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    Russian Intelligence Services: News & Discussion


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    Russian Intelligence Services: News & Discussion - Page 20 Empty Re: Russian Intelligence Services: News & Discussion

    Post  lyle6 Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:30 pm

    So they can leak disinformation straight to gullible HATO ears. Duh.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Jun 02, 2023 4:16 am

    That would be good if it was true, but I think they are just idiots who like Apple products like that young British defence minister with his Apple product that interrupted a meeting in parliment when Siri asked for confirmation of what was being said.

    I would think that alone would be enough to get that man fired, but no... spying is OK when the Americans do it because they are only looking for terrorists and Russian spies and drug dealers and child molester rings, and would never use such information that they find to bully or force their allies to do what they want them to do... NOT.

    The sooner western computer hardware and software is banned in Russia and China and the rest of the world the better.

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    Post  Kiko Sat Jul 01, 2023 1:17 am

    WSJ learned about the call of the head of the CIA Naryshkin because of the actions of Prigozhin, 06.30.2023.

    WSJ: CIA chief Burns said in a call to Naryshkin that the United States was not involved in Prigozhin's actions.

    CIA Director Burns called the head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Naryshkin, to assure that the United States was not involved in the actions of Prigozhin, writes WSJ. Burns called the events an internal affair of Russia, the interlocutors of the publication said.

    The head of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), William Burns, this week contacted the director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Sergei Naryshkin, after the events of June 23-24 and assured Moscow that Washington was not involved in what was happening, The Wall Sreet Journal reports, citing people familiar with question of officials.

    “The US was not involved. This is an internal Russian affair, ”one of the newspaper’s interlocutors cited Burns’s message. Other details of the conversation could not be established.

    The White House declined to comment on this information. “We are not going to go into the details of individual diplomatic discussions,” its spokesman said.

    The publication notes that this conversation is considered a contact between the two countries at the highest level. The article says that Burns' call is part of a US strategy aimed at making it clear to the Russian leadership that the US has nothing to do with what happened and does not seek to escalate tensions in Russia.

    “Privately, U.S. officials say they are seeking to prevent the Kremlin from blaming Russia’s external enemies for the insurgency and its consequences,” the story reads.

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    Post  TMA1 Sat Jul 01, 2023 6:32 am


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    Post  LMFS Sat Jul 01, 2023 11:19 am

    Are they really THAT stupid in CIA nowadays?

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    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 01, 2023 11:50 am

    So now they don't want to escalate things... doesn't that make them chicken... by their own criteria?

    Are they really THAT stupid in CIA nowadays?

    Rhetorical questions are too ambiguous for these guys... but yes, they are that stupid... to claim they knew about it all the time and then to claim they had nothing to do with it.

    Funny that Russia got wind of 11/9 and notified the US in advance... a warning the US ignored...

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    Post  kvs Sat Jul 01, 2023 12:37 pm

    There were articles in western mainstream media orifices in April and May that Putin was weak and Prigozhin could launch a coup to take over
    when the hyped Ukr counter-offensive achieved rapid advances putting the Russian army to flight. I am not making this crap up.
    This evidence that the US (NATO) was involved in the Prigozhin affair. This is standard NATzO use of MSM.

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    Post  LMFS Sat Jul 01, 2023 2:54 pm

    GarryB wrote:Rhetorical questions are too ambiguous for these guys... but yes, they are that stupid... to claim they knew about it all the time and then to claim they had nothing to do with it.

    They say what they told to Narishkin, sadly they don't say what Narishkin told them in response lol1

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    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 02, 2023 6:08 am

    The US can't be trusted in any way, you can bet they would have done all they could to create this situation and then claimed in public they had nothing to do with it... if you don't believe me then ask the NSII pipes they blew up and then claimed Russia did it and now they claim Kiev did it...

    After their first million lies why would anyone believe anything they say...

    The article says that Burns' call is part of a US strategy aimed at making it clear to the Russian leadership that the US has nothing to do with what happened and does not seek to escalate tensions in Russia.

    The article states the comments to the Russian official were to try to stop the situation escalating, so this was all about trying to prevent Russia from doing to them what they have been doing the last 200 odd years.

