather suspect the Ukrainian decision to export T-84s to the US suggests they need the money to develop something new, or have given up on their future potential sales of heavy armour for export.

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  TR1 Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:26 am

    Problem is the current Oplot uses much from the T-84s that they sold.
    But times were bad, everything becomes for sale.

    I don't think all the purchases are correct on the site, and they miss quiet a few (no RPG-29 for Mexico for example) but still an interesting starting point for research.

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Ukraine selling T-84s to the US

    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:36 am

    It doesn't include the Russian sale of Tunguska-M in the mid 1990s either, so it is not perfect, but it is a handy source none the less.

    It has some interesting information about transfers of older equipment... presumably from Russian Army/Navy/Air Force stocks.

    Note also that it includes licence production arrangements too.

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  flamming_python Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:58 pm

    TR1 wrote:T-80 yes. But not T-84, which was the top of Ukranian tank development at the time. Selling that to the US seems insane.

    Nozh is newer than K-5.

    What do they care? They are not Russia, they don't give a shit if the US gets more acquainted with the latest developments in ex-Soviet armour. For the Ukraine, there is simply no threat from that; and their main contracts are to US-allies anyway.

    The only thing really, is that now that Ukrainian tech has been compromised; Russia would very doubtfully buy anything from them. I was kind of hoping for the Russian MoD to invite Ukrainian defense industries to compete in Russian military contracts too, just as the Italians, French, etc... are.

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Not Russian but - Ukraine sold T_84s directly to the US.

    Post  TR1 Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:48 pm

    They should care because the US can develop counters to Ukrainian ERA and armor schemes, which directly hurt the ability of Ukraine to export MBTs.

    If Ukraine ever does field its own MBTs in any numbers, having the central power in NATO well acquainted with your equipment is not great for national defense, since this info can easily be shared with nearby NATO states. Not that I think they will be fighting a war anytime soon, but nonetheless.

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  George1 Wed Aug 19, 2015 1:35 pm

    In Ukraine, investigate "disappearance" of two Tu-95MS bombers during the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych

    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  Guest Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:05 pm

    "Nigeria had reportedly taken delivery of two Mi-24 ‘Super Hind’ helicopters from Ukraine. The Super Hind is a comprehensive upgrade package for older Mi-24s, created by Advanced Technologies and Engineering (now part of the Paramount Group as their Advanced Technologies division) of South Africa in partnership with the Ukrainian State Enterprise “Konotop Aircraft Repair Plant “AVIAKON”. In 1999-2004, Konotop factory upgraded to the Algerian Air Force variant in Super Hind Mk III 33 former Ukrainian Mi-24V, and in 2010-2011 – for the Air Force of Azerbaijan in Super Hind Mk IV 12 former Ukrainian Mi-24K (modernized Azerbaijani helicopters received the designation Mi-24G). Super Hinds are built around core digital systems which integrate flight, sensor and combat systems together. Sensors aboard the Super Hind include a FLIR Pod and TV camera. Sensor data is displayed on tv screens. The Super Hind cockpit is night vision goggle-compatible and features a day/night electro-optical HUD. Doppler GPS enables accurate navigation."

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  JohninMK Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:24 pm

    Is this Ukraine deciding that a couple of their limited number of Mi-24 are of more use converted to a pile of US$ rather than defending the country from the thousands of Russians already in, or about to be in, the country?

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  ExBeobachter1987 Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:27 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Is this Ukraine deciding that a couple of their limited number of Mi-24 are of more use converted to a pile of US$ rather than defending the country from the thousands of Russians already in, or about to be in, the country?

    Novorussian anti-air defence made Ukrainian combat air support kinda useless.

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    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  medo Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:29 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Is this Ukraine deciding that a couple of their limited number of Mi-24 are of more use converted to a pile of US$ rather than defending the country from the thousands of Russians already in, or about to be in, the country?

    Ukraine desperately need money for coal and gas for the winter. Few Mi-24 will change nothing on the front and Novorussia is already lost for Ukraine.

    Ukraine's Arms Εxports Empty Re: Ukraine's Arms Εxports

    Post  Guest Wed Nov 04, 2015 5:02 pm

    "Ukraine and Thailand are close to finalising a programme that would support a Royal Thai Army (RTA) plan to locally build the 8×8 BTR-3E1 armoured personnel carrier (APC), a senior official from Ukraine’s state-owned defence exports and industry agency Ukroboronprom told IHS Jane’s on 3 November. He said the plan would feature three phases and be implemented over the long term as Thailand gradually develops local industrial capability. The programme would support future RTA programmes to procure the BTR-3E1 as well as plans to export the APC to regional countries. The RTA ordered in 2008 and 2011 more than 220 BTR-3E1s, which are being manufactured by the Kharkov Morozov Machine Design Bureau."

    Ukraine's Arms Εxports BTR-ukraine


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