    The only thing that is probably true is that they don't want escalation because I rather suspect the US is actually quite fragile and a kick in the right place might cause some real damage that the current administration is not really very well equipped to deal with.

    The US has a government department called the CIA whose purpose is to do all sorts of illegal nasty shit around the world in a way that the US can deny involvement or prior knowledge and the CIA probably gets more funding than the entire Russian military.

    On a related note I see the Taliban have managed in less than two years something the US couldn't manage in 20 years...

    The most successful country in the war on drugs is Afghanistan under the leadership of the Taliban... but this is no surprise because the CIA has no interest in reducing its own income that it gets from the drug trade...

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    Post  Kiko Fri Aug 04, 2023 2:38 pm

    Russia has taken Western intelligence to extremes, by Evgeny Krutikov for VZGLYAD. 08.04.2023.

    Counterintelligence closed the CIA and MI6 channels for recruiting Russian citizens.

    Cases of direct appeals from Western intelligence agencies to Russian citizens have become more frequent - they are called to become traitors, to cooperate, to sell their Motherland. This was noted by the head of British intelligence MI6 Richard Moore, and representatives of the CIA, and so much so that the Russian Foreign Ministry proposed to act in a mirror and promote the work of citizens of Western countries for Russian intelligence. What does all this have to do with real intelligence work?

    The public appeals of foreign intelligence services to Russian citizens for betrayal are something that has never been seen before. Most likely, this orgy was the result of another misunderstanding by the West of what is happening in Russian society.

    Calculation for the "fifth column"

    Western intelligence really believes that the “fifth column” in Russian society is now somehow especially strong and is just waiting to help the collective West in some way. And for ideological reasons. Why they have such an impression is also understandable. This is the result of the simplification of the work of Western experts and the excessive indoctrination of analytical work. The CIA and MI6 sincerely believe that all progressive humanity is striving for a liberal system of values, and they adjust the texture to this position, regardless of the realities of a particular country.

    For many years, Western intelligence agencies have considered refugees and verbally aggressive emigrants from the Russian Federation as important experts on Russia, who greatly exaggerate their role and influence in Russian society. And if you listen to some participants in the gatherings in Vilnius and Warsaw for a long time, then you can believe that it is enough to record a colorful video - and the traitors will tumble down to communicate with the CIA and MI6.

    Traitors of all times are always reverent about the name of what they betrayed. At the level of everyday psychology, it sounds like this: not a single traitor has ever publicly admitted to any ordinary (base) reasons for working in favor of foreign intelligence services. That he just wanted money, fame, or that he was just being blackmailed. In Soviet times, every single one of them publicly claimed that they were fighting against the totalitarian regime. And now, Western propaganda draws up calls for betrayal in the wrapper of the "struggle for the right Russia."

    But this is an ideology. The practical component of all these appeals to Russian citizens is negligible. The fact is that the heads of the CIA and MI6 Burns and Moore are good professionals. They understand that: 1) there is never enough information; 2) information of the highest priority is needed, not garbage. Western intelligence calls for betrayal are addressed not to Uncle Vasya and Aunt Field, but to carriers of important information and potential agents of influence.

    In private conversations, people familiar with, for example, Burns, say that the CIA greatly laments the fact that the United States has practically no high-ranking defectors or simply representatives of iconic positions in the Russian establishment.

    This is the subject of constant discussion within Western intelligence services. At the same time, the CIA video was aimed at middle-level Russian intelligence officers, and Moore's appeal was oriented (read between the lines) at Russian diplomats.

    They may object - what about the numerous cases of arrests in Russia of saboteurs, obvious agents of foreign special services. For example, arsonists at military registration and enlistment offices or relay cabinets on the railroad?

    However, the massive use by Ukrainian intelligence agencies of Internet recruitment of teenagers, women and pensioners is not at all what Burns and Moore are talking about. Idiot attempts to set fire to military registration and enlistment offices and obtaining political or military information of a strategic nature from the highest echelons of power are fundamentally different plots and methods. The appeals of the CIA and MI6 are addressed to a different audience than the subjects of Ukrainian Internet recruitment. And in communicating with this audience, other methods and schemes are used. And they are in 99% of cases "grandfather", proven for decades.

    Counterintelligence created a barrier

    The CIA and MI6 long ago announced the imposition of the so-called Moscow Rules on Western diplomats and their affiliated intelligence officials still remaining in the Russian capital. The reduction of residencies to a minimum led Western intelligence agencies to lose control over the already existing agent network, and recruiting someone new became simply impossible.

    Under such conditions, one of the opportunities for Western intelligence in Russia was to work with potential “initiators”.

    These are the people who know exactly what they are getting into (for a long term of imprisonment) and have sufficient skills to create an undercover communication system in modern Moscow. There may have been attempts to refocus on contacts in the Moscow region or in neighboring areas, which caused a mirror response: the recent restriction for British and American diplomats to move outside the Moscow Ring Road without prior notice.

    Roughly speaking, thanks to Russian counterintelligence, the CIA and MI6 have lost the opportunity to find sources of information in Russia (agents, informants, traitors, call it what you want) of their choice. And such a search for informants always requires the work of a whole team that studies both the potential recruitment object, his environment, past and present. As a result, there were appeals from Western intelligence agencies to potential Russian "initiators", who, according to this logic, should themselves go to Western intelligence, and only then, as the stars develop. In other words, the very fact of these appeals means that Western intelligence agencies in their work against Russia have reached the last reserves, to extremes.

    How to work with our informants in the West

    Can this circuit be mirrored? What if Russia itself starts such recruitment of agents in the West, including in similar ways?

    In Western societies, there is certainly a social and / or ideological layer that sympathizes with Russia. Many of these Russian sympathizers feel lost and alone, while the views of others are considered marginal in the Western world. They need our support. But with such people, work is required not so much intelligence services as diplomats - at the level of propaganda of the "Russian World" and the achievements of Russia.

    How important these people are precisely as an intelligence tool is a moot point. Mass character is not the main achievement of intelligence activities, but rather its negative side. Too much resources are required to arrange some kind of massive acts of recruitment of everyone who on the Internet opposes the well-known distortions in the development of Western society. You can drown in the flow of garbage information. A matter of paramount importance was and remains the acquisition of strategically important data by classical methods of recruitment, using methods proven over decades.

    And one more "mirror" moment. If the CIA and MI6 believe that Russian “initiators” will come to them as a result of their appeals, then who guarantees that they are real? Each of them will have to be tested more strongly than it was before, and this will take an enormous amount of time and resources. Does such a strategy make sense? You can get disinformation, you can dig into clarifications and destroy your own networks and methods. And you can also squander a real "initiator". Exploration is always a multi-level game.

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    Post  PhSt Sun Aug 06, 2023 3:45 am

    This espionage case is not related to Russia, but it seems the US and the rest of NATO Nazi countries have tougher punishment for crimes involving espionage.

    Russia needs to amend its current laws and make espionage crimes punishable by Life imprisonment in a labor camp! attack

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    Post  Kiko Sat Sep 09, 2023 12:26 am

    FBI director Wray called Russian intelligence a big threat to the US, 09.08.2023.

    The director of the American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Christopher Wray, called Russian intelligence a great threat to the United States.
    He said this at the International Spy Museum in Washington.

    “The traditional Russian counterintelligence threat remains significant,” Wray said. He is quoted by The Hill.

    At the same time, the FBI director added that the presence of Russian intelligence officers in the United States is “still too large.”

    Earlier  , the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service reported that the United States was considering the option of physically eliminating the leaders who came to power in Niger.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Sep 09, 2023 11:23 am

    In other words Russian intel is right and our intel is wrong most of the time... except the actual problem is lack of actual intelligence in the US but that is another topic...

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    Post  PhSt Sun Nov 12, 2023 12:59 pm

    Russian Intelligence Services: News & Discussion - Page 20 12565610

    20 years of prison punishment is NOT enough for serious crimes like this involving national security. Make prison or hard labor terms a minimum of 50 years for such crimes, so by the time the traitors are set free, they will be ripe to serve as fertilizers.

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    Post  George1 Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:55 pm

    Interesting. True or western propaganda?


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    Post  Kiko Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:29 pm

    How the man who planted explosives for a Russian General Staff colonel was caught, by Evgeniy Krutikov for VZGLYAD. 07.25.2024.

    Turkey has detained Yevgeny Serebryakov, a man accused of attempting to kill a Russian General Staff officer, in record time after he fled Russia. He is now due to be extradited to Russia in the near future. How was it possible to locate and detain the fugitive so quickly, how is the interaction between the Turkish and Russian special services organized, and how did a prestigious university student become accused of a serious criminal offence?

    The entire operation to identify and capture the suspect took place within 24 hours. CCTV cameras recorded at 2:30 a.m. on July 24 how a young man was placing an object under the bottom of a jeep parked near a house on Sinyavskaya Street in northern Moscow.

    The man sat for some time on the playground, filming the mined car with his phone. His face was clearly visible on the surveillance cameras. If we assume that there was some rationality in his actions, then he was not afraid of being "exposed" because he had an escape plan that he considered reliable.

    Then he got into a car sharing car and drove to Vnukovo Airport. He bought the tickets in advance and checked in for the flight online. He almost missed the flight, but still flew to Turkey three hours after planting the explosive device. The explosion itself occurred at 6.30 a.m., when the plane with the terrorist was already in the air. According to Interfax sources, the owner of the car is a colonel of the Russian General Staff.

    The detectives seized the surveillance cameras in the courtyard of the house, as well as the video recorders of other cars in the parking lot. The identity of the terrorist - he turned out to be Muscovite Yevgeny Serebryakov - was established very quickly. The car, its route and Serebryakov's flight registration details were established. He was promptly arrested in absentia in a Moscow court, since without this it is impossible to forward the arrest request to Interpol. After this, the arrest request was officially sent to Interpol and Turkish law enforcement agencies.

    The Turkish side received identification data on the accused approximately an hour after Serebryakov had already passed security at the Bodrum airport. It was not difficult for the Turks to identify him based on the data received from Moscow. The only thing they needed was assistance from the Turkish intelligence service Milli Istihbarat Teskilati, which was directly mentioned in a message on social media by the head of the Turkish Interior Ministry, Ali Yerlikay.

    The Turks tracked the car in which Serebryakov left Bodrum airport and soon detained it. The driver of the car was detained along with Serebryakov. His name has not been disclosed, but there is apparently reason to believe that he was not just a taxi driver from the airport, but a person who specifically met Serebryakov and, therefore, was involved in the terrorist attack.

    If this is true, then this driver becomes an important figure in the investigation, since he can tell who, when and under what circumstances gave him the task of meeting the terrorist at the Bodrum airport.

    This chain of testimony is no less important than the testimony of Serebryakov himself. And apparently, these are not the people who will deny it for long. The main problem may be the number of "gaskets" between the performer and the customers.

    It is worth emphasizing that the Turkish side is extremely intolerant of any manifestations of terrorism. The Turks are not interested in any political background of terrorism at all. That is why the interaction between Ankara and Moscow on this issue works so smoothly. There are well-established protocols that allow bureaucracy to be minimized. Both sides instantly exchange legal documents that formalities require. This level of interaction did not develop yesterday, but was developed over the past 15 years after the threat of aggressive jihadism first arose. Russia does not have such a level of coordination of the work of special services as with Turkey, even with some CIS and CSTO countries.

    Now investigators have to find out where Serebryakov got the bomb from. The recent arrest in St. Petersburg of a group of people who were engaged in the transit of Ukrainian explosives from Europe gives grounds to believe that there may be several such channels, and that they exist in parallel. They can only be identified operationally or by determining the typical routes and methods of such transit.

    Another noteworthy moment was the speed with which investigators in Moscow identified the terrorist from the video footage.

    Serebryakov had a foreign passport and traveled abroad several times in recent years (to the Czech Republic, Georgia, Armenia). In addition, the young man was an active supporter of various organizations that are now recognized as extremist. He participated in rallies and clashes with the police in the center of Moscow in 2014, as a result of which he was repeatedly captured on camera not only by the special services, but also by the media. Therefore, there were no particular difficulties in establishing his identity from the video.

    The identity of the detainee is also interesting. Yevgeny Serebryakov was born and raised in Uryupinsk in the Volgograd Region, was a good student at school and even received a special scholarship from the governor. "Congratulations to Yevgeny Serebryakov, a student of grade 11 "B" of the MBOU Lyceum. By decision of the regional committee for the appointment of personal scholarships of the Volgograd Region dated September 9, 2011, he was awarded a scholarship from the governor of the Volgograd Region," the website of the educational institution says . According to the portal, Serebryakov also became a prize winner in various history competitions.

    And so in 2012, Serebryakov comes to Moscow and enrolls in the Higher School of Economics. He studies well and goes to Prague on a student exchange program. He tries to fit into the environment he came from Uryupinsk: he rents an apartment in the very expensive Presnensky district, gets cats and for some reason goes to services in a Catholic church.

    Before us is, to some extent, a typical story of a provincial who came to Moscow and found himself in the specific student environment of that time.

    He found himself surrounded by people among whom bragging about oppositionism, showing off participation in rallies or banned extremist organizations was a demonstration of success. At that time, some universities could even bully students who did not share such views. Anyone who finds themselves in an environment where such behavior is considered a success will most often imitate it. Hence the passion for anarchism/leftism/libertarianism (underline as appropriate), cats and demonstrative initiation into Catholicism, which is rare for Muscovites.

    Add to this an internship in the Russophobic capital of Europe, Prague, and trips to Georgia and Armenia, which are filled with various anti-Russian NGOs. And now the young man begins to participate in rallies, and ten years later we have a terrorist who writes his name in social network profiles in Ukrainian and plants bombs under the cars of Russian officers. One cannot help but conclude that we are facing a direct consequence of the atmosphere that developed 10-15 years ago in a number of universities in the country.

    Surely, it was not only the atmosphere that had an effect, but also some of Serebryakov's personality traits. Not all of the students of that time went as far as he did. But the fact is that at one time in our country, among the youth, a small but unbalanced group of people of a certain ideological platform formed, requiring preventive attention from counterintelligence. As Serebryakov's case showed, in this environment, individuals capable of terrorist acts may appear.

    Prevention does not mean repression, but rather covert monitoring of the social activity of representatives of a certain risk group. This is also a form of combating terrorism. Successful cooperation with Turkish colleagues is wonderful. But preventing the crime itself is priceless. Perhaps this is the main lesson of the effectively conducted investigation of the terrorist act in the north of Moscow.

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    Post  Kiko Yesterday at 11:25 am

    Curiously enough, it's Kommersant who provides the most information about the car bombing.

    The man accused of blowing up the car was detained when he came to get a Ukrainian passport, 07.26.2024.

    The Investigative Committee of Russia (SKR) has charged the detained Yevgeny Serebryakov in the case of the car bombing in the north of Moscow. During interrogation, the man confirmed that he committed the bombing for monetary compensation and Ukrainian citizenship. According to him, his passport was supposed to be brought to the place in Bodrum, Turkey, where he was detained.

    Yevgeny Serebryakov was detained yesterday in Turkey. He was taken to Moscow that night. In footage published by the FSB, the man said that he was promised $10,000–20,000 for blowing up a Russian officer's car.

    During interrogation, the accused stated that he understood why he was detained. According to him, his handlers paid him for expenses when planning the crime. He said that he acted on the instructions of a person he had seen once in his life in Istanbul, who introduced himself as Ilya. Presumably, this person is from Ukraine and is an SBU employee, said the defendant in the criminal case.

    The explosion of a Toyota Land Cruiser on Sinyavskaya Street in Moscow occurred on July 24. A Defense Ministry officer and his wife were injured. The man's feet were blown off by the explosion. The suspect was detained the same day in Bodrum, Turkey. The Zamoskvoretsky Court arrested him in absentia. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation charged Yevgeny Serebryakov under paragraph 3 of Article 30, Part 2 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (attempted murder of two persons) and Part 1 of Article 222.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal trafficking in explosive devices).

    As Kommersant wrote , the investigation immediately checked the version about the involvement of Ukrainian special services in the explosion. Kiev denied this, claiming that the explosion was connected with faulty gas equipment.

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